2 rolls how to do legs. Split stretching exercises are effective and simple. Correct positioning of the body and head

By learning to do the splits, you can change your body for the better: it will become flexible and flexible, you will appear beautiful posture, gracefulness in movements, and the gait will also change. Simple exercises will help you get rid of excess weight, will give to the legs beautiful shape and will add confidence in yourself and your body.

Pros and cons of twine


  • No scoliosis, elongated spine and correct posture;
  • Reducing the likelihood of injury (including sports) by increasing body flexibility;
  • Treatment of varicose veins (with regular training);
  • Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system by maintaining the tone of the pelvic muscles;
  • Deeper and smoother breathing;
  • Bringing the menstrual cycle back to normal (it will become regular and less painful);
  • Easy birth process;
  • Rapid burning of excess fat due to increased metabolism;
  • No fat deposits on the thighs and strong legs.


  • It will take time and significant effort to achieve results;
  • Over time, you can forget how to do the splits if you do not maintain stretching with training;
  • This exercise is highly traumatic: improper stretching creates a risk of ligament damage or muscle rupture.


Split exercises place a serious load on the muscles of the legs and pelvis, so before starting training you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  1. High blood pressure;
  2. Spinal and hamstring injuries;
  3. Serious damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  4. Inflammation of the hip joints;
  5. The presence of fractures, cracks or bruises in the bones of the legs and pelvic part of the body.

In the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to approach training with caution, warming up the muscles and ligaments in advance with a warm-up.

Types of twine:

The last 3 types differ in transverse and longitudinal - they are performed only by professional gymnasts. This kind of splits cannot be done without the training and supervision of a trainer.

How to do the splits correctly?

Exists training program, which will help you do the splits according to all the rules, and not cause harm to the body. It consists of 3 stages:

  1. Active warming up of the muscles and ligaments of the legs;
  2. Quick warm-up;
  3. Exercises for splits.

Before classes, it is advisable to lie in a hot bath or dance vigorously - all this will help the muscles warm up faster.

To warm up the body we do:

  • Lunges on both legs (forward and sideways);
  • Smooth rolls from foot to foot;
  • Push ups.

Exercises are performed for 15 minutes at an active pace. They will help you control your posture during the splits: keep your body straight, secure your body with your hands, and support your feet with your feet.


Warm-up allows you to prepare your muscles for the main exercises. It is mandatory even for people involved in sports, and even more so for beginners. Warm-up lasts 15 minutes and includes:

  • Jumping on;
  • Walking and running in place with high knees;
  • Quick squats;
  • Circular swings of the legs - you need to make sure that your back is straight.

While studying physical training, you should remember proper nutrition. During active training, proteins and complex carbohydrates are needed. The diet should include dairy products, grains and legumes, fruits and vegetables. Products containing potassium, phosphorus, and iron will increase muscle elasticity.

During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of still water, and eat more fish, greens, cabbage, eggs and seaweed.

It is necessary to limit yourself in salt - it deprives you of flexibility, causing stiffness of ligaments and muscles.

Twine exercises

We are training to sit on longitudinal twine:

Hold the pose on each leg for 30 seconds.

We train to do the cross splits:

In all positions you need to stay for 30 seconds.

After training, your spine should not hurt - this means that the exercises are being done incorrectly. If the muscles of the pelvis and legs hurt, you should better warm up during the warm-up.


When you decide to start training for the splits, you need to follow the general recommendations:

  • Classes must be held regularly– shirking and laziness will only increase the time it takes to achieve the stretch required for the splits;
  • Best time to train– evening, since the muscles have already received the daily load in the form of everyday activities and will respond better during training;
  • The load and duration of exercise should be increased gradually, giving the body time to get used to it.

With regular and correct execution stretches and exercises, you can master transverse and longitudinal splits in 1-2 months, even with a complete lack of sports training.

Taking into account the biomechanical features of the musculoskeletal system is important for correct foot placement when running. Following the recommendations will help reduce injury to the ankle joint, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

How to run correctly

Following the conditions for effective running will allow you to get the maximum benefit from physical activity.

Beginners who decide to take up jogging will need to try various techniques. You need to choose a method that is comfortable and convenient; the individual characteristics of the structure of the foot must be taken into account. A successful way of conducting classes is one that does not cause pain or muscle spasms during movements.

Running technique

  • Feet;
  • torso;
  • heads.

When choosing the method of placing the foot, the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account and are guided by the sensations that arise during the training process.

Step length

If your foot moves too far forward when running, you may lose balance and fall. This situation is especially dangerous for older people: the result is a broken limb.

A step that is too short is ineffective: such running causes rapid fatigue. The optimal length is when the center of gravity of the body completely coincides with the point of contact of the foot with the ground.

Correct positioning of the body and head

While running, it is necessary to ensure that the body does not bend in the lower back and there is no squatting. Similar errors occur in overweight teenagers and older people.

Keep the head straight, avoiding flexion and extension in cervical spine spine.

While running, you should not swing your body to the sides. Most often, movements are caused incorrect positioning limbs. You need to ensure that your feet are parallel.

Foot placement

Those who study expert advice when choosing a running technique will need to try out all the methods and settle on the one that suits them. The guideline is the feeling of comfort.

The appearance of muscle spasms, pain in the ankle and knee joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities indicate the use of an inappropriate jogging method.

Standing on your toes

Landing on the forefoot allows you to develop high speed. The technology has a number of serious advantages:

  • the lower leg muscles are not tense, and the leg stays in the air longer;
  • when landing on your toes ankle joint is not injured, the load on it is minimal.

This technique is optimal if you need to run on short distances at a fast pace.

Professional runners use the technique to achieve high performance, but it gives results with developed calf muscles. In other cases, it will not be possible to avoid muscle-tonic disorders in the lower leg area.

For those who begin to practice running loads, it is preferable to focus on other methods of placing the foot. People will turn to technology after long training sessions.

Heel-to-toe roll

This method of conducting classes is suitable for beginner runners. However, they will need to ensure that the heel-to-toe transition is smooth. It is recommended to avoid sudden jerking movements while running due to the high risk of rapid wear of the ankle and knee joints.

Heel-strike running is the most natural for humans, it resembles walking and is suitable for long distances.

Rolling from toe to heel

The technique involves placing the foot first on the toe, and then smoothly moving the foot to the heel. Using the technique makes it possible to save the runner’s energy and cover significant distances.

The runner must ensure that the front of the foot does not hit the ground. This leads to tension and spasms in the muscles of the arch of the foot. You will need to raise your hip higher than usual while running. It is physiological to place your leg under yourself, which greatly facilitates the work of the joints.

Midfoot running

When landing on this area of ​​the foot, the load on the muscles and ligaments is evenly distributed, the concussion of the internal organs and spine is minimal. This running method is suitable for beginners and is something between landing on your toes and landing on your heels.

Causes of possible foot pain after and during running

The appearance of unpleasant sensations in the leg after training or directly during running requires an obligatory clarification of their cause. If measures are not taken in time, serious complications are possible. A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the leg is swollen and red. The symptom indicates the development of:

  • injuries (fracture or crack) of the tibia or fibula;
  • ankle arthritis;
  • exacerbation of heel spurs;
  • foot sprains.

Elderly people with osteoporosis suffer traumatic injury from light loads on the musculoskeletal system while jogging.

Less serious causes of leg pain include:

  • the appearance of calluses and abrasions on the foot;
  • muscle soreness.

To eliminate pain, it is often enough to purchase comfortable shoes designed for running. Jogging on a hard surface (asphalt) often leads to injury to the joints and causes an exacerbation of venous diseases. It is physiological to run on a special stadium surface, grass, sand.

Jogging is contraindicated for people diagnosed with flat feet.

If no pathology is identified, but the pain continues to bother you, you will need to adjust your running technique. Ignoring an unpleasant symptom will lead to the fact that jogging, instead of the expected benefit, will cause harm and provoke illness. When placing your foot, you need to choose a method appropriate individual characteristics anatomical structure lower limb. It is important to adjust the correct running pace and increase the load gradually.

Have you been dreaming of doing the splits for a long time, but you can’t do it? Don't be discouraged - with our technique, which includes effective exercises for stretching into splits, you will certainly achieve your goal. You can do the splits at any age and for almost everyone. Therefore, throw your fears aside and boldly overcome self-doubt, and our exercises will help you.

How long after can you do the splits?

It is right to start this article with an important postulate of sports - do not set yourself a strict time frame. Moreover, when it comes to the splits, you should not force your body, you just need to work systematically and move towards the intended goal.

Stretching at home is even better than in the gym - no one is looking at you, there is no one to be ashamed of. A person will not be able to do the splits only if:

  • there is an anatomical feature that does not allow the leg muscles to stretch properly;
  • suffered an injury or major surgery.

When the question “how long can you do the splits?” we hear clear answers - this is not correct. Each person is unique, as their training will be facilitated (or hindered) by genetics, regularity of exercise, physiology and, of course, psychological attitude. But, as a rule, most people do the splits only after a few months regular training to stretch your legs.

Doing the splits - precautions

Prepare yourself immediately psychologically – you will feel pain during training. “Correct” pain has a “pulling” character and ends as you leave a particular position. If you suddenly feel a sharp pain that nothing foreshadowed, stop training immediately - you should not allow it to tear muscle fibers, since this trouble will delay your sports activities for a good six months.

It is enough to train once every two days for 30 minutes at a slow pace - no marathon zeal. Stretching exercises for beginners are performed smoothly, without sudden movements.

How to do the splits correctly? Start with a warm-up

Stretching at home begins with a warm-up. It should be the introduction to every workout - not only in the area of ​​splits, but in general. The ideal start to a warm-up would be:

  • A short jog (if space and time permit);
  • Run in place or 10 minutes;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Squats (as a last resort, if the previous three steps cannot be completed).

A method for the especially lazy is a hot (not warm, but hot) bath. It is enough to sit in it for 15 minutes and the muscles will become much more elastic.

“Close” the warm-up by swinging your straight leg in different directions. Spend a few minutes on each leg. This exercise “warms up” the muscle tissue. Finally, body twists and bends should be performed at the very end of the warm-up.

Twine exercises

Stretching exercises for beginners are very numerous and varied. To this day, coaches manage to come up with something new. But we don’t have time to try exotic things; it’s better to trust basic recommendations that hundreds of thousands of people have tested on themselves and are convinced of excellent results.

Lunges (30 springy reps per leg)

You need to take the following starting position: your right leg is bent at the knee and pointed forward. The left leg is pulled back and straightened. Perform 30 springy up-and-down movements for each leg.

Rolls from foot to foot (30 rolls per leg)

The back is straight, legs are widely spaced. Sit on your right leg with your knee bent. The left leg remains straight. Do not lean back or forward - the body must remain level. From this position you need to roll onto your left foot and take the same position. It is very important to understand that the ideal movement of this exercise is almost parallel to the floor (the pelvis does not move along the trajectory of a sharp arc, but in a straight line from right to left and back). At the initial stage, it will be very difficult to move your pelvis parallel to the floor, but improve your skill with each workout.

Exercise “Butterfly” (30 – 60 springy movements)

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and spread them apart, press your feet together. Keep your back straight. From this position, begin to simultaneously press your hands on your knees, trying to press them as close to the floor as possible. Start with 30 spring movements, gradually increasing this number to 60.

The second phase of the exercise is to clasp your feet with your palms and lean forward, trying to press your feet as close as possible. Important - do not try to tilt only your head, move your whole body towards your feet. At the bottom of the movement, hold for 10 seconds. Then straighten up and slowly repeat the exercise. Do three sets of 10 seconds.

Bend forward while sitting

Sit up straight with your legs straight in front of you. The toes point up. Reach your toes or grab your shins. From this position, try to lean your whole body down - press against your hips.

At first, this exercise strikes fear into all beginners. Don’t despair – just work on yourself slowly and overcome physical discomfort (and there will definitely be some). You can even grab your knees with your hands - the main thing is that with each workout, reach for your toes more and more. At the bottom of the movement, hold for 10 seconds. Perform three sets of 10 seconds each. Stretching exercises for beginners can be performed in more repetitions, but over time.


Stretching at home should end the same way. The workout ends with an attempt to do the splits. Sit in the splits as low as you can and just stay in this position for a while (up to several minutes).

You can make the task more difficult by using springy up and down movements. But do not forget to rest your hands on the floor and thereby insure yourself from unnecessary injuries.

At home, you can try another trick - when you do the splits, place a stack of books under your pelvis. This technique will make it easier to endure muscle stretching. Every few classes, remove one book from under you. You will speed up the process purely psychologically.

The split stretch exercises you learned about will help you achieve your goal. The main thing is not to miss a single workout. The key to success is regularity!

Views: 6076

We present to your attention an approximate set of stretching exercises. cross twine of seven exercises. We remind you: immediately before performing stretching exercises, you need to warm up well and perform a good warm-up. This will increase the effectiveness of stretching and protect you from injury!

The exercise helps to develop eversion of the pelvic joints.
1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs.
2. Bend your knees and touch the soles of your feet.
3. Pull your heels as close to your groin as possible.
4. Lower your knees as far down as possible and stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) With a partner. You sit in butterfly pose. Your partner slowly lowers your knees down.
2) “The butterfly flaps its wings.” You sit in butterfly pose, but instead of statically pulling your muscles, you dynamically rock your knees up and down.

Leg fold apart
Exercise helps to stretch internal surfaces hips and lower back
1. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide.
2. Place your hands on the floor between your thighs.
3. Without bending your knees and without lifting your feet off the floor, lean forward, sliding your hands along the floor.

Execution options:
1) Take this position, but lean not only forward, but also alternately towards each leg.

Folding legs together
The exercise is aimed at working the lower back and back of the thighs. When you pull your socks up, your hamstring muscles also stretch.
1. Sit on the floor
2. Straighten your knees and bring them together
3. Without bending your back, lean forward
4. Hold in the maximum tension position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Execution options:
1) Sitting
2) Standing.
Important! In all areas of movement, keep your back straight!

Basic exercises for pelvic eversion. It also stretches the groin muscles well.
1. Kneel on the floor with your hands and forearms on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly move your knees away from each other, spreading your legs. You should feel a gentle tension in your groin, but not pain.
3. Hold this pose for 5 to 10 minutes.

Rolling from foot to foot
Main goal: stretching the groin muscles.
1.Stand with your feet wide apart.
2. One foot is turned out, the other is facing forward.
3. Bend the knee of the leg whose foot is turned out, shift your body weight to this leg. This should straighten the other leg.
4. Without lifting your pelvis, repeat with the other leg.
5. The exercise is dynamic, there is no need to linger anywhere.
6. Do 9-15 rolls on each leg.

Deep bends while standing
The back of the thighs and lower back are stretched.
It is performed in the same way as folding the legs together, with the only difference that in this exercise legs are spaced 30-40 cm apart.

Split landing
1. Squat down with your knees wide apart.
2. Place your hands on the floor
3. Carefully, without sudden movements, spread your legs to the sides.
4. Try to keep your pelvis in line with your legs.
5. Hold in the maximum tension position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times

The complex should be performed daily, or every other day.

I breathe - that means I live. Strelnikova method Marina Evgenieva Antonova

Exercise "Rolls"

Exercise "Rolls"

This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous ones, and it can only be done while standing. You can put your hands on your belt. Essentially, these are springy half squats.

We stand on both legs so that the left is one step behind the right. Now, squatting, transfer your body weight to your right leg. The left toe barely touches the floor. We do not rely on it in any way; it only serves to maintain balance.

During this “roll” we inhale loudly and noisily through the nose. Now that the body weight is on the right leg, you need to transfer it back to the left leg. We also do this through a squat-“roll”. Do not squat deeply under any circumstances! The body weight is transferred to the left leg, the right one barely touches the floor and serves only to maintain balance. During this time, you took another breath. Again we “roll” onto the right foot, leaving the left one on the toe. It turns out?


When we roll back, the right leg straightens and the left leg bends. And when forward, the left knee straightens and the right knee bends slightly. Exhalation occurs at the moment when the knee, from which we transfer the body weight,

unbends. As usual, we do not intensify the exhalation, we do not think about it.

Attention! This exercise is done not in 3 series of 32 times, but in 6 of 16. In total, you get 2 Strelnikov hundreds, 96 + 96.

During pauses between series, legs must be changed. That is, we do 32 (or 8, or 16) rolls, then we put our left leg forward and take our right leg back.

Movements may be aggressive. When I did the exercise, I imagined the enemy standing right in front of me. Most often it was my unfortunate knot. The “enemy” and I assessed each other, now advancing and now retreating, as if in a ring.

Studying according to Strelnikova’s method, I felt that my childhood curiosity was returning to me. For many years I was not interested in anything except my rather limited pop world. There is nothing surprising or beautiful in it, as many people think. And suddenly I found so many interesting things on the Internet! I somehow didn't notice last years what's happening in the world. But first of all, of course, I decided to find out everything about this gymnastics. And out of curiosity, I decided to ask the participants of the next forum a sensitive question. Namely: does anyone know whether paradoxical breathing helps solve sexual problems or not? I was sure that at best they wouldn’t answer me, and at worst they would laugh at me. Imagine what my eyes looked like when I read the following: “Please send your e-mail,

and I will answer your question in great detail in a personal letter.” I had no choice but to give my email address. Letter this before moving on to next exercise, I present it in its entirety, along with tips and recommendations. This will be especially important for men.

Hello! I saw your message on the forum and decided that if you wrote it, it means there are some problems. The fact is that I, too, only recently coped with all the nasty illnesses that haunted me. When we are young, we are all fools, so I managed to get gonorrhea. It’s not a pleasant thing, but I recovered quite quickly and even became a little wiser. Got married. But then another problem happened. After all my outrages, I developed prostatitis. It's still fun. It’s good that my wife is patient and never reproaches me. Another would have left long ago. Because our intimate life, excuse the details, was normal at first, then once a week, then once a month, and even then with great difficulty. The wife had no face. In five years family life she looked like a small gray mouse. She worked, did everything around the house and even loved me, but I think that every woman needs sex life for health and peace of mind. This could not have a positive effect on me either. And since I have a sedentary lifestyle, I am a programmer, soon a new “gift” of fate arrived - hemorrhoids. And at thirty years old I felt as if I had been scrapped. It was painful to look at Lesya (wife). All her friends

they asked why she didn’t have children, but she was silent. I didn’t want this to go beyond the family. And my dad helped me out. One day he came in for coffee, looked at me and said: “You know, Egor, you look as if you at least have hemorrhoids and prostatitis.” I wanted to joke, but I hit the mark. I turned away. Dad looked at me and didn’t ask further. “So,” he said, “take a pen and write it down.” - "What?" - “What you have to do to be like a man, and not like a programmer... blinkered.” I obediently took the notepad.

Just don't blush as much as you can. Will not help. Do you like to ride... And I won’t ask you anything. Sit and write. First (I will list everything point by point below).

1. Don't wear tight underwear. Go to bed naked. And the body rests, and... everything else too.

3. Strip naked. It is necessary. You sit down on a chair. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise your open palms in front of you. Back side towards you. Then you inhale sharply, at the same time clench your palms into fists and squeeze your buttocks and anus in the same way. You will breathe through your nose. You take four such breaths in a row, rest for 3 seconds, then do the same. I say again - you need to squeeze everything at the same time, then relax with an exhalation, then squeeze again. It's called "Spring".

You do 24 of these “fours”. It will be even better if, in addition to doing it twice a day, you can repeat it both in front of the TV and in front of your loved one’s box. Little work. Ten minutes is enough. And in the morning and evening, as I said: 24 times 4. Don’t forget to breathe.

4. Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees, hands under your head. Then you raise your hips, squeeze your anus and buttocks and take a sharp breath. You go down and again - the same thing. Exhale as you want, and inhale as I say. You do this eight times, then rest. Then 8 more times. There should be 12 in total. The exercise is called beautifully - “Raising the pelvis.” The computer is unlikely to be able to do this.

5. Stay on your back, spreading your knees to the sides as wide as possible. Feet are on the floor. Without lifting your foot off the floor, place your right knee towards your left knee. At the same time, you inhale sharply, like this. Raise your right knee and lower your left towards the right - inhale again. You need to breathe through your nose. You will count the same way - 8 times without stopping, so 12 times. It's called the Urological Metronome. Muscles are everywhere. You need to pump up not only your biceps and abs.

6. “Ordinary squats.” You stand up straight, your legs are narrower than your shoulders, and your arms are lowered along your body. You quickly squat down, your knees pointing to the sides, your hands resting on your knees. Don’t bend your back, inhale in the same way - sharply and noisily, like a vacuum cleaner. Then you get up, squeeze your buttocks and anus again, your legs are strong, tense, only your arms are freed and hanging. You take a breath again.

And all briskly, at the pace of a march. I would call this movement differently: “Fight prostatitis!” Write on.

7. Stand up straight; your legs are narrower than your shoulders, you bend your knees slightly. Hands hang along the body, if they get in the way, put them on your hips. But don't think about them at all. After you’ve sat down, just make sure it’s not low, you start jerking your butt back and forth. How savages dance their dances. Understood? At the same time, your entire economy should also swing back and forth. You do this for a minute. Then the same thing along with breaths. Forward - inhale, buttocks and anus are clamped, back - exhale. You do eight of these “back and forth” movements, rest for 3-5 seconds, then do the same thing again. The total should be 96. You can count in your precious binary system, if that's easier for you. It's called "Back and Forth" or "Bell".

8. The most interesting thing. "Pull-up." You squat down in front of the mirror, spreading your knees to the sides. Now within a second you pull the testicles as close to the body as possible. Without using your hands, of course. As the scrotum rises, the anus and abdomen also retract. Then you calmly relax everything and immediately tighten it up again. So four times. When you lift the scrotum, take a sharp and noisy breath. When you relax, on the contrary, you exhale. Inhale sharply, exhale calmly. You don't need him. If you do it four times, you rest. Repeat this 24 times in the morning and the same number in the evening.

Did you write everything down? Well, I'll go, and you start exercising.

Where did you get this from? I asked. - Have you decided to become a doctor in your old age?

I didn’t decide to become a doctor, but one good doctor advised me. By the way, I advised Vaska, your elder brother, the same thing. He recently asked me if I knew any gymnastics that would allow his wife not to get pregnant for the fourth time. He said that three of them would be enough. Well, I gave him some pepper!

Hal- Wait. Why did you need this gymnastics? My dad is already sixty-eight years old.

Did I ask you anything? No. Here you are, do me a favor and be silent. Successful work!

My father is a man whom I have grown accustomed to trust since childhood. And I started doing this gymnastics. Then my brother said that this is a urological complex that is also built on Strelnikova’s breathing. I also went for a prostate massage. After a week, the pain when urinating decreased and then disappeared completely. I felt like I was getting a year younger every day. I practiced this gymnastics very hard, which I continue to do to this day. I won't tell you how much it helped me. I’m just attaching a photo of my wife and I, taken a month ago in Greece. I don't think we're like a family of mice.

Health to you! Sincerely, Egor Nikolaev, 30 years old.

A young couple, glowing with health and love, looked at me from the photograph. Behind them

a white stone hotel with palm trees could be seen. Lord, I haven’t rested for a long time!

But first I will tell you about the last exercise of Strelnikova’s gymnastics. We can assume that these are two different exercises, although they are usually combined into one. If you divide it by two, you get exactly twelve, as I said.

From the book Bioenergy Textbook author Sergey Petrovich Rozov

The observer position is a basic exercise. Exercise No. 11 1. Stand near a wall and lean your back against it.2. The legs should be joined together, straightened and moved slightly forward by 15-20 cm.3. The sacrum, the entire back and preferably the back of the head should fit snugly against the wall.4.

From book Daily gymnastics for people of mental work author N.V. Korablev

Second exercise - breathing exercise with hand movements Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Shoulders and elbows are slightly pushed forward. The head is slightly tilted forward. Exhale (Fig. 3). Execution. 1. Smoothly straighten and spread your arms and sides.

From the book Breathing gymnastics by A.N. Strelnikova author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

The ninth exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Sitting on a chair. Hands on the belt. Shoulders, elbows and head are moved slightly forward. Exhale (Fig. 19). Execution. 1. Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up. Turn your palms up. Bend the body. head

From the book Improve Your Vision by Martin Brofman

The eleventh exercise is a breathing exercise with hand movements. Starting position. Standing. Feet together. The arms are lowered along the body. Exhale (Fig. 49). Execution. 1. Raise your arms straight forward. Inhale (Fig. 50). 2. Spread your arms to the sides. Turn your palms down. Continued inhalation

From the book I breathe means I live. Strelnikova method author Marina Evgenieva Antonova

The twelfth exercise is a breathing exercise. Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. Exhale (Fig. 52). Execution. 1. Pull your elbows, shoulders and head back a little. Bend the body. Inhale. 2. Go to the starting position. Exhale.Instructions. Exercise

From the book 365 golden exercises breathing exercises author Natalya Olshevskaya

The fourteenth exercise is a breathing exercise with “grouping” Starting position. Standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed arms raised up. Inhale (Fig. 127). Execution. 1. Squat down smoothly. Relax your arms and body downwards. Exhale (Fig. 128). 2. Smoothly transition to

From the book Breathe by Strelnikova and Youth. A unique technique for health and longevity author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

Exercise “Rolls” (“Forward and back”) Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not

From the book The Best for Health from Bragg to Bolotov. Large reference book of modern wellness author Andrey Mokhovoy

Exercise IV. Hatha Yoga Eye Exercise This is a classic, very effective approach to improve vision. It is very beneficial to do the exercises in a relaxed state of mind. Using this complex, you can carefully work out the muscles of the eye, moving the eye

From book Breathing techniques for slimness. Exhale overweight author Olga Dan

Exercise “Rolls” This exercise is a little more difficult than the previous ones, and it can only be done while standing. You can put your hands on your belt. Essentially, these are springy half-squats. We stand on both legs so that the left one is one step behind the right. Now, while squatting, we transfer the body weight to the right

From the book Breathing according to Strelnikova for those who... author Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

208. Exercise “Rolls” IP – standing; the right leg is in front, the left leg is one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front, the left leg behind on the toe only for support

From the book Living Capillaries: The Most Important Factor of Health! Methods of Zalmanov, Nishi, Gogulan by Ivan Lapin

Exercise “Rolls” Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not lean on it). We stand on

From the book Taoist practices for improving vision by Mantak Chia

Exercise “Rolls” I. p.: standing, legs placed as follows: right leg in front, left leg in back, approximately at a distance of one step. The weight of the body is evenly distributed on both legs (Fig. 10). Shift your body weight to your right leg in front. Left foot in this

From the author's book

Exercise “Rolls” How to perform1. Take the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, chin slightly raised, back straight.2. From starting position place your right leg with your heel forward and, taking a noisy breath (sniffing your nose), roll with

From the author's book

Exercise “Rolls” Starting position: right leg in front, left leg one step behind. The weight of the body is on both legs. We transfer the weight of the body to the right leg standing in front (the left leg is on the back of the toe, bent at the knee - do not lean on it). We stand on

From the author's book

Third health exercise: exercise " gold fish“But this is a real exercise. Therefore, let's start with its description, and then we will explain how it works and what it affects. The “Goldfish” exercise is performed as follows. Starting position: lie on your back with your face

From the author's book

Eye Exercise 2: Egyptian Letter Focusing Technique (Exercise for eye muscles, which improves distance and near vision) Before school, children actively use their peripheral vision. However, having become schoolchildren, they get used to looking either forward - towards the teacher and the board,

Continuing the topic:

There lived two brothers. One was poor, and the other was rich. The poor brother ran out of wood. There is nothing to light the stove with. It's cold in the hut. He went into the forest, chopped wood, but there was no horse. Like firewood...