5 best football players. The best football players in the world. The best football player in the world. Find out why Ronaldo is better than Messi. Lev Yashin - a Russian nugget who surprised the world

FROM Pele to Zlatan Ibrahimovic. On BeautyHack - 10 success stories of legendary athletes of the 20th and 21st centuries.

David Beckham

David is ranked 6th on Pele's 2004 FIFA 100 European list. Since then, the football player has had serious competitors, but this has not diminished his popularity. In 1999, the already famous Manchester United player married Spice Girls lead singer Victoria Adams - this is how an ideal fruitful union was formed, which today turns 19 years old. During this time, the stars turned their names into brands and became parents of four children. David has repeatedly become the best player in the world and played for clubs in Europe and North America and the England national team - from 1996 to 2010. And in 2003 he was awarded the Order British Empire. Beckham is now 43 years old, and time is only good for him - see the proof Instagram stars!


Many people found out his real name Pele in 1958, when a 17-year-old Brazilian boy, Edson Araantis do Nascimento, who was promising in big-time sports, became the world champion as part of the Brazilian national team. Pele repeated this achievement twice more - in 1962 and 1970, setting a championship record. Throughout his career, the Santos forward scored 1,281 goals, which made him the most capable goalscorer in the history of football. Pele is now 77 years old, he is married to Brazilian Marcia Sibeli Aoki (third marriage) and is the father of five children.

Diego Maradona

At the end of June, Diego Maradona came to Russia and visited final match Confederations Cup in St. Petersburg and several matches as part of the 2018 World Cup. And on July 16, the famous football player plans to be in the Belarusian Brest (about which already reported on your Instagram).

At the end of his career, Diego ruined his reputation with news of drug addiction, arrests and even shootings air rifle according to journalists, but he remains a cult player. In 1986, Maradona scored the legendary goal against England and received the nickname “Michelangelo of football.” In the same year, the Argentine team became world champion. In 2000, FIFA named him player of the century.

Lionel Messi

Despite the fact that the capital of the Argentina national team has already left the 2018 World Cup, he has not lost the respect of his peers and growing players. Lionel deserved it for his breathtaking technique and huge list of achievements. He became the champion of Spain 9 times with Barcelona. Won the Champions League 4 times. Playing for the Argentina national team, he became an Olympic champion in 2008 and brought the team silver at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

In an interview with FIFA before the championship in Russia, Messi said that he considered the birth of his third child to be the most anticipated event of the year. Since 2017, the football player has been married to Antonella Roccuzzo.

Zinedine Zidane

This year is one of the most famous players 20th century left the post of head coach of Real Madrid, bringing his team victory in the Champions League in Kyiv. Zinedine will not remain idle: he continues to train, collaborates with sports brands (for example, Adidas), and in his family there are four potential football players - all sons followed in the footsteps of their father (we wrote more about the talented children of athletes).

Zidane himself officially retired in 2006. As a member of the French national team, he became the world champion in 1998 and almost single-handedly led the team to victory in the European Championship in 2000. The signature qualities of a football player are temperament, excellent ball control, agility and exceptional vision.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Lev Yashin

At a time when the Russian national team is making history at the 2018 World Cup, BeautyHack could not help but talk about the outstanding Soviet player who revolutionized the concept of goalkeeper defense and brought the Soviet Union gold medal at the Olympics in 1956. Lev Ivanovich was the first to leave the goal to intercept shots and interfere with attackers, for which he received the nickname “Black Spider” (his uniform was also invariably black). Yashin played for 22 seasons in the Dynamo team and ended his career, devoting himself to coaching.


Another football player who made the Brazilian national team famous and performed shots that defied the laws of gravity. He became the champion of Brazil four times and the best football player three times South America. After finishing his career, Zico managed to become the Minister of Sports of his country, and then went into coaching, working with teams around the world: from the Japanese national team to CSKA.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Zlatan retired from the Swedish national team just two years ago. Playing from the age of eight, the footballer became famous for his strong and accurate strikes, his temper on the field and tattoos. Ibrahimovic represented the clubs Malmö, Ajax, Inter, Barcelona, ​​and in 2018 he moved to Los Angeles Galaxy.

On the field, Zlatan is famous for his athletic moves - the result regular classes taekwondo. The football player received his black belt at the height of his career - in 2010. Moreover, it was presented by Mauro Sarmiento, an Italian taekwondo athlete, participant Olympic Games 2008 and 2012.

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For those who are interested in sports and interested in football life, they are of great interest soccer stars. Their sports and personal lives are always visible; they are a kind of integral part of the theater called “football”. Surely every fan who has loved the number one sport in the world since childhood has a favorite player whom he watched and experienced his ups and downs with. While playing football in the yard, many had the name of their favorite football player emblazoned on their backs. These little fans grew up, and with them from ordinary famous players, the football players gradually turned into real football legends. Francesco Totti, Ronaldo, Gabriel Batistuta, Raul, Alessandro Del Piero, Thierry Henry - this is not a complete list of legends whose careers ended a real football era. Some of them became a coach, some a businessman, all have different destinies, but they have one thing in common - they forever inscribed their names not only in the chronicle of football life, but also in our hearts, the hearts of fans and connoisseurs of real football.

Football legends

Some famous football players They are reluctant to share stories from their biography, since not everyone’s life is bright and rosy. Someone's parents brought him to football school, providing everything necessary, and some went hungry to training, combining them with hard work, not intended for minors. But, as a rule, any history of the legend just starts with unpleasant memories. It is the difficult fate that prepares obstacles on the path to glory that fosters in people a strong spirit and incredible perseverance. Thanks to this, in the future, from an ordinary football player, a personality grows, whose name is “ Football star».

Having overcome all obstacles and achieved recognition, star football players they get almost everything they dreamed of. Expensive cars, beautiful wives, big salaries, but not all of this is always beneficial. There are many cases in history when legendary football players, world stars stop being like that. After a stunning start to a career, an equally rapid and painful fall follows. And it turns out that the most famous football player not remembered by one's own sporting achievements, but scandals and public disgrace.

Famous football players

The most famous football players have most interesting biography, which we will introduce you to on our website in the “football stars” section. We will talk about many legendary football players. We will show their best goals, matches, interviews. Let's tell you how their lives turned out and how they live without football. We'll show you photo famous football players peace, having fun and crying, sad and happy. Together with you we will see outstanding moments of glory of football players and farewell to fans. Many legends are still present and work in the football field, many are no longer with us... But the memory of them will live forever, and even if in the distant future football ceases to exist, the myths about legendary football players will not be erased from the memory of many generations, because football is Not just a sport, football is life with its own unique history!

There is a constant debate among football fans about who is the greatest football player of all time. At the moment there is no criterion by which one can determine this. However, the journalists of our site, based on various indicators of players (statistics, trophies, game aesthetics, talent, etc.), compiled a list of 10 greatest football players world:

  1. Pele (Brazil)
  2. Lionel Messi (Argentina)
  3. Gerd Müller (Germany)
  4. Diego Maradona (Argentina)
  5. Johan Cruyff (Netherlands)
  6. Eusebio (Portugal)
  7. Zinedine Zidane (France)
  8. Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal)
  9. Lev Yashin (USSR)
  10. Michel Platini (France)

The list presented is just the opinion of the editors.

Now about each player in more detail.

1. Pele is the best football player in football history

Edson Arantis do Nascimento is the greatest football player of all time. Pele was an excellent striker with a versatile dribbling ability who could single-handedly beat the entire opposition defense and send the ball past the goalkeeper. Pele used his talent as a dribbler to the best of his ability and tried to play team football with his partners. During his career, the forward scored more than 1000 goals in all tournaments (official and unofficial). He led the Brazilian national team to victory in the World Cup three times. For merits and achievements in big football Nascimento received the nickname "King of Football".

2. Lionel Messi

Perhaps the only football player of our time who can compete with the legendary Pele for the title of “King of Football”. Messi is the nightmare of every defender on the planet. This Argentinean short stature accomplishes feats one after another throughout his career. Leo has repeatedly become the top scorer in La Liga and the UEFA Champions League. Also, France Football magazine recognized the Argentine as the best player on the planet 5 times. In addition, Messi scored 91 goals in one calendar year, thereby breaking the record of the famous German striker Gerd Muller. Perhaps, upon completion of his career, Leo will be officially recognized as the best football player in history.

3. Gerd Müller

Müller scored most of his career goals from outside the penalty area. He is one of the most striking examples of how a center forward should act in attack. According to various sources, the striker scored more than 1,000 goals throughout his career. At the 1970 World Cup, he received the golden boot after scoring 10 goals during the tournament. At the next World Cup, he scored 4 more goals, which allowed him to lead the list of top scorers at the World Cup for a long time. Gerd Müller was the leader of Bayern Munich at that time, which he helped win more than one trophy.

4. Diego Maradona

Diego Armando Maradona scored one of the most beautiful goals in football history at the 1986 World Cup when he pulled the ball from the center of the field, beat half the English team and left the goalkeeper no chance. In the same match against England, the Argentine scored another most famous goal in football history, called the “Hand of God”. Diego Armando performed best for the Argentina national team, for which he played 91 matches and scored 34 goals. He was a real leader of the Albisileste, even Messi now does not have the same status in the national team as Maradona had.

5. Johan Cruyff - the man who changed the understanding of football

The Dutchman was a star for Barcelona's Ajax in the 1960s and 1970s, and according to some football fans, Cruyff is the best footballer to ever play in Europe. The Dutchman performed well both as a winger and as a central striker. He won the UEFA Champions League three times while playing for Ajax. In addition, Cruyff was named European Footballer of the Year three times. Johan was a skilled striker, with excellent pace, impeccable dribbling and quick thinking. It is he who is considered the founder of “total football”, which is currently used by Barcelona and the Spanish national team.

6. Eusebio

"Black Panther". Eisbeo received this nickname. The forward is considered one of the best football players in the history of Portugal, along with Luis Figo and Cristiano Ronaldo. Eusebio had explosive speed and excellent dribbling ability. Their best years the striker spent time in Benfica. In the 1966 World Cup final, Eusebio scored 9 goals.

7. Zinedine Zidane

The Frenchman had a fantastic career as a player, although he left big football with a scandal. Zidane remained the most expensive football player on the planet for a long time, after he moved from Juventus to Real Madrid for 75 million euros. He scored one of best goals in the history of the UEFA Champions League, when he volleyed with his left foot after a cross from the flank by Roberto Carlos. Zidane scored a double in the 1998 World Cup final, which helped his team become the strongest in the world. At EURO 2000, the midfielder also played a key role in the team, which became the strongest on the continent. Zizou had the chance to win the World Cup again before retiring, but in the end, the Blues lost the decisive battle to the Italians, and Zidane himself was sent off after hitting Squadra Azzurra defender Marco Materazzi in the chest.

8. Cristiano Ronaldo

The Portuguese has earned a place in this ranking. He, along with Lionel Messi, is considered one of the best football players of the 21st century. Ronaldo has incredible technique, dribbling and a crazy cannon shot. All this helps him score beautiful goals in various competitions. At 32, the Portuguese is a 4-time winner of the Champions League, and he also set a record for the most goals scored in this tournament. Krish also became the first player in history to score 100 goals in the Champions League. In addition, Ronaldo can boast of such individual awards as the Golden Ball (5) and the Golden Boot (4).

Lev Yashin, nicknamed the “Black Panther,” revolutionized the game of goalkeeper. Previously, goalkeepers were, so to speak, “inactive” on the field, while Yashin could not calmly stand in the goal frame. He constantly told the defenders what position to take and who to cover, even shouted at them. Lev could also run outside the penalty area and kick the ball away to prevent the opposing striker from scoring a goal on him. Yashin’s performance made him the star of the first ever televised football championship in 1958. Also, the goalkeeper’s impeccable actions helped the USSR national team become the first European champion in 1960. In addition, Lev Yashin remains the only goalkeeper in football history who managed to win the Golden Ball. This framer deserves to be among the 10 greatest football players of all time.

10. Michel Platini

Star of Nancy, Saint-Etienne and Juventus. Platini won the European Championship, the European Cup, and also won the Golden Ball three times. At the 1984 European Championship, Michel Platini set a record for the most goals scored in a single tournament. He scored 9 goals as a midfielder, and to this day, no one has scored more. In total, throughout his career, Platini played more than 600 matches and scored more than 300 goals, which is a very good indicator for a player with a midfielder role.


Gathering 10 of the world's greatest footballers of all time was a very difficult task. The competition among players is very huge, and besides, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, there is no criterion that would help place players in a certain order. The list of the greatest did not include such people as Alfredo Di Stefano, Ferenc Puskás, Zico, Van Basten, Garincha and others.

The green lawns of the world's stadiums have been seen by countless players, because the history of football begins more than a hundred years ago. Some names are shouted out with reverence by thousands of fans; their names evoke delight and inspire hope in the victory of their favorite team. These people with the prefix “great”, their skills, talent, and refined game mechanics make fans freeze. Who are they, goalkeepers and forwards, defenders and team captains?

Lev Yashin - goalkeeper of all time

The most famous goalkeeper in world football, the only one to receive the Golden Ball. He “read” the game perfectly, controlled the location of the ball and at the same time chose a player to pass the ball.

Recognized as the best player in his role (by the International Federation of Football History (Statistics), FIFA, several French magazines: France Football, Placar, he was awarded the title of the most best goalkeeper(USSR), five-time champion of the Soviet Union (as part of the Dynamo team). 207 out of 812 matches played, the goalkeeper brought the score to zero. 1956 - 1960 Lev Ivanovich we deserve Olympic champion and won the European Cup.

David Beckham - 10th place

The ranking of ten famous players opens with the man who “turned football around.” He has 6 championship titles to his name; winning the Champions League "Manchester United"; victory in Spanish championship(Real squad) 2007; France with PSG (2013).

He is known among fans as an excellent performer of standard kicks. Beckham is a media icon with impeccable style and unforgettable hair. He starred in several commercials and earned the status of an idol of millions.

Alfredo Di Stefano – 9th place

9th place was given to a unique player of his kind, who earned the title of the third football player of the 20th century (FIFA version). He was part of the national teams of Colombia, Argentina and Spain. An important part of his career can be called the period of playing for Real (Madrid), where 8 victories were won and 5 European Champions Cups were won.

He played as a center forward for Real and scored 412 goals. The total number of goals in a football player’s career is 706. He ranks honorably fourth among the best football players of the 20th century, according to the verdict of the International Federation of Football History and Statistics. France Football magazine ranked Di Stefano 6th among the best players of the 20th century. Has 2 Golden Ball awards.

Johan Cruyff – 8th place

A great football player, no less famous coach - a native of Holland , scored 425 goals, owner of 3 Golden Balls. Football career started in the Ajax youth team, the transition to the adult level occurred in 1964. 319 matches played for Ajax, 251 goals scored.

1973 becomes a landmark year - there is a move to Barcelona (63 goals scored), games in the United States of America, in Spain (Levant), then again a couple of seasons with his native Ajax and the Feyenoord season. Johan Cruyff is a three-time European Cup winner, eight-time champion of his native Netherlands, in which he played 48 matches, scoring 33 goals.

Michel Platini – 7th place

France Football named the Frenchman the best French football player of the 20th century. The period 1983 – 1985 became “golden” - he was awarded the Golden Ball for three years in a row. His football career began in Nancy, the game lasted 7 seasons, 127 goals were scored. The next three seasons are “Saint-Etienne”. 1982 culminated in a transfer to Juventus Turin.

This club is significant for Platini, the player received the title of two-time Italian champion, was awarded three Golden Balls, and won the European Champions Cup (season 84/85). Scored 104 goals for Juve in 224 games.

Franz Beckenbauer – 6th place

Famous Defender four-time champion Germany (as part of the Bayern team). Played 850 matches, 111 goals were scored. Among fans he is called “the inventor of the role of a free defender.” He also has the title of three-time European Champions Cup winner.

Awarded two Golden Balls. His career started in his native Bayern, and he spent 14 seasons with the team. The next 7 seasons were intense: 4 in New York Cosmos, 2 in Hamburg and one New York Cosmos.

Ronaldinho - 5th place

The career of this great football player is rich, interesting and multifaceted. It was thanks to him that many people fell in love with football. The Brazilian was once given a standing ovation by the huge, completely filled Santiago Bernabeo in Madrid. Awarded the Golden Ball (2005), winner of the well-deserved title “Best Footballer” in 2004–2005, according to FIFA.

Played 765 matches, scored 297 goals. List of teams for which Ronaldinho played: “PSG”, “Gremio”, “Barcelona” (was the champion of Spain twice, won the Champions League once), “Milan” (won the title of Italian champion), “Flamengo”, “ Atlético Mineiro (Brazil), as well as Queretaro (Mexico).

Zinedine Zidane – 4th place

The greatest footballer, a great coach at the end of his career. The title of the best player at the turn of the millennium. Winner of the Golden Ball award (1998), three-time best football player in the world (according to FIFA). 98 as a member of the French national team, Zidane receives the title of world champion.

2000 brought the player the status of European champion, 2006 - vice world champion. His debut in professional football occurred in the same 1989, as part of the French team Cannes. 1992 - transfer to Bordeaux, 1996 - Juventus, where he received the Golden Ball. In 2001, he accepted a tempting offer from Real Madrid (75 million euros). It was here that he became a leader, a bright star of the Galacticos.

Diego Armando Maradona – 3rd place

Perhaps the most legendary football player , whose name was on everyone’s lips after scoring a goal in the quarter finals of the World Cup against England (1986). The team that included the player won the champion title. Diego made his debut at the age of 16, in the Argentios Juniors team, for which he scored 116 goals.

Six months later, he transferred to the national team, replenished the number of goals by another 35 (Argentine championship, Boca Juniors club. 1982 became a landmark year, Maradona joined Barcelona for the proposed 8 million US dollars (a huge, record amount at that time In a couple of years, he scored 38 goals. In the summer, in 1982, the footballer moved to Napoli, scoring 122 goals over seven years.

Pele – honorable second place

Legendary player, owner of the title “king of football” according to many versions. He holds a record, incredible number of goals scored - 1228 throughout his career, played 3 world champions. The best football player of the century (FIFA version), the best player of the 20th century (World Soccer magazine version). Almost his entire career is concentrated in the Santos team (1956 - 1974). During this period he scored 1087 goals.

“New York Cosmos” - three seasons, 64 goals scored. Recognized as the top scorer of the Brazilian national team (77 goals).

Gold - first place

Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi - two amazing, greatest players in the history of world football. There are different versions, disputes, criticism and discussions, but the total number of team and individual trophies is a powerful argument. 9 Golden Ball awards (for two), more than 1000 goals - not the least of his achievements.

Ronaldo He scored almost 600 goals throughout his career and made more than 100 assists (assists). Awards: four golden boots, 4 Golden Balls, 4 well-deserved Champions League titles, 5 championships won - two for Real Madrid, three for Manchester United. In 2004 he received silver at the European Championship, 2016 brought him gold.

– owner of excellent statistics: more than 500 goals scored, more than 160 assists throughout his career. The list of awards is no less impressive: 5 Golden Balls, three golden boots. He won the title of champion of Spain 8 times (Barcelona squad). He won the Champions League four times, Argentina with the football player took an honorable second place in the America's Cup tournament three times, and once won silver at the World Championship (2014).

Each of the listed football players is great, their names are included in world rankings, the contribution of each to the football industry is priceless.

Famous British magazine FourFourTwo published his list of the hundred best football players of 2016. Russian players It’s not on it, but that doesn’t make the list any less interesting.

Top 10 players of 2016

1. (Real Madrid, Portugal team)

Everyone's intrigue football ratings in recent years it actually comes down to which of the two surnames will be given first place and which will be given second place. And at the end of 2016 FourFourTwo gave gold to European champion and winner Cristiano Ronaldo. The publication emphasizes that despite the opinion of many fans that the Portuguese is gradually losing ground in world football, they are still quite strong.

2. (“Barcelona”, Argentina national team)

In the past year, Leo Messi took second place in the ranking. The Argentine was reminded of his failure in the Copa America final, but they still note the progress of the already star football player. The publication writes that his free kick technique has improved, but more importantly, Messi has finally turned into a real strategist, able to correctly determine when it is better to try to score himself and when to assist his partners.

3. (Barcelona, ​​Uruguay team)

Following Messi is his loyal partner Luis Suarez, another member of the famous attacking trident. And, as noted FourFourTwo, it is thanks to him that we can consider that Cristiano and Leo no longer have a monopoly in big football. In addition, Suarez is very hardworking and not greedy, which makes him even greater.

Barcelona - Arsenal. 2:1. Luis Suarez

4. (“Atlético”, French national team)

It would seem that Neymar should follow Messi and Suarez, but European vice-champion Antoine Griezmann stepped in front of the Brazilian. FourFourTwo notes that the Frenchman became a world-class star, and even though in 2016 Cristiano and his two teams stole victory from Griezmann, first in the Champions League, and then in , the year for one of the leaders and top scorer of Euro 2016 still turned out to be - truly outstanding.

Atlético - Barcelona. 1:0. Antoine Griezmann

5. (Barcelona, ​​Brazil team)

Giving Neymar 5th place in his ranking, FourFourTwo writes that in Barcelona the player had two tasks: to find his place among other superstars, and also to prepare for the role of Messi’s heir, because sooner or later he will definitely be needed. The editors believe that the Brazilian has coped with the first task and is on the way to solving the second. In addition, his progress is noted over Last year, and also that Neymar really found and realized his place in the team. If necessary, he is able to help in defense and at the same time will not be greedy in attack. Well, and on top of everything else, in 2016, Neymar, as you know, also became an Olympic champion.

6. (Real Madrid, Wales team)

There was a moment in Gareth Bale's career when it seemed that he was about to leave - it was a rather sad story of a serious conflict in the Madrid camp. But it seems that all the troubles are behind us, and the footballer continues to progress. The publication notes his outstanding physical characteristics and desire to control the game. And, of course, how much he did for, which became one of the brightest teams at Euro 2016. And if Neymar can replace Messi in the future, it is Bale who is called a potential successor to Ronaldo.

Russia - Wales. 0:3. Gareth Bale

7. (“Bayern”, Polish national team)

The most difficult thing for Robert Lewandowski in 2016 was to improve his performance in 2015, which was an incredibly successful year for the Pole. As a result, the magazine gave the footballer 7th place, and at the same time recalled the words of , who believes that in the game Lewandowski should rely not so much on tactical literacy, but on his killer instinct.

8. (Manchester City, Belgium team)

The publication believes that Kevin de Bruyne has finally become a real star, and gives him 8th place in the ranking. It is noted that he once did not give him the opportunity to prove himself simply because the football player was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now the Belgian has truly revealed himself, partly because he was finally in the right place at the right time.

Manchester United - Manchester City. 0:1. Kevin De Bruyne

9. (Manchester City, Argentina national team)

FourFourTwo believes that for Sergio Aguero, 2016 has become a year of professional growth. The magazine writes that the footballer has good statistics, and the combination of brilliant mental work and performance skills makes him increasingly dangerous for his opponents.

10. (“Bayern”, German national team)

Manuel Neuer became the only goalkeeper included in the top ten according to the publication. FourFourTwo reminds that the German’s game led to a great evolution of goalkeeping skills and forced all goalkeepers in the world to look up to him. Also noted is the crazy “superhuman” concentration that Neuer has, and, of course, his great contribution to the game, including at Euro 2016.

Who else was in the top 100 football players of the year

11. Thomas Müller (Bayern, German national team)

12. Luka Modric (Real Madrid, Croatian national team)

13. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (Borussia, Gabon national team)

14. Paul Pogba (Juventus/Manchester United, French national team)

15. Gonzalo Higuain (Napoli/Juventus, Argentina)

16. Jerome Boateng (Bayern, Germany)

17. Alexis Sanchez (Arsenal, Chile)

18. Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Paris Saint-Germain/Manchester United, Sweden)

19. Andres Iniesta (Barcelona, ​​Spain national team)

20. Mesut Ozil (Arsenal, Germany)

21. Diego Godin (Atlético Madrid, Uruguay national team)

22. Sergio Busquets (Barcelona, ​​Spain national team)

23. Toni Kroos (Real Madrid, Germany)

24. Philipp Lahm (Bayern)

25. Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus, Italy)

26. Ivan Rakitic (Barcelona, ​​Croatian national team)

27. Eden Hazard (Chelsea, Belgium national team)

28. David Alaba (Bayern, Austrian national team)

29. Gerard Pique (Barcelona, ​​Spain national team)

30. N'Golo Kante (Leicester/Chelsea, France)

31. David de Gea (Manchester United, Spain national team)

32. David Silva (Manchester City, Spain national team)

33. Toby Alderweireld (Tottenham, Belgium)

34. Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus, Italy)

35. Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid, Spain national team)

36. Arturo Vidal (Bayern, Chile)

37. Riyad Mahrez (Leicester, Algeria)

38. Jan Oblak (Atlético Madrid, Slovenian national team)

39. Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus, Italy)

40. Dimitri Payet (West Ham, France)

41. Diego Costa (Chelsea, Spain national team)

42. Karim Benzema (Real Madrid, France)

43. Edinson Cavani (Paris Saint-Germain, Uruguay)

44. Douglas Costa (Bayern, Brazil)

45. Pepe (Real Madrid, Portugal national team)

46. ​​Thiago Alcantara (Bayern, Spain)

47. Paulo Dybala (Juventus, Argentina national team)

48. Raphael Guerreiro (Lorient/Borussia, Portugal national team)

49. Koke (Atlético Madrid, Spain team)

50. Mats Hummels (Borussia/Bayern, Germany)

51. Philippe Coutinho (Liverpool, Brazil)

52. Angel Di Maria (Paris Saint-Germain, Argentina national team)

53. Javier Mascherano (Barcelona, ​​Argentina national team)

54. James Rodriguez (Real Madrid, Colombia national team)

55. Miralem Pjanic (Roma/Juventus, Bosnia and Herzegovina national team)

56. Alexandre Lacazette (Lyon, French national team)

57. Raheem Sterling (Manchester City, England)

58. Joshua Kimmich (Bayern, Germany)

59. Raphael Varane (Real Madrid, France)

60. Henrikh Mkhitaryan (Borussia/Manchester United, Armenian national team)

61. Xabi Alonso (Bayern)

62. Thiago Silva (Paris Saint-Germain, Brazil team)

63. Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea, Belgium national team)

64. Marek Hamsik (Napoli, Slovakia national team)

65. Julian Weigl (Borussia, German national team)

66. Arjen Robben (Bayern, Netherlands)

67. Franck Ribery (Bayern)

68. Radja Nainggolan (Roma, Belgium national team)

69. Renato Sanches (Benfica/Bayern, Portugal national team)

70. Marco Reus (Borussia, Germany)

71. Mauro Icardi (Inter, Argentina national team)

72. Harry Kane (Tottenham, England)

73. Claudio Marchisio (Juventus, Italy)

74. Roberto Firmino (Liverpool, Brazil national team)

75. Bamidele Alli (Tottenham, England)

76. Marcelo (Real Madrid, Brazil national team)

77. Samuel Umtiti (Lyon/Barcelona, ​​France)

78. Kevin Gameiro (Sevilla/Atlético Madrid, France)

79. Ilkay Gundogan (Borussia/Manchester City, Germany)

80. Carlos Bacca (Milan, Colombia national team)

81. Hugo Lloris (Tottenham, France)

82. Jamie Vardy (Leicester City, England)

83. Keylor Navas (Real Madrid, Costa Rica)

84. Javier Hernandez (Leverkusen, Mexico)

85. Andrea Barzagli (Juventus, Italy)

86. Santi Cazorla (Arsenal, Spain)

87. Filipe Luiz (Atlético Madrid, Brazil national team)

88. Adrien Rabiot (Paris Saint-Germain, French team)

89. Kalido Koulibaly (Napoli, Senegal national team)

90. Romelu Lukaku (Everton, Belgium)

91. Julian Brandt (Bayer, German youth team)

92. Juan Mata (Manchester United, Spain national team)

93. Jonas (Benfica, Brazil national team)

94. Ever Banega (Sevilla/Inter, Argentina)

95. Mohamed Salah (Roma, Egypt)

96. Joao Mario (Sporting/Inter, Portugal national team)

97. Hakim Ziyech (Twente/Ajax, Moroccan national team)

98. Blaise Matuidi (Paris Saint-Germain, French team)

99. Petr Cech (Arsenal, Czech national team)

100. Ousmane Dembele (Rennes/Borussia, France)

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.