Anastas Panchenko was born. Epic5 Challenge: How to do five full IRONMAN distances in five days. That is, in total, you seem to have made it into the top three

Ultratriathlons, powerboating, fitness - a successful St. Petersburg resident and club member World Class Krestovsky Anastas Panchenko devotes 70% of his time to sports. He spoke about his busy life, training and tournaments in an exclusive interview with the editor-in-chief of #IWorldClass magazine Nonna Martirosyan.

Who called you such a rare name and why?
The name is truly rare. The parents named him, and it’s probably better than just Stanislav, at least everyone is discussing him.

How and when did your sports path?
Sports have been with me since childhood: semi-professionally I was involved in hurdles, boxing, volleyball, then I became interested in motocross. True, I had a craving for a jet ski. As soon as the opportunity arose to do it, I did it. This happened five years ago. It is not possible to afford it in your youth - it is too expensive. Next was the path to leadership. In aquabike, it is not so much the physical data of the athlete that is important, but the technique itself plus a trained team. That is, you must come to the race not alone, but with a team of five people who bring, drive, deliver, etc. Gradually we moved towards victory, and this year we managed to win the Russian Championship. Now plans are made to participate in the World Aquabike Championship, which will be held in December in Thailand. I think if the technology doesn’t let us down, we have every chance to win. At the same time, we will take an endurance test.

Where do you practice?
In St. Petersburg. Potanin once popularized this sport. He himself was fond of it and taught it to his children. He also sponsored numerous races in St. Petersburg, for which many thanks to him. At that time I was an amateur, and now our team is the most technically equipped and complete team in Russia, which has its own training base, parking lot, service, mechanics and everything else. In other words, our team is the most prepared, and it is known all over the world.

How big are the chances of Russia winning the World Aquabike Championship?
Very big! We are always in the ring, always in the top five. But here a lot depends on technology.

Do you also ride a motorcycle around the city?
Not on sportbikes, although I was professionally involved in motocross for four years, that is, I know first-hand about motorcycle racing. Now I ride for fun and exclusively on Harley-Davidson.

If you already have one serious sporting hobby, how did you end up switching to triathlon?
The fact of the matter is that I didn’t switch to it. Considering our climatic conditions, the jet ski season ends quickly, which means there is no way to prepare for the World Championships, which takes place in December. During this transitional period, you need to keep yourself in shape. I was tired of simple strength training in the gym, I wanted something more. So I also switched to triathlon, and it gave results. I don’t have a goal to get to the World Triathlon Championships, because the result over time requires a tough approach: drying out the body. With minimal weight, I won’t be able to ride a jet ski, I won’t have the strength and endurance. Therefore, triathlon runs in parallel to support the jetski. Or rather, it was like that at first, now, probably, they are on par. (Smiles.) I became interested in participating in competitions, but at first everything was purely for fun. This, by the way, Coach World The class that worked with me brought me to triathlon. He understood that it was boring for me to limit myself only to strength training, and suggested trying to pass the “half”. Then nothing confused me except the bicycle. Once upon a time, in parallel with motocross, I was involved in downhill cycling, and aggressive riding is associated with it. I didn’t understand what it meant when my foot was fastened to the pedals. I always found it funny to see guys in tight suits and with their legs strapped to bicycles. I told the coach that I was definitely not ready for this. But he persuaded me and suggested that I just try it, taking the bike on the spot. In the end, they did just that and successfully completed the route. In the end, I put on a tight suit and fastened my legs to the bicycle pedals. (Laughs.)

So you didn’t have a systematic and competent approach to triathlon?
No, it wasn't at all. I was working out, I was in good shape, and doing the “half” was easy. Although I had never swum, and with this I had real problems that had to be solved quickly. Now a separate coach is preparing me for triathlon. But it was the one who did strength training with me that started it. Do you also know what made me start running? Participation in the World Class Games named after. Dmitry Zhirnov. I thought that I could easily run the three kilometers required to pass the GTO standards. In general, I didn’t run through them! And that was two years ago. I did the strength exercises better than anyone, but I couldn’t run according to the standard. As a result, instead of a gold one, he received a silver badge. This, of course, hooked me, and I began to actively run every day under the guidance of Denis (Zhukov, World Class coach Krestovsky. - Ed.). And literally in 2-3 months I achieved good results, re-passed the GTO standards, which were conducted by World Class in St. Petersburg, and won!

The goals were achieved then...
Then I decided to do the “half”, which turned out to be one of the hardest in Ironman. It is held in Provence and is usually chosen by trained triathletes. It didn’t bother us then. Denis and I arrived, rented some strange aluminum bicycles and went off. This was the first time I sat on a “regular” bike with my feet strapped to the pedals. Then off we went. I started signing up for a full Ironman, then Alexander Sokolov, who now leads the “triathlon” direction at the St. Petersburg World Class, directly joined my training. Then, with regularity, once every three months I began to sign up for some competitions and participate everywhere. Then a bicycle appeared, a second, a third... And now I have my own machine in the World Class Krestovsky club, which I bought to hone my skill. I come, park my bike and spin - I have a separate angle for this. Thanks to the manager for allowing such training. Everyone pays attention to this, of course, and many have begun to become interested in triathlon.

No matter how much I watch triathletes, at some point they all become literally fanatics of this sport. Why? Can you answer this question? After all, there are many others, no less interesting. sports areas with a similar load...
Because it’s at least interesting to fight in three sports. And compared to a jet ski, it’s not that expensive. If you get involved in it globally, that is, if you participate in some iconic and key starts, like Epic5 or Siberman, then it really costs a lot of money, but you can’t do without it. To successfully complete the race, you need to invest in it and have at least two bikes. You'll probably get away with being a fool once, but one way or another at some point you'll run into a technical problem: people have a lot of retirements because before the start they didn't spend, say, $40 on replacing tires, which is what I, for example, do before every race, regardless of the condition of my wheels.

Do you do it yourself or do you have a team for this?
No, by myself. I have a good understanding of the technical condition of the bike and know what to do and how to do it. I always keep my bikes in perfect condition, because I had a colossal number of retirements in aquabike, when, due to an error or a mechanic’s oversight, you are forced to leave the race, and a month and a half of transporting equipment in a container to the destination, my own physical training, the flight - all this comes down to No. This is psychologically very offensive and very confusing: you are getting ready, but a technical breakdown overtakes you.

Maybe triathlon is a kind of compensation? Here you are completely dependent on yourself...
I don’t know... Here I am at least sure that if I prepared the bike, it will 100% finish.

But it's not just about the bike, is it?
Now that my number of starts has increased significantly, the problem of overtraining has arisen. While swimming in Africa, for example, problems arose with my legs. I was walking very well, I could already see the finish, there were literally 500 m left, but my legs were cramping like hell. The organizers already wanted to take me, but I didn’t give in.
As a result, I lost 20 minutes and swam further. It's all overtraining. I have a very busy schedule and many starts...

What for?
Don't know. (Laughs.). I still don’t understand why. We are just moving towards some goal.

To which? Is there a global goal?
Now it has appeared. The first is to do Siberman, which I just completed and finished fifth overall. Moreover, I am part of a small group of people in Russia who have completed this distance. There are only 21 such people. Moreover, what was important to me was not even Siberman, but the distance of 515 km, which must be covered in three days. This is cool! This, I think, is something to be proud of; now all the Ironman medals can be safely thrown away - compared to Siberman, they mean nothing.

Do you then intend to participate in “simple” starts?
Yes, this is exactly the second goal - you need to take part in Epic5...

This is because it is not inferior to Siberman, but the Irons?
Epic5 is even cooler than Siberman. Here, in addition to physics, you need not to break down psychologically, because there is a struggle not only with yourself, but also with the environment. On Siberman, at 200 km, a hellish wind began: you spin the bike, and the power sensor shows 240–250 W, cadence - 70 ( knowledgeable people they will understand me), you think what am I doing here at all... He just doesn’t go. In Hawaii, this situation is also possible: strong winds, scorching heat... But I think we can handle it, and we’ll see what happens next. Perhaps, as an option, in order to be among the first again (you always want to be among the first), do another ultratriathlon, because in Russia there are no athletes who have completed ultratriathlon twice. But it will no longer be Siberman - it’s not interesting to go to such a race a second time. By the way, the guys who took first place were just lying at the airport, they gave it their all. I was normal, because I understood that in three or four weeks there would be another start. I had the task of being in the middle and not giving 100%. But if everything goes well with Epic5, I will be the first to complete an ultratriathlon and Epic5 in one year.

Do you have someone you look up to?
No, I don't have an example, and I don't need one, to be honest. I communicate with many triathletes, but I won’t say that I focus on them. Rather, based on your feelings and desires. If I hear about a race that interests me, I take part - that’s the only way.

What about the rest of life? Aren't you afraid that you're missing out on something?
I try to combine it, and I have everything: leisure, family, and work. Imagine, I even work! (Laughs.) My partners understand me and give me the opportunity to play sports. True, I sleep three hours a day... and this is a big problem. When I hit my peak, I work out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening for two hours. Except Sunday. During the day - work. You come home, it seems like you need to spend time with your family, but problems arose at work during two hours of training. By the time you’re solving them, it’s already two o’clock in the morning, and at eight you’re back at the club.

How do you replenish energy costs? Food?
First of all, sleep. On Sunday I can sleep 13–15 hours. Of course follow proper nutrition need to. I take isotonic drinks from sports nutrition - this is necessary after training, because during the working day I do not always have time to have lunch on time and properly, which means I cannot replenish my body with the necessary minerals. I do not take any doping or complex sports substances. Ideally, it is better to eat right during the day and train on water rather than on isotonic drinks. Because the body quickly gets used to it, and during the race, when you want the maximum from an isotonic drink, it gives nothing. At the ultratriathlon, I “sat” on gels - the support guys gave me gels every 2.5 km, and after that I (however, this happened to everyone) at the swimming stage simply collapsed - I had stomach problems. As a result, we switched to buckwheat with chicken and tea. All my nutrition during the subsequent race was based only on normal and natural products. I was already feeling sick from the sports nutrition.

Your supports - who are they? How important is their support to you?
The supporters are my friends: Gennady Seleznev and Alexander Sokolov (World Class coach). I need them for long races, not regular Ironmans. They are necessary, important, without them there is no way. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have made it to the finish line. At Siberman, on the last day of the race in the 84 km race, Sasha ran about 56 km with me, supported me in every possible way, fed me, gave me something to drink, told me something... I myself would not be able to track nutrition like that, for example, my head is occupied with something completely different...

By the way, what do people think about when they run like this? long distances? So what were you thinking?
(Laughs.) At a full Ironman, I had time to think about work and something else, but when you start to give all your best and go towards the goal, you no longer think about anything except the race: how to properly decompose, etc. At Siberman, the brain completely turned off! Although before that I also wondered what I would do all these 84 km, but I found something to do. (Laughs.) Somewhere after 50 km, I started to get confused about which hand I was wearing the watch on. At this moment, the body is so driven that it doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks to Sasha for pulling me out.

How much do you prepare for each competition? Do you think through your action plan and every step to the smallest detail, or do you rely on chance and your condition?
Speaking globally, this year I prepared the number and list of starts in advance. Epic5 took over eight months of approvals because I didn’t have an ultra distance and they only take people who have finished that distance. We had long negotiations with them. They stood their ground and said that it would be impossible to complete the ultra-distance this year. I asked where the nearest ultratriathlon was, they named Australia, but there was no longer a single free slot there, then I called them and explained the situation. It didn't bother them at all. They couldn’t offer any other ultratriathlon, then I remembered about Siberman, sent them the website and asked if this race was suitable. They approved, but doubted that I would be able to complete two very difficult races three weeks apart. I said I can! Epic5 ended up agreeing to participate only after seeing the finishing medal. When you know the schedule, it's easy to stick to the plan.

Okay, but what about everything else: food, equipment, etc.? Do you take your choice of equipment seriously? In your opinion, does the result depend on it?
Yes, very serious and important. Then, after the race, it is an indicator of how long it will take for you to heal certain abrasions. Good equipment, a starter suit, and sneakers are the key to health. You just finish and you can calmly go to the next race. And many triathletes then suffer for a long time from injuries and other problems. Now I try to choose only the top and correct ones.

After Epic5, what else will happen?
I want to run another Ironman from Ironstar in Sochi, also in three weeks. After this, I’ll probably go to Thailand for the “half”, but the track there is so difficult that it will be interesting, and I won’t lose my shape. For now, I will move according to the plan outlined a year ago and thus smoothly prepare for the World Aquabike Championship, after which, I think, I will rest a little. Then I want to take part in the “half” in Dubai - I’m already actively training to prepare for the stress in the heat.

Could it be that from next year you will get tired of triathlon and change it to something else?
Let's see... Now, on the contrary, I am becoming more and more technically and physically equipped. But let's see...

Do you ever have a vacation? If so, which one?
If I fly on vacation, I always only carry a bike suitcase. The family flies nearby in shock. Once upon a time I didn’t understand this either, but now I’m bored without a bike, and again I can’t lose my shape. Even if I fly to a place where there is no opportunity to ride, I always take cycling shoes, because everywhere there is a gym where I can spin.

Social life - what does it mean to you? Do you read books, watch movies, go to the theater?
There is not enough time for anything at all. What I watch or read is the news on my iPhone during the day, as well as videos on YouTube related to sports, triathlon, and aquabike.

Do you have any “simple” men’s fun in your life?
Racing doesn’t bother me, I already do it three times a week on aquabikes, plus, if I’m preparing for a race, I simultaneously train on karts, that is, I have enough racing, and I can’t live without it. Even when I go to Dubai for triathlon training, I don’t miss karting.

Sport in your life is...
…this is 70% of my time and just as much fun. So far the same.

Do you recommend it to everyone?
No, I only recommend fitness to everyone, not sports, because all these Ironmans kill the body. I am increasingly thinking about the fact that this is no longer a sport, but a disease. It’s great to run “halves” not at peak load, you can also take part in Ironman once, but constantly running long distances, like I am doing now, is absolutely not necessary.

Anastas Panchenko is the champion of Russia in water-motor sports in the aquabike class and a member of the Russian national water-motor sports team. He also does triathlons. On September 5, Panchenko will take part in the world's most prestigious triathlon race, the Epic5 Challenge, in Hawaii. This is five days, five islands and five full IronMan distances (3.86 km swim, 180.25 km bike and 42.16 km run).

On each competition day, athletes will have to cover these distances in extreme conditions. We asked Anastas Panchenko himself for more information about this tournament.

- Sorry for asking this question, but please tell me where you got such an unusual name?

You know, I'm used to being asked this question often! ( Smiles.) The answer is quite simple: naturally, my parents gave me this name, for which I thank them very much. Agree, it is truly memorable, unique and beautiful! But why this particular name was chosen - history is silent!

- How did you get into triathlon?

Due to our St. Petersburg climate and weather conditions in my main sport - aquabike - there was a very long off-season. After the season I quickly lost shape. I needed some kind of sport so that I would not just not lose shape, but, on the contrary, build it up. It was important not to depend on the weather, so that cardio training was present and racing training was not lost. It was triathlon that combined all my requirements.

- Which stage do you like best: swimming, cycling or running?

The cycling stage is closest to me. There is speed, drive and extreme. This is an excellent discharge after swimming and exercise before running.

- How is your typical day?

With the right approach, my day is completely scheduled from seven in the morning. Morning is always training, then I devote time to work, evening - training again. Late in the evening - work again and planning for the next day.

Every day there are always different workouts in all areas of triathlon (swimming, cycling, running). Also in my schedule are definitely present strength exercises, and in the summer season they also add daytime aquabike classes to stay in shape. I always have to be on my toes.

On Sunday, I try to rest as much as possible. Such a schedule takes up almost all of your free and non-free time. Understanding this very well, I tried to arrange my schedule so that it would not greatly affect my business and family. And, you know, so far I’ve managed to stick to it!

- Please tell us more about the Epic5 Challenge competitions in Hawaii.

This race is incredibly difficult both physically and psychologically! Every day a new start on a new island. After the finish - a flight to the next island, and so on for five days in a row! Every day there is a new route and new weather conditions. I can say that I have no time for rest and sleep. My support team will be with me throughout the days. They give me everything necessary nutrition and provide technical support during the cycling stage.

- You are the first Russian to take part in these competitions?

Yes! This start is considered very prestigious in the world, especially in the USA, to which only athletes who have completed certain distances and races are allowed. A total of nine participants from all over the world will take to the start line. The Epic5 organizers refused to register me for a long time and eventually set a condition: before the start of Epic5, I had to complete an ultratriathlon. It was very likely that the race director was counting on my refusal, because normal athletes recover for at least six months after an ultratriathlon.

As a result, a few days ago I successfully finished the Siberman Ultratriathlon, where I became the first athlete from St. Petersburg and one of the few Russians who have ultratriathlon status. And, of course, I received my entry ticket to the Epic5 Challenge. I hope that I will not only be the first athlete from Russia who was able to get onto the start list of the Epic5 Challenge, but also that I will be the first who manages to complete five full “iron” IronMan distances in five days.

- Is it a special honor for you to participate in the Epic5 Challenge, where you are the first Russian in the history of these competitions?

When I registered for this race, I didn't think about it. But now I understand the responsibility that fell on my shoulders. And, of course, I am certainly proud of this fact!

- In general, how popular and in demand is triathlon in Russia?

Triathlon is becoming more and more popular every year. I haven't been on this topic for long. I have been involved in triathlon for only two years, but even during this time the rise of this sport in the country is clearly visible. Every year there are more and more “home” starts. The number of amateur athletes registering for these competitions is growing. Triathlon has become very popular in the business community. It's fashionable and respectful.

- TV presenter Olga Buzova often writes about you on Instagram. Do you know her?

I know a lot of famous people. Many people support me!

- Do you know who Tony Stark is? Are you being compared to him?

Yes, this is a famous character - Iron Man. Superhero. So far they haven’t compared me to him, but anything is possible! Let's see what happens after the Epic5 Challenge.

Big sport No. 4 (130)

Text: Anna Chernogolovina

Anastas Panchenko is a champion of Russia in water-motor sports in the aquabike class and a triathlete, an amateur with gold All World Athlete status from the Ironman brand. With a difference of one month, he finished at Siberman, covering 515 km in Khakassia, and at the Epic5 Challenge, where in five days on five Hawaiian islands, Anastas successfully completed five Ironman distances, that is, 1130 km in total.

What was the main motivation for coming to ultratriathlon in general and completing the Epic5 Challenge in particular?

A friend told me about the race in Hawaii - he really wanted to do it himself. I looked and the idea captured me. But according to the registration conditions for admission to the Epic5 Challenge, it is not enough to finish the Ironman with a normal time (Anastas Panchenko’s personal record at a distance of 226 km at that time was 9 hours 54 minutes - Note BS), a finish at the ultra distance was needed.

So I pictured a long, unusual season in my head: I decided that in order to qualify for Epic5 I would pass Siberman - at that time I had no ultras to my credit. I contacted the Epic5 race management and told them about the plans for Siberman. They first responded: it’s too much to do ultra-distance and Epic5 in the same year. I wrote to them that it was even more interesting, and the organizers agreed: “Yes, indeed, go ahead: we are waiting for the finishing protocol with your name.” In general, my motivation was not only in one specific race, but in the plan for the year.

Then I told my friends and colleagues about the idea - and they unanimously said: “Why don’t you want to show this to the public, on social networks? No one has done this before." In principle, I’m not a fan of social networks: I think it’s better to spend an extra hour sleeping or spending it on a treadmill - time is valuable. But still, we opened accounts, and people really began to monitor: will it work out or not? This, of course, also motivated and helped: there were a huge number of messages throughout the race. For example, I’m running, and support comes up to me and says: “Listen, 120 messages about support just arrived - I don’t have time to read. I say: “Well, read it - we’ll run and read.”

How long did you spend specifically preparing for Epic5?

About eight months. In addition to regular training, there were training races: participation in 5 and 10 km swims, two marathons, and completing Siberman.

How do the islands on Epic5 differ from each other in terms of track difficulty? Which stage was the most difficult for you personally and why? At what point do flights and lack of sleep begin to take their toll? (Participants in the Epic5 Challenge fly between islands. – Note by BS)
Almost all cycling stages had an average altitude gain of 2000 m, and running - 250-300 m. And five days in a row - this is really tough. The third island, Molokai, seemed the most difficult to me. This was a turning point.

Molokai is a big village, everything is scorched by the sun, a very boring route. You have to run along the road, but there are practically no cars, there is no lighting at all: you are in the dark with a flashlight on your forehead and in a reflective vest. When the escort car drives away, it becomes completely sad. Roe deer, dogs and other animals periodically jump onto the road. Complete psychedelia. It was hard both physically and psychologically.

How often have you encountered the “I can’t take it anymore” limit on Epic5? What can you compare the state in which an athlete is in during ultra-distance?

“I can’t do this anymore” started on the second day. It is simply impossible to convey the state in words. You really need to experience it yourself. You can probably compare it with slacklining - walking on a tightrope: step to the left - a cliff, step to the right - a cliff. Every forward movement must be careful and deliberate.

However, you finished at Epic5 at a 4 minute per kilometer run pace. What was the pace of the running stages of the previous four days?

The finishing pace was 4:00–4:10 – it was euphoric that the job was done. I completed all running stages at an average pace of 5:40. Only the first day turned out to be very active: 4:50–5:00 minutes per kilometer.

Do you manage to relax psychologically during ultra?

Yes, but not without outside help. At any ultra-distance, the athlete has a support group - the so-called supports. Thanks to them, I was able to switch to topics not related to the race and unload my head. The supports and the athlete are one team, and the right atmosphere inside is at least 30% of a successful finish.

What exactly do supports do?
Absolutely everyone: real help begins from the moment you check in at the airport and load your equipment. Because the athlete’s task is, first of all, to withstand everything physically.
Siberman, one might say, became a test of support work before Epic5. In addition to Gennady Seleznev and Alexander Sokolov, with whom we have been together for a long time, we took two more into the team: a massage therapist and a videographer. It would seem that the roles are clear: everyone should do their own thing, but the supports turned out to be psychologically unstable. Discord arose within the team. I felt it, and at some point, due to psychological stress, it became much harder to move forward. I can’t say that they didn’t help well - everything was great, but at the ultra there is an extremely thin line. For example, a support should not say the words “I’m tired.” If he says this, the racer begins to “move” not only himself, but also the support - in general, a difficult task.

People often ask me: maybe I should take 10 people to the race? But then it turns out that one, figuratively speaking, will put on socks, the other – a T-shirt. Moreover, they will begin to interfere with each other. Two are enough, but very stress-resistant and ready to fully immerse themselves in the race.

You said that you had 35 kg of bike parts for the Epic5: what was included in that 35 kg?

Technical breakdowns had to be excluded in principle, and we took with us absolutely all the parts that are on the bike - each in duplicate. They brought everything except the frame - it cannot be changed according to the race regulations. In general, the only thing that could break is me.

I know that at Epic5 you ate buckwheat and chicken, which were drenched in sweet tea - is this the most unusual thing you consumed during the race?
Please share your principles regarding nutrition? What should your weight be for a jetski and how much should you weigh if you were only focusing on triathlon?
I try to eat healthy – little and often. But I regularly go on business trips, and my schedule gets messed up. In aquabike, as in any motor sport, success is achieved mainly by stocky guys weighing up to 75 kg and height up to 175 cm. Despite my height of 196 cm, I still managed to achieve results not only at the Russian level, but also at the world level.

In triathlon, with my height of 196 cm, the racing podium weight should be 75–79 kg. But if I reached that weight, my appearance would change a lot. I don’t have a goal to reach 80 kg; I feel great at 93 kg. But, of course, before the race I start to dry out and reach 89–90 kg 3–4 weeks before the start. I think this is my ideal racing weight. By the way, when I was doing only aquabike, without cyclic sports, I weighed 110–112 kg.

What does your training week look like?

Six training days and one fasting day. In any case, it’s always worth two workouts a day, usually swimming in the morning. In the evening – running, barre, strength training on the legs. In addition, I devote time to the horizontal bar, parallel bars and a little stretching. This is very bad: there is never enough time to stretch. The fasting day must include a bathhouse - and not just warm up a little in the sauna. The sauna is real, with hard steaming and a relaxing massage after. These procedures take a lot of time - about 3-4 hours.

Where do you train in the off-season?

If possible, I try to spend more time in warm countries: in winter - Thailand or the UAE, Dubai. In the summer I go to Europe, to the mountainous coast of the Mediterranean Sea. There are a lot of locations: the most convenient for me in terms of transport accessibility are Nice, Monaco and Menton.

“Not a sport, but a disease” - this is how you characterize a long triathlon. What motivates you personally to get into endurance racing after completing Siberman and Epic5?

In the coming year, I do not plan to participate in competitions that have the prefix “ultra” in their names. The ligaments and menisci of the knee joint have not fully recovered and do not allow you to complete another long race without complications. Health is more valuable. But my head doesn’t forget, I often watch videos of how it happened on my YouTube channel. This motivates me well, and I think that in the near future I’m going to do something even more interesting than Epic5 or Siberman.

Are ligaments and knee problems a consequence of jet skiing or long triathlon training?
I have a degenerative meniscus tear - it has fragmented. Of course, this is all ultratriathlon. Now triathlon is experiencing a boom: everyone wants to get a medal, become an Ironman and talk about it. But for those who are from the sofa - when a person saw something in in social networks and ran, problems with your legs may begin. This is the first point. Second point: triathlon is like a drug, it’s addictive. Those who regularly exercise begin to participate in competitions, and their volumes and mileage become too large - the body is simply not adapted to such distances. A man has run a marathon and needs to rest. You can't run five marathons in a season: sooner or later serious injuries will occur. Everyone has them, just not everyone talks about it. After injuries, most people give up on cyclic sports, because it is difficult to recover later: both psychologically and physically.

You need to approach everything wisely and, in a good way, pay attention to pro-triathletes who win long races. No one completes five or six Ironmans (226 km) per season like our amateur guys. Everyone is purposefully brought to a certain start: per year they can only have two Ironmans and two “halves” (113 km). Yes, pro triathletes win, they are very strong. But this is their job, business, full life, and in training they give 100 percent. Notice we don't hear that they're signing up for the next half in a week. Although amateurs welcome this: “Oh, cool, you ran in Nice, and tomorrow you’re flying somewhere else - great, bomb.” But this is not coolness, but a lack of understanding of the situation. That is, there must be the correct annual volume.

Jetskiing is also considered a traumatic sport. What types of trauma have you personally encountered?

Any motor sport is dangerous. I had injuries related to the spine, strong blows from rivals, collisions, motorcycles flew into something. But thanks to the strong muscle corset and wearing protective equipment, I only received bruises, and, at most, intervertebral hernias. Of course, as in any contact sport, fatal injuries are possible in jet skiing.

What is your long-term goal in triathlon?

Today I'm trying to get faster at Ironman 70.3 (113 km). But this is not a global goal - I do triathlon because I like it: it’s my lifestyle and rhythm of life. In general, I try to try everything in sports, but I spend more time on triathlon. Moreover, it is one of the most effective ways keep fit.

What is your calendar for 2019?
The season has already started well: I finished successfully at Ironman 70.3 Dubai. This was my test, verification, start after an injury. Next on the schedule is Ironman 70.3 Vietnam. Afterwards, we will look at the results and the state of the body with the coach and make a decision about further races.

Aquabike is also in the plans, but in a very relaxed mode. In any case, this year is a warm-up year: I’m returning to sports after an injury.

Are you planning Xterra launches: what is this series and what goals do you set for yourself?
Xterra is a separate direction of extreme triathlon. Races are very dangerous: swimming is always in big waves (1.5 km), cycling is mountain biking (30 km), running is mountain running or trail (10 km). Very exciting: such races require special preparation and, accordingly, time. I have a plan to go through all the European stages and qualify for the World Championships.

Anastas Panchenko, quick questionnaire:

Maximum calories burned per day

During the training camp it reached 8,500 per training day.

The most beautiful distance

A very beautiful part of the cycling stage of the Ironman South Africa course. The waves crash against the rocks, helicopters hover above them, from which they broadcast video of the race live - just a movie. But still, the Hawaiian Islands and the Epic5 race are really “Jurassic Park”. This is definitely worth seeing once in a lifetime.

The most difficult race of my career

Epic5 – On the second day in Hawaii I was really tired. But in fact, every race is difficult in its own way. I am so accustomed to enduring that this does not present any difficulty for me. It’s just that in some places you need to be patient more, in others less.

"Half-iron" distance for beginners
Ironman 70.3 Dubai is the perfect place to start for the first time. If we talk about the location in Russia, then this is IronStar Sochi: the guys are great, they do everything accurately. Their starts are no worse than those held under the Ironman brand. You will definitely be guaranteed a holiday feeling.
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