Pharmacy preparations for bodybuilding: courses, combinations, drying, how to take. Preparations for drying the body for girls and men Pharmacy preparations for drying women

Summer is approaching, the fight for the coveted 6-pack abs is already in full swing, and body-drying preparations are becoming most relevant for every athlete. So that you can show off perfectly sculpted abs, and not a soft and quivering belly, we have prepared for you a list of 6 must-have supplements, each of which will help you get closer to the ideal result.

If you set high goals and demands for yourself during cutting, then you cannot do without sports supplements. Moreover, they often become the main condition that will allow you to achieve the desired figure or wait with disappointment for next spring. So, if you are already determined to achieve success, it’s time to find out which body drying products will help you achieve your goal.

Protein powder

Protein is the #1 supplement that all athletes should have year-round. Today you can find dozens of reputable studies that confirm that protein has a significant effect on improving athletic performance. It helps increase muscle strength, build muscle mass, protect it from destruction, and even stimulate fat burning.


When you increase your performance, you can train longer and harder, which will accelerate lean muscle growth and burning. excess fat.


Progression to strength training will allow you to increase working weights. Such training has a positive effect on both muscle volume and metabolic rate. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you can burn, which means you will lose more body fat.

Muscle Growth and Support:

Muscles need calories to function. The greater the muscle volume, the more calories will be burned even at rest. Protein allows you not only to increase the growth of muscle mass, but also to maintain it during low-calorie diets. Therefore, you can achieve maximum fat burning at rest if you consume sufficient quantity squirrel.

Fat Burning:

Together with proper diet and sufficiently intense training, body-drying preparations for girls begin to play an even more important role and can significantly accelerate fat burning.

  • Protein with the fastest possible absorption (whey isolate) to nourish muscles immediately after training;
  • Protein for use between meals or cooking (concentrate);
  • A “slow” protein to take before bed so that the body receives amino acids throughout the night (casein).

Fat burner for body drying

It is quite natural to think that fat burners are the best drugs for drying the body. However, today there are so many fat burners with different effects that it can sometimes be very difficult to figure out which one is right for you. So that you can understand the effects of supplements and make right choice, we divided them into categories:


This type of fat burner increases your body temperature, which increases your resting heart rate. After taking it, you may feel a warming effect. The main ingredients are most often: caffeine, yohimbine, synephrine.

Carbohydrate blockers

The main component of such fat burners is white bean extract. It reacts with the carbohydrates you eat and reduces their absorption.

Fat blockers

The main component of such additives is chitosan. They work identically to carbohydrate blockers, but affect fats, reducing their level of digestibility.

Decreased appetite

The most important difficulty during drying is the fight against hunger. Avoiding a strict diet can affect the result and 6-pack abs will remain just an unattainable goal, however, such a component as hoodia allows you to reduce appetite and better cope with hunger.

Thyroid regulators

The thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism and energy levels in the body. When disruptions occur in its functioning, the metabolic rate decreases and increased fatigue appears, which is often observed in older people. If you occasionally experience these symptoms, a thyroid regulator may be a great supplement. The main components of this supplement are forskolin and guggulsterone.

Cortisol blockers

Cortisol is often called the main enemy in bodybuilding. The body produces it for balance, so that you do not overexert yourself and feel tired, which needs to be relieved with quality rest or sleep.

Intense training, a low-calorie diet, and all weight loss processes are quite stressful for the body and it will produce cortisol to make you feel tired and recover.

Cortisol blockers are substances that will allow you to reduce the production of the hormone and improve the effectiveness of your workouts. The main component in such supplements is phosphatidylserine.

Green tea while drying the body

Green tea is not only one of the most popular hot drinks. One has only to ask how the body is dried using drugstore preparations and you can see how green tea extract (tablets) will be in first place on the list of additives. Many studies prove that green tea is one of the must-have supplements for those who want to dry out efficiently and get the desired relief.

  • Increases antioxidant levels. Antioxidants in the body fight free radicals (natural compounds that damage cells). The body itself can produce free radicals, but factors such as ultraviolet radiation and cigarette smoke significantly increase their levels. Drinking green tea will increase your antioxidant levels and better combat harmful free radicals.
  • Green tea protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Considering that in summer, due to the heat, you have to wear a minimum of clothing and the skin is more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation from the scorching sun, the relevance of green tea increases significantly;
  • Green tea contains a lot of caffeine, which is an excellent thermogenic. It increases body temperature and causes you to lose more calories and extra pounds;
  • Green tea is an excellent diuretic. Thanks to this, you will get rid of excess fluid in the body, which will improve your well-being and relieve swelling;

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

CLA is a fatty acid found in dairy products and beef. Although she has many beneficial properties, but if we are considering body drying preparations for men, then the most important thing will be the acceleration of fat burning. Latest Research show that due to modern production, the amount of CLA in products is significantly reduced, therefore, to obtain required quantity This fatty acid needs to be taken additionally.

CLA helps increase the body's burning of fat for energy. Moreover, this acid slows down the process of accumulation of excess fat and allows you to increase lean body mass. muscle mass. This further improves the effectiveness of CLA because the more muscle mass you have, the more fat you will burn to maintain it.

Conjugated linoleic acid also has other pleasant “bonuses”, namely:

  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Improves recovery;
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer.

The optimal dosage is from 1 to 3 grams during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Carnitine for drying the body

There are two forms of Carnitine: L-Carnitine and acetyl L-Carnitine. This supplement provides a tremendous mental and physical advantage during any training cycle.

Both forms of the substance allow you to speed up the process of transporting fat cells to the muscles to burn them and provide energy. Research also shows that both forms of L-Carnitine accelerate the process of removing toxins from muscle tissue, thereby significantly speeding up the recovery process between workouts.

Regardless of the conditions, the cornerstone of any cutting is to reduce carbohydrates during the diet. If you've ever been on a diet, you know very well how a lack of carbohydrates can affect a decrease in mental activity and focus. As a result, you have to choose either to increase your caloric intake or to achieve your goal by making similar sacrifices. However, Acetyl L-Carnitine is a condition that will improve brain activity without increasing your intake of carbohydrates and excess calories.

The optimal dosage is 1000-2000 mg before and after training.

Beta Alanine during drying

In the body, Beta-Alanine acts as essential amino acid, which is necessary for the production of carnosine, which is found in muscle cells and performs the function of buffering hydrogen ions in the muscles. Too many hydrogen ions lower the pH or promote acidification. As a result, you feel that same burning sensation during exercise that prevents you from training further. Lactic acid itself causes muscle fatigue and is the main cause muscle failure. Also, as pH levels decrease, ATP and calcium, which play a critical role in muscle function, will lose their effectiveness.

Increasing carnosine levels will result in higher pH levels, which will cause your muscles to become less oxidized. This allows you to do more reps, increase training intensity, and push back your fatigue threshold if your carnosine levels are maintained. high level long time.

It is also important to note that the body does not accept or process carnosine that is taken directly, making Beta Alanine, which is easily converted into carnosine, an essential supplement.

The optimal dosage is 2 to 3 grams before and after training.


These 6 supplements will help you significantly improve the effectiveness of your training and diet, getting much more impressive and quick results drying. However, it is important to note that even such important and effective supplements will be completely useless if you do not provide sufficient exercise and do not control your diet.

It’s not always only professionals who train at the peak of their capabilities and strive for maximum results. Sometimes even simple amateurs show such zeal in training that they can easily push any professional bodybuilders aside. In this case, not only sports nutrition will help improve results. Often, pharmaceutical drugs for gaining muscle mass provide the same powerful support to the body and allow you to progress and increase the effectiveness of your workouts. It is important to understand that they are not an alternative to sports supplements. The only exceptions are those substances that are present in pharmaceutical drugs and sports nutrition. Everything that is sold in a pharmacy should be taken as additional features, and not a replacement for regular products or supplements. It is also worth considering that the use of many pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding is aimed more at strengthening the body and various systems, especially in terms of recovery after training.

Any pharmacological drugs that can actually affect the progression, that is, anabolic steroids, are produced strictly by prescription and are prohibited for free sale.
Some drugs, which are called “pharmacy doping,” are even valuable only due to one of the components. For example, Bronholitin contains ephedrine, which is used in conjunction with caffeine and aspirin for drying. This trio does provide incredibly powerful fat burning, but to get enough ephedrine from Broncholithin, you need to drink at least 1 can per day. What impact this will have on overall health is anyone's guess. However, pharmaceutical drugs have a huge advantage over any sports supplements– before hitting the shelves, they undergo strict selection and certification. This means that the drug really works and is safe for health (except for those prescribed in the instructions side effects).Before choosing pharmaceutical drugs, you need to remember a number of simple but incredibly important rules:
  • Do not take large amounts of medicine at the same time. This may affect your health and lead to unusual side effects;
  • Choose drugs strictly for a specific purpose;
  • Use the dosages indicated in the instructions.
In general, bodybuilding actually uses at least 10 medications that work great and give results. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Pharmacy medications for support

Pharmacy drugs have almost no competitors for this task in bodybuilding. Some alternatives are supplements from underground manufacturers, but the quality of the products and dosages remain questionable. Also, unlike pharmacy options, they do not have all the necessary certificates. Asparkam This is one of the cheapest and most effective drugs among all pharmaceutical pharmacology. He enjoys a good reputation not only in bodybuilding, but in any sport where there is intense loads. First of all, Asparkam is a source of potassium and magnesium, which support the heart during heavy training. Replenishment of minerals plays an important role, especially with regular exercise and in the summer, when you have to drink a lot of fluid (potassium and magnesium are washed out of the body). The product is very popular during drying, as it allows you to avoid the appearance of cramps, which can appear due to strong intensity of exercise and a sharp decrease in caloric intake. Mildronate
Another “panacea” in bodybuilding, which allows you to protect the cardio system and avoid overtraining and mental fatigue. Excellent resistance to training stress. With regular courses, the drug can improve immunity and increase endurance. Potassium Orotate If you have ever used pharmaceutical drugs to gain muscle mass, then you probably know about the importance of this medicine. At a low price, it provides a fairly pronounced effect. Significantly improves heart function, protects the cardiovascular system, and slightly normalizes blood pressure (only with hypertension or sudden changes during physical activity). Has a mild anabolic effect. Glutamic acid
This is a very useful drug in bodybuilding, which is used by both amateurs and professional athletes. It strengthens the immune system, which is very important when intensive training. However, the most important property that makes Glutamic Acid so popular is the utilization of lactic acid in the muscles. This allows you to recover much faster between workouts and avoid pain. Rhodiola rosea
A drug with a complex effect that should not be overlooked. Among the main properties for athletes is the acceleration of energy metabolism. Allows faster muscle recovery and increased energy and endurance. Vitamin and mineral complexes At the pharmacy you can always see entire stands of vitamin supplements, which greatly complicates the choice. Unlike sports options, pharmaceutical drugs are often sold at the same price, but with much lower dosages. It is impossible to say unequivocally which vitamin-mineral complex is better, but we can safely say that if you are constantly involved in any sport, taking them is mandatory (especially from October to April). Firstly, you need to look at the dosages pharmaceutical vitamins. Most often, manufacturers cheat and underestimate the doses of “useful” and more expensive substances in complexes, but underestimate what athletes really need. Always pay attention to the following components:
  • B vitamins (especially B1, B6 and B12);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
  • Chrome, zinc, iron.

Mass gain drugs

These pharmaceutical drugs and supplements, one way or another, accelerate muscle gain. Some of them accelerate protein synthesis, others help increase the production of growth hormone, and others improve blood supply to muscles and pumping. Overall, these are the best drugs to speed up the rate of lean muscle gain and increase the effectiveness of your workouts. One of the most famous drugs. Improves blood supply to muscles, provides natural pumping and helps improve the transport of nutrients into muscle tissue. It also protects the heart and accelerates muscle recovery after exercise. Agapurin Another “pharmacy dump”. It has a fairly strong effect by improving blood supply and allows you to quickly gain lean muscle mass. It is worth considering that the drug reduces blood viscosity and accelerates blood flow, so you need to take it with caution. The most important pharmaceutical anti-estrogen. Often used by athletes who take “anabolic steroids” for PCT recovery. It blocks the production of estrogen, a hormone that reduces testosterone production. As a result, it can be considered a full-fledged test booster, especially if the level of the male hormone is low or the level of estrogen is high. It is better to take it after testing for these hormones. Vinpocetine The drug dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves cognitive function and concentration, but also has an effect on muscles. Slightly increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles during exercise, which speeds up the delivery of nutrients. Leuzea (maral root) Improves brain function and physical endurance. Also has an anabolic effect. Accelerates lean muscle gain. Aralia Manchurian This drug is often called dial pills, as they have quite an impressive effect. Aralia stimulates anabolic processes, accelerates the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), and also improves appetite. All these properties are incredibly important during mass recruitment. Diabetes MV The drug is often used in strength sports to gain muscle mass. It allows you to quickly gain weight, but if you have excess weight You should take it with caution and choose dosages carefully. Stimulates the production of insulin, which is why it is used to treat diabetes. Also, Diabeton cannot be combined with other medications, so it is better not to take it without the approval of a doctor or specialist.

Pharmacy fat burners or drying preparations

If pharmaceutical drugs still have alternatives among sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass and supporting the body, then in the matter of fat burning they prove to be the best.
Many drugs accelerate lipid metabolism, which helps increase energy and rapid utilization subcutaneous fat. They also block the deposits of new fat by acting on receptors.
Saltos One of the available analogues of clenbuterol, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Incredibly effective during drying. Significantly accelerates fat burning due to the thermogenic effect. It also speeds up the process of fat utilization. Metformin The drug accelerates the conversion of glucose into glycogen. This allows you to normalize weight and increase endurance and energy. It also has the ability to reduce appetite, which is why it is often used during drying or weight loss. Clenbuterol The drug is deservedly included in any rating of fat burners as it is one of the most effective means. It is used for drying even by professional athletes, which indicates its effectiveness. Clenbuterol accelerates lipid metabolism by 25–30%. It also increases energy and is a powerful anti-catabolic (protects muscles from destruction).

Most athletes prefer to train exclusively in a natural way, that is, without the use of steroids. For this purpose, athletes successfully use pharmaceutical preparations for drying. These substances greatly enhance the effect of each workout and also allow you to quickly recover after physical activity.

The drugs are available to everyone - you can easily purchase them in almost any pharmacy essential vitamins and minerals, as well as substances that have a mild anabolic effect.

Despite the fact that such substances are available without a prescription, it is necessary to clearly understand how and why they should be used in bodybuilding. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Let's look at the most popular drugs on the market.

Pharmacy fat burners and their analogues


In essence, this substance is a simple thermogenetics. By stimulating the nervous system, it increases body temperature by one degree. Usually used instead of expensive analogues in combination with ephedrine. The most common side effects are anxiety, fear, hand tremors and severe sweating.


In medicine, this drug is used to treat diabetes. Affects carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the absorption of glucose in the intestines and its active utilization in tissues. IN professional sports used as a replacement for lipotropic substances. Causes many side effects, including dizziness and loss of consciousness. Before use, you must undergo a complete examination of the pancreas.


It is a synthetic analogue of thyroid hormones. Affects metabolism, accelerating all processes and causing the burning of fat deposits. Quickly gets rid of muscle mass. As a rule, it is used in combination with anti-catabolic drugs. It is capable of reducing the amount of its own thyroid hormones, and therefore requires regular monitoring of their levels.

Pharmacy drugs for drying in combination with a properly organized diet can effectively remove excess fat tissue and preserve muscle mass. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to switch to fractional (7-9 times a day) meals in small portions.

Training regimen while drying

Bodybuilders accustomed to regular training, you should not reduce the frequency of your classes. On the contrary, it is necessary to increase the load on problem areas with fat deposits. Such tactics will ensure blood flow to the right places, accelerating all fat burning processes.

During drying, you can choose one of two training options.

  • In the first case, you should continue to exercise as usual. At the same time, the volume of your own muscles is preserved, but the fatty tissue does not disappear quickly enough.
  • The second option involves increasing the load and reducing rest time.. This tactic will allow you to quickly get rid of excess fat. The disadvantage of the second method is that muscle tissue will be lost along with fat.

Ultimately, each athlete chooses the option that is suitable for him, taking into account his needs and the capabilities of his body.

Quite often, athletes experience periods when there is a need to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat and water in the body. Most often this happens on the eve of various competitions and tournaments. This process makes the muscle relief clearer and more textured. It should be understood that it will not be possible to achieve results solely through training on simulators.

To achieve the goal, it is very important to adjust the menu and use special preparations for drying the body.

It should be noted that the main goal of cutting is to reduce the level of adipose tissue, while maintaining muscle tissue. The difficulty is that muscle tissue breaks down much faster than fat tissue. That is why the entire process must be constantly accompanied power loads and cardio workouts to keep your body in shape.

In your diet, you should adhere to the rule of gradually reducing carbohydrates, excluding high-fat dairy products from the diet (from 15%). During this period, it is permissible to consume only the right carbohydrates, which are found in brown rice, whole grain pasta, fruits, jacket potatoes, and whole grain bread.

You should drink enough purified water. The last meal should occur no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Multiple meals are considered mandatory - 6 - 7 small portions at equal intervals.

You need to understand that these techniques will be enough for people who want to slightly change the shape of their body for the beach season. But to achieve more serious results, when it is necessary to prepare for sports tournaments, it may be necessary to use additional pharmaceutical preparations for drying.

Popular preparations for drying the body

Clenbuterol is the most common drug for drying the body. Also known as "Maple". In medicine it is used to treat bronchial asthma. But, thanks to the ability to burn fat mass, V last years began to be used quite often in bodybuilding.

The drug is not an anabolic steroid. It is one of the andrenomimetics that work by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors, activating the sympathetic nervous system and triggering the process of lipolysis.

It is sold in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. Most often used in symbiosis with thyroxine and ketotifen, which accelerate the process of reducing fat mass. It can be used by girls, as it does not cause hormonal side effects, unlike anabolic steroids.

When using these tablets for drying the body, there is an increased release of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which have a pronounced fat-burning effect. Interferes with the mechanism of fat deposition.

A special feature of the drug is its anti-catabolic effect, which protects muscle tissue from destruction. In addition, it has the effect of increasing endurance and strength, reduces appetite, dries muscles, increases body temperature and sweating.

In some cases, side effects may appear in the form of rapid heartbeat, anxiety and insomnia, nausea, bowel movements, convulsions, increased blood pressure. They are eliminated with the help of ketotifen and bisoprolol.

Clenbuterol has been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) since 1992. Tests can detect it even over a long period of time, exceeding 3 weeks.

Yohimbine is a drug obtained from the Yohimbe plant, which grows in Africa. It is a plant alkaloid and aphrodisiac. The drug is used for drying the body and losing weight. It has a pronounced sympatholytic, antidepressant and stimulating effect.

During research and experiments, it was found that Yohimbine, even in large doses, does not cause side effects. It is quite well tolerated by the body, quickly absorbed and excreted.

It has gained popularity among athletes due to its lipolytic, fat-burning effect. By stimulating the central nervous system and improving concentration, the drug provides the opportunity to increase the length and load of training.

A safe dose for athletes is considered to be 10–20 mg per day at the rate of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The drug is taken with food.

Minor side effects may include increased blood pressure, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness, dizziness, and redness of the skin.

This drug for drying the body has a number of contraindications. Among them:

In case of overdose, a sharp headache, tremors, impaired concentration and memory, a feeling of anxiety, vomiting, and nausea are possible.

Yohimbine is not prohibited for sale. Available without a prescription. You can find it in pharmacies and sports stores.

It can also be used as a body drying preparation for girls. Increasing motor activity and endurance, it does not harm the female body with correctly selected dosages.

Gain of fat mass in girls often occurs on the hips and buttocks. The impact of training on these areas is quite problematic. In this case, the drug acts locally, correcting the relief in the necessary places.

In addition, Yohimbine improves performance and reaction. Has a general strengthening effect on the body. Thanks to the above factors, it has become indispensable in choosing a drug for drying the body and losing weight, both among bodybuilders and among people who want to acquire the coveted body contour.

Ephedrine is a body drying drug that has a stimulating effect. Used by athletes to suppress appetite and reduce body fat percentage. The drug's effects on the central nervous system have been compared to amphetamines and methamphetamines. It is an alkaloid.

The most popular forms are ephedrine hydrochloride and ephedrine sulfate. This drug is prohibited in Russian Federation. But, often, ECA-based fat burners may also contain ephedrine. It should be remembered that transportation, storage and sale of the substance entail criminal liability.

The main effects of consumption are considered to be a decrease in the percentage of fat, a decrease in appetite, a pronounced acceleration of metabolism, an increase in the level of performance and endurance, and stimulation of the psyche. For achievement maximum effect Bodybuilders use ephedrine along with caffeine, aspirin, or salicylic.

Side effects include tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, and on the skin - sweating, hot flashes, acne, nausea, apparent loss of appetite, insomnia, euphoria, excessive aggression, dizziness, tremor, dry mouth.

It should be noted that most of the side effects disappear within a few days after starting use. To minimize the load on the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to use beta blockers (Metoprolol), which will reduce blood pressure and normalize the pulse. When using ephedrine, you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 2.5 liters per day.

It is better to use the drug to dry the body in the first half of the day, otherwise overstimulation of the nervous system and insomnia may occur. Before starting use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for the use of drugs containing ephedrine are: various diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation, taking antidepressants, prostate hypertrophy, glaucoma.

Drying preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers

Cutting preparations containing fat and carbohydrate blockers are quite popular, as some believe that thanks to them, you can lose weight without reducing your caloric intake or exercising. Their use will be effective before various events, banquets, where there is a risk of consuming excessive amounts of fatty, heavy foods.

Fat blockers are divided into substances that bind fat molecules and those that stop the production of enzymes that ensure the breakdown of fats.

The binding of fat molecules occurs according to the principle of adsorption. The substance chitosan is added to sports preparations for drying the body, which also has a detoxification effect.

If there is a need to block lipase, you can use a drug called Xenical, which acts exclusively in the gastrointestinal tract and is not toxic. Reduces the number of calories consumed.

Despite the positive aspects, the drug has side effects, including bloating, diarrhea, and increased gas formation. Tablets for drying the body, containing carbohydrate blockers, reduce the body's production of the enzyme that breaks down starch - amylase. The downside is that the absorption of complex carbohydrates, which are extremely necessary for the human body, is blocked.

Side effects from these drugs are: heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.

L-carnitine is today one of the most safe supplements to speed up the fat burning process. It is an amino acid-like substance produced by the human body when consuming protein.

An important rule in using this drug for drying is to increase physical activity, increasing the pulse by 60% of the standard. This may include long-term brisk walking uphill, running, dancing, cycling, any type of aerobics, etc.

The next very important point is that to achieve the effect of L-carnitine, training should last at least half an hour. It is recommended to take the drug in parts: 300 mg before training, the remaining dose no earlier than 15 minutes after training.

The correct nutritional option when using the drug for drying the body would be 5–6 meals. A few hours before training, it would be best to consume a portion of pure protein: cottage cheese, fish. An hour after training, you can drink a protein shake.

Experts strongly recommend using this drug in conjunction with BCAA (a combination of amino acids isoleucine, leucine, valine), which restores damaged muscle tissue, allowing you to keep it in good shape. By following these rules, L-carnitine will have a clear effect in the process of losing weight and reducing fat mass, increasing endurance, adding energy, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Another pharmaceutical drug for drying the body is metmorphine, which helps in the process of weight loss. The advantage of the substance is the almost complete absence of side effects. If the dosages are calculated correctly, it does not pose a danger to human health.

In addition, the drug reduces cholesterol and glucose levels. The mechanism of action is to accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids and inhibit the synthesis of fats. When using metmorphine, side effects are insignificant and are quite rare, including diarrhea and nausea. It is important to know that long-term use suppresses the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Date of: 2015-02-16 Views: 65 317 Grade: 5.0

Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

So, I decided to write a general educational article on the topic - how to dry out efficiently using pharmacology, so as to remove fat and not lose meat, and minimally interfere with the endocrine system of our body. This information is aimed at people who have not tried anything at all and at those who have only taken the very beginning weight training courses and managed to acquire a couple of extra kilos of subcutaneous ballast. I will not hide the fact that it is quite possible to gain weight (at the level of a simple amateur) on your own hormonal background. It’s clear that you won’t grow to the size of Mr. Olympia with this approach, but many people don’t need it. But to dry out so as to look like an athlete, and not like a prisoner of Auschwitz, is almost impossible for 90% of the average population. But again, a large number of ordinary jocks do not want to pour in and throw into themselves everything that is advised on various bodybuilding forums. This is understandable - most chemists who abuse drugs are ordinary egoists. They are firmly convinced that if they accept everything, then let everyone else do the same. But I don’t agree with them. Let's try to put together a strategy of reasonable minimalism. So to speak, eat the fish and sit in the boat. But before we begin, I consider it necessary to clarify the fact that drying and shaping the body is, first of all, also. No pills or injections will NEVER make you slender and handsome without proper nutrition and hard work in the gym. So, our men's drying for amateurs will be built from four components.

The first component: steroids

First of all, we need an anti-catabolic basis for the course. That is, a substance that will protect most of the priceless meat from the ruthless cortisol. There’s not much speed to be had here and we only have three assistants who will cause minimal harm. , And . All three perfectly protect muscles from decay during a period of low-calorie nutrition. In my opinion, testosterone is the best choice. In addition to its main purpose, it will support the psyche and libido. It's no secret that real drying significantly suppresses sexual desire in most athletes. But there are people with hypersensitivity to estradiol and testosterone is not suitable for such people. Of course, there is a way to protect yourself from aromatization - this is. But this is clearly not an option for cautious athletes. So that leaves oxandrolone (more expensive) and turinabol - a more budget option, but inferior to the first two in anti-catabolic abilities. The dosage range is as follows:
  • Testosterone propionate. 50-100 mg every other day at the same time.
  • Oxandrolone. 2 times a day, 20 mg - morning and evening.
  • Turinabol. 2 times a day, 20 mg - morning and evening.

The second component: more steroids

Secondly, we need an addition to the base of the course, which will be responsible for the quality of the carcass, freed from fat. So-called cosmetics. Again, you can't speed up here. And . Both the first and second, it must be said, are capable of causing certain troubles. But they are beyond competition.
  • Drostanolone is MUCH safer, and at the same time also does an excellent job. Plus, as a bonus, it will increase and speed up. Agree that when you are half-starved, this is just right. This is exactly what I recommend. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely protect yourself in this section. Of course, you can do without cosmetics, but when you come out of drying, the effectiveness of your muscles will be much worse. Choose what is more important to you. Now let's go over the dosages:
  • Drostanolone. 100 mg every other day. At the same time.

Stanozolol. 50 mg per day, regardless of the form of administration. If the tablets are taken twice in the morning and evening, injections at the same time.

The third aspect is that it is a relatively gentle fat burner like a combination of ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin). It will help boost your metabolism and maintain it at the desired level around the clock. It will also remove excess water from the body. Any sports nutrition store will help you make the right choice. In my opinion, Methyldren is an excellent choice. But this is not a dogma - there are more than enough of them. Doses are indicated by the manufacturer. They cannot be exceeded. And no sibutramines either! These agents are FAR BEYOND the concept of security.

The fourth component: sports nutrition

What else? (preferably at least 40-50 grams per day), (no more than two doses of 30-40 grams) and MANDATORY. An injection of one or two ampoules of a drug such as Actovegin will be very helpful. This is a hemoderivative made from beef blood - it will help SIGNIFICANTLY speed up recovery, especially after. Place immediately after training. Intramuscularly.


1. Drying time is about 6 – 8 weeks. If this time is not enough, it means that you do not know how to eat and diet in bulk. 2. You can divide the whole process in half and take only the anti-catabolic drug (the first component) in the first half, and add everything else in the second half. Or you can take the entire gentleman’s set as an even background from beginning to end. It's up to you to decide. 3. And, most importantly, if after drying you plan to give up pharmacology for a long time (until the next beach season), then we ALWAYS do PCT. How and what to use - in detail. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

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