Pregnancy and strength training in the gym. Exercise machines for pregnant women: how to do fitness correctly and which exercise machine to choose for a pregnant woman Training program for pregnant women in the gym

Are they allowed? physical exercise during pregnancy? Of course. Moreover, they are useful, but subject to a number of reasonable precautions. Expectant mothers of any level will benefit from walking on fresh air, swimming in the pool and exercising with fitball.

Positive effects of training:

  • Improves muscle tone.
  • Correct posture is maintained.
  • Facilitates recovery after childbirth.
  • Trophic processes improve, which reduces the likelihood of edema and toxicosis.

If you have never played sports or gone to the gym, then you should not overload your body. If you have been exercising lightly, then a fitness program for pregnant women is suitable. And if you were actively involved in strength exercises, you can continue them by applying a number of restrictions and reducing the load.

The training program in the gym should be adjusted taking into account changes in the body. It is necessary to gradually reduce weight to a minimum and pay special attention to safety precautions. In this article we will look at the benefits, risks, limitations and contraindications during pregnancy, and then offer an indicative exercise program.

Training rules

The main rule is not to increase the load and be attentive to your body. The second important point is a consultation with a doctor; only he can objectively say whether it is possible to exercise and will establish an acceptable level of stress. And the third point - there are very specific contraindications, in the presence of which classes will have to be stopped.

  • Consult a doctor, take all tests and make sure you have no contraindications.
  • Focus on the timing - you should be more careful in the 1st and 3rd trimester; a number of experts advise not to exercise before the 2nd trimester.
  • The optimal period for classes is from 4-5 to 30-31 weeks. Training frequency - 3-4 times a week.
  • From 4 months, wear a supportive abdominal band.
  • Avoid overheating.
  • Monitor your pulse - it should not increase by more than 120-130 beats per minute.
  • Follow the drinking regime - still water at room temperature is best.
  • Be attentive to your own feelings - stop training at the slightest deterioration in your health.
  • Be sure to start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.
  • Reduce the load compared to your usual level - the weight should be gradually reduced to 50-60%.
  • While doing the exercises, watch your breathing - effort should always be made while exhaling, and when relaxing, inhale.
  • Completely eliminate abdominal exercises and those focusing on your stomach.
  • Cardio exercises include walking on a treadmill, light exercises with an elliptical trainer and an orbit track.
  • When doing dumbbell exercises, sit on a bench or exercise ball.
  • Be careful with stretching because relaxin is produced during gestation, which relaxes the pelvic muscles and also weakens the rest of the musculature.
  • Class time: warm-up and cool-down - 15 minutes each, basic exercises - 30-40 minutes, intensity not higher than average.
  • Type of exercise - low intensity aerobic exercise and strength exercises with light weights.

The best option is to work with a trainer who has a certificate allowing work with pregnant women. He will be able to give you recommendations based on your fitness, training and capabilities. He will also be able to monitor compliance with the rules and reduce risks.

Risks, restrictions and contraindications


During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of changes:

  • In the 1st trimester there is a high risk of miscarriage, so you should be careful when exercising.
  • By the 3rd month, oxygen circulation becomes more intense, peaking at 36 weeks and reaching 25-48%.
  • By 5-6 months, venous pressure in the legs increases almost 1.5 times compared to the pressure in the arms.
  • Renal blood flow increases by 25-30%.
  • After 27-30 weeks, a lack of adaptation of the cardiovascular system occurs.

You should stop exercising immediately if you feel:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
  • Bleeding and fluid loss.
  • Dizziness or tendency to faint.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Urges to contractions.
  • Difficulty walking, loss of strength.


The following exercises are prohibited for pregnant women:

  • Crunch exercises, such as cable crunches, side crunches.
  • Squats with a barbell, jumps.
  • Jumping rope and standing still, swinging your legs.
  • Abdominal crunches, planks, reverse hyperextensions.
  • Running and all forms of jumping, as well as lunges, deadlifts, presses and full squats.
  • Sharp bends and bends of the body, turns.
  • Vertical traction, lifting straight legs from any starting positions, bending and extending legs on the simulator.
  • Strength exercises with free weights can cause injury.
  • Explosive and high-intensity loads - joint hypermobility during pregnancy can lead to injury. Therefore, movements must be performed smoothly and slowly.
  • After the thirteenth week, you should avoid exercises that are performed while lying on your back - this is necessary to maintain normal venous flow in the legs.

Contraindications to classes


  • Hypertension during pregnancy.
  • History of miscarriages.
  • Placenta previa.
  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Abnormal position of the uterus.
  • Bleeding during pregnancy.
  • Acute febrile conditions.
  • Severe gestosis in pregnant women.
  • Severe varicose veins.
  • Systematic appearance of cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus, polyhydramnios.


  • Anemia.
  • Tachycardia and arrhythmia, chronic hypotension.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Severe toxicosis.

Power training

Strength training should be done 2-3 times a week. Each lesson should consist of three parts:

  1. Warm up - 5-10 minutes, slow walking will do.
  2. The main part of the resistance exercises is 20-45 minutes, from 4 to 12 exercises. Distribute the load across the main muscle groups: calves, biceps. triceps, quadriceps, thighs, deltoids, pectoral and back muscles. Use 1-3 sets with 10-15 repetitions at medium intensity.
  3. Cool down - 5-10 minutes, until the pulse returns to normal.

It is recommended to exercise under the supervision of a trainer. The main goal of training is to maintain previously achieved results. Weights should not exceed 60% of the usual working values ​​that were used before pregnancy.

  • 3 power and 2 aerobic training per week or less.
  • Type of training - split and separation of muscle groups.
  • Use moderate-light weights.
  • 15 repetitions in 3 sets, with pauses of 1.5-2 minutes.
  • The total training time with warm-up and cool-down is no more than 60 minutes.
  • The intensity is not higher than moderate-medium - there should be no shortness of breath, that is, you should talk calmly.

Approximate split for a week:

  • Monday - arms and pectoral muscles.
  • Tuesday - aerobic training (swimming, water aerobics, walking).
  • Wednesday - legs.
  • Thursday - aerobic training.
  • Friday - shoulders and back.

Training program by timing

At all times it is necessary to warm up, you can also use a walking track with a slight rise of 10-15 degrees, a bicycle trainer with a backrest, elliptical trainer with low intensity. The pulse should not exceed 140 beats per minute; you can monitor it using a fitness tracker with a heart rate counter.

First trimester

Lasts from 1 to 13 weeks. During exercise, you should use chest breathing; exhalation should be almost 2 times longer than inhalation.

Main part:

  • Kegel exercises.
  • Dumbbell bench press.
  • Extension of arms in the simulator.
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the sides while sitting.
  • Half squats from a standing position.
  • Climbing onto a bench.
  • Extending your legs to the sides from a standing position.
  • Relaxation exercises.

Second trimester

From 14 to 28 weeks.

Approximate plan for the main part:

  • Cat stretching exercise.
  • Hand exercises.
  • Exercises for the abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh.
  • Shallow squats - plie.
  • Bent-over dumbbell row.
  • Seated dumbbell curl.

No more than a third of the exercises can be performed in a standing position - due to the risk of developing varicose veins.

Third trimester

In the period from 29 to 40 weeks, the body’s motor capabilities are limited due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the legs and the heavy load on respiratory system. Therefore, the loads should be reduced, the bulk of the exercises should be on the arms and shoulders.

Bends forward are excluded, flexion in the hip joint is limited. It is recommended to perform special exercises that strengthen the arch of the foot, relax and stretch the pelvic floor muscles.

Sample exercises:

  • Dumbbell curls, 10 reps.
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells, 10 repetitions.
  • Turns to the sides for 6-8 repetitions.
  • Stretching and relaxation exercises.

Home workouts

You can also practice at home, but in this case you should be careful. For home workouts, you should prefer cardio equipment and completely avoid working with weights, since there is no one to insure you. Also avoid sudden movements, increase the load gradually. Be sure to start any exercise with a warm-up.

The preferred exercise machines are a high-back exercise bike and a low-effort elliptical. The treadmill should only be used for walking at a speed of 3.5 kilometers per hour. During training, be sure to monitor your heart rate and body temperature.

Dumbbells can be used as weights for strength exercises. Exercises should be performed in 2-3 series of 10 repetitions. The emphasis can be placed on the hands and shoulder girdle. You need to complete the complex with a cool down.

The best option for training during pregnancy is working with a trainer. He will select an individual program for you, give you nutritional recommendations and monitor your training progress and compliance with restrictions.

More recently, any expectant mother was prescribed almost complete rest until childbirth. Today, fitness classes during pregnancy are only encouraged. Thanks to research, the enormous benefits of moderate, properly designed physical activity during pregnancy have been proven.

Fitness instructors, together with gynecologists, have developed entire courses of exercises. All of them, performed during this period, can both improve the general well-being of the expectant mother and develop individual muscles to prepare the body for childbirth.

By resorting to fitness exercises for pregnant women, you can keep your chest, arms, and legs toned. The main thing to remember is that during the 9 months of waiting, fitness is not a means to make your figure ideal; you will need to do this after giving birth. Exercise now is a way to keep your body in good shape and prepare it for childbirth. However, moderate exercise will reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight.

Requires special attention press. It is strictly prohibited to pump it at any stage of pregnancy. You should avoid all exercises that place stress on the lower abdomen. May be acceptable easy exercise on a reclining chair. This will help support the press under such enormous loads.

Properly selected exercises improve blood flow in the internal organs and relax the spine. Improving blood metabolism in the mother’s body is important for a good supply of oxygen to the fetus. Fitness classes will relieve pain in the back caused by pinching.

The fitness you did during pregnancy will bring great benefits after the birth of your baby. For example, exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles are a good prevention of urinary incontinence after childbirth.

Gynecologists don’t just say that you can do fitness during pregnancy, they advise doing yoga and breathing exercises. These two types of fitness prepare a woman for proper breathing during childbirth and stretch the tissues that will participate in this process.

Yoga, in addition to physical activity, teaches you to control yourself and listen to your body. This will be useful during the birth process, when you need to pull yourself together, extinguish your fear and bravely endure the pain.

Playing sports is preparing not only yourself, but also training the fetus. A child, being in the womb, feels everything. And, if a woman likes to play sports, it is not a burden for her; if she hardens herself, then after birth the child will be much easier to tolerate adaptation to the world around him and physical exercise.

Other benefits of exercising during pregnancy include:

  • improved digestion;
  • reducing the risk of constipation;
  • reducing the number of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth;
  • burst of energy.

Contraindications for fitness

The expression “pregnancy is not a disease” can be heard more and more often today among doctors and pregnant women themselves. Everyone is prescribed walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. Also, no one is canceling sports. But when it grows under your heart new life, for which you are responsible, then you should be extremely attentive to the loads. You should also be aware of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications exclude any loads at all. In some cases, complete bed rest is prescribed. Such indications include:

  • rupture of membranes;
  • the likelihood of premature birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • rupture of the membranes;
  • more than 3 previous abortions;
  • a history of miscarriages.

Relative contraindications do not exclude sports. However, in this case, you should be extremely careful and first coordinate all exercises with your doctor.

Relative indications include:

  • anemia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • fetal fading that occurred during previous pregnancies;
  • previous premature birth;
  • bleeding.

Thus, in the absence of the above contraindications, pregnancy and fitness are completely compatible things. However, activities should be designed accordingly individual characteristics your body and the nature of the pregnancy.

How to exercise during pregnancy

Having decided to study, it is worth remembering the rules that will make the lessons useful. First of all, we pay attention to the intensity of the classes. Each workout should not end with shortness of breath, everything should be done in moderation.

It is worth remembering the prohibited movements: sudden movements, strong bends of the back, swinging legs, jumping and stretching.

Sport is an activity that does not forgive long pauses. This is especially true for sports during pregnancy. Irregular exercise can become simply useless, at best, or negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

You need to approach your activities responsibly. First, monitor your own well-being during and after exercise. Any discomfort is a reason to stop exercising. You should also drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

Overheating during exercise can have a negative impact on the fetus, so it should be avoided. In summer, for example, do not exercise in the heat, but do it early in the morning or in the evening. And in winter, choose cool rooms for classes. Since blood flow is much stronger during pregnancy and the body heats up more intensely.

When choosing a program for classes, do not forget to tell the coach whether you have played sports before or whether you are a beginner. This fact requires different solutions when developing an individual program.

All your exercises should begin with a warm-up and warming up the muscles. Before you start, pay attention to your pulse. Normally, it should be 12-16 beats in 10 seconds; after performing the exercises, this mark rises to 18 beats.

Fitness in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period of formation of all the vital organs of the child. Sports activities should be kept to a minimum at this stage. You shouldn’t think that your belly hasn’t grown yet, so for now you can load yourself up full force. Excessive stress can lead to miscarriage, as it will prevent the embryo from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

Fitness in the early stages can be aimed at strengthening the hips. Also not contraindicated breathing exercises and strengthening the pectoral muscles.

Experts characterize exercises in the first trimester this way: simple but effective.

Fitness in the second trimester

Pregnancy is proceeding normally, the size of the fetus does not interfere with exercise exercise. After the 12th week of pregnancy, the load can be slightly increased. Now you can pay attention to the pelvic area and abs.

It is advisable to perform all exercises at this stage in a bandage to reduce the load on the spine. Also, all exercises that were previously performed on the back are replaced with exercises on the side. The supine position prevents oxygen from reaching the fetus.

Fitness in the later stages

Many people think that their belly is big and sports in the last trimester should be postponed until later. But that's not true. At this time, special attention can be paid to the arms, chest and hips. You should consider exercises that are designed to relax your back and reduce stress on your spine.

In this case, exercises on a fitball will be useful. In the last trimester, there is a high probability of increased uterine tone. Therefore, if you feel the slightest discomfort or increase in heart rate during exercise, you should stop and consult a doctor.

Working out during pregnancy is a controversial and controversial issue for many. Some argue that you should not exercise in the early stages, others say that in the latter stages. And some believe that training has a beneficial effect on fetal development, pregnancy and childbirth. So how are things really going? In this article we will look at the program strength exercises for pregnant women gym.

Can pregnant women do strength training in the gym?

Pregnancy is not a dangerous illness or injury, so you shouldn’t sharply reduce physical activity during this period unless it contradicts your doctor’s instructions. However, here too it is important to be vigilant and, perhaps, go to more than one specialist. Another doctor may prohibit you from doing strength training for no apparent reason, so as not to take on unnecessary responsibility. At the same time, an insufficiently competent doctor may ignore some symptoms that may be a contraindication to training.

In the absence of complications during pregnancy, moderate power training useful for the child and for you.

The elasticity and flexibility of muscles increases in a pregnant woman so that she can bear and give birth to a baby, so there is no need to think that unnecessary movement during pregnancy can be dangerous.

However, there are contraindications:

  • exacerbation of any diseases
  • uterine tone
  • gestosis (swelling, cramps, intense excretion of protein in the urine)

If there are no contraindications, training brings significant benefits:

  1. The body is saturated with oxygen, which is extremely important for the development of the fetus. At different stages of development, a lack of oxygen can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the brain, nervous system, and so on.
  2. The muscles are in good shape.
  3. If you are involved in fitness, you are practically not at risk of postpartum depression.
  4. Physical exercises such as swimming make childbirth easier.
  5. At regular training you will experience less gastrointestinal problems.
  6. And, of course, it will be much easier to monitor your weight and get in shape faster.

If you did not exercise before pregnancy, then you should not start with strength training: it is better to try yoga for pregnant women, swimming or breathing exercises. And within a month or two, start practicing strength training, but carefully and with light weights.

It has been proven that moderate strength training does not lead to developmental disorders in the child or health problems for the mother. But excessive exercise can increase intra-abdominal pressure, which is not very good.

When it comes to exercises like planks, crunches, and other abdominal exercises, extreme caution must be used. The plank is not a prohibited exercise; it helps strengthen the back muscles, but if there are any doubts or discomfort, it is better not to perform it during this period.

Prohibited exercises for pregnant women

During pregnancy, you should avoid sports that may involve impacts, falls, or sudden jolts. This can cause miscarriage in the early stages (first trimester) or premature birth in the later stages.

You cannot do:

  • any kind of struggle
  • equestrianism
  • active games such as football, volleyball
  • ski sports

If we are talking about a set of strength training, then all exercises must be done carefully. Be sure to choose less weight than usual.

Exercises like Bulgarian lunges, deadlifts on one leg, that is, those where you can lose balance, are excluded.

For cardio exercises, you can leave the stepper or exercise bike (as long as it is convenient to pedal). You should forget about the treadmill: there is always a risk of falling, and intense running may not be very useful.

Concentrate on isolation exercises and compound exercises with light weights. Let's see if it's possible to create a strength training program that would be suitable for exercising during pregnancy?

Exercises in the gym during pregnancy

If you have been training in the gym, you can continue training, but you will have to slightly adjust the program to your current state: reduce the weight of the equipment, remove some exercises, reduce the load in general.

Let's take a look at what your workout might consist of.

Chest and arm workout

We refuse such an exercise as the bench press, it can be dangerous for several reasons: you may not be able to hold the barbell, you may overstrain your muscles. Push-ups can be practiced up to a certain period, but as a result it will become extremely uncomfortable.

Incline Dumbbell Press

We replace the barbell press with a dumbbell press. We need a bench with an adjustable backrest.

  1. Set the bench angle to 30 degrees.
  2. We take dumbbells in our hands and lie down with our backs on the bench.
  3. We place our legs on the sides of the bench on the entire foot; it is necessary that the heels do not come off the floor during the exercise.
  4. We create a deflection in the lower back, leaning on top part backs.
  5. We keep our arms bent at the elbows on the sides of the body.
  6. Keep the angle at the elbow 90 degrees.
  7. As you exhale, we begin to press the dumbbells up, but do not push them against each other.
  8. As you inhale, lower your arms to an angle of 90 degrees or slightly lower.

In this case, you can perform the exercise by holding your hands parallel to each other, or turning them with your palms towards your legs, or turning your hands while performing a bench press.

Repeat 12–15 times, 3–4 approaches.

Butterfly trainer

To train your chest muscles, gyms have great trainer, which is called "butterfly". It works on the principle of bringing your hands together (you can do this exercise with free weight using dumbbells). In some cases, the machine allows you to perform a seated bench press (as if you were bench pressing a barbell).

  1. We set the weight on the machine.
  2. We sit down so that our back is adjacent to the backrest.
  3. We bend a little in the lower back.
  4. We take hold of the special handles.
  5. We place our feet on the sides of the bench, firmly, with our entire feet flat.
  6. As you exhale, with a strong movement we bring our hands together, fix them and smoothly return to initial position.

Repeat 12–15 times, 3 approaches.

A good isolated exercise for the chest muscles is the crossover. This is a fairly functional simulator, and it can be used to pump all muscle groups.

  1. Align the crossover handles so that they are approximately at chest level.
  2. Place the required weight on the blocks.
  3. Take your hands and take one or two steps forward. Some people put one leg forward for convenience.
  4. Lean forward a little, about 45 degrees. The back should remain straight.
  5. As you exhale, bring your arms together in front of you. Take a short break and return to the starting position.

We perform this exercise 10–12 times, 3–4 working approaches.

Leg workout

It is worth abandoning exercises such as leg presses and squats with heavy weights. Include more isolated exercises so as not to overstrain the body, but basic exercises perform with light weights. In addition, safety is important, so, for example, it is better to replace squats with a barbell on your shoulders with squats in a Smith machine.

Leg extensions in the simulator

One of the safest and good exercise for the front surface of the thigh - leg extension while sitting in the exercise machine.

  1. Initially, you need to adjust the simulator to your height. Adjust the backrest so that your back is pressed firmly against it and the top bolster (or seat) does not rest against calf muscles. The lower roller should not be placed on the lower leg, as is often done, but on the upper area of ​​the foot.
  2. Set the weight lightly and sit on the machine.
  3. Place your feet under the bolster.
  4. You can hold on to the handles with your hands, and if there are none, then to the seat.
  5. Keep your back straight and press it against the back.
  6. Inhale and as you exhale, straighten your legs. It is important that the movement is not sudden, as this can damage the knee joint.
  7. At the top, tighten your quadriceps and hold for a few seconds.
  8. As you inhale, lower your legs down gently, smoothly and not all the way.

There is no need to “throw” your legs, lower them completely. Firstly, this way the load on the muscles is maintained all the time. Secondly, you do not create compression in the knee (the angle should be about 90 degrees).

We perform the exercise 12–15 times, 3–4 approaches.

Leg bending in the simulator

The bend can be performed standing or lying down. While lying down, this exercise can be done with both legs at the same time. There is also a special simulator for this. However, you can perform lying leg curls only in the early stages; in the future you will have to do it standing, but the principle will remain the same.

The exercise pumps up the back of the thigh (not the buttocks!).

  1. This machine should also first be adjusted so that the roller rests just above your Achilles tendon (not mid-calf).
  2. If possible, your knees should hang down rather than rest on the bench.
  3. We set the weight and lie on our stomach.
  4. We put our feet behind the roller and grab the handles.
  5. We inhale and, as we exhale, bend our knees, while the roller should not jump or come off your legs. The movement should be slow and smooth.
  6. Another important point is that your body should be pressed firmly against the bench when you bend your legs so as not to overload your lower back.
  7. We fix the top point (do not touch the buttocks) and slowly lower our legs down.

We also perform the exercise approximately 12–15 times, 3–4 approaches.

Perform standing leg curls special simulator It won’t work, because there is also usually a pillow under the stomach, so you can do curls on a machine that does leg extensions.

Both of these exercises are isolation exercises and are best done at the end, after you've done squats, deadlifts, or lunges.

Well done internal muscles hips and strengthen the pelvis with plie squats (with broad setting legs), which are recommended for pregnant women.

The exercise can be done without weights, with a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells.

Let's look at the option with dumbbells (or one). It is the most convenient and safe.

  1. We take the projectile in our hands.
  2. We place our legs wide apart (much wider than our shoulders), and turn our toes to the sides.
  3. Keep your back straight and your stomach tucked.
  4. Hands with dumbbells can be held near the chest or along the stomach (as long as this is possible in the early stages).
  5. We inhale and begin to slowly lower ourselves down, bending our knees.
  6. We try to keep the body level, you can bend over, but not too much.
  7. The knees point towards the toes.
  8. Inhaling, we squat until the thigh is parallel to the floor (or lower, if stretching allows).
  9. As we exhale we rise up.

We perform 10–12 times. 5 approaches will be enough.

A set of workouts for the back and shoulders

Some exercises, such as chin pulls or rowing, will become uncomfortable as pregnancy progresses, but there are shoulder and back exercises (which are extremely important for pregnant girls) that can be performed throughout the period.

Barbell row to chest

This exercise is similar to the barbell row, but the latter works the middle and lower trapezius and lats, and will become uncomfortable to do after 4-5 months. The barbell row to the chest works the rear deltoids (shoulders).

  1. We take the barbell with a straight grip wider than shoulder width.
  2. Let's stand up straight. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  3. We tilt the body forward with a straight back until it is parallel with the floor or slightly higher if the back is rounded.
  4. Bend your knees slightly.
  5. We inhale and as we exhale we begin to pull the barbell towards the chest. The elbows go to the sides.
  6. At the top point, we seem to bring our shoulder blades together, fix this position for 1–2 seconds and lower our arms down.

We do 10–12 times, 3–4 approaches.

Video: Bent-over barbell row

Vertical pull-down to the chest

One of the good exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscle is the deadlift. upper block. These muscles run from the middle of the back to the lower back. Pregnant women often experience back pain, so working on these muscles is highly advisable.

  • Without jerking, we smoothly begin to pull the handle down to chest level. We paused, felt the back muscles and slowly returned the bar to its original position, without straightening the elbows completely.
  • The main mistake that almost everyone makes is that you don’t need to pull the bar towards you, towards your chest, it moves vertically - up and down to chest level.

    Repeat 8–12 times, 3–4 approaches.

    Bent-over dumbbell row

    This exercise is also basic, it involves several joints, arm muscles - biceps, triceps, rear delts. But the most involved muscles are the trapezius and lats.

    For this exercise we need to find horizontal bench and dumbbells.

    1. Place one knee on the bench. We take a dumbbell in the opposite hand, that is, if we put our right foot on the bench, then the dumbbell in our left hand.
    2. We place the other hand with the palm on the bench.
    3. The back must be straight.
    4. Now we begin to pull the dumbbell towards the stomach, that is, as if moving the hand back a little. This will allow you to include your back in the work. If you simply pull to the chest, the load will go to the rear deltoids.
    5. At the top point, we strive to bring the shoulder blade to the center.
    6. After this, we lower our hand down, aligning the elbow.

    We perform 8–12 times on each hand, 3–4 approaches.

    Training program for pregnant women

    We offer you a workout plan in the gym for a pregnant girl.

    Before training, warm up for 7-10 minutes. You can’t start training without warming up.

    First, we perform complex basic exercises. We train 3 times a week and divide the days by muscle group.

    Training should not be long - 30–40 minutes.

    Day 1: chest, biceps and shoulders:

    • dumbbell bench press incline bench- 10x5
    • barbell row to chest - 12x5
    • bringing hands together in a crossover - 12x4

    Day 2: legs

    • plie squats with dumbbells or kettlebells - 10x5
    • swings back while standing - 15x4
    • leg curls in a lying machine - 15x4

    Day 3: back

    • chest cravings vertical block- 12x5
    • vertical block head pull - 12x5
    • Bent-over dumbbell rows - 10x4
    • Bent-over chest row - 8-10x4

    It is highly advisable to reduce the intensity of strength training in the gym during pregnancy, and also start doing swimming and/or yoga (there is special yoga for pregnant women). Such training will strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis, and will also teach you how to breathe correctly. This will not only make pregnancy and childbirth easier, but will also keep you and your baby healthy.

    During pregnancy, a woman has to give up many things to which she is accustomed, and even more tangible changes await her. But, as most of us know, pregnancy is not a disease, and if it proceeds without complications, then you can try to maintain your usual way of life - for example, continue to play your favorite sport.

    Working out in the gym is one of the most popular types of fitness. Most women seeking ideal figure, they know that without strength training not enough. They are necessary in order to give the body a beautiful relief, help to most quickly and effectively cope with such typical female problem areas as inner surface thighs, arms, buttocks, weak back muscles. But, unfortunately, the results of training are lost very quickly if you stop training. Is it possible to continue going to the gym during pregnancy?

    Can you study?

    The first step is a consultation with your OB/GYN. Only he, having weighed all the pros and cons, can competently answer this question.

    IN in this case the main thing is to remember that the first ones are the most dangerous from the point of view of termination of pregnancy, so classes should be very gentle. Starting from the 7th month of pregnancy, it is better to refuse to exercise in the gym, because... any, even the most insignificant, power loads at this time they become unsafe and can lead to undesirable consequences, up to. There are also contraindications that are common to all expectant mothers, regardless of pregnancy.

    Necessary Precautions

    If your doctor is not against exercise, you need to take into account how long and successfully you have been working out in the gym.

    If your workouts lasted a long time, were regular and you tolerated them well, then you can continue your workouts - naturally, making certain adjustments to them. If you just recently started working out on exercise machines and after training were in a semi-fainting state, then it is better to refrain from strength training during pregnancy.

    The gym is a danger zone. And not only because a dumbbell can fall on your leg. The fact is that training on exercise machines is a very heavy load on the joints, especially if you do not follow certain safety rules.

    First, you need to “adjust” the machine to your needs (raise the seat to the desired height, select the weight, etc.), then take the correct starting position and, finally, make sure that the axis of your movements on the machine lies in a strictly defined plane. An instructor will help you understand all these nuances.

    During pregnancy, joints become even more vulnerable. The body increases the production of a hormone called relaxin, which softens the pelvic ligaments and allows them to stretch elastically: this is necessary for normal childbirth. The only problem is that relaxin acts on any ligamentous tissue, including the ligaments of the elbows, knees, and shoulders. Therefore, your usual weight may be risky for weakened ligaments - you may get injured. So the machine needs to be set to a lower weight: it should not exceed 60% of the weight you used before pregnancy. For the same reason, you should avoid doing free weights and stretching exercises.

    How to organize a lesson?

    You can only work out in the gym during pregnancy in person with an experienced instructor. Even if before pregnancy you regularly exercised on all exercise machines and are familiar with them, you cannot do without the help of a trainer who will create the safest and most comfortable experience for you. effective program training for this period. The training scheme itself remains unchanged: first a warm-up, then the main part and at the end a cool-down. You can exercise 2-3 times a week. Training less than once a week, “occasionally” is stressful for the body every time. Therefore, if for some reason you cannot exercise regularly, it is better to stop working out in the gym.

    Start your workout with a 10-minute warm-up in the cardio room. Cardio room or cardio zone is that part of the gym where cardio equipment is located: treadmill, vertical exercise bike

    (regular) and horizontal (with backrest), elliptical trainer, etc.

    For exercise during pregnancy, a backless bicycle and a treadmill are best. You should not run on a treadmill. Walking at a speed of no more than 4-3.5 km/h is optimal. Throughout your workout and especially during the warm-up, it is important to monitor your heart rate. It will help you dose the load correctly and avoid possible overloads. Modern cardio equipment independently calculates your heart rate. You can also use heart rate monitors, which have two parts: a belt that fits around your chest and reads your pulse directly from your heart, and a watch that fits on your arm and displays your heart rate throughout your workout. They are especially convenient to use in the gym, because... strength training equipment does not measure pulse, and you will have to count your pulse yourself during training and make sure that it does not exceed 60% from the pulse of maximum oxygen consumption (P 02 max) in the first trimester and 65-70% in the second and third trimesters. Calculate P 02 max can be done using the formula: 220-age. For example, if you are 25 years old, then 220-25=195, 195*0.6=117. This means that the pulse should not exceed 117 beats per minute in the first trimester in a 25-year-old woman.

    Main part of the lesson is dedicated directly to training on simulators. It lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. Remember that your main goal is to maintain the results achieved previously.

    The following scheme is best suited for this: two or three sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of no more than 60% of your normal working weight.

    1st block of exercises - muscles of the anterior thigh:

    • leg extension;
    • leg spread;

    2nd block of exercises - muscles of the back of the thigh:

    • leg bending;
    • abduction of legs;

    3rd block of exercises - latissimus muscles back:

    • pulling the upper block behind the head;

    4th block of exercises - pectoral muscles:

    • bringing together the arms and legs while sitting on the exercise machine;

    5th block of exercises - deltoid muscles:

    • bench press on a machine;
    • raising arms out to the sides while sitting on a machine;

    6th block of exercises: biceps and triceps of the arms:

    • upper block pull with straight handle;
    • arm extension in a crossover (a multifunctional block exercise machine in the form of a vertical frame).

    Excludes exercises with free weights, exercises on abdominal Press, twisting, various bends, complex exercises such as squats or deadlift(lifting the bar from a bent position). Choose exercises performed while sitting, with support for your back. Avoid sudden movements, increase the load gradually. Between repetitions (sets), you can allow yourself a short rest.

    The workout ends with a 5-minute hitch. The cardio zone is optimal as a cool-down, but the load should be less than during the warm-up. Unlike a regular workout, there are no stretching exercises at the end of the session.

    Before, during and after training, try to drink enough fluids. It is best if it is simple still water at room temperature. Of great importance correct breathing when performing exercises: exhale at the most intense stage of the exercise, inhale at the easiest. Exercising increases body temperature, which can have a negative effect on the fetus. Body temperature during exercise should not exceed 38°C. Therefore, you should avoid training in too warm or humid areas, as well as dressing too warmly. If you experience shortness of breath, weakness or dizziness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, spotting or any other unusual symptoms, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor!

    Natalia Prishchepa
    Doctor physical therapy and sports medicine, Moscow

    Comment on the article "Workouts in the gym"

    I'm not pregnant and never will be? but the site is good :)) zhaksy koremің!!

    11/17/2008 08:47:19, Zhenya

    A very necessary and useful article. I have been regularly visiting the gym for several years and now, being 4 weeks pregnant, I would not like to lose the shape I have acquired. Tell me, are saunas and solariums harmful for pregnant women?

    07.05.2007 01:05:27,

    Total 2 messages .

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    In fact, the concept of “don’t shake the baby” is long outdated. Modern research proves that reasonable exercise during pregnancy (not bodybuilding, of course) greatly facilitates bearing a child and has a beneficial effect on the health of both participants in the process. Moreover, the positive effect is only enhanced if you lead an active lifestyle from the very beginning.

    An important study conducted by the Canadian Queens University in 2011 proved that women who regularly exercised from the first trimester of pregnancy significantly reduced the risk of preeclampsia (a very severe and common complication) in later stages. In addition, in physically active women, childbirth is about 30% faster, and children almost do not suffer from hypoxia and slow heartbeat. “During the first 12 weeks, you usually die from weakness and self-pity,” explains Melinda Nicci, prenatal fitness trainer and creator of the Prima Baby program. “And sport during pregnancy gives strength and promotes the production of endorphins, joy hormones, which are so needed during this period. Plus, the more fit you are, the less excess weight you will gain.”

    But don’t rush to the gym immediately after you see those same two stripes. Here's what to consider.

    Sports during pregnancy: main rules

    In the first trimester, the pulse increases and blood pressure rises, so serious cardio exercise is contraindicated - the heart is already working at double capacity.

    Under the influence of relaxin, ligaments soften and stretch, so do not overuse stretching exercises - they can result in serious injuries.

    Do not overheat: this interferes with the blood supply to the fetus. Sports during pregnancy should be considered in all respects: exercise in a cool, dry room, drink enough water and choose good, breathable clothing.

    Don’t focus on how you feel, no matter how strange it may sound. In the first trimester, dangerous conditions often arise in which the expectant mother does not feel any negative changes. It’s better to play it safe: put off sports until you go to your first doctor’s appointment, get tested and have an ultrasound.

    In case of anemia, multiple pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, any exercise during pregnancy is contraindicated.

    Protect yourself as much as possible: do not get hypothermic during street training, do not go to the gym during a flu epidemic. It is in the first trimester that immunity radically decreases, and diseases negatively affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the arsenal of drugs available to you is reduced to literally one or two. So the best option for you - fitness at home.

    Avoid physical activity with a high risk of injuries and falls - basketball, alpine skiing, horse riding, snowboarding.

    Choose a doctor you trust unconditionally and consult with him regarding any stress. A good specialist will not play it safe, but will thoughtfully explain which sports during pregnancy are recommended or contraindicated for you.

    If you didn't exercise before pregnancy

    You do not have a goal to maintain the ideal “pre-pregnancy” shape as much as possible and physical training, so concentrate on the most pleasant thing: harmoniously preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth. “For women who haven’t exercised before, it’s best to exercise three times a week for half an hour in the first trimester,” explains Melinda Nicci. “More frequent and intense sports during pregnancy will put additional stress on the rebuilding body.” Workout number one is walking, preferably in a park, but a treadmill will do just fine. Be sure to warm up first: do light stretches for your arms and legs, as well as rotational movements head and tilting the body from side to side. Thirty minutes of walking at a moderate pace has been proven to help cope with nausea; plan your workout for the most unpleasant time, in the morning. Try to buy or borrow a heart monitor and carefully monitor your heart rate: it should not exceed 120-130 beats per minute.

    Another great option is swimming. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this is the safest sport during pregnancy, and there are many benefits from it: blood circulation improves, back pain and dizziness go away. In the first trimester, you can swim and do water aerobics for 40-50 minutes (again, including warm-up). And remember that there is not a single study that confirms the risk of swimming in chlorinated water. But a country lake or pond can be dangerous.

    Finally, you can and should start doing special yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women in the first trimester. As a rule, this is a very gentle set of exercises aimed specifically at alleviating unpleasant symptoms and gradually preparing the body for childbirth. Great example - with Svetlana Litvinova.

    If you exercised before pregnancy

    The good news is that the first trimester is the perfect time for you. Most professional athletes practice sports during pregnancy as usual until the fourth month, that is, until the fetus becomes relatively large, and with it the belly. However, the first thing you should do is inform your instructor about your pregnancy. It will help you correctly adjust the load.

    Intense aerobic activities - dancing, shaping, step aerobics - can usually be continued at the same pace. They increase blood flow to the uterus (and therefore blood supply to the fetus), help prevent postpartum hemorrhoids and varicose veins in the later stages. If you've been practicing martial arts, take it to a non-contact format to avoid injury. It is better to skip elements that require balancing (for example, pirouettes in dancing).

    You can also not give up strength training two to three times a week, but you will have to modify it a little. Choose lighter weights and eliminate stress on your abs. Sports during pregnancy may include some abdominal exercises, but only under the supervision of a trainer. Concentrate on your back muscles: they will be especially important for longer periods. Don't forget to work your upper body, as well as your inner and outer outer surface hips. The main rule is not to make yourself short of breath and do not hold your breath. All this causes hypoxia in the fetus.

    Yoga is usually considered an ideal activity for pregnant women, but this is not always the case: many asanas and movements (for example, Ashtanga) are prohibited. You can continue Iyengar yoga - it has a special prenatal complex - hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, as well as qigong and Chinese gymnastics. Ask your instructor to select asanas for you to open your pelvis and breathing exercises for complete relaxation: this will be especially useful during childbirth.

    Do you choose sports during pregnancy?

    You can also buy DVDs with classes in our online store.

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