Central Information Bureau KHL registration. Secrets of the work of KHL agents. Date, month and year of birth

4. In accordance with the Legal Regulations of the Kontinental Hockey League, approved by ______________2011,

1.1. hockey player: __________________________________________, born ____________ leaves the team of Hockey Club 1 and joins the team of Hockey Club 2;

1.2. Hockey Club 2 undertakes to make a compensation payment in connection with the transfer of the hockey player to Hockey Club 1 in the amount of: __________________________________________________, excluding VAT, within ______(___________) months after the conclusion of this Agreement, but no later than September 1, 20__. Hockey Club 2 makes cashless payments through banking institutions. Payment of the compensation payment is final, regardless of the term of the Professional Hockey Player Contract between the hockey player and Hockey Club 2.

2. From the moment of conclusion of the Agreement, Hockey Club 1 gives permission for the hockey player to participate in educational and training events, exhibition (friendly) matches and other competitions, including official ones organized and held by the KHL as part of the team of Hockey Club 2.

3. In case of failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, Hockey Club 2 is obliged to pay Hockey Club 1 a penalty in the amount of __-__% for each day of delay of the payment amount. Payment of the penalty does not relieve the parties from the proper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement.

4. All disputes arising during the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties will strive to resolve through negotiations. Disputes that cannot be resolved through mutual consultations and negotiations are considered by the KHL Disciplinary Committee in the prescribed manner.

5. The agreement is drawn up in 3 (three) copies (one for each of the parties, and the third copy - in the KHL CIB for appropriate registration) and comes into legal force from the moment of its conclusion. The Agreement is valid until the parties fulfill all obligations assumed under the Agreement.

6. The parties agreed to conclude the Agreement in writing by exchanging documents via fax, followed by confirmation with original documents.

7. Payment of the compensation payment is carried out according to the payment details according to the issued invoice for payment. Drawing up a separate acceptance certificate under the Agreement is carried out at the discretion of the parties.



on sports cooperation No. __________

_______, Russian Federation "__" ___________ 20__

Hereinafter referred to as the HC of the Kontinental Hockey League (or HC KHL), represented by _____________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, On the one side, - ____________________________________________________

We refer to__ hereinafter as the HC of the Major Hockey League (or HC VHL), represented by _____________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other side, hereinafter referred to in the text as – the Parties,

Guided by the Legal Regulations of the Continental Hockey League for the 2011–2014 season (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation, we have entered into this agreement on sports cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of the Agreement is sports cooperation, including the official secondment (hereinafter referred to as secondment) of hockey players from the KHL HC team to the VHL HC team and the recall of hockey players from the VHL HC team to the KHL HC team, under the conditions provided for by the Regulations.

1.2. By the certain agreement:

· The non-profit partnership “Major Hockey League” is called the VHL;

4.3. The VHL HC, guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to conclude fixed-term employment contracts with seconded hockey players for part-time work or civil contracts in order to economically justify the expenses incurred related to the participation of hockey players in educational and training events and sports competitions as part of the VHL HC (equipment, food, travel, etc.).

4.4. In everything else that is not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the Regulations, insofar as they relate to the regulation of the activities of each of the Parties.

5. Changes, additions and early termination of the Agreement

5.1. Changes and additions to this Agreement, as well as early termination of the Agreement, can only take place by agreement of the parties, duly executed in simple written form and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

5.2. This Agreement may be terminated early at the initiative of one of the Parties by decision of the KHL Disciplinary Committee.

6. Duration of the Agreement

6.1. Validity period of this Agreement: from the date of signing - until April 30, 20___, inclusive.

7. Signatures of the Parties:



Central information


" "_________________20__


on the temporary transfer of a hockey player under a valid Contract,

from a Kontinental Hockey League club to a Major Hockey League club

G. _________________. " "_________________ 20__year

We refer to hereinafter as "Hockey Club 1", represented by ______________________________________________________________________________,

acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the one hand, and

We refer to___ hereinafter as “Hockey Club 2”, represented by ___________________________________________, acting on the basis of _________________, on the other hand, collectively hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this Agreement on the temporary transfer of a hockey player(s) from a Kontinental Hockey League club to a Major League club league (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the following:

1. In accordance with the Regulations of the Continental Hockey League, approved by “___”___________ 2011, the Cooperation Agreement between _________________________ and _____________________ dated ________________ hockey player(s): ___________________________________________________________, born ____________ temporarily leaves the team of Hockey Club 1 and temporarily transfers to the team of Hockey Club 2. The temporary transfer period of the hockey player(s) is until “___” __________ 20___. (no more than a year)

2. All expenses for sending the hockey player(s) to Hockey Club 2 are made at the expense of Hockey Club 1. The Contract of a professional hockey player concluded between the hockey player(s) and Hockey Club 1 is not suspended, wages are paid to the hockey player(s) by Hockey Club club 1 in accordance with the terms of this Contract.

3. From the moment of conclusion of the Agreement, Hockey Club 1 gives permission for the hockey player(s) to participate in training camps, exhibition (friendly) matches and other competitions, including official ones, as part of the team of Hockey Club 2.

4. When the hockey player(s) are recalled from the team of Hockey Club 2 to the team of Hockey Club 1 and the hockey player(s) are returned back, a new agreement is not concluded between the Parties; the assignment of the hockey players is carried out in the prescribed manner.

5. All disputes arising during the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties will strive to resolve through negotiations. Disputes that cannot be resolved through mutual consultations and negotiations are considered by the KHL Disciplinary Committee in the prescribed manner.

6. The agreement is drawn up in 4 (four) copies (one for each of the parties, the third copy - in the KHL CIB for the corresponding registration, the fourth copy in the VHL for the corresponding registration) and comes into legal force from the moment of its conclusion. The Agreement is valid until the parties fulfill all obligations assumed under the Agreement.

7. The parties agreed to conclude the Agreement in writing by exchanging documents via fax, followed by confirmation with original documents.



Image from a camera above the gate.

Camera image behind the gate

Layout of cameras above and behind the gates (top view)

Layout of cameras above and behind the gates (side view)


Regulations on match inspection

Championship of the Youth Hockey League - All-Russian hockey competition among youth teams

Article 1. General provisions

1. This regulation regulates the procedure and conditions for inspecting matches of the MHL Championship.

2. The purpose of the inspection is to control the quality of refereeing and the implementation of established measures for the organization and conduct of Championship matches.

3. The objectives of inspection are:

3.1. Assessing the performance of their professional duties by referees both during preparation for the match and during it;

3.2. Obtaining detailed information on compliance during the Championship match by hockey players, coaches, referees, sports facility management and club officials with the MHL Regulations, the Rules of the Game of Hockey, as well as on compliance by all participants in the hockey match, including spectators, with moral and ethical standards and rules;

3.3. Identification on site of possible deviations and deviations from the above requirements and their prevention;

3.4. Transfer of received information to the MHL Competition Department and the KHL Refereeing Department.

Article 2. Procedure for appointing an inspector

1. The inspectors include referees who have completed their professional careers, as well as the most experienced hockey specialists who have the personal and professional qualities necessary for inspection.

2. During the period of performance of his duties, the inspector is an authorized representative of the MHL and is subject only to its orders.

3. Requests to replace inspectors assigned to matches will not be accepted.

4. The appointment of inspectors for matches is made by order of the Managing Director of the MHL upon the recommendation of the MHL Competition Department.

5. An inspector appointed by the MHL has the right to inspect matches at his place of residence with the obligatory inclusion of his name in the official match protocol and the issuance of an inspector’s inspection card.

6. The management and officials of the “host” club are obliged to:

6.1. Allocate special places for inspectors that are most convenient for observing the match, and ensure free passage throughout the entire territory of the sports facility;

6.2. Announce the name and title of the inspector over the radio network of the sports facility (together with the composition of teams and referee teams).

Article 3. Responsibilities of the inspector

1. In your activities, strictly follow the Regulations, the Rules of the Game of Hockey and the decisions of the governing bodies of the MHL.

2. Ensure high-quality inspection of matches, timely and promptly perform duties related to their organization and conduct.

3. Having received an appointment to inspect a match, no later than 5 days before the start of the match, confirm to the Competition Department the possibility of coming to the match for the purpose of inspecting.

4. Notify the host team in a timely manner, no less than 3 days before the start of the match, about the type of transport and the date of your arrival and departure. Upon arrival at the match venue, introduce yourself to the management of the host club and, if necessary, agree on issues related to the upcoming inspection.

5. Before the start of a hockey match, the inspector is obliged to ensure the reliable security and safety of all persons who arrived as part of the “guest” hockey team and the referees serving the match and, if necessary, coordinate actions to ensure their safety with the leadership of law enforcement agencies.

6. The inspector is obliged to make sure that the sports facility has a certificate of readiness of all services of the sports facility to host this competition, approved by the head of the sports facility.

7. Inspect the match and, if necessary, prepare and send by registered mail (no later than 24 hours after the end of the match) an inspector’s report to the MHL.

8. Within 12 hours after the end of the match, transfer to the Competition Department by telephone the information provided in the inspector’s report.

9. When filling out the report, the inspector must reflect in it:

A). noticed or suspected deviations from generally accepted norms of sports ethics and morality (biased or biased refereeing, attempts by club managers or other interested parties to influence the objectivity of judges, collusion of club team managers or hockey players to predetermine the result of a match, etc.);

b). particularly provocative, rude or undisciplined behavior of managers, club officials, hockey players and coaches, which was not noticed or for some reason ignored by the refereeing team;

V). the level of reception and accommodation of the visiting team and judges, as well as the inspector;

G). preparation of the sports facility and its office premises, ice surface, referee's room, first aid station, radio center, lighting, team locker rooms, toilets and showers, telephone communications;

d). quality of service for spectators, ensuring public order at the sports facility before, during and after the end of the match.

10. After the end of the match, conduct a quick review of the work of the referee team. Within 24 hours after the end of the match, submit the completed referee review card in electronic form to the Competition Department and the match referees.

11. When assessing the actions of referees, the inspector must be guided by the Rules of the Game of Hockey and the Regulations.

12. Managers and officials of the host club are obliged, at the request of the inspector, to provide him with the opportunity to view the video recording of the match immediately after its completion. The inspector has the right to be present in the video replay referee’s room and review controversial moments of the match regarding the scoring of a goal.

Article 4. Rights of the inspector

1. Demand from the leaders of the club and the management of the sports facility where the Championship matches are held, the local panel of judges to immediately eliminate the identified deficiencies related to the conduct of the match and the provision of the necessary conditions in accordance with the established requirements.

2. Give, if necessary, instructions to the administration of the sports facility, club officials and referees for them to take measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Regulations, the Rules of the Game of Hockey and the decisions of the governing bodies of the MHL.

3. Find out or clarify with the referees who conducted the match details about all incidents that have taken place, violations of the rules and penalties imposed by the referee on the hockey players.

4. Be present at post-match press conferences, but not give any interviews about the course, refereeing and result of the match, as well as the incidents that took place.


Regulations on the commission for statistics and expert evaluation of official match reports

Article 1. Basic provisions

1. The Commission on Statistics and Expert Evaluation of Official Match Reports (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is the expert division of the MHL.

2. The commission includes the most qualified specialists in conducting and servicing hockey competitions and sports statistics. The composition of the commission is approved by the league before the start of the season. By decision of the MHL, journalists may be included in the commission.

3. In its activities, the commission is guided by the Rules of the Game of Hockey, the MHL Regulations, and these regulations.

4. The subject of the check is the presence of hockey players of both teams on the ice at the moment of scoring and the correctness of recording the authors of goals and assists, as well as the time of recording a particular episode of the match.

Article 2. Goals and objectives

1. The purpose of the commission’s activities is to improve the information support of the Championship and exercise control over the completion of official protocols of the Championship matches by the referee teams.

2. The main tasks of the commission are to check the correctness of filling out match protocols and adjust them in accordance with the game situation.

Article 3. Rights and obligations

1. The commission has the right, based on viewing video recordings of matches of competitions held by the MHL, to correct obvious errors and individual inaccuracies made when filling out the protocol.

2. The commission submits to the Competition Department a conclusion on errors made when filling out official match reports received by the Competition Department after viewing video recordings of matches.

3. If there are errors, the competition department makes the necessary amendments, and corresponding entries are made in the official match report. Any amendments must be certified by the signatures of three commission members.

4. The commission carries out its activities continuously. The results of the commission’s activities are regularly communicated to the clubs, information about the amendments made is published on the official MHL website.

5. In case of doubtful moments (difference of opinion among the members of the Commission, actions with the puck covered by the board, etc.), the decision is made in favor of the hockey players entered into the protocol by the chief referee.

6. The commission considers controversial situations in the presence of high-quality video material and a reasoned position on the part of interested parties directly involved in the match.




KHL Central Information Bureau

№ __________

"___"______________ 20___


about the transfer of Juniors

_________________ "___" ___________ 20___

___________________________________________________________________________, (hereinafter referred to as School 1), represented by _____________________________________________________________________________

(job title)



acting on the basis of _______________________________________, on the one hand,

___________________________________________________________________________, (hereinafter referred to as School 2), represented by _____________________________________________________________________________

(job title)



acting on the basis of _______________________________________, on the other hand,

Legal representatives of the junior

_____________________________________________________________________________ (relation degree)





acting on behalf and in the interests of ________________________________________________


(full name, day, month and year of birth, series and number of birth certificate)

(hereinafter referred to as the Parents), on the third party, (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), guided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, other provisions of the law of obligations, recognizing the mutually beneficial terms of this Agreement on the transfer of Junior (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), came to an agreement on the following:

5. In accordance with the KHL Regulations, approved

"___"_____________ 20__:

5.1.The junior leaves School 1/2 and goes to School 2/1.

1.2. School 2/1 undertakes to make a compensation payment to School 1/2 in connection with the transfer of the Junior in the amount of: _____________________________________________________, excluding VAT, within _______ (___________) months after the conclusion of this Agreement.

School 2/1 makes calculations in the following order: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Payment of the compensation payment is carried out according to the payment details according to the issued invoice. Drawing up a separate acceptance certificate under the Agreement is carried out at the discretion of the parties.

1.3. Junior transfers are not permitted during the senior year. In the exceptional case of a Junior transfer during the senior year due to a change of residence of the Parents, the right of first choice in the Junior Draft, as well as the right to compensation for the player’s preparation, belongs to the former School.

1.4. The transfer of a Junior is possible only with the consent of the legal representatives and the Junior himself (from 16 years of age).

2. All disputes arising during the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties will strive to resolve through mutual consultations. Disputes that cannot be resolved through mutual consultations and negotiations are considered by the KHL Disciplinary Committee in the prescribed manner.

3. The agreement is drawn up in 3 (three) copies (one for each of the parties, and one copy - in the KHL CIB for appropriate registration) and comes into legal force from the moment of its signing. The Agreement is valid until the parties fulfill all obligations assumed under the Agreement.

4. The parties agreed to conclude the Agreement in writing by exchanging documents via fax, followed by confirmation with original documents.

KHL club:

VHL club:

Hockey player:


HOCKEY CLUB " __________________________" G. _____


for the season of years

Registered ____ hockey players _ Registered hockey players

"______"______ 20__ "______" 20__

Competition Department Competition Department

Signature Signature


Last name, first name,


Games number



Date, month and year of birth

Height, cm

Weight, kg

Putter grip

Sports school student

Previous hockey club

. Types of statuses of Hockey Players. Sports rights of Clubs and Hockey Schools

1. A hockey player can have the following statuses:

  • a) "Current Contract";
  • b) “Restricted free agent”;
  • c) “Unrestricted free agent”;
  • d) "Junior";
  • e) "Conflict";
  • f) "Selected Player";
  • g) “Assigned rights”;
  • h) “Player assigned to the Club.”

    2. A hockey player may additionally have the following statuses:

  • a) “Injured Player”;
  • b) "Foreign Player".

    3. Sports rights represent a set of powers of Clubs and Hockey Schools provided for by the Professional Hockey Player Contract, Junior Contract, KHL Regulations, taking into account the specifics of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations, KHL regulations, IIHF regulations.

    4. The Clubs’ sports rights to Hockey Players in the “Current Contract” status imply:

  • 1) termination of the current Contract;
  • 2) conclusion of a new Contract, including the signing of a Contract with a Hockey Player with whom there is a valid Contract;
  • 3) exchange of the Hockey Player to another Club included in the Competition System;
  • 4) movement of the Hockey Player;
  • 5) the Hockey Player’s application for the season and Games of the KHL, VHL, MHL Championship as part of the corresponding Club team;
  • 6) making a qualifying offer to the Hockey Player in the KHL CIB database in accordance with Article 8 of the KHL Legal Regulations.

    5. Sports rights of Clubs (Hockey schools) for students of hockey schools - Juniors - imply:

  • 1) conclusion of the Contract from February 1 to April 30 of the Junior’s final year of study (in relation to students of KHL hockey schools);
  • 2) receiving compensation for the Junior’s training in the event of his transfer to another Club (School) during training (sports training) in accordance with the standards of the FHR;
  • 3) receiving compensation for the Junior’s training in the event of his transfer to another Club (School) as a graduate of a hockey school;
  • 4) receiving compensation for the preparation of a Junior selected earlier at the Junior Fair, after signing a Contract with him.

    6. Sports rights of Clubs to Hockey Players in the status “Player assigned to the club”, “Assigned rights”, “Conflict”, “Selected player” mean:

  • 1) the exclusive right to conclude a Contract with the Hockey Player;
  • 2) exchange of a Hockey Player in one of the specified statuses to another Club included in the Competition System;
  • 3) extension and termination of sports rights. . Hockey Player statuses “Current Contract” and “Player assigned to the Club”

    1. A hockey player who has a Contract signed in accordance with the approved KHL Standard Form and registered with the KHL CIB acquires the status of “Valid Contract” from the moment the Contract is registered with the KHL CIB.

    2. A hockey player in the status of “Valid Contract” does not have the right to leave the location of the Club for the purpose of participating in pre-season training events (camps) of other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL system, and in matches (including pre-season friendly) for clubs of other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL systems.

    3. A hockey player who has accepted a contract/qualification offer from the Club in the KHL CIB Electronic Database or has received a binding offer from the Club (clause 3 of Article 8 of the KHL Legal Regulations) acquires the status of “Player assigned to the Club.” This status is assigned to the Player until the signed Contract is registered with the KHL CIB or the League receives from the Club a written notification of the Player’s refusal to enter into the Contract.

    . Hockey Player Status "Restricted Free Agent" (FFA)

    1. KHL Club (VHL Club, independent MHL Club), whose Contract with a Hockey Player under the age of 29 expires on April 30 (except for the Players specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the KHL Legal Regulations), in the period from April 1 to April 30 (until 23:59:59, Moscow time) has the right to make a Qualifying offer to such a Player (the Hockey Player’s age is determined by the year of birth at the time of submission of the Qualifying offer). The term of the Contract proposed in the Qualifying Proposal cannot be less than two years. A contract for a period of more than two years can only be signed by agreement with the Hockey Player. The term of the Contract in the Qualification Offer for a Hockey Player aged 27 years, whose Contract with the Club expires on April 30, and if he has fulfilled the requirements provided for Players aged 28 years (subclause 4 of clause 1 of Article 9 of the KHL Legal Regulations), must be one year. A contract for a period of more than one year can only be signed by agreement with the Hockey Player. The Club has the right to make a Qualifying Offer to conclude a tripartite Contract to a Hockey Player under the age of 20 (inclusive) whose bilateral Contract is ending. In this case, the wage rate for performing as part of a VHL Club team / another Club team outside the VHL system of a trilateral Contract must exceed the wage rate for a youth team under a bilateral Contract. The Club has the right to make a Qualifying Offer to conclude a bilateral Contract to a Hockey Player under the age of 21 (inclusive) whose trilateral Contract is ending. In this case, when submitting a Qualification Offer, the wage rates for the Main and Youth Teams are taken into account, including in the cases provided for in paragraph 3 of this article.

    2. A hockey player to whom a Qualifying Offer was made by a KHL club, an SHL club or an independent MHL club within the established period, but he did not accept it until April 30 inclusive, from May 1 acquires the status of “Restricted Free Agent” and has the right until May 31 accept a contract offer from another KHL club, VHL club or independent MHL club. The salary (remuneration) for each season and the average annual remuneration in the contract offer of the new club cannot be less than the salary (remuneration) for each season and the average annual remuneration offered by its club in the Qualifying Offer. (as amended on July 4, 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated July 4, 2018) If the “old” Club does not repeat this offer within 7 (seven) calendar days after the Player submits a contract offer from another Club (salary (remuneration), individual bonuses, Contract term, type of Contract), the Hockey Player transfers to the “new” Club with the obligatory payment of compensation by the “new” Club to the “old” Club. In the event of a Player transfer to a “new” Club, concluding a Contract with such a Player on terms different from the terms of the contract offer made by the “new” Club is not permitted. The Player and the “new” Club do not have the right to refuse to conclude a professional Contract as a result of a Qualifying Offer made to the Hockey Player. It is prohibited to terminate a Contract with a “new” Club and conclude a new Contract with the same Club on terms different from the terms of the contract offer during the season following the one in which the Qualifying Offer was made to the Player. The procedure for calculating compensation is established in Article 43 of the KHL Legal Regulations. If the “old” Club repeats the Contract offer of another Club within the established period (salary (remuneration), individual bonuses, Contract term, type of Contract), all sports rights to such a Player are assigned to the “old” Club. The Hockey Player and the “old” Club, upon completion of the “trade” for the Player when signing the Contract, have the right, before June 30, to finally determine all the essential terms of the new Contract, which may differ from the terms of the previously made Qualifying Offer, but cannot be worsened by the Club in unilaterally compared to the terms of the Qualifying Offer.

    3. To a hockey player under the age of 21 (inclusive), the Club has the right to make a Qualifying Offer in the amount of 150% and 170% of the salary rates for the Main Team, the Major Hockey League Club team / other Club team outside the VHL system, the youth team (for the first and second seasons, respectively) or more from the amount of wages (remuneration) of the Player for the last season of the ending Contract. In this case, the Player does not enter the “market” and does not have the right to accept contract offers from other Clubs.

    4. If a Hockey Player who accepted the Qualifying Offer of the “old” Club or did not submit a contract offer from another Club, or received a repetition of a contract offer from another Club from the “old” Club, or accepted a contract offer from another Club and did not receive a repeat from the “old” Club, refuses conclude a Contract with his “old” / “new” Club on the above conditions before June 30, from July 1 the Hockey Player is assigned the status of “Assigned Rights” (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KHL Legal Regulations), and from December 26 he loses the right to take part in the KHL Championship in the current season.

    5. The basis for the Hockey Player’s transfer to a new Club is the agreement on the Hockey Player’s transfer, concluded between the Clubs in accordance with the Standard Form (Appendix 9 to the KHL Legal Regulations), a copy of which must be submitted to the League by fax or email within 24 hours after signing. The original transfer agreement must be submitted to the League within 5 (five) days. In case of untimely submission of the contract for transfer to the Club to the League, by decision of the KHL CIB, sanctions may be imposed in accordance with the KHL Disciplinary Regulations.

    6. The KHL Club and the Hockey Player, who is in the “OCA” status as a result of the Qualification Offer made to him, if a mutual agreement is reached, have the right to refuse to conclude a professional Contract. The agreement to refuse to enter into a Contract must be drawn up in accordance with the Standard Form (Appendix 18 to the KHL Legal Regulations), signed by the Club and the Hockey Player and sent to the League for registration. After registration of the KHL CIB Agreement, the Hockey Player will be assigned the status of “NAA”.

    7. If the Hockey Player has not received a Qualifying Offer before 23:59:59. (Moscow time) April 30, from 00 a.m. 00 a.m. 00 p.m. (Moscow time) On May 1, it is assigned the status of "NSA". (as amended on July 4, 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated July 4, 2018)

    8. In the event that a Hockey Player who has the status of “Restricted Free Agent” voluntarily leaves the KHL system, that is, enters into a Contract with a Hockey Club of any hockey league/federation or suspends professional activities, the Player is assigned the status “Assigned Rights.”

    . Hockey Player Status "Unrestricted Free Agent" (NFA)

    1. A hockey player acquires the status of “Unrestricted Free Agent” in the following cases:

  • 1) if the Hockey Player has reached the age of 29 (by year of birth), and his Contract expired on April 30;
  • 2) if the Hockey Player is under 29 years of age (by year of birth), his Contract expired on April 30, and he did not receive a Qualifying Offer from his former Club by April 30;
  • 3) if the Hockey Player’s Contract with the previous Club was terminated by agreement of the parties or at the initiative of the Club (except for termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Club on grounds related to disciplinary sanctions);
  • 4) if the Hockey Player has reached the age of 28 (according to the year of birth), his Contract expired on April 30, and he played 250 Games in the KHL Championships;
  • 5) by decision of the Disciplinary Committee in the event of termination of the Contract in the manner established by Article 35 of the KHL Legal Regulations;

    1.1. If a Club that has sports rights to Hockey Players and previously took part in the KHL Championship does not take part in the Competition System in the upcoming season, the Hockey Players of such a Club acquire the status of “Unlimited Free Agent” from the moment the League receives information about the termination of the Club’s existence as a legal entity. faces. (as amended on July 4, 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated July 4, 2018)

    2. A hockey player, having received the NSA status, has the right to negotiate his employment with any Club. His former Club loses the priority right to conclude a new Contract.

    3. The term of the Contract concluded with a Hockey Player who has the status of “NSA” cannot be less than until the end of the current season.

    4. The size of the contract offer for a Hockey Player who has the status of an “Unrestricted Free Agent” cannot be less than the minimum wage established by the League.

    Advertisement .

    6. The Club and the Hockey Player who accepted a contract offer in the KHL CIB Electronic Database, if a mutual agreement is reached, have the right to refuse to conclude a professional Contract. The agreement to refuse to enter into a Contract must be drawn up in accordance with the Standard Form (Appendix 18 to the KHL Legal Regulations), signed by the Club and the Hockey Player and sent to the League for registration. After registration of the KHL CIB Agreement, the Hockey Player will be assigned the status of “NAA”.

    . Junior status

    1. A hockey player who has entered into a Junior Contract acquires the status of “Junior”.

    2. Hockey players with “Junior” status do not have the right to take part in KHL competitions, and also cannot be sent to the VHL Club Team.

    . Status "Conflict"

    1. The “Conflict” status is assigned to Hockey Players in the following cases:

  • a) A hockey player who has a valid Contract voluntarily leaves the KHL Club, an independent MHL Club, the SHL Club, that is, enters into a Contract with a Hockey Club of any hockey league / federation, leaves the location of the KHL Club in order to take part in pre-season training events (camps) of other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL system, and in matches (including pre-season friendly) for clubs in other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL system, or suspends professional activities.

    Note . In this case, until the Hockey Player continues his professional activities in this Club in accordance with the current Contract (the employee continues to perform his labor function), the Club has the right not to pay wages (remuneration) to the Hockey Player in accordance with Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (downtime due to the fault of the employee);

  • b) The Hockey Player terminates the Contract early on his own initiative and does not pay the Club the compensation provided for in Article 32 of the KHL Legal Regulations. The rights to such a Player in the KHL/VHL/MHL system are retained by the Club for an indefinite period. In the event of returning to the KHL system, the Player is obliged to notify the League in writing of his return, as well as the Club he left. Regardless of the moment of return (before the expiration of the Contract or after), the Hockey Player is obliged to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Club that were not fulfilled at the time of leaving the Club, that is, the Player is obliged to provide the Club with the services of a Professional Hockey Player for a period equal to the period of time when he did not fulfill its obligations under the Contract;
  • c) The Hockey Player, in respect of whom an exchange agreement was concluded between two Clubs, refuses to enter into a Contract with the new Club on the same terms and conditions that were stipulated in his Contract with the former Club. The rights to such a Player in the KHL/VHL/MHL system are retained by the new Club for an indefinite period, the Hockey Player is obliged to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Club that were not fulfilled at the time of leaving the Club, that is, the Player is obliged to conclude a Contract with the new Club on the same terms as enshrined in his Contract with the previous Club;
  • d) in other cases, if any controversial situations arise between the Hockey Player and the Club/League, the Hockey Player may be assigned the “Conflict” status by decision of the League or the Disciplinary Committee.

    2. If a Hockey Player who has a valid Contract with a KHL Club, an independent MHL Club, or an SHL Club, voluntarily leaves the Club, leaves the location of the KHL Club in order to take part in pre-season training events (camps) of other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL system, and in matches (including friendly pre-season) for clubs in other hockey leagues not included in the KHL and MHL system (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 1 of this article), terminates the Contract early on its own initiative and does not pay compensation to the Club (subparagraph “b” paragraph 1 of this article), then the rights to such a Player in the KHL/VHL/MHL system are retained by the Club for an indefinite period. In case of returning to the KHL/VHL/MHL system, the Player is obliged to notify in writing of his return to the League, as well as the Club he left. Regardless of the moment of return (before the expiration of the Contract or after), the Hockey Player is obliged to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Club that were not fulfilled at the time of leaving the Club’s location, that is, the Player is obliged to provide the Club with the services of a Professional Hockey Player for a period equal to the period of time when he is not fulfilled its obligations under the Contract. The conditions for remuneration of the Hockey Player in the event of his return may be left unchanged or changed by agreement of the parties. If the Hockey Player leaves the Club and returns to the Club during one hockey season, the terms of remuneration cannot be changed. After fulfilling contractual obligations, the Club has the right to make a Qualifying Offer to a Hockey Player under the age of 29; the Hockey Player in this case acquires the status of “OCA”. A hockey player aged 29 years or older, after fulfilling his contractual obligations, is assigned the status of “NSA”.

    3. The Club is assigned the right to enter into an exchange agreement with another KHL Club in relation to its rights to the Player in the “Conflict” status.

    4. KHL Clubs, independent SHL Clubs and MHL Clubs are subject to the same rules regarding Hockey Players who have been assigned the “Conflict” status, regardless of which League this status was assigned to.

    . "Selected Player" status

    1. A hockey player who was previously selected by the KHL Club at the KHL Junior Fair is assigned the status of “Selected Player”.

    2. The Club has the exclusive right to conclude a Contract with graduates of Russian hockey schools and KHL Clubs previously selected at the Junior Fair until April 30 of the year in which the Player turns 20 years old. In relation to Hockey Players aged 17–23 years old, selected at the Junior Fair, who did not / do not have contractual relations with the KHL Clubs or whose sports rights are not assigned to the Clubs in the KHL / VHL / MHL system, sports rights are retained by the Club until 30 April of the year in which the Player turns 29 years old. (as amended on July 4, 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated July 4, 2018)

    3. If the Club that selected the Hockey Player at the Junior Fair does not invite him to conclude a Contract before July 15 of the year in which the choice was made, then the Hockey Player receives the right to play for any Club in any hockey competitions, with the exception of KHL competitions. The rights to the Hockey Player in the KHL are retained by the Club that selected the Player at the Junior Fair until April 30 of the year in which the Hockey Player turns 20 years old (with the subsequent right to extend the sports rights to the Hockey Player until he reaches the age of 29).

    4. The Club has the right to renounce its sports rights to the Hockey Player selected at the Junior Fair, who in this case is assigned the status of “Unrestricted Free Agent”. The conclusion of a Contract with such a Hockey Player by Hockey Clubs is permitted subject to the condition of payment of compensation to the school of which the Hockey Player is a graduate, in accordance with the norms of the KHL Legal Regulations in force at the time the Hockey Player was selected at the KHL Junior Fair, unless the Club and the school agree otherwise.

    5. Sports rights in relation to a Hockey Player selected at the Junior Fair can be exchanged to any other Club.

    6. Upon reaching an agreement to conclude a Contract between the KHL Club and the Hockey Player who was previously selected at the KHL Junior Fair and has a signed Contract with the SHL Club, the Hockey Player has the right to conclude a contract with the KHL Club that selected the Hockey Player at the KHL Junior Fair, subject to the conclusion of a transfer agreement between the above KHL and VHL Clubs. This agreement may be concluded on terms that provide for payment by the KHL Club of compensation to the SHL Club, or without such payment. The amount of compensation is determined by agreement between the Clubs.

    . Status "Assigned rights"

    1. The status “Assigned Rights” is assigned to Hockey Players in the following cases:

  • a) A hockey player in the status of “OSA”, having a Qualifying Offer from a KHL Club, an independent MHL Club, or an SHL Club, voluntarily leaves the system of the corresponding league; concludes a Contract with the Hockey Club of any hockey league/federation; suspends professional activities; refuses to sign the Contract in accordance with the terms of the Qualifying / Contract Offer, which the Player was obliged to accept / accepted in accordance with Article 8 of the KHL Legal Regulations. The Club reserves all rights in relation to such a Hockey Player in the KHL/VHL/MHL system during the validity period of the Qualifying Offer. Upon expiration of the validity period of the Qualifying Offer, the Club has the right until April 30 to make new Qualifying Offers in the CIB Electronic Database, after which the Hockey Player acquires the status of “Restricted Free Agent”, enters the market and receives the right to accept contract offers from other Clubs in accordance with the provisions Article 8 of the KHL Legal Regulations. The exception is for Players under the age of 21 (inclusive) who have received from their Club Qualifying Offers in the amount of 150% and 170% (for the first and second seasons, respectively) or more of the amount of the Player’s salary (remuneration) for the last season of the ending Contract. If the Player returns to the KHL at the age of 29, the Club has the right to make him a new contract offer, including on terms different from the offer made previously;
  • b) upon early termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Hockey Player (at his own request). The Club with which the Hockey Player terminated the Contract on his own initiative and paid the compensation provided for in Article 32 of the KHL Legal Regulations, retains the rights to such Hockey Player for a period equal to the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract, namely: (as amended on 04.07. 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated 07/04/2018)
  • 1) the Club is assigned the right to enter into an exchange agreement in relation to its rights to the Player with another KHL Club (subparagraph “c” of paragraph 8 of Article 38 of the KHL Legal Regulations);
  • 2) upon expiration of the Contract, the Club retains the right to extend the sports rights in relation to the Player under the age of 29 by making him a contract offer through the KHL CIB Electronic Database. If the Club has extended the sports rights in respect of a Player under the age of 29 by making him a contract offer through the KHL CIB Electronic Database, the said Player does not enter the market and does not receive the right to consider contract offers from other Clubs;
  • c) in case of termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Club on grounds that relate to disciplinary sanctions. For a period equal to the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract, the Club retains the sports rights to such Hockey Player. If, at the end of the specified period, the compensation provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the KHL Legal Regulations has not been paid, the rights are retained by the Club until the compensation is paid. During the specified periods, the Club has the right, at its discretion, to dispose of the rights it owns to such a Hockey Player. If the rights are not exercised within the specified time frame, the Hockey Player acquires the status of “Unrestricted Free Agent”;
  • d) as a result of the previously existing procedure of the Junior Fair (KHL Draft):
  • 1) if a Junior aged 17 years, to whom the Club made a contract offer during the period from January 1 to April 30 of the year of the Junior Fair, did not accept the contract offer of the Club before April 30 of the year of the Junior Fair. The sports rights to such a Hockey Player are assigned to the Club in the KHL/VHL/MHL system until April 30 of the year when the Hockey Player turns 29 years old;
  • 2) if the Hockey Player selected at the Junior Fair received a contract offer from the Club that selected him before July 15 of the year of the Junior Fair and did not accept it. The sports rights to such a Hockey Player are assigned to the Club in the KHL/VHL/MHL system for the duration of the contract offer. Upon expiration of the contract offer, the Club has the right to extend the sports rights in relation to the Hockey Player by making him a contract offer until April 30 through the KHL CIB Electronic Database. Renewal of sports rights is possible until April 30 of the year when the Player turns 29 years old;
  • 3) if the Hockey Player, who was not selected at the Junior Fair, received a contract offer from the Club of which he is a graduate before July 1 of the year of the Fair and did not accept it. The sports rights to such a Hockey Player are assigned to the Club in the KHL/VHL/MHL system for the duration of the contract offer. Upon expiration of the contract offer, the Club has the right to extend the sports rights in relation to the Hockey Player by making him a contract offer until April 30 through the KHL CIB Electronic Database. Renewal of sports rights is possible until April 30 of the year when the Player turns 29 years old. If the Club has extended the sports rights in relation to the Hockey Player by making a contract offer to him through the KHL CIB Electronic Database, the said Player does not enter the market and does not receive the right to consider contract offers from other KHL Clubs;
  • e) as a result of the offer of the First Professional Contract to graduates of hockey schools, if a graduate of a hockey school at the age of 17, to whom the Club made a contract offer during the period from February 1 to April 30 of the graduation year, did not accept the contract offer of the Club before April 30 of the graduation year. The sports rights to such a Hockey Player are assigned to the Club in the KHL/VHL/MHL system for the term of the proposed First Professional Contract (with the subsequent right to extend the sports rights to the Hockey Player until he reaches the age of 29);
  • f) if the Hockey Player, who had the status of “NSA”, refuses to enter into a Contract with the Club on the terms of the Club’s contract offer accepted by him in the Electronic Database of the KHL CIB. The Club retains all rights to such a Player in the KHL/VHL/MHL system during the validity period of the contract offer. Upon expiration of the contract offer, the Hockey Player acquires the status of “NSA”.

    2. KHL Clubs, independent VHL Clubs and MHL Clubs are subject to uniform rules in relation to Hockey Players who have been assigned the status of “Assigned Rights”, regardless of which League this status was assigned to.

    3. In the cases described in subparagraphs “a”, “d”, “e”, “e” of paragraph 1 of this article, in order to assign the Hockey Player the status “Assigned Rights”, the Club is obliged to contact the KHL CIB with a corresponding application.

    . "Injured Player" status

    1. If a Hockey Player receives an injury or illness and the said Player is moved to the List of Injured Players, this Hockey Player is assigned the status of “Injured Player”.

    1. All actions in relation to the List of Injured Players are carried out through the Electronic Database of the KHL CIB with the participation of the KHL MU in accordance with the following requirements:

    1.1. Notification of a Player’s injury must be sent to the KHL electronically, filling out all fields with the obligatory attachment of an extract from the Hockey Player’s medical record. The original Statement is sent to the KHL MU for verification and storage within 10 (ten) working days from the moment the player is assigned the status of “Injured Player”;

    1.2. A medical extract or medical certificate issued by a medical institution licensed to carry out medical activities (hereinafter referred to as the Extract) must be in printed form and contain a description of the nature of the injury and an established medical diagnosis coded according to the current International Classification of Diseases, as well as the terms of exemption from participation in competitions. The extract may contain descriptions of instrumental research methods (MRI, CT, radiography, ultrasound), but the protocols of instrumental research do not replace the extract. The forms of documents required for assigning the status of “Injured Player” and removing the status of “Injured Player” are given in Appendices 22, 23, 24, 25 to the KHL Legal Regulations;

    1.3. Notification of the Player's injury must be sent to the KHL within 2 (two) days after receiving a medical report regarding the injury received by the Player, in the event of missing more than 1 (one) Game due to the injury;

    1.4. The KHL’s decision to assign the Hockey Player the status of “Injured Player” must be made within no more than 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends and holidays from the date of receipt of the documents. A Player is denied the status of “Injured Player” in the following cases:

    1.4.1. Presence of errors in the preparation of an extract from the Hockey Player’s medical record (lack of signatures and seals, as well as terms of being on the injured list, presence of errors in the diagnosis);

    1.4.2. Absence of a medical statement or its replacement with a certificate of seeking medical help, a forensic medical report, a description of MRI, radiography, ultrasound, sick leave, which are additions to the medical statement, but do not replace it;

    1.5. In case of extension of the assigned status “Injured Player” or removal of the “Injured Player” status, the Club must send to the KHL an electronic Notification of the Player’s injury with an attached Statement (Appendix 22 to the KHL Legal Regulations - for Clubs that do not have a license for medical activities, Appendix 24 , 25 to the KHL Legal Regulations - for Clubs that have issued a license for medical activities). The original Statement is sent to the KHL MU for verification and storage within 10 (ten) working days from the moment the status of “Injured Player” changes. If the Hockey Player was treated at the Club and did not seek medical help at a medical institution if the Club has a valid license to carry out medical activities, the Extract (Appendix 24 to the KHL Legal Regulations) is drawn up by the Club’s doctor in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.2. By the time the Hockey Player recovers and the “Injured Player” status is removed, information about his injury must be entered by the Club into the Electronic Medical Portal in the form of an attached extract.

    1.6. The KHL Club has the right to send the Hockey Player to the team of the SHL Club / team of another Club not included in the KHL, SHL system, in order to restore proper physical condition after an injury, that is, after his exclusion from the List of Injured Players. The period of stay of this Hockey Player in the team of the VHL Club / team of another Club not included in the KHL, VHL system cannot exceed 21 (twenty-one) calendar days. After 21 (twenty-one) calendar days, the Hockey Player must be returned to the Club’s Main Team. If, after the expiration of the specified period, the Hockey Player under a Unilateral Contract is not transferred to the Club’s Main Team, this Hockey Player is automatically placed on the Refusal List. If the Failure List procedure for the season has already ended and the player has not been returned to the Main Team after 21 (twenty-one) days, penalties will be applied to the Club in accordance with the KHL Disciplinary Regulations;

    1.7. If the Contract with the Hockey Player was terminated by agreement of the parties while he was on the List of Injured Players, this Hockey Player is automatically excluded from the List of Injured Players. When exchanging a Hockey Player to another Club, the obligations for extending or removing from the List of Injured Players are assigned to the new Club.

    2. If necessary, the KHL MU has the right to request from the Club documents confirming the Hockey Player’s injury, certified by a medical institution that has a state license for medical activities. The KHL MU has the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the Club regarding the injuries received by the Hockey Players. If the information provided is inaccurate, penalties will be applied to the Club in accordance with the KHL Disciplinary Regulations.

    3. If the Hockey Player’s recovery period according to the Player’s Injury Notification (Player’s Injury Notification (extension)) ends no earlier than May 1 (first) of the current season, the Club has the right to add a new Player in his place. The agreement on the period of stay on the Injured List until the end of the season must be carried out by the KHL MU. The club provides documents confirming the injury (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound) certified by medical institutions with a medical license. If the Hockey Player recovers before May 1 (first) of the current season, the Club may transfer him to the corresponding team if there is free space. Full recovery is confirmed by a medical application form and documents certified by medical institutions that have a medical license in sports medicine.

    . Status "Foreign Player"

    1. In relation to the Russian KHL Club, the Hockey Player has the status of “Foreign Player” if he does not have the right to play for the national hockey teams of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation", as well as taking into account the statutory rules of the IIHF and the Regulations on determining the presence of Russian "sports citizenship" among hockey players participating in the Russian FHR Hockey Competitions, approved by the President of the FHR on September 4, 2015. (as amended on July 4, 2018. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of KHL LLC No. 85 dated July 4, 2018)

    2. The status of “Foreign Player” is determined once a season at the time of the Hockey Player’s application by the Club and cannot change until the end of the Championship.

  • The job of an agent for most professional sports fans is to find new players and act as an intermediary between clubs and athletes. Hockey agent, former Dynamo Moscow player Stanislav Romanov spoke about the other side of this work: agents’ own investments in young men, “outbids” of the sports market and difficult relationships with the parents of young hockey players.

    How to become a sports hockey agent? What is needed for this?

    – Purely legally it is necessary to go through the licensing procedure, now it is mandatory. Some time ago, everyone and everything worked in this market, often working completely uncontrolled, but three or four years ago the KHL introduced a ban on the activities of unlicensed agents.

    As far as I know, since then the league has officially accredited 25 companies involved in agency activities. And another question on five, maybe six, is being considered. At least sixty applications were submitted, that is, about half were refused.

    I can only say that these applications are being considered by a special commission, which includes representatives of the KHL, the hockey players’ union and the Association of Hockey Agents. The procedure there is quite simple, one might even say that it all looks like a formality: an application, a questionnaire, an interview. Then you still need to pay a fee of 250 thousand rubles, this is for a license for five years. Moreover, 250 thousand - regardless of how many people work in your company: two, three, ten people - it’s all the same. And, as far as I understand, the main criterion is that you have real agency agreements.

    What qualities, professional and personal, should a good hockey agent have?

    - Many. Negotiation and communication skills come naturally. Then you need to be able to quickly navigate a changing situation. Of course, know the player market, have an idea of ​​the financial capabilities of clubs, understand what your player can count on in a particular team. And, of course, you need to be a little bit of an artist. Sometimes even an adventurer. On occasion, be able to bluff, to present, for example, the situation in such a way that your player has a dime a dozen employment options, when in reality, perhaps, there are none. Such abilities mainly have to be demonstrated when working with young hockey players - this is the most problematic contingent for an agent.

    The main thing is that with young hockey players, I mean players aged 16 to 21, there are a lot of unknowns. It is not clear, first of all, whether they will grow into pros, whether they will be able to move from children's and youth sports to adults: it is during this period - from sixteen to twenty-one - that 50 percent give up hockey altogether. Then you need to be aware that, having signed an agreement with a young player, the agent must be prepared for the fact that for several years he will not receive a penny from him. At this age, people do not earn much: the KHL regulations for players registered for the youth team stipulate a minimum salary of 15 thousand rubles per month, and literally only a few play for the main teams at the age of 17-18. Taking a percentage from such amounts is stupid and also dishonest: after all, many boys are already from the provinces, from very poor families.

    When they reach 23 years old, when at this age they begin to play for the main teams of KHL clubs, this is a different matter, there the minimum salary, according to the regulations, is already substantial - 3 million rubles per year. That’s when we sit down with them and discuss all financial issues.

    And what are the agent percentages?

    - Five percent of the contract. This figure is agreed upon by all members of the Hockey Agents Association. But this, I emphasize once again, is the interest that is taken from “adult” salaries. Until then, we don’t take anything from hockey players. Moreover, we spend quite a lot on them. If you see that a player is talented, that over time he can develop into a strong professional, you naturally want to keep him with you. And then you can give him pocket money, and give him a mobile phone on occasion, and provide him with equipment.

    Agent interest on football players' contracts is much higher than on starting KHL players (in the photo, Eduardo da Silva signs an agreement with Shakhtar)

    How do you determine whether a player is worth the cost, whether he is promising, and whether he will eventually be able to play in adult hockey?

    – There are certain components that you pay attention to. Skating, stick handling, throwing, physical characteristics, the ability to interact with partners, not only on the court, but also outside it, the ability, so to speak, to behave as a team. But for me personally, the paramount importance has always been not these qualities, but the character of the player, his dedication.

    When I myself played at Dynamo, two guys born in 1980 were growing up there - Alexander Stepanov and Alexey Tereshchenko. And even if they themselves were here now, they would agree with me that God did not give them great hockey talent: neither special technique, nor any outstanding physical characteristics. But in terms of their readiness to fight, to work hard in training... If, based on these indicators, there are now a dozen like them in the entire league, it will be great. Well, and accordingly, for this, despite the lack of bright talent, both were rewarded: Stepanov won the Gagarin Cup twice with Ak Bars, took the Champions Cup, Tereshchenko won the World Championship twice with the national team... They say about such hockey players in the NHL that they are playing with their hearts, that is, they play with their hearts.

    Are you in constant contact with the parents of young players?

    – When it comes to young hockey players, of course. Well, at least because under 18 years of age, according to our laws, they are minors and cannot sign any official agreements. And then it is clear that at this age parents have a great influence on their children, and if you want to develop a relationship with a player, then you must start by trying to get along with his father, with his mother.

    This can also be difficult. Because many of our fathers are absolutely sure that their sons are entirely Wayne Gretzky, and they themselves are at least Scotty Bowman. And even after hiring an agent, they still believe that they know better what these same sons should do and when: this has served many young hockey players in disrepute; I wouldn’t like to name specific names right now.

    That’s why I personally always try to come to an agreement with parents, so to speak, on the shore, that they do not interfere directly in hockey matters, in everything that concerns the career structure of their children. That is, they, of course, can express their opinion, even give advice, but under no circumstances take independent steps without the knowledge of the agent.

    You still need to work with young hockey players. Simply because adult hockey players, experienced ones, all have one bad habit - getting old and ending their careers. And if the agent does not have young players, those who will replace the veterans, at some point he will simply have nothing to eat.

    How many young hockey players are you working with now?

    – We have 15 young players in our agency’s service, despite the fact that there are about 80 hockey players in total. There are three agents themselves, plus two lawyers. My opinion is that one agent can work with no more than 30 players, he can’t handle more just physically. You really need to work with them, you constantly need to solve some problems - sometimes over the phone, sometimes not: let’s say, we meet our hockey players, who are called up to the junior and youth teams, at the airport and deliver them to the team’s location.

    And when there are too many players, you float, you can’t cope, they naturally feel it and begin to think about how to replace you with someone who would treat them more attentively.

    In my practice there was such an example: one agency company literally went crazy all over Russia, looking at players born in 87-89, and concluded an incredible number of agreements. And a year later the players began to run away from them, three of them ended up with us. Moreover, these were very promising hockey players, at that time members of the youth team. And even they complained that in that previous company, agents could not remember their names and surnames

    The agreement between the player and the agent, how serious is this document?

    - How can I tell you? On the one hand, serious, absolutely official. On the other hand, this document, as a rule, states that the agreement can be terminated at any time at the request of one of the parties. And the KHL, if something happens, may not recognize such termination only if the player did not fulfill the prescribed financial obligations to the agent for the period that the agreement was actually in effect. What will happen then? Nothing special: the League will simply recommend that such a hockey player act honestly and close the issue. That's all.

    How common is the practice of agents poaching players from each other?

    -Very common. And, of course, the main struggle is either for rising stars or for already established ones. How does this happen in practice? Option one: you simply follow the right player, wait until his contract begins to come to an end, at the same time find out which clubs want to see him, how much they are willing to pay, and then, choosing the moment, tell him: “Come to me, I I’ll give you a contract for a million dollars.” But, to be honest, this option is kind of stupid. Because, most likely, his current agent is quite capable of organizing exactly the same contract, and maybe even a better one, for this player.

    Of course, your own reputation is very important. If you have a good reputation among hockey players, there will almost certainly be players who themselves will seek contact with you. Word of mouth works, this is the best advertising. Or anti-advertising. It all depends on you: if you work efficiently, if you have good connections in clubs, if your players regularly receive lucrative contracts, if you provide them with some other important services, you will not be left without clients.

    Other important services? What are we talking about?

    – Well, for example, our company provides legal support for transactions involving the acquisition of real estate by players. Moreover, if an apartment or, say, a house is purchased by a hockey player who has been working with us for a long time, this service is provided to him absolutely free.

    Continuing the topic:

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