What is the difference between pink salmon and salmon? What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon? Which fish is tastier and healthier?

We can talk a lot about the benefits of fish dishes. Pink salmon can be considered one of the most valuable commercial fish in this regard: it is quite affordable and is sold almost everywhere, and is very useful due to its high content of vitamins, microelements, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins.

Pink salmon is often called salmon. Are these names interchangeable? Or are pink salmon and salmon different types of fish and should not be identified? In the article you will find all the answers to the questions that have arisen on this topic.

Salmon– the collective name of all fish that belong to the Salmon family.


The Pacific salmon genus includes several distinct species, including pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, masu salmon and chinook salmon. Pink salmon is the most numerous and smallest fish of them all. It rarely grows to 65-70 cm, the average carcass weight is about 1.5-2 kg.

Pink salmon

Pink salmon owes its name to the hump that appears on the once flat back of the male fish during the mating season.

The distinctive features of pink salmon are a white mouth with no teeth on the tongue, large dark oval-shaped spots on the back, and a V-shaped tail.

Pink salmon, compared to other salmon, grows and gains weight very quickly. This is due to the high-calorie foods (crustaceans, fry, small fish) that she prefers. Also, the rapid growth rate of this fish is influenced by its habit of staying for the winter in areas where the temperature does not drop below five degrees plus.

Pink salmon have large, pale (compared to other members of the family) caviar with a fairly dense shell.

In cooking, both the meat of this Pacific salmon and caviar are used. The meat is a little dry, but is suitable for a wide variety of dishes, including salting and canning.

Pink salmon is very useful. Of particular value are the nicotinic acid, vitamin PP and unsaturated fatty acids it contains.

Conclusions website

  1. Pink salmon is one of the representatives of the salmon family. It belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon. Salmon is the collective name for all fish that are part of this family.
  2. Pink salmon differs from other salmon in its relatively small size, wide habitat, and some external features (hump in males during spawning, white mouth, dark oval spots on the back).

Salmon and chum salmon, at first glance, are not very different from each other. Both fish can rightfully be called the queens of the salmon family. Each of them is tasty and beneficial for the human body in its own way. But, upon closer examination, there are many differences: in appearance, habitat, nutritional value and taste.

There are many legends and stories associated with salmon and chum salmon; they have a long and interesting history, accompanying royal or princely feasts from ancient times. Tender meat and nutritious caviar are still considered delicacies.

Due to irresponsible fishing, these fish, unfortunately, are now on the verge of extinction. But humanity has found a way out, and fish farms are becoming more and more popular every year.

Similarities between salmon and chum salmon

  • Pedigree. Both fish are from the salmon family. The meat and caviar of which are highly valued and considered a delicacy in all countries of the world.
  • Habitat and spawning. The habitat and life cycles are similar. For most of their lives, salmon and chum salmon live in the cold, salty waters of oceans and seas. To spawn, fish go on a long journey, which ends in fresh rivers with steep rapids. Before spawning, their food consists of small fish and crustaceans. During spawning, individuals stop feeding and lose weight. They lay from 7 to 25 thousand eggs, which are highly valued for their large elastic eggs of bright orange color.
  • Benefit. Chum and salmon meat is very nutritious and rich in vitamins, fatty acids, micro- and macroelements. Regular consumption of these fish, as well as their caviar, can strengthen the immune system and normalize the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  • Harm. People who are allergic to fish or seafood are strictly prohibited from eating salmon or chum salmon. There are cases when allergies manifest themselves to additives, antibiotics or feed components; this only applies to artificially raised animals.

Let's look at the differences between salmon and chum salmon.

Pedigree and physical characteristics

Salmon (Salmo salar) belongs to the salmon genus. It is also called Atlantic salmon. The maximum length of an individual is one and a half meters, weight is about 40 kilograms. Lives approximately 13 years.

A distinctive feature of salmon is its bright silver scales and darker, blue-tinged back, without spots.

The color of salmon meat varies from pale pink to red-orange, depending on the components of the fish feed. Every year the number of salmon in the wild decreases. Since September 2016, it has been listed in the Red Book of Russia. Modern fisheries are engaged in its artificial breeding. In Norway, for example, there are a lot of fish farms where salmon are raised. But the taste and quality of such fish is much inferior to wild representatives of this genus.

Chum salmon - a species of Pacific salmon. The catch of which breaks world records.

The maximum length does not exceed 100 centimeters, weight - 15 kilograms.

Appearance varies depending on hydrological conditions. In ocean water it has a uniform silver color. In fresh water, its color darkens and its jaw becomes larger. Chum salmon meat is bright pink.

Habitat and spawning

The range of salmon is extensive, distributed within:

  • Atlantic and Arctic oceans.
  • reservoirs of Europe.
  • White, Barents and Baltic seas.
  • Onega and Ladoga lakes.

Reservoirs with a winter water temperature of 1-3°C and unstable ice cover or colder ones, with a temperature of about 0°C and permanent ice, are suitable for spawning. Reproduction is most active in the rivers Umba, Niva, Shuya, and Kemi.

Chum salmon range:

  • Reservoirs of North America.
  • Bering and Okhotsk Seas.
  • Pacific Ocean.

For spawning, it chooses rivers with a constant water temperature of 3-4°C.

The nutritional value

Fish contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, omega-3 acid, zinc, sodium, fluorine. And also vitamins A, B, C, D, H, PP.

Per 100 grams of meat there are:

  • 154 kcal.
  • 21 g protein.
  • 8 g fat.

Rich in potassium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, sodium, chromium, magnesium.

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP.
Per 100 grams of meat there are:

  • 128 kcal.
  • 18 g protein.
  • 6 g fat.

Chum salmon caviar is very popular in the fish market. It is rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Its protein contains healthy amino acids in abundance.

This representative of salmon has less calories and is more healthy. An ideal product for dietary nutrition.


With constant consumption of salmon, the chance of developing thrombophlebitis is minimized. The functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract improves, and immunity increases.

  1. Development of brain activity.
  2. Increased muscle tone and growth.
  3. Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  5. Increased hemoglobin levels.
  6. Strengthening the nervous system.
  7. Normalization of the digestive tract.
  8. Improving the appearance of the skin.
  9. Removing harmful substances from the body and stimulating proper metabolism.
  10. Strengthening the immune system.

Chum salmon caviar contains lecithin and polyunsaturated fats, they reduce cholesterol levels and the chance of atherosclerosis.

So different and very useful

These two fish are similar in many ways, each of them is nutritious and healthy. Due to the limited number of these fish in the world, their meat and caviar are highly prized and considered a delicacy. Regular consumption of them will help maintain the beauty and youth of the body.

Fish is the most important product in the human diet. Its benefits have been proven for a long time. It contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals. The meat of red fish (chum salmon, pink salmon) is especially useful. It contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which slow down the aging process and protect the body from many diseases.

Representatives of the salmon family

Chum salmon and pink salmon are the most common fish of the salmon genus. They make up more than eighty percent of the catch of fish of this species:

  • Chum salmon is a type of Pacific salmon. There are two types of fish of this breed: summer and autumn. The first lives in the northern part of the world, the second in the south. Autumn chum salmon are much larger than summer ones. This fish has a highly developed sense of homeland - it always returns to spawn in the same place where it was born.
  • Pink salmon is also called pink salmon. She prefers cold waters with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees - at 26 degrees the fish dies. Pink salmon eat high-calorie foods, and their meat is rich and fatty. It is superior to keta meat in terms of caloric content and amount of fat. Pink salmon spawn one and a half years after birth and usually die after spawning. For breeding, she chooses new places - usually rivers with large pebbles. The fry hide in a burrow for some time after birth, then are carried out to the open sea by the current.

Pink salmon and chum salmon differ both in appearance and habitat.

The difference between the fillets of these fish is small. It can often be found on store shelves. Externally, the fish are also similar, but at the same time they have many differences:

Unscrupulous sellers often deceive people who do not know how chum salmon differs from pink salmon.

Chum salmon lives, inhabits and reproduces only in natural conditions. Its meat is especially valuable, as it is grown without growth stimulants and antibiotics. Fish are found both in fresh waters and in seas and oceans. Among salmonids it is especially widespread.

Chum salmon does not have a specific habitat. Large schools of fish enter rivers to spawn, and young fish leave the rivers for the oceans. During travel to the spawning grounds, its color changes: the fish becomes darker, stripes appear on its body. Its massive and long tail is designed to dig holes for eggs. Sometimes the depth of the pits reaches two meters. In Russia, chum salmon catches are small, which leads to a fairly high price for its meat.

Pink salmon are found in fresh and marine waters of the northern hemisphere. Most often it can be found off the Pacific coast and in the Arctic. Fish constantly migrate from ocean waters to rivers and back, covering vast distances.

Pink salmon begin and end their lives in rivers. Fish spawning occurs in July-September. The fry remain in the rivers until summer, then they are sent on a journey to the ocean, where they live until they reach marriageable age. The fish then return back to the rivers. There they give birth to offspring and die during spawning.

Pink salmon that live in the ocean have a bluish or blue-green back, silvery sides and a white belly. When returning to fresh waters, the fish becomes pale gray behind, its abdomen acquires a yellowish or green tint.

Buyers often argue about which is tastier - chum salmon or pink salmon. Meanwhile, the meat of both fish is tasty and healthy. It belongs to the fatty varieties and contains a large amount of microelements, vitamins and fatty acids.

Pink salmon has a fattier and higher-calorie fillet. This is due to the fact that it lives in cold waters and eats high-calorie foods. Its meat has a dense consistency and pale pink color. Its calorie content is 145−147 kcal.

Chum salmon meat is drier and less fatty. It is considered a valuable dietary product as it contains fewer calories. The energy value of tender fillet is 125 kcal. It looks bright pink. Meat contains more vitamins, especially group B, including B5, B6, B9, B12. Pink salmon meat has the best mineral composition: it contains a lot of iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, and fluorine.

Chum salmon and pink salmon caviar differ in appearance and composition. In chum salmon it is larger and has a bright red-orange color. Pink salmon caviar is smaller in diameter. It is covered with a dense outer shell. The caviar of both fish has excellent taste, but chum salmon contains more protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. It also contains more minerals and vitamins. Although there is no dispute about tastes, chum salmon caviar and meat are considered more tasty and healthier than pink salmon.

Sometimes they ask which is better - salmon or chum salmon. But any fish from the salmon family is called salmon. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about the difference between salmon and chum salmon, since chum salmon is the same salmon.

Ingredients: frozen pink salmon, salt, black pepper, bay leaf, vegetable oil (for long-term storage).

All the necessary ingredients can be ordered and purchased online without leaving your home, you can even buy avocado oil and other exotic products.

Recipe: for salting pink salmon, it is best to buy whole fish in the store, since it does not undergo any additional processing. And it arrives on store shelves in the form in which it was caught. Unfortunately, cut fish, particularly fillets, are often pre-soaked by manufacturers in phosphates to make the fish meat more porous and absorb water, which will lead to weight gain.

Remove the skin from some frozen pink salmon (it’s unlikely you’ll be able to buy fresh). This is very simple to do: you just need to cut off the head and slightly pick up the skin at the cut site - all the skin comes off from the fish, as they say, “with a stocking”. For those who don’t want to bother with this, you don’t have to remove the skin, but just salt it just like that. Those who wish can also remove the bones and backbone of the pink salmon to make a fillet, or again, you can salt it just like that, without bothering. Next, cut the fish into small portions that are convenient to eat.

Next, at the bottom of the jar or food container, pour a little salt (use only coarse table salt), pepper, chopped bay leaf, pieces of pink salmon, then again - salt with pepper and bay leaves - pieces of pink salmon and so on until the end of the fish. Close the lid.

Place in a cool place or refrigerator overnight. That’s it – the fish is ready, you can eat it. If long-term storage is expected - two weeks, then it is better to sprinkle the fish with vegetable oil. But this has never happened to me - within a day, at most two, the fish is eaten.

Very simple and incredibly tasty! The resulting pink salmon, of course, only resembles salmon, but a non-specialist wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference. The pink salmon turns out tender and juicy. Bon appetit!

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Fish without bones, The most delicious and healthy fish

Fish without bones

  1. Fish without bones;
  2. Bony fish (bony).

River fish and migratory fish

  • Russian sturgeon
  • Carp (wild carp)
  • Pike perch (perch family)


  • Chum salmon (salmon fish)

Sea fish

Sea fish without bones are mainly fish from the cod, mackerel and horse mackerel families. In parentheses are notes and key features.
  • Vomer (selena, moonfish)
  • Flounder (flat bottom fish)
  • Mackerel (mackerel fish)
  • Pollock (cod fish)
  • Halibut (flounder)
  • Haddock (cod family)

Sea fish without scales:

  • Sea eel

River fish without scales:

  • Burbot
  • river eel

  • Mackerel
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Rainbow trout
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Tuna

The most harmful and dangerous fish

Bony (bony) fish

Frying small fish without bones

See what it looks like:

Fish recipes

Fish recipes


Fish recipes

Fish recipes

Fish recipes

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What is a fish without bones? How to cut fish? What fish is the most delicious and healthy? How to cook bony fish? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

From a scientific point of view, fish are divided into bony and cartilaginous. These are two different classes of fish. Cartilaginous fish do not have gill covers and lack a swim bladder - these are different sharks, rays and chimeras. Bony fish have a developed bony skeleton, consisting of a vertebra and costal bones, and the gills cover the gill covers, and they have a swim bladder - this is all river fish and most sea fish.

When we say “fish without bones,” we mean the absence of small fork bones, the number of which determines the bonyness of the fish.

Fish without bones

In cooking, sea and river fish are divided by bonyness:

  1. Fish without bones;
  2. Fish with a small number of small fork bones;
  3. Bony fish (bony).

In one article it is impossible to give the entire list of river and sea fish without bones, small-bone and bony fish - there are thousands of names. We will name only those types of fish that we often hear about, that we catch, cook or eat; there are no sharks or moray eels. The lists include fish that some people like and others don’t, some that are affordable and some that are expensive, some that are rare and some that are not so rare, and that vary in their degree of usefulness, safety, and taste. To avoid offending anyone, the names of the fish are in alphabetical order.

Fish without bones, or without small bones, are sturgeon, some cod and salmon. It can be river, lake, migratory or sea fish.

Migratory fish are fish that enter the fresh waters of rivers to spawn. Migratory salmon rise upstream in rivers, overcoming any obstacles in their path, spawn, and then slide downstream and die. Migratory sturgeons enter rivers, but do not rise high and return to the sea until the next spawning season. The river eel, on the contrary, goes to sea to spawn. Migratory and semi-anadromous fish can live in both fresh and salt water.

River fish and migratory fish

Sturgeon. List of these fish with photos

Sturgeon, sturgeon, is the general name for freshwater sturgeon, anadromous and semi-anadromous fish. This is an osteochondral fish species that can live 50, 100 or more years. Black caviar is a product of sturgeon fish.

  • Beluga (the largest freshwater fish of the sturgeon family, listed in the Red Book)
  • Kaluga (sturgeon freshwater fish of the beluga genus)
  • Russian sturgeon
  • Sevruga (sturgeon family, migratory fish)
  • Sterlet (freshwater fish of the sturgeon family, grown in ponds and lakes)
  • Thorn (sturgeon anadromous fish)

Other river fish without bones - list with photos

  • Burbot (freshwater representative of cod)
  • River lamprey (jawless predatory fish)
  • River eel (migratory fish, spawns in sea water)

River fish with a few small bones:

  • Carp (wild carp)
  • Catfish (large freshwater predator)
  • Pike perch (perch family)


Salmon, salmon, is the general name for fish of the salmon family, including freshwater inhabitants and migratory ones. Red caviar is a delicacy, the roe of salmon fish.

  • Pink salmon (genus of Pacific salmon)
  • Chum salmon (salmon fish)
  • Salmon (Atlantic salmon, lake salmon)
  • Whitefish (salmon, there are many varieties of whitefish)
  • Taimen (freshwater fish, the largest representative of salmon, listed in the Red Book)
  • Trout (several species of fish of the salmon family that live in fresh water)

Sea fish

Sea fish without bones are mainly fish from the cod, mackerel and horse mackerel families. In parentheses are notes and key features.

List of boneless (or almost boneless) sea fish:

  • Vomer (selena, moonfish)
  • Yellowtail, or lakedra (mackerel fish)
  • Catfish (sea wolf, perciformes)
  • Flounder (flat bottom fish)
  • Mullet (there are freshwater representatives)
  • Icefish (white pike)
  • Mackerel (mackerel fish)
  • Macrurus (rattail, deep-sea cod-like fish)
  • Pollock (cod fish)
  • Sea bream (perciform fish)
  • Sea bass (Scarpenidae family)
  • Conger eel (passively poisonous fish)
  • Sole sole (European sole, flounder fish)
  • Navaga (Far Eastern navaga, cod family)
  • Halibut (flounder)
  • Haddock (cod family)
  • Seabass (from sea bass, laurel, koykan, sea wolf, sea pike perch, etc.)
  • Mackerel (mackerel family, order Perciformes)
  • Horse mackerel (different types of fish from the horse mackerel family)
  • Tuna (tunas are a group of fish of the mackerel family)
  • Hake (hake, cod-like fish)

What fish has no scales? Depending on the species, fish have five different types of scales. Most fish have scales, some are partially scaled, and a few fish have no scales.

Some fish species are mistaken for fish without scales. An example is sharks and rays. Indeed, sharks and rays do not have lamellar scales, since they are a different structure called placoid scales - rhombic plates with a spine protruding outward. Below is a list of edible fish without scales in whole or in part.

Sea fish without scales:

  • Mackerel (spines present on the lateral line)
  • Sea eel

River fish without scales:

  • Naked carp (mirror carp is partially covered with large scales)
  • Burbot
  • Sturgeon (scales present on the tail)
  • river eel
  • Catfish (catfish are considered scaleless, but they have very small, dense scales that form a covering similar to skin).

Tench is sometimes mistaken for a fish without scales, but it has them. Tench have rather small and dense scales, covered with a dense layer of mucus, so the cover looks like skin.

Cutting river and sea fish

Before cutting the fish, it is prepared - thawing (if frozen) and soaking. Cutting a fish involves removing everything unnecessary - scales, entrails, skin, head, fins and bones. At the same time, according to the processing method, fish are divided into groups: scaly, scaleless and sturgeon. Fish with very small scales (catfish, navaga) are cut like fish without scales.

When preparing frozen fish for cutting and cooking, it is useful to know the following points:

  1. The faster frozen fish thaws, the better the taste of the meat is preserved and the juicier it will be.
  2. Scaly and scaleless fish are thawed in lightly salted water for two to five hours, depending on size.
  3. Sturgeon, catfish, frozen fillets are thawed in air at room temperature.
  4. Mackerel, navaga, hake, mackerel - do not thaw, they are easier to cut frozen.

Different types, methods and schemes for the primary cutting of different fish are demonstrated in the video below. Cutting river fish (perch, pike, burbot, pike perch, bream) and sea fish, cutting salmon and sturgeon:

Which fish is tastier and healthier?

We looked at many types of fish, some with more bones and others with fewer bones. We found out that there is fish without bones and scales. But is this enough to judge the culinary value of fish? Not, no so much.

In addition to the number of small bones, the meat of different fish differs in many properties: taste, fat content, amount of protein, presence of useful minerals and vitamins. Availability and price of fish are also important.

Let's find out which fish is the most delicious and healthy, which fish you should stay away from, and what the cost of fish depends on.

The most delicious fish is the fish that you personally like best. There is an opinion that there is no such thing as tasteless fish - only improperly prepared fish. The following fish are generally recognized as tasty: salmon, sturgeon, tuna, and luvar. But some people will prefer grilled bream, fried pike perch or dried sabrefish to all these delicious fish.

The healthiest fish is the one whose meat contains more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are simply necessary for the body. This means that these are “fatty” fish - tuna, halibut, mackerel, salmon. Let's arrange them in descending order by the amount of healthy fats:

  • Wild salmon (any wild fish from the salmon family)
  • Mackerel
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Rainbow trout
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Tuna

Despite the fact that tuna is often called the healthiest fish, it is at the end of the list of healthiest fish. This is because we used an objective approach and facts. The healthiest fish in terms of omega-3 content is wild salmon. It is the wild one, as well as the one grown in captivity, that often turns out to be harmful due to the feed additives that are used when growing it on fish farms. Just one hundred grams of wild salmon meat contains the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids.

In general, any fish is considered dietary. A more dietary fish is one whose meat contains fewer calories and fat. Among river fish, these are pike, perch, and pike perch.

Marine dietary fish are hake, pollock and cod. It should be borne in mind that the dietary properties of fish largely depend on the method of its preparation. If you fry or smoke fish, the dietary properties of the fish will be lost. The most suitable methods for preparing dietary fish dishes are boiling or steaming.

The safety of fish depends on how you look at it. There are fish that you can eat even raw without worrying about the dangers of raw meat. The safest river fish can be considered fish from cold, clean and transparent fast rivers. However, sea fish is safer.

At the same time, it should be remembered that there are no completely safe products suitable for absolutely everyone. The safety of fish largely depends on the method of preparation.

The most harmful and dangerous fish

If there is the most useful fish, it is logical to assume that there is also the most harmful fish. And this is by no means a poisonous fugu fish. Telapia and pangasius, for example, often live and breed in simply terrible conditions. They normally exist and multiply almost in sewage waters where they feed on any waste from these waters. Just don't buy telapia of dubious origin.

It is more difficult with semi-finished fish products made from the meat of quite noble fish. To give it a fresh look, dyes are added to the fish meat, and for weight, it is pumped with substances that retain large amounts of water. I don’t even want to talk about chemicals that dissolve bones in fillets.

An unscrupulous manufacturer can make any fish harmful and dangerous.

The most expensive and cheapest fish

The most expensive fish is not found on store shelves, and not at all because no one can afford it. These are rare species of fish, specially supplied only to restaurants. These include pufferfish, beluga and its caviar, kaluga and some other sturgeon. Tuna is also an expensive fish species. People have learned to raise salmon and sturgeon, so the price for them has become quite affordable for many.

The cheapest fish in stores are fresh frozen hake, pollock, halibut, haddock, cod and the like. River fish that is not exported can be cheaper than sea fish.

The price of fish is not directly related to the value of fish as a food product, its taste and usefulness. It depends more on demand in the global and local markets, the ability to satisfy this demand, and other factors not related to the quality of fish.

Bony (bony) fish

Small and large fish of the same species have approximately the same number of small bones, but in large fish the fork bones are larger and more noticeable. It is much easier to select bones from large fish. Almost all small river fish are very bony - these are perch, pike, bream, roach, crucian carp, etc.

Why don't people like bony fish? Bony fish, or as they say - “bony”, does not mean that it is tasteless. It can be very tasty, but picking small bones from the fish instead of eating it is a dubious pleasure. In addition, there is a risk that a small fish bone may get stuck in the throat. How to cook bony fish? What to do if a bone is stuck in your throat? We will answer these questions too.

Frying small fish without bones

Heat treatment of fish softens fish bones. Vegetable oil, unlike water, warms up significantly above 100 degrees. Under the influence of this temperature, small bones in boiling oil almost completely dissolve. It turns out to be fish without bones.

This way you can fry fish that are not very suitable for frying due to the large number of small bones - medium-sized roach, bream, silver bream, ide and similar fish. Crucian carp is traditionally fried, and transverse cuts on the sides, definitely during the frying process, rid the crucian carp of many fork bones.

See what it looks like:

If a fish bone gets stuck in your throat

A fish bone is stuck in my throat, what should I do? How to remove it at home?
Anyone who has eaten bony fish at least occasionally knows the unpleasant sensations when a small fish bone gets stuck in the throat or tonsils. It becomes difficult to swallow, any swallowing movements cause pain. What to do if a bone is stuck in your throat? The main thing is not to panic.

In most cases, it is possible to get rid of a fish bone without outside help, on your own, if it is a small and soft bone. There are several simple and relatively safe ways to get rid of such a bone in the throat.

We warn you: doctors do not welcome “amateur activities” and advise you to immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that the results of manipulations with a fish bone may turn out to be impossible to get rid of it and you will still need to go to the doctor. At the same time, the bone may become even more stuck in the throat, and even for a specialist it will be more difficult to remove it.

So, there are two options - we do everything at home, at our own risk, on our own, or we go for professional help.
All methods of getting rid of a fish bone at home are based on mechanical action on the fish bone by swallowing something that can drag the bone into the esophagus, or rinsing.

  1. Bread pulp. The bread is partially chewed until moist and swallowed with a pronounced gulp. The bread can be soaked in fresh honey. This is perhaps the most effective way.
  2. Enveloping products. Instead of bread, you can use thick drinks (yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir), fresh flowing honey, or eat, for example, a banana. If the bone is caught slightly, this may help.
  3. Vegetable oil. If you take a small sip of vegetable oil, there is a chance that the bone, under the influence of the lubricant, will slip out and move towards its destination.

If, as a result of the actions taken, the bone from the fish does not go into the digestive tract, you should consult a doctor. This cannot be delayed, otherwise the inflammatory process will begin and the pain will intensify.

That's all. Let's end on a beautiful note: salmon, going to spawn, crosses the road.

Fish is one of the most important products that must be present in every person’s diet; it contains a huge amount of protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The most popular are red fish, namely chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon. They contain high concentrations of polyunsaturated acids, which protect the human body from many serious pathologies.

Comparative characteristics

Quite often you can hear pink salmon referred to as salmon, believing that these definitions are completely interchangeable. Meanwhile, this is not exactly the same concept. Salmon is a separate genus of fish; it includes chum salmon, as well as sockeye and chinook salmon, and pink salmon, the latter being considered the smallest of all species. The length of the carcass almost never exceeds 60-75 cm, and the weight of the fish is approximately 1.5-2.5 kg.

The fish got its name thanks to the hump that “decorates” the back of the male during the mating season. A characteristic feature of pink salmon is its large, light, almost white mouth, as well as the absence of teeth on the tongue. This fish has small oval dark spots on the carcass and a V-shaped tail.

Compared to other fish of the salmon family, pink salmon grows and gains weight much faster than others. This is largely due to the fact that she eats quite high-calorie food - fry, as well as crustaceans and various small fish. In addition, accelerated growth is greatly influenced by the fact that pink salmon winter in waters where the average temperature does not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

Unlike other salmon, pink salmon caviar is lighter in color and the shell is quite strong. In addition to caviar, fish pulp is widely used in cooking. It is quite dry, but nevertheless quite suitable for preparing a variety of dishes, as well as canning and pickling. Pink salmon is exceptionally healthy: it contains quite a lot of Omega fatty acids, as well as vitamin PP.

Pink salmon

Pink salmon caviar

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions.

  • Pink salmon is one of the most common representatives of the vast genus of salmon; in science it is called “Pacific salmon”. It is not entirely correct to say that pink salmon is salmon, since salmon is a collective term that includes many different fish.
  • Pink salmon differs from other salmon species in its relatively small size, certain external features, and wider habitat.

It is worthwhile to dwell separately on the differences between pink salmon and chum salmon; these are the subspecies of red fish that are most popular on our shelves, they account for 80-85% of the total catch of fish of this species. Chum salmon in nature occurs in summer and autumn. The summer fish lives in the northern regions, and the second - in the southern regions, while the autumn fish is much longer than the summer one. This representative of salmon is characterized by a keen sense of its homeland: it spawns in the place where it was born.

Pink salmon prefers to live in fairly cool waters: its usual temperature is 15 degrees; in hotter climates it simply dies. In terms of calorie content and concentration of polyunsaturated acids, pink salmon is significantly superior to chum salmon. Unlike the latter, for spawning it always selects more and more new places, as a rule, these are rivers with large pebbles at the bottom. After birth, the fry hide in stone burrows for some time, and then swim out into the water column, from where they are carried into the ocean by a fast current.

Let's look at other differences between these types.

Chum salmon

Red salmon

Length and weight

Chum salmon grow to approximately 1.5 m, while pink salmon are half the size. Moreover, the first one weighs 10-15 kg, and the second one is almost 10 times lighter. At the same time, pink salmon grows faster than chum salmon.


Chum salmon has a rather unremarkable color with a distinct silvery tint, and at the time of spawning, pinkish spots appear on the body of the fish. Pink salmon has dark oval spots on the carcass; in addition, this fish has quite pronounced characteristics of the genus. Thus, males have a curved upper jaw, rather large teeth, and a hump grows on their back during the breeding season.

However, inexperienced consumers quite often confuse these two fish, which is sometimes taken advantage of by irresponsible sellers.


Chum salmon lives and reproduces exclusively in its natural environment, which is why its pulp is very highly valued, since this fish grows without the use of all kinds of antibacterial drugs, hormones and various growth stimulants. At the same time, chum salmon can live in both salty and fresh water bodies; among all representatives of the salmon genus, it is characterized by the most extensive habitat zone.

Pink salmon prefers the seas and rivers of the northern hemisphere; in most cases, it is localized off the coast of the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Arctic, while the fish constantly migrates from the seas to large rivers, and then back. Pink salmon living in the ocean are distinguished by a slightly bluish or light green back, pronounced silver spots on the sides and a snow-white belly, and when this fish returns to its native fresh water bodies, the belly becomes yellowish.

The nutritional value

Consumers have been debating for quite some time about which fish is better and tastier - chum salmon or pink salmon, and cannot come to a consensus. This is not surprising, because both fish are extremely nutritious and healthy. Both types are classified as fatty varieties; they contain very high concentrations of fatty acids and microelements necessary for health. However, pink salmon has a slightly more high-calorie pulp: 100 g of product contains about 145-150 kcal, the fillet is fattier, its consistency is quite dense, and the color is pale pink.

Chum salmon fillet is drier and not so fatty; this product is classified as dietary, its calorie content is only 125 kilocalories. At the same time, the fish contains more B vitamins than pink salmon, and the composition of minerals is much more balanced: quite high concentrations of iodine, fluorine, as well as cobalt, manganese and chromium have accumulated here.


As for caviar, between chum salmon and pink salmon it differs quite significantly both in its appearance and chemical composition. Chum salmon caviar is slightly larger, the color is rich scarlet-orange. Pink salmon eggs are slightly smaller in diameter, but they are covered with a rather strong outer shell. The taste qualities of both fish are exceptionally high, but chum salmon contains much more protein, moreover, in a form easily digestible by humans. Chum salmon caviar is considered more nutritious and healthy.

How to distinguish?

In conclusion, we will give a brief overview of the distinctive features of pink salmon from some other salmon in order to understand what the difference between these species is. Inexperienced buyers quite often purchase pink salmon instead of sockeye salmon. The flesh of the latter is fattier and contains more vitamins, so it is valued much higher, which is what unscrupulous sellers take advantage of, passing off pink salmon as its more expensive relative. The main difference between these two salmon is their size: pink salmon is at least two times smaller than sockeye salmon. However, there are exceptions, but very rarely.

The tail can tell a lot of interesting things about a fish: if there are fuzzy dark spots on its fin, then this is a pink salmon. In addition, it has more delicate scales: if these two fish lie in front of you, then distinguishing one from the other will not be difficult. If there is only one fish in front of you, then you can try to count the number of scales in the very first row, located above the lateral line. Typically, in sockeye salmon their number does not exceed 145, while in pink salmon it varies from 170 to 210.

You can make your work easier: just select about a fifth of the length and multiply the number of scales in it by five, this accuracy is more than enough to determine what kind of fish is in front of you.

It is not at all difficult to distinguish pink salmon from fish such as coho salmon, although they are approximately the same in size. Coho salmon have a rather unique color: the head and back have a greenish tint, and the sides and belly are silvery-white. There are transverse stripes on the body, which, unlike pink salmon, are noticeable and located below the lateral line, and oval or triangular spots are visible between the stripes.

During spawning, the scales acquire a pronounced pink tint. Coho salmon meat is very tender and juicy, and this is another difference between the two salmon.

To learn how to distinguish a female from a male salmon, watch the following video.

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