What does drying mean? Body drying for girls. A practical guide to creating a beach body. What is body drying at home?

Body drying is a term that came into use relatively recently thanks to bodybuilders. So what is it and why dry your body? First of all, in order to destroy excess fat, which no gymnastics can cope with.

Drying the body is a unique way to make the body sculpted, toned, athletic, with beautiful noticeable muscles, without excess subcutaneous fat. This effect is achieved by special exercises and a diet in which no more than 50 grams are consumed per day. carbohydrates, some protein foods and fats.

You need to start drying your body gradually so that the body has time to adapt to the new diet. It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed over several days. It is advisable to start such a diet under the supervision of a trainer, especially if cutting is carried out for the first time. Sometimes severe discomfort occurs. In this case, this diet will have to be stopped.

Some people think that drying the body means limiting water consumption. This is a completely wrong opinion. In fact, this is a significant reduction only in carbohydrates. Drying is good because when you lose weight up to 30 kg in three months, the muscles are completely preserved, but they become pronounced. The body becomes beautiful, athletic, healthy.

Products necessary for drying the body should be carbohydrate-free, with a minimum fat content. This diet can be quite dangerous, as we said earlier, and strict control is needed when maintaining it.

By the way, even in ancient times in the East there was a meat death penalty. The criminal was chained, not allowing him to move, and fed only boiled meat. Rarely could anyone live more than a month. Everyone died from terrible agony due to self-poisoning from decaying protein products. So if you decide to dry your body, be attentive to your well-being.

So how should you dry it so as not to harm yourself?

First of all, you need to understand what happens in the body when you are on such a diet and what foods you can consume.

Carbohydrates in the body are the main source of energy, built on the use of glucose, which requires insulin. It is the excess insulin that is deposited in the form of liver glycogen, and a little more in the form of muscle glycogen. If we consume more carbohydrates in food than required, glucose begins to be converted into fat deposits.

Products for drying the female body:

Boiled or raw egg white. No yolk!;
Boiled squid fillet;
Boiled or baked chicken fillet;
Boiled or baked white fish;
Buckwheat and oatmeal;
Pasta for diabetics made from rye flour;
Cucumbers, cabbage and greens;
Purified water without restrictions, green and ginger tea without sugar.

Prohibited when drying the body:

Salt (limit);
Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips and other root vegetables;
Any fats;
Dairy products.

Any diet has contraindications, and a low-carbohydrate diet is no exception.

Various kidney diseases;
Pancreatic diseases;
Liver diseases;
Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Drying the body is the process of burning subcutaneous fat using carbohydrate starvation. As a result, the fat layer is burned, the body becomes sculpted.

Who is body drying indicated for?

People actively involved in sports. Especially for bodybuilders during competitions. During the time between competitions, athletes periodically gain muscle mass, and then during the drying period they burn fat with minimal loss of dry mass.

Important! People who do not have problems with excess weight. Those whose muscles are in good shape and the percentage of subcutaneous fat exceeds 20% can safely choose drying as a tool to give their body definition.

For overweight people, drying will not bring any benefit. Cardio exercise and diet are recommended for burning fat. Those who are underweight but have belly fat are advised to improve their diet.

What is the difference between cutting and losing weight?

Losing weight is a more gentle method. It is carried out several times a year to maintain constant weight. The main principle of losing weight is to burn more calories than you consumed. Drying involves systematic control over nutrition. It is considered a great stress for the body.

Each person's approach to drying should be individual. Some may consume only dairy products for a long time; for some, this approach is problematic.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. If too much carbohydrate is consumed, it ends up in the liver and muscle tissue. Glycogen is formed. If all cells are filled with glucose, then due to a glut of carbohydrates, fat is formed.

When there is a deficiency of glucose, the body first consumes glycogen reserves and then fat. An incorrect approach to drying can lead to dire consequences, including a coma.

During the drying process, you should not use additional fat burning drugs. Such drugs contribute to increased metabolism and the appearance of a disease such as ketoacidosis.

Basic principles of drying

maintaining a daily calorie deficit;
strengthening metabolic processes in the body;
stick to fractional meals.

Fractional nutrition (see) involves eating in small portions and often. This approach to nutrition is the basis for success.

Principles of nutrition during the drying period

At the beginning of drying it is necessary to exclude. If you suddenly stop consuming it, it will be a great stress for the body. In the middle and at the end of drying, carbohydrates can be consumed only in the morning.

For women, during the drying process it is necessary to consume easily digestible proteins. In addition to drying, you can resort to strength training. Exercise helps improve your metabolism. Towards the end of the drying period, it makes sense to reduce your vegetable consumption.

Drying the body - foods that should be excluded

These foods should definitely be excluded from your diet:

food containing animal fats.

If it is very difficult to do without sweets, then you can eat fruits and honey, and instead of fatty meats, fish and seafood.

Consumption of the following products is encouraged:

Cereals (rice, buckwheat);
durum wheat pasta;
cottage cheese (preferably low-fat).

If drying is accompanied by additional physical activity, for example, the Planck exercise (read -), then you need to eat well so that the body is not weakened.

A mandatory point in the drying process is the daily consumption of liquid. Carbonated drinks with dyes and high amounts of sugar are excluded. The daily consumption rate of pure still water should be 2.5-3 liters.

Limitations and contraindications for drying

1. Active intellectual activity.
2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
3. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.
4. Diabetes mellitus.

Drying the body is a complex and energy-consuming process. Before carrying out it is better to consult with professionals, and also visit a doctor to check for contraindications.

Body drying for girls

Body drying for men

Hi all! Nowadays, you can quite often come across the phrases “I’m drying”, “drying my body” - especially during the period of preparation for summer or for the new year. In addition, now there are a great many projects for losing weight in a month (take, for example, one of the most popular - crazy drying). Yes, sometimes the results are impressive, but have you ever wondered what is behind it? Let's take a closer look at what drying is and what it is used with.

What is body drying

Drying the body is a combination of specifically structured training and nutrition with restrictions (sometimes very strict). The main goal of this process is to reduce the fat layer to a minimum percentage.

It is also worth noting that a small percentage in the body of girls (less than 10-12% - the indicator is individual and can vary), as a rule, negatively affects the health of female representatives, which can lead to menstrual irregularities, cause hair loss, deterioration of the skin and nails.

For men, the percentage of body fat is less affected. The fact is that in women, the maturation of female sex hormones - estrogens - occurs precisely in adipose tissue (with predominant deposition on the hips and abdomen - hence the distribution of fat according to the female type).

So, back to the topic. For example, you set out to remove excess fat - reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat - and you just stumbled upon “drying the body.” Great! - you probably thought, I’ll limit myself to exercise for a month or two, I’ll do it and I’ll certainly see the cubes I want. But don’t rush to the store for breast meat, cucumbers and lettuce. Let's figure it out.

Drying is for professionals

First of all, drying the body is necessary for athletes who compete in the bodybuilding federation (directly bodybuilders, men's physicists and fitness bikinis). Different athletes practice different variations of cutting (gradual reduction of carbohydrates, protein-carbohydrate alternation, keto diet and others).

Cutting for performing athletes is aimed at achieving a minimum percentage of fat along with the greatest preservation of muscles. In other words, the desired result is a sculpted body, which athletes then demonstrate in competitions.

How does the diet during the drying period differ among performing athletes? Firstly, this is a reduction in carbohydrates (how smooth it depends on who is preparing the athlete for competition). As a rule, a week before the start, carbohydrates are reduced to minimum values ​​(and sometimes completely eliminated) - glycogen reserves in the body are depleted (during this period the muscles may look “flat”)

Then, a couple of days before going on stage (again, it all depends on the specific coach and athlete), carbohydrate loading is applied (mainly complex carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, bread are added to the diet). Some are “loaded” with sweets, and they use Snickers, cakes, cookies and much more. As a result, glycogen reserves are replenished, and the muscles “swell”, since glycogen is primarily used by muscle tissue.

In addition to reducing carbohydrates in the diet, the amount consumed is increased - sometimes up to 4-5 grams per kg of the athlete’s weight. Fat, as a rule, remains either the usual amount or is slightly reduced due to a decrease in the total calorie content of the diet.

Limiting carbohydrate intake often leads to nervousness, irritability, forgetfulness, fatigue, and sleep problems in athletes.

Why drying can be dangerous

Now I think you will agree with me that drying the body is quite harmful for those who work out in the gym for themselves, unprofessionally. As for the sensational online projects that promise to turn you into a bodybuilder with steel abs in a month (crazy drying, Prodrying and others), you shouldn’t be tempted by super results in two pictures. As an example, a friend of mine participated in a similar project - yes, she. But along with this, she acquired an eating disorder, health problems, and subsequently gained even more weight from this bullying. In a word, she exhausted her body and depleted her resources.

Think again - if you don't plan on conquering the bodybuilding scene, do you need to cut? No? Then what to do? Read on.

What you need to do to safely lose extra pounds

To reduce body fat, you need the following:

1. Calorie deficit. We take the Mifflin-San Jeor formula, calculate our calorie intake taking into account physical activity (to do this, the resulting basal metabolic rate must be multiplied by the CFA coefficient of physical activity, for physical activity 3 times a week it is 1.375). From the resulting value we subtract 250-300 calories, this will be enough for healthy weight loss.

For a woman: BOO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age - 161
For a man: BOO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age + 5

Physical activity coefficients (K):
Minimum load (sedentary work) - K=1.2
Some daily activity and light exercise 1-3 times a week - K=1.375
Training 4-5 times a week (or moderate work) - K= 1.4625
Intense training 4-5 times a week - K=1.550
Daily training - K=1.6375
Daily intense training or training 2 times a day - K=1.725
Heavy physical work or intense training 2 times a day - K=1.9

2. Rule No. 2 - spend more energy than you consume. Move! Walk more, get off 1-2 stops earlier (unless of course you are in a hurry). Combine business with pleasure - grab a glass of delicious coffee, put on headphones with your loved one and go straight for a walk along the streets of your city or to the park. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

3. Add cardio to 1-2 (ellipse, running, jump rope - whatever your heart desires). Start gradually - from 10-15 minutes (increasing the time by 5-10 minutes each time), leading up to 40-60 minutes. You can also resort to (for example, alternating running for 10 minutes and walking for 2-3 minutes at a calm pace)

4. Remember that everything should be fun. After all, only then will the body begin to respond to changes in its vital activity and give back what it needs!

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If earlier women were only concerned about the problem of weight, now it is not enough to just have 40 kg, you need a sculpted body with defined muscles. Unfortunately, this effect cannot be achieved with physical effort; emergency measures are needed here - drying! It allows you to get rid of subcutaneous fat in the shortest possible time. Today we will take a closer look at this procedure.

Why is body drying necessary?

The term drying itself comes from bodybuilding. At the same time, at the stage of muscle growth there is absolutely no need to limit yourself in nutrition; on the contrary, the diet should be saturated, but only with proteins. This approach to nutrition allows you to actively burn fat mass and build muscle, which leads to the appearance of a beautiful body contour.

The body drying procedure is a voluntary process that is undertaken consciously. And only you can decide whether you need it or not. Such a warning is not without reason, because this whole procedure can negatively affect the condition of the body and lead to very disastrous consequences. We'll talk about this a little later.

Body drying for girls

Many ladies mistakenly believe that drying is a process of losing weight, but this is not at all true. First of all, this is a series of measures that is aimed at getting rid of subcutaneous fat to a state of 8-12%, while losing weight is a general loss of body weight, in which both muscles and fat are involved indiscriminately. The main goal when losing weight is to reduce your size in order to fit into your favorite dress or jeans; when drying, volumes, on the contrary, can increase, just like weight, since here only the relief is pursued.

Don't think that drying is easy. In fact, this is a whole process, and not a simple “diet”. You can hear more than once how some people want to dry out for the beach season. And here a lot of “buts” immediately arise. Firstly, the very idea of ​​all this is irrational - so much work and effort (nutrition, rigorous training) and only for the sake of the beach. Secondly, a sculpted body will be with you exactly as long as the proper nutrition for it lasts. Once you get hooked on carbohydrates, everything will return to normal. No, you will not gain weight, but your relief will no longer stand out. But maintaining such a diet constantly is simply impossible, as it is dangerous to health.

Drying should begin with an initially suitable amount of starting material. What does this mean, if a girl is 170 tall and weighs 45, then the process will be of no use. The optimal option for such height is a weight of 60 kg and no less. The presence of subcutaneous fat should be at least 20-25%.

The drying process includes:

  • strict adherence to a specific system of reducing the amount of carbohydrates;
  • consumption of large amounts of fluid;
  • reducing NaCl consumption;
  • introducing a large amount of lean protein into the diet;
  • regular nutrition for athletes: various fat burners, BCAAs and proteins;
  • the use of regular heavy physical activity, involving a large number of repetitions.

When cutting, you must keep a food diary and eat, adhering to the rule: if you burn more calories than they are lost, then weight will go away, and if on the contrary, then weight will increase. Therefore, the number of calories will need to be constantly counted, while also dividing by the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. This is very tedious, but necessary; to make the process easier, you can use online calculators to calculate calorie content.

Drying rules

Let's summarize a few rules for proper drying of the body:

  1. To compensate for the lack of fat in your diet, you can include fish in your diet. This will stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat. Ideally, you should eat at least a small portion of seafood per day.
  2. Before training, you need to eat easily digestible protein and “slow” carbohydrates, such as a serving of oatmeal or whole grain bread.
  3. It is better to resort to extremes from time to time and deliberately give the body a critically low level of carbohydrates, no more than 80 g, every one and a half to two weeks. In this way, you will deceive the body and force it to intensively burn subcutaneous fat deposits.
  4. Remember, any diet causes the body to significantly slow down. So, if you feel this on yourself during the drying period, arrange a day or two of truly carbohydrate nutrition. Load your body with quality fats and carbohydrates. This approach will shake up the body and endocrine system, and then return to the established diet.
  5. Do not eat non-fibrous carbohydrates (for example, white rice and bread), slow carbohydrates will help you achieve your goal faster.
  6. By cutting back on carbohydrates and eating plenty of lean protein, this will help you maintain muscle mass while burning fat.
  7. To make the transition to a new diet as smooth as possible, without slowing down metabolic processes, reduce calories gradually, for example, reduce the level by no more than 100-200 kcal per week.
  8. A proper drying procedure should take eight to twelve weeks.
  9. Drink enough water. The level of “sufficiency” is individual for everyone; you can calculate it by multiplying your weight by 0.03. It is better to drink cool water, it will help in burning reserves.

Drying products

First of all, proteins are needed for drying. They are contained in:

  • Chicken squirrels. Many dieters know that chicken eggs are the main source of highly digestible protein. Out of 80 kcal, one egg contains 20 kcal of protein. Yolks, of course, can also be consumed, but it is not recommended to eat them; it is better to limit yourself to one or two per day, since they contain almost only fats.
  • Chicken breast. This is a permanent element of sports nutrition. There is very little fat, resulting in a minimum of calories.
  • Seafood and fish. One of the suppliers of easily digestible protein. It is best to take white fish, such as pollock. But don't eat canned food! Only boiled or stewed fish. The only exception is canned tuna - you can have it, just pay attention to the expiration dates before purchasing.
  • Lean beef. A first-class source of keratin, which promotes muscle growth.
  • Cottage cheese. For drying, it is better to give preference to a fat content of no more than 5%, which is due to calorie content. Curd protein takes longer to digest than egg protein, but faster than meat or chicken.
  • Protein. Casein or whey can be used during drying as a snack.

But you shouldn’t forget about carbohydrates either. They are located in:

  • Oatmeal. The best option is Hercules, it is better than instant oatmeal in every way.
  • Brown rice. A classic of the genre for any bodybuilder - chicken breast and rice. It is better to take a long-grain variety of cereal. To avoid it being too tight, brown rice can be mixed in equal proportions with white.
  • Buckwheat. Without comment, everyone already knows that buckwheat is ideal.
  • Bobovykh. Great sources of plant protein include lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas. The absorption of these carbohydrates is better with animal protein. Therefore, it is good to use legumes as a side dish for meat. But if they make your stomach bloat too much, then it is better to refuse such food.
  • Pasta made from whole grain flour. They should not be confused with the usual horns, they are two different things. These do not have the property of releasing sugar into the blood, but they satiate you for a long time. Remember that cooking such pasta should not exceed seven minutes.
  • You can and should definitely include green vegetables in your diet. Moreover, their number is not limited. They contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of fiber, which will help satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. Vegetables with a high starch content should only be eaten boiled as a side dish.
  • Fruits and berries. It's hard to imagine without the presence of fruit in it. However, it has long been no secret that they, as a rule, contain a lot of glucose and calories. In any case, you cannot refuse them on a diet, because they are also sources of vitamins that give beauty and strength. Just control the number of calories you eat and choose fruits that don’t weigh so much, for example, apples.

And, of course, fats that are found in:

  • Fatty fish. We previously mentioned the benefits of seafood when we talked about proteins. Such products are simply necessary during drying, and even if not every day, but a couple of times a week. If you can’t eat normal fish or for some reason you don’t like it, at least replace it with capsules.
  • Nuts. They have a lot of Omega-6, which helps in the drying process. But when introducing them into the diet, it is worth remembering their caloric content; on average, 100 g contain 600 kcal. Fats are a must - just watch the amount you eat. Nuts should be eaten in their original, but washed form. No salt or other spices allowed.
  • Vegetable oil. Vegetable oil contains Omega-6, which is very beneficial for the body in many areas. Flaxseed oil contains Omega-3. However, for stewing, and it is better to avoid frying altogether, it is better to always use simple refined sunflower oil. The rest can be used as dietary supplements or seasoned with salads.

Of course, only the main products that are allowed to all “dry” athletes are listed here. To create the right diet, it is advisable to seek help from a professional nutritionist who will create an individual menu.

Body drying for girls: menu

What will be described below is an approximate menu option. Whether you follow it or not is up to you. This is a guideline based on the principle of food permissibility during drying.

Body drying for girls: menu for the week

Let's break it down day by day.


  • Breakfast. 50 g oatmeal + one whole egg and three whites + your choice of tea or coffee.
  • For a snack. Three proteins + 50 g each of green peas and corn.
  • During lunch break. 150 g chicken breast + 50 g buckwheat porridge.
  • In the post-workout time. A serving of whey protein and some dried fruit.
  • In the evening. 150 g of red fish and a portion of vegetable salad.
  • Snack before bed. 100 g cottage cheese and 50 g blueberries.


  • Breakfast. Three chicken proteins + a glass of milk + oatmeal.
  • For a snack. 100 g turkey meat + a couple of slices of whole grain bread.
  • During lunch break. 150 g stewed turkey and vegetable stew.
  • After lunch. Tofu + a couple of slices of whole grain bread + tea or coffee of your choice.
  • In the evening. 100 g of boiled seafood and a portion of vegetable salad.
  • Snack before going to bed. Whites of three eggs.


  • For breakfast. A couple of pieces of whole grain bread and 100 g of red fish.
  • As a snack. The whites of three eggs and a couple of bananas.
  • For lunch. 150 g boiled chicken + vegetable salad and 50 g brown rice.
  • Post-workout snack. One apple and one banana + protein dose.
  • For dinner. A serving of stewed vegetables and 150 g of stewed chicken fillet.
  • Snack before bed. 50 g blueberries and 150 g cottage cheese.


  • For breakfast. Two glasses of milk and 100 g of corn flakes.
  • For a snack. A couple of ripe bananas and 40 g of nuts.
  • During lunch break. 50 g durum wheat pasta + 150 g lean beef and a portion of vegetable salad.
  • For afternoon tea. 300 g natural yoghurt.
  • For dinner. Stewed squid and pumpkin.


  • For breakfast. Three egg whites and one whole egg + a couple of slices of whole grain bread and half an avocado.
  • As a snack. 100 g of cottage cheese and one orange and banana.
  • During lunch break. 150 g baked potatoes + 100 g red fish and Brussels sprouts.
  • After training. A serving of whey protein and dried fruit.
  • For dinner. A serving of vegetable salad and 150 g of chicken fillet.
  • Snack before bed. Two glasses of kefir and 40 g of bran.


  • For breakfast. Three egg whites + a couple of slices of whole grain bread and peanut butter.
  • As a snack. 150 g seafood salad and orange.
  • During lunch break. 50 g buckwheat porridge + 150 g lean beef and stewed carrots.
  • For afternoon tea. A handful of dried fruits and 40 g of nuts.
  • For dinner. Vegetable salad and 150 g chicken breast.
  • As a snack before bed. Two glasses of milk and 50 g of blueberries.


  • For breakfast. Two glasses of milk and 50 g of oatmeal.
  • As a snack. 100 g turkey meat + whole grain bread, a couple of pieces + one apple and one orange each.
  • During lunch period. 100 g baked potatoes + 100 g red fish and cherry tomatoes.
  • Mid-afternoon snack. 300 g of quality yoghurt and a couple of bananas.
  • Dinner. Boiled seafood and vegetable salad.
  • Snack before bed. 150 g cottage cheese.

Drying the body for a month

A month is a long time to dry, so not every beginner is able to handle this burden. In general, it is not recommended to go to such long periods at once; it is better to gradually increase in intervals. There is absolutely no difference in the menu from the weekly one. In general, when you have knowledge about permitted foods, you can create your own diet based on your own taste preferences. The main thing is to be mindful of calories and regularly keep a food diary.

Exercises for drying the body

Exercises, of course, ideally, should be compiled individually. An experienced trainer can create an individual training program, combining the optimal number of approaches and repetitions. But if it is not possible to consult with a knowledgeable person, complexes that are freely available on the Internet will come to the rescue. And here is one of them.

Harm of drying the body

Let's start the story about the harm with contraindications to the procedure. The fact is that even an absolutely healthy body, with an inept and incorrect approach, such a diet can literally kill. And what can we say when there are even minor problems in the body. This is due to the fact that such a diet always causes an acute glucose deficiency, which gives rise to the development of ketoacidosis and intoxication of the body. The most serious consequence, which, unfortunately, is not so rare, is coma.

Drying the body is strictly prohibited when:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • pancreatic disease;
  • in the presence of diseases and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women, nursing mothers or diabetics go on such a diet. However, even if you consider your body to be absolutely healthy, it is better to undergo diagnostics before changing your diet, since the disease does not always make itself felt, but at the moment of stress, and diet is real stress, it will manifest itself in all its “glory.”

A sharp deficiency of glucose in the body has a very bad effect on the entire body: rapid fatigue occurs, turning into the chronic stage, a decrease in mental activity occurs, and dizziness appears. It is for this reason that many who are cutting resort to auxiliary stimulants in the form, since it contains a lot of caffeine.

Considering that the body draws strength from carbohydrates, and there is a very minimum of them during this period, and at the same time extensive strength training is needed, the body wears out very soon. And instead of a beautiful figure, you can get bags under the eyes and an exhausted, exhausted look.

You need to be especially careful about your feelings if the drying procedure is being carried out for the first time. As soon as discomfort appears, the smell of acetone begins to emanate from your mouth, dizziness, nausea and other troubles of a very different nature appear - stop the diet immediately!

After reading, every lady will know what drying is, what this process consists of, and also what drying postulates exist. In addition, we will consider the practical side of the issue, i.e. a specific training program and diet for muscle development.

In anticipation of summer, fitness clubs and gyms are filled with a huge number of clients who are eager to lose extra pounds and prepare their bodies for the beach season. And, as practice shows, girls visit the gym much more often than guys, but there is much less information for them on the Internet. Therefore, today let's look at the issues of drying the body for girls.

Are drying and losing weight the same thing?

Due to the scarce information regarding giving the body a sculpted appearance, many young ladies (and not only) do not understand the conceptual apparatus precisely and often equate drying with losing weight. However, these are two completely different processes.

Drying is a bakery product that involves the process of developing muscles by reducing the level of subcutaneous fat to a certain percentage ( 8-12% ). Its main goal is to bring muscles to the forefront, i.e. cutting them out from under the fat mass. – general loss of body weight, and not necessarily just fat. The goal of losing weight is, for example, to fit into your prenatal (or simply favorite in your youth) jeans, and not by pushing and compacting your body, but by entering smoothly, like clockwork :).

Drying the body involves carrying out the following work preceding this process:

  • strict adherence to a mass-gaining training program in a certain number of repetitions and approaches;
  • increased caloric intake to help maintain an anabolic environment for growth;
  • development (in a certain ratio) of fat and muscle tissue.

In other words, drying the body for girls is not a momentary “I want to dry out quickly for the summer”, it is the young ladies consciously taking certain steps and restructuring their diet at the right time and adjusting the training program. It follows that muscle drying is not a process for everyone, and it is often inappropriate to carry it out with only one goal - to go to the beach beautifully several times, because the game is not worth the candle. Of course, if your life involves constant photo shoots, beach events and relaxation, then drying is for you. If the goal is 1 once a year for 2-3 If you go on vacation to a warm country for a week and show off your curves there, then keep in mind that the time spent and effort spent on getting yourself into a dried form do not correlate with the time it takes to demonstrate it.

Therefore, I warned you, and you decide whether the game is worth the candle! If it’s worth it, then we move on.

So, as you already understand, drying the body implies the initial presence of total mass - both muscle and fat, otherwise the process will resemble bone carving. I mean, what if a girl weighs 45 kg with height 175 cm, then there can be no talk of any drying here. The optimal starting material for a girl 170 cm tall is a weight of 60 kg and the corresponding ratio of fat to muscle mass. In particular, the initial level of subcutaneous fat should be within 20-25% .

It is also important to remember that burning muscles is much easier than fat, so during the drying period they need qualitative and quantitative nutritional and strength support. Muscle is an energy-consuming structure, while adipose tissue consumes much less calories. Therefore, the goal of cutting is to simultaneously preserve muscle and get rid of fat.

When you eat carbohydrates, the body enters an intense mode of increasing and storing glucose. It begins to quickly accumulate in muscle fibers and liver cells, forming a reserve of such substances in the form of a glycogen depot. If the control of carbohydrates is not moderate and the latter continue to enter the body, and their quantity exceeds the norm, and the muscle fibers and liver cells are “clogged” with glycogen, then glucose is converted into fat. This excess fat is stored in fat cells, adipocytes. This process is reversible, so if the body lacks glucose, it takes it from glycogen. Once the source is exhausted, the production of glucose from fat cells begins. The process of breakdown/destruction of fats (lipolysis) is complex and requires significant energy consumption.

Lack of carbohydrates

With acute glucose deficiency, the process of fat breakdown is not complete, and under-digested residues and ketone bodies accumulate in the body, the blood becomes acidic, which leads to the development of ketoacidosis. To suppress this process, burn ketones and help the body, you need to refuel with carbohydrates. Otherwise, poisoning and intoxication of the body increases, and the person may fall into a coma.

Conclusion: “no carbohydrates” really leads to the breakdown of fats, but it is dangerous because... leads the body to ketoacidosis.

Features of body drying for girls

The process of drying the body is (to a greater extent) not a way to rid the body of excess fluid, it is an effective method of burning fat, the main source of energy in which carbohydrates are. The female body is more sensitive (than the male) to various biochemical changes that occur in it. Therefore, it is important not to go too far, bringing it to exhaustion/coma, and to load the body with carbohydrates (including simple ones) in a timely manner. Another feature is the presence of the original drying material, i.e. muscle mass - it should be there. Due to the fact that ladies are not used to working in a strength style and free weights, it will be necessary to move from fitness-toning training to mass-building training by selecting a special training program.

The cutting training program for girls involves a high number of repetitions and light weights due to the fact that their (your) body better tolerates long-term loads (more endurance) due to the predominance of slow red muscle fibers.

Step #1. Drying the body - simple arithmetic

It is important to understand even before starting drying procedures what kind of body (with what composition) can be obtained at the output. And a simple example and arithmetic will help us figure this out. Suppose we have a girl Christina weighing 60 kg, height 175 cm and percentage of subcutaneous fat 20% . The task is to determine the weight at 10% fat and maintaining the current muscle mass gained.

The table below shows the basic arithmetic for achieving your ideal weight.


Net muscle mass is a conditional value that reflects the weight of muscles, bones, blood, and organs, excluding fat.

As you can see, the weight should be 54,3 kg, i.e. need to lose fat mass 6 kg.

Step No. 2. Keeping a food diary

Losing fat mass while maintaining muscle mass is, first of all, a matter of the right approach to nutrition. The energy balance equation states that if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Otherwise, mass gain will occur. Therefore, you will have to count calories, both total for the day and for each meal.

Here's what it might look like.

I don’t argue that it’s a hassle, but no one said it would be easy. To make it easier for you to calculate KBZHU, you can use specialized counting programs or online calculators on the website, for example, this one.

Having such a table at hand, you will be able to manage your diet and the ratio of its micronutrients, changing their amount depending on the change in your figure (decrease/increase in fat mass). The main rule when cutting is an increased dose of protein. Remember, lean protein should account for the majority (from 40 before 50% ) daily diet.

Protein makes you feel full and helps maintain muscle mass, protecting it from burning out. Vegetables/fiber go well with protein, so make your meals a combination of these foods.

So, now let's talk about...

Basic rules for drying the body

During the drying process, it is very important to obtain not only the desired effect for the body, but also to avoid negative consequences for the body. Compliance with the following rules will help you solve these problems.

Rule #1

Maintain a stable sugar level throughout the day, without ups and downs; to do this, stick to fractional meals ( 5-7 techniques) and the right products.

Rule #2

Consume amount of clean water = [your weight]x0.03. Cool water allows the body to expend more energy on its utilization.

Rule #3

Learn to count calories and gradually reduce your intake, but remember that cutting calories from carbohydrates can eventually deplete your glycogen stores, which can cause active muscle tissue to burn. Increase carbohydrates by 100-200 gr 1 once a week will replenish your glycogen stores enough to avoid muscle loss.

Rule #4

The correct drying process should take from 8 before 12 weeks

Rule #5

Cutting training involves high intensity (high repetitions, light weights, combinations of exercises in sets/supersets) or strength volume training (better for men).

Rule #6

When cutting back on carbohydrates, increase your intake of lean protein to prevent your body from burning muscle, particularly in numbers. 1,5-2 To/ 1 kg up to 2-3 gr.

Rule #7

If there is a sharp restriction of calories, the body will try to store energy in reserve, slowing down its metabolism. Moderate reduction in calories (weekly reduction by 100-200 kcal), allows the body to switch to burning fat and not put metabolism into a tailspin.

Rule #8

Thermogenic/thermogenic fat burners effectively stimulate the central nervous system, increase norepinephrine production, help prevent metabolic slowing, and allow fat cells to release and burn fat.

Rule #9

Glutamine “spares” the burning of branched chain amino acids, which are used in large quantities when calories are reduced. Glutamine also increases metabolic rate and fat burning. Take according to 5 gr BCAA before and again 5 g after training, as well as at breakfast and before bed.

Rule #10

Over time, all diets cause a slowdown in metabolism, when you “get to the point” and realize that your metabolism has frozen, load yourself up on 1-2 day with good carbohydrates and fats. This unloading will shake up the thyroid hormones, and when you return to the diet, you will continue to burn subcutaneous fat.

Rule #11

Avoid non-fibrous carbohydrates (white rice, bread); slow-digesting carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes) will result in greater long-term fat loss. High insulin levels are associated with greater fat storage and less fat burning. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which control insulin levels.

Rule #12

Sometimes it is necessary to go to extremes, for example, arranging for yourself 1 once every 10-12 critical low-carb day, limiting carbohydrate intake to 50-80 d. This can trick the body into losing more fat by reducing glycogen stores. This enhances fat burning.

Rule #13

A pre-workout meal should include fast-digesting protein (whey protein) and slow-digesting carbohydrates, oatmeal, and whole grain bread.

Rule #14

Fats from most types of fish can compensate for FA deficiency and stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, you need to include fish in your meals at least 1 once a day.

Rule #15

The main goal of the diet, besides preserving muscle mass, is to maximize growth hormone (GH). It prevents muscle burning and stimulates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. GH levels rise for the first time 90 minutes after falling asleep, but the total amount of glucose (from digested carbohydrates) in the blood affects the release of growth hormone. Low glucose levels promote maximum release of the growth hormone. Therefore, if your training ends in the evening (after 7 ), and you go to bed in 23-00 , then refrain from taking carbohydrates in the last 1-2 taken before bed.

Exercises for weight loss. Body drying for girls:

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.