What is mini volleyball? Types of volleyball. Maximum number of hits on the ball

There are three sets in minivolleyball: one set – 11 points. The team that wins two sets is considered the winner

2) Purpose of points:

The serving team can gain a point by scoring a goal. But if at the same time the opposing team scores a goal, the right to serve passes to it.

3) Draw:

If each team scores 10 points, the teams continue to play until one of them scores 2 more points.

4) Penalty play:

If a team is short of players for any reason (sending off, injury, lack of players), the play is called a penalty play.

5) How the penalty game is structured:

The team that wins the penalty game gets points

No points are added to the losing team

6) If the command is missing:

If a team is absent for any reason, the opposing team will win in two sets with 11 points each.

How to start the game

1) Start of the game:

the game always starts with the referee's whistle.

2) Invalid game:

Without the referee's whistle, the game is considered invalid and starts again.

3) In the game:

After the whistle and serve, the ball is considered in play.

Players position

1) Start of the game:

Player position: right back, right front, left front, left back; Players must be in place before serving.

The players, excluding the server, must be on the court. If one of the players, except the server, is outside the court, then the game (serve) is considered invalid and starts again

Players can move freely.

3) Substitution of players:

in the second set or before the last set, the coach may change the player. It is necessary to write changes to the player layout and submit it to the referee.

4) Exchange of platforms in the last set:

this is possible if the team scores 6 points. The game starts with the same score, but the players do not change their positions on the court.

5) Men and women - joint teams:

boys and girls on the same team must stand in opposite positions, but can move freely around the court during the game.

Change of site

1) A change of court may occur after the first set if any team receives 6 points

2) How to change sites

The players line up behind the back line, the exchange takes place after the referee's whistle, counterclockwise.

3) If there was an incorrect exchange of courts in the last set

in this case it is necessary to exchange sites. Points are awarded as usual.

Right to submit

1) Right to submit:

Each player can serve once, but if the team scores a goal, the same player serves again.

2) Team serving in the second set:

the team that did not serve first in the first set serves first in the second set.

3) Team serving in the last set:

The serving team is determined by a draw made by the team captains.


After receiving the right to serve, the team players move clockwise.


1) The right back player of the team who has the right to serve serves.

2) After the right of service has passed, the team makes a transition and the right back player serves.

3) How to submit:

A player can serve only once, standing behind the baseline of the court, but within the imaginary sideline. At the moment of service, the player is not considered to be out of position.

The correct position of the player at the time of serve is determined by the position of his feet.

When serving, the player must first allow the ball to completely leave his hand (in which he originally held it) before striking.

If, after the referee's whistle, the server threw the ball for a strike, but did not make it, and if at the same time the ball did not touch the server, then he has the right to serve again.

The ball must fly without hitting the net.

During the service, the serving player must not step on the baseline, step into the court, or go beyond the imaginary side line.

The server must serve immediately after the referee's whistle without delay.

Players serve in order.

If anyone notices an error in the turn transition, the players must stand in the correct order. If the error was noticed after the drawing, the point earned is not counted. The right to serve passes to the opposing team.

If an error is noticed, but it is not clear which team made the error, then the game continues without changing positions and assigning points.

If the ball is not thrown the first time, this is not considered a delay in the game.

If the ball, after serving, hits the opposite court, flying under the net, then it is considered to be OUT.

If the ball touches the net after serving, it is OUT.

If the ball touches the white line of the net after serving, it is OUT.

The order of the players can be clarified by the assistant referee.

If the assistant referee calls a fault after the player has served, the game continues.

If the serving player or any of his team's players notice an error after the referee's whistle, they may correct the error without imposing a penalty. In this case, the serving player must not touch the ball if he has already thrown it; if he still touches it after the toss, then the player is considered to be out of position.

Ball draw

1) Pass:

You can hit the ball only with permitted body parts.

2) Permitted body parts:

players can hit the ball with any part of the body that is above the waist.

3) Maximum number of hits on the ball:

During the ball play, players of one team can make no more than three hits on the ball

4) Block:

touching the ball during a block counts as one hit on the ball

In case of an out, the opposing team is awarded a point and the right to serve is transferred. The following are considered out:

    • If the ball touches anything outside the court, as well as the pole under the net.

    • If the served ball does not go completely over the net
    • If the ball goes completely beyond the imaginary line of the pole
    • If the ball touches the net after playing it three times
    • If the ball lands on the court without being touched

  • If the ball touches the pole and the floor at the same time
  • If the ball goes under the net
  • If the ball touches the referees or the referee's tower, it is considered that the ball touched objects outside the court, this situation is considered as an out. But if the players touch the referees or the referee's tower, this is not a violation.
  • If the ball travels completely beyond the imaginary line of the pole and is then touched by a player from the opposing team, an out is awarded to the offending team. The lines are considered part of the court.

If a player of the opposing team, who is on his court, touches the ball flying under the net, the ball is considered to have touched something outside the field, and an out is awarded to the offending team. Even if the ball crosses the line and touches the opposing player, the team does not receive a point (however, if at the moment of such contact any part of the player’s body is on the opposite court, such a situation is considered to be interfering with the opposing team’s play and a foul is awarded).

Not counted

A point is not scored and play continues with the same server when:

  • the head referee cannot award a point to a team due to disagreements in refereeing
  • the ball deflates during the game
  • the ball is damaged during play
  • the ball played for the first or second time touches the net
  • When players from opposing teams hit the ball at the same time and the ball flies out of bounds, it does not count and is considered impossible to referee.
  • Even if the head referee makes his decision, and after that someone notices that the ball is deflated or damaged, no point is awarded


1) How to take a timeout:

Teams may call two timeouts in each set by requesting permission from the assistant referee. A timeout can only be called when the ball is out of play.

Timeout time 30 seconds

Only the team captain or coach can ask for a timeout

During a timeout, the team cannot leave the court, and the coach and substitute players, in turn, cannot enter it.

2) Timeout before the last set:

Before the last set, the referee may give teams a three-minute timeout.

Substitution of players

Players are replaced as follows:

Teams may change players while the ball is out of play by informing the assistant referee.

Only the team captain or coach can request a player substitution

A team can constantly change players. But you cannot change players just to serve.

Before a new set, the team captain or coach must submit a list of players to the head referee

In the event that a coach is registered as a player, he is deprived of his rights as a coach (if he is on the court).

If a substitute player enters the court after being replaced, he may not enter while the opposing team has the right to serve or is playing.

If a team changes players after the first set, both teams line up (before the referee's whistle) and the team captain submits the list of players.

Before the third set, the list of players is presented before the draw

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Mini-volleyball For the little ones, the Volleyball Federation recommends a game with simplified rules, very similar to the game for adults and called Mini-volleyball Completed by: Viktor Vasilievich Kordov (physical education teacher), Chelyabinsk 2012

First, about the rules Mini volleyball games are played among boys and girls aged 7-8 and 9-10 years separately. Older schoolchildren can also play it. Two teams of 6 players are located on a court 12 m long and 9 m wide.

They play with a volleyball, the weight of which should not exceed 270 g and the circumference of 66 cm. The volleyball net is fixed between two posts at a height of 2 m.

Before the start of the game, team captains choose a service or court by lot. If one team chooses to serve in the first set, then the other team serves at the beginning of the second set. Serving from the line is not permitted.

The game begins with one of the teams passing the ball through the net. Players of the opposing team receive and play the ball, sending it through the net. The team that has received the right to serve must change the players' positions from zone to zone in a clockwise direction. The ball is put into play by the volleyball player who comes out to serve.

Arguing with the judges and challenging the decision is not allowed. A player removed by the referee does not return to the game until the end of the match. Each team is allowed to make no more than three kicks, performed alternately by the players, and return the ball to the opponent’s side.

Two touches of the ball in a row by one player are considered a fault (except for blocking). Touching the ball at the same time by two players counts as two hits. Touching the ball by several players when blocking counts as one hit. After this, the blockers have the right to a second touch of the ball. Back line players are prohibited from making offensive shots at the net or blocking.

If during the game there is a need to consult, then with the permission of the referee, when the ball is out of play, no more than two breaks (30 seconds each) can be taken in each game. Touching the ball on the opponent's side and the net with your hand during play is considered a fault. It is allowed to move your hands over the net and touch the ball only when blocking when the opponent is making an offensive shot.

The strongest wins. This is the one who learns to receive, pass and serve the ball faster and without mistakes, who learns the rules of the game better.


Plan - summary of a lesson in physical education.

Introduction to mini-volleyball, basic elements of the rules, playing techniques.

T. V. Zaichenko

MAOU secondary school No. 16 named after K. I. Nedorubov st. Kushchevskaya

Preparatory part (10-12 minutes).

    Varieties of walking.

    Types of running.

    General developmental exercises.

Main part (20-25 minutes).


Mini volleyball or volleyball in a simplified form, created for primary schoolchildren and teenagers. The essence of the game, just like in classic volleyball, is that each team must hit the ball on the opposite court and prevent the ball from falling onto their court. The game begins with the submission of a player from one of the teams. The opponents receive and play the ball, sending it through the net. And so on until the players of one of the teams make a mistake.

Mini-volleyball court: length – 15 m, width – 7.5 m (Dimensions, depending on conditions, may be less than 10x6 m). The distance from the ground to the top edge of the net is 2 meters.

Competitions are held in 3 age groups: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 years.

Rules of the game.

The game involves 2 teams of 6 people. In each game, the captain (coach) can make an indefinite number of substitutions. A player sent off by the referee cannot return to the game.

In each game, a team has the right to two 30 second breaks.

The game consists of 3 games of 15 points, with a tie of 14:14, the game continues until the difference reaches 2 points.

One player can perform no more than 3 serves in a row. After this, the team makes a transition, and another player serves.

Children 7-8 years old who have not yet mastered the skills of serving are allowed to serve from a distance of 3 meters.

Game errors.

The receiving team loses 1 point:

    The ball touched the court.

    The team hit more than 3 times.

    The player touched the ball twice in a row.

    The ball was thrown, not hit.

    The player touched the net.

    The player touched the ball on the opposing team's side.

    The ball hit the player below the waist.

    The back line player, being at the net, hit the ball above the top edge of the net.


In pairs, throw a medicine ball (1 kg) from an overhead hand position to an overhead pass position.

In pairs, catch a medicine ball (1 kg) overhead, in the catch position from above.

In pairs, throw and catch a medicine ball.

Passing a suspended ball from above with two hands: standing still, after walking, running and stopping.

Throwing the ball above you and passing it from above with both hands at a distance of 1.5-2.0 m.

Passing the ball from above with two hands - the partner throws the ball from a distance of 1.5-2.0 m.

Passing the ball in pairs at a distance of 1-2 m. Passing the ball against the wall - repeatedly, hitting the wall.

Final part (3-5 minutes).

Construction. Summing up the lesson. A game of attention.

Message homework. Organized exit from the hall.

List of used literature.

    Physical Culture Grades 1-4 (Lyakh V.I. 2013)

    Internet site for physical education teachers “Physical Education for 5”.


  • 7-8 and 9-10 year old boys and girls play mini-volleyball separately. Older students can also play.
  • The game involves two teams of 6 players. They are located on a site 12 m long and 9 m wide, divided by a line into two equal parts (all lines of the site are 5 cm wide and fall within its limits).
  • In addition to the main ones, each team also has 6 reserve players, whose participation in the game is mandatory. In each game, the team can replace the main players with substitutes and return them back to the game. The number of replacements is not limited.
  • The volleyball net is fixed between two posts at a height of 2 meters - the same for boys and girls.
  • Mini-volleyball can be played with a regular volleyball, the weight of which should not exceed 270 g and the circumference should not exceed 66 cm.
  • Before the start of the game, the referee calls the team captains and invites them to draw the right to serve using lots. If one team wins the right to serve in the first set, then the other team serves at the beginning of the second set.
  • The team entitled to serve puts the ball into play. The opponents receive and play the ball, sending it through the net, where the serving team again tries to send it to the receiving side. And so on until the ball lands on the court or touches foreign objects, the floor behind the court, or until the players of one of the teams make a mistake, that is, break the rules.
  • Each player is given the right to make no more than three serves in a row. After this, the team making the serve moves across the court, and another player from that team will serve. If the serve is made with an error, then the right to serve is transferred to the opponents.
  • The serve is made from a specially designated place, which is limited to three meters along the end line in the right corner of the court farthest from the net. Children 7-8 years old, who have not yet mastered the skills of serving, can serve the ball from a closer distance - 3 m from the net.
  • Each team that wins the right to serve must rotate players out of the zone clockwise. After this, the ball is put into play by the volleyball player who has entered the zone from where the serve is made.
  • At the moment of service, the players of both teams must take their places in accordance with the recording of their placement in the protocol. After putting the ball into play, they can move around the court, changing places with partners.
  • After one of the players has served three serves in a row, the team again makes a transition, and the serve is already performed by another player of this team.
  • The players of each team try to direct the ball through the net to the opponent's side so that it touches the court there or so that the opponent cannot receive it.
  • The game consists of two games of 15 minutes each (stopping time does not count). Between games, teams are given a 5-minute break, then they change courts.
  • When serving, a team scores 3 points if the ball hits the opponent’s court and the players do not touch it. Only 2 points are awarded if the opponent received the ball but did not hit it over the net. Finally, she gets 1 point if the ball was thrown over the net by the opponent at least once, and then still lost in the fight.
  • Trying to receive, play and pass the ball to the opponent's side, players of one team can make no more than 3 shots, performed alternately.
  • The ball can be hit with two or one hand. The ball is hit with a jerky touch of the fingers; holding it in the palms when passing is prohibited. If the ball touches the head or body, this is not considered a fault. This touch simply counts as a hit. If the ball hits your leg, it’s a mistake.
  • It is not allowed to challenge the judge's decision. A player removed from the court by the referee does not return to the game until the end of the match.
  • When playing mini-volleyball, the referee records an error and stops the game if:
  • the ball touched the court or a foreign object;
  • the team touched the ball more than three times Or the player touched the ball two times in a row (excluding blocking);
  • the player touched the net;
  • the player touched the ball on the opponent’s side;
  • the ball hit the player's body below the waist;
  • the back line player came to the net and hit the ball to the opponent’s side, which was above the top edge of the net;
  • the serve was not made from the designated place;
  • the player used the help of other players when attacking or blocking.
  • the ball is thrown (instead of a jerky touch).
  • A player can only touch the ball a second time in a row after blocking. Touching the ball simultaneously by two players counts as two hits. After this, both of them do not have the right to make a third blow. Therefore, the ball must be transferred to the opponent’s side with the third blow by the player who did not touch the ball in this episode.
  • If several players touch the ball while blocking, this counts as one hit. After this, the blockers have the right to a second touch of the ball.
  • Back line players do not have the right to take offensive shots at the net or block the ball.
  • A player is not allowed to touch the ball on the opponent's side. You must not touch the net with your hand during the game. You can only move your hands over the net and touch the ball when blocking when the opponent is making an attacking shot. In the case when players from different teams make a mistake at the same time (for example, touch the net), the ball is replayed, that is, it is served again by the player who served before.
  • During the game, the athlete has the right to step on the center line and cross it, but, for example, while waiting for a serve, this cannot be done. You can receive the ball outside the court.
  • When the players need to consult, the team captain asks the referee for a break, and when the ball is out of play. In each game you are allowed to take no more than two breaks (30 seconds each)
  • For winning a game, a team receives 2 points, for losing a game by less than 10 points - 1, for losing a game by more than 10 points - 0. A draw gives each team 2 points. If you add up all the points, the game score can be different:
  • 4:0, 4:1, 4:2, 3:2, 3:3, 4:4.
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