What is triathlon? Distances and varieties. Triathlon: history, distances and types What is triathlon in winter sports

Hello, my dear readers. My article today will be enlightening about triathlon. From this article you will learn what triathlon is in sports, winter, summer, types of triathlon, the intricacies of this unusual looking sports

Already based on the name, you can guess that we will talk about some kind of all-around sports, including three sports.

Classic triathlon refers to summer species sports and includes the following sports disciplines: open water swimming, running and cycling. Depending on the distances in each of the listed disciplines, the format of triathlon competitions varies.

In our article we will dwell in detail on various options triathlon, but for now let's start from the very beginning.

History of origin

France rightfully takes the laurels of the birthplace of modern triathlon. It was in this European country, in the 20s of the last century, that competitions were held that were as close in format as possible to modern triathlon.

Those competitions looked like this: athletes ran a 3-kilometer distance, cycled 12 kilometers, and then swam across a water channel about 200 meters wide.

New sports fun appealed not only to the residents of France. Subsequently, this sport gradually gained popularity both in Europe and in North America. It was in Hawaii that the first official competitions at distances that later became classic in triathlon.


Currently, distances in this all-around sport can be divided into two conditional groups: short, which includes the distance included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, and long distances.

Long-distance competitions are held with certain restrictions related to the prohibition of going into the lead during cycling stages. Do not forget that at triathlon competitions of any level, a certain sequence of stages is maintained: swimming - cycling - running.

So, let’s take a closer look at the most common distances:

It includes one and a half kilometers in the water, then forty kilometers on a bicycle, and finally a ten-kilometer running distance. It is this format that is used at the World Championships, as well as at all competitions held under the auspices of the International Triathlon Federation

Unlike the Olympic one, each distance is halved: 0.75+20+5. In the international format, competitions at this distance are usually held for youth.

Super sprint.
Another two-fold reduction (0.375+10+2.5 km), usually used at the amateur level or for beginners in triathlon.

Swimming 3.86 km. + bike 180 km. + running distance 42.2 km. A competition that is particularly popular in the triathlon world. To overcome such a distance, the athlete must have excellent strength. Even participation in such a race is highly rated in sports world, and the medalists and winners remain forever in the history of triathlon.

Competition process

At the initial stage of triathlon competitions, each athlete is allocated an individual place in the so-called transit zone. There athletes store their equipment and equipment, in in this case bike.

After being distributed into individual zones, athletes are invited to the start of the first type of triathlon - open water swimming.

Taking into account the fact that all athletes start at the same time, it is important to be in the leading group in the first meters of the distance, otherwise it will be quite difficult to overtake the leaders during the swim.

The distance traditionally has a triangular shape. The generally accepted swimming style in which athletes go through the swimming stage is crawl. It is by swimming with this style that it is possible to develop the greatest speed. But you still need to take into account that competitions are not won in water. It is almost impossible to make a significant lead during swimming; usually the main task of athletes in the first stage is to finish in the group of leaders.

After the end of the swimming stage, the athlete takes the bicycle from his transit place, puts on a helmet and heads to the exit from the transit area. And only after leaving the transit zone, the athlete has the right to start moving on a bicycle.

The cycling stage is key in terms of the fight for victory. There are many different strategies for conducting a cycling stage. It all depends on the individual preparation of the athlete, his physical form at the moment of the competition.

Someone is trying to get ahead, creating the necessary groundwork for themselves before the running part of the all-around. Athletes who are confident in their abilities during the running stage try to save as much energy as possible and finish the second stage in the general group.

The second stage also ends in the transit zone, where athletes leave their bike, change shoes and go to. It is in running that the strongest is determined. Often, the winner is revealed in the last meters of the distance, when the winner is identified at the finish line.

Types of triathlon

As often happens in popular sports disciplines, on the basis of one sport many similar types are formed, but with certain differences. Triathlon was no exception, serving as the basis for a number of related sports. Here are some of them:

The winter triathlon stands apart, where swimming is replaced by cross-country skiing. This discipline is seriously aspiring to be included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games, and the possibility cannot be ruled out that winter triathlon will eventually compete in popularity with its summer brother.

Here is the basic information about this curious sport, subject only to fully developed people. What is triathlon in sports, winter, summer, other variations of this sport, all this is reflected in this article. With this I say goodbye to you, subscribe to blog updates, I look forward to your comments on this and other articles, see you soon!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Comments to the article: 15

  1. Dima 2016-10-31 at 18:18

    I love watching triathlon competitions on TV. It seems to me that this is a rather difficult sport that requires special endurance and universal skills from the athlete.


  2. Ivan 2016-11-01 at 00:22

    Triathlon is great way diversified training of an athlete, since he is not fixated on one sport, but develops in several at once. I myself love watching such competitions, especially at the Olympics.


  3. Alex 2016-11-04 at 00:14

    I love sports when an athlete needs to develop various skills, and not be highly specialized. This is where triathlon allows you to show the versatility of an athlete.


  4. Gregory 2016-11-04 at 12:48

    Triathlon is very popular in Moscow. By the way, all conditions for competitions have been created in Krylatskoye. As they say, “everything is at hand.” There are also places for classes in the Moscow region, Bronnitsy, for example.


  5. Dmitry 2016-11-14 at 19:41

    At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated here - I ran, swam, cycled the distance and that’s it! But no! You need such endurance here - tough!


  6. Victor 2017-08-09 at 12:14

    A very interesting sport! This is where you really need to train incredibly hard. When I saw the Olympic distance, I immediately thought: wow, but, in principle, it’s real. And when I finished reading “The Iron Distance,” my jaw just dropped! Is it really possible..


  7. Ivan 2017-08-09 at 21:22

    Triathlon, as far as I know, takes its roots from all-around events, which were practiced back in the Olympic Games V Ancient Greece, only there, in addition to programs designed primarily for endurance, there were also strength elements: wrestling, discus throwing, etc. By the way, something similar is still practiced in the so-called military triathlon or officer all-around. True, shooting from firearms is also added here, which, of course, could not have happened in ancient times.


  8. Olga 2017-08-10 at 06:44

    An interesting and very difficult sport, but it seems to me quite expensive. To purchase good bike and a high-quality wetsuit in our province will cost several salaries. This is probably why it is not widespread among us.


  9. Oksana 2017-08-10 at 14:28

    I have always considered various all-around events, including triathlon, to be one of the hardest sports, because in order to win you need to be the best in several sports. Consequently, you need to train more, and even in parallel different sports areas. In addition, for this sport, each training session requires different equipment, which is expensive. In our little town, no one does triathlon and no one will do it - we need too much expensive sports equipment.


  10. oleg035 2017-08-10 at 23:23

    Triathletes are cool guys. This is called a harmoniously developed personality. But it’s not at all easy to develop different groups muscles and be a pro in three disciplines at once. Keep it up!


  11. fedor07 2017-08-11 at 07:23

    Their versatile training evokes surprise and “white” envy. But... this requires a lot of investment. For example, for a summer triathlon there must be a pond for swimming, a route for cycling and running. How great is our country's success in this sport?


  12. Elena 2017-08-11 at 14:59

    I recently discovered that triathlon is very popular in the Urals. In July I managed to get to the competition and watch it in person and not on TV, it was a breathtaking spectacle! Participants in both distances command respect for their preparation and willpower. What was especially pleasing was that there were many participants, young people willingly came from other cities.


  13. Mikhail 2017-08-11 at 22:17

    Triathlon is one of the all-around types, that is, a type of sport that was one of the fundamental Olympic disciplines back in Ancient Greece. Triathlon requires special physical training and endurance, as different muscle groups work. An interesting and spectacular sport.


  14. Elena 2017-08-12 at 08:04

    Triathlon competitions always interest me much more than other sports, probably due to their diversity. I never miss these reports and root for the participants I like).


  15. Dmitry 2017-08-12 at 16:38

    Triathlon - indeed A complex approach to training - the body is fully worked out, and the loads are natural, such as gym impossible to achieve. It's a pity that there aren't many places to practice this sport.


Triathlon is 3 sports that are overcome sequentially and without stopping. There are summer and winter. The summer season consists of swimming, cycling and running, and the winter season consists of running, cyclocross and ski race. Over the past decade, this sport has become extremely popular, especially the ironman triathlon or triathlon. long distance, as it was called back in the USSR.

Summer triathlon

Swimming + cycling + running. Interestingly, the first starts were held in a different order: cycling, running, swimming. But this order was considered dangerous. The risk of drowning increased greatly as athletes became tired, and frequent convulsions occurred in the water.

Summer triathlon originates in France, at least where you can find the first mentions of this sport. In 1920, the sports publication L'Auto published an article about the start of Les Trois Sports, which consisted of 3 km of running, 12 km of cycling and a swim across the Marne Canal.

The first long-distance triathlon took place in 1978. The idea was to hold 3 traditional starts on one day. Waikiki Rough Water Swim, Oahu Bike Race and Honolulu Marathon (3.86 km, 180 km, 42.2 km). This is how an “iron” distance was established, which the whole world now knows about.

In 2000, triathlon entered the Olympic program in the format 1500 m + 40 km + 10 km.

Winter triathlon

Running + cyclocross + cross-country skiing. Not included in the Olympic program.

  • Short distance: 2.5 km + 5 km + 5 km
  • Standard distance: 5 km + 10 km + 10 km

Source: triathlon.org

Summer triathlon distances

There are about two dozen triathlon distances, we will tell you about the most popular ones: long distance (ironman), half-ironman, Olympic and sprint. note that ironman– this is a brand, not the name of the distance. International triathlon corporation (ironman official website), under whose brand a series of starts are held in different parts of the world. Perhaps thanks to the promotion of this brand, triathlon has become so popular.

Similar companies have appeared in Russia that conduct commercial launches similar to ironman: ironstar, titan, A1.

Long distance (ironman)

It also has other names: ironman 140.6 (by the number of miles), triathlon 226 (by the number of kilometers), ironman, iron triathlon, long-distance triathlon. Conducted since 1978.

The iron distance consists of a 3.8 km swim, a 180 km road bike race and a 42.2 km marathon. The time required to complete the triathlon stages is no more than 16 hours. It is considered one of the most difficult competitions in the world. However, every year thousands of amateur athletes sign up to challenge themselves, say “I can do it” and get the title of Iron Man.

As the series of starts progresses, athletes are selected for the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. The track records in Hawaii were set by Patrick Lange from Germany in the men's championship and Daniela Rief from Switzerland in the women's championship. Men's record is 8:01:40, women's record is 8:46:46. In triathlon, like in cross-country skiing and biathlon, there are no world records, because... The routes are always different, have different terrain and it is incorrect to compare the results. Therefore, each track has its own records.

Cool review video about Ironman Hamburg from the channel “Running is harmful”

Half or half ironman

Other names: triathlon 70.3 (by number of miles), triathlon 113 (by number of kilometers), half ironman, half-ironman, half-ironman.

As the name suggests, it is a half long distance: 1.9 km swim + 90 km road cycling + 21.1 km half marathon. Conducted since 2005. The half was created to increase the popularity of triathlon. The more accessible distance has caused a surge in popularity. Also, the half serves as good preparation for the ironman triathlon.

Olympic distance triathlon

Other names: Olympic, international distance, short distance.

Included in the Olympic program since 2000. Consists of 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running.

Triathlon at the Rio Olympics. Source: asiatri.com

Sprint triathlon

Half olympic distance: 0.75 km swimming + 20 km road cycling + 5 km running. It seems the easiest, but don’t relax. If at long distances it is possible to distribute forces, then in a sprint there is no time to distribute.

Preparing for ironman

In essence, this is preparation for any triathlon. The only difference is in the volume of training.

In order to finish ironman, you need about 10-15 hours of training per week. You need to prepare in this mode for at least a year, provided that you have some kind of initial physical training. It's minimum! A week should include 2-3 swimming workouts, 2-3 cycling workouts (in winter you need to spin) and 2-3 running workouts (you can add skiing in winter). Be sure to include a rest day, as a result we get 5-6 training days of 2-2.5 hours each.

Before you sign up for a long distance race, evaluate your capabilities. You either need to find time to train, or not spoil your health and psyche, but start on half-shirts and Olympic jerseys.

Winter is coming and triathletes are starting to prepare for the winter training season. In this article, Evgeny Nikitin will tell you how to organize your training process in the conditions of the harsh Russian winter so that in the spring you can get in good shape and show decent results at triathlon starts.


Not much will change dramatically in swimming training. We conduct all training in the pool, however, there are much more people in these pools. And you can find your charm in this too. When the pool is busy, you can practice contact swimming in a triathlon. Sometimes I specifically come to the pool at rush hour to practice “ragged” swimming.

For speed and technique training, choose a quieter watch. Include 1 open water workout per week in your training schedule.

Swim with your head up, orienteering, with turns without touching the sides and performing special exercises on stroke force.

Interval swimming with boarding and static-dynamic squats is perfect for training the vestibular system and simulating the passage of the 1st transit zone in triathlon.


Basic training in winter is carried out on a bicycle station. There are 2 types of bicycle stands: roller and under the rear wheel (trainer bicycle stand).

The skills of circular pedaling and balancing on a bicycle are well developed on the roller machine. But it is quite difficult to conduct high-quality training to prepare for races on these simulators.

Trainers are more versatile and efficient look bike stations that allow you to train at home with different loads. There is a whole variety of machine trainers, since various manufacturers present wide ranges of similar devices to the market.For beginners, a regular trainer with oil or magnetic resistance is suitable.For those who want to get realistic sensations and achieve maximum effect from training on the machine, a direct drive trainer is suitable.

Of course, ideally, your training should include training on both a roller machine and a trainer, since they solve different problems. But if you have the opportunity to buy only one of them, choose a trainer.

Some useful tips for training on the machine:

1. Keep your workout area well ventilated before and after your workout to ensure flow. fresh air and avoid hypoxia in class. If the design of the room allows, in favorable weather and above-zero temperatures, you can open the window slightly during training. But be extremely careful: avoid drafts so as not to provoke colds, pneumonia, muscle and vascular spasms, myositis.

2. In winter and in strong winds, I do not recommend training with the window open, as this can lead to the above-mentioned consequences. Use a fan. Place it aside or, if possible, open all the doors inside the room to ensure maximum air circulation in the room. This will make you feel more comfortable during the training process. Be careful if you want to point the fan toward you to blow air over and cool the surface of your skin. People with chronic diseases of the ENT organs, as well as those prone to myositis and colds, are not recommended to do this. Although I practice this method of cooling.

3. Place a mat made of polyethylene foam (“foam”) or a denser porous shock-absorbing material under the bike station - this will reduce noise and vibration. Since heavy sweating occurs when working on a bike station, do not forget to rinse the mat.

4. Training on a bike station is quite boring and tiring, so I recommend placing a laptop (or monitor) in front of you and watching various cycling or triathlon competitions. If possible, I recommend watching cycling races with comments from Sergei Kurdyukov - you can learn a lot of useful and useful information from his stories. interesting information about cycling, including from personal experience.

5. Place a towel on the steering wheel and pour at least 0.5 liters of water into the tank, or better yet, isotonic water. You'll sweat, as you might have guessed, a lot. Very much!


Part of the training in winter takes place indoors and on a treadmill, but about half, or even 2/3, remains outdoors. I give lectures on the topic “Running in winter”, and I constantly train outdoors. You can run comfortably in winter at temperatures down to -18°C, in areas with low humidity - down to -25°C. The main thing is to choose the right clothes and shoes.

Running in winter has a number of benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, increasing energy expenditure for training, and strengthening small stabilizer muscles by running in the snow.Speed ​​training is best done indoors. Athletics arenas and treadmills are suitable for this.

Some tips for running in winter:

  • Warm-up and cool-down before running outside should take place in a warm room.
  • Running clothes should be such that you are a little cold when going outside and during the first few meters of running.
  • Try to run by heart rate (especially at the beginning of winter), rather than by time, as running pace usually drops in winter.
  • Choose comfortable and comfortable shoes. Generally, trail running shoes are suitable for winter running.


Many triathletes go skiing in the winter season. Skiing is not just a change of scenery for triathletes, but also a great opportunity to improve their performance. 2 ski sessions per week will be a great tool for increasing endurance and strength for all triathlon enthusiasts. If you want to participate in ski marathons while still training for a triathlon, you will need more ski training per week.

There is a common misconception among triathlon enthusiasts that skiing can completely replace cycling training. This is wrong. To successfully maintain your cycling base in winter, you need at least 1 training session on a bike station per week.

general physical training

General physical training in winter it is worth paying special attention. Ideally, in winter, do 3 workouts in the gym per week. 1 workout for each type. In winter, my general physical training training might look something like this:

Monday – cycling general physical training

  • squats
  • block leg pull
  • "pistol"
  • planks, press, etc.

Wednesday – General physical fitness for swimming

  • rubber
  • bench press
  • pulling the block behind the back
  • press
  • hyperextension, etc.

Friday – running general physical training

  • plyometrics
  • insteps
  • lunges
  • press, planks, etc.

The most effective will be consistent work with your main limiters (this is an individual moment for each athlete). And what everyone needs to remember - after power load Stretching of worked muscle groups is necessary.

Functional testing

The winter period is an excellent time to better study your own body and understand the starting point. At the beginning of preparation for the new season, I recommend that all my students undergo a full medical examination and functional testing (as at the very beginning of training).

Based on the results of tests and analyses, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the state of the athlete’s body: identify the dynamics (if the season was a racing season), understand the functional limitations and build much more rationally training plan. It is good to repeat functional testing at least once every 3 months in order to observe the dynamics during the load process and adjust the preparation to the characteristics of the body’s perception of the load.

You can find out more about what types of analyzes and tests need to be done in the training manual. webinar JusTTri “Systematization of the training process.”

Training camps (camps)

Camps, or now the term “camps” are in use, are an effective investment in your training process. Often more effective than buying an expensive bike. A good triathlete training camp in the winter involves going to an intensive training session under the guidance of a coach. The training camps take place in a previously announced city (mainly in the south and abroad), where climatic and weather conditions allow driving on the highway. Traveling to another city and a tight training regime allows you to prioritize sports training and focus on your improvement. On average, the training includes 2-4 training sessions per day. Typically, effective camps involve a small number of athletes or the participants are divided into mini-groups, each led by a different coach.

In the training company JusTTri, there are two types of training camps: basic and advanced. For successful winter training, basic training camps are best suited. At such training camps, shock work on technique, a rational combination of loads for the preparation period, and a lot of informative and useful advice from the coach are provided. The effectiveness of 10 days at such training camps can be similar to a month of independent training. Training camps will be an excellent help for those who are planning early spring starts - such as Mallorca, Provence, Ironstar Sochi, etc.

In general, winter is a great time to lay a good training base, work hard on your limiters, and approach the start of the summer season in good shape.

Winter triathlon- a combination of running, cross-country cycling and cross-country skiing, completed in a continuous sequence. This relatively new discipline, cultivated by the ITU, was planned to be presented at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The ITU standard distance consists of 7-9km running, 12-14km cycling and 10-12km cross-country skiing. And all this - on snow-covered roads.

Winter triathlon - historical background.

First experiments.
Winter triathlon, like all multi-sport events of our time, was brought to life by the real triathlon boom that was happening in the West in the 1980s. It was then that the first competitions called winter triathlons were held.
“I first became acquainted with this discipline as an innocent 16-year-old girl.” - remembers two-time Champion Mira Marianne Vlasfeld from the Netherlands. “It was back in 1989 - we went to Inzell, Germany for a competition that consisted of 20km running, 30km cross-country skiing and 40km skating.”

Similar competitions are held annually in our northern capital. We are talking about the “traditional St. Petersburg winter triathlon,” where athletes successively overcome 8 km on skates, 16 km on skis and 8 km running. This winter "triathlon" is a component of the winter "marathon-quintathlon". On the same day, everyone who wants to establish themselves as “universal triathletes” can, in addition to the three above-mentioned disciplines, overcome two more: 9 km 445 m cycling and 750 m swimming (already in the pool). The total length of the distance is 42 km 195 m - that is why this start is called a “marathon-quintathlon”.
These competitions were first organized in 1995 by St. Petersburg sports fan Mikhail Antonovich Stazhkov, a navy veteran. On February 23, 2005, his brainchild, already included in the official sports calendar of the city, gathered more than a hundred participants near the 50th Anniversary of October Revolution park. And as is customary at triathlon competitions, the prize classification was carried out for all age groups- in increments of 5 years - and in absolute championship.

The first "real" winter triathlon!
The first winter triathlon in the modern sense - the "South Tyrol Winter Triathlon" - was held in 1995 in the Italian town of Mals, which is located in the Alps on the border with Austria. The athletes consistently completed 8.5 km of running, 12.5 km of cycling and 10 km of cross-country skiing.

The first official ITU World Championships were held there in 1997 at the same distance.
Today, leading positions in winter triathlon are occupied by European countries: Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Norway, the Netherlands and France are also very prominent. All these powers are traditionally strong in winter species sports - especially cross-country skiing.

Triathlon vs. winter triathlon.
In professional triathlon, cross-country triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon, the same athletes usually compete - and win prizes. Winter triathlon stands apart.
The first World Champions were the Italian Maria Canins-Bonaldi, a former successful professional cyclist; and her compatriot, skier Paolo Riva.
The winners of the first US Championships, which took place in 2001, were cross-country cyclist Gretchen Reeves and 46-year-old mountain bike veteran Ned Overend. This athlete is a true legend of American cycling, a six-time US Champion in cross-country cycling. Having completed his professional career, he tried his hand at triathlon... and won the XTerra "World Championship" in cross-country triathlon twice (1998, 1999). Thus, winter triathlon is already his third specialty in professional sports.

As for the amateurs, winter triathlon - like triathlon - has a lot of "species diversity." Any sports enthusiast - runner, skater, skier, mountain biker or swimmer - will undoubtedly enjoy participating in such competitions.

Winter triathlon in Russia.
In Russia, interest in winter triathlon noticeably intensified when the Olympic prospects for this discipline became more clearly visible. First All-Russian competitions in modern winter triathlon took place on March 19, 2005 in Moscow. 104 people took part in these competitions, which were held on the territory of Izmailovsky Park.

The first official Russian Winter Triathlon Championship took place a year later - in 2006 - in Yaroslavl. The first Russian Champions were cyclist orienteer Ksenia Chernykh from Moscow and skier Andrei Mishanin, a native of the Perm region.

Trinity Winter Triathlon 2007 - join us!
No one is stopping you from trying yourself in this new discipline!
Compete for the title of Russian Champion! It will probably be interesting for amateur athletes to know that in 2006, the current Champion of Russia entered the popular amateur competition and finished only 21st in the veteran overall. And for you, in order to achieve the honorary title of Master of Sports of Russia (according to the new EVSK, in force since November 27, 2006), you only need to finish in the top eight at the winter triathlon in Troitsk near Moscow on February 3, 2007. For this competition in 2007 has the status of the official Russian Championship !

The match will take place in any weather!
Unstable climatic conditions raise skepticism regarding the possibility of holding such competitions this snowless year. But don’t worry - such incidents have happened many times in the history of sports.
Some snowless starts in Europe were carried out in strict accordance with the letter of the rules. Namely: since skiing is precisely cross-country skiing, athletes were allowed to run on skis on the ground, or run with ski equipment in their hands. It was even allowed to get rid of poles and skis - but only one. Despite the apparent absurdity, such spectacles were received with great approval by the audience.
There were natural incidents and at the starts there were very high level. At the venue of one of the largest North American triathlons, literally on the eve of the start, a hydraulic accident occurred. As a result, a large amount of organic waste spilled into the river where the swimming segment of the competition was held. The organizers decided to replace swimming with running, turning the triathlon into a duathlon. However, all the results of this start - including the ranking points of the ITU World Cup Stage - were taken into account as the results of the triathlon.

As for the Trinity Winter Triathlon, in case of snowless weather its organizers plan to resort to the second option. However, if the majority of those gathered especially insist, then cross-country skiing will be present even in the complete absence of snow cover!


Trinity Winter Triathlon 2007 - details

Everyone is allowed to start, regardless of qualifications, subject to the following conditions:
-- Year of birth of the athlete: 1989 and earlier.
-- Availability of proper equipment: a bicycle with tires no narrower than 40mm, a bicycle helmet and ski equipment.
-- Payment of the entry fee in the amount of 250 rubles.
-- Knowledge of competition rules.

An athlete has the right to register as an amateur and compete in age groups: 18-19, 20-24, 25-29 and beyond - in increments of five years.
To compete for the title of Russian Champion, points towards the Russian Cup and discharge standards The EVSK athlete must enter the Elite category. In this case, you need to purchase an FTR license, the cost of which is 150 rubles. You must also present valid accident insurance and a medical certificate.

Pre-registration of non-resident participants is required:
phone 8-926-185-48-37 (Maxim),
Email: [email protected]
On the day of the competition, applications for participation are accepted until 10.30.
For additional questions, please contact

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    6. The User has the right to use the Service throughout the world.
    7. The User does not have the right to modify the Service software or attempt to decompile the object code of the Service programs or use another method of converting the object code into a readable form.
    8. Elements of the Service used in its design (including, but not limited to: photographs, drawings, sounds, graphic design elements, trademarks, service marks, etc.) are protected results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization. The User has no right to use these elements except as part of the Service.
  3. Limitations of liability
  4. Final provisions
  5. Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

Privacy Policy

  1. General provisions
  2. Information and personal data
  3. Limitations of liability
    1. The Service does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User through the Service.
    2. The Service (including the Site) may use cookies and other technologies to personalize your experience with the Service. By using the Service, the User expresses his consent to accept and receive cookies and to the use of other similar technologies by the Service.
    3. The User undertakes not to transfer the login and password from the Service account to third parties. The Service is not responsible for the User transferring his login and password from the Service account to third parties and for any consequences associated with this.
    4. The Service Administration processes the User’s personal data in order to fulfill the agreement between the Site Administration and the User, namely the User Agreement. In this regard and on the basis of Article 6. Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 2. clause 2. v.22. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” The Site Administration has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
  4. Guarantees
    1. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Administration of the Service on the terms of the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data, good faith, compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes defined in this Policy, compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data.
    2. The Administration of the Service guarantees that information and personal data of Users are stored on the territory Russian Federation.
    3. The Service Administration undertakes to take all necessary legal and technical measures to protect information and personal data used in the operation of the Service.
    4. Storage and processing of information and personal data transferred by the User to the Service is carried out throughout the entire period of existence of the User’s account.
    5. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties without his consent (except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2 of this Policy and the cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation).
    6. The Administration of the Service undertakes not to independently transfer information and personal data of Users to other users of the Service. At the same time, the User understands and agrees that his personal data may be available to other users of the Service through the functionality of the Service.
  5. Final provisions
    1. In the event of a reorganization of the Service, the process of processing information and personal data of the User may be transferred to another operator. The User is notified of such cases by a special notice on the Site.
    2. The Service has the right to make changes to this Policy with mandatory notification, which will be available to the User on the Site.
    3. In all matters not regulated by this Policy, but relating to the collection, storage, and processing of information and personal data, the User and the Administration of the Service are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. This Policy applies only to the Service. The Service Administration does not control and is not responsible for third party sites that the User can access via links available through the Service.
    5. If any disputes arise between the User and the Service in connection with this Policy, both parties are obliged to strive to resolve such disputes through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute may be brought to court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with mandatory compliance with the claims procedure. The claim is sent by the party intending to go to court to the other party in advance. The period for responding to a claim is 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Information about the service administration:

    Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

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