What are upper body tabs? Upper body - what is it in fitness, training and activities, video. Focused strength training

The modern fitness industry has a large number of body improvement programs. These include such a type as Upper Body, offered in gyms. This technique is aimed at working out certain muscle groups and losing weight. Let's take a closer look at what such training is and much more.

Upper Body - what is it

Upper body is literally translated as “top” (Up) and “body” (body), that is, the main load is directed to top part torso: shoulders, arms, chest and stomach.

The main task is to increase muscle tone, strengthen and restore motor function of the limbs.

To get the maximum effect from classes, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Regularity.
  2. A balanced diet excluding sweets, flour, fatty, canned, fried and smoked foods.
  3. Sufficient drinking regime.
  4. Follow all instructions from the trainer.
  5. Proper recovery after training.
  6. Increase physical activity in general, in addition to working out in the fitness room.

The duration of the Upper Body program is 1 academic hour (45-55 minutes), which is different from many others. And the training does not start with aerobic exercise, but directly from exercises of this type. Our efficiency Upper body increases significantly due to the supervision of you experienced trainers and consistency of training.

The first thing that is worked on is the arms using dumbbells, gradually increasing the weight throughout the classes and changing the equipment, training all the necessary muscle groups.

There are several types of this program:

  • Upper body tabs are aimed at strengthening the abs. Such workouts are suitable for those who want to reduce fat on the waist and abdomen. Duration - up to 55 minutes at least 2 times a week;
  • To fully work out the chest, back, arms and shoulders, the Upper Body Press program has been created. Such classes are not suitable for beginners because intense load. For example, during a workout you need to perform a lot of repetitions of push-ups and exercises with a body bar;
  • mixed load is the Upper Body Flex program, the main feature of which is the presence breathing exercises. There is more static here with slow and tense movements. The focus is to speed up metabolic processes in the body and reduce the size of the stomach. You can perform such a program at any level of preparedness.

With regular training and following all recommendations, after a couple of months changes in the body in the form of relief will become noticeable. The muscles will gain strength and sagging skin will disappear.

About the benefits and subtleties of the program

The main exercises of the program are classic and reverse push-ups, rows to the shoulders from a standing position and to the belt, bench press, working out the biceps and triceps of the arms using weights.

You can’t train, especially for beginners, on your own at home - it’s dangerous; and also ignorance correct technique execution will not bring any benefit, but only harm.

By enrolling in a fitness club with a professional trainer, in addition to improving your figure, you will achieve the following results:

  1. Will develop strength endurance, increasing the physical capabilities and ability of the body to tolerate various loads.
  2. Your posture will improve and your shoulders will straighten, you will move through life more confidently, looking not down, like many, but straight ahead.
  3. You will acquire a good habit of regularly engaging in physical improvement.
  4. During the training process, joy hormones - endorphins - begin to be produced, which will improve your mood and increase mental energy, stabilizing your emotional state.

Weights are selected based on physical fitness and selected exercises. For example, if you have just completed push-ups, you will need to use lighter weights for your next bench press.

Working out the back muscles will require more significant weights, since they are large and they will not feel light weights.

It is recommended to train according to the Upper Body program up to 3 times a week, although in some cases the trainer makes changes to the schedule, increasing or decreasing it. It takes 48 hours for muscles to fully recover after such exercise. During this time, it is a good idea to spend time on lower body and aerobic training.

For information: you should not expect progressive muscle growth from such exercises; they will make your muscles more prominent, and with the help of exercises you will “hone” your technique.

Equipment for upper body classes, as a rule, are body bars, dumbbells, step platforms, a mat, rubber shock absorbers and medicine balls.

Before going to the gym, you should visit a therapist and get his approval for this type of activity.

Arriving at gym, choose a trainer who will work on an individual program or schedule a group visit. Pay attention to the following criteria to help you make the right choice regarding your future mentor:

  • experience - it’s worth asking how long he or she has been working in this area and in particular in this club (at least 2-5 years). It is also important to find out whether he had clients with similar problems;
  • availability of a certificate - although it can be bought for money, it is still worth asking and looking at;
  • professionalism - every coach is obliged, on the very first day of a newcomer’s arrival, to ask him in detail about his level of preparedness, state of health, regime, and so on to compile individual program workouts, including nutrition. An important point that testifies to the professionalism of the instructor is knowledge of physiology and biomechanics. In a personal conversation, this will definitely become clear - if the coach does not use specialized terms, then it is worth thinking about his professional suitability;
  • An important indicator is appearance, although it is not always unambiguous. It is advisable that the instructor be in good physical shape. But here you need to look at age - if he is a young person, then of course, appearance matters, but if he or she is 40-60 years old, then this indicator is not particularly significant;
  • manner of communication and sociability, friendliness of the instructor and contact. The main criterion here is the comfort of communicating with him and how much he stimulates you to give 100% effort in training;
  • and cost - everyone wants to receive a high-quality and inexpensive service. And here you need to proceed from your personal material capabilities. But you should understand that cheap services will give appropriate results.

If you have checked at least half of the boxes opposite the above points, then you can safely train with such a mentor.

Who are contraindicated for the Upper Body program?

As mentioned above, before you start working out in a fitness club, you should definitely visit a doctor, since not everyone is suitable for such a load:

  1. In the presence of varicose veins.
  2. If CVD disease is diagnosed;
  3. During pregnancy.

And don't wait quick results- there will be no rapid weight loss, and there is no need for it. If in April you wanted to lose 10-20 kilograms by June, and to do this you suddenly started taking care of yourself, then you are unlikely to succeed. And besides fast weight loss unhealthy.

Optimal weight loss is 1-3 kg per month. But at the same time, it is also necessary to regulate nutrition, then the processes will be more noticeable.

And finally, you need to train your body throughout your life, and not before summer or some event. This process should become a way of life for you, and not a one-time event, and then you will always and at any age admire your reflection in the mirror, feeling like an active and healthy person. will help you learn to love training and leading healthy image life and will become the starting point to understanding the value of Health.

Upper body is a workout that helps you sculpt your body by doing special exercises, involving the “upper” muscles. Classes develop muscle groups of the back, shoulders, abdominals and hands, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and help get rid of excess weight, correct your figure.

Properly selected Upper body training sets reduce waist size, make the stomach flat, and the figure slim.

The workouts should be intense, so the best option is to pre-warm up. You can, for example, do aerobics - this will set you up for higher loads and eliminate the risk of unpleasant consequences.

Upper body fitness involves exercising with a variety of sports equipment. The duration of classes is from 45 to 55 minutes. Taking into account the level of training of a person and his physical capabilities, the load and weights are individually selected.

Classes for beginners are carried out in a lightweight mode (for example, with dumbbells). For experienced athletes, the equipment should be heavier.

You can exercise both in sports clubs and in your usual home environment. In the first case, you will receive a personal trainer who will choose the right training plan, calculate required load, will select power equipment. In the second, you have to do all this yourself.

Classes should take place a maximum of three times a week, taking into account individual characteristics person.

Intense loads require muscle recovery, so you need to take breaks of 1-2 days, doing lower body training, for example.

Upper body - what a workout

The classes include a set of strength exercises that strengthen and develop the body. Particular attention is paid to its upper part: the muscles of the back, arms, and abdominals. One set consists of at least 10 repetitions.

By improving the functioning of the circulatory system, tissues are enriched with oxygen, and this leads to an improvement in their vital functions.

Exist different kinds exercises to work various muscles: biceps, triceps, forearm, chest, back, abdomen.

Coming to a sports club is associated with a specific goal: to tighten the buttocks, pump up the abs, biceps, etc. In any case, to get results in the shortest possible time, you need to select one of the Upper body fitness programs. To correct a specific area of ​​the body, you need to focus your efforts on specific muscles.

To correct problems in areas above the waist, the best choice would be the Upper body ABS complex, aimed at developing the muscles of the chest and back, abdominals, shoulders and arms. Contains exercises, the purpose of which is to qualitatively work out these particular muscle groups. Exercises consist of basic and isolated ones. During training, special equipment is used. Maximum effect give alternating modes when performing simple exercises. Improvement in posture is observed already during the first lesson, if the selection of exercises is done correctly.

The Upper body stretch program is a universal set of exercises. Its goal is to strengthen the muscles of the upper body. For classes in this program, the level of physical fitness does not matter. The result will be:

  • beautiful posture;
  • slim stomach;
  • flexible and elastic muscles and ligaments;
  • improved mobility of articular joints.

Harmonious combination forceful approaches strengthens with stretching muscle corset, helps to get rid of back pain and find a great mood.

Upper body video classes

Benefits of Upper Body

Classes with a professional trainer will bring you excellent results:

  • The body's endurance will increase, its physical capabilities and ability to withstand increased loads will increase.
  • Improved posture and straightened shoulders will give you self-confidence.
  • During exercise, the body produces endorphins (they are called joy hormones), this leads to improved mood, increased mental energy, and stabilization of the emotional state.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

31 Mar 2017


One of the types of Upper Body training (upper body) occupies not the least place in the fitness programs of gyms around the world. The technique helps to pump up muscles, bring the body into sports uniform and lose weight. How each lesson goes, how the exercises differ from other workouts and what results you can get, read on.

What is upper body in fitness

The name itself already tells you what you have to do during upper body fitness training. Up – top, body – body. During classes with an instructor, most of the time is spent on the upper part: chest, stomach, arms, shoulders, neck. Additional equipment for weights is used: dumbbells, bars. The main task is to increase muscle tone, strengthening, restoration of motor function of the limbs. The lessons differ from standard aerobics classes, but they have one thing in common - to get the effect you need to:

  • regulate the training schedule;
  • build a healthy diet: eat at least sweets and starchy foods, drink more water;
  • follow the instructor's recommendations;
  • provide yourself with proper rest after classes;
  • increase activity outside of training.

Upper body class

If you decide to try upper body classes, then first of all you should find out whether you can do such loads, because they are not recommended for everyone intense exercise with weights. Most women who come to workout want to quickly lose weight. It is worth saying here that the result will not be noticeable immediately, so you will have to attend classes regularly. In addition, you will definitely have to change your diet.

Like any other fitness program, upper body has contraindications:

  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy.

Complex upper exercises body goes from easy to difficult. All muscle groups are involved in turn. For example, here is a description of several standard upper body exercises:

  • Triceps workout. Heels together, toes slightly apart, dumbbells in hands. Raise your hands to your shoulders, on a count of one - lift them up, on a count of two - lower them to your shoulders. Average pace, do 3 sets of 15 reps. Rest – 30 seconds.
  • Working out the biceps. Performed while standing. Heels together, toes apart, arms along the body, each with a dumbbell. Begin to bend your arms alternately at waist level, that is, only at elbow joint. Perform at a medium pace. Repeat 20 times, rest 30 seconds and do the set again.
  • Working out the chest and deltoid muscles. The same initial position, as in the previous exercises. Extend your arms at shoulder level, holding a dumbbell in each. Stretch your arms out to the sides without bending them. At the same time, rise up onto your toes. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Upper body workout

Almost any upper body workout lasts exactly an academic hour. This sets it apart from many other fitness programs. It doesn't start with aerobic warm-up, and immediately from doing the exercises. To begin with, take dumbbells and work the arm muscles, then the process becomes more complicated, the weight becomes greater. So by the end of the lesson you are working out all muscle groups, weighting them with various equipment.

Upper body tabs

There are also variations of this fitness program. Upper body tabs – power complex exercises aimed at working out the abs. Especially suitable for those who want to correct their figure in the waist area and “dry out”. Often goes along with stretching, so that at the end of the session you can relax the muscles and stretch them to consolidate the result. The duration of the workout may be slightly longer - 55 minutes. It is best to attend classes at least 2 times a week. An excellent workout to start your acquaintance with upper fitness.

Upper body press

A set of upper body press exercises is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest, arms and shoulders. There is a very intense exercise stress, so novices should not come. Standard exercises include push-ups and high-repetition movements with a body bar. It is better to start with the usual upper body, and then move on to mixed format lessons. Special equipment and shock absorbers are actively used. After a couple of months of regular training, you will notice significant changes in your body; your back and chest muscles will become stronger.

Upper Body is a strength aerobics class aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body. Perfect for developing muscle groups in the shoulders, arms, abs and back (“upper” - upper, “body” - body). Upper Body training can improve blood circulation, shape your figure, and help in the fight against overweight. Classes are designed to use a variety of sports equipment in the form of dumbbells, body bars, step platforms, balls, etc.

Upper Body classes focus on strengthening the muscle groups of the upper body. It is difficult to improve the definition of the triceps, biceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles and to properly work the abs without using additional equipment for weights and special exercises. Upper Body strength training includes a set of exercises developed from simple to complex, with a gradual increase in load.

What do regular Upper Body workouts give?

  • The body's ability to withstand various loads (strength endurance) improves.
  • Produced correct posture, shoulders straighten, gait becomes more harmonious.
  • Confidence in your strengths and capabilities appears.
  • Classes help prepare the body to perform exercises correctly and effectively. gym.

It is necessary to understand that Upper Body training is aimed specifically at the upper body, therefore for a harmonious physical development additional attention needs to be paid to other muscle groups. They can help with this power training Lower Body, Power Body, Body Sculpt, as well as stretching and gym exercises with personal trainer or on your own.

Reading time: 21 minutes

Strong upper body muscles are necessary not only for improving the quality of the body in terms of the aesthetic component, but also for the high-quality performance of many exercises, including those for the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. We offer you our new selection: to strengthen and tone muscles.

From all the variety of Fitness Blender workouts, we have chosen only those that include strength exercises with dumbbells for developing the muscles of the upper body (arms, shoulders, chest, back). For some programs you will additionally need a bench. Programs last 20-50 minutes, most of them already include warm-up and stretching.

Strength training for the upper body will have different purposes depending on the number of repetitions and weight of dumbbells you choose:

  • 5-8 repetitions per set are suitable for those who are working on muscle growth;
  • 12-14 repetitions per set are suitable for those working to increase strength;
  • 16-20 repetitions per set are suitable for those who work on endurance and muscle tone.

Accordingly, the fewer repetitions, the more O the lighter weight you need to use. Choose the weight of the dumbbells so that the last repetitions of the set are performed with maximum muscle tension. For biceps, triceps and shoulders The weight of dumbbells should be taken less. For larger muscle groups, such as the chest and back, you can use more weight.

We offer you 2 training groups from FitnessBlender for upper body:

  • with a small number of repetitions per count (each exercise is performed 8-10 repetitions per set)
  • with a lot of repetitions for a while (each exercise is performed for 45 seconds)

Workouts from the first group are best performed by those who have heavy dumbbells and are ready to work on muscle mass. Workouts from the second group are suitable for those who simply want to work on toning the muscles of the upper body.

Strength training with low reps

1. Upper Body Muscle Building Workout

  • Duration: 21 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 120-280 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells, bench
  • No warm-up or cool-down

In this program Daniel has prepared for you 12 various exercises. The exercises are divided into 3 groups, 4 exercises in each group. Each exercise is performed 10 repetitions in one approach. There is a short break between groups of exercises.

Exercises: Chest Press, Bent Over Row, Decline Chest Press, Incline Row; Overhead Press, Dumbbell Pullover, Lateral Raise, Side Dumbbell Pullover; Overhead Tricep Extension, Hammer Curl, Tricep Kickback, Bicep Curl.

2. Best Upper Body Workout for Toned Arms, Shoulders & Upper Back

  • Duration: 25 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 125-225 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

This upper body strength workout includes 3 rounds with 2 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 2 sets + small Burnout. Exercises are performed in 10 repetitions. Kelly uses dumbbells ranging from 2 to 8 kg.

Exercises: Hammer Curl, Bentover Tricep Extension, Chest Fly, Reverse Fly, Overhead Press, Dumbbell Pullover.

3.Strong, Lean, Toned Arms, Chest and Shoulders Workout

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 155-279 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

This superset workout for arms, shoulders, chest and back includes 6 exercises that are divided into 3 rounds. Each round is repeated in 3 sets, the exercises are performed in 8 repetitions.

Exercises: Close Press Bridge, Bentover Close Row, Lateral/Ventral Raise (alt), Pullovers, Overhand Curl, Overhead Overhand Tricep Extension.

4.Strength Training for Arms and Shoulders

  • Duration: 35 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 140-385 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • No warm-up or cool-down

This strength training workout for arms and shoulders contains 4 rounds with 2 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 3 sets, exercises are performed for 10 repetitions.

Exercises: Over Head Press, Curl, Lateral Raise, Overhead Tricep Extension, Arnold Press, Hammer Curl, Ventral Raise, Skull Crusher.

5. Upper Body Workout for Strength with Descending Reps

  • Duration: 38 minutes
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Calories: 214-399 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

In this workout, you'll perform 3 sets of each exercise: 10 reps, then 8 reps, then 6 reps. Moreover, as the number of repetitions decreases, you will increase the weight of the dumbbells. This approach will help you develop endurance while working on building muscle and strength. A small number of repetitions of each exercise awaits you; you can take more dumbbell weights.

Exercises: Bicep Curl, Bentover Tricep Extension, Reverse Fly, Chest Press, Overhead Press, Pullover, Lateral Raise, Ventral Raise.

6. Functional Upper Body Strength - Weight Training for the Upper Body

  • Duration: 38 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 245-588 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells, bench
  • With warm-up and cool-down

This program is performed according to the scheme already familiar to us: 6 exercises, 3 rounds, 2 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 3 sets, exercises are performed in 10 repetitions.

Exercises: Alternating Chest Press, Alternating Close Row, Alternating Shoulder Press, Alternating Dumbbell Pullover, Alternating Tricep Extension, Alternating Bicep Curl.

7. Upper Body Strength Workout - Guaranteed Muscle Burnout

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Calories: 200-640 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells, bench
  • With warm-up and cool-down

In this 40-minute workout, Daniel prepared 6 classical exercises, which are divided into 3 rounds. Exercises are performed in 10 repetitions, each round is repeated in 3 sets. Waiting for you at the end BurnoutRound of 6 exercises.

Exercises: Chest Fly, Bentover Reverse Fly, Lateral Raise, Pullover, Tricep Extension, Bicep Curl, Burnout Round: Push Up, Bentover Wide Row, Shoulder Press, Pullover, Tricep Dip, Hammer Curl.

8. Upper Body Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back Workout

  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Calories: 198-435 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

This upper body strength workout has a lot of variety. It includes 18 different exercises, which are divided into 3 rounds. Each exercise is performed in one set of 10 repetitions. There will be a short break between rounds. Kelly uses dumbbells ranging from 2 to 8 kg.

Exercises: Chest Fly, Bent Over Fly, Ventral Raise, Dumbbell Pullover Palms In, Kneeling Tricep Kick Back, Hammer Curl; Chest Press, Dumbbell Wide Row L&R, Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Pullover Palms Up, Overhead Tricep Extension, Bicep Curl; Close Chest Press, Dumbbell Close Row, Lateral Raise Palm Down, Side Pullover, Tricep Dip, Overhand Curl.

9. Upper Body Superset Workout for Arms, Shoulders and Upper Back

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 275-536 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

In this 50-minute workout, Kelly has 14 exercises for you. The exercises are divided into 7 rounds, the rounds are repeated in 2 sets. Perform 8 repetitions of each exercise. The workout is long, so you can take extra breaks between rounds.

Exercises: Chest Fly, Reverse Fly, Bicep Curls, Bent Over Tricep Extension, Lateral Raise, Bent Over Rear Raise, Ventral Raise, Pull Over Plus a Narrow Press, Row Plus Rotation and Extension, Roundabout Push Up, Lateral Raise and Cross, Bent Over Shrug , Rotating Curl, Skull Crusher.

Timed upper body strength training

1. Fun Upper Body Workout for Great Arms & Shoulders

  • Duration: 28 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 140-280 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • No warm-up, but with a cool-down

This upper body workout includes 18 different exercises, so you're guaranteed to never get bored. Each exercise is performed 1 time according to the scheme: 45 seconds work, 20 seconds rest. Eat combined exercises for several muscle groups, as well as pulsating exercises for maximum muscle development.

Exercises: Reverse Fly + Pulses; Chest Fly + Pulses; Pullover + Crunch; Overhead Press; Tricep Extension + Close Row; Curl + Arnold Press; Chest Press + Bridge; Wide Row + Plank; Lateral & Ventral Raises; Side Pullover; Cadence Curl; Halo Extension; Traveling Push Up; Back Bow Pull; Arm Circles; Antagonistic Wide & Narrow Pulldown; Tricep Dips; Walkdown + Pulls.

2. Functional Upper Body Workout for Strength and Coordination

  • Duration: 33 minutes
  • Difficulty: 4
  • Calories: 191-351 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells
  • With warm-up and cool-down

This upper body workout from Fitness Blender features 4 rounds of 2 exercises per round. Each round is repeated in 2 approaches. The following execution scheme is proposed: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. At the end of the program there is a small Burnout Round of four exercises.

Exercises: Bicep Curl, Tricep Extension, Reverse Fly, Chest Press, Overhead Press, Pullover, Lateral Raise, Ventral Raise, Push Ups, Tricep Dips, Back Bow Pulls, Arm Circles.

3. Upper Body Strength Workout for Arms, Shoulders, Chest & Back

  • Duration: 34 minutes
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Calories: 188-347 kcal
  • Equipment: dumbbells, bench
  • With warm-up and cool-down

In this workout you will find 24 unique exercises, which are performed in one approach according to the scheme of 45 seconds work and 15 seconds rest. In total, the program included 4 groups of exercises:

  • Group 1 (chest and back)
  • Group 2 (shoulders and latissimus muscles back)
  • Group 3 (biceps and triceps)
  • Group 4 (rotator cuff)

If you want to work on other muscle groups with Fitness Blender trainers , be sure to check it out.

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