Health Day. Scenario of the sports event "Take care of your health from a young age." Scenario of the event for teachers “Health Day” - “Youth choose a healthy lifestyle!” (For teachers) - Competition works - Catalog of articles - DIA "CREATIV" World Health Day scenario

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Security School in the village of Kuchumbetovo, Perelyubsky Municipal District
Saratov region"
Make healthy choices!

The goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle; personal education
responsibility for maintaining your health.
Objectives: to expand and update schoolchildren’s knowledge about the harmful effects of
bad habits on personal health; give students the opportunity to express
your creative abilities.
Posters made by students can be used in the design,
or ready-made preventive medical publications (leaflets, leaflets, etc.).

Homework for Health Day participants:
1. Draw a poster on the topic: “Health starts with you” and
prepare his defense;
2. Prepare a song, an ode to healthy lifestyle, health with elements of dramatization;
Find proverbs about health and read them.
Three teams compete in the competition program.
Progress of the intellectual entertainment program
1. Welcome to participants
Accompanied by playful, upbeat music, the teams take their places in the gym and
introduce themselves. Presenter: “Today three teams are participating in our game.
Let's welcome the participants of the game and wish them a lot of energy and excitement.
Ingenuity and prudence!
2. Introductory part
Presenter: “Life expectancy is measured in years, and its quality is
health. To be healthy is a natural desire of a person, and he sooner or
thinks about his health late. One wise man said: “Human health
largely depends on lifestyle, behavior and ability to help yourself and others in
difficult situations" A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way
life activity aimed at maintaining and improving health is
basis for disease prevention. Let us now determine together
constituent elements of a healthy lifestyle"

Teams receive a “daisy” in the middle of which is the abbreviation for healthy lifestyle.
“On the petals of the chamomile, write the components, in your opinion, of the parts
the concept of “healthy lifestyle”, one element on each petal
Healthy lifestyle You are given two minutes to think about and complete the task. Favorites
team captains will demonstrate the completed task.” Bye teams
perform the task, the presenter introduces the jury members.
The presenter sums up: “So, a healthy lifestyle consists of:
 refusal of harmful addictions (gives a decoding of this concept according to
age of participants);
- optimal motor mode;
- hardening;
- rational nutrition;
- personal hygiene;
- positive emotions, etc.
Our game is aimed at rejecting bad habits and creating positive ones.
emotions that help lift spirits and unite teams.
3. Main part of the game
Competition No. 1. “Health is fine thanks to exercise”
“Sport is good for health, Stadium, swimming pools, court, Hall, skating rink are everywhere for you
glad. For your efforts, there will be cups and records as a reward, Your muscles will become
hard! Just remember: athletes must have their own every day.
They start with physical exercises! I suggest the teams do exercises “Carousel
Team members stand in a circle, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and squat
simultaneously in this position. Straightening up at the same time, playing
jump up and fly one step clockwise in the air.
Thus, children must complete ten jumps and flights. The task is not
break the circle and simultaneously perform squats, jumps and flights.

Competition No. 2. Intellectual warm-up “Alternative”
Host: “This is a word game. Teams are asked to solve two
anagrams (a word formed by rearranging letters). First hidden word
means “a type of mass competition, competition.”
Anagrams for team No. 1 Tar piaksada (spartakiad). Baylesob (baseball).
Anagrams for team No. 2 Dali pomia (Olympiad). Afziyaadzrk (physical exercises).
Anagrams for team number 3 Gnö fisr (surfing). Esect lon (skeleton).
Competition No. 3. “A good proverb will cheer up any young man”
Host: “This is a competition of proverbs about health. “And why woe to us when the proverbs
Now in three minutes I will start a proverb, and you should
finish (the proverbs do not repeat those named).
Move, you will live longer (longer);
Prevention of aging in infinity (movement);
Purely live healthy (be);
He who is neat is pleasing to people;
Eating too much is illness and (trouble);
Eat so you don’t get fat (healthier);
Greens on the table provide health for (one hundred years);
Whoever gets up early (God gives);
Don't blame your neighbor when you're sleeping (before lunch);
The body weakens without (doing);
There is only heaven to live without work (smoke);

Bread puts you on your feet, and wine (falls down);
He who smokes tobacco is his own (enemy);
Tobacco destroys health and intelligence (does not improve);
Self-smoker (gravedigger);
If you want to live long (quit smoking);
Whoever plays sports gains strength;
Sports elixir (of life);
You will ruin new health (you cannot buy it);
Take care of your dress again, and your health (from a young age).”
Competition No. 4. Quiz “Brainstorming”
Presenter: “The teams will be asked a series of quiz questions on topics
relating to all components of the concept of “healthy lifestyle”. One for the correct answer
What is the most valuable thing in the world? (health);
Boxing area (ring);
Juicy edible fruit of garden trees (fruit);
How many rings are in the symbol of the Olympic Games? (five);
A sport called the “queen of sports” (track and field);
What berries are black, red, white? (currant);
Device for measuring temperature (thermometer);
Fruits boiled in water (compote);
How many teeth does a healthy person have? (32);
Weightlifting specialist (weightlifter).
Dried grapes (raisins);

How many people does a football team consist of? (out of 11);
A feeling of great spiritual satisfaction, a sense of fun (joy);
Physical or moral fortitude, endurance (hardening);
On the squares of the board, the kings brought together the game (chess);
Europe blue Olympic ring, Asia yellow, Africa black,
Australia green, America (red);
Mat for judo wrestling (tatami);
Chewing gum saves teeth (no).
Competition No. 5. “Match relay”
Using matches, representatives of each team must lay out which
or a word related to healthy lifestyle. The jury member must immediately understand what this is
Competition No. 6. “Pyramid”
Team representatives build a pyramid, taking turns placing pins.
Who uses more pins and the pyramid will not fall apart. Base 3 pins.
Competition No. 7. “Health starts with you!”
Presenter: “This is a poster defense competition on the topic “Health begins with
Representatives of each team come out and say what they wanted
prove it with your poster.
Competition No. 8. “The invigorating spirit heals the chant”
Presenter: “Let’s move on to the next competition. This is an art competition
amateur performance, for which the teams prepared in advance. Certainly,
Team performances should reflect the theme “Keeping healthy, healthy
(Teams present songs about health with dramatization elements)

Competition No. 9. “Make a word”
You received 7 letters, now the signal is to see who can put the word together faster.
Competition No. 10. “Relay Races”
1. Arm wrestling (each team has two participants, a girl and a boy) - for
Each win is 1 point, for a loss 0 points.
2. Who can hold the balloon in the air longer without using their hands, blowing on
(one person per team participates) - 5 points.
3. Which pair from each team will sit down, standing with their backs to each other and
clasping your hands behind your back, more times (2 participants from
teams) - 5 points.
While the jury is summing up the results of the intellectual game “Make a Healthy Choice!”
the guys are doing exercises to the song “Do exercises.”
The jury sums up the results of team competitions and amateur creative activities
students, names the authors of the best posters.
Awarding the teams: the captain of the winning team is awarded a certificate and
basket with vitamins (fresh vegetables and fruits); the losing team too
a basket of fruits and vegetables, but smaller in size. And each player “Ge
matogen" with wishes of health.
Presenter: “We hope that you will make the right, healthy choice!
Remember: your health is in your hands!”

Scenario of the school-wide sports festival “Health and Sports Day”

This development will be useful for both physical education teachers and additional education teachers. The events of this sports festival cover almost all participants in the educational process: preparation, direct participation in competitions, fans, refereeing, joint activities of teachers and students. Summing up helps to identify the best athletes of the school.


on holding a school-wide sports festival "Health and Sports Day"

1. Goal and objectives.

1.1. Health Day is held with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle among students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1", developing interest in physical culture and sports.

1.2. Tasks:

Involving students in various sports;

Identifying the best athletes of the school, inviting them to participate in school and city sports competitions;

Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the performance of schoolchildren, and the productivity of their education.

2. Time and place of the event.

2.1. Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in gyms.

2.2. During Health Day, students are exempt from classes.

2.3. 10.00 - 15.00

3. Management of organization and implementation.

3.1. General guidance on preparing and holding Health Day rests with physical education teachers, class teachers, and the deputy director for educational work:

The program and form of the Health Day is developed by the physical education teacher together with the deputy director for educational work;

Physical education teachers participate in preparing class teams to participate in sports competitions as part of the Health Day program;

The Deputy Director for Educational Work is responsible for preparing prizes for the winning teams, students who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places;

Class teachers bring the Health Day program to the attention of students.

3.2. Direct supervision of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges, which includes teachers of physical education and additional education.

3.4. Responsibility for the life and health of students rests with: class teachers, the person responsible for health and safety, physical education teachers, deputy teachers. director of VR, medical worker.

3.5. The general management and conduct of competitions by type is carried out by the chief judge and the chief secretary of the Health and Sports Day. Judges for each event are appointed from physical education teachers.

4. Participants.

4.1. All students in grades 1 to 11 of the school are invited to participate in events within the framework of the Health Day program.

4.2. Students who do not have medical contraindications at the time of the health day take part in sports competitions.

4.3. Released students are present at all Health Day events and act as spectators, fans, and assistant class teachers to maintain discipline and order.

5. Program.



General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

teams 1-4

Friendly mini-football match.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

6. The procedure for determining the winners.

6.1. The winning teams among grades 1-4 are determined by the highest number of points scored in relay races

6.2. Teams participating in friendly matches in futsal, volleyball, and basketball are determined based on the results of friendly matches. The winning team is the winner; the loser is the winner.

7. Rewarding participants.

7.1. . The winning teams are awarded Diplomas of the 1st degree and are the winner of the Health Day; Losing teams are awarded Diplomas for participation and are winners of Health Day.

7.2. Responsibility for rewarding competition participants and encouraging class teachers should be assigned to the deputy director for educational work.

SCENARIO of the school-wide sports festival “Health and Sports Day”

Target: promotion of a healthy lifestyle among students of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1", development of interest in physical culture and sports.


1. Involving students in various sports;

2. Identification of the best athletes of the school, involving them in participation in school and city sports days;

3. Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

4. Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the performance of schoolchildren, and the productivity of their education.

Venue: Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in gyms.

Time: 10.00 - 15.00




General construction

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Opening of Health Day. Raising the flag and listening to the Russian Anthem.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers

Greeting of Health Day participants by representatives of the Gymnasium administration.

school director, additional education teachers

Conducting relay races in the gym.

teams 1-4

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly mini-football match.

teams 5-6

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly volleyball match.

teams 7-8

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Friendly basketball match.

teams 9-11

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

General formation after the competition.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Summing up the Health Day.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Closing of the Health Day. Lowering the flag. Listening to the Russian Anthem.

physical education teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers

Accommodation of participants

Participating teams enter the venues (two gyms) in accordance with the competition schedule. In their free time from games they are in the stands. Guests and spectators are in the stands.


Before the start of the holiday, sports songs are played and the teams line up in the corridor. Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Today we are holding a school-wide Health and Sports Day. A sports march sounds, the teams come out and line up in front of the stands (facing the audience).

1 student.

Children came to the playground

They walk briskly, with a firm step.

We open the solemn holiday,

Alignment with the Russian flag.

The honorary right to bring the flag is given to one of the school's best athletes.

Introducing the flag.

The Russian anthem plays

2 student.

How many athletes are there in this gym?

The game will break out here.

Dexterity, endurance and courage

It's high time to show it.

Presenter: Gymnasium, stand at attention! Teams get ready for roll call.

Roll call: the leader calls the team, the participants shout the name of their team in unison.

Leading: The gymnasium is ready for the “Health and Sports Day” holiday.

Gives the floor to the director of the gymnasium L.N. Krylova.



3 student.

Everyone will try very hard,

They will play sports.

Yes, guys? But first,

Speaking without further ado,

One desire is not enough

Everyone should be healthy.

Host: where is our doctor?

A student appears in a doctor's costume

3 student.

Doctor, all these guys

Candidates for champions.

I ask you to answer:

Is everyone ready or not?


Yes, yes, yes, let's check now

I ask everyone to stand up straight

And execute the commands:

Everybody breathe deeper, deeper,

Inhale and exhale on command.

Don't breathe, don't breathe,

It's okay, rest.

Raise your hands together

Rock it, Wave it,

Shake it, twist it,

Perfect! Lower it!

Bend over, straighten up,

Turn right, turn left

And smile at each other!

Yes, I'm pleased with the inspection

None of the guys are sick.

Everyone is cheerful and healthy,

Ready for the competition!

Leading: Thank you Doctor! Like any sporting competition, our festival has a panel of judges

Represents the judges. The team proposes to disperse, according to the competition schedule in the gyms, the remaining participants take their places in the stands.


They walked for a long time at a skating pace

The three of us, one after another,

It was very difficult for them to climb the climb.

Suddenly with a refined movement

Grab your rifle and shoot!

They hit targets accurately, -

One, two, four, five.

And they rushed downhill.

What is this? ... (biathlon)

1. Biathlon relay race. The teams start at the same time on the command “March!” Each participant has plastic skis on their feet. Each participant runs around the landmarks towards their target. Throws a small ball at a target. He comes back and passes the baton. Each hit on the target is an additional point for the team. The judge records the time for the last participant.

2 student.

2. Relay “Ring Throw”. The teams start at the same time on the command “March!” Team members run to the modules, jump over, then climb over obstacles, crawl into a tunnel, and perform a ring throw. They return in a straight line and pass the baton. The judge records the time for the last participant. Each hit on the ring throw is an additional point for the team.

Fan Contest “Answer Correctly”

1. Tell me, where and when were the last Winter Olympic Games held? (From February 13, 2010 to March 1 - in Vancouver, Canada).

2. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games (Leopard, Polar Bear, Bunny).

3. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Games (Luchik and Snowflake).

4. Name the winter sports of the Olympic Games. (ski racing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsleigh, alpine skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, Nordic combined, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle, luge, hockey).

5. Name the motto of the Olympic Games (“Faster, higher, stronger”).

6. What is the motto of the Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014 (Hot. Winter. Yours).

7. What do the five intertwined rings that appear on the Olympic flag mean? (blue, yellow, black, green and red. The five rings represent the five parts of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania).

3 student.

I love skating

In a sequined scarf!

Shine with a smile in your eyes and lips!

And perform a triple sheepskin coat!

Either drive backwards or sideways!

Spin like a mad top!

On a turn, on a turn

I love jumping on the skating rink!

And when I land, I glide again

Forward to the zigzag turn!

Event scenario for college students dedicated to Health Day

Target: promoting the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle; developing a valuable attitude towards their health; identifying the strongest teams; strengthening connections between students of different groups; developing coordination of movements, the ability to quickly make decisions.
Tasks: improving sports and educational work in the hostel; ensuring physical and mental self-development; promote patriotic education.

Progress of the event.

(The hall is decorated with balloons. A sign hangs above the stage: “World Health Day”).
To be completely healthy
Everyone needs physical education.
To begin with, in order -
Let's do some exercises in the morning!
(Everyone does exercises together. Torso turns, squats, etc.)
Presenter: We start our evening with simple riddles.
I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do:
Either I’ll put you to bed, or I’ll let you go for a walk.

Yesterday it was, today it is and tomorrow it will be.

Two metal brothers
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? (Skates)

Magic shoes
Put it on your feet -
And you'll rush right away
Along the winter road. (Skis)

There is a lawn at our school,
And on it there are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)

On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
The players shoot accurately
I get punches with my feet.
Air is blown into it
And they kick him. (Soccer ball)

Green meadow,
A hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates -
Fishing nets. (Stadium)

On Olympus in the ancient world
The Greeks lifted weights
They competed in running, strength,
We endured hardships.
And gave them rewards
Summer... (Olympics)

Winner in sports competitions,
There is only him ahead all the time.
How does the proud name sound?
Everyone knows what it is...

The guys are divided into two teams (5-6 people each).
Presenter: Next, we start competitions. The first task is called “Running with a Ball”. (Teams listen to the presenter).
1. "Running with a Ball". You need to run with a ball lying on a notebook; The whole team takes turns to see who is faster.
2. "Siamese twins". 2 participants from each team come out, we tie one of their legs with a rope. Their task is to reach the specified goal and return back to the team and pass the rope to the next two team members.
3. "Dr. Aibolit". We distribute thermometers to each team. Thermometers will replace skittles; we put them in the basket. At the signal, “Aibolit” runs to the mark, takes out the pins one at a time and places them (like thermometers) under the armpits of all participants.
4."Glass of water." Children are placed in two teams and lined up in columns one after the other. The first players from each team have a glass of water. At a distance of 6 m, opposite each team there is a flag. Following the leader’s signal, the first players of the two teams must quickly run to the flag and return back without spilling the water. Then pass the glass to the next player. The team that completes the task first wins.
5. "The Dragon". Two teams of 5-6 people each take part in this relay race. Players line up in columns one after another - this is the “dragon”. Participants press the ball (or balloon) with their backs or chests. At the leader’s signal, the “dragons” begin to move towards the finish line. The team that comes first and does not lose a single ball wins.

Presenter: So, our event has smoothly come to an end. Play sports, take care of yourself and be healthy!
1. Guest K. A. Sports and recreational event “Journey through stations” dedicated to the week of physical culture //
2. Imambaeva G.V. Extra-curricular event “Fun Starts” for elementary school students //

Scenario for the holiday "Health Day"

Goals: strengthening the health of students;
involving children in systematic physical education and sports;
organization of leisure time for students;
promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease;
development of physical qualities, beautiful posture, plastic movements, learning the ability to perform assigned tasks quickly and accurately;
formation of collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline, courage, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, nurturing a “healthy spirit of competition”

Leading: College! Be equal! Attention! Alignment to the middle!
Anthem of the Russian Federation
Leading: The right to open Health Day is granted to the head of the branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Belebeevsky College of Mechanization and Electrification R.Z. Aflyatunov.
The director of the college offers words of congratulations to all participants of the holiday.
Leading: So that the songs can be sung louder,
To make life more interesting
You need to be strong and healthy!
These truths are not new.
Sport is good for health.
Stadium, pool and court,
The hall, the skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.
Reward for effort
There will be cups and records.
Your muscles will become hard.
Just remember, athletes
Every day is yours without fail
They start with physical exercises.
Don't play hide and seek with your sleepy sleep.
That's the secret of health!
To the sports square
Hello to all physical education friends!
Presenter: To the site
We invite boys and girls.
Celebration of sports and health
Starts now.
I ask you to take an oath.
To be faithful to the sport forever:
We swear!
Don't cry and don't be sad:
We swear!
Don't offend your opponents:
We swear!
Competitions to love:
We swear!
Try to be first in games
We swear!

Leading: To be healthy and agile, you need to move as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. Each group receives points.
All groups and class teachers find their place on the sports ground, and repeat the movements after me to the music:
1. Looked at the neighbor on the right.
2. Looked at the neighbor on the left.
3. We looked at the sky, we looked at the earth.
4. Formed into a circle.
5. We walk in a circle to the right, speed up our pace, speed up even more, let’s run……
6. We walk in a circle to the left, speed up our pace, speed up even more, let’s run……
7. They stopped, turned, looked at each other, smiled...
8. Now show how friendly you are: everyone come to the center of your circle, and now back.
9. Raise your hands and applaud each other!
Well, let's start our holiday.
Leading: Now the teams will introduce their teams and name their mottos.
Jury presentation.
- Not a single competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (introduction of jury members).
Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without fail.
Who will be friendlier?
He will win in battle.
I you he she -
We are a beautiful country!
We are a healthy country!
We have all the power, I know!
1st competition. "Accurate shooter".
The goal is to knock down as many balls as possible with another ball.

Leading: Our sports holiday
It's time for us to continue.
Children are happy about the sports holiday.
We will shout to the sports holiday - HURRAY!!!
- The next competition is called
2nd competition. "Swamp".
By shifting leaflets, teams must cross the “swamp” without getting their feet wet. The team that spends less time on the transition and steps on the ground the least number of times wins.

Being healthy is fashionable!
Being healthy is great!
Being healthy is not dangerous!
And a healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country!

3rd competition. Relay "Penguins"
In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball clamped between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back.

Leading: You did a great job, and we offer you something new and interesting.
4th competition. "Captains Competition"
It is necessary to place the inflatable ball into the bucket using a stick, without touching it with your hands.
A break for the competitors.
Entertainment show with spectators and fans
Fans must answer questions (one point for each answer)
1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)
2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)
4. How many years later do the Summer Olympics take place? (Four years later)
5. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to in Ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)
6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)
7. What is awarded to the champion of the modern Olympic Games? (Olympic gold medal)
8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)
9. Who initiated the start of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)
10. What was awarded to the champion of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (Olive wreath)
11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (At least 6 grams)
12. In what year was the Olympiad held in Russia? (2014)
13. In which city was the Olympics held in 2014? (Sochi)
14. Do children under 16 years old take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)
15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)
The sun is shining over Russia,
The path of life is bright.
Be happy in the world
Be healthy, be!

5 Competition "Towing".
At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball so that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If you lose the ball, return it to the hoop and continue completing the task. The winner is the team whose players complete this task faster.
Host: Yes, you played together like that,
And probably tired?
For fun, for order
I'll tell you another riddle:
1. If you throw it into a river, it won’t drown,
You hit the wall - it doesn’t moan,
You will throw winter,
The ball will begin to fly upward
2. Wooden horses gallop through the snow,
Don't fall into the snow (skis)
3. This horse does not eat oats,
Instead of legs there are 2 wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive the wheel (bicycle).
4. Bony back, hard bristles
Goes well with mint paste,
Serves us diligently (toothbrush)
5. He lay down in his pocket and kept watch - a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one,
It will wipe away streams of tears, and will not forget about the nose (handkerchief)

6th Kangaroo competition
Whose team will jump next? Team members take turns doing a standing long jump. Each next jumper begins to jump from the landing site of the previous jumper. The team with the longest total jump length wins. (Assistant judges ensure that the task is completed correctly).

Laughter is with us!
We have the best life!
We will never part with him,
Wherever we are, we laugh!
In the morning we'll look out the window,
It's raining and we're having fun!
If we go on a hike -
Laughter is not far behind us!
Young, perky laughter!
It's not a sin to laugh!

7th competition "Laughter" American scientists have found that when a person laughs, almost three times more air enters his lungs. In addition, laughter perfectly trains the vocal cords. So laugh your heart out!
Whose team will laugh the most contagiously will win the competition
Host: Dear guys and guests! Our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.
The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.
Fan competition.

4 people take turns doing an exercise called “skiing”. Cardboard boxes are used instead of skis. You have to go the distance by going around the chair.
Presenter: Let's give the floor to the jury and find out whose team today became the best, the fastest, the most attentive, the most friendly and athletic.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.

Leading: And now the word to the chairman of the jury

Summing up, rewarding

Long live the nets, balls and rackets,
green field and sunshine!
Long live rest! Fighting and marching!
Long live the joy of sports victories!


about Health Day

at the Preobrazhenovka branch

MOBU SOSH s. Nikolevka

Scenario for holding Health Day at the Preobrazhenovka branch

MOBU SOSH s. Nikolaevka

“Health Day” in the branch of the village of Preobrazhenovka MOBU Secondary School. Nikolaevka has become a traditional sports festival.

Communication between teenagers and peers and adults is the most important condition for personal development. It is through communication that a teenager learns the necessary information, a value system, and learns to navigate life situations.

Health is the most precious thing a person has. A careful attitude towards one's own health must be cultivated from childhood.

Purpose of the event:

1. Formation of adolescents’ need for a healthy lifestyle.

2.Creating a spiritual, creative atmosphere that promotes the development of the child’s creative potential.

3. Propaganda and instilling interest in various sports.


1. Propaganda of healthy lifestyle.

2. Formation of a healthy attitude towards nature.

3. Developing the need to take care of your health.

4.Creating a creative atmosphere in a team of adults and children based on the KTD methodology.

Health Day Developers – Creative group of teachers:

    Sabirova Antonida Engelsovna – primary school teacher

    Lomonosova Irina Nikolaevna – primary school teacher

    Zubkova Elena Vladimirovna – physical education teacher


    Multimedia installation;

    Musical equipment;

    Thematic posters about sports and health;

    Sports equipment for fun starts: hoops, flags, jump ropes, balls, skittles, limiters.

    “Start”, “Finish” signs, finish tapes, route signs;

    Sports equipment for a sports and music show

On this day, the morning begins with a line dedicated to Health Day for all classes. Then there are sporting events.

(To the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for the opening of Health Day)

Line dedicated to World Health Day

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! Today, it is celebrated everywhere

Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong!

Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing a person has. But what is health?

(Children - 1 student from each class take turns saying what this word means to them).

1 Student: Health is when you feel good!

2 Student: Health is when nothing hurts!

3 Student: Health is beauty!

4 Student: Health is strength!

5 Student: Health is flexibility and slimness!

6 Student: Health is endurance!

7 Student: Health is harmony!

8 Student: Health is when you wake up in the morning cheerful and cheerful!

9 Student: Health is when you can easily climb to the 4th floor!

10 Student: Health is when you do any work with joy!

11 Student: Health is when you enjoy life!

Presenter 2: Guys, you are all right. “Health so far exceeds all other blessings that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Presenter 1: Guys, I want to start our meeting with a parable: a man lived in one house. His wife, his elderly mother and his daughter, already an adult girl, lived with him. One late evening, when everyone in the household had already gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold. "What is your name?" - asked the man. They answered him: “Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let us into your house.” The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “we have only one free place in our house, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my relatives, which of you we can accept in our house.” Who do you think they let into their house? The daughter offered to let Love in, the wife - Wealth. And the sick mother asked to let Health in. And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and a person begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it. “A person can live up to 100 years,” said academician I.P. Pavlov. “We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our ugly treatment of our own body, reduces this normal period to a much smaller figure.”

Presenter 1: Guys! Everyone has heard that to be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. After all, you need to start your morning with exercise. What is charging for?

2 Student:

This is not a mystery at all -
To develop strength
And don’t get tired all day!

(The physical education teacher commands: “Get up for exercise!” and, together with all the students and teachers, performs a set of morning exercises).


To the site in order
Get in line quickly!
To charge, to charge
We invite all guys!

Morning exercises “Do as I do.”

Exercises are carried out for students, the exercises of which are performed to the following music: gr. Hands up “Baby” and gr. X mission “Red AP”

Morning exercises (exercises are repeated after the teacher).

1. Walking in place.

2. I.p. O. s., right hand up.
1-2 jerks with your arms back.
3- left hand up
4-5 jerks with arms back

3. I.p. o.s.
1-4 different circular movements with your hands.

4. I.p. o.s. jump legs apart, clap overhead.
O.S. Same as 1 I. p.

5. I.p. o.s.
1 - Right swing, clap under the foot
2 - Left swing, clap under the foot.
3 - Same as 1
4 - Same as 2

6. I.p. o.s., hands on knees.
1-4 circular movements in the knee joint, hands on knees
5-8 is the same as 1-4

7. I. p. o.s.
1-4 jumps on two legs moving to the right
5 - clap overhead.
6-7 is the same as 1-4 only to the left.
8 squat, arms forward.

8. Running in place with various arm movements.

9. Walking in place with high knees

10. Exercise to restore breathing.

11. Game for attention “Captains”. Students must complete the exercises that the teacher performs with the “Captains” team. The class whose students make fewer mistakes wins. The game is played without musical accompaniment.

12. At the end of the exercise, all students say loudly: “Well done” (Z r.) and stroke themselves on the head with their right hand. This means that the guys did a great job.

Presenter 1: Well done boys! I see that many of you do physical exercises and play sports.

We all need sports, guys.
We are strong friends with sports!
Sport is a helper!
Sport – health!
Sport is a game!
Physical education everyone - hurray!

Presenter 2:

Greetings everyone,
Who found the time
And he came to school for a health celebration!
We will be healthy, friendly with exercise,
We need sports and physical education like we need air!

Presenter 1: Now let’s continue our health day. And it doesn’t matter who the winner is today. The main thing is that we all feel the holiday atmosphere. An atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let friendship unite you!

Fun Starts" for students in grades 1-4

1. “Running relay race.” The participant with the cube runs like a snake (between the caps) to the counter and back, passes the cube to another.

2. “Collect the potatoes.” The participant with the bucket runs to the hoop, and before the hoop he must crawl under the barrier. He pours potatoes (cubes) out of the bucket and runs, crawling back under the barrier. Another participant does the same, but only collects a bucket of potatoes.

3. “Planet earth” Participants at the top pass a large ball (“Planet Earth”) back. The last participant takes the ball and stands first and begins to pass the ball back.

4. “Running in one felt boot.” The participant puts on a felt boot on one leg and runs in it to the counter and back.

5. “The ball is under your feet.” Participants pass a large ball back under their feet. The last one to take the ball gets up first and does the same.

Big relay race” for students in grades 2-4.

Boys participate first, and then girls. The winner is determined by the best time.

Relay circuit.

1-9 No. of stages. The participant (stage 1) starts, runs to stage 2, passes the baton and remains in place. The participant (stage 2), having accepted the baton, runs to stage 3, etc. The relay is considered finished as soon as the participants are in their respective stages.

Quiz “Take care of your health!” for students in grades 1-5

Goals:- promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Expansion and systematization of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Promotion of healthy eating;

Consolidation of knowledge about first aid measures.

Equipment: PC, projector, presentation.

Rules of the game.

Two teams take part in the quiz. The right to make the first move is played by lot. The team selects a topic and question number. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points; if the question is answered incorrectly, the right to answer goes to the opponents. The questions are divided into topics, each topic has 5 questions.

The transition to the selected question and back to the table is carried out using hyperlinks. The correct answer appears with a mouse click.



Healthy lifestyle terms

First aid in case of accidents

Proper nutrition

Environmental factors

Bad habits are the path to illness

Drugs are a road to nowhere

Questions for the game.

Questions on the topic “Terms of a healthy lifestyle.”

    What is the body's increased sensitivity to environmental factors called? ( allergy)

    Name the branch of preventive medicine that studies the influence of the external environment on the human body and deals with the regulation of these factors and the establishment of maximum permissible conditions. (hygiene)

    What is a violation of the normal functioning of the body called? (disease)

    A state of mental well-being characterized by the absence of painful manifestations is called... health

    The emotional expression of a person’s need for food is... appetite

Questions on the topic “First aid in case of accidents.”

    Contrary to popular belief, you should not lubricate the burned area with this substance. Which one? (oil, lotion, cream)

    List first aid measures for a broken limb. (secure the damaged limb in places above and below the fracture, you can apply a splint)

    What first aid should be provided for animal bites? (wash the wound with warm water and soap, then apply a clean bandage)

    What is the simplest way to reduce swelling from a bee sting? (apply a cold compress to the stung area)

    How to help a person with food poisoning? (give as much liquid as possible to drink)

Questions on the topics “Proper nutrition”.

    What is the name of a varied, complete diet that contains all the essential nutrients in the diet? (balanced diet)

    What is the name of the type of diet that excludes animal foods? (vegetarianism)

    Therapeutic nutrition for various diseases with the restriction of certain food components is ... diet

    A diet in which one type of food is consumed during the day, for example, dairy, meat, cottage cheese, is called ... mono-diet or fasting days.

    The famous promoter of this treatment method, Paul Bragg, lived to be 96 years old, and he died while water skiing on the sea waves. Name the method. (therapeutic fasting)

Questions on the topic “Environmental factors”.

    Specify the minimum distance from the TV screen that you should be at when watching TV. (3m)

    Why can’t you pick berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants along highways? (they accumulate harmful substances contained in car exhaust gases)

    How to achieve a good complexion without using cosmetics? (you need to spend more time in the fresh air, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid smoking and other bad habits)

    Name the best way to get rid of moths without using chemicals. (in summer - airing clothes on a hot sunny day, in winter - on frosty days)

Questions on the topic “Bad habits are the path to illness.”

    Why is it usually difficult for a smoker to learn a poem? (with systematic smoking, a person’s memory deteriorates)

    What effect does smoking have on teeth? (smoking produces sticky resins that turn teeth yellow)

    How does alcohol affect adolescent development? (alcohol delays the mental, mental and physical development of a teenager)

    What harmful effects does alcohol have on the digestive system? (drinking alcohol causes diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and cancer)

    Why can a person who drinks alcohol, in the right environment, get frostbite and even freeze? (alcohol disrupts the activity of the thermoregulation center: a person loses heat without feeling the cold)

Questions on the topic “Drugs are a road to nowhere.”

    Drugs depress the vasomotor center. What consequences does this lead to for the body? (in adolescence, senile changes occur in the body)

    Why do drug addicts have underweight, poor complexion and unpleasant skin odor? (drugs cause spasm of the intestinal sphincters, which leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body)

    What risks does a person who uses intravenous drugs expose themselves to? (high risk of infection with various diseases, including hepatitis and HIV)

    Why is drug use especially dangerous during adolescence? (the younger a person is, the faster he becomes completely dependent on drugs)

    What diseases does drug addiction cause? (precancerous processes of the lungs, brain atrophy, epilepsy and others)

Additional questions.

    Substances that, when used by parents, cause children to be born physically and mentally handicapped. (drugs)

    A product that contains a poison that causes convulsions. (cigarette)

    Substances that must be consumed if you are taking antibiotics. (vitamins)

    Liquid that must be consumed in an amount of 2.5 liters per day. (water)

    A substance that must be applied to a joint when it is sprained. (ice)

Summing up the game.


    “Last Call” No. 10 2007: erudite auction “Take care of your health!” (author G.A. Kapetskaya)

    Zverev I.D. A book for reading on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene. – M.: Education, 1983.

    Healthy lifestyle. – M.: ZAO “AiF”, 2004. No. 1.

    Healthy family. – M.: Kron-Press, 1994.

    Kulikov V.M. Basic concepts and terms of healthy lifestyle.

    Yakush S.I. Ideal weight and everything about our nutrition.

Autumn athletics cross-country as part of Health Day


Athletics cross-country is held with the aim of popularizing athletics among school students, involving them in regular physical education and sports, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.


The cross is held on September 27, 2013 at 11:00 in the branch of the village of Preobrazhenovka MOBU Secondary School. Nikolaevka


The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the panel of judges, which includes physical education teachers.


Pupils of the branch of the village of Preobrazhenovka MOBU Secondary School are allowed to participate in the competition. Nikolaevka from 5th to 11th grade, admitted by a doctor to the competition.


Competitions are held in two age groups:

Group 1 – students of grades 8, 9, 11. Boys – 1000 m distance, girls – 500 m. Test based on the 3 best results.

Group 2 – students of grades 5, 6, 7. Boys – 500 m distance, girls – 500 m. Test based on the 3 best results.


The winning team is determined by the highest amount of points scored by the qualifying participants. Points are determined according to the table. The winners in the individual championship at each distance are determined by the best result.


Teams that take 1st to 3rd place in the group are awarded certificates, and the winners in the individual championship are awarded certificates and prizes.


Applications for participation, certified by a doctor, are submitted to the panel of judges no later than the day before the competition.

Class hour for students in grades 9 – 11

“When you sow a habit, you reap a character”

Equipment: computer, projector, pens, leaflets, films, pictures

symptoms of diseases.

Films on electronic media, pictures taken from the Internet -

sources. (Students form groups as desired)

Progress of the class hour:

Good day to all! We want to start our meeting with a parable: In the same house

there lived a man. Living with him were his wife, his elderly sick mother and

his daughter is already an adult girl. Late one evening when everyone

The household had already gone to bed; someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and

opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold of the house. "What is your name?" - asked

man. They answered him: “Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let me in.”

us to your house." The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “in our house

There is only one free place, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my family,

which of you can we welcome into our home? Who do you think they are

let you into your house? The daughter offered to let in Love, the wife - Wealth,

and the sick mother asked to let Health in.

And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and people

begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it. "Human can

live up to 100 years, said academician I.P. Pavlov. - We are our own

intemperance, its disorderliness, its ugly

By treating our own body we reduce this normal period to

a much smaller figure."

In my opinion, an ugly attitude towards one’s health is most often expressed in the presence of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. Think about it: in Russia, 80% of murders and 60% of fatal road accidents occur due to alcohol consumption. Alcohol penetrates all organs, affects the brain, delays mental development and growth, and leads to organ paralysis. During alcohol intoxication, immoral acts and crimes are committed. Look at what happens in the human body under the influence of alcohol. (A fragment of the film “Children’s Alcoholism” is being watched, after which there is a discussion of the film with everyone present).

Tobacco consumption is another of the most important causes of premature death.

Natural tobacco contains 250 compounds and substances, of which more than 30 are to your liking, and then you will have no reason to kill time.

Do sports and physical labor! - Take walks before bed, spend as much time as possible not in front of the TV screen, but in the fresh air!

It is probably no coincidence that the rule is very popular in Japan: 10,000 steps every day. With their characteristic punctuality and discipline, the Japanese carefully measure out this daily norm. It is quite possible that 10,000 steps is one of the conditions that Japan ranks 3rd in the world in terms of life expectancy.

We understand that the development of our country depends on us. To increase the life expectancy of Russians, it may be, to some extent, sufficient to adhere to the simplest rules in relation to one’s own health.

We invite all groups to develop rules for health axioms. (Work in groups for 5 minutes)

As a result of the work, students compiled the simplest axioms of Health:

1. Give up bad habits.

2. Wish yourself and all people Good, Beauty, Health.

3. Know moderation in everything: work, rest, nutrition.

4. Learn to restrain your negative emotions, passions, and anger. 5.Smile! A smile is the best antidote to troubles and stress.

6. Lead a healthy lifestyle!

In his message to youth V.V. Putin said the following words: “Every young person must realize that a healthy lifestyle is success, his personal success, and therefore the success of the entire country.” You, the younger generation of Russians, must understand that we need healthy people, a healthy nation.

Only a healthy nation is guaranteed to be able to strengthen and develop the country’s potential and ensure the stability of its course towards improving well-being. The future belongs to a healthy and, therefore, happy Russia.

Enclosures: “Quit the Cigarette” leaflet.

If you want to be healthy -

Quit, quit, quit smoking!


Smoking seems trendy and harmless, but in fact, tobacco consumption is one of the most important causes of premature death in people around the world;

Natural tobacco contains 250 substances harmful to health;

Nicotine is considered a weak drug, but it causes great

addiction that is difficult to give up;

As a result of smoking, blood vessels narrow, blood access to all organs is impaired, blood pressure rises, the immune system weakens, teeth deteriorate, a cough appears...... cancer of the lower lip.

Popular wisdom has long said: “Smoking is harmful to health!” Let every smoker be silent for a moment,

Listen to his heart beat!

Let your heart give you advice

Should I continue smoking or not?!


about holding competitions arm wrestling

1. Goals and objectives

    improving sports and recreational activities at school;

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    popularization of arm wrestling among schoolchildren;

    improving sportsmanship;

    identifying the strongest athletes.

2. Dates and venue

The competition is held on September 27, 2013 at 12.30 pm in the school gym for students in grades 2-11.

    Management of the organization and conduct of competitions

General and direct management of the organization and conduct of competitions is carried out by physical education teachers, and they are assisted by physical trainers.

    The terms of participation

Preliminary fights between athletes are held in classes under the guidance of physical trainers until September 15. Students who win fights in their class in two subgroups in different age categories are allowed to participate in the final competitions: girls and boys, 2 - 4, 5 - 6, 7 - 8 and 9 - 11 grades.

    Competition procedure

Personal-team competitions. The competition is held in a sitting position, with the right and left hand, according to the current rules, with elimination after two defeats. Before the competition, participants must go through a draw procedure.


Winners of competitions in all age categories are awarded certificates.


Applications for participation are prepared by the class physical education teacher based on the results of intra-class competitions and submitted to his physical education teachers. Registration of participants is carried out on the day of the competition.

Closing of Health Day

Everyone gathers in the school hall, where the results of all events are summed up, teams are awarded, the winners are determined based on the best results and awarded with medals and diplomas.

Presenter 1: Congratulations!!!

Friends! Despite the results of today's competition, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood!

Presenter 2: Our sports festival is over, today we have become even stronger, more resilient and brave. We wish you to have a “Health Day” every day: both at school and at home. Grow up strong, healthy and agile!

Presenter 1: Guys, always remember the catchphrases: “Sport and movement are life,” “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” “To be healthy and strong, you need sports, friends, love.” We wish everyone: “Be healthy!” See you again on the sports fields!


Health Day truly becomes a holiday for everyone: students, teachers, and parents. Children prepare for this day for a long time; they bring to life the ideas they themselves have conceived. And this is the most important thing - through “living” one’s own affairs, everyone’s success develops, this business becomes significant for children. In preparation for Health Day, students learn a lot about health issues and receive useful information. During the holiday, they develop their creative and communication skills,

Continuing the topic:
Leveling up 

Methods of teaching acrobatic exercises In the comprehensive physical education program for school students, much attention is paid to mastering relatively simple...