Effective delt exercises: wide shoulders are no longer a problem. How to pump up your shoulders at home: a complex with dumbbells Do you need to pump up your shoulders?

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Shaped shoulders remain a symbol of reliability, strength and courage. Pumped up shoulder muscles cannot be hidden even under several layers of clothing, which cannot be said about other muscle groups. And to achieve the effect, you will have to learn how to pump up your shoulders at home.

If you have made a firm decision to train your shoulders, read the article. Find a lot in it useful tips and recommendations with which you will achieve your goal.

Before you get down to action, remember your high school biology course and get to know your back muscles better. This will give you an idea of ​​which muscles to train.

Muscles shoulder girdle represented by two large muscle groups. We are talking about the deltoid and trapezius muscles. Trapezoidal, whose name comes from its shape, runs from the neck to the middle of the back. The deltoids, whose shape is triangular, are located at the top of the shoulder joints. They consist of three parts - rear, lateral and anterior delta.

According to avid athletes, the following muscles deserve special and equal attention during training.

Exercises with dumbbells at home

Do you want your shoulders to become sculpted? Do you want to improve their performance? Read on to learn how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells at home. With this amazing material you will quickly build up your shoulder muscles.

It's hard to imagine a pumped-up body without sculpted shoulders. In this part of the article, we’ll talk about effective exercises that help pump up your shoulders and make them expressive and strong.

Sport is not friendly with cigarettes and alcohol, so it’s a good idea to stop drinking and smoking. Warm up thoroughly before training. When it comes to shoulder training, warming up is especially important.

  • Walk around for ten minutes. This will speed up blood circulation and increase body temperature.
  • During the warm-up process, clear your head of thoughts, especially if they are negative. Imagine how beautiful your shoulders will look at the end of your workout.
  • Perform several rotational movements. This will allow the rotator cuffs and joints to prepare for stress. Twenty repetitions is plenty.
  • Rest for a minute. After this time, the body will prepare for training.

Now I will present a collection of effective exercises. They will have to be performed with a large number of approaches. During the training process, you will work on all the heads of the shoulder. Concerning deltoid muscles, in this area of ​​the back you will feel a rush of blood saturated with nutrients.

  1. Seated Incline Press . First of all, choose the weight. You should be able to do 10 reps comfortably. Then, take dumbbells and sit down on a bench. The secret of the exercise comes down to the fact that the stop is made at the bottom. Consequently, the impulse of movement disappears completely, and obtaining it requires hard work.
  2. Raising arms to the sides . Take dumbbells of such weight that you can lift them 12 times, stopping for a couple of seconds. When the dumbbells reach the bottom, keep your shoulders parallel to the ground, otherwise the trapezius will come into play.
  3. Seated dumbbell raises . Take sports equipment, sit on a bench and bend over your knees. The technique of performing the exercise resembles the previous version. When the dumbbells are at the top, contract the muscles and stop for two seconds. Burning in the shoulders is a good sign. Do 15 reps.
  4. Shrugs. Take dumbbells and do shrugs. Hold the weight as hard as you can. Use belts if necessary. Contract the muscles at the top and relax them a little at the bottom. Perform the exercise until the grip disappears.

This kind of training with dumbbells will not take much time, but will pump up all the muscles. In just two months the result will be fantastic.

Video exercises

If for certain reasons the result is not satisfactory, improve it using sports supplements, of which there are many.

Barbell exercises

Shoulders are a part of the body that requires special training physical exercise. If you want to know how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell, you will have to study a lot physical complexes, the implementation of which requires an impeccable and careful approach. Only the right training will bring good result.

In most cases, it is customary to start shoulder training with a heavy bench press. Then fatigue the muscles through strengthening training represented by swings. If you train according to this scheme, you will ensure an optimal reserve of strength for a difficult workout and high level security.

Beginning athletes often get unpleasant injuries during training because they train incorrectly. To avoid this fate, reduce the weight as you approach the end of your workout.

A horizontal bar, push-ups, dumbbells and a barbell can help pump up your shoulders at home. Let's look at effective exercises with a barbell to train the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  • Army press . A popular exercise that trains the lateral and anterior deltoids. It is recommended to perform in a standing position. Borrow initial position– bend your lower back, grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Gently lower your elbows down until the bar is level with your collarbones. Raise the exercise equipment above your head and straighten your arms. Then return the inventory to its original position. During the exercise, do not raise your head and look straight.
  • Overhead press . Performed in a standing or sitting position. Trains the anterior muscles and deltoids, pumps the triceps. You cannot perform the exercise without warming up. Otherwise, you may damage your joints. To perform, take a comfortable position and grab a barbell. Straighten your body and bend at the waist. Lower the barbell very slowly. Start training from this position. Lift the projectile up and straighten your elbows, then return the projectile to its original position.
  • Barbell row . Last thing useful exercise, the technique of which I will tell you. Perform only while standing narrow grip. Constant training using this exercise will help pump up your deltoids and trapezius. Take the shell overhand grip. The distance between hands should be 0.3 meters. Gently bring the barbell up to your chin, keeping your back straight. From the top point, return to the starting position.

The listed exercises are extremely popular among professional athletes. This means they are really effective. I hope that with their help you will gain strong and pumped up shoulders that will drive more than one representative of the fair sex crazy.

Shoulder push-ups

Push-ups provide a decent load on a number of muscle groups, including triceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles. Since we are more interested in how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, we will dwell in detail on the last option.

Regardless of the type of push-ups, only the front deltas are trained. The middle and posterior fascicles remain intact. If you are pursuing the goal of pumping up the front bundles, push-ups are what you need. In addition, training will help you stop slouching.

For best result An additional load that is attached to the back will not hurt. Take a regular backpack or weighted vest. If you don’t have extra money, a backpack with handy things is plenty.

It is unlikely that you are interested in training only the anterior bundles. Therefore, I suggest moving on. As I already said, the deltoid muscles have several bundles, including the anterior, middle and posterior. In turn, each bundle is divided into 7 types of fibers. Consequently, we are dealing with three groups of beams.

Medium beams contribute to the visual expansion of the shoulders. Fortunately, push-ups train them too. Only the lying position is not suitable. Horizontal push-ups work on the front bundles.

Since we are interested in pumping up the entire shoulders, I advise you to pay attention to two types of push-ups at the same time.

  1. The first option involves hand push-ups against the wall.
  2. The second option differs from the first in the absence of support. You will need to learn how to stand on your hands.

With the help of these push-ups you will make your shoulders sculpted. Bars are a good alternative to training.

Video training

When doing push-ups from the floor, using the wall as a support for your legs, put an equal load on all the bundles, since the position will be almost vertical.

Compound push-ups are not for everyone. There is an alternative - take a lying position, lift your pelvis high and move your legs to your hands as close as possible. The legs remain straight. Do a few repetitions of the position and you will immediately feel your shoulders take on more stress.

This type of push-up pumps up your shoulders, but is slightly inferior to the first options in terms of effectiveness.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar

Is a beautiful athletic figure your dream? Have you made a firm decision to implement it? In this case, you will need to make friends with the horizontal bar. Sports equipment effectively trains the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

The horizontal bar will help you gain not only sculpted shoulders, but also muscular arms and beautiful back. With its help you can grow quickly.

It is necessary for all people who want to increase their muscle mass. The horizontal bar forces several muscles to work. That is why professional bodybuilders pay special attention to the horizontal bar.

Pull-ups are a non-core exercise for training the delta. During the exercise, the deltas play a supporting role. At the same time, any type of pull-up forces these muscles to work. The main function of the anterior deltoid muscle is to flex the shoulder. Consequently, during the process of pulling up at the midpoint, these muscles are under tension.

How to do pull-ups so that the deltoid muscles receive maximum load? A total of three pull-up variations have been developed that are suitable for shoulder training.

  • Medium straight grip . Hang on the bar, arch your back, cross and bend your knees. As you pull your shoulder blades, bring them together. Once you reach the highest point, touch the top of your chest to the bar. As you descend, straighten your arms so that the back muscles stretch.
  • Average reverse grip . The starting position is similar to the first option. Do not pull yourself up to the very top point, but only to the middle of the amplitude. Having reached the point, fix your body and bend your shoulders so that your collarbones can get as close as possible to the crossbar. The deltoid muscles experience maximum tension in the process of holding the body.
  • Narrow reverse grip . As in the two previous cases, the starting position is standard. As you pull your shoulder blades together, pull your shoulders back. Direct your gaze towards your hands. Try to touch the bar with your lower chest.

Now it’s no secret how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar. Not everyone has such a sports attribute at home, but building it is not difficult. Constant exercise on the horizontal bar will help strengthen not only your shoulders, but also your arms and back.

A selection of the best exercises

Let's look at how to increase the muscle mass of the deltas without leaving home. Many people have long dreamed of a good figure. However, for certain reasons it is not possible to sign up for the gym. Perhaps there is no time to visit or the reason is free finances.

Don’t rush to despair, there is a way out of any situation. Train at home, and the effectiveness of training will not be inferior to training in the gym, if you have good motivation, several dumbbells and a goal.

The deltoid muscle covers top part humerus and consists of posterior, middle and anterior bundles. This muscle group is responsible for rotating, raising and abducting the arms. Exercises aimed at pumping up the shoulders are based on these features.

Performing exercises requires the presence of dumbbells. It is better to use prefabricated dumbbells, as their weight can be easily changed. The cost of a set of dumbbells corresponds to a monthly gym membership. Therefore, if it is not possible to visit the institution, save some money, buy equipment and practice at home.

Can't do without a bench. You can build a structure in a matter of minutes. You will need a couple of stools and a long board. We've sorted out the equipment and features of home training. It's time to talk about exercise.

  1. Dumbbell press . The exercise forces the middle delta to work. Turn your elbows to the sides and raise your arms in the same plane. Don't tense your triceps, but your deltoids.
  2. Raising dumbbells to the chin . Accentuates tension on the anterior bundle of muscles. Take dumbbells in your hands, spread your legs wide and lower your hands to the level of your pelvis. By contracting the deltoid muscles, lift the weight to the chin and then lower it down.
  3. Mahi. The middle delta is engaged. Place your hands with dumbbells at your sides and bend your elbows slightly. Use your shoulder muscles to swing your arms until they reach a position parallel to the floor. Perform swings to the sides, using the shoulder joints.
  4. Dumbbell back fly . Trains the back bundle. Bend 120 degrees relative to the floor and rest your head on some support. Lower your arms at right angles to the floor, bend your elbows and begin performing reverse swings.

In order for your training to be correct and effective, be sure to determine the workload and keep a diary in which you record the training program.

If you work out at home, this does not mean that you are allowed to pump muscles without prior preparation. Be sure to warm up thoroughly, paying special attention to your shoulder and elbow joints. They will have to work the hardest during class.

How to pump up your shoulders in the gym

Many believe that shoulders create the impression of a muscular and pumped-up body. It is enough to constantly train, and as a result you will get a narrow waist, broad shoulders and a conical torso.

Shoulders are the main focus of many professional athletes' training. Moreover, normal health requires optimal ratio hips and waist. You can get beautiful shoulders provided that the body receives the number of calories necessary for muscle growth. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct healthy image life and eating exclusively healthy.

The set of exercises that I will share makes the muscles of the whole body work. This contributes not only to rapid growth, but also to maintaining body proportions.

  • Shoulder press . A wonderful exercise that ensures normal shoulder growth and enlargement muscle strength. The press is performed in various ways. These include the barbell overhead press and the front press. In order for the muscles to develop evenly, the presses will have to be alternated.
  • Vertical lifting . They help build the upper part of the shoulders because they force the lateral head of the deltoid to work. Such exercises will do shoulder muscles rounded, making them look more powerful. Exercises performed in a sitting position will help in mastering vertical lifts. After gaining some experience on a chair with a backrest, move on to a rack, which will provide optimal load.
  • Shrugs. Will expand the upper shoulder girdle and develop the trapezius. Plus, it's very easy to do. You need to take a barbell and keep your arms along your body. The main focus should be on movements from the middle area under the neck. After completing the exercises, be sure to stretch your neck to relieve tension.
  • Lifting weights in front and to the sides . Developing the front and middle heads of the delta helps to round the shoulders, then add weight lifting in front of you or to the sides. As you do the exercise, you will notice that the muscles will become weaker. Therefore, it makes sense to take a lighter load and do more repetitions. First of all, the muscles will quickly be cleared of lactic acid and fatigue will become less noticeable.

When planning your training program, aim to balance shoulder-specific exercises with rest. Training the chest muscles also affects the shoulder girdle. Therefore, make the number of pauses deliberate and correct. If you are going to pump your shoulders, do not put a lot of stress on your pectoral muscles. Otherwise, the intensity and effectiveness of the next lesson will deteriorate.

I sincerely hope that the technology proper training you completely understand. In conclusion, let’s talk about the rules for organizing classes.

Plan your workouts correctly and competently if you strive not only for muscle tone and strength, but also for growth. Train about 3 times a week, after which have a good rest. Remember, muscles grow during recovery.

Choose the optimal number of repetitions and approaches. Ideally, do three sets of 12 repetitions. Approach the maximum number of repetitions gradually. Initially, do a small number of repetitions, and increase the number over time.

Muscles are able to adapt to the load they receive. Over time, they stop receiving the stress that stimulates their growth. That's why the load has to be gradually increased.

During each session, concentrate on working the muscles you are currently training. Provide the body healthy proteins, because it is protein that promotes the growth and restoration of muscle tissue.

Track your training technique. If it is violated, the effectiveness of the exercises performed will be reduced. Moreover, it may cause unwanted injury or damage to your health.

That's all for me. Good luck in sports!

Hi guys! Today we will touch on the topic of pumping up shoulders using dumbbells. You alone know the reason why the choice fell on dumbbells. Perhaps the barbell is not suitable for you because you want to pump up your deltoids at home, maybe your back does not allow you to work with a large weight of the barbell. Maybe something else.

Whatever it is, there is plenty of information on this subject! I tried to collect the most current information on this “dumbbell-shoulder” topic. Let's consider specific exercises for shoulders with dumbbells, let's touch on anatomy.

beautiful, broad muscles shoulders make the figure more attractive and harmonious, so many bodybuilders try to work out this particular area as much as possible. But the shoulder girdle is one of the most difficult to train, and the muscles here are very easily injured.

For example, I once encountered a mini-grass middle delta. And I did narrow press barbells from the chest. It hurt for a long time and prevented me from doing many exercises. There weren't any big jerks, but there was an injury, so you have to be really careful with the hangers. But we are starting...

Before developing a training program, you should study and understand the anatomy of the required area. The shoulder muscle is called the deltoid and is shaped like a triangle. It originates from the lateral part of the clavicle, the axis of the scapula and the acromion (lateral end of the scapula), attaching to the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.

The delta consists of three main parts - bundles (also called heads), which have their own functions. They are directed towards the top of a downward triangle, shaped like a fan.

  1. FRONT OR FRONTAL. They are responsible for raising your arms (elbows) in front of you, bending your shoulder, turning it inward. Take part in muscle presses chest and shoulder girdle.
  2. MIDDLE OR LATERAL. Responsible for moving the arms to the sides. Actively participate in the seated barbell press.
  3. REAR. Responsible for raising the arms, extending the shoulder, turning it outward. Participate in pulling exercises for the back.

To more actively work the rear deltas, the complex should be modified and worked with the body tilted at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands must be positioned downwards and spread according to the above technique.

Recommendation for implementation: in this training main role Correct breathing and proper retention play a role. If during work you feel that the tension is not on the deltoids, but on the chest or back muscles, you should reduce the weight of the dumbbells. To perform bending training, it is recommended to rest your head against the wall, thereby relieving the load from your back.

3 isolation exercises

Isolation exercises work one muscle group and work one joint. Check out the following if you want to learn how to tone your shoulders with dumbbells:

1) RAISING DUMBBELLS IN FRONT OF YOURSELF. Helps in the development of the anterior deltoid. Stand with your feet at shoulder level. Keep your body straight. Hands with equipment are lowered to the sides, elbows slightly bent. Inhaling and holding your breath, raise your arms straight in front of you just above your shoulders at 45°. Pause at the top and lower down.

Recommendations for implementation: To increase the effect, dumbbells should be taken with an overhand grip. You should not violate the amplitude of movement and raise your arms above the specified angle, otherwise completely different muscles will be worked.

Also try performing it with each hand separately, this will help you better feel the tension of the target muscle and control your execution technique. You cannot swing and lean your body forward. If you cannot perform exercises with clear technique, reduce the working weight.

2) LIFTING DUMBBELLS THROUGH THE SIDES. Helps in the development of the middle beam. Starting position– legs at shoulder level, feet slightly to the sides. Take the equipment with your palms facing inward on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Inhale deeply and hold your breath, raising your arms up, bending them slightly elbow joint. The lift should be to shoulder height.

After pausing for a moment at the maximum point, slowly lower to the original position and exhale. Don't help yourself by rocking, keep your torso straight.

Recommendations for implementation: You should not take dumbbells that are too heavy, this will transfer the load to your back, and you will constantly struggle with bending your elbows, and this will completely lead to the effectiveness of the exercise to zero. Your hands should be strictly parallel to the floor; you should not lift the dumbbells up, perpendicular to the floor, this will pump the trapezius muscle.

You can include this option in your training, but don't make it a goal. It remains very important to comply correct breathing, because it helps to maintain balance, observing technique, and also reduces the load on the spine.

3) LIFTING DUMBBELLS THROUGH THE SIDES IN AN INCLINE. Excellent work on the rear delts. To begin, stand with your feet at shoulder level, take the equipment and tilt your torso forward at a right angle. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms up behind your back to the maximum possible height. Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position.

Recommendations for implementation: This option is best performed at the end of a training session to pump up the shoulders, having felt the tension in the posterior fascicles as much as possible. The back can be rounded, but sudden movements and swaying of the body should not be made.

So you have learned the best shoulder exercises with dumbbells. They can be performed at home or in the gym. If it is possible to connect a rod, that would be absolutely cool!

That's all for me - I hope I answered your question and you found the information you needed. Bye bye!

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The shoulder muscles are partially loaded during basic exercises on the arms and back, but this load is not enough for their high-quality and rapid growth. Only training will help to work them out properly, at the beginning of which the shoulders will be loaded comprehensively, and then in isolation.

If you're trying to build shoulder muscles, it's mostly about increasing the size of your deltoids. Due to the complex mechanism of work, the deltoids cannot be given as heavy a load as, for example, the pectoral muscles. When isolating the shoulder muscles when performing exercises, remember that the load must be increased gradually. It is important not to overdo it to avoid injury.

How to pump up your shoulders

Seated dumbbell press

An exercise that can be safely recommended to beginners or those who are just concerned about the volume and strength of their shoulders. It is also quite suitable for warming up the muscles before performing more complex exercises.

Standing barbell press

A classic exercise for pumping up the deltoid muscles, the implementation of which is fundamentally important for harmonious development muscles of the whole body. Makes it possible to implement the principle of load progression.

Standing barbell row to the chin

Loads the trapezius, anterior and middle deltoid muscles. Moreover, the wider the grip, the greater the load transfers from the trapezius muscle to the deltoids.

When performing the exercise, the back should be straight, the movement is led by the elbows. Do the deadlifts slowly, properly feeling and working the deltoids and trapezius. At the top, your elbows should be higher than your shoulders. After this, just as carefully and slowly return the bar to the lower position.

Raises (swings) of dumbbells through the sides while standing

Exercise for advanced athletes. Tilt your body forward slightly, lower your shoulders as low as possible. The thumbs should point down when performing the exercise. Make swings with extreme caution so as not to injure your deltoids.

Wide grip pull-ups

The deltoid muscles are comprehensively involved. In addition to the deltas, the trapezius muscle and arm muscles will be loaded.

Pumped shoulders make men visually larger and more attractive. Properly applied efforts will ultimately pay off 100%. Train and achieve your goals.

Did you know what girls look for first when they see a guy? That's right, on the figure, namely on the shoulder girdle. So, if you have problems with your shoulders, then let's correct them, and delt exercises will help you with this.

Of course, most modern girls pay attention not to broad shoulders, but to thick wallets (or is this a stereotype?), but this does not mean that you need to abandon your body.

Broad shoulders, in the eyes of women, are a sign of courage and reliability. Behind men with broad shoulders, any woman on a subconscious level feels like behind a stone wall. Agree, it would be a sin not to take advantage of such an opportunity. But before you start shaking your shoulders, you need to understand the anatomy of these muscles.

The muscles that form the shoulder are called deltoid, and they consist of three bundles: front (front), middle (side) and rear (rear). To achieve maximum development of the deltoid muscle, it is necessary to include all three bundles in the work at each training session.

Frontal deltas(P) is the easiest bunch to work out, since it is involved in most bench press exercises, and all athletes have it quite well worked out. When developing the deltoid muscles, this bundle should be given the least attention.

Lateral delts(CP) is the same bun that is responsible for the width of your shoulders. The bun is quite difficult to work out, so we devote most of the training to this exercise. Moreover, we will pump this bundle mainly with isolated exercises that most effectively affect it.

Dorsal deltas(Z) - well, the most difficult bundle of the deltoid muscle, the posterior one. It is responsible for the massiveness of the shoulders when viewed from the side. Work through rear delts a very difficult task, since it is practically not involved in the work in any of the basic exercises.

So, we hope you have an idea of ​​what you have to work with. Your task is to work all the bundles of the deltoid muscle, correctly distributing the load. Next we will move on to describe exercises that will allow you to work your front, middle and rear deltoids.

Well, let's figure it out how to pump up your rear delts?

It is no coincidence that we began our description of the exercises with this particular bundle. We recommend starting your shoulder workout by working the back of the deltoid muscle, due to the difficulty in pumping it up.

Traction on the block

Take a straight pulley handle, or a piece of rope, as shown in the picture. Stand in front of a block (you can also do this exercise in a crossover) with your arms parallel to the ground (A). Now pull the weight towards you, without lowering or raising your elbows, making sure that your arms are parallel to the ground throughout the entire exercise.

Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Tilt wiring

Grab dumbbells with a weight that you can perform 12 to 15 reps of this exercise with. Place a bench in front of you. Lean forward and rest your head on the bench, keeping your body parallel to the ground (A). Now lift the dumbbells straight out to your sides so that you can draw a straight line through your arms (B).

Do the exercise as slowly as possible. Perform 3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

Reverse fly lying down

Lie down on a bench with dumbbells in your hands. Stretch your arms forward as shown in figure (A). Palms should face down. Now spread your arms back, turning your hands 90 degrees (B).

Perform 4 sets of 15 slow reps.

We're done with the exercises, let's say a few more words. You don’t need to do all these exercises in one workout; it’s enough to choose one of these three and perform only that one. But if you wish, you can perform 2 exercises in one workout.

Exercises for middle deltoids

So, we've sorted out the rear deltas, now let's find out how to pump up your middle deltoids?

Arnold press

A favorite exercise for many athletes. Hold dumbbells as shown in (A). Now do the press, turning your hands 180 degrees (B). If in the initial position your palms were facing you, now they should be facing forward. Rotate your hands throughout the entire lift. Returning to the starting position, return the brushes to their original position.

Perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Bench press

A basic exercise, quite traumatic, but very effective, so not only the middle deltoids are included in the work, but also the front ones. It can be performed both standing and sitting. We recommend using free weights.

Sit on a bench and lift the barbell above your head (A). Now lower the barbell behind your head until your elbows form a 90-degree angle (B). Then return to the starting position. Try not to lower the bar too low, this will reduce the risk of injury.

Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Wiring through the sides

Isolated exercise for the middle deltoids. You can perform it both standing and sitting. Watch the video for the technique.

Front delt exercises

So, the rear and anterior deltoid muscles have been worked, now let’s move on to the question of how to pump up your front delts.

Dumbbell/barbell press, standing/sitting

This is almost the same exercise as the overhead press, only in this exercise the barbell is lowered in front of your head. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight (A). Now press the dumbbells up, slowly and under control, trying to feel your shoulders working (B). Then, also slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

The version of this exercise with a barbell is no different. This exercise is mandatory and should be present in every deltoid muscle workout. Perform 4 sets of 8 – 10 repetitions.

Dumbbell/barbell front raises

You can use either a barbell or dumbbells for this exercise, but there is another option. Stand up straight, take the pancake in your hands (A), now raise your arms up (B). Raise your arms just above parallel with the floor, this will allow you to keep your front deltoids tense throughout the exercise.

This is an isolated exercise, so we do 5 sets of 15 repetitions.

Well, that's all the exercises you should use in your workout. These are effective, time-tested exercises, and they will definitely give results. And finally, some advice:

  • train your shoulders once or twice a week;
  • start your workout with isolated exercise on the rear delts;
  • use at least one basic exercise in your training (barbell overhead press, for example);
  • no machines, only free weights, only hardcore;
  • choose the right weights so that at the end of the workout, you can hardly raise your arms.

And soon everyone will envy your delts.

Shoulder exercises: video

The effectiveness of which is several times higher than all currently known diets combined.

Want to be flexible? Then

The deltoids are the superficial muscles of the shoulder. The muscle is named because of its resemblance to the Greek letter called “delta”. The more developed the deltas, the wider the shoulders become visually, and the body takes on a V-shape.

Athletes with narrow shoulders focus on pumping up the deltoids, since the shoulder girdle can only be built up if this muscle group is carefully trained.

Anatomical features of deltas

The deltoid muscles include 3 bundles - anterior, middle and posterior. To make the body look beautiful and proportionate, it is important to pump up each of the deltoids separately. Athletes focus on medium buns when they want to get voluminous, broad shoulders.

The anterior bundles are considered the most developed, since they experience high loads during training. pectoral muscles or triceps.

Since the anterior heads of the deltoid muscles are the best developed, it is important to pay special attention and regularly load the middle and posterior parts of the deltoid. The function of the deltas is to abduct the arms to the sides, flexion and extension of the shoulders.

A set of exercises for pumping the deltoid muscles

To get relief deltas you will have to work hard, since this process is very labor-intensive. The main mistake of many novice athletes is overstraining the clavicular fascicles and underdevelopment of the dorsal and middle heads. Deltas must be trained by connecting all the beams, then a positive result is guaranteed. TO best exercises deltas include: various presses of sports equipment, lifting and raising dumbbells, etc.

Each of the heads can be pumped as follows:

  • clavicular bundles - lift dumbbells in front of you with outstretched arms
  • shoulder beams - take dumbbells and spread your arms in opposite directions
  • scapular fascicles - the same exercise as for training the shoulder fascicles, only performed in an inclined position

Delta exercises with dumbbells

An exercise for the deltoids with dumbbells involves raising and spreading your arms. There are several options for performing this exercise - lifting the projectile in front of you, in opposite directions, up, and bent over. Make sure that only deltas work. It is better if the training takes place at a slightly slower pace, this will allow you to effectively load all 3 delta beams.

How to pump up deltoids with a barbell?

The bench press with a barbell or dumbbells is a very common exercise among athletes. In the case of the first sports equipment the complex is called “Army Press”, and in the second - “Arnold Press”. The military press is performed while sitting; it is the main exercise and perfectly strengthens the shoulder girdle. The Arnold press is performed in a standing position. Also another variation is the overhead barbell press in a standing or sitting position.

IMPORTANT! Any exercise for the deltoid muscles is considered very traumatic, so you should seriously monitor the technique.

In some cases, experienced athletes use a weightlifting belt.

How to pump up deltoid muscles at home

To create a powerful body, the most effective option is the gym. But for various reasons, not everyone can visit it. Outside gym achieving the desired results will be a little problematic. At home, you can build powerful shoulders in the following ways: push-ups, deadlifts and bench presses with free weights.

Sample plan for training deltoid muscles at home

  • lifting dumbbells, alternating first in front of you, then to the sides. Wrists should be pointing down for 2-3 sets of 20 reps.
  • a basic dumbbell press helps pump up all deltoids at the same time. The exercise is performed at a slow pace. To avoid injury, your elbows should remain relaxed.
  • vertical thrust- the exercise is performed with straight back in an inclined position, the hand with the dumbbell should be raised towards the body

It is best if a trainer creates an individual training program for you and also teaches correct technique performing certain exercises.

How to pump up deltoids quickly - secrets of successful bodybuilders

Experienced athletes advise starting any workout with basic exercises, since with their help all muscle groups come into play. And only after this, switch to isolating exercises, since they involve a much smaller number of muscle fibers.

  • The standing barbell press is a basic exercise. Allows you to apply a progression of loads, which subsequently provides incredible muscle growth. We perform 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  • On a note! Always start any workout with heavy basic exercises (this includes barbell presses, regardless of position). Towards the end of the workout, switch to more simplified exercises (dumbbell swings).

  • The dumbbell press is a basic exercise and can perfectly replace the barbell press. It is important to highlight one fact: this exercise is more difficult to perform compared to the first.
  • On a note! The dumbbell press, unlike the barbell, makes it possible to properly pump the middle section of the deltas.

  • Broaching is mega-effective exercise, capable of placing enormous tension on the middle and back parts of the deltoid muscles. Pulling the projectile to the chin accelerates growth and comprehensively develops the deltoid muscles. 3 sets of 7-10 repetitions are enough.
  • On a note! A wider grip means a smaller range of motion and vice versa.

  • Dumbbell swings are an isolation exercise that are ideal to finish off your workout. Perform: 4 sets of 7-15 times.
  • On a note! The exercise is more effective for experienced athletes, since it helps to “finish off” the shoulder girdle.

“Bomb” training of deltoid muscles from Yuri Spasokukotsky

I have developed a training method that allows you to pump up your shoulders even if you do not have a genetic predisposition to growing deltoids. The emphasis is on all kinds of flyes and swings with heavy weights. You can pump beams for years and not get the desired results.

  • the load should not go to trapezius muscles, only deltoids work
  • the front part of the shoulder should not take the entire load on itself, and the elbows should not be brought forward
  • avoid narrow placement of arms and protruding elbows

Compliance with all the rules and regular exercise will allow you to get aesthetic shoulders in 2-3 months and visually narrow your waist. Also no less effective exercises are dumbbell and barbell rows to the chin.

Pumping deltoid muscles from Denis Gusev

Before training, you need to warm up elliptical trainer or on a treadmill. Warm-up duration is 5 minutes. The seated dumbbell press is a basic deltoid exercise with dumbbells that allows you to perfectly develop the deltoid muscles. It is important to try to lift Weight Limit. As for the number of repetitions, Denis believes that the muscles do not care about the number of repetitions. The main thing is the time the muscle is under load. The exercise should be performed for 30-40 seconds. The greater the weight of the projectile, the lower the number of repetitions. After each approach, Denis recommends stretching. This will relax the muscles and increase their potential.

Wide, sculpted shoulders indicate that the person is in excellent health. sports uniform. The shape of the shoulders is influenced by the degree of development of the deltas. As you know, the deltoid muscles respond well to any load. Even if you have a normal physique, pumped up deltoids can greatly increase your shoulder girdle and give you the effect of an experienced athlete.

  • You should pay more attention in your training basic exercises, since only they are able to work out each of the delta bundles.
  • If you have lagging behind in the development of any of the bundles, you can compensate for this with the help of an individual isolation exercise for the middle, anterior or posterior delta.
  • To the question “frequency of doing exercises to pump up the shoulder girdle,” the answer is very simple - if you train at least 2 times a week and you already have your own comprehensive program, then you don’t have to devote individual workouts for pumping deltas. It is enough to exercise with a barbell and dumbbells at least 2 times.
  • If your goal is to rapidly increase deltoids, then perform a combination series consisting of a barbell bench press and a row to the chin. When pressing, the front head of the muscle develops well, and when doing deadlifts, the back part of the deltas is worked out.
  • Dumbbell swings are used to warm up the deltoid muscles. By the end of classes, swings are used in the form of a “finishing” element.
  • It is important to remember that the deltoids are very vulnerable muscles due to their high mobility. shoulder joint Therefore, during training it is very important to observe the correct technique to avoid injury.

Thanks to perseverance and regular training reach noticeable results It will be possible in a couple of months.

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.