Fashion guide: issue four. Fighting strategy against fat legs I have fat legs and a small top.

Fat legs: what to do

Everyone has problem areas of the body, but what a shame when this problem is one of the main pride of women - the legs. Excess weight in the leg area does not allow you to wear short shorts, skirts, dresses, but these are the things that allow you to highlight a beautiful female figure so favorably. But you should never despair: what to do if there is a problem?


Too voluminous and even thick legs can form for several reasons. Firstly, legs can be voluminous initially - this is their physical norm. In this case, there is no need to worry: the appearance of each of us is unique, and we need to see the beauty in each of our features, even if these features ourselves do not seem attractive.

It has long been proven that a person who considers himself beautiful looks the same in the eyes of others. In addition, minor imperfections can be successfully corrected with the help of clothing, for example, with a special cut of skirts and trousers.

The second reason for too thick legs may be excessive muscle development associated with active physical training and loads. In this case, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards sports.

Finally, the third and most common cause of fat legs is excess weight. Sometimes a genetic predisposition is related to the accumulation of fat on the legs, more often - an incorrect lifestyle and a disorder, but in both cases it is possible to correct the shape of the legs.

Exercise and sports

An important component of the fight against overweight on the legs there are sports loads, but not any, but preferably cardio training. What does this mean? Swimming, running, race walking, bicycle (in the gym there is an exercise bike and treadmill), step, aerobics, etc. All of the above can be supplemented with any aerobic training to your taste and alternate them as desired.

If you want to get rid of fat legs in as soon as possible, give sports training at least an hour a day, moreover, try to use every opportunity to provide your legs with additional stress. For example, you can climb the stairs every time you need to call the elevator, take a walk during breaks at work, spend active weekends in nature, play with friends sport games etc. If you do all this regularly, thick legs will become slender very quickly!

Nutrition secrets

What to do with your diet if the main problem area of ​​the body is thick legs? First of all, strict diets are not allowed - they are all aimed at short-term weight loss and have a short-term effect.

To lose weight in your legs, the emphasis in nutrition must be on the quality and freshness of products: remove semi-finished products, fast food, ready-made meals, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, chips and other snacks from the diet. The basis of the menu should be high-quality protein, which is found in lean meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, beef), fish, as well as low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese) and legumes (beans, lentils).

Choose complex carbohydrates - vegetables, cereals, bran and whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta - they promote proper digestion and guarantee a long-lasting feeling of satiety. But it’s better to give up simple carbohydrates, at least for the period of active struggle with excess weight on your legs, so try to stay away from sugar, all kinds of sweets, baked goods and confectionery products.

The “sweet” life is compensated by fruits and dried fruits, as well as a small amount. It is very important to reconsider the quality of fats in your diet. Fatty meat, lard, fatty dairy products (especially creamy desserts, chocolate butter, cheese and sweet curd masses), sausages, sausages and sausages, mayonnaise and other sauces are the main enemies of slender legs!

Friendly fats are vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, grape, etc. But you also need to know how to handle them - it is best to season fresh salads with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons per large serving) or add to ready-made dishes - soups , stewed or baked vegetables. Frying in oil kills beneficial features both the oil and the product itself. Also healthy fats found in fish, especially in its marine varieties (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), as well as in avocados and nuts. You can eat 20 grams daily. nuts (unroasted and unsalted) as a snack, and they will bring great benefits to your figure.

Healthy Supplements

Thick legs are one of those problem areas that are quite difficult to influence with generally accepted weight loss methods (diet, sports, etc.). This does not mean that fighting excess weight is in this case makes no sense, but sometimes additional help should be added to the basic methods. The most effective way today is a technique approved by doctors and tested by experience.

The choice is yours personally, but if safety is in the same place as effectiveness for you, you should pay attention to Russian drugs and. Taking one of them, or, more effectively, taking them together, restores and improves metabolism in the body, acting specifically on problem areas. As a result, precisely those areas that are most difficult to treat lose weight - the stomach, arms, hips and, of course, legs.

These drugs improve digestion, reduce cravings for unhealthy and high-calorie foods, and also block further accumulation of fats in the body. Consisting only of natural ingredients, they gently and naturally promote weight loss and greatly facilitate the struggle for slim legs.

Massage and other pleasures

Pleasant and useful procedures for slim legs are various wraps, baths and massages. The main thing is not to be lazy and do them regularly, for example, today a bath with salt, tomorrow a wrap with seaweed or clay, the day after tomorrow a massage. When you have time (for example, on weekends), you can pay more attention to your favorite legs and do several procedures in combination - then the result will be even more noticeable.

Don't skimp on wraps and creams - quality products cannot be cheap. You can prepare remedies for slim legs yourself. So, for wrapping, you need to mix dry clay with kefir or water to a paste, add a few drops of essential oils of lemon, orange and grapefruit, apply the mixture to problem areas of the legs, wrap with film, and after forty minutes, rinse with warm water.

To get a homemade weight loss cream, just add some aromatic oils - bergamot, rosemary, juniper or citrus - to your regular body cream. The massage should be done vigorously, rubbing problem areas of the legs until the skin becomes slightly red. Several weeks of such care will give your legs beauty and relief.

We wish you good luck and remember to always love your feet just the way they are!

My respect, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we are treated to a simply amazing article, and all because it is from women. In it we will give an answer to this question - how to make your legs thin . From just one reading, your legs will become much slimmer and more attractive, so read to the end and absorb every word.

If everyone is assembled, then let's start, let's go.

How to make your legs thin: a set of measures

I'll start from a little distance...

Show me a woman who is happy with her appearance and who does not want to improve it even a little. Beauty is a terrible force and a woman’s main weapon in the fight for a higher-ranking male. I don’t know if young ladies are aware, but almost all men are attracted to beauty, and for them (us), attractiveness is the main factor in assessing her as a potential partner. It’s not for nothing that there is such a saying - a man loves with his eyes, so this is really true. We have enough 8 seconds of contact with the lady to understand whether the game is actually worth the candle, and whether it is necessary to fuss at all :). Although scientists say that men evaluate women from top to bottom, practice shows something different. I have noticed more than once that guys first fix their gaze on a woman’s legs, then her hips and upwards. Moreover, this is quite natural if you look at the lady from behind, because there is no face there.

In this regard, the requirements for this part of the body (legs) from the male population become quite unambiguous. They want to see their companion's legs long, slender and in a short skirt). It is also worth saying that the dominance of glossy magazines and catwalk models is doing their dirty work - men are becoming very picky about the shape and dimensions of their chosen one. In this situation, the ladies have only one thing left to do - pick up their feet and work on themselves, in fact, that’s what we’ll do today.

How to make your legs thin? One of the most pressing problems of girls, it can probably only be compared with such -, and of course,? When you look at all these “hows”, the meaning of the statement becomes clear - beauty requires sacrifice, and I would like to erect a monument to all active workers working in this direction. Well, that’s enough of the lyrics, let’s get to the point.

How to make your legs thin: debunking the main myths

First of all, I want to say that no miracle cures have yet been invented that would help make legs slender. Wraps, creams and other similar tools are all muddling, without your own plowing and work on yourself skinny legs can't achieve it.

Secondly, fat does not disappear locally, i.e. You cannot make only the left or right buttock lose weight, only the upper or lower body. Fat leaves immediately from everywhere, and from problem areas last.

Third, the most effective ways to make your legs thin are:


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

How to make your legs thin: everything you need to know to lose weight

For the most part, a woman’s thighs and legs begin to lose weight when her percentage of subcutaneous fat approaches 18% . To find out the current percentage of body fat, I recommend measuring yourself using the materials in the article. In general, if you don’t know whether you have problems with excess weight, then the following table will help you figure it out.

In addition, it is worth understanding that two women of the same weight may not experience the desire to lose weight or slender legs, here's a comparison.

How much (and how quickly) you are able to lose weight in your legs will depend on, and in relation to young ladies it would be more accurate to say - on.

In general, the problem of losing weight in the legs and hips is associated, first of all, with the natural processes occurring in the body of any productive woman. It consists of the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdomen, legs and thighs as a result of a woman’s preparation for pregnancy. Only then, as negative factors for a woman’s swelling, come unhealthy diet, stress and an unbalanced regimen.

Not many women know that the effectiveness of losing weight in the hips depends on the initially correctly chosen strategy. And in order to decide on it, you need to know what type of hips you actually have.

Do you think that you have fatty or muscular thighs, or maybe you don’t know at all? To determine this and understand whether it is necessary to “lose fat” from the thighs or lose muscle mass, I suggest taking a simple test. It consists of three steps:

  1. straighten your leg;
  2. tighten your thigh muscles;
  3. pinch the top layer of fat and skin with your fingers.

If the fold of the fingers is quite significant (something to hold on to), then you have fatty thighs and most likely problems with cellulite. Therefore, you must first adjust your diet and add cardio activity to burn fat. If the tuck is small, you have muscular thighs with little fat. The strategy for losing weight in the legs in this case should be based on special fitness exercises.

Let's look at it in a little more detail...

Fat VS Muscle thighs

The first type is when the legs themselves may be thin, but overweight (layer of adhered fat) does not allow you to see their slimness. Therefore, the main emphasis should be on aerobic activity and proper dietary nutrition. When the total fat burns, you can start making your legs slim.

The second type is large muscular thighs. If you think that only men can have big feet, You are mistaken, it happens that a lady has an impressive frame of a ship :) - wide bones and dense muscles. The muscles themselves are made up of bundles muscle fibers, which vary in size. Representatives with muscular thighs have a higher proportion of type II large muscle fibers (which are usually found in sprinters or strength athletes), compared to type I fibers (in endurance athletes). Muscular thighs give big full legs. They (hips) respond well to the special foot load and vary in size.

In this case, you need to understand that while you can get rid of fatty thighs, you cannot move (move) muscle fibers. To achieve slim legs, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • You don't have a genetic tendency to have big thigh muscles, but you do have a natural tendency to gain muscle through exercise. In other words, your workouts have made your legs bigger. (you are overloading them). This could be running on a treadmill, elliptical trainer, ice skating, etc. These types of activities in an attempt to make thinner thighs backfired. You need to reconsider your training strategy and remove these “thigh-building” exercises;
  • you are genetically programmed to have big muscles (mesomorph body type) but also have a lot of fat around your muscles. Those. You have a lot of muscle and a lot of fat in your legs. “Cleaning” fat from the internal and outer surface hips will give a significant reduction in the volume of the legs and make them thinner.

To know how to lose weight in your thighs, you need to understand what they are “constructed” of, in other words, let’s delve a little deeper into their anatomy.

So, there are several “layers” that contribute to the volume of the thigh.

The first layer is the skin, then there is a layer of fat (yellow color). This fat surrounds the thigh muscles. As you gain weight, the yellow layer becomes much larger, and it spreads your hips wider. Beneath the fat layer are muscles (red). When a person trains with weights in general and especially actively works the hips (squats, lunges, deadlifts), then the red layer becomes larger, which leads to enlargement of the legs.

That's why when solving the problem of how to make your legs thin, you need to think about both fat and muscle mass. Both parameters are adjustable both up and down and affect the proportions of the hips.

Well, I think that's enough theory, let's move on to...

How to make your legs thin: the practical side of the issue

I would like to immediately apologize to the reader for being disappointed again in terms of the number of letters in the article. Initially, it was planned to write everything quite culturally and tell all the information in one part. Now that the article has already exceeded quite a decent number of characters, and we are still, as they say, not in sight :), I realized that we cannot do without the second part. Well, that’s what we’ll do, in this one we’ll look at two factors for losing weight – nutrition and aerobic activity, and in the other part – specialized “weight loss” exercises for the legs.

So let's start with the first one.

No. 1. We are lining up proper diet nutrition

The fundamental principle of losing weight in the legs and thighs is to improve (accelerate) metabolism. It is also necessary to improve the functioning of the liver, ridding the body of toxins.

Your basic habits should now be:

  • minimum consumption 1,5 liters of water per day (preferably 2 liter);

In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 2 glasses of water and then 200-250 ml before each meal.

  • drinking green tea, tea with rosehip infusion.

These drinks can rid you of toxins, remove toxins and improve the speed of enzymatic reactions in the body.

  • consumption of vegetables and fruits both in and outside of main meals.

Include vegetables in your diet: broccoli, spinach, green salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin. The following diuretics (diuretics) are perfect for fruits: watermelon, melon, plums, apricots, also lean on grapefruit, bananas, green apples, avocados.

  • Eliminate all fried, fatty and salty foods from your diet.

In fact, people don’t notice how they consume instead of what they should. 30-40 grams of healthy fats per day 60-100 g unhelpful. We get the latter from various work-office snacks and “tried it when I was cooking for the family.” Your priority cooking method should now be boiling in water, a double boiler, or a microwave (baking).

  • exclusion of various food flavorings.

These include mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and other jar-lid dirty tricks. If the food seems bland, use natural seasonings - garlic, thyme, coriander, basil, suneli hops.

  • consumption of indigestible fiber.

Fiber-rich foods should definitely become part of your diet. It envelops the walls of the stomach, prolonging the feeling of fullness in the body. The main sources of such drag are...

In general, the best and cheapest source of dietary fiber is bran from the pharmacy. (for example, Dr. Dias brand). They are packaged in small bags (by 200 g), contains only pure product and costs about 30-50 rubles They should be washed down with plenty of water and taken as 30 minutes before eating.

  • eating lean protein and seafood.

Substitute for Various Pseudo-Meat Substitutes (sausages, sausages, etc.) to complete sources of protein. These include: eggs, dairy products, cottage cheese, poultry, rabbit, turkey. Give preference to lean meats - lean beef. Also include fish in your diet - tilapia, tuna, mullet, salmon, salmon and seafood - squid, milk.

  • consumption of long-term carbohydrates.

Long carbohydrates are those that are not fast :), i.e. they gradually feed a person with energy without causing spikes in blood glucose. Include in your diet - brown/dark rice, buckwheat, wholemeal bread.

  • eating the right fats.

Many ladies are afraid of fats like fire, thinking that they make them fat. This is not entirely true, the body needs PUFAs (omega 3/6/9) and monounsaturated fatty acids to a greater extent, and trans-isomers and saturated (butter, margarine) fats should be kept to a minimum. Use a variety of healthy fats as a source (walnuts, almonds) and sunflower seeds (sesame), and olive oil.

  • eating the right sweets.

Girls have a big sweet tooth, don’t feed them bread, just give them some tasty treats. Therefore, the complete exclusion of sweets is simply a disaster for them. Therefore, replace your usual sweets (sweets, desserts) on , dark (up to 70% cocoa) chocolate, fitness bars.

  • increasing the number of meals.

Many young ladies think that the fewer times a day I eat, the slimmer I will be. Surely your current nutrition plan includes 2-3 x one meal and often with a messed up schedule ( different time) . You need to adhere 4-5 single mode at the same time. In general, and why, you can read in the corresponding note at the link. The number of calories during the day must be kept from 2000 before 2200 kcal (women aged from 19 before 30 years) And 1800-2000 (women from 31 before 50 years). Most likely, your current caloric intake needs to be reduced by 250-500 kcal to start losing weight.

These were, so to speak, general tips, now let's look at the specific menu on 1 a day that you can stick to for the purpose of losing weight (including in your legs).

Now let's move on to...

No. 2. Aerobic activity for losing weight in legs

Cardio Plays a Significant Role in Cleaning excess fat (including in the hips and legs). Therefore, if you want to have slender legs, for which men will go to the ends of the earth :), you cannot avoid them. The optimal number of activities for the development of the cardiovascular system is 3 per week, by 30-45 minutes (moderate intensity). High-intensity interval training is great for burning fat and interval running (short runs at high intensity) although the last one (if used incorrectly) may cause enlargement of leg muscles.

If you have muscular thighs (for example, mesomorph body type), then avoid interval training and focus more on longer duration, moderate intensity cardio. Running on long distances not focused on developing the size of muscle fibers, i.e. with it, your legs have limited (minimal) opportunities for growth. The result of this type of running is that you build strong and toned leg muscles without creating large muscles thighs and burn fat at the same time.

For women with fatty thighs, suitable types of aerobic activity that directly use the legs are:

  • jogging;
  • skating;
  • walking on a staircase simulator;
  • step, elliptical trainer.

The benefit from them is that, in addition to burning fat, the formation of “correct” leg muscles occurs. When working on exercise machines, you must remember that the load (resistance) should be small and the incline angle should be low, otherwise you can end up with big muscular legs instead of skinny ones.


At all times, slender legs have attracted men's gaze. And if a woman knows how to serve them “deliciously”, then it just blows our minds :). Therefore, if you have set a goal - how to make your legs thin, you can be sure that you will be provided with gentlemen for the rest of your life. Well, we partially discussed how to achieve this goal in this article and will continue to do so in the next one.

That’s all for you, slender legs, my beauties!

PS. Is the question relevant to you, how to make your legs thin? Answers in the comments.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Slender legs have always been considered the standard of female beauty. With a good figure, any lady feels confident and self-sufficient. Barely faced with a problem excess weight, in particular, an increase in the volume of the hips and calves, women panic and develop complexes. In fact, you can get rid of obesity, you just have to choose the right strategy.

Why do women have very thick legs?

To get rid of excessive fullness in the hips and calves, it is recommended to find out the reason that led to such consequences. There are several of them, so you need to understand everything in order.

A common cause of excess fat deposits on the legs is a sedentary lifestyle. This could be sedentary work, or spending most of the time watching TV or computer. Lack of physical activity contributes to the accumulation of unspent calories, which are converted into fat deposits.

Improper nutrition disrupts the functioning of not only metabolic processes, but also all body systems. An abundance of fatty, smoked and fried foods leads to weight gain. Fats primarily accumulate in and.

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, consumption of energy drinks) interfere with the adjustment of metabolic processes, so often even strict diets are powerless in the fight against fatty layers.

Frequent stress and unstable psycho-emotional background also lead to disruption of metabolic processes.

In addition to nutrition and low physical activity Various diseases can provoke fullness of the legs.

It is important! Symptoms accompanied by swelling cannot be ignored. To solve the problem, you should consult a specialist, be sure to get tested for sugar levels and hormones.

Early diagnosis and timely treatment contribute to rapid recovery and reduction of leg volume.

Among the reasons that provoked an increase in the volume of the hips and calves:

  • disorders of lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • renal failure;
  • edema of various etiologies (allergic, cardiac, congestive, dystrophic, etc.).

Swelling can develop as a result of an imbalance in water balance (during heavy drinking) or in cases of working “on your feet”, when sitting for a long time in one position, for example, during flights. Swelling can also be caused by improperly chosen shoes.

Watch a video about the mechanism and causes of edema formation.

In women who regularly go to the gym, voluminous thighs or calves may signal weight gain. muscle mass. In such cases, adjustments to the training are required; an experienced trainer can help.

What to do if your legs and thighs are fat

If the fullness of the legs is due to the presence of a fat layer, it is used A complex approach, which involves physical activity on the muscles of the thighs and calves, a special diet, cosmetic procedures.

How to lose weight with exercise

To speed up the breakdown of fat on the hips, buttocks and calves, trainers recommend using a set of exercises in which the load is distributed specifically to the leg muscles. The following movements are considered the most effective.

  • Swing your legs - forward, backward, to the sides (from a standing, sitting position). Repeat 15-20 times on each leg in 3 sets.
  • Squats - with arms extended in front of you or with dumbbells. Repeat 20-30 times in 3 sets.
  • Raising the legs - forward, to the side, back from a lying position. Repeat 20-30 times in 3 sets.
  • Lunges - forward, to the side. Repeat 20-25 times on each leg in 3 sets.
  • “Scissors” and “bicycle” - exercises for rhythmic movement of the legs are performed from a “lying” position. Each exercise takes 3-5 minutes in 3 approaches.
  • Jumping rope - on two legs, on one, with a shift to the sides. Do 500-1000 times in one session.
  • Jogging – the method only works for long periods of exercise (at least 40 minutes).

All elements intensively work the muscles of the thighs and calves.

In order for the training to have the desired effect for losing weight in the thighs and calves, it is necessary to observe breathing techniques while performing the exercises.

Remember! In the relaxation phase, draw air into your lungs, and in the heavy phase - when tense - exhale.

The tempo is selected average with fixation of the extreme position for 1-2 seconds.

Nutrition rules

The first rule of nutrition is complete abstinence from prohibited foods. It is important to include more fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu. At the same time, the heat treatment time is reduced to a minimum. Plant foods cleanse the body of toxins, neutralize the effects of free radicals, and supply beneficial vitamins and antioxidants.

The regimen should include 3 main meals and 2 snacks. It is preferable to eat at the same time, this disciplines the body and regulates the functioning of the digestive system. After 19-00 it is allowed to drink only water or herbal decoctions.

Drinking regime is an integral part of a healthy diet. You can calculate the amount of fluid required using a special calculator that takes into account weight and age. On average, water consumption per day is about 2 liters.

Products useful for fat burning and cleansing the intestines:

  • kiwi, strawberries, lettuce, cabbage, citrus fruits;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • soybeans, wheat germ, beans.

It is useful to use garlic, chili pepper and ginger when preparing dishes. They help accelerate blood circulation, which stimulates metabolic processes in the thighs and calves.

The diet should be designed taking into account physical activity. If exercise is combined with a low-calorie diet, then training can lead to physical exhaustion.

Massage and wraps

Cosmetic procedures on the legs have a direct effect on subcutaneous fat, helping the process of breaking down accumulated deposits. You can give yourself a massage at home.

Important! Lymph nodes are located on the inside of the thigh, so manipulations should be performed carefully so as not to damage them.

The main requirements for performing manipulations on the thighs and calves:

  • Before the massage, the skin must be prepared by taking a shower;
  • to ensure optimal glide, apply a little massage oil or anti-cellulite cream to your feet;
  • use pinching, smoothing, pressing, kneading and slapping;
  • you need to act on the skin carefully, without using force;
  • the inner thigh is massaged very carefully only by stroking;
  • After the massage, you should take a shower and apply moisturizer;
  • The procedure time is 15-20 minutes for each leg.

No less effective procedures there are wraps on the thighs and calves. The active components of the products used penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis, enriching the tissue with vitamins and minerals and promoting the rapid breakdown of fat cells.

In addition, excess fluid and toxins are removed from the subcutaneous layer. The compositions are used ready-made or prepared by hand. Among the recommended products that have a fat-burning effect on the thighs and calves:

  • cinnamon;
  • liquid natural honey;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • mustard;
  • citrus juice;
  • essential oils of geranium, lemon, etc.

When giving preference to one procedure or another on the thighs/calves, you should clarify what contraindications it has. Before using any product for the first time, you should do a skin allergy test.

Thermal treatments

Some cosmetic procedures have the effect of a sauna. Thanks to the thermal effect, the process of breaking down fat cells on the thighs and calves is accelerated, excess fluid is removed, and the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances through the opening of pores and blood flow.

After several sessions, the skin becomes elastic and firm. Such procedures increase immunity. The use of these techniques allows you to correct your hips and calves without surgery.

It is recommended to use the following as a thermal effect on the fats of the thighs and calves:

  • Russian bath;
  • infrared sauna;
  • cedar barrel.

In one session you can get rid of 500 g to 2 kg.

Watch a video about the principle of action, contraindications and benefits of a cedar barrel.

Methods to combat edema

Swelling in the legs does not always signal dangerous diseases. The reason may lie in ordinary little things that are not taken into account in nutrition or lifestyle. In this case, you can get rid of full thighs and calves in simple ways.


If your legs are swollen, it is important to follow a dietary diet that includes reduced salt intake. It’s better to avoid it altogether, since the mineral prevents fluid from leaving the body, causing swelling. The following are prohibited: marinades, salty foods, sauces.

Attention! One molecule of glucose holds 4 molecules of water near it. Therefore, to reduce swelling, exclude simple carbohydrates from your diet - sugar, milk chocolate, sweets, and baked goods.

Folk remedies

For irregular manifestations of swelling of the legs, it is recommended to try traditional methods:

  • grated potato compress;
  • parsley decoction;
  • taking a contrast shower;
  • a mixture of lemon, cucumber and carrot juices (in equal proportions);
  • mint infusion.

Of the most simple ways Eating watermelon and berry compotes is considered to improve kidney function.


To get rid of swelling of the legs, doctors prescribe special diuretics; Here are examples of such tools:

  • Furosemide;
  • Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • Bumetamide;
  • Torasemide;
  • Indapamide;
  • Metosapon;
  • Klopamide;
  • Spironolactone.

Important! It is impossible to take diuretics uncontrollably and for a long time, as they wash out calcium and other elements and can lead to severe hypotension.

Before choosing a diuretic, consult your doctor and do not take the drug for more than 2 days.

How is elephantiasis treated?

Sometimes, when one or both legs are full, elephantiasis is diagnosed. Previously it was believed that the problem was incurable. Now many clinics offer different treatment methods, which include:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • wearing compression stockings;
  • special diet;
  • physiotherapy.

Sometimes treatment requires surgery. During the operation, new channels are created, through which blood is subsequently circulated, bypassing the damaged vessels.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Prevention consists of fighting excess weight, exercising physical exercise with load on the hips, calves, daily movement, healthy eating.

Photo: the thickest legs in the world

Visualization is not always a motivator for losing weight and staying in shape. slim bodies. The reverse method can work, when a person sees something that he does not want to be or that he wants to get rid of. Look at the images below and tell yourself, is it really difficult to devote a couple of hours a day to your body and health, and how much do you want to eat another piece of cake?


There are quite a lot of techniques and ways to make your legs slender. From these, you can choose options that are safe for health and evaluate the first results on your hips and calves after 3-4 weeks. Completing the program in a positive way will improve your achievements and bring new colors to your life.

Long ones were and remain in price. However, not everyone gets such data by nature. If you are not very lucky with the length, you can make them visually attractive by working on problem areas. And then you will get beautiful chiseled legs, an example is Nicole Winhoffer, who devoted herself to fitness and is the best advertisement for her activities. But what to do if today you have thick legs?

Exercises aimed at creating chiseled legs will not allow you to see the result due to the layer of fat, so it is useless to mock yourself with strength exercises if there is too much fat in the body. Your difficult path to slender legs lies through running. The best way to help is running. But it will take quite a long time to get results. To burn 5 kg of pure fat, you will need 75 hours of running. Sounds sad? Nothing can be done about it, if the initial weight is about 60 kg, then it will be spent for half-hour workout only 300 kcal. The good news is that if you run, you will get exercise and they won't break down due to lack of energy.

Of course, you can’t do without a special diet. Don't buy into promises that yet another "thigh diet" will work. You will never guess where the body will get fat from in order to survive the next “crisis”, and this is exactly how it views your diet. Sooner or later it will reach the thighs, but due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it will be sooner rather than later. Therefore, prepare yourself mentally for serious and quite long deprivations in terms of food. The figure that works best is 1000-1200 kcal; if you eat less, the likelihood of hungry fainting and poor health increases. If you eat more, you will have to wait quite a long time for results. In addition, there is also the body’s adaptation to cutting spending, which is familiar to everyone who is losing weight. As a result, weight loss slows down sharply or even stops altogether.

What to do if weight loss and volume reduction have stopped, but are still with you? Surely you have heard about cheating, that is, a day when you eat enough, the body receives a lot of energy and the slowdown in metabolism stops? Yes, it's real. But there are some restrictions.

Firstly, you can’t eat anything, but only carbohydrates and proteins. Lots of carbohydrates and lots of proteins. Almost no fat. Therefore, the only meat you can eat is lean beef and chicken breasts. As for desserts, forget about anything with more than 3% fat. That is, ice cream and chocolate are not for those who want to get rid of the problem called “full legs.” You can have marshmallows, marmalade, lavash. But donuts need to be put aside. Sausages and sausages are also not allowed, ham is very limited.

Secondly, carbohydrates should not exceed 50 g in 2-3 hours, otherwise the process of fat formation may begin. This is especially true for those who were on a very strict diet.

Thirdly, the total number of calories for those who do not want to have thick legs on a cheat day should not be twice as much as on a regular diet day. That is, if you usually eat a thousand, you can eat two on a cheat day.

You should lose weight through aerobics and diet until your weight reaches the ideal minus 2 kg. Then you will purposefully gain two kilograms of muscle mass. To do this you will need to do special exercises. Contrary to popular belief, Gym not required for this. For girls who do not want to become bodybuilders, their own body weight is quite enough.

But you will have to limit the amount of fat to 40 g per day for the rest of your life and drink special ones. Put in some effort - and you will forget about fat legs.

Are your top size 42-44 and bottom size 46-48, but your legs seem disproportionately full? And if you start to lose weight, then first of all your breasts become smaller and lose their seductive shape, which really upsets you? Stop fighting with your body - it’s your constitution and you can’t trample on it. In addition, there is a way that is 30 times more effective than running, swimming and massage - this is well-chosen clothing. But if a protruding belly can be easily hidden under a dress, then it is not clear how to hide thick legs, because you won’t walk around in trousers forever.

As strange as it sounds, your legs can also be made slimmer with this outfit.

A high-waisted dress will visually make your legs longer, and therefore slimmer.

A dress that makes thick legs look slimmer is a floor-length dress. But it should not be very fluffy, let it gently expand downwards, otherwise there is a high probability that you will look like a woman on a teapot.

The dress should be true to size, no smaller and no more. Mini dresses are not suitable for full legs. Therefore, choose the average length of the outfit: just above the knee, to the knee or below. The fuller the legs, the longer the dress. The hem of the dress must end at the narrow part of the leg (the curve below the knee or ankle), otherwise the legs will appear thicker.

It will help you grow visually, which means removing a few centimeters of volume from your legs - colors with any medium-sized vertical pattern. Solid dark colors also work well.

Choose a dense fabric so that it holds its shape, gently envelops the figure, and does not fit tightly, emphasizing all the imperfections.

Draw attention away from the legs by directing it to the top with an interesting piece of jewelry, a bright scarf or an openwork collar with rhinestones.

Accessories that form a vertical line will make your figure taller: long beads, a vertical row of buttons, a handbag with a long strap.

belt - this will also visually make your legs slimmer.

A V-neck will also help make the silhouette more neat - it elongates the neck, as well as a neatly fitting sleeve (should not end at the fullest part of the arm), which will lengthen your limbs. And these two tricks will add height to your body, and overall your figure will look slimmer.

Which tights slim your legs?

Undoubtedly, black color is slimming. In your case, black tights are the ideal option. But keep in mind: maximum effect can only be achieved with thin tights, since stretching in the center, they become more transparent than on the sides, and the dark lines visually cut off several centimeters of the width of the legs.

Shoes must be the same color as the tights in order to create the longest vertical line that will elongate your legs and make you look slimmer.

If, due to some circumstances, you need to wear nude tights (even if they are very thin 8 - maximum 15 Den and the color matches your skin), then the shoes should be in maximum harmony with the color of your skin (beige, cream, etc.) so that it extends the leg.

Avoid fishnet tights and tights of light shades of any density. But you can experiment with dark ones with a narrow vertical stripe.

Also avoid tights with bright and contrasting patterns. Don't wear tights with glitter. Not only is this bad manners, but your legs will also appear fuller than they actually are.

What shoes will make your legs more graceful?

Of course, you can't do without heels. Choose a stable heel that is not too high. Thin heels will make your legs even more massive.

Shoes with a pointed toe and a deep cut at the base of the toes will visually lengthen your legs and make you slimmer. Low-cut ankle boots have the same effect.

If you decide to wear shoes with ankle straps, then let them be nude in color so that they can blend with the leg and not “cut” it into pieces, thereby shortening it and making it thicker.

A shoe model that does not cover the arch of the foot will perfectly slim full ankles. The open toe of the shoe attracts attention and lengthens the leg.

Contrasting shoes take away a few centimeters of length and focus attention on full legs. If you want to show off in colored shoes, then let them match the color of the dress, then this will not add contrast and shorten your legs.

Low shoes that hug the ankle can accentuate full calves. But you also need to be careful with a wide boot. If your legs are very full, then the horizontal line of the boot will emphasize this. To avoid getting into trouble, wear such shoes with long dresses.

If you still need to wear a skirt just below the knee with low shoes, ankle boots or UGG boots, then be sure to wear such shoes with color-matched tights.

The ideal option for cold weather is knee-high boots, slightly covered with a skirt. They will create the longest vertical line possible. Mid-length boots and over the knee boots will make your legs look shorter and thicker.

Avoid various decorations on shoes: bows, flowers, large buckles. Don't draw unnecessary attention to your feet. Be careful with platform shoes, they weigh down your full legs and make them even bulkier.


You already know how to hide fat legs with dresses. Apply our advice and always be on top. And most importantly, love yourself as you are.

And to maintain your style, we advise you to go to our online store “Dresses Choose.rf” and treat yourself to new beautiful dresses.

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