Facebook building basic course with Evgenia Baglyk. Facial exercises from leading fitness trainers. Basic facial exercises

Exercises or fitness for the face is a special set of exercises aimed at tightening, rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the face and neck. Women at all times strive to prolong youth and preserve beauty. Our contemporary woman has a huge number of different helpers in caring for her facial skin. Let's look at the basics of facial exercises from leading fitness trainers.

Evgenia Baglyk “Facial Fitness” is the name of the author’s course, which is very popular among the fair sex and gives an amazing rejuvenating effect. Manufacturers of cosmetics offer various care products that have a beneficial effect on moisturizing and cleansing the skin, but specially designed gymnastics for the face and neck or fitness will help to cope with more complex problems associated with age-related weakening of facial muscle tone.

The main tasks of facial fitness:

  1. Getting rid of existing wrinkles and preventing their premature appearance.
  2. Getting rid of puffiness under the eyes.
  3. Increased elasticity and firmness of the zygomatic muscles.
  4. Elimination of double chin, sagging cheeks.
  5. Strengthening skin tone, improving complexion.
  6. Strengthening the neck muscles.
  7. Creating a beautiful facial contour.

The exercises are aimed at increasing the tone of the facial muscles by enriching the skin with oxygen and natural muscle function.

When performing exercises, Evgenia Baglyk recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. Gymnastics classes should be carried out regularly.
  2. For massage, use oils only with natural ingredients, without flavors or fragrances.
  3. The face and hands must be absolutely clean.
  4. Gymnastics and massage should not cause pain.
  5. To avoid exacerbation of skin diseases, before starting a fitness course, consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist is necessary.

Exercises and massage for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

  1. Warm up for the eyes. Intense blinking with maximum opening and closing of the eyes, without the participation of the eyebrows. Circular movements head several times in both directions.
  2. Gymnastics for the eyes. “Drawing” a vertical figure eight with your eyes in one direction and the other several times, the head remains motionless. Then draw the same circle with your eyes clockwise and back with maximum grip.
  3. Gymnastics for the upper part orbicularis muscle eyes. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, press the corners and close your eyes as tightly as possible and open them wide. Do this several times. The eyebrows remain motionless.
  4. Gymnastics for the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eyes. Press the corners of your eyes and, opening your eyes as much as possible, look at the top of the room, while simultaneously pulling up the lower part of the eyelid. The lower eyelid should be pulled up and down several times, while the eyes continue to look at the top of the room.
  5. Gymnastics to enlarge your eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible (bulge), hold for 15-20 seconds and relax your eyes. Repeat several times a day. The result will become noticeable within a week.

Gymnastics to improve the shape and raise the corners of the mouth

  1. Warm up. It is necessary to spank your lips several times, pronouncing the sound “P”. Continue the exercise 7-10 times with slightly relaxed lips.
  2. Exercises to enlarge and improve the shape of lips. Place your palms on both sides of the corners of your mouth, pressing your cheeks and corners of your lips tightly. Perform the “air kiss” exercise, fixing your cheeks and corners of your lips with your palms. The lips should not be strained too much; the upper part should not form a fold.
  3. Exercise to lift the corners of the mouth. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, try to slightly raise the corners of your mouth (without smiling). Fix with your fingers the place where the corners are raised, and then lift the corners with force, providing muscular resistance to your fingers. There should be a feeling of nodules under your fingers; the center of your lips should not tense.
  4. An exercise to improve the tone of the orbicularis oris muscle and smooth out wrinkles above the lips. You need to open your mouth into an oval and fix the corners with your fingers. You need to make a movement with your lips that imitates a fish (tighten your lips and release). It is necessary to work only with the upper and lower lips, without straining the muscles of the cheeks. There should be a feeling of muscle tension above and below the lips.

Gymnastics for smoothing the contour of the face, beautiful cheekbones

  1. Exercises to improve the tone of the cheek muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into an “O” shape. Straightened index fingers must be placed in the mouth over the entire lower row of teeth. By tensing and retracting your cheeks, move your fingers to the center. Move and release several times, tensing only the muscles of the cheeks, the lips are not involved. To prevent nasolabial folds from appearing, it is necessary to slightly stretch upper lip.
  2. Exercises to train the zygomatic muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into the letter “O”. Place straightened index fingers under the upper lip at an angle of 45 degrees. Use the muscles of the upper lip to press and lower your fingers. The tension in the area around the nose should be well felt. Repeat several times and relax the muscle of the upper lip through the usual inflation of air.
  3. Exercise for the zygomatic major muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into an “O” shape. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, using the force of the zygomaticus major muscle, you need to pull the muscles up to the eyes and lower them. This can be done by pronouncing the short letter “O” or feigning a feeling of disgust (wrinkling your forehead and the crease between your eyes). In this exercise, the corners of the mouth are not worked.

With a serious approach and regular facial fitness exercises, a positive result will be noticeable within a week.

Face culture from Galina Dubinina

Any woman dreams of prolonging her youth as much as possible. Every woman, regardless of age, can feel the effect of facial fitness with Galina Dubinina. All it takes is a little time and patience. Facial fitness is gaining popularity as a safe and effective method maintaining youth and attractiveness. Facial gymnastics includes a set of exercises for each problem area.

As you know, the reason for facial aging lies in sagging muscle corset. With age, muscles lose tone and elasticity, causing sagging eyelids, cheeks and chin. Few ladies want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In order to look younger, they resort to a set of exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Exercises for a tight and smooth face

Facial gymnastics, performed for 10-15 minutes a day, will give a unique effect in just 2-3 weeks. You can see how the skin tightens, fine wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smoother. Regular implementation of simple procedures will be the key to a youthful face.

  1. Removing wrinkles on the forehead. Place the index fingers of both hands on the eyebrows, hugging the fingers and pressing them tightly. Palms are placed on the temples. Pressing your fingers tightly to your forehead, you should try to raise your eyebrows, as if in surprise. Eyebrows should be raised smoothly, without sudden movements. Do the exercise until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of your forehead. It is worth increasing the number of approaches gradually. For starters, 5 times for 8 seconds will be enough.
  2. We remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Place the middle finger of each hand at the beginning of the eyebrow. Place your index fingers a little higher. In this position, we begin to wrinkle our eyebrows. The fingers are positioned strictly one above the other. We perform the first 2 approaches slowly. And 2 more approaches - quickly.
  3. We remove the border between the cheek and the eye. You should relax your face, neck and shoulders. We blink widely and often. Next, we make an oval with our mouth, roll our eyes up and blink widely. We devote 8 seconds to this exercise, do 4 approaches.
  4. Removing the double chin. Top part the face is relaxed. We try to reach the nose with the tip of the tongue. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can lightly press the upper lip with the tip of your tongue. We perform this exercise for 8 seconds, do 2 approaches.
  5. Getting rid of sagging chin. We prop up the jaw with our fist and try to open it. Every time we try to press our chin onto our fist. Overcome resistance for 8 seconds. Do 3 sets slowly and 3 sets quickly.
  6. We tighten the chin. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and chin. Using the middle of the tongue, press on the upper palate. If you look at yourself in the mirror during the exercise, you can see how your chin tightens. We perform 2 approaches for 4 seconds slowly and at a fast pace for the same amount.
  7. We tighten our cheeks. This exercise trains the zygomatic muscles. We smile widely, raising the corners of our lips. If folds form under the eyes, you should press your upper lip to your teeth and smile in this position of your lips, allowing the corners to rise. This exercise should be done for 8 seconds, 2 slow and fast approaches.
  8. Raise your upper lip. We smile, showing our upper teeth. Let's feel the tension in the upper part of the cheeks. After this, we stretch our mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, leaving tension. Next, we raise our cheeks and blink. Performed in 4 sets of 8 seconds.

Facebook building: beautiful eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear earlier than all others and very well reveal a woman’s age. Thanks to Galina Dubinina's exercises, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and make your eyes radiant.

We tighten the upper eyelid. You should open your eyes as wide as possible. After this, four fingers of each hand, except the thumb, should be placed on the forehead. So that the little fingers touch the eyebrows. With tension, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible and raise our eyebrows as high as possible. Next, open and close the upper eyelid. The tension remains. About 5 approaches of 4 seconds are done to fix the open and closed eyelids.

Removing bags under the eyes. We place our index fingers at the outer corner of the eye, and the middle fingers at the inner corner on the bridge of the nose. In this position, you should squint as hard as possible, raising the lower eyelid. This exercise is performed for 10 seconds, 2 approaches. Next, we leave our fingers in the same position, and our eyes look at the ceiling. Raise the lower eyelid first at a fast pace, then at a slow pace for 8 seconds. Then we do the same exercises, but with our eyes closed.

Like this simple gymnastics for the face will help you look younger and get rid of wrinkles.

It does not take much time and does not require costs. Galina Dubinina's facial fitness is the best alternative to facial plastic surgery.

Facebook building - facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio

Gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio also refers to facebuilding (Facebuilding is a literal translation from English - face building).

The worldwide popularity of the set of exercises is explained by its high efficiency. Facebuilding is considered an excellent alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. When performing gymnastics Carol Maggio works 57 facial muscles. Thanks to the use of exercises, it became possible to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of the oval contour of the face;
  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • raising the eyelids;
  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • alignment of nasolabial folds;
  • increase in lip volume;
  • raising the corners of the mouth;
  • skin elasticity;
  • narrowing and shortening of the nose.

Before starting the exercises, you need to identify problem areas for yourself and pay closer attention to working on them.

The main goal of face building is to reduce the signs of aging and create beautiful facial contours.

Freshness and elasticity of the skin is possible at any age, provided that the complex is followed taking into account all the author’s recommendations. After all, for proper anti-aging care, it is not enough to just have a beautiful, toned body. Achieving harmony in appearance is possible through a combination of correction methods for both the face and body.

Carol Maggio, a practicing cosmetologist from America, has been studying age-related changes in women's faces for many years on herself and on her clients. Avoiding anti-wrinkle injections and surgery became possible thanks to her recommendations.

Effectiveness is achieved by performing exercises for 11 minutes twice a day at least 5 times a week. To achieve a lasting effect, facial exercises must be performed for about 6-8 weeks.

To track the results, the author of the set of exercises suggests taking photographs of your face from different angles before starting training. After 10 days, you need to take the same photographs and compare the results. The cosmetologist is convinced that regular classes will definitely give visible results.

In order to quickly achieve the desired improvements, an express complex is provided for convenient execution in the car or at work.

There is also an enhanced complex of 9 exercises of increased complexity. To avoid unwanted results and facial deformations, it is not recommended to use it without first mastering it. entry level, as well as without watching video lessons.

Gymnastics at home

Many face-building instructors use Carol Maggio's recommendations as the basis for their training. Changing the proportions and contours of the face is possible subject to regular loads on certain muscle groups.

Achievement at home visible results became possible after a cosmetologist wrote a book with detailed description exercises and other recommendations. There are video lessons on the use of gymnastics. Studying materials with step-by-step instructions will allow you to rejuvenate and improve the condition of your facial skin without outside help.

Regular training can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the following signs of skin aging:

  • sagging chin;
  • sagging skin in the neck area;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • changing the shape of the nose;
  • wrinkled lips.

Don't underestimate the role of home face building. Every well-groomed woman can create a beautiful face at home to complete her look. The author's technique provides for the work of even the smallest facial muscles, taking into account age-related changes in the skin. Gymnastics from a practicing cosmetologist will help you effectively resist aging without surgical intervention.

How to look younger with the help of Facebook building? Simple exercises that will help tighten your face and get rid of a double chin and overly plump cheeks.

A woman of any age wants to look even younger than she is. Helps with this proper nutrition, physical activity, positive thinking, and also Facebook building.

Joined him in Lately there are a lot of ladies whose age exceeds 35-40 years. In this article we will tell you what face building is, and also tell you about its benefits for female beauty. We will tell you what exercises you need to do for a particular area of ​​the face where wrinkles have formed or are about to appear. You will find here not only descriptions of exercises, but also video lessons on Facebook building. We will also provide photographs of women before and after active Facebook building activities.

Facebook building is the essence

If we translate face-building literally, we get “face building.” So it is, face building is special exercises for the facial muscles, with the help of which you can achieve good tone and correct some flaws. Among other things, with the help of specialized facial gymnastics you can significantly tighten the skin. This may surprise you, but training your facial muscles can also help you lose weight.

It turns out that everything in this matter is exactly the same as with our body. If we actively work out in the gym, we lose weight and the skin of our body noticeably tightens. As soon as classes end and you become too lazy to work on your body, the lost pounds gradually return, and the skin begins to sag. Also with your face, you can’t give up face-building for a long time so that new wrinkles don’t settle on your face. No wonder they say that a woman’s body is comparable to a flower bed. While you are taking care of the flowers, they delight you with their beauty, but as soon as you forget about the flower bed, the flowers fade.

You will look younger and healthier if you take care of your face every day. During such training, the skin of the face fills with a blush, which becomes very noticeable to others. If you start doing facebuilding regularly. you will notice that skin aging has stopped. People around you may notice that your facial skin has become 5-10 years younger.

If you have, so to speak, a double chin, then you can deal with it with the help of face building. In other words, face building not only helps your face look younger, but also helps you lose weight. There are also sets of exercises for excessively thick cheeks.

Facebook building before and after photos

We will present to your attention photographs of women who have tried and understood from their own experience what Facebook building is.

All these mesotherapy, rejuvenating miracle mixtures, facial plastic surgery and so on are alien to them. They can look young only due to the fact that they regularly perform exercises aimed at working the facial muscles.

All you need is a great desire to look young, as well as diligence. There is no place for lazy people in Facebook building, just like there is in body fitness.

How long do you need to do Facebook building to get results?

If you simply do not want to grow old early and want to prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles on your face, then do exercises for the facial muscles for at least 5 minutes a day, but every day. After just a couple of weeks, you will notice that your skin begins to look healthier, even the circles under your eyes, which previously showed your fatigue and age, have disappeared.

If you are not yet 40 years old, but the first wrinkles have already begun to attack, then you need to repeat the gymnastics every day, for 10-15 minutes. As soon as it drops free time, so immediately grab onto building your beautiful face and prolonging its youth. Do the most basic exercises aimed at removing age-related changes in problem areas of the face, and this will already be a very big contribution to your youth and beauty.

If you are already 50 years old, then you need more time to take care of yourself, including your face. Spend 15-20 minutes a day on face-building, and within a month or two you will notice that wrinkles have become noticeably less pronounced, and the oval of your face itself has significantly tightened. If you had a double chin, then by now there should be no trace of it left, just like your chubby cheeks.

Face building exercise video

The videos contain the most common exercises that every woman who has already developed wrinkles in problem areas of the face should do. If you want to transform your appearance, start with your face.

After 40, and especially after 50 years, the face requires a facelift, and for this it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of plastic surgeons. All in your hands. Repeat the exercises described in the video and look younger every day and hour.

Facebook building after 50 years

When age already affects a woman’s face quite clearly, and this happens after 50 years, and sometimes even earlier, you urgently need to start working on yourself. A woman over 50 years old is advised to engage in Facebook building for at least 20-25 minutes a day. You can divide this time into 2 intervals. For example, you can exercise in the morning for 10 minutes and in the evening after washing off your makeup for 15 minutes.

The most problematic areas on the face in women over 50 years of age are the nasolabial triangle, as well as the eye and forehead area. It is these areas that your exercises should be aimed at to improve tone. We will talk about all of them below in this article. You will be provided with both video instructions on face-building exercises and pictures depicting women in the process of doing exercises for the facial muscles.

The most popular exercises for the face of Evgenia Baglyk with pictures

Evgenia Baglyk is a fitness trainer. She has long been interested in not only building the body, but also the face. Evgenia, together with plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, conducted a lot of research and developed a special program for facial construction. Evgenia even published a book on Facebook building. You can also find many videos on the Internet where she shows how to perform the exercises correctly.

Evgenia herself does facial fitness, so she looks simply gorgeous. We provided a photo of her at a young age and at this time. As you can see, the differences on the face are not visible at all. By the way, we also found a photo of Evgenia with her mother, who also works on her own face using the same technique and does not want to succumb to age. These two women look like sisters or girlfriends. It is impossible to say about them that they are mother and daughter, surprisingly.

The most popular exercises for facial muscles from Evgenia Baglyk are collected in one video clip, which we also present to your attention in our article.

Note that Evgenia advises not only to engage in face-building in order to prolong youth, but also to move actively, think only about the good, and eat only natural and high-quality products.

A well-known fitness trainer recommends starting to build your face at the age of 25-30. When the first wrinkles, including facial wrinkles, begin to appear.

Usually the eyes, cheekbones and nasolabial triangle require the most attention and diligent training.

Face building reviews

We have collected several reviews about Facebook building from several sites and present them to your attention.

Sveta, 48 years old: “I noticed that I had a lot of wrinkles already at the age of 40. Then I began to scour the Internet in search of tightening masks and rejuvenating elixirs. I found out that you can use simple exercises correct age marks on the face. I started doing these exercises, and after a month I noticed that there were significantly fewer wrinkles. Now I continue to do face-building and look younger, 10 years, as others tell me!”

Galina, 37 years old: “With the help of Facebook building, I was able to tighten up the overall oval of my face, and also got rid of my rather annoying double chin. I also didn’t like my thick cheeks, so I started doing exercises aimed at burning fat in this area. By the way, it only took me 10 minutes a day to do this. In the mornings and evenings, for 5 minutes, I simply tirelessly pronounced the letters A, O, U and Y, opening my mouth wide. Such simple gymnastics helped me get rid of the hated cheeks.”

Yulia, 25 years old: “I have one bad habit - frowning. I recently noticed that I already have a wrinkle between my eyebrows. I watched several videos about face-building on the Internet and learned how to do exercises aimed at removing wrinkles. For 3 weeks now I have been trying hard to remove this wrinkle between the eyebrows and you know. She is almost invisible now. I hope that in a week there won’t be a trace of her left.”

As you can see, the reviews about Facebook building are very positive and impressive. They make you think that you urgently need to follow the example of women and also do facial exercises.

Facebuilding nasolabial folds

To get rid of wrinkles specifically in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, it is enough to devote 5 minutes a day to a simple exercise.

First you need to open your mouth so that your lips form an oval. Then you need to mentally highlight the middle of the upper and lower lip and open your mouth so that these middles stretch. In this case, the mouth should form an even oval.

Then you need to put your index fingers on the nasolabial folds and move your fingers up and down, gradually speeding up the move. As a result of this exercise, you should feel a strong burning sensation in the nasolabial triangle.

If you notice that the corners of your mouth are drooping, you can also lift them up by resorting to face-building. Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips and press them. Tighten your lips, making a small smile. Feel the tension in the corners of your lips. Repeat the exercise first 10-15 times. After several weeks of training, the number of repetitions should gradually increase to 30.

Facebook building for the eyes

If you want to remove wrinkles in the eye area and make the skin of the eyelids more toned, then perform exercises aimed at increasing muscle tone in this area. Spend at least 5 minutes a day doing eye exercises.

For example, you can do one simple exercise every day. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyelids and your middle fingers on the inner corners. Apply gentle pressure to the skin, but do not overdo it. Look up and squint as hard as possible. Then relax your eyelids and open them wide. When relaxing, you can look anywhere.

The described exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower eyelid. Now it's time to strengthen the upper eyelid. To do this, place your ring fingers above your eyebrows and press them. Then begin to close your eyes and you will feel the upper eyelid muscle tighten. Repeat the exercise 15 times first, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20-30.

Facebook building double chin

If you are suffering from a double chin, then don’t worry, you can deal with it through face-building exercises. If your chin is small or you simply don’t want it to appear, then simple pats will help. Every morning, pat the bottom of your chin with the back of your hand, and this will be enough.

If your chin is already too big, another exercise will help. Sit up straight and smile a little. In this case, your lips should be closed, and your teeth should not be visible. Then lightly clasp your neck with your hands and lift your head up, feel the stretching of the neck muscles. Repeat this exercise five times for the first time, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20 at a time.

Facebuilding for oval faces

To tighten the entire oval of the face, there is also a certain series of exercises. We will describe the most effective of them to you. So, you need to roll your bottom lip back so that it covers your bottom row of teeth. Place your index finger on your chin. Pull the corners of your lips back, and then begin to slowly open and close your jaw.

Your chin will move out about an inch after each movement. When your chin is in the upper position, stay in this position for 20 seconds.

Face building for the forehead

Longitudinal wrinkles often form on the forehead of women with age. You can easily get rid of them using the same Facebook building. Only the exercises need to be performed with enviable regularity in order to achieve the desired effect as quickly as possible and fix it.

So, place your palms on your forehead so that your ring fingers rest on your eyebrows. The index and middle fingers will be positioned slightly higher. Now start raising your eyebrows. If there were no fingers on your forehead, then folds would form during such a movement. Repeat the exercise 10 times to start, and over time increase the number of repetitions to 20-30.

Often, deep wrinkles can also be found on women’s foreheads, or rather between their eyebrows. They occur not only in women over 40, but also in young girls who often frown. They can also be removed with exercise. Press your index fingers to your eyebrows and try to move your eyebrows without using your hands. You will feel your fingers offering resistance. It is enough to perform this exercise for 3-5 minutes a day. Start with a couple of minutes and gradually increase the duration of the session to 5 minutes.

Facebuilding cheeks and cheekbones

You can often find women with sunken eyes. With age, the skin of the face sags, but this can and should be fought. If you want to lift your cheeks and make your cheekbones more pronounced, then one simple exercise will help you with this.

Mentally mark a central point on your upper and lower lips and open your mouth so that both of these points are stretched. Your mouth should form an even oval. Similarly, we have already recommended the mouth in the exercise for the nasolabial triangle.

So, you have opened your mouth correctly, now place your fingers on the upper parts of your cheeks. Try to smile. Feel the tension in your cheeks under your eyelids. Do 20 reps. Every day try to increase the number of repetitions by 1-2 times.

After active face-building, it would be good to lubricate your facial skin with a cream with a lifting effect. The skin will be warmed up after exercise, which will facilitate deeper penetration of the cream. This will allow the substances in your cream to have the most beneficial effect on the skin and significantly tighten it. Don’t give in to age-related changes and work on yourself every day, then you will be able to look much younger than your age!

Now you know everything about the most effective exercises used for face rejuvenation and tightening. You also learned how to help lose weight in a certain area of ​​the face. Take care not only of the beauty of your body, but also devote time to your facial muscles to look young at any age.

Botox injections, contouring, laser therapy, facelift... Many women over 30 have to become familiar with these cosmetic procedures. Time flies inexorably, leaving its imprint on the delicate skin of the face. But how you want to preserve your natural youth and beauty! Plastic surgery is one of the fastest and effective methods fight against age-related changes. But this pleasure does not come cheap. What to do if the family budget does not allow you to spend a lot of money on surgical or cosmetic surgery? It's very simple: do Facebook building. Don't forget that the face, like the rest of the body, also has muscles. And if you keep them in good shape, you can say goodbye to early aging. Fitness trainer Evgenia Baglyk offers an effective method of facial gymnastics.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk

Kiev resident Evgeniya Baglyk with in a healthy way life has always been on first name terms. For many years she worked as a trainer in one of the capital's fitness clubs, helping girls stay in shape. One day Evgenia overheard a conversation between her regular clients. Two women aged 25–30 complained to each other that this month they spent almost half their salary on correcting wrinkles on their faces. And then the coach came up with an original idea: why not fight age-related changes on the face with the same methods as on the body. That is, using a special system of exercises.

Evgenia began to collect bit by bit information about gymnastics for the face. She studied the anatomy of the skull, the location of bones, muscles and nerve endings, tested on herself a huge number of existing techniques and, as a result, developed her own face-building system. The first “test subjects” were the author and her close friends, whom Evgenia asked to participate in the experiment. When, after a few months, women saw amazing results, Baglyk patented her method and began to bring it “to the masses.”

Advantages of the technique

Evgenia Baglyk’s technique has many advantages:

  • Firstly, anyone can find her exercise course on the Internet and take it for free.
  • Secondly, facial gymnastics is universal. It is suitable for both women and men. After all, the strong half of humanity sometimes cares about their appearance no less than women.
  • Thirdly, face building allows you to get rid of both small, just emerging defects, and serious shortcomings. All you need is your desire and a responsible approach to the course of exercises.

What effect can you get?

By practicing Evgenia Baglyk’s method regularly, you can:

  • “erase” several years from your face at once without surgical intervention;
  • make lips plumper without injections;
  • say goodbye to double chin;
  • remove wrinkles from the forehead, around the lips and eyes;
  • reduce the depth of nasolabial folds;
  • “outline” cheekbones;
  • tone the facial muscles;
  • smooth out bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion by stimulating blood flow.

Indications and contraindications

Anyone who wants to correct their appearance without resorting to plastic surgery or the services of a cosmetologist can engage in Facebook building. But this simple gymnastics still has a number of limitations.

Face building is contraindicated for people who have undergone plastic surgery in the last two years, those who have diseases of the facial nerve, as well as hypertensive patients. In these cases, additional consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Women and men over 40 may lack the natural muscle strength to completely remove wrinkles. Therefore, an important condition for obtaining maximum effect from gymnastics are sufficient rest and good sleep.

The main rules of Facebook building

You don’t need to prepare in any special way for face-building activities. Since only the face “works”, and the rest of the body rests, the overall physical training not important.

Spend time doing facial exercises every day. Don't be lazy and don't skip classes. Even in a busy work schedule, you can “carve out” 15 minutes for your loved one. Beginners are advised to start with six repetitions of each exercise. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing up to twenty.

All exercises in this course require the active participation of your hands (namely fingers). They will need to hold the skin on the forehead so that only the muscles are trained. If you ignore this rule, the wrinkles will not disappear, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable and deeper.

You can do the exercises at any time. But if you want to get the desired effect faster, do them in the evening, before going to bed. First, wash your face thoroughly with a scrub and wipe your face with a cleansing tonic. When you start doing gymnastics, listen to your body’s reaction. If you did everything correctly, you will feel a slight burning sensation. Do not forget to periodically relax your facial muscles: exhale through closed lips (so that they vibrate slightly). At the end of the session, moisturize your face with serum or cream.

Video: how to perform face-building exercises

Basic exercises for different facial muscles

Let's move from words to action! Have you already determined which part of your beautiful face requires correction? Then don’t put off starting a beauty course from Evgenia Baglyk and remember simple exercises.

Video: the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk

Find more videos from Evgenia Baglyk on how to make your lips plump, “tighten” your cheeks and cheekbones, and remove a double chin on the official channel of the author of the technique on YouTube -.

5 (100%) 3 votes

Today we are working on a very important area - the center of the face. The overall shape of your face and how well it holds up or how much it begins to float and fall depends on the tone of the muscles in this part. We will form the contour itself and correct the nasolabial area.

Exercises for the central part of the face


This is very important exercise. We work the zygomatic muscles in order to form beautiful apples of the cheeks, so that there is more at the top than at the bottom, that is, an inverted triangle, not the other way around, when everything goes down. Well-developed zygomatic muscles hold our face together like a frame; they do not allow us to droop. Also, if one of the zygomatic muscles works less, pronounced pain may appear.

The first thing is to elongate the mouth into an oval. It's yours starting position. You should get used to it right away, don’t let the corners move to the sides. We will press on. Many people now won’t succeed the first time - that’s normal. In everyday life, your muscles don't work this way, so it may take you a while to get a feel for them.

What can you do to feel it faster? Try to grimace as if you smelled an unpleasant odor or you don’t like something, that is, you push this part up.

The task is to raise the central zone: do not squint under the eyes, but raise the cheekbones upward. You can smile, as if you are laughing very hard, so that this zone shrinks, wink, as if you are winking at someone in an exaggerated manner. Getting these areas moving is our goal.

After you have tried these methods, again make an oval with your mouth and try to make the same gesture out of the oval. And now we will fix this position, because our nasolabial part moves one way or another, no matter how hard we hold our mouth, we will fix it and do exercises on the cheekbones. It is important that the eyes do not become involved and that the mouth remains in place.

Please note that our hands are always in only one position. Ring fingers under the nostrils, middle and index fingers near the nose. And make sure that your jaw is not open as much as possible, because your joints will become stiff. You are not pulling the oval down, but forward, that is, my jaw is not lowered to the maximum. This was the first exercise. After training the cheekbones, let's move on to the next one.


Next we will do exercises on the fangs. Why are these muscles important? They are wide enough, they go underneath the eyes, they will support the middle part so that it does not fall down. If someone has a nasolabial spasm, this will help make a softer transition, and we will also be able to form the contour of the lip.

We make such a wide grin, trying to open our fangs, as if you were a vampire. One client of mine said that this is the grin of a vampire. The task is to open the front teeth at least up to the canines, up to the fourth. First you just tried it, now we will fix it with our hands.

We place our fingers diagonally: ring and middle. The nameless one is somewhere above the lip, the middle one is a little higher. We squeeze very tightly and do the same as in the previous exercise. That is, your movement will stop here, it will not go higher than that, under your eyes.

It is important that the corners of the mouth are not included. We don’t work with the corners of the mouth, we lift the center, that is, as if the threads are pulling you upward from the lip. So that this part does not rise above your finger, because this will mean that you are not holding it, and you will create a very risky crease for yourself.
The movement stops here, but you should feel the tension from the lip and above, you should feel your cheekbones, or rather fangs, tightening. Two.


Now we are doing cheek exercises. Their tone is needed to support the lower third of the face. The cheek muscle also does not work practically in everyday life, so, naturally, it very quickly becomes flabby, jowls begin to appear, and the contour of the face floats.

As in previous exercises, we stretch our mouth into an oval; we already know how to do this. From this position we will try to press our cheeks onto our fingers, which will act as a simulator. That is, we retract our cheeks. We will place the index and middle fingers behind the cheek, without opening the mouth, without pressing the fingers: the fingers are even along the cheek. The only thing is that you must move your fingers so that you immediately feel your cheek, so that it is not located separately somewhere. And from this position we will try. Fingers in tension are your simulators, and you press with your cheeks.

Notice how my cheeks go inward. You should have the same amplitude, that is, the cheek goes away and blows out, goes away and blows out. It is very important! This will indicate that your muscle is working fully.

What's important here? Keep your mouth in an oval. If you do it like this, you will create a very large room for yourself. You can try saying “o” at the moment when you press your cheeks.
Say “o-o-o-o-o”, that is, due to this “o” you seem to be planning a movement for yourself. When you succeed, you will place your thumbs across the nasolabial line. For what? In order to further protect yourself and keep the nasolabial area so that it does not fidget with you.

Let's do it a few more times. Try not to move your jaw too far down, because then your joint will become stiff, and you won’t be able to strain your cheeks, that is, your jaw is a little lower.
The main thing is to pull your mouth forward and press with your cheeks, namely with your cheek muscles. After the exercise, inflate your right and left cheek now, blow through your lips. The vibration should be strong.

Statics for the nasolabial area

And the last exercise - we do static exercises in order to align the nasolabial area. This is a mimic zone for us. All the muscles of the center are very tightly squeezed and spasm. Make a face, somehow do these things, for example, you strain very hard here, purse your lips - all this, by the way, needs to be eliminated, that is, you must control your mouth, carefully monitor what is happening, and stop moving it in vain. This means when you don’t talk, don’t express emotions, but move this part.

To relieve the spasm, we stretch our mouth into an oval, an even, beautiful oval, as we did for the cheeks and cheekbones. The chin should not curl, and the corners of the mouth should move forward. The entire nasolabial area should be completely smoothed. You extend and stay there for 10 seconds. Let's try, I'll tell you, and relax.

We must strive to ensure that the shape of the lips is truly like the ideal “o”. Anyone who can unclench their muscles can do this, that is, if you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that you have such physiology, it happens because your muscles are just in spasm. You have to try until you succeed. Let's do it again and relax.

At first you may feel uncomfortable, your lip may tremble, tension here may not go away, or your jaw may become stiff. When all your spasms go away, you will be absolutely comfortable with this state, this position.

Let's agree this way: you do this exercise 5 times a day, 3 times for 10 seconds, that is, one approach, a second approach, a third approach 5 times a day. This takes a minimum of time, but you will constantly relieve the spasm here, and you will get a beautiful oval.

Try to do it efficiently, a lot depends on the correct execution of the exercises.

Facebuilding trainer Evgenia Baglyk

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.