Figure skating championship of 4 continents. Four Continents Championship. Men's single skating

    Four Continents Championship

    Four Continents Figure Skating Championships- The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships is an annual figure skating competition. It was conceived as an analogue of the European Championship for non-European countries. Four continents in the name ... ... Wikipedia

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Today I woke up at six in the morning from the annoying sounding name in my brain - Rockney Brubaker. Why the hell did this name pop up in my memory, I don’t know, but my gut, remembering that Rockney is an American, rushed towards the victory of the American. Oh shit, the dude was right.

Having completed 5 quads and riding at full speed, Nathan entered the glorious club of those who are over three hundred. And that's all.
True, before that, the content has changed beyond recognition. free program Yuzuru Hanyu. The fact is that during training in Pyeongchang, Yuzuru decided to leave his sworn friend of the Salchow quad, which has already brought Yuzuru a lot of grief, remember at least the last Olympics. And he did not go to his training, even if you crack. Yuzuru pulled his soul out of himself by jumping it at the very beginning, following the loop quad, but entering it in the second part of the program, where the salchow quad was paired with a triple sheepskin coat, Yuzuru opened up on two turns and added an oiler to them. Then he abruptly changed his mind and went to be weird. The wonders of the variation are familiar to fans of Yuzuru firsthand. Yuzuru periodically cut cascades in such a way that people began to blink and demand repetition. This time we were waiting for the classic trixel with a triple sheepskin coat, a quad sheepskin coat, a quad sheepskin coat with a double sheepskin coat and a snack trixel. After the rental, he once again bent his fingers and counted his achievements in the field of improvisation. However, the price of victory was not even in the double salchow. She was paid for by the cascade's failure short program. It was possible to win back this failure only by the impeccable execution of the planned content in the free program. The Salchow dog ruined the whole plan. Now this dog will become Yuzuru's favorite in the diet, now he will feed salchows with his bones even more often. *fun swearing emoticon*
Shoma Uno made a couple of mistakes, and also jumped a quad ritt at the very beginning of the rental, and he jumped even a little better than Yuzuru. In short, the Japanese gave up the final places in a brotherly way. On the pedestal they again tried to "play a wedding", laughed merrily.
Fun fact: Yuzuru is already a three-time ChChK silver medalist. He wanted gold this time, but he only has a small amount of gold - for PP. And that's candy.
Fun fact from the scoresheets: Nathan jumped an extra double toe loop in the combination. Did the infection creep from Medvedeva, or what?

Boyan did not light something, they say, due to growing up and expanding. Well, the devil knows. Patrick was wrong. Han Yan has such a great CP- and the PP is some kind of nightmarish, and he rolls it the same way. Jason Brown, they say, came with a stress fracture (Kazakh TV), so there were no quads. I don’t remember what I rolled, I was horrified by the expectation of tops. Well, some of the tops are weird. Damn you, Rockney Brubaker! *cheshire smiley*

The World Championship this year will be held in Helsinki. Let's see how Europe will judge our beauties. To be honest, it doesn't really solve anything. The most important thing will begin to happen exactly with the start of the Grand Prix series of the next season, which we have pre-Olympic. According to my observations, the judges this season are repaying some old debts, and the real Hell and Israel will only begin next season. So we divide all the victories by two and subtract the alimony.

Four Continents Figure Skating Championships 2018 (eng. 2018 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships) - figure skating competition among athletes from America, Asia, Africa and Australia with Oceania. The tournament will be held from January 22 to 28, 2018 in the capital of island China, Taipei. Taipei will host the championship for the fourth time, which is a record for the tournament. Medals will be awarded in men's and women's single skating, pair skating and ice dancing.

List of participants

Many world figure skating leaders have chosen to purposefully prepare for the Winter Olympic Games, which will begin just 2 weeks after the end of the Four Continents Championships. Therefore, the composition of the tournament turned out to be somewhat weakened. Of last year's winners, only Japan's Mai Mihara will defend her title. At the end of December, information appeared that the leading Japanese singles skater Yuzuru Hanyu would not be able to take part in continental championship due to injury. A week before the start, all Chinese greenhouses took off: Sui Wenjing and Han Cong, as well as Peng Cheng and Jin Yang.

After numerous failures, the strongest squad turned out in the men's and women's singles. Among the most notable skaters, the participants of the Four Continents Championships - 2018 were the following:

Men's single skating

  • Kevin Reynolds (Canada)
  • Nam Nguyen (Canada)
  • Jin Boyang (China)
  • Shoma Uno (Japan)
  • Keiji Tanaka (Japan)
  • Denis Ten (Kazakhstan)
  • Misha Ge (Uzbekistan)
  • Jason Brown (USA)
  • Max Aaron (USA)

Women's Singles

  • Mai Mihara (Japan)
  • Satoko Miyahara (Japan)
  • Kaori Sakamoto (Japan)
  • Elizabeth Tursynbayeva (Kazakhstan)
  • Choi Da Bin (Korea)
  • Mariah Bell (USA)


Live broadcasts of the Four Continents Championship will be available on the following resources:

ISU Skating Channel

click on the banner to go to the broadcast

Results of performances in the championship of 4 continents

Women. Short program

Men. Short program

Couples. free program

Dancing. free dance

Women. free program

Men. Free program

Competition schedule (Moscow time)

Perhaps the most high-profile event of the Four Continents Tournament, which ended in Seoul, was the victory in the men's singles tournament of Kazakhstani a Ten. This is the first big title in the career of the 21-year-old figure skater. But the most important thing is not even that.

The bronze medalist of the Sochi Olympics received an astronomical amount of points for his performance: 97.61 for the short program, 191.85 for the free program and 289.46 in total.

To date, this is the best result of the season in the world. Denis exceeded the result by more than a point Olympic champion Sochi Yuzuru Hanyu, shown at the final of the Grand Prix series in Barcelona, ​​where Ten did not make it at all. The Japanese himself missed the Four Continents Tournament, because immediately after the Japanese Championship he went to the hospital and underwent surgery.

The assessment of the Kazakh figure skater is explained simply. In his free program, Ten perfectly completed two quadruple jumps, receiving a large bonus for the quality of performance for them, as well as for most of the other elements. And if it weren’t for a blot on the road from the triple axel, his technical score could have been even higher.

In addition, Denis had five jumps in the second half of the program (an additional increase in points is required for this), and all non-jumping elements of his free program were rated at the highest, fourth level of complexity. And, of course, one cannot fail to note the extremely generous points for the components of the program, among which there were two "tens" for choreography and interpretation.

Ten has demonstrated a similar trick more than once in recent years. Giving out not the most impressive first half of the season, after the New Year he changed and brought himself to the main starts of the year in great shape, demonstrating absolutely amazing skating there. And as a result, a guy from a country that is not the most authoritative in this sport, from whom they don’t expect much, made his way to the pedestals of the World Cup and Olympic Games bypassing much more serious-looking contenders.

Moreover, many experts agree that, if not for his not the highest status in the eyes of the judges, Ten could have won his first major international title much earlier than Seoul.

Now we can confidently say that there is more one serious contender for the crown at the March World Championships in Shanghai.

Another important from the point of view of the struggle for world domination in figure skating the event of the tournament was the second consecutive victory of Caitlin's Canadians and Madison Chock's Americans in the dancers' competition.

In December, the representatives of the Maple Leaf Country had already secured first place in the Grand Prix finals, and they did it with an unexpectedly large advantage. Although the Canadians have a more solid experience of performing in the elite and loudly declared themselves back in the 2011/12 season with their unforgettable free dance Je sius malade, before the start of the season, both duets were perceived more as equals. And at the stages of the Grand Prix, the Americans even had a distance advantage.

In Seoul, Chok and Bates managed to take one round from their opponents: it was the students who won the short dance.

But in the free dance, the arbitrators gave preference to Weaver and Pozhe, whose advantage was made up of higher allowances for the quality of the elements and slightly higher marks for the components. Apparently, on the eve of the World Cup, the spectacular Canadians got some advantage. However, in Shanghai, Weaver and Pozhe will have to fight not only with the Americans, but also with the applicant from Europe - the French and.

In women's single skating at the Four Continents Tournament, a young American with Russian roots, Polina Edmund, won. And the main favorites of the current season, Canadians and predictably won against sports couples. True, the rental itself is the most difficult free program The latter turned out to be far from perfect.

Another significant event of the week in figure skating is not related to the Four Continents Tournament, but it is impossible not to mention it. At the tournament in Obersdorf, for the first time, she tried to perform a triple axel jump, unique for women's single skating, under competition conditions.

Apparently, the skater and her coach needed the start in Germany precisely as a trial ground: for the first time to go out with a triple axel right at the World Championships, given the competition from other Russians, it would be too risky. It is no coincidence that Tuktamysheva withdrew from the free program in Obersdorf.

The attempt turned out to be very close to success: the figure skater seemed to easily unscrew the required number of revolutions, but she stumbled on the exit and fell.

Nevertheless, despite the failure, Elizabeth lost relatively little on this and other elements, gaining a decent 66.75 points for her short program. Three deduction points for the quality of the axel, a penalty point for a fall, a minus for a blot on the cascade and far from the most generous components of the program went to minus Tuktamysheva (the average score for none of them exceeded eight points).

Thus, the question of whether to do a triple Axel at the World Championships will most likely remain open for now. 67 points in the short program to fight for first place with friends in the Russian national team, most likely, is not enough. On the other hand, it was not the first time that Tuktamysheva successfully performed this jump at a training session in Obersdorf, and this time in a cascade with a double sheepskin coat.

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed on Figure Skating.

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