Physical exercises as the main means of physical education. Definition of Exercise What is Physical Exercise?

Physical exercise - these are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing

tion of the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental work), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

Word exercise denotes the directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the method of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other, as a process of repeated repetition.

The effect of physical exercise is determined primarily by its content. The content of physical exercises is a set of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise(physiological changes in the body, degree of manifestation physical qualities and so on.).

Health value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional changes in the body, which is reflected in improved health indicators and in many cases has a therapeutic effect.

The health benefits of physical exercise are especially important for hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By selecting the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases it is decreased.

With the help of physical exercises, you can purposefully influence the development of a person’s physical qualities, which, naturally, can improve it physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, when improving endurance, not only does one develop the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time, but also simultaneously improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Educational role. Through physical exercises one learns the laws of movement in the environment and own body and its parts. By performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements and acquire new motor skills. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn

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Horses of movement in sports. The more motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movements.

In the process of physical exercise, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, and previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Physical exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personal qualities. By overcoming various difficulties and managing one’s emotions in the process of physical exercise, a person develops valuable character traits and qualities (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercise classes are usually carried out in a group. When performing physical exercises, in many cases the actions of one practitioner depend on or largely determine the actions of another. There is a kind of coordination of one’s actions with the motives and actions of the team, subordination of the individual to a general strategy of action. This is manifested in many mobile and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to subordinate oneself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of one’s personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

The content of any physical exercise is, as a rule, associated with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally very important for a teacher physical culture(sports coach) the ability to comprehensively evaluate the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to actually determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of a physical exercise is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure. The internal structure of a physical exercise is determined by the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of a physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the relationship between spatial, temporal and dynamic (strength) parameters of movements.

bake first of all a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, form also influences content. Imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

Exercise technique. The target result of movement depends not only on the content, but also on the technique of physical exercise. Physical exercise techniques are understood as methods of performing motor actions, with the help of which a motor task is solved expediently with relatively greater efficiency.

There are three phases in a physical exercise: preparatory, main (leading) and final (final).

Preparatory phase designed to create the most favorable conditions for performing the main task of the action (for example, the starting position of the runner on short distances, swing when throwing a discus, etc.).

Main phase consists of movements (or movements) with the help of which the main task of the action is solved (for example, starting acceleration and running at a distance, performing a turn and final effort in discus throwing, etc.).

Final phase completes the action (for example, running by inertia after the finish, movements to maintain balance and extinguish the inertia of the body after releasing a projectile in throwing, etc.).

The effect of physical exercise depends significantly on the biomechanical characteristics of individual movements. There are spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal and dynamic characteristics of movements.

Spatial characteristics. These include the position of the body and its parts (initial position and operational posture during the movement), direction, amplitude, trajectory.

From starting position The effectiveness of subsequent actions largely depends. For example, bending the legs and swinging the arms before taking off in standing jumps largely determines the effectiveness of subsequent actions (take-off and flight) and the final result.

An equally important role is played by a certain posture during the exercise. The final result depends on how rational it is. For example, if a skater’s position is incorrect, the running technique becomes difficult; an incorrect posture when jumping from a springboard does not allow you to fully use the air cushion and carry out a gliding flight.

The direction of movement affects the accuracy of the motor action and its final result. For example, deviation of the hand from correct position when throwing a javelin or discus, significantly

Reflects on the direction of the projectile's flight. Therefore, when carrying out a motor action, each time they choose a direction that would best meet the rational

Rational technique largely depends on the amplitude in the preparatory or main phases of the movement. In many cases, it determines: 1) the duration of the application of forces and, therefore, the magnitude of acceleration (which is very important, for example, for the result in throwing); 2) completeness of muscle stretching and contraction; 3) aesthetics and beauty of the movements performed, characteristic of sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating skating, etc. The range of movements depends on the structure of the joints and the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles.

The trajectory of movement is essential for the effectiveness of physical exercises. In shape it can be curvilinear or rectilinear. In many cases, a rounded trajectory shape is justified. This is due to unnecessary expenditure of muscle effort. In other cases, a rectilinear trajectory shape is preferable (a blow in boxing, a thrust in fencing, etc.).

Temporal characteristics. These include the duration of movements and tempo.

The duration of the exercise as a whole (running, swimming, etc.) determines the magnitude of its impact (load). The duration of individual* movements affects the performance of the entire motor action.

The pace of movement is determined by the number of movements per unit of time. The speed of body movement in cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) depends on it. The amount of load in the exercise is also directly dependent on the tempo.

Spatiotemporal characteristics- speed and acceleration. They determine the nature of the movement of the body and its parts in space. The speed of movements determines their frequency (tempo), the amount of load during the exercise, the result of many motor actions (walking, running, jumping,

throwing, etc.).

Dynamic characteristics. They reflect the interaction of internal and external forces in the process of movement. Internal forces are: active contraction forces - muscle traction, elastic forces, elastic resistance to stretching of muscles and ligaments, reactive forces. However internal forces cannot move a body in space without interacting with external forces. External forces include support reaction forces, gravitational forces (gravity), friction and resistance of the external environment (water, air, snow, etc.), inertial forces of moving objects.

items, etc.

Rhythm as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects the natural order of force distribution.

ly in time and space, the sequence and extent of their changes (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action. Rhythm unites all elements of technique into a single whole and is the most important integral feature of the technique of motor action.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of technology. Pedagogical criteria for the effectiveness of a technique are understood as signs on the basis of which a teacher can determine (evaluate) the degree of correspondence between the observed method of performing a motor action and the objectively necessary one.

In the practice of physical education, the following criteria for assessing the effectiveness of technology are used:

1) the effectiveness of physical exercise (including And sports result);

2) parameters of the reference technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the parameters of the observed action are compared with the parameters of the reference technology;

3) the difference between the actual result and the possible one.

Immediate (trace) and cumulative effects of exercise. The effect of any physical exercise can be observed directly during its implementation and after a certain period of time. In the first case, they talk about the immediate effect of the exercise, which is characterized, among other things, by fatigue resulting from prolonged or repeated performance of the exercise during the lesson. In the second case, there is a trace effect of the exercise.

At the same time, depending on the time intervals that pass before the next lesson, the following phases of changes in the effect of exercise are distinguished: the phase of relative normalization, the supercompensatory and reduction phases.

In the phase of relative normalization, the trace effect of the exercise is characterized by the deployment of recovery processes, leading to the restoration of operational performance to the original level.

In the supercompensatory phase, the trace effect of the exercise is expressed not only in the reimbursement of work expenses, but also in the compensation of them “in excess”, in the excess of the level of operational performance above the initial level.

In the reduction phase, the trace effect of the exercise is lost if the time between sessions is too long. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct subsequent sessions either in the relative normalization phase or in the supercompensatory phase. In such cases, the effect of previous classes will “layer” on the effect of subsequent ones. As a result, a qualitatively new effect of the systemic use of exercises arises - a cumulative-chronic effect. He is like this

In a manner overall result integration (connection) of the effects of a regularly repeated exercise (or a system of various exercises).

In physical education main meaning ensuring the long-term cumulative effect of exercise is to develop fitness, maintain and further improve physical fitness. But the cumulation of the effect of exercise can also lead to negative consequences if the laws of physical education are violated, in particular, excessive loads are chronically allowed. The consequence of this may be overexertion, overtraining

Classification of physical exercises. To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, a number of classifications of physical exercises have been created.

1. Classification of physical exercises based on historically developed systems of physical education. Historically, it has developed in society that all the variety of physical exercises was gradually accumulated in just four typical groups: gymnastics, games, sports, tourism.

Each of these groups of physical exercises has its own essential characteristics, but they differ mainly in their pedagogical capabilities, specific purpose in the physical education system, as well as their inherent methods of conducting classes.

In our system of physical education, gymnastics, games,

sport and tourism provide an opportunity to:

Firstly, to ensure comprehensive physical education of a person;

Secondly, to satisfy the individual needs and interests of many people in the field of physical education;

Third, embrace physical education classes of people
almost throughout life - from elementary children
active games before practicing exercises from the arsenal of therapeutic
of physical culture in old age.

2. Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical
For this reason, all physical exercises are group
based on their effect on the muscles of the arms, legs, abdominals,
backs, etc. With the help of such a classification, they are compiled once
personal sets of exercises (hygienic gymnastics,
summer gymnastics, warm-up, etc.).

3. Classification of physical exercises based on their benefits
property orientation towards the education of individual physical
what qualities.
Here the exercises are classified as follows:

general groups: speed-strength types of exercises characterized by maximum power of effort (for example, sprinting, jumping, throwing, etc.); 2) cyclic endurance exercises (for example, running at medium and long distances, ski race, swimming, etc.); 3) exercises that require high coordination of movements (for example, acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, diving, figure skating skating, etc.); 4) exercises that require complex manifestation of physical qualities and motor skills in conditions of variable modes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of action (for example, sports games, wrestling, boxing, fencing).

4. Classification of physical exercises based on the biomechanical structure of movement. On this basis, cyclic, acyclic and mixed exercises are distinguished.

5. Classification of physical exercises based on physiological power zones. On this basis, exercises of maximum, submaximal, large and moderate power are distinguished.

6. Classification of physical exercises based on sports specialization. All exercises are divided into three groups: competitive, specially preparatory and general preparatory.

In any classification of exercises, it is assumed that each of them has relatively constant characteristics, including the effect on the person performing the exercise.

Physical exercise- these are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental work), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

Word exercise denotes the directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the method of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other, as a process of repeated repetition.

Physical exercise is the main remedy, because:

  1. Physical exercise expresses a person’s thoughts, emotions, needs, and his attitude to the surrounding reality.
  2. Physical exercise is one of the ways to convey socio-historical experience in the field of physical education.
  3. Physical exercise affects not only a person’s functional state, but also his personality.
  4. Among all types of pedagogical activities, only in physical education the subject of training is physical exercise.
  5. Physical exercise satisfies a person’s natural need for movement.

If used incorrectly, exercise can bring harm rather than benefit. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account the following when selecting exercises: factors:

  1. Pedagogically correct guidance classes.
  2. Consider individual characteristics involved (gender, age, health status, etc.).
  3. Take into account the characteristics of the exercises themselves (novelty, complexity, load, emotionality).
  4. Features of external conditions (weather, condition of training places, quality of equipment).

The effect of physical exercise is determined primarily by its content.

Health value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional changes in the body, which is reflected in improved health indicators and in many cases has a therapeutic effect.

The health benefits of physical exercise are especially important for hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By selecting the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases it is decreased.

With the help of physical exercises, you can purposefully influence the development of a person’s physical qualities, which, naturally, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, when improving endurance, not only does one develop the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time, but also simultaneously improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Educational role. Through physical exercise one learns the laws of movement in the environment and one’s own body and its parts. By performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements and acquire new motor skills. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movements in sports. The more motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movements.

In the process of physical exercise, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, and previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Physical exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personal qualities. By overcoming various difficulties and managing one’s emotions in the process of physical exercise, a person develops valuable character traits and qualities (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercise classes are usually carried out in a group. When performing physical exercises, in many cases the actions of one practitioner depend on or largely determine the actions of another. There is a kind of coordination of one’s actions with the motives and actions of the team, subordination of the individual to a general strategy of action. This is manifested in many outdoor and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to subordinate oneself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of one’s personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. Form of physical exercise- this is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure.

Internal structure of physical exercise is caused by the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

External structure of physical exercise- this is its visible form, which is characterized by the relationship between spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

Spatial characteristics:

  1. Starting position (IP) is a relatively stationary position from which the exercise begins. I.p. creates the most favorable conditions for the correct execution of the exercise. Changing IP You can change the difficulty of the exercise.
  2. The position of the body in space is what makes up the exercise itself.
  3. The trajectory of movement is curvilinear, rectilinear, most often it is curvilinear.
  4. Direction of movement - there are six directions: forward, backward, up, down, right, left. And many in between.
  5. The amplitude of movements is the range, it is carried out in various joints, and therefore depends on the anatomical features of their structure. The amplitude is measured in degrees with a goniometer.

Timing characteristics
The time it takes to complete the entire exercise or parts of it.

Spatio-temporal characteristics:

  1. Speed ​​- the result depends on the speed of execution. The speed can be uniform or variable. Plus/minus 3% is considered a uniform speed, which is also more efficient.
  2. Acceleration is a change in speed per unit time, acceleration is measured in meters/seconds. Acceleration can be positive and negative, that is, an increase in speed or a deceleration.

Power characteristics

TO power characteristics refers to the forces that act on the athlete, promote or inhibit the exercise.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve in motor activity it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, form also influences content. Imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

List of used literature:

  1. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Proc. aid for students higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 480 p.

Physical exercise– a means of physical education for preschool children.

Characteristics of physical exercises:

Physical exercise– these are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

    The word “physical” reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

    The word “exercise” denotes the directed repetition of an action in order to influence the physical and mental properties of a person and improve the method of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other, as a process of repeated repetition.

    Physical exercise is the main means of physical education, because: Physical exercise expresses thoughts, emotions, needs of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

    Physical exercise is one of the ways to convey socio-historical experience in the field of physical education.

    Physical exercise affects not only a person’s functional state, but also his personality.

    Among all types of pedagogical activities, only in physical education the subject of training is physical exercise.

Physical exercise satisfies a person’s natural need for movement.

    When selecting exercises, consider the following factors:

    Pedagogically correct lesson management.

    Take into account the individual characteristics of those involved (gender, age, health status, etc.).

    Take into account the characteristics of the exercises themselves (novelty, complexity, load, emotionality).

    Features of external conditions (weather, condition of training places, quality of equipment).

    Health value

    Educational role

    Impact on personality

Form of physical exercise- this is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise.

In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure.

The internal structure of a physical exercise is determined by the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

The external structure of a physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the relationship between spatial, temporal and dynamic (strength) parameters of movements. Spatial characteristics:

Starting position (I.p.)- this is a relatively stationary position from which the exercise begins. I.p. creates the most favorable conditions for the correct execution of the exercise. Changing IP You can change the difficulty of the exercise.

Body position in space- the exercise itself consists of it.

Trajectory of movement- curvilinear, rectilinear, most often it is curvilinear.

Direction of movement- There are six directions: forward, backward, up, down, right, left. And many in between.

Range of motion- this is the scope, it is carried out in various joints, and therefore depends on the anatomical features of their structure. The amplitude is measured in degrees with a goniometer.

Timing characteristics- time to complete the entire exercise or parts of it.

Spatio-temporal characteristics:

Speed- the result depends on the speed of execution. The speed can be uniform or variable. Plus/minus 3% is considered a uniform speed, which is also more efficient.

Acceleration- this is a change in speed per unit of time, acceleration is measured in meters/seconds. Acceleration can be positive and negative, that is, an increase in speed or a deceleration.

Power characteristics Strength characteristics include the forces that act on the athlete, promote or inhibit the exercise.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, form also influences content. Imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

Classification of physical exercises

To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics.

Classification of physical exercises based on historically developed systems of physical education

Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical characteristics;

Classification of physical exercises based on their primary focus on developing individual physical qualities;

Classification of physical exercises based on the biomechanical structure of movement;

Classification of physical exercises based on physiological power zones;

Classification of physical exercises based on sports specialization.

One of the simplest, most effective and accessible means for preventing various ailments, maintaining well-being and good health is physical exercise. Regular physical activity makes it possible to improve the functioning of all systems of the human body, saturate cells with oxygen, and increase the level of human performance. What physical exercises are there, and what program to choose for home workouts, let's figure it out.

Physical exercise concept

Physical exercises are a series of motor actions and their combinations that are developed and adapted for the full physical development of the human body. They make it possible to activate the activity of enzymes responsible for burning fat and direct them to produce the energy required for muscle activity. Physical exercise is considered the key to well-being and good health.

Today many various exercises aimed at performing a number of tasks: losing weight, building muscle mass, developing endurance and strength.


In the theory of physical education, there are several types of exercises, classified according to the type of contraction of muscle groups through which a particular action is performed.


Static exercises- this is a series of movements, the characteristic feature of which is the fixation of certain parts of the body in a certain position for some time. With such training there is no movement of the body or limbs, but there is tension in the mice.

Examples of classic statistical exercises are:

  • stand in a side lunge or forward bend;
  • planks with emphasis on the elbows or palms;
  • side and back strips;
  • planks on a fitball;
  • yoga asanas;
  • plie stand;
  • incomplete “swallow”;
  • “chair” with an emphasis on the wall.

Static exercises have a number of advantages, including:

  • maximum prolonged load on the muscles, without the ability to relax them, which allows you to achieve the effect of burning fat and, as a result, losing weight;
  • all parts of the human body are in a stationary state, which makes it possible to influence a specific muscle group;
  • the ability to conduct training anywhere, without the use of special sports equipment and equipment;
  • increasing the ability to keep the body in balance;
  • development of strength and endurance;
  • saving time on training, since statistical classes last no more than 10–15 minutes;
  • the ability to safely strengthen ligaments and tendons.

Important! Static exercises must be practiced with great caution, as there is a risk of increasing blood pressure and developing arrhythmia in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Unlike static exercises, dynamic exercises involve all types of fitness loads associated directly with the movement of the body and its individual parts, and movement in space. It is the dynamics that allow you to develop strength and build muscles. The classic sports dynamics are: running, different kinds jumping, race walking, lunges, push-ups, swinging legs and arms, swimming, cycling, etc.
Dynamic exercises are one of the most popular types of load, and all thanks to their significant advantages. They:

  • allow you to actively burn fat and fight extra pounds;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, train the heart muscle;
  • make it possible to tone muscles and make the body more prominent;
  • perfectly load the musculoskeletal system, contribute to the development of congestion;
  • improve well-being, elevate mood, energize;
  • accelerate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve the functioning of joints.

In terms of the number of contraindications, dynamics is considered one of the safest, however, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • some exercises may be contraindicated for people with heart or spine disease;
  • many exercises require a specific place for training, for example, jumping, running;
  • To build muscles and create a more voluminous body, additional sports equipment is needed: weights, barbells, dumbbells, etc.

The variety of dynamic loads allows everyone to choose their own set of exercises, regardless of age, health status, general physical training.


Statodynamic exercises, as the name implies, combine the basic principles of static and dynamic. IN in this case All exercises are done very slowly with constant muscle tension and a small amplitude, the so-called “kach”. The result of performing static dynamics is a colossal burning sensation in the muscles, during which steroid hormones are released.

Statodynamic training can include exercises such as squats and push-ups with statics, lunges and plies with statics, etc.
The main advantages of such activities are:

  • the ability to perform exercises almost anywhere;
  • do not carry the risk of increasing blood pressure and do not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • opportunity for middle-aged and elderly people to practice training;
  • positive effect on the strength and endurance of the body.

The effectiveness of any physical exercise is determined by its content, that is, the symbiosis of psychological, physical and biochemical processes that are carried out in the human body during the period of the exercise. When carrying out training, a special goal is always assumed to achieve a certain result.
The content of physical exercises determines them:

  • healing function. Of course, any training is aimed at specific changes and biofunctional changes in the body that contribute to improved well-being and overall health. Through a well-chosen physical program, you can have a positive impact on the development of a person’s physical qualities and his sports training;
  • educational function. While performing exercises, a person acquires skills and knowledge of the laws of movement of the body and its individual parts, which makes it possible to more fully understand the laws of movements in sports and control one’s actions. Such skills make it much easier, both physically and psychologically, to adapt to environmental conditions;
  • impact on a person’s personality. In the process of physical training, a person learns to deal with difficulties, control his emotions, which in turn allows him to develop new qualities of character, develop valuable properties, for example, willpower, patience, endurance, perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Did you know? To maintain cholesterol levels and arterial pressure at the normal level, American doctors advise exercising three times a week for 40 minutes aerobic exercise, for example, jumping, race walking, swimming.


There is a huge number of all kinds of physical exercises and their variations, which can be grouped according to certain parameters:

Any classification assumes that each of the physical exercises has relatively constant properties and has a similar effect on the human body.


The advisability of physical training is determined by its effect on the human body. By effect we mean the presence of positive (desired) changes in the state of the body caused by doing exercises.

Did you know? It has been proven that regular physical activity promotes the generation of new brain cells responsible for memory and learning. Elderly people doing physical exercise show top scores when testing, which is aimed at the process of decision-making and task execution.

There are three main training effect, which differ in their temporary manifestation:

  • urgent sport effect: it can be observed during the training or after its completion;
  • delayed sports effect: is the result of the transformation of an urgent effect, valid until the start of the next training;
  • cumulative effect: a kind of cumulative effect that combines the result of immediate and delayed sports effects obtained over a fairly large number of training sessions. This effect contributes to the acquisition and improvement of sports form and good training condition.

Indications for physical activity

Physical exercises are an excellent means of healing the body, and even significant health problems are not contraindications to sports activities, unless they are prohibited by a doctor.

Indications for physical training are:

  • being overweight;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity;
  • desire to lead healthy image life, increase immunity and improve health;
  • diseases associated with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus in the compensation stage;
  • VVD, high blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, heart surgery, and physical trauma.

Regular classes physical exercise is an excellent prevention of heart disease, respiratory system, they make it possible to improve blood circulation in cells, saturate them with oxygen, and thereby eliminate the negative symptoms of a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle.

Did you know? Regular physical exercise helps improve sexual function and increase libido. Thus, men who play sports rarely suffer from erectile dysfunction, and women more often reach the “peak of pleasure.”


Despite all the benefits of physical exercise, there is a list of pathological conditions and ailments for which exercise is strictly contraindicated:

  • diseases of a neuropsychic nature;
  • chronic and acute illnesses in the acute stage;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs, for example, heart defects, ischemic disease, asthma, lung diseases, etc.;
  • diseases of the spine and their consequences (Scheuermann-Mau disease, Calve disease, damage to large joints, arteries, lymph nodes).

Relative contraindications that require consultation with a doctor are:

  • infectious diseases in chronic form;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • recent bleeding;
  • colds;
  • hypertension and hypotension.

Important! In any case, even if a person feels absolutely healthy, before starting training it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Basic physical exercises for women and men at home

Home physical training is no less effective and efficient than working out in the gym. One of the main successes of training at home is its regularity and correctness of exercises. There are a huge number of different physical exercises, however, you can include basic, classic ones in your training program, aimed at working all muscle groups.

Any home workout is preceded by a high-quality, light and simple warm-up, the main task of which is to warm up the muscles and prepare them for further stress.
Warm-up can be performed in various ways, one of them includes the following exercises:

  • circular rotations of the neck, with increasing amplitude;
  • lift up/down shoulder joints, shoulder rotation;
  • circular rotations with arms bent at the elbows;
  • tilting the body to the sides;
  • rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • working out the legs through swings;
  • light squats;
  • breathing exercises.

Achieving positive results from home exercises is only possible if you do complex training. Warm-up is one of the main points of the complex, which allows you to avoid injuries and sprains. You should never ignore it.

Video: Warm-up before training

For the belly

Achieving a perfect figure, especially in problem areas such as the stomach and waist, is very difficult. It is especially difficult to keep flat, toned stomach after 40 years. But a few things will help with this. basic exercises that even unprepared people can perform:

For buttocks and thighs

One of the most attractive parts of the human body is the buttocks. You can keep them in excellent shape, give them elasticity and volume, and also make your hips more rounded and beautiful through the following exercises:

For hands

The following complex will help you form a beautiful, graceful line of your arms, tighten your muscles and give them volume:

For legs

The following simple physical exercises will help you give your legs a perfect shape without using any exercise equipment:

For the back

The following complex will allow you to “pump up” your back, improve and restore health to the spine:


No less important the final stage home workout is a cooldown that allows you to:

  • restore breathing, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase flexibility of joints and muscle joints;
  • fill cells with oxygen;
  • distribute blood throughout the body, thereby preventing stagnation;
  • remove lactic acid from the muscles, thereby reducing the manifestations of soreness.

Video: Cool down after training The cool-down should be done at a slow pace, which will allow the body to adjust from an intense state to a calmer one. As a cool-down, you can stretch all muscle groups: neck, shoulders and forearms, pelvis, back muscles, etc.

Example training program

To make it easier to start the process of training at home, experts have developed special training programs that are aimed at working all muscle groups, keeping the body in good shape and overall health improvement. It is recommended to start classes 3 times a week, for 30–60 minutes, depending on the purpose of the training. The approximate training program is as follows, and it is designed for average level physical training and includes 5 classes per week:

Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday (legs, arms and chest)
Classic squats 15–20 3–5
Lunges forward 15–20 3–5
Calf raise Maximum 3
Classic push-ups 15–20 3–5
Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench 12 5
Reverse push-ups 15–20 3–5
Stretching/cooling down
Tuesday (press)
Crunches 20–25 4
Side crunches 20 times on each side 4
Leg raise 20–25 5
"Bike" 25–30 4
Wednesday (back, arms, especially triceps)
Push-ups 15–20 5–7
Reverse push-ups 15–20 5–7
Pull-up wide grip 10–15 5–7
Dumbbell row 20 5–7
Thursday (rest)
Friday (legs, shoulders)
Plie squats 15–20 3–5
Calf raises Maximum 3
Classic squats 15–20 3-5
Raising dumbbells in front of the chest 15–20 3–5
Dumbbell flyes 15 4
Cool down/stretch
Saturday (press)
"Book" 20–25 3–5
Regular crunches 20–25 3–5
Leg raise 20–25 3–5
"Bike" 25–30 3
Sunday (rest)

When conducting training, do not forget the most important rules - regularity and correct execution all exercises.

Today there are many ways to keep your body fit. beautiful shape. And one of these ways is home workouts through basic physical exercises. Such trainings allow you, without spending a lot of time and money, to improve your health, lose weight, and regain sports uniform. The more intense the training, the stronger and more beautiful the body will become, and the character will be strengthened. Don't waste time, start studying right now.

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To achieve the goal of physical education, apply the following groups means of physical education: 1) physical exercise; 2) healing powers of nature; 3) hygiene factors.

The main specific means of physical education are physical exercise, auxiliary means - the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors. The integrated use of these tools allows specialists in physical culture and sports to effectively solve health, educational and educational problems. All means of physical education can be displayed in the form of a diagram (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Means of physical education

These are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental work), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

Word exercise denotes the directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the method of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other, as a process of repeated repetition.

The effect of physical exercise is determined primarily by its content. The content of physical exercises is a set of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

Health benefits of exercise

Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional changes in the body, which is reflected in improved health indicators and in many cases has a therapeutic effect.

The health benefits of physical exercise are especially important for hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By selecting the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases it is decreased.

With the help of physical exercises, you can purposefully influence the development of a person’s physical qualities, which, naturally, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, when improving endurance, not only does one develop the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time, but also simultaneously improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Educational Role of Exercise

Through physical exercise one learns the laws of movement in the environment and one’s own body and its parts. By performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements and acquire new motor skills. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movements in sports. The more motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movements.

In the process of physical exercise, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, and previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

The influence of physical exercise on personality

Physical exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personal qualities. By overcoming various difficulties and managing one’s emotions in the process of physical exercise, a person develops valuable character traits and qualities (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercise classes are usually carried out in a group. When performing physical exercises, in many cases the actions of one practitioner depend on or largely determine the actions of another. There is a kind of coordination of one’s actions with the motives and actions of the team, subordination of the individual to a general strategy of action. This is manifested in many outdoor and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to subordinate oneself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of one’s personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

The content of any physical exercise is usually associated with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally, it is very important for a physical education teacher (sports coach) to be able to comprehensively evaluate the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to actually determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of a physical exercise is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure. The internal structure of a physical exercise is determined by the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of a physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the relationship between spatial, temporal and dynamic (strength) parameters of movements.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, form also influences content. Imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

Exercise technique

The target result of movement depends not only on the content, but also on the technique of physical exercise. Physical exercise techniques are understood as methods of performing motor actions, with the help of which a motor task is solved expediently with relatively greater efficiency.

There are three phases in a physical exercise: preparatory, main (leading) and final (final).

Preparatory phase designed to create the most favorable conditions for performing the main task of the action (for example, the starting position of a short-distance runner, the backswing when throwing a discus, etc.).

Main phase consists of movements (or movements) with the help of which the main task of the action is solved (for example, starting acceleration and running at a distance, performing a turn and final effort in discus throwing, etc.).

Final phase completes the action (for example, running by inertia after the finish, movements to maintain balance and extinguish the inertia of the body after releasing a projectile in throwing, etc.).

The effect of physical exercise depends significantly on the biomechanical characteristics of individual movements. There are spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal and dynamic characteristics of movements.

Spatial characteristics of physical exercise

These include the position of the body and its parts (initial position and operational posture during the movement), direction, amplitude, trajectory.

The effectiveness of subsequent actions largely depends on the starting position. For example, bending the legs and swinging the arms before taking off in standing jumps largely determines the effectiveness of subsequent actions (take-off and flight) and the final result.

An equally important role is played by a certain posture during the exercise. The final result depends on how rational it is. For example, if a skater’s position is incorrect, the running technique becomes difficult; an incorrect posture when jumping from a springboard does not allow you to fully use the air cushion and carry out a gliding flight.

The direction of movement affects the accuracy of the motor action and its final result. For example, deviation of the hand from the correct position when throwing a javelin or discus significantly affects the direction of flight of the projectile. Therefore, when carrying out a motor action, each time they choose a direction that would best suit the rational technique.

Rational technique largely depends on the amplitude in the preparatory or main phases of the movement. In many cases it determines:

  • the duration of the application of forces and, consequently, the magnitude of the acceleration (which is very important, for example, for the result in throwing);
  • completeness of muscle stretching and contraction;
  • aesthetics and beauty of the movements performed, characteristic of sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, etc. The amplitude of movements depends on the structure of the joints and the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles.

The trajectory of movement is essential for the effectiveness of physical exercises. In shape it can be curvilinear or rectilinear. In many cases, a rounded trajectory shape is justified. This is due to unnecessary expenditure of muscle effort. In other cases, a rectilinear trajectory shape is preferable (a blow in boxing, a thrust in fencing, etc.).

Temporal characteristics of exercise

These include duration of movements And pace.

The duration of the exercise as a whole (running, swimming, etc.) determines the magnitude of its impact (load). The duration of individual movements affects the performance of the entire motor action.

The pace of movement is determined by the number of movements per unit of time. The speed of body movement in cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) depends on it. The amount of load in the exercise is also directly dependent on the tempo.

Spatiotemporal characteristics - speed and acceleration. They determine the nature of the movement of the body and its parts in space. The speed of movements determines their frequency (tempo), the amount of load during the exercise, the result of many motor actions (walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.).

Dynamic characteristics of physical exercises

They reflect the interaction of internal and external forces in the process of movement. Internal forces are: active contraction forces - muscle traction, elastic forces, elastic resistance to stretching of muscles and ligaments, reactive forces. However, internal forces cannot move a body in space without interacting with external forces. External forces include support reaction forces, gravitational forces (gravity), friction and resistance of the external environment (water, air, snow, etc.), inertial forces of moving objects, etc.

Rhythm as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects the natural order of distribution of efforts in time and space, the sequence and degree of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action. Rhythm unites all elements of technique into a single whole and is the most important integral feature of the technique of motor action.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of technology

Pedagogical criteria for the effectiveness of a technique are understood as signs on the basis of which a teacher can determine (evaluate) the degree of correspondence between the observed method of performing a motor action and the objectively necessary one.

In the practice of physical education, the following criteria for assessing the effectiveness of technology are used:

1) the effectiveness of physical exercise (including sports results);

2) parameters of the reference technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the parameters of the observed action are compared with the parameters of the reference technology;

3) the difference between the actual result and the possible one.

Immediate (trace) and cumulative effects of exercise

The effect of any physical exercise can be observed directly during its implementation and after a certain period of time. In the first case, they talk about the immediate effect of the exercise, which is characterized, among other things, by fatigue resulting from prolonged or repeated performance of the exercise during the lesson. In the second case, there is a trace effect of the exercise.

At the same time, depending on the time intervals that pass before the next lesson, the following phases of changes in the effect of exercise are distinguished: the phase of relative normalization, the supercompensatory and reduction phases.

In the phase of relative normalization, the trace effect of the exercise is characterized by the deployment of recovery processes, leading to the restoration of operational performance to the original level.

In the supercompensatory phase, the trace effect of the exercise is expressed not only in the reimbursement of work expenses, but also in the compensation of them “in excess”, in the excess of the level of operational performance above the initial level.

In the reduction phase, the trace effect of the exercise is lost if the time between sessions is too long. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct subsequent sessions either in the relative normalization phase or in the supercompensatory phase. In such cases, the effect of previous classes will “layer” on the effect of subsequent ones. As a result, a qualitatively new effect of the systemic use of exercises arises - a cumulative-chronic effect. It is thus the general result of the integration (combination) of the effects of a regularly repeated exercise (or a system of various exercises).

In physical education, the main point of ensuring the long-term cumulative effect of exercise is to develop fitness, maintain and further improve physical fitness. But the cumulation of the effect of exercise can also lead to negative consequences if the laws of physical education are violated, in particular, excessive loads are chronically allowed. The consequence of this may be overexertion, overtraining, etc.

Updated: March 24, 2012 Views: 197480
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