FRS Rubtsovsk production of a winter fishing rod. Sports rod for jig fishing Video: equipment for a winter float rod

Beginners, and not only fishermen, often have questions when choosing gear for winter fishing, especially on a new body of water. Although winter gear is not as varied as summer gear, there are still different types of equipment. Their choice depends on the type of reservoir where fishing is planned, and on the fish intended to be caught.

By type of fish, you can distinguish gear for catching white fish, such as redfish, roach or bream and predators - pike, pike perch. Perch is often caught using both types of gear.

By type of reservoir, winter fishing rods for currents and for still water can be divided.

Now let’s look at the features and differences between different winter gear in more detail.

Float rod equipment for catching roach, bream and crucian carp

Equipping a winter fishing rod with a rig with a float allows you to easily switch from summer fishing to winter fishing, and does not require special, additional skills. With such tackle you can catch bream, white bream, silver bream, roach, crucian carp and perch.

Selection of equipment elements

For a winter float fishing rod, the following equipment is used:

I catch roach, bream, crucian carp, etc. lead to a winter float fishing rod live bait– bloodworms, maggots, mormysh, etc.

Installation of equipment

Installation of a winter float fishing rod is quite simple. For it, in addition to the previously listed equipment elements, we will need scissors and pliers.

  1. We measure the fishing line, its length should be equal to two depths of the reservoir at the fishing site, plus 2 - 3 meters. This value is needed so that you have a reserve of fishing line in case of a break.
  2. We wind the fishing line onto the reel.
  3. We pass the fishing line through the rings on the rod or attach a cambric, ring or other element to it for attachment to the tip of the fishing rod.

  4. Then we pass the fishing line through the hole in the float or put on an element that secures the fishing line to the float.

  5. The next step is loading the float. First, the main weight is attached to the fishing line, giving the float almost zero buoyancy. Below it we place a very small weight, which will submerge our float, and when lifted, the float will float up.
  6. Below the small weight, approximately 5 - 7 cm, we tie a hook, either on a leash, or directly to the main fishing line. In the second case, you need to make a knot on the fishing line just below the load, where the fishing line will break if it gets caught. Otherwise, we risk losing most of the gear, and not just the hook.

That's it, the winter fishing rod is ready for use

Video: rigging a winter float fishing rod

For perch, pike, pike perch

When fishing for pike, perch and pike perch with a winter fishing rod, use a jig, spoon or balancer. For catching perch, all three types of bait are used; for pike and pike perch, the last two are a balancer and a vertical spoon.

Tackle with a nod and a jig.

Fishing with a jig with a nod is the most common during winter fishing. Moreover, the jig is used both with and without an attachment. In addition to perch, roach, bream, silver bream and most other white fish are caught with this tackle.

Selection of equipment elements

Fishing with a winter fishing rod with a jig and a nod is a fairly active fishing method that requires constant play with the bait, so the tackle should be light.

  • For such a winter fishing rod, choose a rod whose handle is made of lightweight materials, cork, various dense foams, lightweight plastics, coated with thermal insulating material that does not cool your hands when fishing.
  • Note! For more than 30 years, many fishermen have been using a fishing rod, popularly nicknamed “balalaika”, with a reel embedded in a round or oval-shaped handle, as a light, industrial fishing rod for winter jig fishing. It has proven itself well in both sports and amateur fishing..

  • The rod is equipped with a small, lightweight reel.
  • The whip is elastic, in the case of perch it is quite rigid, allowing it to cut through the mouth of the fish when hooking. Length 20 – 30 cm.
  • There are nods different types, the most common are the following:
    • lavsan nods in the form of a long strip;
    • rubber nipple;
    • coiled spring nod;
    • a nod made from a strip of spring steel, for example from a clock spring (such nods are usually made individually);
    • nod from a silicone tube.
  • They are attached in one way or another to the tip of the rod, and the type and elasticity of the nod are selected according to the weight of the bait used.
  • The fishing line is colored, but thinner than for a float fishing rod, somewhere around 0.1 - 0.15 mm. This is due to the fact that on a thick fishing line the game is easy the jig will be very clumsy.
  • The choice of jigs is very diverse. These can be either jigs for bloodworms, or various jigs without a jig, equipped with beads and cambrics. Fishermen have different attitudes to the selection of jigs themselves. Some believe that to get results you need to select a certain type of jig, others that the jig does not matter, and the main thing is how to play it. But in any case, the weight of the jig is an important factor.. When moving, both upward jerks and smooth dives are important. Heavy jigs cannot provide sufficient smoothness of descent. On the other hand, at great depths or in currents, a light jig is also not very suitable. All these factors need to be taken into account when choosing. Nowadays, tungsten jigs are considered the most universal.
  • Healthy! When using jigs such as the Witch (Medusa) or the Devil, you need to take into account that pike or pike perch can bite on them.

Installation of equipment

Equipping a winter fishing rod for fishing with a nod with a jig, as in the case of a float, should not cause any particular difficulties.

  • We wind the fishing line onto the reel. Its length should be equal to two depths of the reservoir in this place plus a couple of meters.
  • We attach a nod to the end of the rod.
  • We pass the fishing line through the nod; this is done differently for different types.
  • We tie a jig to the fishing line. The method of tying depends on the type of jig. For example, if witch or devil type jigs are tied vertically, then most bloodworm jigs are tied so that the hook is at an angle to the fishing line.

The tackle is ready.

Video: rigging a winter fishing rod with a nod and a jig

Fishing rod with nod and balancer

The balancer is a fairly new bait but has already become quite popular among anglers. A winter fishing rod with a nod and a balancer is used to catch predators. They use it to catch pike, pike perch, perch and other predatory fish.

Selection of equipment elements

When selecting equipment elements for such a winter fishing rod, the fish you are going to catch is very important.

Installation of equipment

Installation of equipment is not much different from that for a fishing rod with a nod and a jig.

That's it, the tackle is ready for use.

Video: installation of a fishing rod with a nod and a balancer

Kickless fishing rod for winter trolling

The spoon is lighter than the balancer, so the bite on it is felt more clearly. Since, as we have already said, the bite of a pike perch or pike is in most cases felt by hand, many anglers use winter tackle for trolling without a nod. In this case, a very light tackle is used as a fishing rod, which allows you to feel even perch bites.

Selection of equipment elements

Most of these fishing rods are made by hand. Their basis is homemade lung a fishing rod made from a winter sports fishing rod and a carbon tip of a spinning rod or a summer fishing rod.

So, for the fishing rod we will need:

  • a winter sports fishing rod of the “balalaika” type where the reel is built into the handle body;
  • the carbon tip of a spinning rod or fishing rod is at least 35 cm, the main condition is that it is hollow, since the fishing line will pass inside it;
  • “Moment” type glue;
  • knife and scissors;
  • screwdriver with a set of drills.

Fishing rod making process

  1. We take a sports winter “balalaika” and disassemble it by removing the coil and disconnecting the whip.

  2. We cut the carbon tip to the length we need. If there are rings on it, carefully cut them off with a knife. There is no need to remove them using heat, since in areas of overheating, the carbon whip becomes brittle.
  3. From the set, select a drill whose diameter corresponds to the thickness of the butt of the carbon tip.
  4. We drill a hole in the top of the balalaika handle at such an angle so that the fishing line coming out of the winter fishing rod does not rub against the edges of the carbon whip. This hole can also be made manually by holding the drill in a vice.

  5. Using a knife, clean the edges of the hole.
  6. Having smeared the butt of the whip with glue, glue it into the handle.

  7. After waiting a couple of hours for the glue to set, we put the coil in place. All the fishing rod is ready.

In addition to the fishing rod, we will need fishing line and lures for equipment.

We use monofilament, colored fishing line. Its diameter directly depends on the expected catch. For perch it is thinner (0.15 - 0.18 mm), for pike and pike perch it is thicker, from 0.2 mm.

A wide variety of spinners are used. Due to the method of application, vertical lures are most often used during winter fishing. They come in different types and are designed for fishing at different depths and different types of fish. Small ones for perch, larger ones for pike perch and pike perch.

Remember! From mid-winter until the first thaw, pike prefers small fish. Therefore, at the beginning of winter, preference is given to large spoons, and starting from the middle, they switch to small winter spoons.

To make it easier to change lures while fishing, you can use a carabiner.

Installation of equipment

A winter fishing rod for trolling without a nod is equipped quite simply:

The tackle is ready for use.

Video: nodule fishing rod for winter trolling, manufacturing and equipment

Fishing rod

To win competitions, a fisherman-athlete must use only impeccable tackle; in my opinion, the following fishing rods are impeccable balalaikas:

    Fishing rod called “SPORT” from the SALMO catalog. It is inexpensive and therefore in demand among the people. The set includes two spools, two whips of different lengths and a stand for stationary fishing. Good quality. Just before purchasing, I advise you to choose a copy with the smoothest spool movement, because... out of five “balalaikas” only one can have this quality. Well, for those who are not too lazy, you can additionally process the inside of the body with fine sandpaper.

    MASTER fishing rod, produced in Yaroslavl. Winter fishing rod from Evgeniy Konstantinovich Chabutkin - coach of the Yaroslavl winter fishing team, chairman of the board of Russian sport fishing judges. This “balalaika” is produced for the needs of jig athletes and rarely goes on sale. The design is simple, but verified by many years of competition experience. Soft, frost-resistant, elastic whip, smooth spool motion, light weight and small dimensions (thickness - 6mm)

In my opinion, this is one of the best “balalaikas” today.

Everything in it is thought out and done wisely

Unfortunately, this “balalaika” is in short supply even in Moscow, and in Belarus it is not sold at all. Although the price is very reasonable. Apparently, the shortage is due to the limited production run.
Assembled length - 190 mm
Weight - 11 g
Base diameter - 50 mm
Base thickness - 7 mm
Whip length - 140 mm

Material – plastic

    Price 260 rub.

The most popular, and also the highest quality, are the so-called. “Mikheevka”, made by the coach of the Russian jig team, a Muscovite - Vladimir Mikheev. These fishing rods are time-tested.

“Mikheevkas” are made by milling, that is, the body of the fishing rod is machined from a single piece of foam plastic. And due to careful adjustment of dimensions, the plastic reel ultimately gets a very smooth ride. Actually, this is the main criterion for the quality of any “balalaika”: the clamping thumb allows you to adjust the reel so that it releases the line with some effort and at the same time allows you to hook a fish. Something like a spinning reel clutch.

It is not surprising that entrepreneurs decided to copy such a successful design and put it into mass production in order to make a profit. So at the end of the 90s, store shelves were filled with all sorts of “balalaika” variations. And they all had one thing in common. The fact is that the implementation of such a large-scale project implied production by casting instead of milling. The material itself was also slightly changed: if “Mikheevki” used very light, porous yellowish foam,

then for casting a slightly heavier and harder, white foam plastic was used.

fishing line

Many fishermen have long known that the thinner the line, the more bites.

The fishing line in a winter sports fishing rod should be thin (so that the fish are not afraid of it), strong (maximum strength with minimal thickness) and hard (soft fishing line gets tangled on ice).

Athletes use fishing line with a diameter of 0.050 to 0.100.

1. I use the following lines: SHIMANO Ultegra Silk Shock

It successfully combines high tensile strength and low elongation. The disadvantages of this fishing line include its softness.

It is well calibrated, that is, the fluctuations in diameter throughout the entire length of the line are very small. The actual diameter is close to the declared one, slightly exceeding it.

In the Shimanovsky assortment, “Ultegra” is represented by fourteen options:

0.05 mm;

0.06 mm;

0.07 mm;

0.08 mm;

0.09 mm;

0.10 mm;

0.11 mm;

0.12 mm;

0.14 mm;

0.16 mm;

0.18 mm;

0.20 mm;

0.22 mm;

2. 0.25 mm. . With all other characteristics being equal to SHIMANO Ultegra, this line is not as soft. "Strange" fractions (like 0.069 mm, 0.165 mm...) are explained by the Japanese standard; among the Japanese, each diameter value corresponds to a specific number (for example, No. 0.175, No. 1...).

“Xilo” is characterized by the coincidence of the declared diameter with the actual one with very accurate calibration. This can be considered a plus. Anyway, it's convenient!

The Colmic Xilo line has a flat, smooth surface and behaves well at knots. If we continue the comparison with Ultegra, then fresh Xylo outperforms fresh Ultegra in many respects (in particular, deformation), but Ultegra is more durable when stored both in packaging and on a fishing rod.

If everything is just perfect with the declared diameter of Colmic Xilo, then the breaking load on the label is overestimated. In fact, for example, "Xilo" 0.104 mm holds 1.1 kg (instead of the nominal 1890 g), and 0.117 mm - 1.3 kg (instead of 1480 g).

Miracles do not happen, and anything much higher is an obvious deception.

“Xilo” is very popular among winter “sports type” jigs, and for good reason.

"Xilo" comes in the following diameters:

0.053 mm;

0.059 mm;

0.064 mm;

0.069 mm;

0.079 mm;

0.090 mm;

0.104 mm;

0.117 mm;

0.128 mm;

0.148 mm;

0.165 mm;

0.185 mm;

0.205 mm.


Many fishermen know first-hand the benefits of tungsten jigs. They differ in shape, color, price, but at the same time, the lack of information about the material density of certain products makes it difficult for the buyer to choose.

The main difference between a tungsten jig and a lead jig is its high density (i.e., higher specific gravity).

“Honest” tungsten jigs, turned with cambric, known to fishermen as “Tula jigs”.

This jig is sharpened from a tungsten billet obtained at a specialized enterprise. The density of the workpiece exceeds 18.0 g/cm3. A hole is drilled in the product for the fishing line and hook. A cambric is inserted into the hole under the fishing line, which eliminates the rubbing of the fishing line on the metal and, as statistics show, increases the service life of the jig by 4-5 times.

“Kiselevkas” are made of very high quality, have a smaller size (from 1.8 mm, in contrast to “pushkovki”, whose size starts from 2.5 mm) and a thinner hook, and are more expensive.

A wide range of “Tula” jigs (drop, pellet, oatmeal, ant) ​​and a large size range allow each angler to choose a jig according to the body of water and the fish.

Third, famous manufacturer high-quality tungsten is located in Moscow. These are the so-called “Kunilov” jigs. Although their manufacturing quality is high, this manufacturer does not produce jigs of small sizes.

Grooved jig Made from tungsten blanks VNZH, VND with a density of 18 g/cm3. The appropriate shape is given by turning or grinding. Next, a groove is cut, which subsequently, when attaching the hook, is filled with solder to form a hole for the fishing line. The average density of the jig is significantly reduced by cutting a groove in the tungsten workpiece. The loss of the specific gravity of the jig directly depends on the size of the groove, its length and width.

Therefore, this technology has not become widespread, although amateurs sometimes make large jigs using this technology. Pressed jigs B Lately The stores were filled with tungsten jigs obtained by pressing. It would be a stretch to call them tungsten. Pure tungsten only comes in powder form. To give the alloy a certain shape, various binding additives are used: copper, nickel, iron. These elements bind the grains of tungsten powder, giving it the necessary strength and density. Tungsten billets are produced by powder metallurgy. Special equipment is required for pressing, high-temperature hydrogen furnaces for subsequent complex heat treatment - sintering. Only specialized powder metallurgy enterprises can do this. Pressed tungsten jigs sold at retail are typically made using lead, glue, or something similar as a binder. does not allow obtaining a density of such jigs higher than 15 g/cm3.

The second, extremely important factor, in addition to the density of the material and partly the quality and fastening of the hook, is the presence of cambric in the hole and the diameter of the hole. The smaller the hole diameter, the greater the average body density of the jig. At the same time, the presence of cambric in a tungsten jig is mandatory. Otherwise, sharp edges will inevitably cut the line. Therefore, manufacturers are constantly struggling to reduce the diameter of the hole and cambric, but so that the product remains technologically advanced.

Guard or nod

I use beryl bronze nods, but successful fishing from ice requires thin gear and small jigs, and therefore soft and sensitive nods made of film materials.

Sports nods are made from several materials. These are X-ray images, astrolon (film from a keyboard), a drum membrane, a computer square floppy disk, etc.

For fishing with small Tula jigs, a floppy nod is best suited.

In 3.5 and 5.25 inch floppy disks, there is a disk made of thin film inside, either lavsan, or some other material. It may also be coated with Teflon, a very wear-resistant and elastic material.

It can be cut into thin strips with a knife of the desired width and length and excellent nods are obtained.

Bites rising from the bottom are clearly visible, the fish does not feel this nod at all when biting, it is very sensitive.

The disadvantages are that over time it bends a little and loses its desired shape, but given the ease of manufacture and virtually zero cost, after a few fishing trips it can be replaced with a new one.

In 5-inch floppy disks, the film is thicker, but it is also difficult to get them, since they are a rarity, you can probably get them in computer stores that sell used equipment.

The manufacturing process looks like this. We take out the disk from inside

Cut into thin strips. It is more convenient to do this using a metal ruler with a knife with replaceable blades or scissors.

We cut the strips, you can trim them a little with scissors to the desired thickness and narrowing
We take a needle and heat it on a candle and burn holes at the end of the nod for the fishing line

We put it on the fishing rod using a heat-shrinkable tube, passing the cambric from the wires for the fishing line into it (you can also use a silicone tube of the required diameter)

A sports fishing rod for jig fishing is very different from other fishing rods. This fishing rod will help you catch more fish compared to a regular one. Of course, a properly assembled sports fishing rod helps to achieve good results

, but still the main criterion always remains the skill of the fisherman! Greetings, dear Friends. On the eve of the Russian Championship in jig fishing from ice, I decided, so to speak, to get into the spirit winter fishing

and tell us a little about winter gear, namely about sports winter fishing rods from the Latvian company Salmo.

I will consider the so-called balalaika fishing rods, because these are the fishing rods that are in demand, primarily for jig fishing among both amateurs and athletes. I'll start in the order in which I rated them for myself with my favorites.SALMO SPORT

. Sports balalaika in a casing made of high-quality foam. The foam material is “warm”; in cold weather the fishing rod will not feel like a piece of ice in your hand. Unlike other foam models, this fishing rod has a glass-shaped plastic shape for the spool, which, as the manufacturer assures, will not jam when the temperature changes and will not allow the foam to “sag” over time. I checked whether the spool wedge appears after the fishing rod falls into the water and lies there for some time. However, after I removed it from the hole, the bobbin rotated perfectly. Available in three colors: red, yellow, green. Aesthetes will be able to choose a color to their taste, and athletes, having a huge arsenal of identical fishing rods, can easily distinguish by color what kind of fish, so to speak, the tackle is prepared for.

The fishing rod also received a friction washer, it works flawlessly, and legs for installation on ice for stationary fishing. The diameter of the bobbin was 38 mm, and the length was 24.3 cm. The shaft is quite rigid on the bend, this will allow you to maintain contact with the jig at great depths. . Due to such a “pot-bellied” body, the fishing rod, for me personally, somehow feels more pleasant in my hand, so I give it first place SALMO HANDY ICE ROD.

Which in translation sounds like comfortable. Indeed, the body is made of high-quality foam and has an ergonomic shape that fits very comfortably in the hand.

Also, the hole for the fishing line in the fishing rod body is equipped with a silicone cambric, which will allow your fishing line to remain unharmed at the time of discharging or reeling.

It is also available in three colors: red, yellow and green. Spool diameter 45mm, rod length 24.3 cm.

Six of the same hardness as Salmo Sport Rod . It is also equipped with legs for installation on ice. I give her the silver.

I will consider the so-called balalaika fishing rods, because these are the fishing rods that are in demand, primarily for jig fishing among both amateurs and athletes. I'll start in the order in which I rated them for myself with my favorites.PRECISEDRAG. The difference with the Handy fishing rod is mainly in the body; it is more compact and flatter, due to which it returns to you through the snow more easily and without snags.

But the six, on the contrary, feels softer in the bend, which will certainly benefit anglers who like to use thin fishing lines. The color scheme is the same - traffic light. Spool diameter 45mm. rod length 24.6 cm. An excellent option and a bronze place.

I will consider the so-called balalaika fishing rods, because these are the fishing rods that are in demand, primarily for jig fishing among both amateurs and athletes. I'll start in the order in which I rated them for myself with my favorites.EASYDRAGICEROD. Fundamentally different from its brothers. The fishing rod is made of frost-resistant plastic. Helical friction brake, two sixes of different hardness included, which is very convenient, you can work with fishing lines of different diameters. There is no silicone cambric for the line exit here, since the hole is perfectly smoothly perforated. If desired, you can install the cambric yourself. I fish with such fishing rods without any modifications, the line is not damaged, although it was on these fishing rods that I wound the thinnest diameters of 0.06 mm.

Also available in three colors. But here only the friction nut has color. The spool diameter here is also 45mm. Length 25 cm. A wonderful fishing rod in a strict black design will find its fans.

Let me summarize why balalaikas are so goodSalmo

  • An extensive line of fishing rods, you can choose for a wide variety of fishing conditions.
  • The fishing rods are designed to the maximum extent possible in order to satisfy all the angler’s requirements. If any modification is needed, it is kept to a minimum.
  • All fishing rods, regardless of the material used, have a light weight, from 12 to 15 grams.
  • There is practically no snow sticking to the fishing rods at the time of fishing.
  • Their low cost compared to other famous manufacturers.

I believe that these models are suitable for both beginners and professionals. Finally, a few photos of Salmo fishing rods being tested in action...

Making a winter sports fishing rod.

(material posted with the permission of Alexander Kasyanov (bronik), Krasnoyarsk.)

So summer is over. Soon the white flies will fly, and the reservoirs will gradually be covered with a thin shell of ice. The "penguins" begin to fuss. They update their gear, sort out their jigs, looking longingly at the temperature outside the window. They are waiting for the mercury to drop below zero. For the winter road, this is probably the most anxious anticipation of the season, especially if the winter road fishes with a jig, and at the same time actively participates in sports competitions on fishing. So I want to share my little experience of fishing with a sports jig on the eve of the season. What is a sports jig? Many people think that this is a very small and heavy jig.

But in fact, in the complex it is the tackle itself, and your hands, and your skills and experience, sober calculation and analytical thinking, tactics and complementary feeding. That is, everything that will allow you to show a decent result in a competition in a short period of time in a limited space. For anyone who wants to start performing in competitions, I’ll tell you where to start, and I think this will help avoid initial mistakes and useless expenses.

In most cases, a winter sports fishing rod is a “balalaika”. Of course, I don’t argue that other options for fishing rods are no less good; even at the same competitions it happened that fishermen won, for example, who fished with fishing rods with an open reel and a long handle.

But for an athlete, a sports fishing rod is primarily a convenient, well-functioning tool that must work flawlessly throughout the competition.

And the “balalaika” is more suitable for this. There is nothing superfluous in it, and if there is, it can be easily removed with your own hands. Any “balalaika” can be perfected and adjusted to suit your hand. There would be a desire, as they say.

Basically, “balalaikas” come in two types - foam and plastic.

Polystyrene foam is comfortable, lightweight, and does not heat up in the cold. The main requirement for a foam “balalaika” if you are going to modify it is the density of the foam. Let's look at how you can get a light and convenient instrument from an ordinary “balalaika” costing about 100 rubles, which is of quite good quality. First, let’s lighten it by removing excess foam from the body. What will this give us? There are fewer problems when throwing the fishing rod and then retrieving it to the hole. A light fishing rod glides faster through the snow, clings less to crust and uneven surfaces, and does not sink deep into loose snow. And the hand gets less tired. The weight of a purchased fishing rod is 22 grams, and a lightweight one is 10-12 grams. And so - carefully process the fishing rod using sandpaper. I usually cut as much as possible. Like this.

What does this give us? The reel moves easily when winding and unwinding the fishing line, and if the gap is minimal, the fishing line will not fly off the reel and wrap around the axis under it. This happens when you quickly unwind the fishing line. in long jerks. I also grind a plastic fishing rod using sandpaper and then cover it with thin foam.

The fishing rod will become warm and will not heat up in the cold.

Where can I get foam? I bought a swimming board from Sportmaster. I tore off the top layer of it and glued it on for fun. By the way, you need rubber glue.

Now let's finalize the whip. I make the length 10-15 cm. First, I cut and adjust the thick end of the whip, and then, making sure that it is inserted into the fishing rod with slight effort, I cut off the thin end.

Next, I grind the whip along the plane so that it is no longer round. The whip becomes softer and more flexible, and the nod when attaching it to the whip will lie on a plane, better than on a round one.

Then I heat the edge of the whip, where the nod will be attached, with a lighter and bend it at 45 degrees. Let it cool.

Then I carefully cut off all the excess, trying to make the bend as small as possible. Then I heat up the needle and make a hole through which the fishing line will pass for the nod.

We adjust the whip to the body and glue it. So we have a completely tolerable sports fishing rod. All that remains is to equip it with a fishing line, a nod and a jig, which is the basis for a sports jig.

How to make a sports fishing rod for perch yourself? And which “balalaika” is best suited for sports glittering?

Unfortunately, despite the huge assortment on fishing counters, there are few places where you can find sports winter fishing rods for sale. And even if they are lying around somewhere, their price is very high and very often they simply do not “fit into the hand.” In fact, every experienced fisherman is well aware that there are some things he can only do himself. This is especially true in winter, when the fisherman has to make his own fishing rods, spinners, or even a fishing box.

But not everything is as bad and difficult as it seems. It is enough to buy a good, branded balalaika, a carbon fiber whip from a summer fishing rod and make a sports winter fishing rod yourself. But let’s talk about this in order, starting with the most important.

Choosing a "balalaika"

It has two washers, one under the spool and one on the so-called “friction”, which ensure easy movement and line release without much effort or biting the line. You don’t have to worry about abrasion of the fishing line with this fishing rod, because a cambric is built into the body of the “balalaika”, through which the fishing line passes. In general, the fishing rod is very light, comfortable and practical, so I advise you to make a sports fishing rod from it.

We don’t need the original whip, but there’s no need to throw it away; you can give it to your mother or grandmother for attaching house plants.

The weight of the Salmo Handy Ice Rod balalaika is just over 16 grams. I think that few people suffer from dystrophy and will say that this is a lot of weight for a winter fishing rod.

And so, in addition to the balalaika itself, to make a sports fishing rod we will need:

1. Stationery knife.

2. Pliers with wire cutters (or separate pliers and wire cutters).

3. Glue “Second” or “Super glue”.

4. Meter or long ruler.

5. Plastic coated paper clip.

6. All-metal single-shank pin.

7. Sanding sponge.

8. And of course, a carbon fiber whip from a summer float rod no less than #3.5

The first thing to do is to adjust the diameter of the whip to the diameter of the hole in our balalaika. I do this by eye, sawing off the thick part of the whip with a utility knife until it fits tightly into the hole of the balalaika.

When we have adjusted the whip to the diameter of the balalaika hole, it needs to be treated with a sanding sponge.

Now, you need to choose the length of the whip. To be honest, the length of the fishing rod is selected individually: for some it is convenient to fish with long whips, for others – with short ones. But, nevertheless, there is a golden mean - 45-50 cm. Personally, I find it convenient to fish with a 45 cm rod. I would like to note that the length of the fishing rod is counted together with the balalaika.

Once you have decided on the length, make a cut on the whip (or any other mark), take it out of the balalaika and saw it in this place with a utility knife. Then we treat the cut with a sponge.

Now we can put the whip back into the balalaika and secure it with “superglue” for reliability.

Perhaps we can start making a tulip for our sports fishing rod. The simplest, most convenient and reliable thing is to make a tulip from a plastic-coated paper clip. Yes, yes, with a plastic coating, this coating will protect the fishing line from friction and help prevent it from freezing to the tulip. Expensive Fuji tulips are of no use here, and even to the detriment of a sports fishing rod, since in the wind, due to the large tulip, there will be strong vibration transmitted to the hand.

Making a tulip for our sports fishing rod is very simple. It is enough to straighten the paper clip and bite off a piece with wire cutters, pinch the two ends with pliers and bend them, leaving a small hole at the bend.

Well, now you can glue our homemade tulip into the rod whip and generously fill the gaps and cracks with glue.

Have you forgotten that we still have a pin? I use the pin as an eyelet for attaching spinners.

Let's bite off a little less than half of the pin with wire cutters and carefully place it on the glue in our balalaika.

Our Salmo Handy Ice Rod balalaika fishing rod is ready. The weight of the fishing rod has not changed significantly, it has only increased by one gram!

Now all that's left to do is reel it in good fishing line and go fishing!

I've been fishing with these rods for the 2nd season, and they suit me perfectly. There were catches of perch worth half a kilo, good bersh, zander, and even some good pike. The whip and balalaika cope with their tasks perfectly.

The rod doesn’t need any nods; even the bite of a small perch is perfectly transmitted to the hand.

But, and most importantly, these rods help me show good results in winter ice lure competitions.

See you on the ice, don't forget to loosen the clutch before your next fishing trip!

Continuing the topic:

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