The city of Perm - we have our own atmosphere here. We have our own atmosphere here We have our own atmosphere here where it came from

Clear winter day. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing. I'm walking down the street and suddenly I see... Sherlock! A man in a coat and blue scarf is standing across the road, opposite me. From a distance I can't see the face. I cross the road and realize that it is Musa Aselderovich Gadzhiev! Senior teacher of the Department of Russian Literature, Faculty of Philology, DSU, smart, intelligent and very pleasant person. I first met him at the “Old Unforgotten Gramophone” retro evening, where Makhachkala residents - young, old and old - listened to gramophone records, shared memories of the city, their lives and the music of past years.

Clear winter day. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing. I'm walking down the street and suddenly I see... Sherlock! A man in a coat and blue scarf is standing across the road, opposite me. From a distance I can't see the face. I cross the road and realize that it is Musa Aselderovich Gadzhiev! Senior teacher of the Department of Russian Literature, Faculty of Philology, DSU, smart, intelligent and very pleasant person. I first met him at the “Old Unforgotten Gramophone” retro evening, where Makhachkala residents - young, old and old - listened to gramophone records, shared memories of the city, their lives and the music of past years.

And now Musa Aselderovich will hold a poetry evening, which I have to write about. Having learned that he would be the presenter, I realized that it would be interesting. And I was not mistaken.
We go to the anti-cafe “Friend Zone”. First, let me explain what an anti-cafe is. This is a place for meetings and pastime, decorated in the form of a cafe or club, “rented” by visitors for a while. This place is mainly for socializing and not for eating, but you can drink hot tea or coffee there. Guys from the creative club “Enigma” often gather here and organize film meetings, poetry readings, and debates. The Port-Petrovskaya Gavan club under the leadership of Musa Aselderovich and the Enigma club are “friends at home,” which is why he was invited to host the evening.
Entering the dimly lit room, we settle down in armchairs. I look around. 15 people. Isn't it too much for Makhachkala? Having sat down comfortably, Musa Aselderovich read the first poem from his list of favorites. It was Rudyard Kipling's "Commandment" translated by Lozinsky. Memories followed.
“This is the first poem that I wrote down in a notebook and constantly re-read. In general, at that time you couldn’t tell your friends that you were writing down poems “like a girl”; it wasn’t even very common to read them,” said Musa Aselderovich. Having told a couple more of his favorite things, he tried to stir up the audience: “Well, maybe someone will read something of their own? Something you like." One of those sitting took the plunge and read Lermontov’s “Motherland.” After him, the others became bolder, and a stream of the participants’ favorite poems began. Maybe I should read something too? Tyutchev’s work “Silentium” immediately appeared in my head. But I never made up my mind. You know, there are poems that you are afraid to read out loud. You're afraid to distort it. They're too good.
The girl to my right read Mayakovsky - “Listen.” Her voice carried throughout the small room, drawing in and plunging into the ringing lines.
Poems by Brodsky, Lermontov, Yesenin were sung. The main theme of most of them was, of course, love. Love for the homeland, for the opposite sex. Almost two hours in an atmosphere of beauty and art. For two hours to soar among the lines, in the feelings of those who once wrote all this, passing through themselves. I don’t regret the time spent, because it’s always nice to be among like-minded people.

The Enigma creative club was created by the guys from the Hidalgo club, an intellectual games club. There is no age limit, anyone can join the clubs, as long as the person is good and smart :). If anyone is interested in the schedule of club meetings and events, join the groups and

Jamilya Ramazanova,
our cadet

A misunderstanding of what is sometimes happening around us leads to the appearance of phrases like “You are all fucked here!” On the Internet, such expressed bewilderment follows when a user enters a topic. The response to this phrase is usually followed by “Sorry, we have our own atmosphere here.” These phrases tend to be used less often without images, in text. I always use them more often in various demotivators and macros. The images on this topic are quite strange and disgusting. By the way, there are noticeably more of the latter. Pictures for such memes may contain inappropriate, strange behavior of people and animals. How did the meme come about? We cannot say for sure about its origin. Most likely, its origin was recorded on one of the RuNet communities: or “Sovereign Leper Colony”. Search for the date of origin of the meme “You're all fucked up here!” gave the following result: April 2011. The answer to this epic phrase “We have our own atmosphere here” arose a year later - in April 2012.

This phrase is used for photographs where there are people or animals who are on their own wavelength and are engaged in a certain activity that is not always clear to everyone. Often the footage is disgusting and contains various kinds of images distorted by the human brain. As mentioned earlier, usually such a meme is designed as a demotivator, i.e. There is a main picture in a black frame, a slogan with an explanation or comment. In this case, instead of a slogan with an explanation, there are two phrases under each other: the first is ““You’re all fucked here!” and the second is “Sorry, we have our own atmosphere here.”

In many online communities, users use this meme without pictures, in text. The meaning remains the same - the user thereby shows that they have their own topic in a chat, blog, forum, etc. A user who is not familiar with the topic can begin to understand it. However, it is not always possible to understand the idea of ​​memes from this series. Many of them were created on the basis of some events, topics, discussions, ideologies, moods, interests, opinions, etc. Therefore, it will be difficult for a person who is not familiar with the culture of some community of people to immediately understand what meaning is contained in this or that demotivator with the meme “We have our own atmosphere here.”

Any user of the World Wide Web can create such a meme using their own picture, or choosing from the options offered in programs. You can also sign such demotivators yourself. The main thing is to use the phrase “We have our own atmosphere here” to convey the meaning of the meme.

In this post we will tell you how we arrived, spent the night and walked around the million-plus city of Perm, a city where happiness is just around the corner.

At three o'clock in the morning Moscow time, we quickly burst into the Perm region. The time differs by two hours, so morning comes earlier. When the real boys approached the capital, it was already dawn. But there is almost no traffic :)

We spent the night at the Neftyanik guest complex. Well, as in a guest complex, let’s call a spade a spade - in a hostel :)

From what I remember in “Neftyanik” is the organization of the soul. Four booths in one room, without division into boys/girls and extra doors. Comfortable. There are even six stalls in the toilet together :) Also, bed linen and towels are issued upon signature, and upon check-out, everything must be returned to the reception.

In the parking lot, they almost inadvertently took someone’s VIP seat, maybe the director’s?

In the Perm settlements there is a masterpiece of architecture - the Perm Eiffel Tower. Here is what the Our Ural website writes about it: “Many of us dreamed of visiting France and seeing the Eiffel Tower in all its splendor with our own big and enthusiastic eyes. Now for every resident of Perm this dream has become possible.”

We hope that not all Perm residents think that a tower in an industrial zone among garages is France.

The election campaign of some vague party delivers: let’s tell the tsar what’s going on in the country.

And here is the famous letter “P”, installed during the heyday of the cultural and other life of the city. The heyday was associated with the name of the governor of the Perm region Oleg Chirkunov and the specialists and figures he invited, including Marat Gelman and Artemy Lebedev.

Those days are long gone, the lampposts are rusty, and the surroundings at the monument were unpleasant.

Perm residents, by the way, have an ambiguous attitude towards the projects of Chirkunov and Artemy Lebedev (the letter “P” and fashionable stops), they say, they spent a lot of money and laundered it. The letter was even set on fire several times.

And here is a monument to the salty ears of Permians (there is such an expression, we hope you know). When we talk about Solikamsk, we will reveal the terrible secret of where it came from.

We went to a cafe to try Perm cuisine and decided on a modern classic - posikunchiki.

And here are the little ones themselves. They look like fried dumplings, but the taste is so-so. As we were explained later, posikunchiki should be juicy and leak when eaten, hence the name. And in the chain of establishments of the same name, we got a tasteless, dried-out fake :) A portion of 12 pieces cost 150 rubles, but in the case of succulents, it turns out that it’s better to overpay.

In the center, residents and visitors are greeted with complete architectural diversity. There are many houses from the beginning of the last century.

Nearby, right in the very center, is a tattered Khrushchev building.

Along the spacious Komsomolsky Avenue we go up to the embankment.

And here are typical Permians. The collective images described in the series “Real Boys” are not made up. In Perm, people have a unique dialect and those same simple boys from the area walk around in shorts and flip-flops. All these words “so-and-so”, “mohat” and “unwind”, according to our host, are really in use :)

The conversation, by the way, is very sweet. We always thought that those around us were joking and making fun of us - this is how intonations are perceived :) And the dialect is also perfectly adopted and after a few days Pasha began to unconsciously speak faster, swallow vowels and copy intonations, and Lena, it seems, will never be able to live without expression “How is that possible?!”

The most important place in the city, the embankment, its symbol for tourists and residents, is in terrible condition: broken asphalt in patches (when it rains there is probably a huge puddle here, you won’t even get close) and some kind of pier covered with graffiti. It’s good that the renovation of the embankment is in full swing.

While walking around the city, we passed near the fence of the Perm Zoo. The poster tells us about the attack of the kharza on the musk deer. Yes, Perm definitely has its own atmosphere.

Perm has its own atmosphere in everything. The city, although it has a population of over a million, is absolutely leisurely and friendly. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Perm became a millionaire due to the annexation of nearby settlements. As soon as the population of Perm falls below a million, the authorities annex a new suburb to maintain its status. And what? Comfortable! The slowness of the city may also be due to the fact that all the hurried scurryers, thirsty for fame and money, have fled to more money-rich Yekaterinburg, the capital of the Ural District.

There are many monstrous-looking houses in the city, but there is something special in them, a small glimpse of design thought.

Its own atmosphere: a Khrushchev-era building adjoins a noble mansion.

Several pre-revolutionary buildings are in excellent condition. This is the building of the local history museum. The sun was shining, it was summer and I absolutely didn’t want to go to museums, so reports from museums are for another time.

This year, the residents of the Urals were lucky with summer, but the previous two years there was no summer: constant rain and +15, so they wore jackets all the time.

If you are in Perm in winter, be sure to visit the Museum of Perm Antiquities, they say it is very interesting. Winter here is long and cold; snow can fall in October and never melt.

In Perm, as in our entire vastness, there are enough fools for a hundred years.

As Ostap Bender bequeathed, the main thing is to honor the criminal code.

The restoration of the Perm-2 railway station is close to completion. Only electric trains operate at this station; long-distance trains arrive at the Perm-1 station.

The train schedule throughout the country is published according to Moscow time (that is, in the Perm Territory you need to add two hours). Residents are probably already used to it and automatically recalculate the time. Why does this idiocy exist?

And this view was published by Lebedev without any changes about three years ago. Time passes, nothing changes.

100 meters from the station there is soil and graffiti.

There is also an abandoned building and a garbage dump.

Unfortunately, not all wooden houses have been restored.

Unique promotion.

And in this mansion in the very center sits the FSB. I wonder if such bright colors were used in the centuries before last?

The building of the Opera and Ballet Theater is cleverly painted. The cultural life of the city is still in full swing, although not as vibrant as in the time of Chirkunov.

There is a lot of graffiti everywhere.

Lenin on the monument is unusual, as if he was showing off.

Public transport is well developed in Perm; there are especially many trams in the center. The stop is marked, which is very convenient. I remember that in Moscow about five years ago, tram stops were sometimes located right in the middle of a ten-lane road without any barriers.

Perm traffic jam during rush hour, ha ha. The cars just drive slowly and that’s all. Nobody cuts, climbs, or beeps.

The main hotel of the city, in our opinion, does not shine with design.

Nearby is the famous monument to the bear, with which everyone takes pictures. The bear is also on the coat of arms of the Perm region.

In a shopping center, someone came up with an original idea for a burger joint. I wonder how soon after the meme appeared she opened up?

In the center we unexpectedly encountered a house with a futuristic design.

One of the places of attraction for townspeople is the dancing fountain near the theater. There are several musical programs; on different days you can hear different music.

The children were absolutely delighted with the fountain and couldn’t resist filming a video:

Our host was so inspired that she also ran in the dress :)

Perm may not surprise you, but it’s definitely worth visiting this pleasant city. So that. See you again!

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.