Hockey player Ivan Tkachenko is the captain of Lokomotiv. Ivan Tkachenko: biography, career and personal life. We remember. Ivan Tkachenko Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich biography

The morning did not promise anything unusual to the Ibragimov family from Voronezh. Elena Anatolyevna was in the kitchen putting a cup of tea and breakfast for her daughter on a tray. Sixteen-year-old Diana almost did not get up - she had an acute form of leukemia; Medicines, injections and drips completely weakened the girl. The doctors unanimously repeated: an operation is needed, and as quickly as possible. But she's worth it huge money, where can I get them?! They posted a request for help online. And they hoped that someone would respond.

The phone on the kitchen table beeped. Elena Anatolyevna took it and, screaming, almost dropped it from her hands. It was a message from the bank: “Replenish your account. Balance - five hundred thousand rubles" With trembling fingers the woman dialed the bank number:

May I know where the translation came from? – she asked excitedly.

We apologize, but the information is confidential. The person who sent you the money is called Ivan Leonidovich. That’s all we can say,” they answered at the other end of the line.

...In the city of Yaroslavl, a team trained at the ice arena hockey club"Locomotive". The captain, thirty-year-old Ivan Tkachenko, was intently watching the puck. And not a single person in the world knew, or even guessed, that he's the one and there is that same mysterious “Ivan Leonidovich” who donated half a million rubles to a seriously ill girl from Voronezh. Ivan Tkachenko helped not only her: he monthly transferred large sums to charities that help children with cancer.

Vanya Tkachenko got on the ice when he turned five. A year later his parents brought him to sports school, where in the first training session he scored four goals. Ivan lived up to the hopes of the coaches - a few years later he became one of the most sought-after and highly paid Russian hockey players, played in prestigious clubs, received the title of Honored Master of Sports and at the end of two thousand and nine became the captain of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv. However, pathos in all its manifestations was completely alien to Ivan. He did not wear expensive watches, nor was he photographed for advertising. In between training and matches, he led the quiet life of a family man and father of two children. And he helped, helped, helped those who were in need. He could, for example, send a transfer to a grandmother from the outback whose house had collapsed, simply by seeing a story on television. But he did this too without the slightest expectation of publicity. Even the people closest to him - his parents and wife - did not know that Ivan was involved in charity work.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tkachenko provided great support to the Church of the Smolensk Mother of God in the village of Fedorovskoye. Helped with heating, appliances, and church decoration. He came there often, and, first of all, asked the rector if there were anyone in need in the parish. And when these people later came to the temple, exclaiming in amazement: “Father, God helped us!”, the priest hid a satisfied smile and thought: “I know, through whom He helped!"

...September seventh two thousand and eleven from Yaroslavl airport T U The plane took off but crashed on takeoff, not having time to gain altitude. In this plane crash in full force The Lokomotiv team, led by its captain, Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko, died. He was thirty-one years old.

But right before landing, Ivan managed to transfer another half a million to the Voronezh girl Diana Ibragimova for post-operative rehabilitation. Then they will calculate that he spent about ten million rubles on charitable donations.

“He did good as he breathed,” friends recalled about Ivan Tkachenko. The hockey player himself spoke about himself much more modestly: “So, sometimes I help...”. And he really didn’t like to talk about it - because he preferred do.

Fans of winter sports like hockey have always been interested in life famous players. One of the most prominent figures was Ivan Tkachenko. Much has been said about this legendary man. Today we will tell you about everything connected with his name. And we can say unequivocally: Ivan Tkachenko is a hockey player from God. The achievements of his sports career clearly confirm this. Most fans know that, first of all, Ivan Tkachenko is the captain of Lokomotiv. The tragic death of this man left a deep wound in the hearts of people who knew him in life and in sports.

Ivan Tkachenko: biography

Born in the fall, November 9, 1979 in the pretty city of Russia Yaroslavl. Since childhood, the boy was drawn to the ice. Already at the age of five, Ivan skated freely on ice. The parents, after weighing the pros and cons, decided to send their child to a sports school. So at the age of six, Tkachenko began training at a hockey school, where he was immediately able to distinguish himself. At the very first training session, he managed to score 4 goals, which amazed the coach. High hopes were placed on Ivan, and he lived up to them. By training and playing, he became a highly paid and sought-after athlete, for whom many clubs competed.

In addition to his career, his family life was also going well. Ivan Tkachenko married a beautiful girl - Marina Bokova. She gave birth to two daughters: Varvara and Alexandra. In the fall of 2011, Ivan learned that he would become a father again. But he was not destined to see his son. On September 7, 2011, along with the entire hockey team, Ivan Tkachenko died. A tragedy occurred during the plane's takeoff from the airfield in Yaroslavl. Until now, relatives and fans cannot get used to the idea that the guys are no more.

Tkachenko's career growth

Throughout his sports career, Ivan played in many clubs. These were:

  • "Chemist" (Engels).
  • "Spartak-2" (Moscow).
  • "Torpedo-2" (Yaroslavl).
  • "Vyatich" (Tver).
  • "Motor" (Zavolzhye).
  • "Neftekhimik" (Nizhnekamsk).

But the hockey player spent the bulk of his career with one team, the heart of which he became. The team for which Ivan Tkachenko played was Lokomotiv. It was in it that he began playing in 2001. In the 2008-2009 season, Ivan was a vice-captain on the team. Both fans and commentators admired his performance. And in the 2009-2010 season. Team representatives announced that their captain is Ivan Tkachenko. Thus began his career as a captain. Ivan played in Lokomotiv under number 17. Having a height of 180 cm and a weight of 85 kg, Tkachenko looked very impressive on the ice and fully corresponded to his position as captain both externally and in terms of play.

For all his merits, Ivan Tkachenko never boasted about his achievements, did not participate in advertising, and did not wear expensive things.


Throughout his career as a hockey player, Tkachenko became a prize-winner of many tournaments. Analyzing these achievements, we can say with confidence that Ivan Tkachenko is a hockey player with a capital letter. He has the following titles:

  • At the World Hockey Championship in 2002 he became a silver medalist.
  • He won the Russian Ice Hockey Championship twice in 2002 and 2003.
  • He was twice a silver medalist at the Russian Ice Hockey Championship in 2008 and 2009.
  • Twice he became a bronze medalist at the Russian Hockey Championship in 2005 and 2011.
  • In the fight for the Continental Cup, he took third place in 2003.
  • How a Russian national team player became a winner in the Czech hockey games in 2002, and also in games in Sweden in 2003.

Romance in the life of Ivan Tkachenko

Romance in Tkachenko’s life began when he was only nine years old. It was then that he met his future wife. The acquaintance took place with the participation of Marina’s brother, Sasha. The guys got into a fight at a summer camp, and when they returned home, they realized that they lived in neighboring buildings. And the quarrel grew into a strong friendship. They studied at the same school, only the classes were different: Ivan went to a sports class. Together with a friend, they relaxed, walked with the girls. And all this time, Ivan watched Sasha’s sister, Marina, who was three years older than them. She was looked after by many guys who were much older than Ivan and Sasha. But this did not stop them when they needed to stand up for their sister. Often both Sasha and Vanya fought for Marina when someone offended her. And only when Ivan turned 16 years old did he finally dare to ask Marina on a date. Since then, their relationship has developed confidently and purposefully and led them to a civil marriage.

The joys of family life

Despite the fact that they never got a stamp in their passport, this in no way dimmed their joy. family life. Many people know that Ivan Tkachenko is the captain of Lokomotiv, but few know what he is like outside the hockey field. He very often gave flowers to his wife and was extremely happy every time he learned about Marina’s pregnancy. For the birth of each of his daughters, he bought his wife expensive jewelry, but this did not spoil her in any way. Like her husband, she never boasted of family wealth, and most of all she loved wild flowers. The family traveled a lot, and Lately they bought a small cottage near Kostroma and loved to invite friends there.

When, after the death of her husband, Marina saw her newborn son for the first time, she could not hold back her tears. He was very similar to dad. The same hero with a weight of almost four kilograms and a height of 52 centimeters. At first she wanted to name him after her husband, but then, remembering how Ivan wanted a son, Kolya, she decided to fulfill his wish and named the boy Nikolai.

Ivan Tkachenko: "Lokomotiv"

Not only his wife and children loved Ivan. The crew, to whom he gave a huge part of his heart, also loved and respected the captain. Tkachenko was a true leader both on the ice and in the locker room. They say about him that he had a steely character and was ready to gnaw out victory for his favorite team with his teeth. He had real talent as a player and captain and infected the entire team with his attitude. Several times other clubs wanted to buy him out, but he never agreed to leave Lokomotiv. By putting the interests of the team above his own, he won the undeniable respect of the entire team. Many said that Ivan is a bright representative of the Yaroslavl hockey school, who achieved great success. But no one doubts that in order to achieve such results, Ivan had to work hard and overcome many difficulties. Which he coped with one hundred percent.

After death

Only after the death of the hockey player many of his merits, which he did not tell anyone during his lifetime, became known. Only his wife knew how much money he gave to a good cause. It turns out that Ivan helped the disadvantaged and sick a lot, transferring large sums of money to solve this or that problem. He could see a story about a grandmother whose house is collapsing and send her money for repairs. Or he could send money for the treatment of a patient who needs financial assistance. After Tkachenko died tragically, an analysis was carried out, and everyone found out that he spent about ten million rubles on charity. Everyone knows that Ivan Tkachenko is a hockey player, his biography is known to every hockey fan. But the fact that he saved many lives with his donations was revealed only after the death of Ivan. Tkachenko did his last good deed shortly before his death: he transferred half a million rubles to the account of a girl who had leukemia and was in dire need of surgery. Ivan was posthumously awarded, and his wife received a medal for him in the “Hurry to do good” category.

Ivan Tkachenko’s father and mother want to build a school in honor of their son where children will play hockey. Anyone can train there. The estimated amount that parents will pay for the construction of the school is 80 million rubles.


You can talk about this legendary man for a very long time, talking about his career and family life, conveying the words of family and friends, but bitterness still remains in your soul. Nothing will bring back Ivan Tkachenko: captain, friend, husband, father, son. The only thing that eases the bitterness of loss is that his memory will live forever in the hearts of people.

The terrible news spread throughout the world. On September 7, 2011, in Yaroslavl, a Yak-42 crashed during takeoff during a collision with a radio beacon, making a charter flight to Minsk with the main crew hockey team Lokomotiv on board. 26 young guys died, the youngest was 18, and the oldest was 38.

Hurry to do good

And only then did everyone find out that Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko, the team captain, anonymously transferred a total of about 10,000,000 rubles to children in need of expensive treatment. And just a day before takeoff, he sent another transfer of 500,000 rubles for Diana Ibragimova, a 16-year-old girl who needed a bone marrow transplant. His family did not know about this, his relatives did not know. Only two people were aware - a friend and an employee ice arena. And both were bound by a word; they could not, had no right to tell anyone.

There are eight of them - children whom Ivan helped, six of whom owe their lives to him. Probably, the desire to help those who need it so much was in his blood.

He died at 31.

Maybe he felt something? According to his father, he had never talked to him for so long as that last time.

What was he like - Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko? Biography

He was the second son in a close-knit working family. The father dreamed of a daughter. Vanya appeared. November 9, 1979. I loved listening to fairy tales. He loved Gaidarovsky’s “Kibalchish Boy” and reacted with tears in his eyes and pouting lips to the insults inflicted by Bad Guy. From the age of four he was already reading on his own.

The first steps of the future champion

It was the father’s idea to put a three-year-old child on the ice on runner skates attached to felt boots. He got up and rode off easily. At five he was skating on real ice skates. We can say that it was with them that it began sports career. And it became clear that he was a hockey player from God.

He was not a fighter, but he did not allow himself or the kids to be hurt. If someone attacked, the boy fiercely defended himself. And he was patient. However, no one was able to bully him for a long time with impunity. He didn’t bend or give in, he fought back.

He was quickly named one of the leaders of the yard team, for his fairness and goals scored. And he proved that he was the best when his team won at the regional Golden Puck competition, scoring 43 goals, 37 of which were Vanina’s.

At the age of six he was accepted into the Torpedo hockey section. The little boy had to get up every day at five in the morning, wait 20 minutes in the cold and wind for the bus and go to training on the other side of the city, and from there to school, where he was admitted ahead of schedule, as a six-year-old. And he never complained about anything.

It was at the age of six, according to his mother’s recollections, that Vanya held a charity event, the first in his life. I took my mother’s careless phrase that they are now rich because she received a prize literally. He took the money from his wallet and distributed it to the children in the yard, down to the last penny. Mom, of course, wanted to punish strictly, but father forbade it. And now the mother is sure that this is why her son helped sick children without anyone finding out.

When there is a goal

Perhaps this was an incredible success for the future athlete, but at secondary school No. 9 in Yaroslavl, it was decided to gather boys who were passionate about hockey into one class. So, in 1990, Ivan was enrolled in 5 “C” - a sports class with a special schedule that allowed him to be in time from training with A. Podmetalin (first coach) to the second lesson. By the way, today this school is named after Ivan Tkachenko.

At the same time, the young hockey player got real skates; his father got hold of Canadian ones somewhere. And it wasn’t a hindrance that the athlete had not yet grown to that size and looked in them like walking boots. When the coach in May 1992, after being fired and forced to return to his native Saratov, called Ivan with him and with him Maxim Bychkov and Renat Yubin, the guy agreed without hesitation and defended his decision to his parents. The boys living in the dormitory had to cook, wash, and clean themselves. The boys soon returned home. Vanya stayed. He stubbornly walked towards his intended goal.

This is not an easy path

Like many of his hockey friends, it wasn't an easy path. He had to play for the farm clubs Spartak and Torpedo, try his hand at major league in the Tver THC, Zavolzhsky "Motor", to play for "Neftekhimik".

He was deceived with his first contract. Many years later, the parents found out what it was like for their son when, for three people on the team, food was given in such small quantities as one portion of the first and two of the second. And they didn’t find out from their son, but from his friends. Many left the sport because they couldn’t stand it. He continued to play.

At the age of 16 he plays for Spartak in Canada, his first time abroad. He played in such a way that he was awarded the main prize - the statuette won there.

His career included silver in the 2002 world championship, when he competed for the Russian national team.

His team

It has long been noted that as soon as Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko appeared, Lokomotiv became champions. And Ivan himself and his native team twice became the champion of Russia - in 2002 and 2003, in 2003 - silver medalist of the Continental Cup, won silver and bronze. The 2011/2012 season would have been the tenth.

Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko was thinking about retiring from his career. He made plans. And I was sure that you need to do well in everything you undertake. He was so worried that he might not be successful outside of hockey, which had become his life.

He was such a Man!

Everyone talks about him as a very kind and attentive person. He did not leave a single message unanswered, he remembered the birthdays of his loved ones and made sure to congratulate everyone. He knew how to easily communicate with any person, and it didn’t matter whether he was a high official or a friend with life problems.

He enjoyed well-deserved respect in the team, the fans loved him. On the ice he was a real fighter, giving his best to the last. And every hockey player on his team was confident that their captain would do everything possible and impossible for success. And Lokomotiv really was his home team. No other club managed to lure him away. He signed his contracts with Yaroslavl Lokomotiv.

Because everyone here actually knows what team hockey is. Everyone knows in fact that only hard work made them masters.

Family of origin

Was Leonidovich married? His wife is Marina, they have known each other since childhood. Her younger brother was his friend from an early age, with whom they played hockey together and did their homework. After graduating from school, when Ivan began playing professionally, he and Marina began to live together in a rented room. Later, the club rented an apartment for him, and there, in 2005, their first daughter Sasha was born, followed three years later by Varya. Shortly before the last flight, he learned that they would have a son. He didn't have to see it. The boy was born after the disaster, his name is Nikolai, as his father wanted. And Marina remained his only woman.

This is how he was - Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko - hockey player, captain of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, a wonderful person. I loved listening to Depeche mode and U2, and I loved driving fast and traveling. He was awarded the honorary badge “Order of the Palm” and the medal “Hurry to Do Good.”

In memory of their son, the parents plan to build a nursery hockey school, an ice palace for 100 people, where the main task will be to train future hockey stars. It was their son's idea. He wanted, first of all, to distract the boys from the street and, last but not least, to raise future champions.

Russian Federation


Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko (November 9, Yaroslavl - September 7, Tunoshna, Yaroslavl region) - Russian hockey player. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2002). He played mainly for Lokomotiv Yaroslavl.


He played for the teams “Khimik” Engels, “Vyatich” Tver, “Spartak-2” (Moscow), “Torpedo-2” (Yaroslavl), “Motor” Zavolzhye, “Neftekhimik” (Nizhnekamsk). Since 2001 in Yaroslavl Lokomotiv: in the 2008/2009 and 2010/2011 seasons - vice-captain, 2009/2010 - team captain (No. 17). Lokomotiv's record holder in the club's history for the number of points scored - 313, as well as the number of assists - 178.

He died along with the Lokomotiv team on September 7, 2011 when the plane took off from Yaroslavl airport. He was buried at the Leontyevskoe cemetery in Yaroslavl.

He had two daughters: Alexandra and Varvara. On January 14, 2012, the widow of Ivan Tkachenko gave birth to a son, Nikolai.

After the plane crash

After the death of the hockey player in a plane crash, it turned out that he, without revealing his name, provided large-scale financial assistance to children with serious illnesses. In particular, Ivan made his last payment in the amount of 500,000 rubles to a girl suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia on the day of his tragic death. The total amount of transferred funds at the time of death was 9,996,300 rubles. During his lifetime this fact was not known. In 2011, he was awarded the medal of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation “Hurry to do good.”

The hockey player’s parents announced their intention to build a children’s hockey school in memory of their son and his team, which will be an ice palace with stands for 100 people. Its main task is training process. The cost of construction is estimated at approximately 80 million rubles.


In 2016, the AST publishing house published the book “Swifts on Ice,” dedicated to Ivan Tkachenko. The author of the work was the famous writer Eduard Topol. The book takes place in Yaroslavl. The main character was a 12-year-old disabled boy named Egor. Egor was next on the list of children whom Ivan wanted to help, but a fatal plane crash did not allow him to complete the matter. And so Yegor dreams of Ivan, who supports him and shares with him his reserve of will and endurance. Gradually, the child begins to develop his paralyzed leg to play hockey.



In the series “Molodezhka” (STS channel, season 2, episode 27) it is mentioned as a hockey player who anonymously provides financial assistance to children. He is being set as an example for the Bears team.


Club career

Regular season Playoffs
Season Team League Games G P Points +/- Shtr Games G P Points +/- Shtr
1995-96 Chemist Engels CR 3 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- --
Vyatich Tver CR 2 1 1 2 10 -- -- -- -- -- --
1996-97 Torpedo-2 Yar First League 2 0 0 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- --
Spartak-2 Moscow First League 35 9 3 12 20 -- -- -- -- -- --
1997-98 Torpedo-2 Yar RVL 47 9 11 20 16 -- -- -- -- -- --
Torpedo Yar RSL -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 0 0 0 0 0
1998-99 Torpedo-2 Yar VL 63 31 32 63 42 -- -- -- -- -- --
1999-00 Torpedo-2 Yar First League 1 1 0 1 0 -- -- -- -- -- --
Motor Zavolzhye RVL 43 15 14 29 13 22 -- -- -- -- -- --
Neftekhimik-2 First League 8 6 3 9 24 -- -- -- -- -- --
Neftekhimik RSL 5 1 0 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
2000-01 Neftekhimik RSL 30 2 2 4 -5 12 4 0 1 1 1 0
2001-02 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 44 13 21 34 22 57 9 5 2 7 6 4
Lokomotiv-2 Yar First League 1 0 1 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2002-03 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 44 11 6 17 7 57 10 2 3 5 4 6
2003-04 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 56 7 11 18 1 22 3 0 0 0 -1 0
2004-05 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 59 15 15 30 9 30 9 2 3 5 2 8
2005-06 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 45 10 21 31 18 30 11 1 2 3 -4 16
2006-07 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 52 9 24 33 -4 30 7 1 2 3 2 6
2007-08 Lokomotiv Yar RSL 56 14 15 29 9 34 16 1 3 4 -1 6
2008-09 Lokomotiv Yar KHL 56 14 13 27 8 40 19 3 5 8 5 10
2009-10 Lokomotiv Yar KHL 56 6 16 22 -1 34 17 3 4 7 0 8
2010-11 Lokomotiv Yar KHL 54 11 10 21 4 43 18 6 3 9 -5 8
Total in RSL and KHL 557 113 154 267 70 389 127 24 28 52 9 72

International competitions

Year Team Tournament Place AND G P ABOUT Shtr
Russia World Cup 9 3 2 5 2
Total (main team) 9 3 2 5 2

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Excerpt characterizing Tkachenko, Ivan Leonidovich

And instead of all this, here he is, the rich husband of an unfaithful wife, a retired chamberlain who loves to eat, drink and easily scold the government when unbuttoned, a member of the Moscow English club and a beloved member of Moscow society. For a long time he could not come to terms with the idea that he was the same retired Moscow chamberlain whose type he so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this was the only way he was leading this life; but then he was horrified by another thought, that so far, how many people had already entered, like him, with all their teeth and hair, into this life and into this club, and left without one tooth and hair.
In moments of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, special from those retired chamberlains whom he had despised before, that they were vulgar and stupid, happy and reassured by their position, “and even now I am still dissatisfied “I still want to do something for humanity,” he said to himself in moments of pride. “Or maybe all those comrades of mine, just like me, struggled, were looking for some new, their own path in life, and just like me, by the force of the situation, society, breed, that elemental force against which there is no a powerful man, they were brought to the same place as I,” he said to himself in moments of modesty, and after living in Moscow for some time, he no longer despised, but began to love, respect and pity, as well as himself, his comrades by fate .
Pierre was not, as before, in moments of despair, melancholy and disgust for life; but the same illness, which had previously expressed itself in sharp attacks, was driven inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? For what? What is going on in the world?” he asked himself in bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily beginning to ponder the meaning of the phenomena of life; but knowing from experience that there were no answers to these questions, he hastily tried to turn away from them, took up a book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolaevich to chat about city gossip.
“Elena Vasilievna, who has never loved anything except her body and is one of the stupidest women in the world,” thought Pierre, “seems to people to be the height of intelligence and sophistication, and they bow before her. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian, Emperor Franz has been trying to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. The Spaniards send up prayers to God through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they defeated the French on June 14th, and the French send up prayers through the same Catholic clergy that they defeated the Spaniards on June 14th. My brother Masons swear on blood that they are ready to sacrifice everything for their neighbor, and do not pay one ruble each for the collection of the poor and intrigue Astraeus against the Seekers of Manna, and are busy about the real Scottish carpet and about an act, the meaning of which is not known even to those who wrote it, and which no one needs. We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of insults and love for one’s neighbor - the law, as a result of which we erected forty forty churches in Moscow, and yesterday we whipped a fleeing man, and the servant of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, allowed the cross to be kissed by a soldier before execution.” . So thought Pierre, and this whole, common, universally recognized lie, no matter how accustomed he was to it, as if it were something new, amazed him every time. “I understand these lies and confusion,” he thought, “but how can I tell them everything that I understand? I tried and always found that deep down in their souls they understand the same thing as me, but they just try not to see it. So it must be so! But for me, where should I go?” thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and to see too clearly the evil and lies of life in order to be able to take a serious part in it. In his eyes, every area of ​​labor was associated with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he undertook, evil and lies repulsed him and blocked all paths of activity for him. Meanwhile, I had to live, I had to be busy. It was too scary to be under the yoke of these insoluble questions of life, and he gave himself up to his first hobbies just to forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.
He read and read everything that came to hand, and read so that, having arrived home, when the footmen were still undressing him, he, having already taken a book, read - and from reading he passed on to sleep, and from sleep to chatting in the drawing rooms and club, from chatter to revelry and women, from revelry back to chatter, reading and wine. Drinking wine became more and more a physical and at the same time a moral need for him. Despite the fact that the doctors told him that, given his corruption, wine was dangerous for him, he drank a lot. He felt quite good only when, without noticing how, having poured several glasses of wine into his large mouth, he experienced a pleasant warmth in his body, tenderness for all his neighbors and the readiness of his mind to respond superficially to every thought, without delving into its essence. Only after drinking a bottle and two wines did he vaguely realize that the tangled, terrible knot of life that had terrified him before was not as terrible as he thought. With a noise in his head, chatting, listening to conversations or reading after lunch and dinner, he constantly saw this knot, from some side of it. But only under the influence of wine did he say to himself: “It’s nothing. I will unravel this - so I have an explanation ready. But now there’s no time—I’ll think about all this later!” But this never came afterwards.
On an empty stomach, in the morning, all the previous questions seemed just as insoluble and terrible, and Pierre hastily grabbed the book and rejoiced when someone came to him.
Sometimes Pierre recalled a story he had heard about how in war soldiers, being under cover fire and having nothing to do, diligently find something to do in order to make it easier to endure danger. And to Pierre all people seemed to be such soldiers fleeing from life: some by ambition, some by cards, some by writing laws, some by women, some by toys, some by horses, some by politics, some by hunting, some by wine, some by state affairs. “Nothing is insignificant or important, it’s all the same: just to escape from it as best I can!” thought Pierre. - “Just don’t see her, this terrible one.”

At the beginning of winter, Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky and his daughter arrived in Moscow. Due to his past, his intelligence and originality, especially due to the weakening at that time of enthusiasm for the reign of Emperor Alexander, and due to the anti-French and patriotic trend that reigned in Moscow at that time, Prince Nikolai Andreich immediately became the subject of special respect from Muscovites and the center of Moscow opposition to the government.
The prince grew very old this year. Sharp signs of old age appeared in him: unexpected falling asleep, forgetfulness of immediate events and memory of long-standing ones, and the childish vanity with which he accepted the role of head of the Moscow opposition. Despite the fact that when the old man, especially in the evenings, came out to tea in his fur coat and powdered wig, and, touched by someone, began his abrupt stories about the past, or even more abrupt and harsh judgments about the present, he aroused in all his guests the same feeling of respectful respect. For visitors, this entire old house with huge dressing tables, pre-revolutionary furniture, these footmen in powder, and the cool and smart old man himself from the last century with his meek daughter and pretty French girl, who revered him, presented a majestically pleasant sight. But the visitors did not think that in addition to these two or three hours, during which they saw the owners, there were another 22 hours a day, during which the secret inner life of the house took place.
Recently in Moscow this inner life has become very difficult for Princess Marya. In Moscow she was deprived of those best joys - conversations with God's people and solitude - which refreshed her in Bald Mountains, and did not have any of the benefits and joys of metropolitan life. She did not go out into the world; everyone knew that her father would not let her go without him, and due to ill health he himself could not travel, and she was no longer invited to dinners and evenings. Princess Marya completely abandoned hope of marriage. She saw the coldness and bitterness with which Prince Nikolai Andreich received and sent away young people who could be suitors, who sometimes came to their house. Princess Marya had no friends: on this visit to Moscow she was disappointed in her two closest people. M lle Bourienne, with whom she had previously been unable to be completely frank, now became unpleasant to her and for some reason she began to move away from her. Julie, who was in Moscow and to whom Princess Marya wrote for five years in a row, turned out to be a complete stranger to her when Princess Marya again became acquainted with her in person. Julie at this time, having become one of the richest brides in Moscow on the occasion of the death of her brothers, was in the midst of social pleasures. She was surrounded by young people who, she thought, suddenly appreciated her merits. Julie was in that period of the aging society young lady who feels that her last chance for marriage has come, and now or never her fate must be decided. Princess Marya remembered with a sad smile on Thursdays that she now had no one to write to, since Julie, Julie, from whose presence she did not feel any joy, was here and saw her every week. She, like an old emigrant who refused to marry the lady with whom he spent his evenings for several years, regretted that Julie was here and she had no one to write to. Princess Marya had no one in Moscow to talk to, no one to confide in her grief, and much new grief had been added during this time. The time for Prince Andrei's return and his marriage was approaching, and his order to prepare his father for this was not only not fulfilled, but on the contrary, the matter seemed completely ruined, and the reminder of Countess Rostova infuriated the old prince, who was already out of sorts most of the time . A new grief that had recently increased for Princess Marya was the lessons that she gave to her six-year-old nephew. In her relationship with Nikolushka, she recognized with horror the irritability of her father. No matter how many times she told herself that she shouldn’t allow herself to get excited while teaching her nephew, almost every time she sat down with a pointer to learn the French alphabet, she so wanted to quickly and easily transfer her knowledge from herself into the child, who was already afraid that there was an aunt She would be angry that at the slightest inattention on the part of the boy she would flinch, hurry, get excited, raise her voice, sometimes pull him by the hand and put him in a corner. Having put him in a corner, she herself began to cry over her evil, bad nature, and Nikolushka, imitating her sobs, came out of the corner without permission, approached her and pulled her wet hands away from her face, and consoled her. But what caused the princess more grief was her father’s irritability, which was always directed against his daughter and had recently reached the point of cruelty. If he had forced her to bow all night, if he had beaten her and forced her to carry firewood and water, it would never have occurred to her that her position was difficult; but this loving tormentor, the most cruel because he loved and tormented himself and her for that reason, deliberately knew how not only to insult and humiliate her, but also to prove to her that she was always to blame for everything. Lately, a new feature had appeared in him, one that tormented Princess Marya most of all - it was his greater rapprochement with m lle Bourienne. The thought that came to him, in the first minute after receiving news of his son’s intentions, that if Andrei marries, then he himself would marry Bourienne, apparently pleased him, and he stubbornly lately (as it seemed to Princess Marya) only in order to insult her, he showed special affection to m lle Bourienne and showed his dissatisfaction with his daughter by showing love for Bourienne.

On September 7, 2011, a great tragedy occurred: the entire hockey team of the Lokomotiv club died in a plane crash that occurred near Yaroslavl. The plane with all the passengers on board, including a team of hockey players, crashed near the airport in Tunoshna. The unit did not even have time to gain altitude.

Every year on this day, thousands and thousands of fans, together with relatives of deceased athletes, meet at Arena 2000. At this stadium, hockey players held training camps, trained, and prepared for fights. Most of the guys were buried at Leontyevskoye Cemetery, where people also gather to remember the athletes.

One of their hockey players, who was 31 years old at the time, Ivan Tkachenko, made a money transfer of 500,000 rubles a few hours before the accident. The amount was intended for a girl suffering from acute leukemia. Diana Ibragimova was literally pulled out of the other world thanks to the amount received that day.

Ivan Tkachenko, captain of the Lokomotiv team, regularly helped sick children with certain amounts of money. As it turned out later, a decent amount of money (10 million rubles) from a certain Ivan Leonidovich was in the account of charitable organizations.

Who exactly is a good figure was revealed two weeks after the tragedy. Today on classical-news it became known that after the events of 4 years ago, the hockey player was posthumously awarded the honorary badge of children's recognition “Ladoshki”.

Ours or others'

At the cemetery where the athlete is buried, his parents (Tatyana Vladimirovna and Leonid Vladimirovich) and the wife (Marina) of the deceased often meet. For some time now, Ivan’s parents can only see their grandchildren at their son’s grave, and then, as they say, with one eye.

Marina gave birth to three children to Ivan: Alexandra (10 years old), Varvara (7 years old), Nikolai (3 years old). Ivan was never able to see his son, although he always dreamed of a boy. When his wife was expecting a baby, the hockey player said, “This time we’ll definitely have Kolya!” However, Kolya appeared only 4 months after the funeral of the captain of the hockey team.

“We have never held our only grandson,” Vanya’s father says bitterly. “As soon as we are in sight of Marina and the children, she tries to leave as quickly as possible, taking her grandchildren away, as if we were complete strangers. We managed to tinker with our older granddaughters, but we never had a chance to play with Kolenka. We miss our grandchildren madly, because this is all that Tatyana and I have left of our son.”

The discord between Ivan Tkachenko’s parents and Ivan’s chosen one occurred immediately after the tragedy. The reason was a banal circumstance - inheritance. The common-law wife categorically does not want to talk about it, and is also silent about the conflict that happened.

“Vanya always said that he dreamed of building a school in the city where he grew up, for young athletes who want to take up hockey.” – Leonid Vladimirovich added. Vanya was very worried that the younger generation was wandering around the city streets with nothing to do, smoking, sketching on the walls, doing nonsense. He dreamed of improving the streets by engaging children in sports. Now my wife and I are working on a project. All funds were used for the son’s business, but they are not enough.

The governor of the Yaroslavl region took part in this event and allocated a sufficient piece of land for development. We count on the support of the authorities; we would like to quickly begin the first stage of construction.

We received only a third of the inheritance from Ivan. The rest (an apartment, a car, a salary of 1 million rubles, insurance in the amount of 2 million rubles) was left to Marina. She did not welcome our idea to build a school and asked us to give the entire amount to her. We had to refuse, because this is our son’s dream. From then on, we were forbidden to meet with our grandchildren.”

Leonid and Tatyana tried more than once to make peace with Marina.

“We came to their house together with their eldest son, Ivan’s brother, Sergei. They knocked, called, waited... However, the door was never opened to us. We even tried to have children’s educational institutions visit our grandchildren, but apparently they were told that “grandfather and grandmother are bad” and you shouldn’t talk to them.

At last year’s meeting at the cemetery, Alexandra’s eldest granddaughter lowered her head when she saw us, Varya tried to run towards us, but her mother stopped her. Without saying a word, Marina took the children and left.”

Tatyana and Leonid live in a 2-room apartment, quite modest in size, where they moved some time before the death of the hockey player. Ivan spent a long time persuading his parents to move to a larger apartment and organized renovations there.

“We are at retirement age, we receive little money, the bulk of which is spent on paying utilities and car maintenance - without this it is impossible. The rest goes to purchasing products that we buy where it is inexpensive».

Parents, children and their inheritance

1 month ago, pensioners had to sell the apartment in which Ivan was raised and raised in order to invest the proceeds in the hockey player’s long-standing business. Ivan Tkachenko founded Rocks Bar in 2006. In a short period of time, this place gained enormous popularity in Yaroslavl, the athlete’s colleagues and comrades began to regularly visit it - Kalyanin, Demitra and other comrades.

“At the moment, Marina is the owner of the establishment, but we want to buy Rocks Bar from her. No one takes care of the establishment, although it was very dear to Ivan.”

The Tkachenko couple are not entitled to additional payments, while Marina regularly receives them.

“We helped Marina and signed an agreement. We understand perfectly well that she needs to raise three children. When they tried to ask her for help in providing the same service, she flatly refused. It turns out that she became a dependent, while Marina never worked in her life, neither during Ivan’s life, nor after his death.”

The parents only had photographs and one award left to remember their son. All other personal belongings of her beloved son (medals, awards, certificates, cups, etc.) are with Marina. However, this is nothing compared to the important and main inheritance - the grandchildren, for whom the Tkachenko spouses are sad.

Continuing the topic:

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