How to do a bridge from a lying position. Gymnastic element "bridge". Execution technique

Who among us in childhood did not try at least once to stand on bridge?

I think that you won’t find such people, even in distant Africa. Although, it may be there that there may be more of them than in all other parts of the world.

There is something we really like about this movement, which pushes us to try to lie on the floor at least once and push off with our arms and legs.

Some people stop there, while others continue to master it. And after not much time he does something that is simply incomprehensible to the mind!

But if you look at it, the whole difficulty of the “bridge” is in the flexibility of the back, which needs to be developed.

If it is already there, then the movement is achieved almost immediately and we “terribly” enjoy doing it!

If the back is stiff, then almost everyone’s desire disappears immediately after the first time.

Back flexibility is like stretching into a split, it doesn’t fall from the sky. Therefore, if you really want to, then you can do it!

Learning to make a bridge.

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in the bridge: lie on your back, place your palms on the floor near your ears, and your feet not far from your buttocks, and push your body up with your stomach as much as you can.

You repeat it over and over again, and you see that the body rises higher and higher. And if it’s not laziness, mother, then it’s as if there’s nothing to do here.

Another thing is to stand on the bridge from a standing position. Here, in addition to the oak back, you also have to fight fear.

Therefore, we will take all precautions!

Let's provide a hard surface under our feet and a soft one behind our shoulders.

We should also mark the vertical surface in front of us, as indicated in the figure, even if we do not need it right away.

Let me note now that we will need this surface when we start learning to get up from the bridge. It will stop our fall forward in time if we don’t calculate our strength correctly and rush forward in an attempt to get up from the bridge.

The soft surface at the back will protect us from hitting our heads if we forgot to stretch our arms or did not bend our back enough, or sometimes simply lost our balance.

This is not required in the gym, since there are all the conditions for training and there is a coach who will provide backup at any time.

At home it’s a completely different matter! At home, if you don’t make a pillow, it’s your own fault!!!

Most often, when learning a bridge, they fall backward and very rarely forward. I want to scare you, falling forward is worse. Beware of them. This of course does not mean that you should avoid doing exercises. You just need to be smart about it.

God saves man, who save himself!

How to insure a child?

If you are a parent, then secure your child by standing at his side, extending one hand under the arched back and the other, bringing it closer to the child’s knees. There is no need to touch these parts of the body. Only in case of a fall, when the child loses his balance.

Usually, when children bend back, their knees bend first. Without controlling the body, instead of bending in the back, they bend, or rather bend their knees, and in the best case, fall backwards. Therefore, we hold the forward motion of the legs bent at the knees.

It happens that everything is fine with the knees and there is a good deflection in the back, but for some reason we do not stretch our arms up above our heads, but leave them in front of us. It’s hard to say why this happens, but I can say for sure that in this case they usually land with their heads.

Of course, nothing bad will happen if the child is supported by pillows.

If the child feels your hand at the very beginning, he will definitely try to lean on it. And this will not lead to the desired results.

Adults, when talking about insurance, must make do on their own (and pillows).

Learning to climb from the bridge.

After we have learned to stand on the bridge from a standing position, we begin to learn how to rise from the bridge to a vertical position.

To do this, from a position on the bridge, you need to consciously push the entire hip part forward, while transferring the weight of the body from your arms to your legs. At the same time, you need to keep your legs strong, controlling your knees, which should not relax.

To remove excess weight from the upper body, first, we move our hands through the bottom.

In the final version, the “bridge”, or rather the acceptance of its position, is performed with raised arms.

Imagine a staircase in the entrance. Could you step from the first step directly to the ninth step? It’s unlikely... No matter how much you try to take this huge step, you will remain on the first step

It works the same way in training. If we take small steps, we will reach our goal faster.

We do not rise from the bridge from the lowest position. We are gradually approaching this. And our body only strengthens even more.

Watch these steps shown in the video.

Let's learn to walk... on the bridge.

This lesson is more about coordination. But nevertheless, it will not be useless to you. On the contrary, it is he who best strengthens our position on the bridge. In general, we are learning to walk.

Of course, many years ago we already learned how to do this. And, thank God, everything is fine with coordination. But the moment we cave in, an interesting thing happens. At that moment when it seems to us that we are moving forward, we must not forget to move our feet back.

At first, everyone finds themselves in such a situation that when starting to move, they practically spread out on the floor. Since our brain perceives forward movement, it gives the command to our legs to move forward. When we walk in a vertical position, that is, with our feet, we have not thought about it for many years. But when we just started walking, every step was a serious brain activity for us.

This is what I am calling you to do today. Think! Stepping forward with your hands, stepping backwards with your feet. And vice versa. Stepping your arms back, your legs move forward. Happy learning!!!

You can get on the bridge in another way.

It’s also a bridge, but it looks different.

In addition, this option is more suitable for those who have not been able to overcome the fear of bending back into the unknown. This is what is scary about entering the bridge through a standing position. After all, we do not see what is happening in the place where our hands and head should be in a moment. And yet, we do not feel the distance remaining between our hands and the floor. Who knows when you can stop bending and just fall on your outstretched arms.

In this second option, from a sitting position, we place our hand in advance in the place where it should be in the “bridge” position. And there is no fear for the other hand either. And most importantly, hitting your head from this position is simply impossible!

Well, now, we can move on to the “aerobatics”.

A huge number of elements are performed through the “bridge”. Among them are those that are included in the program of gymnastics and acrobatics competitions. And there are those that are in no way inferior in complexity to the first ones, but for some reason are not included in the program. But they are widely used by “dancers of the people.”

By the way, “dancers of the people” is the most respected category among dancers. These are the guys and girls who go out into the street with music and do all kinds of crazy things. Here you can see such a variety of elements that sometimes you want to check if, like us, they have two arms and legs.

Of course, we don’t yet know how to do the same as “dancers of the people,” but we can show you something. And if you want to learn how to do this movement, then we will be happy to tell you how you can learn it.

lesson by with .

The bridge is an exercise familiar to many from school: we all once did it in physical education lessons.

Of course, at 10-12 years old it was easier for us to stand on the bridge than now, when we grew up: it’s no secret that children are much more flexible than adults. It’s not without reason that good stretching and flexibility are associated with youth and good health.

That's why it's especially impressive when a woman over 30 can easily, without any effort, do a handstand and stand on a bridge.

But the problem is that only a well-trained person can perform it correctly without causing harm to the back.

How to make a bridge in 3 steps

If you have never been involved in fitness or have done it without paying attention to exercises for your back and stabilizer muscles, you can perform a bridge only after at least three weeks of special training.

At the same time, you must be healthy - for a person with a problem back or after an injury, our intensive complex won't do.

For simplicity, we will refer to a week as a “step”.

Expert commentary

Viktor Sychev, director of the " Group programs» network of fitness clubs “Territory of Fitness”, master of sports in artistic gymnastics, master of Sport International class in sports aerobics

“To perform a bridge it is very important to have good stretching, strong muscles arms, back and abs. To strengthen your back, I recommend going to the pool.

If there is no pool, they will help you strengthen your back special exercises for the back. Work out the stabilizer muscles - those that are responsible for correct posture, toned stomach and improve balance - you can use a classic plank. It will also help strengthen your hands.

Basic ones will also be very useful strength exercises- crunches and push-ups. Well, get rid of excess weight and thus making the bridge easier to do, moderate-intensity cardio training will help you: running, brisk walking.”

Step 1

Start preparing to perform a bridge with regular 20-minute gymnastics in the mornings or evenings, after work: with its help you will make your body more flexible.

First, warm up by running in place for 5-10 minutes. Next, perform the following complex: rotation with your arms, then with your hips. Bend forward, then back. Bend your back as much as possible, but be careful if you have problems with blood pressure: do this exercise without unnecessary zeal.

  • Shoulder bridge. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, bend your knees. Raise your hips off the floor so that your thighs, stomach and chest are in the same plane (see photo). Lower your hips to the floor. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  • "Swimming" on your stomach. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Take light dumbbells (500 g each) in your hands and stretch them forward. Now raise your arms slightly above the floor and move them back as if you were swimming. Your legs can be slightly lifted off the floor. Try to work your back muscles by bending backwards. Return your arms to the starting position forward. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

At the end of your workout, sit on the floor and stretch your feet, then do a couple of stretches.

Step 2

In the second week, do all the exercises listed above, adding to them the classic plank to work the stabilizer muscles.


  • Plank. Take a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart, feet together, heels off the floor. Make sure that your hands form a right angle with your wrists. As you exhale, tighten your abs and straighten your body along the floor line (to do this, mentally imagine that a straight steel string is stretching through the top of your head). Relax your shoulders, face looking at the floor. Hold this pose for 60 seconds (or as long as you can). Take a break and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Trainer's tip: if you are well prepared, hold the plank for 2 minutes or 3 sets of one minute, if you hold more, you can increase the time.

Step 3

In the third week, perform exercises to strengthen your arms - push-ups.


  • Push ups. Place your palms on the floor, hands directly under your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower your body as close to the floor as possible, then straighten your arms again. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. If you find it difficult, do the exercise with your knees on the floor.

Finale: making a bridge

After three weeks of preparation, you can try to make a bridge. The easiest way to do this is from a supine position. So.

  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet approximately 20 cm from your hips. Feet - shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows, raise your elbows up, and place your palms on the floor.
  • Push up with your arms and legs, tighten your abs and lift your hips up. The back is arched. Ideally, your arms and legs should be as straight as possible. This is the classic bridge.
  • Lower yourself to the floor with your elbows bent and your knees bent.

Greetings to everyone who cares about their health and figure! Today I will talk about a simple and famous training, performing which you can get rid of some diseases of the spine, make it flexible, and even prevent injuries. After reading the article, you will learn how to make a standing bridge and understand that anyone can do it. Shall we get started?

Every trainer knows: flexibility exercises are a must for everyone involved in sports and fitness. But, unfortunately, they rarely receive attention. It is believed that this is the part of the training that can be performed independently, without exercise equipment or special equipment.

But only a few people make it at home, although the bridge is. It develops flexibility, strengthens muscles even without exhausting workouts, and makes the body toned.

You can stand on the bridge at any age, with any level of training, for both women and men. The main thing is to take into account contraindications and adhere to the technique.

What muscles are used during training?

The bridge is an exercise that helps strengthen different groups muscles. Mainly they work:

  • Buttocks.
  • Deep and long muscles backs.
  • Lower back muscles.
  • Posterior thigh.
  • Rectus abdominis muscle.

Benefits and harms

The most striking story related to the restoration of the spine using gymnastics, including the bridge, occurred in 1970. At that time he was seriously injured. Doctors predicted disability, but Bruce was able to prove to the whole world that full recovery is possible with the help of properly selected training.

Benefits of the bridge:

  • Develops back muscles, helps stretch and strengthen them. This provides the spine reliable protection and support.
  • Prevents displacement of intervertebral discs.
  • Increases joint mobility.
  • Reduces the amount of calcium deposits.
  • Improves blood flow, and therefore muscle nutrition.

Gymnastic poses can cause harm if ignored. serious problems and contraindications, as well as in case of improper execution. In this case, the bridge can cause injury and damage to the spine.

Indications and contraindications

Before we look at the technique of performing a standing bridge, I will talk about contraindications that are strictly forbidden to ignore:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Severe spinal injuries.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Recovery period after operations and other surgical interventions.

There are also conditional contraindications, such as hand injuries, diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature, and gastrointestinal diseases.

All those who have no contraindications will benefit from the bridge. But it is especially important to perform it for the following groups of people:

  • . It is office workers who most often suffer from back problems.
  • For those who, on the contrary, are actively involved in sports. The bridge will help relieve muscle tension, strengthen them better than some popular exercises, and add flexibility.
  • To old people.
  • For spinal problems - after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Execution technique

The technique differs depending on your physical fitness.

Beginners should not immediately start doing the bridge while standing; start with a warm-up, then try doing it lying down.

Start warming up aerobic training, for example, running. Then move on to standard exercises that help stretch and prepare the spine: bending, twisting, pelvic rotation, “Mill”.

A bridge from a lying position is easy to do when the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms are well developed. If you can’t do it in the classic version, try the lightweight ones. For example, on a special gymnastic ball or on the shoulders.

Technique for performing a half-bridge (on the shoulders):

  • We lie down on our backs.
  • We bend our legs at the knees, stretch our arms along the body.
  • Raise your pelvis up and bend your back.
  • We pause for a couple of seconds.
  • We return to the starting position.

A bridge with outstretched arms is a little more difficult to do, but it’s good workout for beginners. It is something between a plank and a classic bridge. It's done like this:

  1. Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Place your palms on the floor.
  3. Level the housing to form an acute angle with the surface (approximately 25 degrees).
  4. Keep your body straight for a few seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

The next stage is the classic bridge from a prone position. When performing, try to arch your back as best as possible, raise your pelvis, and monitor your breathing. Only after thoroughly mastering the technique, proceed to the next step.

Performing a standing bridge

So, we have come close to the most important thing - performing a bridge from a standing position. Ready? Begin:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall at arm's length. It is better, of course, to use a Swiss wall for these purposes, but an ordinary wall will do. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Lean back, touch the wall with your hands.
  3. Gently lower yourself by arching your spine and moving your arms down.
  4. If necessary, slowly move away from the wall. Arms and legs slightly bent, we go down even lower until we reach the floor with our hands.
  5. To rise, you can either lower yourself completely to the floor or take starting position using the wall.

Your body will tell you when you are ready to bridge without the help of a wall. But I advise you to get someone’s support at first, to find someone who will back you up during training. Don't forget to lay down a gymnastics mat to protect yourself from impacts during an accidental fall.

Over time, when the exercise becomes easy, you can add weights, and you will also learn to rise without the help of a wall, lightly pushing off the mat with your hands.

The most important tip: exercise regularly! This will allow you to get quick positive results, learn to get up in gymnastic pose in a short period of time.

Also, do not forget about technique, do not rush, do the exercise carefully. For better understanding and clarity, see professional videos on YouTube (for example, on the BodyRock channel).

You can quickly learn a gymnastic trick using Paul Wade's system. The main principle described by him: read from the easiest thing, move on to next stage only when the previous one is performed confidently and simply.

A common mistake that beginners make is straight back. The problem lies in undeveloped muscles, so to correct this mistake, do backbends, raise your legs and arms from a position lying on your stomach. Remember about correct position pelvis

You shouldn’t try to straighten your limbs right away; it’s difficult for beginners. Do this after a while, when the bridge becomes easy for you.


The gymnastic bridge has been known for a long time; it is found in yoga, some martial arts, such as kung fu, and Taoist systems. Its regular implementation will relieve the load on the spine and strengthen it, which is especially important for girls and women.

Execution does not require much physical training, ideal for practicing at home. All this together makes the exercise one of the leaders in terms of ease of implementation and benefits.

Start getting on the bridge right today - and in a couple of months you will experience excellent results, in the form of a thinner, fitter, flexible body and improved mood!

And if you already have experience with this exercise, write about it in the comments. Let's count how many of us there are, people with flexible and healthy backs?

See you soon on the blog pages! Read, share on social networks and always stay in shape.

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Although the bridge is not a popular exercise among bodybuilders and weightlifters, this exercise is one of the most effective ways to train the spine and deep back muscles.

How to make a bridge? At first glance, a fairly simple bridge exercise has a number of nuances. To make the right bridge you need to focus on:

    breathing, it should be slow and measured.

    back, you should not allow a straight back, it should be well arched.

    arms and legs, ideally they should be straight, but to make the exercise easier, you can bend your knees.

    pelvic position, it should be above your head.

Benefits of the bridge

Regular performance of the bridge exercise has a beneficial complex effect on the body. Bridge – included in the list best exercises to strengthen the back muscles, which helps protect the spine from many diseases.

Back arches help improve blood flow and muscle nutrition. It stimulates growth muscle mass, strengthens the spine and promotes straightening.

During the bridge exercise, all vertebrae are involved. This allows you to get rid of the problem of bulging discs and return them to their place.

This exercise helps increase chest and improving digestion. Stimulates the muscles of the thighs, abdomen, arms and legs.

How to learn to make a bridge

There is a specially designed program by Paul Wade “how to stand on a bridge”, designed for 10 levels. It prepares the body to perform the bridge exercise from a standing position.

When executing the program, the following rule should be taken into account:

“You cannot move on to the next level exercise until you are confident in performing the previous level exercise.”
Paul Wade

Level 1: Bridge on the shoulders

The shoulder bridge is the simplest exercise, well suited for the prevention and treatment of vertebral displacement.

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor parallel to each other, arms crossed on the stomach. Using the strength of our legs, we push our hips and lower spine up so that they are at the same level and at the same time exhale deeply. After a couple of seconds we return back.

You should start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing to 50 repetitions in 3 sets.

Level 2: Bridge on outstretched arms

Starting position: sitting on the floor, back straight, legs extended forward and pressed together, toes pointing up, arms straight along the body, hands pressed to the floor. It is necessary to lift your torso off the floor so that you get a straight line from head to heels.

The fulcrum points remain the hands and heels of the feet; the head should be raised to the ceiling. The exercise is performed while exhaling and lasts a few seconds. Gradually increase the total number of repetitions from 10 to 40, in one and three sets respectively.

Level 3: Bridge from the bench

For execution this exercise You will need support - ideally a bench at knee height, but you can also use a bed, or even a table to make the exercise easier. It strengthens pectoral muscles and hands.

The point of the exercise is as follows. Top part body - shoulders, neck, arms, head - is on a bench, legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel to each other. Leaning on our hands, we gradually straighten our arms at the elbows and lift our shoulders off the bench, rounding our back, throwing our head back.

We stay in this position for several minutes and then lower ourselves onto the bench, first with our shoulders, then with our head. We start with 8 repetitions, working up to 30 in 3 sets.

Level 4: Bridge from a headrest position

This exercise serves as an important intermediate step on the path to performing a full bridge. Based on the name of the exercise, it already becomes clear that the bridge is performed on the floor from a position of support on the head due to maximum straightening of the arms at the elbows.

This exercise should be performed very carefully. Do not make sudden movements or strain your neck muscles.

Level 5: Bridge from a lying position on the ball (half bridge)

Lie on your back, take a volleyball-sized ball and place it under your lower back. Bend your knees at shoulder level and pull them towards your hips. Place your hands behind your head and rest your hands on the floor.

Push off the floor so that your main points of support are your palms and feet, and your lower back lightly touches the sword. Then you need to stand on the bridge, rounding your back as much as possible.

Training should begin with 8 repetitions, increasing to 2 sets of 20 times.

Level 6: Full bridge from a lying position on the floor

From a lying position on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet parallel to each other shoulder-width apart, pulled up to the hips, arms behind the head, palms resting on the floor, fingers facing the body, rounding the back, lifting the hips up as much as possible using the strength of the arms and legs . Stay at the top for a couple of seconds and slowly lie back on the floor.

This exercise is performed 8 times, gradually building up to two sets of 15 repetitions.

It strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs, improves breathing and posture.

Level 7: Lowering hands along the wall to the floor (bridge while lowering along the wall)

Getting onto the bridge from a standing position, slowly lowering yourself along the wall, is of course easier than from a lying position. But it also requires training.

Stand with your back to the wall at arm's length, lean your elbows on the wall with your palms, throw your head back and slowly lower yourself down, “walking” along the wall with your palms. Bend your knees as you lower. As a result, you need to rest your hands on the floor to create a bridge.

Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing to 10 for 2 sets.

Level 8: Raising hands along the wall from a bridge (climbing from a bridge along the wall)

This exercise is a logical continuation of the exercise “lowering your hands along the wall to the floor” and is done in tandem with it. After you lower yourself into the bridge along the wall in the reverse order, you need to climb up it, smoothly moving your hands one after another.

For the first time, 2 repetitions of the cycle are enough. To reach an advanced level, you need to perform 2 sets of 8 repetitions.

Now we can move on to consider the question: “How to make a standing bridge?” The last two weeks have been dedicated to this.

Level 9: Partial bridge from a standing position

How to make a bridge back? It is necessary from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, smoothly bend your back back and reach the floor with your straight arms.

An incomplete bridge from a standing position differs from a full bridge in that after reaching the bridge position, the torso is lowered to the floor. To perform the repetition, you must stand up again.

This exercise is technically very difficult, so for beginners it is recommended to repeat it only once. Aerobatics is considered to be performing 2 series of 6 repetitions.

Level 10: Full bridge from a standing position

The final exercise is a full bridge from a standing position. It involves continuing the exercise worked out in week 9, and includes lifting the torso upward from the “bridge” stance.

To perform this exercise, you need to redistribute your body weight to your legs and, pushing off the floor with your hands, gradually stand up. In the process of raising the body to a vertical position, almost all the major muscles of the back, abdomen, chest, legs and arms work.

For entry level One repetition is enough. Ideally, you need to do 2 sets of 10-30 times.

How to stand on the bridge video:

Style Summary.

We recommend the bridge exercise as one of the most effective ways strengthening the back muscles and giving the spine flexibility. Paul Wade's 10-level program will not only teach you how to do a bridge, but will also develop flexibility, endurance, and even work your abdominal muscles.

An exercise known to many people called the “bridge” perfectly trains the flexibility of the spine, muscles of the arms, back and hips. But, before you get such an impressive result from training, you should find out how to get on the bridge and what to do in order to prepare your body to perform this gymnastic exercise.

How to learn to stand on the bridge?

To begin with, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It is required to develop the spine and back and increase the strength of the arm muscles. To do this, regularly for 2-3 weeks perform simple exercises, such as push-ups or pull-ups. This will help train your arms.

Also include stretching exercises in your training plan. You can do the “Swing”; to perform it, lie on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands and try to pull your feet towards your head.

If you do the exercises mentioned above for 2-3 weeks, this will help you both quickly get on the bridge and strengthen and stretch your muscles. Just don’t rush, the main thing is not to harm yourself.

How to stand on the bridge from a standing position?

Now let's try to climb onto the bridge from a lying position. To begin with, you should do exactly this, it is much safer than performing the exercise in the classic version. Lie down on the mat, take a stance and try to rise using the strength of your arms and legs. For greater safety, ask a trainer or friend to back you up when performing the exercise for the first time. This will help avoid injury.

How to stand on the bridge while standing?

When the lighter version of the exercise is already easy, you should proceed to the second stage. Stand up straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, carefully begin to bend your back and try to reach the floor behind you with your hands. If you feel pain in your back, stop the exercise immediately.

How to quickly and safely stand on the bridge while standing?

In order to speed up the process, you should devote more time to push-ups and developing back flexibility. Do not forget to follow the safety rules, use a gymnastics mat, ask for someone to back you up at the beginning of classes, do not perform the exercise if you are experiencing or your arms are not trained enough to support your own weight.

Also note that the bridge should not be done by people who have had a spinal injury or those who experience dizziness. These ailments are contraindications for such training.

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