How to choose a training system: a short guide. System of exercises for teaching foreign languages ​​What is a system of exercises

Physical activity is necessary for any person, regardless of age and social status. Physical education helps speed up metabolism, lose weight, and improve health. A properly selected system of exercises has a positive effect on the internal organs, as well as on the condition of the bones and spine. There are several main types of exercise systems - these are systems aimed at losing weight, improving health, keeping the body in shape, developing strength skills and flexibility.

Pilates - a system of exercises for weight loss

Pilates is a modern popular direction in sports. This type of training involves very slow work, in which the load on the muscles occurs gradually. Some people think that Pilates is a very boring direction, it completely lacks dynamics. However, this system of exercises for losing weight is very effective and safe, which is why mature women often resort to it. Pilates allows you to quickly burn fat and at the same time improve your mood and overall well-being.

The Pilates exercise system was developed many years ago, at the end of the 19th century. Initially, it was intended for those who have health problems and who are contraindicated for active physical exercise. The developer of the program was Joseph Pilates, who by nature had many illnesses and with the help own training managed to overcome rheumatism and asthma.

The Pilates system of exercises for weight loss does not promote weight gain. muscle mass, its purpose is health improvement and weight loss. All exercises are performed slowly and measuredly, so it is almost impossible to get injured. Here are the basic exercises for beginners:

  1. Boat. We sit on the floor, rest our hands on the floor behind our backs. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder width apart. Straighten your back and lift bent legs, we bring our hands forward. Now the emphasis is only on the pelvis. Stay in this position and breathe deeply, drawing in your stomach as you inhale. Repeat 5 times.
  2. An important exercise in the system of weight loss exercises is the Cancan exercise. We sit on the floor, lean back and lean on our forearms. The legs are bent, pressed tightly against each other, standing on their toes. Pull your stomach in and bend your knees to the right without touching the floor. We do 5-7 times for each side.
  3. Mermaid. We sit on our right thigh, resting our right hand on the floor. The left hand rests on the knee. Take a deep breath and lift your body so that the emphasis is on your feet and right hand, left hand while straightening it upward. The body position resembles the letter T. Hold at the top point and perform the exercise again. For each side 4 times.

The entire system of exercises for losing weight will be more effective if during the training process you keep all your muscles tense and monitor your breathing. You need to breathe through your chest, as deeply as possible.

System of physical exercises – aerobics

For those who find Pilates too monotonous a form of exercise, aerobics is perfect. The peculiarity of this system of exercises is that they are all performed very quickly, rhythmically, with a small range of movements. Aerobic exercises can strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve endurance, increase overall body tone, and also promote weight loss.

In system physical exercise The main part consists of running, walking, jumping rope, as well as active games or dancing. All these exercises are performed by generating additional energy.

You should train no more than 5 times a week. It’s better to start with 3 so that the heart gets used to a certain load. After the muscles and cardiovascular system adapt to the load, you can increase the number of workouts.

There are 3 types of aerobic exercise systems, which differ from each other in complexity. The first type contains exercises such as cycling, running, walking and jumping. Poorly prepared people need to start with this type.

The second type includes playing tennis, badminton, swimming and dance aerobics. These exercises require certain skills. The third type includes football, basketball, and hockey. It is recommended for people with a high level of training to engage in such activities.

The duration of the physical exercise system should be 20-60 minutes at a time. This does not include pre-workout warm-up and post-workout stretching.

General health training system

People who do not have health problems and overweight, a general strengthening system of exercises for muscles is perfect, designed for 4-5 times a week. This system consists of a warm-up, main part and stretching.

Warm-up is very important for the muscle exercise system. It allows you to warm up your muscles and saturate them with oxygen. This reduces the risk of injury. Perfect for warming up: walking, spinning your legs and arms, bending over and squatting. This is for 7-10 minutes.

The main part of the muscle exercise system contains exercises aimed at strengthening the entire body. Let's start with the hands. We take dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg and begin to raise our straight arms with the load up. We perform 15 repetitions. Now we raise our arms to the sides so that the hand and shoulder form one line. We also do 15 repetitions.

Greetings to all lovers healthy image life and sports!

I think many people are familiar with the concepts in bodybuilding, but if you are still a beginner taking your first steps into the world of body building, I advise you. Today I’ll tell you what split is as a training system.

The split training program is today the most popular training program in bodybuilding and fitness for men and girls. Two muscle groups are pumped up in one gym workout.

Of course, recruits have a question: what muscle groups of the body are allowed to be trained together using a split system? The main thing is what goal you are striving for: gaining muscle mass, burning hated fat, maintaining high-quality relief.

Split program training principles

Classic option training process According to the scheme, a large muscle and a small one. For professional athletes, a triple split is also allowed. Couple getting along at work large muscles– pectoral, back, leg muscles, small muscles– triceps, biceps, calves, forearms. In practice it looks like this.

Chest, triceps - the main load falls on pectoral muscles. Read about what exercises are suitable for this. You will devote most of the time spent in the gym to your chest. Then smoothly move on to the small muscle group - triceps. Less effort will be spent. You can perform a split into two muscles acting simultaneously in the opposite direction. The chest is combined with back training, biceps with triceps training, anterior delta with middle delta.

To increase the shocking effect, the opposite split program is allowed. Performed by advanced bodybuilders. At the very beginning of the training we work on small muscle triceps, then connect the pectoral muscles of the body. Plus, when it is no longer possible to increase working weights in order to prevent injury. The triceps are clogged, the chest compensates for strength endurance.

Split training system in bodybuilding and fitness

As practice shows force type sports, where the main goal is to build a beautiful figure; the method of approach to performing exercises is more effective than others. Atlantans training according to the program show an increase in testosterone and insulin levels. When working with medium weights - 3 sets, 12 repetitions and a minute's rest, testosterone levels rise to the maximum. You can read about approaches and repetitions.

Weekly split program options

I will offer you several options for pumping your muscle groups using the described method. This will give excellent results. After working in large groups, the level of anabolic hormones in the blood will increase, hence the growth of muscle mass is guaranteed, and the assistant muscles (small) will positively work out the rest of the time in the gym.

  • program option for beginners

For experienced amateur athletes, I suggest the following method of split system training program for four days in a seven-day week.

  • program option for experienced

Now I think you are familiar with the concept of what a split training system is and how to use it. There is no need to train for 3-4 hours, 3-4 sessions per week are enough with proper load planning, appropriate

Globally all types physical activity can be divided based on the principle of energy production. By doing aerobic exercise a large amount of oxygen enters the body, since they are based on combining loads with correct breathing. Anaerobic - on the contrary, short intensive training, during which the body experiences a lack of oxygen.

Examples: brisk walking, slow to moderate running, cycling, skating, swimming, aerobics and dancing.

They primarily involve working out a large group of muscles over a long period and rhythmically repeating certain movements. With such training, the cardiovascular system begins to work more intensely: the heart pumps more blood per contraction to supply the muscles with oxygen. In this way, the body prepares for heavy loads. Most often, aerobic means those known for their fat-burning effect.


  • Development of endurance. The body learns to quickly recover after any stress.
  • A loss excess weight. After prolonged aerobic exercise, free fats are absorbed into the blood, they are broken down and removed from the body.
  • Prevention of circulatory disorders, blood clots and heart attack due to blood thinning.
  • Deep breathing during exercise provides massage of the liver with the diaphragm, which promotes the outflow of bile and improves the function of the bile ducts.
  • The content of “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins) increases in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Reducing the risk of developing degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system associated with age and a sedentary lifestyle.

Indications and contraindications

With the right intensity of training aerobic training Suitable for everyone, they are especially important for beginners as preparation for further serious loads.

Examples: strength exercises, training on simulators, bodybuilding and powerlifting, sprinting, high-speed cycling, as well as any other activity involving fast or heavy physical activity.

There is practically no need for oxygen here: the body will use internal reserves in the form of fat deposits to obtain energy. Most often, this type of load refers to strength training - exercises with weights, when muscles contract and tense in a certain rhythm. With such training, to get the desired effect, it is important to give your body.


  • The fastest and effective method strengthening muscles and building muscle mass.
  • Increased bone density, which reduces the risk of fractures several times, prevents diabetes and normalizes blood pressure due to the ability of the muscles to bear heavy loads.

Indications and contraindications

Static and dynamic exercises

All exercises can be divided according to the type of muscle contraction. Static and dynamic loads are processed by different types muscle fibers, therefore most effective training combines them. Dynamic exercises involve mainly classical strength training and cardio training, so let’s take a closer look at static ones.

Examples: straight and side bars, planks on a fitball or in gymnastic loops, yoga asanas.

Statics is holding the body in a certain position for some time. It involves working muscles for endurance without increasing their volume and growth, that is, static exercises are not suitable for improvement muscle tone and obtaining relief forms.


  • Developing endurance and flexibility by increasing muscle fiber strength.
  • Positive effect on the body: strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation, actively saturating the blood with oxygen.

Indications and contraindications

Ideal for those who want to be strong without radically changing their figure. Static loads are not recommended for people over 40 years old, as well as for beginners in sports.

Optimal combination

When drawing up a training plan for women, the optimal combination of loads is ⅓ static and ⅔ dynamic. For men it is better to slightly increase the amount static exercises- up to 40%. Beginning athletes should gradually include static loads in their training (after 1–2 months of doing dynamic exercises).

Selecting a training system and methodology

Interval training

This is a load at the limit, which consists of alternating low and high intensity. Behind anaerobic exercise followed by a long period of relaxation. Range - 6–12 intervals. Training time is 20–30 minutes. For example, first 5 minutes sprint running, after - 15 minutes walk.

Fun fact: Short interval training burns 3-4 times more calories than longer cardio sessions.

This is an ideal solution for preparing for competitions and heavy loads, but after a while such training must be replaced by a more traditional one. Interval training absolutely not suitable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and some other chronic diseases.

Circuit training

The essence of the training is to quickly perform exercises and move “from station to station.” All major muscle groups are worked out in one session. On average, in 45 minutes you need to perform 8-10 exercises, each of which loads a different muscle group (not the one that worked previously). According to reviews circuit training- a great option for staying in shape when you have limited time to exercise.

Functional training

This load combines cardio and strength training with own weight. Suitable for people without physical training, aged people undergoing rehabilitation after injuries, as well as those who want to lose weight and tone their body a little. Functional training Excellent for developing endurance, but ineffective for working with proportions.

HIIT workout

The basis of classes is the alternation of strength and aerobic exercise, as well as static and dynamic exercises without rest. One circuit includes a minimum of four exercises. During exercise, your heart rate often changes from high to moderate, which helps burn fat. These are high-intensity classes, so they are absolutely not suitable for people with heart disease, joint and muscle diseases.

Step training

Training principle: target - third-party - smaller muscle group. For example, first, exercises are performed on the chest (push-ups), then on the shoulders (dumbbell swings), and at the end, dumbbell flyes again on the chest. During exercise there are no signs of thermogenesis - the athlete does not sweat. The training will be appreciated by those who have already developed their technique, but lack intensity.

Volume training

This workout is structured as a strength workout: basic and isolated exercises, but using supersets and drop sets, that is, performing, for example, two exercises for one muscle group without rest. Number of repetitions: 15–20 times for women and 12–15 times for men. Workout for those who want to be toned and work on their shape without changing weight.

Basic training

Only one muscle group is loaded on one day of the week. The scheme is as follows: first three basic exercises on the target group (four sets of 15 repetitions), then circuit training for each muscle group, except for the one that was worked at the beginning (four circuits of 20 repetitions). An excellent solution for those who are just starting to play sports, as well as athletes after long break. However basic training will be useless for those who exercise rarely (1-2 times a week).

When making a choice, consider your goals and health status. Then a combination and periodic change of activities will bring you the greatest benefit.

The importance of the exercise system is that it ensures the organization of the assimilation process and the organization of the learning process.
It is not enough to know the methodological characteristics of exercises, their types, types and be able to select the most adequate of them. This still does not guarantee absorption. In terms of organizing the assimilation process, the exercise system should ensure:
a) selection necessary exercises corresponding to the nature of a particular skill and the quality (mechanism) of a particular skill;
b) determining the necessary sequence of exercises: assimilation always goes through some stages and proceeds on the basis of certain methodological principles or rules;
c) determining the ratio of exercises of certain types, types, subtypes and options, because this determines success no less than the correct sequence of exercises;
d) regularity of certain material;
e) correct relationship (correlation and interaction) at all levels of the system (between types of RD, within them, between communication skills in general) [Exercises as learning tools. Part II: textbook/Ed. E.I.Passova, E.S.Kuznetsova. – Voronezh: NOU “Interlingua”, 2002].
A system of exercises is understood as a set of necessary types, types and varieties of exercises performed in such a sequence and in such quantities that take into account the patterns of formation of skills and abilities in various types speech activity in their interaction and provide maximum high level mastering a foreign language under given conditions (Shatilov S.F.).
In the totality of exercises, the nature and quantity of the latter may vary depending on the purpose of their implementation - for the development of communication skills or for the formation of their individual components. Therefore, we can name the following hierarchy of concepts: “system”, “subsystem”, “complex”, “series”, “cycle”, “group of exercises”. The content of these terms can be illustrated with the following example. The system of training exercises includes 4 subsystems - according to the number of types of speech activity - for teaching speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each subsystem can consist of several sets of exercises for teaching particular skills, for example, a set of exercises for teaching dialogic speech and a set of exercises for teaching monologue speech. Each set of exercises consists of three series of exercises to teach skills. The first series is for teaching phonetic skills, the second is for teaching lexical skills, the third is for teaching grammatical speaking skills. All these exercises are performed in conjunction and in interaction. Each series, in turn, includes a number of cycles of exercises for teaching specific skills, for example, a cycle of exercises for teaching articulatory, rhythmic and intonation skills; a series of exercises for teaching the syntactic side of speaking, for teaching morphological skills of oral speech. The cycle can be divided into smaller groups of exercises to teach specific linguistic phenomena.
A similar structure of the exercise system can be found in teaching other types of speech activity.
The system of “language-speech” exercises took shape as such in the 40-50s of the last century through the efforts of many Soviet methodologists (L.V. Shcherba, I.V. Rakhmanov, I.A. Gruzinskaya, etc.). The importance of the exercise system is that it ensures the organization of the assimilation process and the organization of the learning process. The system of exercises is the organizing beginning of the learning process, precisely because it is a system, the opposite of chaos.
The system of “language-speech” exercises is based on a psychological scheme: primary skills, skills, secondary skills. E.I. Passov correlated this scheme with exercises.

This means that on the basis of language exercises it is supposed to form primary skills, and from them - skills that should then be “incorporated” into speech skills. But on the basis of language exercises it is impossible to develop transferable speech skills. The student reaches two milestones: a) either remains at the level of primary skill, then his speech activity (secondary skill), without having a base (skills), represents decoding based on rules; b) either acquires skills (if an extremely large amount of time is spent), but these are not speech skills, they are not transferable, i.e. the student “knows, but does not know how.” Both are equally bad. This system satisfied only when it was necessary to consolidate knowledge about the language, and not to teach communication. Many methodologists have long criticized this system. IN last years even its recent supporters consider the division of exercises into language and speech “very controversial”, they talk about the existing gap between these two types of exercises (N.I. Gez), they suggest looking for a way out in establishing the correct relationship between language and speech exercises (B.A. Lapidus). Of course, speech skill as the ability to control speech activity does not appear in a person by itself. It needs to be systematically and expediently developed in all the parameters inherent in the skill. Moreover, each time one or another parameter comes to the fore and becomes an intermediate goal. From here it is clear that the emergence of skill in some type of speech activity and in communication in general is possible only after the formation and accumulation of skills.
Thus, we again return to the skills-ability scheme. But since skill is a synthesis of skills, two stages are not enough. E.I. Passov proposes a three-stage model of working on speech material. If we correlate the types and types of exercises with the stages of work, we get the following:
1) stage of formation of speech skills (URU/1 and URU/2);
2) stage of improving speech skills (URU/2 and RU/1)
3) stage of development of speech skills (RU/1 and RU/2).
If we take into account the complexity of such an integrative skill as the ability to communicate, then it is easy to imagine how complex the system of exercises for developing this skill in a foreign language is.

Today there are more than a dozen different exercise systems for losing weight or strengthening muscles. But how to choose the best one? How to choose an individual complex that will not allow you to give up in the fight for beautiful figure already at the first stage?

The main mistake of many women who begin to look for physical activity that will help burn body fat, is an incorrect assessment of one’s capabilities. Most of the fair sex are completely unprepared for exhausting strength training in gym. And calm exercises like Pilates or yoga do not seem effective to them. For those who recognize themselves in these lines, a home exercise system has been developed that does not require a lot of time or special training.

Principles of an exercise system for weight loss

The most effective are cyclic training, the duration of which usually does not exceed twenty minutes. But, despite the fact that at first glance it may seem that such an activity carries too little load on the muscles, beginners run out of steam after just five minutes. What is the essence of a circular system of physical exercises?

Most often, such a complex consists of only five to seven elements, each of which is performed for 20-30 seconds, after which it is necessary to move on to the next one. As a result, everything takes about three to four minutes. After a short break of 15-30 seconds, the cycle begins again. And in total about five such cycles are carried out.

This system of exercises is good from several points of view. Firstly, aerobic processes occurring in the body due to an increased heart rate contribute to overall strengthening and stimulate the fat burning process. Secondly, a high pace of work for a long time increases the endurance of the body and muscles. The only thing that should be taken into account when choosing such a system of physical exercises is its incompatibility with strict express diets. If you do cyclic cardio, you need to select a diet that is low-calorie, but balanced, and not one that makes you collapse from hunger.

Below are seven exercises from the system for muscle and weight loss, which do not have to be performed in the given order. In addition, they can be replaced or supplemented with any elements to your liking. Moreover, if you understand the basic principles of compiling a cyclic system of exercises, compiling own plan classes will not cause.

Physical exercises from the system for losing weight and strengthening muscles

Stand up straight, put your hands on your waist, between your feet parallel to each other there is a distance of 20-25 centimeters. Perform a shallow squat, moving your buttocks back and slightly tilting your body forward. Extending your knees, jump up.

You can complicate this element if during a squat your arms stretch forward, and when jumping, open to the sides and go slightly behind your back.

The second exercise from the system is for the muscles of the arms and back. These are push-ups, but not in the usual version. To implement them, you need a sofa or low bench. First, you will have to sit on your buttocks with your back to the sofa, arms behind you, elbows bent, grab its edge, placing weight in your palms, spaced wider than your shoulders. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are also at a short distance from each other. Extend your elbows, pushing yourself up so that your pelvis rises above the floor, your knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and your arms are straight. commit reverse push-ups through the work of the elbow joints.

The next exercise from the system is performed in a standing position. Straighten up, pull in your stomach, lower your shoulders, open your arms to the sides over the top. Move your right leg back slightly, placing it on the outside of your toes. Weight on left leg. As you exhale, make an active swing with your right hand forward and upward, returning it just as quickly, but without throwing it to the floor. Do the same with your left foot. Alternate them for 20-30 seconds.

The fourth element is working out the abs and strengthening the thigh muscles. You need to lie on your back, place your arms next to your body, open your legs from the hips and strain, stretching them to the tips of your fingers. Lift them off the floor and make dynamic swings with crossing, alternating the upper and lower legs. The smaller the distance between the legs and the floor, the higher the load on the abdominal muscles. And the greater the amplitude when spreading the legs, the stronger the work internal muscles hips.

The fifth exercise from the system is for several muscle groups at once. Lie on your side, focus on bottom hand, carefully straightening it at the elbow. As a result, you will get an ascending line from the heels to the crown. Focus on the palm and outer side of the foot. Keeping your balance and not softening your elbow, swing your upper leg. Do the same for the other side.

The sixth element is static. You need to lie on your back again, stretch your arms along your body again, bend your knees and rest on your feet. Raise the pelvis, lifting the lower back and part of the back to the shoulder blades, as well as the back of the thigh and buttocks from the floor. Freeze for twenty seconds, strongly tensing all your muscles. Descend.

And the last, seventh exercise from the system is bending. Stand up straight, place your feet the width of your pelvic bones. With a perfectly straight spine, bend forward until your back is parallel to the floor, then bend back. You can place your hands on your hips to maintain balance. On the second circle, bends are performed left and right. And on the third and fifth - with the feet joined together and with an attempt to place the palms on the floor. On the fourth circle the slopes are the same as on the first.

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