How to take vitamins for bodybuilders. Pharmacy vitamins for bodybuilders, which drugs are best for athletes to choose. VitaMode from Evlution Nutrition


What vitamins are most important for bodybuilders? Rating of the most essential vitamin complexes

The human body is unable to synthesize nutrients such as vitamins on its own. They come only in the form of special pharmaceutical supplements or when consuming certain foods. Unlike the average person, athletes need increased consumption of these substances due to increased physical activity. Vitamins for bodybuilding are carefully selected and combined by doctors to achieve the required results and reduce fatigue during regular sports training.

What is the importance of vitamins in bodybuilding?

All professional athletes know that taking these nutritional components is one of the basic rules in bodybuilding. Vitamins are indispensable in sports, as they perform the following functions:

  • increase the mass and volume of cells and organs;
  • are catalysts for various biochemical processes in the body, increasing enzyme activity;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • regulate the processes of muscle contractility and excitability;
  • help cells and tissues regenerate after damage;
  • strengthen bones;
  • participate in the process of energy formation through protein synthesis;
  • maintain body tone.

Bodybuilders have a faster metabolism due to regular high physical activity, so their body needs a large amount of food. Eating this amount of food can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend introducing vitamin complexes to reduce the amount of food consumed. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects growth muscle mass bodybuilder and does not allow him to approach training with full effort.

Important: the rate of consumption of the necessary supplements for each bodybuilder is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age and gender of the person, the nature of his loads, their duration, nervous overstrain and physiological characteristics of the body.

An important external factor is the natural climate of the area in which the athlete prepares and competes (heat above 40 0 ​​C or frost with the same minus temperature). In this situation, the amount of necessary nutrients can be increased by 2-3 rubles.

Bodybuilders are under no circumstances recommended to select the dosage of taking vitamins on their own, since the doctor determines the required amount of these substances based on a blood test. Only a balanced intake of fortified supplements will enable the athlete to achieve the desired results and maintain his health at the proper level under such heavy loads. If you do not want your training to be in vain, then be sure to contact a specialist who, after examining and conducting the necessary research, will prescribe a specific dosage of each element and determine the duration of the course of their use.

List of essential vitamins for bodybuilders

These substances are classified into 2 groups:

  1. Water soluble.
  2. Fat soluble.

The first group includes micronutrients C and Their use is permissible in unlimited doses, since they do not accumulate, but are excreted from the body along with urine. Bodybuilders need more muscle mass, which means their body cells contain more water than the average person. In this case, these vitamins dissolve faster and leave the body, which indicates a high need for their regular intake for athletes.

The second group includes vitamins A, E, D and K. Unlike water-soluble ones, they are retained by body tissues (especially the liver), so a person does not need to consume them daily. The cumulative ability of these micronutrients forces us to approach their administration with caution, since their excess can negatively affect the athlete’s condition.

To achieve a synergistic effect, the doctor may recommend a combined intake of vitamins, in which they are combined into the following groups:

  • B1-B3;
  • C, B6 and B12;
  • C, B1, B2 and B6.

Vitamin C

A deficiency of this micronutrient causes the following negative consequences:

  • Bodybuilders spend a lot of energy to gain the required body weight, and this leads to a weakening of the body’s protective function and the occurrence of colds. Such diseases threaten increased fatigue, inability to attend training sessions and subsequent loss of muscle mass;
  • Insufficient collagen synthesis will lead to weakening muscles and brittle bones;
  • accumulation of harmful substances resulting from metabolism. Free radicals in large quantities cause malignant tumors and the development of premature aging processes;
  • tendency to allergic reactions. Many foods contain various allergens, and their neutralization is one of the functions of ascorbic acid;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system due to excess cholesterol. Such diseases will not allow a person to engage in heavy sports;
  • lack of strength and energy for long-term training;
  • constant depression.

In such situations, the bodybuilder will not be able to achieve the required growth muscle fibers regardless of the time spent training. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins must be consumed raw, but they are not present in the diet in all seasons, so athletes cannot do without taking appropriate supplements. Doctors prescribe 200-350 grams for athletes. per day of ascorbic acid, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of tablets or powder of the same name, as well as as part of complex preparations. It is better to divide the dose into 6 doses so that the body does not lack the vitamin. The first should be after waking up, and the last before going to bed.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine is necessary for bodybuilders, as it stimulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism, is involved in oxygen transport, increases the effectiveness of training and helps the body recover after prolonged exercise. If it is deficient, the athlete experiences the following symptoms:

  • pain in the calf area;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • cessation of muscle growth.

For normal well-being, an athlete needs to take 2.5-5 mg of thiamine per day, and it is also recommended to consume liver, kidneys or legumes.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin provides the human body with the necessary energy, increases endurance, participates in cell regeneration and growth, metabolic processes of the body, improves memory and normalizes eye function. Its deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • growth retardation;
  • loss of muscle elasticity;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth;
  • discomfort in the eyes.

The vitamin is found in foods such as milk, eggs, nuts, meat, spinach, and cabbage. The recommended dose for bodybuilders is 3.5-5 mg per day (maximum - up to 20 mg/day). Women involved in this sport have a slightly higher need than men.

Vitamin B3

Nicotinic acid is a component of many metabolic processes and is therefore associated with energy production and maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. If it is deficient, the athlete experiences:

  • nervous irritation and depression;
  • increased weakness and fatigue;
  • poor sleep;
  • lack of appetite.

Immediately before competitions, athletes consume vitamin PP in large dosages to improve blood supply and nutrition to the muscles, which makes their shape more pronounced and prominent. But during the preparation process, such doses can lead to sudden weight loss due to burning subcutaneous fat. Therefore, during such a period, the daily intake of the vitamin should not exceed 50 mg. The diet should include dairy products, meat, and liver.

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine is very important for the production of many enzymes involved in the body's metabolic processes and the formation of cellular energy, strengthening the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this vitamin, muscles gain required mass, the endurance and performance of the athlete increases, especially when performing heavy exercise. With its deficiency, a person suffers:

  • anemia;
  • decreased attention and memory;
  • dermatitis;
  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vascular diseases.

With increased sports loads, a bodybuilder is recommended to take 20 mg of pyridoxine daily. Among plant products, the largest amount is found in grains, cereals, walnuts, potatoes, and cabbage. It is also present in eggs, chicken, liver and fish.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalomin helps increase the effectiveness of training by providing the body with the necessary energy, supplying muscles with oxygen and nutrients, and supporting the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin b12 in bodybuilding increases the athlete’s endurance and reduces fatigue after long exercise.

For an athlete, the dose is 10-50 mcg/day. Taking b12 is especially necessary for people who adhere to the principles of vegetarianism.

Important: injectable vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can be purchased and injected at individual days to achieve the best effect.

Vitamin D

This sport requires a person to have strong and strong bones, strong muscles, endurance and the normal functioning of individual body systems. Daily intake of 20 mcg of cholecalciferol in tablet form, as well as consumption of seafood, cheese, cottage cheese and raw egg yolk, provides such qualities to the bodybuilder’s body and reduces the risk of injury. When consuming this vitamin, you should not forget about a possible overdose and worsening of the condition, so you must take it strictly in the prescribed amount.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has an anabolic effect, as it stimulates the formation of testosterone, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, removes free radicals, eliminates muscle pain and fatigue, restores damaged cells and increases endurance. In combination with fatty acids, it has a beneficial effect on joints.

Vitamin H

The biotin content in food is low, so its deficiency must be compensated by taking special pharmaceutical supplements. It is necessary for an athlete, as it ensures muscle growth and supplies energy to their tissues. A lack of vitamin H will lead to decreased results, increased fatigue, depression and various skin and eye diseases.

Athletes need to consume 250-300 mcg of biotin per day to maintain normal body condition after training.

Vitamin A

Retinol is indispensable in the process of protein formation, and, consequently, muscle growth. It also plays an important role in providing the body with the necessary energy during elevated physical exercise, providing glycogen synthesis.

During training, it is necessary to consume foods such as liver, cottage cheese, fish fat, pumpkin, carrots or vitamin complexes with retinol. An athlete needs 1500-2000 mcg of vitamin per day, but it is important not to exceed this dose, as problems with the skin, liver and nervous system may occur.

Vitamin complexes for bodybuilding

Vitamins in bodybuilding are often taken in the form of pharmaceutical vitamin-mineral complexes, which contain a certain amount of necessary elements.

Complivit (basic vitamin preparation)

It is inexpensive and one of the most effective in the rating of such drugs. In the instructions, the manufacturer indicated that it is prescribed during regular high physical activity to increase the body's protective function.

Alphabet effect

It differs from other complexes by dividing the dose of vitamins into separate 3 tablets of different colors, which are taken in the morning, lunch and evening:

  • white - contains vitamins B5, B9, B12, D, K, H;
  • blue – A, C, E, B2, B3, B6;
  • pink – A, C, B1, B9.

The medicine alphabet was developed specifically for athletes to eliminate pain and muscle tension after heavy physical activity.

Vitrum Performance

This drug is a good multivitamin complex that enhances metabolism, relieves fatigue and nervous tension, gives endurance and strengthens the immune system. With daily exercise, it helps restore strength and normalize sleep. For a beginning athlete, Vitrum will be one of the best options; its only drawback is its high cost.


Bodybuilders often prefer this drug because of its low price. In terms of its vitamin composition, it is not inferior to expensive complexes, and 2 capsules of Undevit will provide the body with the necessary daily requirement.

When consuming vitamins or their complexes, you must not forget about breaks between courses, during which the doctor evaluates the bodybuilder’s physical condition. It is not recommended to select the dosage on your own, since an excess of some micronutrients can cause undesirable consequences. We advise

Vitamin and mineral complexes contain the daily requirement of all nutrients necessary for an athlete to maintain muscle tone and general well-being.

It is especially important to replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals during periods of weakened immunity, when the body is susceptible to stress and disease. But there are also separately developed multicomplexes for muscle growth athletes, as well as for weight loss

Let's look at the most effective of them.

For muscle growth

Today, the range of vitamin and mineral complexes is so diverse that you can easily choose the most optimal and individually suitable option.

However, we suggest focusing on trusted companies from leading manufacturers, such as Optimum Nutrition, Solgar, Magnum Nutraceuticals, Dynamize Nutrition and Ultimate. The products provided by these companies are sold in the market in the form of capsules, tablets and powders.

The following vitamin and mineral complexes are perfect for athletes:

  1. Animal Omega or Animal Pak is a specially developed sports supplement for increasing muscle mass.

Maxler VitaMe is a multi-purpose complex that helps improve physical and intellectual performance.

Ultra-Premium Vitamin - includes the entire range of essential nutrients and enzymes.

Multivitamin for men - designed for professional athletes. Contains more than 10 vitamins and minerals, as well as an antioxidant complex.

VP Laboratory Ultra Men’s is a universal supplement that includes several biologically active complexes and can compensate for the lack of all necessary elements.

When losing weight

During a diet, the body is subject to restrictions, due to which the amount of incoming vitamins and minerals is sharply reduced. The consequence of this may be a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, mental and physical condition.

Find out which sports nutrition for weight loss is suitable for men and which for women.

To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly take specially designed vitamin and mineral complexes that will allow the weight loss process to proceed correctly and without complications.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Vitrum from the American pharmaceutical company Unipharm - normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. During strict diets, it is one of the best sources of all the beneficial elements the body lacks and improves metabolism.

Centrum - this complex, developed in the USA, does an excellent job of supplying the body with the most necessary components, promoting metabolism. Relieves fatigue and nervous tension, and also maintains muscle tone after heavy physical activity.

Megaslim - this drug aimed at burning fat, perfectly maintains weight after leaving the diet and prevents weight gain again. Stabilizes intestinal function and supplies the body with micronutrients.

Duovit is a universal complex that can improve the functioning of all organs and provide support to the body in the form of vitamins and minerals it lacks.

Solgar - this type of supplement does an excellent job of maintaining stable activity of the immune system, speeds up the metabolic process, and promotes rapid fat burning. Improves external indicators: saturates with energy, ensures healthy skin, nails, hair. An indispensable assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

Important! Vitamin and mineral complexes can be selected specifically for both men and women - it all depends on their physiological characteristics and the need for vitamins for each gender.

Taking vitamin-mineral complexes requires, first of all, responsible use and systematicity, because it will be difficult to achieve good results without good and coordinated work of all internal organs and general condition.

Without vitamins and minerals, our body will weaken, and various diseases will soon make themselves felt, which is why it is so important to monitor the intake of specially designed dietary supplements. And complete ignorance of useful substances will negate all the efforts and perseverance of athletes

The role of vitamins in the body

The main role of vitamins in the body is to accelerate the work of enzymes. The body's need for them constantly changes depending on the level of stress, both internal and external. If a person is worried (and athletes are under enormous pressure before performances) or is in a “pen”, then his need for vitamins will be much higher than that of a calm person. Living conditions also have an impact - the harsher they are, the more additional supplements a person, and especially an athlete, needs. In cold conditions, vitamin requirements increase by a maximum of 50%, in hot conditions up to 300%.

Groups B and C degrade especially quickly, since they are water soluble. This is logical, since our body consists mostly of water and after working out and sweating, all the elements simply come out along with sweat.

Main vitamins and their functions

Vitamins are divided into 2 large groups, fat-soluble and water-soluble. The latter include vitamins B and C, and all the others are fat-soluble.

Fat-soluble vitamins have the beneficial property of accumulating in the tissues of the human body and internal organs. The main reservoir for them is the liver, which stores reserves. And when there is a shortage of certain vitamins, it puts its reserves into action. Due to the availability of reserves, the dosages of vitamins of this group in vitamin complexes are usually quite low.

Water-soluble vitamins cannot be accumulated and stored in the body; they are used as they are received, and excess (if any) is excreted in the urine. Therefore, the dosages of vitamins of this group are most often very high in vitamin complexes. Especially in specialized ones - for athletes. Since such people need them about 2 times higher.

TOP 10 vitamins for strength training

Vitamin A (retinol)Directly affects the level of glycogen in the body. If there is a shortage, the body’s recovery rate after training slows down.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Affects the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption by the body. If there is a shortage of it, carbohydrates are not completely “processed” during metabolism. Some of them turn into unuseful deposits.
Vitamin B2(riboflavin)This is the main vitamin responsible for the absorption of protein, and as a result, for an increase in muscle mass. Accordingly, a lack of this vitamin leads to a decrease in the efficiency of protein absorption and slower muscle growth.
Vitamin B3(niacin)Responsible for metabolic processes aimed at producing energy. Accordingly, its deficiency lowers the bar for the maximum training intensity possible for a bodybuilder.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)This is the vitamin the body requires during and after intense load during training for rapid protein absorption. It is also responsible for the absorption and retention of magnesium in the cells of the body.
Vitamin B12This vitamin is involved in the synthesis of creatine, and is also responsible for metabolic processes responsible for the absorption of protein. With its help, red blood cells are synthesized.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)Reduces the production of cortisol, and as a result slows down the process of protein breakdown. It is a powerful anti-catabolic agent. This vitamin is also responsible for the efficiency of protein absorption and, as a result, the growth of muscle tissue.
Vitamin DResponsible for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, increases muscle density, increases bone strength, and increases brain activity. The deficiency mainly leads to bone fragility.
Vitamin E(tocopherol)Responsible for endurance during training. It also affects the efficiency of testosterone production, which in turn increases muscle mass and protein production.
Vitamin H(biotin)Responsible for the production of energy from any sources and for the metabolism of fats. For those wishing to reduce body fat, this vitamin is essential. Among other things, it is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, the synthesis of proteins and some amino acids.
  1. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency and how to avoid it
  2. 5 most important microelements in nutrition
  3. Incompatibility of vitamins and microelements: truth or myth?
  4. TOP 13 vitamins and minerals for weight gain
  5. Vitamins and minerals in sports: dosages and misconceptions

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Why do bodybuilders need vitamin complexes?

For those who are passionate about bodybuilding, the need for vitamins and minerals is significantly higher than for people leading a sedentary, measured life.

Nutrient elements enable the athlete to enhance exercise performance and increase physical activity. When an athlete lacks these micronutrients, it is difficult for him to build muscle mass and achieve any progress. It is the lack of vitamins that causes the so-called plateau effect, although some athletes do not know this.

Bodybuilders need larger amounts of food to strengthen muscles and increase strength. Their diet, as a rule, is balanced in calories and covers all the needs for fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

But the effectiveness and thoroughness of food digestion are directly dependent on specific microcatalysts - minerals and vitamins. So, even with a well-designed menu, there is a nutritional deficiency. The already considerable amount of food does not allow bodybuilders to consume the required amount of fruits and vegetables, due to the fact that their excess will lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Vitamins for bodybuilders are required in increased dosages when the athlete eats a lot of protein. Intense training brings stress to the body, so a balanced menu does not guarantee the absorption of all the vitamins required for the smooth functioning of the body.

The best vitamin complexes for male athletes


The most famous vitamins for athletes. This complex is very actively discussed among consumers and is notable for the fact that it can be taken by both professional athletes and men whose occupation is associated with increased physical and psycho-emotional stress.

The main effect of the product is to increase the level of vitality of the body and maintain its tone. The complex contains more than 25 useful substances, including components from plants and vegetables that improve metabolic processes and digestion

Its main composition is vitamins C and E, all elements of group B, which are of paramount importance specifically for training.

If you take Opti-Men regularly, intensive production of sex hormones occurs, metabolic processes improve and stabilize, the skeletal system is strengthened, muscle growth is accelerated - subject to proper and balanced nutrition. After finishing a serious workout, the body needs proper rest, and thanks to the composition of the drug, sleep becomes deeper and stronger.

Directions for use: 1 tablet a day three times, either during meals or after meals, without chewing. Three times a day is a dose more suitable for professional athletes, but for amateurs, two tablets a day will be enough.

They should not be consumed on an empty stomach, but should be washed down with plenty of clean drinking water, which will ensure the best absorption of all the beneficial components. The duration of taking the drug is a month, with a break of two weeks to 30 days. During the break, you need to give the body the opportunity to produce the necessary substances on its own.

Doctors speak very highly of the Opti-Men complex. However, it is not recommended to take it if a man has high blood pressure, serious diseases of internal organs while taking medications - in particular, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Age under 18 years is also one of the contraindications.

Ultra Men's Sport vitamins have a similar composition, but are cheaper.

Anavite by Gaspari Nutrition

A dietary supplement created specifically for athletes by the famous bodybuilder Rich Gaspari. This vitamin and mineral product, unlike the previous one, is designed for bodybuilding professionals and stimulates aerobic endurance during intense training.

Anavite contains substances that stimulate the burning of excess fat and the appearance of the expected muscle mass. The complex helps balance hormonal levels, absorb other biologically active substances used by the athlete, and increases overall tone, especially in the first half of the day. It also contains all the necessary B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin E, which are a kind of “markers” when forming the composition of a quality product sports nutrition.

The minerals magnesium and zinc included in this complex provide an optimal level of synthesis of anabolic hormones necessary for building muscles and maintaining their constant tone. Calcium tones blood vessels and prevents heart disease.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day after or during meals, according to the same principle as other supplements, with plenty of water and spacing 15 to 30 days between doses.

Animal Pak from Universal

Recommended for use by popular fitness trainers and bodybuilders. In composition it is close to Opti-Men, but it contains components that are not there, which is often the decisive factor in choosing this particular complex.

In addition to the vitamins traditionally included in any sports supplement, there are also substances that help improve digestion. And also anabolic steroids of natural origin: ginseng, hawthorn, eleutherococcus. The product is equally good for both professionals and amateurs in sports.

Animal Pak increases performance during training and in everyday life, improves mood, endurance, improves liver function, and promotes the growth of strength during sports. It is produced in sachets rather than tablets, which ensures ease of administration and absorption by the body. You can take either one or two sachets per day, depending on the intensity of physical activity and individual characteristics body.

Before choosing a vitamin complex, it is better to consult a doctor and trainer.

Essential vitamins

Folic acid and vitamin B

Deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 increases the risk of developing anemia, which reduces the efficiency of red blood cells, which in turn impedes the ability to carry oxygen to the muscles and reduces endurance.

Foods that help maintain high folic acid levels: spinach, broccoli, egg yolk, cheese, liver.

Vitamin B12 is found in numerous sources, including meat, salmon, eggs and dairy products.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with decreased strength levels and decreased performance. Studies have been conducted that have found that people with vitamin D deficiency have a reduced number of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are involved in the strength and energy supply of muscles. This vitamin also reduces the risk of fractures and joint injuries.

Vitamin D can be synthesized by the body under the influence of the sun (more precisely, UV rays), but this amount is not enough for the athlete’s body. However, excess vitamin D can lead to the accumulation of calcium in the body, which will negatively affect the kidneys, so the intake rate should not exceed 5-7 mg per day.

List of essential vitamins for bodybuilders

The following should be present in the diet or as supplements:

Vitamin C

The most important micronutrient that every bodybuilder needs. Providing tissues and organs with oxygen is carried out using ascorbic acid. With its help, glucose is absorbed and glycogen reserves are formed. This vitamin is also necessary for the synthesis of steroid hormones, as well as metabolism.

Vitamin B1

Required to stimulate carbohydrate metabolism, essential for bodybuilders. Without this substance, more carbohydrates simply will not be absorbed, but will begin to accumulate in the body, clogging it.

Vitamin B2

It is the main participant in protein metabolism. It has a direct effect on the process of muscle growth. Quite often, professional bodybuilders take it additionally.

Vitamin B3

Takes part in over fifty processes. Large doses allow you to give your muscles definition, since this vitamin makes blood vessels more pronounced.

Vitamin B6

Necessary for the normal process of protein tissue growth, especially in muscles. This enzyme is required for intensely training athletes doing basic heavy lifting.

Vitamin B12

Participates in the synthesis of amino acids and protein metabolism, supports cell vital activity spinal cord and nervous system.

Vitamin D

The lack of this micronutrient causes a decrease in strength indicators, as well as endurance of the athlete. Without its normal level in the body, calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the contraction of muscle tissue, will not be fully absorbed.

Vitamin E

This substance is responsible for the production of testosterone. In addition, tocopherol increases the quality of tolerance to physical heavy loads and helps muscles grow naturally.

Vitamin H

It has a direct effect on amino acid metabolism and energy supply to muscles. A deficiency of this micronutrient entails a loss of muscle mass and a drop in strength indicators, which makes you think about own diet, carefully analyze whether it contains the required amount of this micronutrient.

Vitamin A

Required for the purpose of creating new muscle cells. If the body has a minimal amount of this micronutrient, then the recovery process after training slows down. This is due to the concentration and restoration of glycogen after each physical activity.

Vitamins are required for bodybuilders. When they are not consumed in the quantities required by the athlete, it will not be possible to achieve any progress. To have a balanced diet, you need to take the help of either a nutritionist or a trainer. If the diet does not allow you to supplement it with vegetables and fruits, then you definitely need to choose the appropriate vitamin complex or sports supplement.

Minerals needed by athletes

For the cells to function properly, the body needs a regular supply of mineral components. Calcium and phosphorus promote healthy joints and bone tissue. These minerals are involved in many biochemical processes occurring in connective tissue. Calcium is absorbed in the presence of vitamin D.

Zinc plays an important role in the formation of connective tissue. If there is insufficiency of the element, a slowdown in the processes of restoration of damaged tissues is observed, and the amount of synthesized collagen decreases.

The role of copper cannot be underestimated. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which explains the elimination of joint pain. Popular multivitamins for people involved in sports contain minerals in the right quantities.

When playing any sports, the need for potassium and magnesium increases. They are needed to maintain the functioning of the heart. Their benefits are explained by their participation in the conduction of cardiac impulses and participation in the regulation of metabolism occurring in the heart muscle. Vitamins for active sports should contain a higher dose of potassium and magnesium, since the supply of these minerals is consumed quickly after intense training.

If the components are insufficient, the heart muscle does not relax well. It does not receive enough nutrients through the blood. Special multivitamins will help compensate for the deficiency.

This sports multivitamin contains vital bioactive ingredients to help combat muscle pain and injury. Modern drugs are designed to maintain healthy muscles and connective tissues.

The nutritional components included in multivitamins help restore damaged tissue. They prevent damage to joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Regular use of special products ensures recovery from musculoskeletal injuries. Special vitamins for weight gain allow you to become the owner of the physique you want.

Taking complex vitamins

  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • provide strength to muscle, connective and bone tissue;
  • control acid-base balance;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase the effectiveness of sports training.

Bodybuilders have difficulty choosing the best vitamins for athletes. After all, each manufacturer positions its drug as the best. They contain useful components in an increased dose. D

There are different multivitamins available for men and women involved in sports. The dose of biologically active substances corresponds to the individual needs of the body of both sexes.

After taking complex medications for 1-2 months, it is recommended to take a break. This is necessary so that the body retains the ability to absorb beneficial components from food. Food is the best sources. After a break it is better to continue taking vitamins for muscles.

Taking vitamins should be accompanied by proper nutrition for their maximum absorption. And to receive desired result training requires not only complex medications, but also proper rest.

Athletes are advised to distribute the load correctly. After long breaks, in order to avoid injuries, you should not overload the musculoskeletal system. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to accumulate in the body. Therefore, you need to strictly adhere to the dosage when taking special supplements.

Vitamin complexes for athletes

On the market you can come across an abundance of various pharmacy vitamin complexes. The most popular drugs in the ranking:

Complivit. Includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, C and microelements. A cheap and effective product that is widely used in bodybuilding and is suitable for representatives of various sports disciplines. The rules of administration and dosage can be found in the instructions. Sold without a prescription.

Alphabet Effect. Designed for athletes with constant physical activity. Tablets are taken in the morning, afternoon and evening. Contains elements from different groups(B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, A, E, C, PP). Great for bodybuilding.

Getimax Energy. The product contains extracts of green tea and ginseng. Great for women.

Undevit. It is very popular due to the presence of 11 vitamins in its composition (groups A, B, C and E). Low cost and high efficiency attract most athletes.

Vitrum Performance. Often found on store shelves, it stimulates mental and physical activity. Contains vitamins A, E, C, M, B1, B2, B5, B6, H and others.

Dynamisan. In addition to vitamins, the product contains ginseng extract, minerals and amino acids. The drug increases training efficiency, endurance and concentration. Recommended for athletes and bodybuilders. Contains: vitamins A, K1, C, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, H and many microelements.

Pikovit. The product contains vitamins A, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PP and microelements. Sold without a prescription.

The Leovit and Evalar companies offer their line of drugs: vitamin complexes for men and women, oils, elixirs, jelly, teas, chewing pills, protein bars and much more.

There are also special amino acid complexes enriched with vitamins on sale. These drugs help efficient growth muscles, and the vitamins in their composition increase endurance and strengthen muscle fibers.


Excessive consumption of fat-soluble vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis, as a result of which substances are not consumed and accumulate in the body. Overdose symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • muscle pain.

Before purchasing certain pharmaceutical products, you should consult with your doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer. Instead of good athletic results, uncontrolled use of medications can lead to health problems.


Sports and vitamins are inextricably linked. There are a wide variety of vitamins on the market today, which makes choosing them difficult. Analyze which components the body needs most.


To maintain the body during intense training, a comprehensive diet is not enough. Sports nutrition is not always able to fully restore the body and help it cope with exhaustion, especially before important competition. Then vitamins come to the rescue; let’s look at the most popular ones.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men - package contains 150 tablets for 50 servings:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • increases immunity;
  • restores muscle tissue;
  • activates after training;
  • containing 70 components.

MuscleTech Platinum Multivitamin

  • premium class complex;
  • supports the body;
  • promotes tone.

Vita Jym

  • for athletes with a low level of preparation before the competition;
  • tones;
  • helps muscles grow.

Did you know? 46% of athletes take vitamins on a regular basis.

Animal Pak Universal Nutrition

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves concentration and focus;
  • increases endurance.

Controlled Labs Orange Triad - 270 tablets per package, 6 tablets per serving:

  • supports the immune system and digestive system;
  • Helps you work intensely throughout your workout;
  • strengthens cartilage and joints.

Muscle Pharm Armor-V

  • strengthens joints and muscles;
  • restores after training;
  • protects the heart from the negative effects of increased stress.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Pack - bags for 30 servings:

  • promotes muscle growth;
  • increases immunity;
  • prolongs the duration of training.

Foundation Series Multivitamin

  • activates all body systems at once;
  • increases tone and energy potential;

Check out the best drugstore vitamins for bodybuilders.

Now Foods – ADAM - package contains 90 tablets for 30 servings:

  • improves overall well-being;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • strengthens the nervous system.

Monster protein cytosport

  • designed for heavy sports;
  • quickly restores strength.

Did you know? Plants are the source of natural vitamins. They are found in meat only because animals eat plants.

From pharmacies

Vitamins for athletes can also be purchased in pharmacies. They are not as popular as VMCs due to less publicity, but their action is aimed at eliminating the same problems:

  1. Undevit - to improve metabolism and general condition.

Complivit asset - intended for teenage athletes. Helps to recover after grueling workouts.

Alphabet effect - daily complex consists of three tablets with compatible components. For digestibility - the best option. But not everyone has the opportunity to take them three times a day.

Vitrum performance - used for long training and mental stress.

Orthomol Sport - strengthens blood vessels and the musculoskeletal system.

Read more about the role vitamins play in the lives of athletes.

There is nothing better for the body than natural vitamins, which it is accustomed to absorbing. But in sports, sometimes you can’t do without aids.

Basic minerals.


It is part of the hemoglobin in red blood cells, which transports oxygen throughout the body. Thus, iron deficiency can reduce endurance levels, leaving muscles without oxygen.

Research by Hames (1998) showed that runners have an increased risk of iron deficiency compared to the general public - the increased production of red blood cells is an adaptation of the body to endurance exercise and therefore increases iron demand.

We conclude that athletes are potentially susceptible to iron deficiency, so it is necessary to take it additionally.


Clear evidence that magnesium is involved in exercise was shown when a tennis player's muscle cramps associated with magnesium deficiency were successfully resolved after taking magnesium for a couple of weeks. Magnesium plays an important role in cellular function, particularly in muscle cells. This is supported by data from Brilla & Hayley (1992), who used people taking magnesium supplements to show the importance of this nutritional element compared to people not taking magnesium.

Magnesium is usually found in green vegetables, nuts, wholemeal bread, meat, etc.


This microelement is one of the important ones, because is part of more than 300 enzymes and plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Zinc deficiency is much more common than deficiencies of other elements.

Sufficient zinc levels increase muscle strength and endurance, which allows you to increase the rate of anaerobic energy production in the muscles (i.e., muscle mass gain)

Good sources of zinc include meat, dairy products and bread.

Is there any point in vitamin complexes?

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can affect not only your health, but also your physical performance and progress in the gym. By ensuring adequate levels of macro and micronutrients, you will increase the effectiveness of your training and reduce the likelihood of injury.

However, all of the above vitamins can be obtained from food sources without relying on supplements (except vitamin D, as mentioned earlier). A varied diet: meat, plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals will allow you to be sure that you have sufficient levels of vitamins and microelements in your body.

However, there are situations when the diet does not allow you to get sufficient quantity macronutrients. For example, when losing weight, many foods are excluded, which means the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements (and the lack of some can greatly slow down the fat burning process). Or another group is vegetarians, who do not receive most of the elements contained in “animal” products.

The best choice is a multivitamin rather than an individual supplement (for example, magnesium only or calcium only). The reason is that individual supplements often contain more high level macronutrients and therefore more difficult to control excess.

The best vitamins for athletes.

1. Optimen and Optiwomen.

A specially selected vitamin and mineral complex for men and women is selected taking into account sports loads, therefore the content of some elements is increased compared to conventional pharmacy complexes.2. Animal Pak.
Vitamins for experienced athletes who experience heavy physical activity (as the content of some vitamins exceeds the norm several times). The daily portion contains 11 tablets containing the necessary enzymes, vitamins and microelements.

In addition to the multivitamin complex, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, adaptogens (ginseng), antioxidants and bioflavonoids.

Final word.

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and microelements in general affect physical performance and muscle recovery and increased strength in particular.

To achieve the level of essential elements in the body, it is recommended to do this with the help of food sources, but in some cases taking multivitamin complexes is justified

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Date of: 2016-12-12 Views: 34 124 Grade: 4.9

Part 1. Vitamins - doses for athletes

Life without vitamins is impossible - almost everyone knows this. Few people know how many of them are needed for a sporting life. The lack of knowledge is compensated by the advice of friends or sports nutrition sellers. The former heard something from someone, the latter are always interested in increasing the dosage in order to sell more. Let's try to understand the vitamin needs of athletes. Let me make a reservation right away: any numbers defining the batteries are approximate. Firstly, human bodies are individual; secondly, it is impossible to measure the physical activity of a specific athlete or physical athlete. There are only rough assumptions that a certain average athlete’s metabolism is 4 times more intense than that of an average non-athlete. According to their nutritional needs, loaders and diggers should be classified as athletes. Honey. standards are usually calculated for an average man of 70-75 kg; when it comes to an athlete, a 90-kg guy is considered an average weight. What is training load The “average” athlete can only be guessed at. But it is clear that a triathlete has more of it than a deadlifter, and a deadlifter has more than a bench press or arm wrestler. And a weightlifter has a greater training load than a lifter, when comparing athletes of the same qualifications. The vitamin requirements adopted in the Russian Federation for ordinary citizens differ little from the “living minimum” adopted by the WHO. Let's take ascorbic acid as an example. What does the daily requirement of 60 mg mean? If you eat only 59 mg per day for some time, you can count on a planeload of humanitarian aid from the UN. For example, in Germany the daily requirement is 100 mg. But for residents of the Arctic, even this will not be enough. The difference can be illustrated in . The WHO subsistence minimum for men is 37 g per day, the WHO recommended amount is 55 g, the Russian Federation recommendations are from 65 to 117 g per day. Now tell me, how much protein should a self-respecting athlete eat daily? So you get proportions that also apply to vitamins.

Part 2. Common misconceptions

1. You need to take vitamins separately.

Some manufacturers claim that some vitamins and minerals interfere with the absorption of others. Perhaps they interfere. But the importance of this fact is greatly exaggerated for promoting their drugs on the market, where the substances are divided into different tablets. In natural food, vitamins and minerals are not divided into groups, which means the metabolism is adapted to consuming everything mixed together.

2. All necessary vitamins can be obtained from food.

This is stated by people who have never calculated the content of vitamins in their diet. A balanced diet can provide you with the necessary minerals with moderate physical activity; minerals are preserved quite well in food using traditional cooking methods. The main loss of minerals occurs when food is defrosted; avoid repeated freezing! Vitamins are very unstable compounds. Only D, E, PP and B6 can withstand heating up to 120-200 degrees. But there are many more factors that destroy vitamins: light, contact with metals (stainless steel is possible), oxidation with oxygen (sealed packaging saves), defrosting (fast is more harmful), reheating, etc. Those vitamins that were preserved in food at the time of consumption are are not fully absorbed. Theine from traditional drinks: coffee and tea will also interfere with complete absorption. All of these factors make it impossible to get enough vitamins from food.

3. Vitamins must be taken in courses.

People with unhealthy imaginations can eat courses of meat, eggs, onions and everything else. Vitamins are a nutritional element, and like any food, they must be supplied to the body regularly. Let's look at the numbers - We are interested in the elimination time of 1/2 of the taken dose of a vitamin in Table 15-3 (F-2 right column); for water-soluble vitamins it ranges from 2 hours for ascorbic acid to 8 hours for riboflavin. The exception is B12, which remains in the body for years, which is why vegans do not die immediately. For fat-soluble E, the time for removing half of the dose taken is 13-14 hours. It should be taken into account that the experiments were not conducted on athletes. As mentioned above, athletes’ metabolism is several times more active. Based on this, it should be assumed that athletes have periods of elimination of 1/2 vitamins even shorter than those indicated in the table. This leads to a logical proposal: to replenish the excreted vitamins at intervals of several hours, that is, with each meal, as nature intended, when the food was always fresh. Taking vitamins daily 3-4 times will provide the athlete with their constant presence in the body (not with a constant concentration, but at an acceptable level) for the minute-by-minute recovery process.

4. Overdose is dangerous.

Some abstract danger may occur if you regularly exceed the European Union of Sports Physicians dosage by more than 5 times. For vitamins K, B2, B5 and B12, the toxicity limit is so high that it is not determined ( I personally had the opportunity to observe how dozens of sailors ate 300-500 tablets of Genxavit or Undevit at one time (they gave out jars of a thousand tablets each from the warehouse at the end of the quarter, instead of giving a single dose daily in the canteen) and no one became sick bad with a quarterly dose.

5. Vitamins do not improve strength performance, why take them?

Yes, while taking steroids, you won’t notice an increase. For a natural, a course of milgamma or an analogue of 10 ampoules per month intramuscularly can give an increase in triathlon up to 25 kg. Half of this result can be achieved by cyanocobalamin, 10 ampoules of 500 mcg each. Vitamin E will help many people gain a few kg of muscle mass, and with it strength. Regular intake of vitamins strengthens the immune system. Consequently, it reduces the chances of getting sick and disrupting preparation for competitions, and increases vigor and health. And separately about routine - vit. R. I started taking rutin (usually as part of ascorutin) in addition to the complex at about 37 years old. The reason was the appearance of a small vein on the surface of the leg, probably overloaded by combining powerlifting with kettlebell lifting. Since then the vein has not enlarged. In addition, I unexpectedly received a very useful result. Previously, my gums would bleed when brushing my teeth, which I thought was a normal result of applying too much pressure from the brush. Since taking Rutin, my gums have stopped bleeding forever. Probably all the vessels in my body have become better. This means that all my organs, including my muscles, have become better.

6. Vitamins are addictive.

Many people confuse vitamin complexes, vitamin-mineral complexes and sports mixtures like , which consist of vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, and substances that manufacturers call activators. For simplicity, these same mixtures are often called vitamins, which causes confusion among amateur fitness trainers. Doses of vitamins and minerals in such mixtures can be many times greater than the athlete’s daily needs. It is problematic to divide the granules into several parts, but taking them at once is pointless; only a small part will be absorbed. Huge doses of vitamins must be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. So-called “activators”, or activators in Russian, are added to many mixtures. Most of them are of unproven or questionable effectiveness. Most of the activators are of plant origin: ginseng, eleutherococcus, ephedra, hawthorn, thistle... Experts agree that the action of plant adaptogens is usually possible in the form of alcohol tincture, often in the form of decoctions and tinctures in water. They don't work at all in tablets! Thistle in a tablet is something like a princess in a frog. However, most athletes notice an energizing effect from such mixtures, and probably not like a placebo. So what works? Clearly not 4 g of dried beef liver. It is quite possible that the mixtures contain an undeclared component. This unknown component stimulates the central nervous system before exercise and, thus, gets consumers hooked on the drug. Well, if an undeclared component is detected by a supervisory organization, one can say: “I accidentally got into it with thistles.” It’s not for nothing that there is such a long list of useless components. Complexes consisting of vitamins and minerals cannot be addictive!

7. Studies have not found an increase in life expectancy as a result of taking vitamins.

Almost true. Not identified. Only these were not studies, but observations (translation costs; large-scale observations are not funded in the Russian Federation). The difference is the absence of a control group, whose lifestyle exactly matches the group of subjects. And the observation researchers themselves noted that among those observed there is a widespread desire to compensate for various deviations from a healthy lifestyle by taking vitamins. Many observed people tried in this way to smooth out the consequences of unhealthy eating, alcohol, smoking, etc. And they smoothed it out, making them equal in life expectancy to those who led healthy image life and considered vitamins unnecessary.

Part 3. What to take when?

1. Vitamin complex- for life. For example: hendevite or undevite. Both contain all the essential water-soluble vitamins in good proportions. Approximately 6 tablets per day will meet the needs of a 90-pound athlete. Gendevit is designed for pregnant women; the same substances are needed for the growth of the fetus as for the growth of an athlete. Undevit is created for the elderly, I started eating it early, at the age of 16, I think, with benefit. 3-4 times a year, it’s worth switching to a complex with minerals for a month, for example, Complivit. After studying the compositions of various drugs, you can independently choose a suitable complex for yourself. Try to choose one in which the daily doses you need are contained not in one tablet, but in 3 or more. This way you can maintain a good level of vitamins in your blood around the clock. 2. Fat soluble- separately. They cannot be absorbed from pills; they must be taken in capsules with oil. Aevit - 1 capsule per day, less often for lungs. Vitamin E, with heavy loads, approximately 100 mg per 25 kg of body weight. Don't forget to consider the E contained in aevit. Recently, pharmacies began to come across Aevit with a lower vitamin A content, compared to the traditional 3.5 mg. Every time, carefully look at the composition on the package! 3. Cyanocobalamin can be taken in courses, B12 accumulates in the body. Minimum 2 courses per year, 10 ampoules containing 500 mcg. Don’t forget that it is included in milgamma and analogues. If you were relaxing red and white on vacation, you need a “immediately after” course. 4. Rutin (vitamin P). In recent years it has not been found separately in pharmacies, we take ascorutin, it works better with ascorbic acid. Indicated for lifelong problems with blood vessels. Once the veins have popped out, they won’t take them back, it’s a prophylactic remedy. Rutin is believed to reduce symptoms of many types of allergies. And in this case, it works when taken regularly, and not when it has already started. 5. Vitamin C Prevention of colds. Take immediately when you are cold or wet. 2-5 g powder in tea, preferably along with aspirin. 6. Antioxidants. These are the already mentioned A, E and C. Without details, they work like this: they bind free radicals that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. This means that the doses of these vitamins need to be increased in case of all sorts of harmful effects, for example: hazardous production, a chimney smokes next to the house; irradiation, including solar radiation, the closer to the equator, the stronger; overcooked food; smoking. It is believed that for each cigarette you need to take an additional 50 mg of vitamin C (for a goat it is clear that it is easier not to smoke), including passive smoking; and much more. In general, for each pollutant, the dose of antioxidants must be increased. How long? There are no numbers. There is evidence that free radicals are formed in the body as a result of heavy physical activity. This means even more antioxidants for athletes.

Part 4. Minerals. Reception "by eye"

Let's start with the factors that increase the likelihood of mineral deficiency in your body:
  • weight loss before competitions,
  • drying for appearance (deaths are known), especially if diuretics are used for these purposes,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • heat,
  • increased fluid consumption, especially if this fluid is soda, all sorts of dietary restrictions (this includes fashionable diets written on behalf of some aunt from the TV box, fasting for religious reasons and other devilry).
Unfortunately, the daily requirement for minerals for athletes is not determined, and counting what is eaten in foods is not easy, but it is necessary to estimate. You can regularly take a blood test for mineral content and, based on the results, adjust the dose of minerals you take. This path requires regular financial and time investments. In some cases, the laboratory is completely inaccessible, for example, when hiking: by bicycle, kayaking, or on your own two feet. Namely, hiking combines increased physical activity and dietary restrictions. For the above reasons, it is more convenient and cheaper to determine the loss of minerals by the body “by eye”. Do not forget that the amount of sweating and the concentration of substances in sweat varies greatly among people, most of the characteristics are determined genetically. From table (F-3) it is clear (, that most of all we lose sodium and chlorine through sweat. Based on this, table salt consumption should vary from 3 g on a winter day without exercise to 15 g on a bike ride in the heat. Don't forget to take into account all the salt contained in the food, not just the one you added yourself. A further increase in the intake of table salt is not advisable even in desert conditions, since the body, adapting to the heat, reduces the concentration of minerals in sweat and urine. Typically, non-athletes consume chlorine in excess. The average person's sodium requirement is also met by a normal diet. People with high blood pressure are recommended to limit their sodium intake to 1.5 g per day, healthy people to 2.3 g. Losses of potassium and magnesium should be replenished with asparkam. Sweat moderately during an average workout in a cool gym - take one tablet. If you sweat a lot during a hard workout in a warm gym, take two. Likewise, after hot bath or baths. Sweated on a bike for an hour and a half - 1 tablet. Sweated for three hours - 2 tablets. I drove all day in the heat of 37 degrees - per day I need to take 6-7 tablets of asparkam and 1-2 sachets of rehydron. Drink beer - in the morning you will replenish what has been washed out of your body. This maintains a balance between potassium, magnesium, sodium and chlorine, which are constantly lost through sweat. I consider the courses recommended by some to be nonsense. It is necessary to replenish mineral losses “here and now”, immediately after or during losses. Without potassium, you may not survive until the next course in the heat. Women need a monthly course. 10 days, 3 tablets of asparkam, the tenth day coincides with the last, this is to replenish potassium and magnesium lost in the blood. This monthly course is combined with the sports needs described above.

For beginners, I will very briefly go through the rest of the minerals.

Calcium. Data on its absorption are different. Manufacturers of calcium supplements claim that their product ensures good absorption. Independent studies suggest the opposite, often showing effectiveness approaching zero. It is believed that about 40% of the calcium contained in cabbage is absorbed (in all plant foods, fiber interferes with absorption), about 80% from meat, and 95% from milk. The best option is to consume sufficient amounts of cottage cheese, milk, cheeses and other dairy products, including buttermilk and acidophilus paste, which are little known to people in the Moscow region. Iron. Very poorly digestible. From animal food 15-35%, from legumes - less than 1%. Based on this, it is better to feed soybeans rich in iron (16 mg per 100 g) to livestock; they have different stomachs, and maybe they will absorb it. Tea and coffee reduce % absorption, ascorbic acid increases ( Information about the good absorption of iron from buckwheat remains unconfirmed, since there is no money for research in the Russian Federation. And where there is money, there is no buckwheat. Fluorine. About 2/3 of the requirement comes from water. Significant amounts of fluoride are found in fish. Everything in other products can be called traces. Conclusion: do an analysis of the water you drink (as a last resort, you can focus on local data: ( If there is little fluoride in it, you will have to make up for the deficiency mineral water. If fluorine is more than normal, either filter it or buy another one. Your body will probably get everything else if you eat a varied and rational diet. About what it is balanced diet later, in a separate article.

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Many people are interested in how to take Undevit in bodybuilding. These vitamins were developed taking into account the various physiological characteristics of the human body. In combination, beneficial ingredients have a tonic and at the same time strengthening effect. Thanks to the antioxidant content, homeostasis can be maintained normally.

This drug is very effective for stabilizing metabolic processes and restoring the activity of organs and endocrine glands, which can be disrupted with age. The substances that make up the product can be well absorbed in the small intestine. It is worth noting that this vitamin remedy is very important for various diseases. “Undevit” is actively used in sports.

Description of the drug

"Undevit" is a Russian multivitamin complex that has proven itself to be a positive preventive agent for the treatment of diseases. The drug was invented by Professor Efremov. He took this drug, and in addition, experienced its effect on himself, recommended it for metallurgists and workers, whose cases of the disease sharply decreased during preventive use, and at the same time physical endurance increased.

The scientist recommended taking these vitamins for prevention, and in addition, for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis caused by unbalanced and poor nutrition. The professor also referred to intolerance to certain foods as recommendations for prescription. It is advisable to use this remedy during the period of intensive growth of adolescents and children, and in addition, while taking antibiotics.

Among other things, these vitamins were developed for use in cases of heavy physical activity, mental stress, as well as against the background of constant stress, during pregnancy and lactation. “Undevit” is often indispensable for athletes.

It would not be a bad idea to take this drug after suffering a serious infectious disease or surgery. This medicine is also taken for the prevention of infectious pathologies, epidemics, and in addition, in the presence of any chronic disease. The presented drug is excellent for increasing vitality, as well as for improving the performance of citizens who live in unfavorable environmental or climatic conditions.

Why is Undevit used in sports? More on this below.

How does the product work, what does it consist of?

The presented complex contains vitamins that are necessary for the body to function properly. They are presented in the form of the following compounds, namely retinol, vitamins B1, B5, B9 and B12. The medicine contains nicotinamide along with rutin, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. The pharmacological effect of this medicinal product is based on useful property vitamins that are part of the drug. This is confirmed by the instructions for use of "Undevit".

The substance retinol helps normalize the functioning of the eye retina. It is required for each cell to perform its function. Retinol is required for the transformation of stem cells into red blood cells. One of the main indications for its use is considered to be a lack of useful components in the body. Vitamin “A” and its derivatives can increase the body’s resistance to various infections, and in addition, maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B1 is an integral part of various enzymes that are involved in the digestion of food. Without it, the synthesis of proteins and fats is simply impossible. The role of all vitamins from category “B” for the functioning and normal functioning of the nervous system is great and invaluable. Thiamine takes part in the transmission of various nerve impulses.

Vitamin B2 can prevent the effects of harmful free radicals. Niacin, along with folic acid and pyridoxine, are required for proper metabolism. In combination with retinol, the substance riboflavin can provide the necessary visual acuity, promoting the normal functioning of the retina.

Vitamin "B3" is included in the composition of oxidative and reductive enzymes. This component is involved in the processes of cell respiration and promotes the release of energy from various organic substances, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The effect of vitamin B3 on the processes of red blood cell synthesis has been proven. If it is regularly introduced into the body, the functioning of the digestive system improves.

Vitamin “B5”, being a constituent ingredient of coenzyme “A”, takes an active part in the biochemical reaction. Processes such as hemoglobin synthesis, along with the formation of melatonin and the neutralization of harmful toxins - all this is simply impossible with a deficiency of vitamin B5.

Vitamin B6 is extremely important for the production of serotonin. It can control sleep, emotions and appetite, among other things. With the participation of this component, the formation of nucleic acids, which are the main component of hemoglobin, is carried out. The beneficial effects of this vitamin on sex hormones have been proven.

Folic acid, which is also included in the complex under consideration, is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, and in addition for the exchange of nucleic acids and amino acids.

Vitamin B12 allows damaged tissues to fully recover. Its sufficient concentration in the body is capable of maintaining the normal functioning of the entire nervous system as a whole, since this component influences the processes of production of the myelin compound, which is involved in the formation of the sheath of various nerve processes.

Ascorbic acid, which is also part of this drug, even in small quantities protects the human body from the action of free radicals. This compound perfectly normalizes all metabolic processes, increasing immunity. It must be said that the drug “Undevit” also contains other antioxidants. Ascorbic acid is required by humans to convert cholesterol into bile acid.

The substance tocopherol is the vitamin of youth. If it is insufficient, the full functioning of the human reproductive system is simply impossible. Thus, the product “Undevit” can restore the structure of nails and hair. Vitamin “E” gives blood vessels the opportunity to relax, helping to reliably strengthen the immune system. That is why “Undevit” is increasingly used in sports.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the drug in question are:

  • The need for treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies.
  • Long-term therapy with antibacterial drugs.
  • Recovery after illness.
  • Excessive mental and, in addition, physical stress.
  • Poor nutrition, including a passion for low-calorie diets.

According to the instructions for use of "Undevit", it is allowed to take this drug during lactation and pregnancy. This drug is not contraindicated in such cases, but it is prescribed in dosages recommended by the doctor. Vitamins, especially in large quantities, such as retinol, can harm the fetus. Therefore, if you are pregnant, it is recommended to take special complexes.

Among other things, the drug “Undevit” is prescribed to elderly and middle-aged people who have symptoms of premature aging, and in addition, when there is a metabolic disorder.

How to take Undevit vitamins is described below.

Contraindications to the use of the vitamin complex

It is recommended to stop using this drug in case of intolerance to the components. You should take these vitamins with great caution if you have severe liver disease, stomach or intestinal ulcers. This drug is not prescribed to children under fourteen years of age.

Contraindications to use may include acute as well as chronic nephritis, along with pancreatitis, the presence of gallstones, and so on. For such diagnoses, this drug is prescribed with caution.

Mode of application

What is the dosage of Undevit?

Each jar of jelly beans comes with instructions. These vitamins are recommended to be taken after meals. If the instructions have been violated, then symptoms of an overdose are possible. In order to prevent vitamin deficiencies during the second trimester of pregnancy, children over fourteen years of age are prescribed one tablet. How many times a day should you drink Undevit? The daily dose for elderly patients is two tablets.

For the purpose of treatment, this drug is prescribed two tablets three times. During the first trimester of pregnancy, one pill is prescribed, in the next two - two pills and no more. The duration of the therapeutic course is at least three weeks. The question of the purpose of re-taking these vitamins is decided by the doctor. Athletes are prescribed the drug two pills three times within one month.

What “Undevit” is needed for is now clear.


If you take this remedy according to the instructions, then an overdose is impossible. In case of excess vitamin A, patients experience lethargy along with increased drowsiness, convulsions lower limbs, dysfunction of the nervous system, disorder of the digestive system and the like. Treatment in this case is usually aimed at eliminating various symptoms.

Now let's try to find out which side effects possible due to the use of this medical product for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

What are the possible side effects?

Side effects of Undevit, if they occur, are usually as follows:

  • Digestive disorders are likely to occur, which may be characterized by abdominal pain and, in addition, diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and itching cannot be excluded.
  • Liver dysfunction is also likely.

The components that make up Undevit cannot affect the ability to drive a car or operate complex machinery.

Interaction of drug components with other medical drugs and substances

Retinol and tocopherol can enhance each other's interaction. At the same time, vitamin A reduces the effectiveness of medications that contain glucocorticoids. Taking nitrites may reduce the effectiveness of retinol. In combination with retinoids, toxic effects are likely.

Ascorbic acid can not only increase the toxicity of sulfonamides and penicillin, but also increases the degree of their effects. The benefits of heparin are lost and iron absorption deteriorates. Vitamin C is much less absorbed when taking oral hormonal contraceptives.

B vitamins can neutralize the toxic effects that are observed with the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Riboflavin reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics such as Doxycycline, along with Erythromycin and Tetracycline.

"Undevit" in sports

This medication is an effective mixture of vitamins that are very popular in sports, which are aimed at improving physical fitness, and in addition, stabilizing the mental state. The composition includes ascorbic acid along with riboflavin, nicotinamide, calcium and other beneficial substances. Folic acid is also a very useful and important element included in this product.

"Undevit" in bodybuilding helps to achieve the desired results. The pharmacological effect that the drug exhibits is due not simply to the properties of the vitamins contained, but also to the synergy of their effect on the human body. Great importance for achieving efficiency in in this case The dosage plays a role along with the quantitative ratio of vitamins from groups “B”, “C”, “E” and so on.

Vitamins are the most important substances that our bodies need. They come in food products, supplements and vitamin complexes. . And in this article we will talk about which vitamins are best for bodybuilding and what daily requirement of vitamins is required for athletes to build muscle mass.

How do vitamins affect bodybuilders?

The experience of many professional bodybuilders confirms that without sufficient intake of vitamins in the body, achieving high results impossible. In this regard, professional athletes must use special vitamins for bodybuilding. Often it is the lack of essential vitamins that causes the so-called plateau effect, and many athletes do not realize this.

The daily requirement of vitamins for bodybuilders must be strictly observed, since bodybuilders have to eat high-calorie foods that do not contain as many micronutrients as the body requires. Due to the abundance of protein and carbohydrate foods in the diet, it can be difficult for bodybuilders to add more vegetables and fruits to it, since overeating contributes to intestinal dysfunction. Consequently, many athletes choose special vitamin complexes and buy bodybuilding vitamins at the pharmacy.

Essential vitamins for bodybuilding

Let's figure out what vitamins you should take when doing bodybuilding in order to achieve high results in this sport:

Vitamin A

Necessary for the construction of new muscle tissue cells. The lack of a substance helps slow down regenerative processes between workouts, and the concentration of glycogen in the body and its recovery after exercise also depend on it. For bodybuilders, the daily dose of vitamin A is 1200 mcg, with a maximum allowable level of 3000 mcg.

Vitamin C

It is one of the key micronutrients for bodybuilders. Vitamin C in bodybuilding is necessary to supply tissues and organs with oxygen, improves the absorption of glucose and restores glycogen reserves. In addition, the vitamin takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones and material metabolism.

Vitamin D

A lack of this vitamin contributes to a decrease in strength and endurance of a bodybuilder. In addition, the body will no longer normally absorb essential minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, which are required for normal muscle function. Athletes should take up to 20 mcg of this vitamin per day, with a maximum dose of 50 mcg.

Vitamin E

Responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, which increases the body's tolerance to high physical exertion. In addition, the natural growth of muscle tissue depends on it. For an ordinary person, it is enough to consume 15 mg of vitamin E per day, but a bodybuilder’s body should receive vitamin D in the amount of 100 mg per day. Many people are also interested in how much vitamin E to take during PCT after a course of steroids while doing bodybuilding? This parameter is strictly individual and there is no exact dosage.

Vitamin H

Amino acid metabolism and energy reserves of muscles depend on this vitamin. A deficiency contributes to a decrease in muscle volume and a deterioration in strength, so bodybuilders must consume a sufficient amount of vitamin H per day.

B vitamins

Of all the vitamins in this group, there are three main ones that are important for bodybuilding:

  • B1 - stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, necessary for bodybuilders for normal muscle development. Without vitamin B1 in bodybuilding, carbohydrates will no longer be absorbed normally and will clog the body. Daily dose - 10-20 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 in bodybuilding normalizes the growth process of protein tissue in muscles. Athletes at intensive training experience an increased need for this enzyme. The daily norm is 20 mg.

As you understand, B vitamins are very important in bodybuilding and sometimes you cannot do without taking a special vitamin complex.

Sports vitamin complexes

The top vitamins and minerals for bodybuilding include the following:

  • Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition. A very popular vitamin and mineral supplement that can be found in sports nutrition stores. The product is very effective and is intended for all bodybuilders and people involved in strength sports.
  • Daily Formula from Universal Nutrition. An inexpensive analogue of the previous vitamin complex.
  • Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition. The American company produces this complex of vitamins specifically for men, and they are not inferior to the previous products, but are the main competitor.
  • Opti-Women from Optimum Nutrition. Special complex vitamins and minerals, developed by an American company for women.

The listed vitamins for bodybuilding have been tested by time and many professional athletes, so you can safely choose one of them.

Pharmacy vitamins for bodybuilders

In addition to the vitamin complexes described above from sports nutrition manufacturers, there are certain pharmaceutical products that are also used by some bodybuilders. Among them we can highlight:

  1. Complivit. Inexpensive and effective complex vitamins, which we can recommend to all bodybuilders. For dosage and rules of administration, see the instructions.
  2. Alphabet effect. Vitamin and mineral complex for physically active people. Accordingly, it is suitable for bodybuilding, especially for beginners.
  3. Dynamisan. In addition to minerals and vitamins, it contains amino acids and ginseng extract. The drug is recommended for bodybuilders, as it increases performance and endurance.
  4. Undevit. The most affordable vitamin complex for bodybuilders from the pharmacy. It contains 11 vitamins, which is why many athletes take it.

Note that pharmacy vitamin complexes are inferior to special products from leading sports nutrition manufacturers, but if you are new to the world of bodybuilding or are not ready to spend a lot of money, go to the pharmacy and choose one of the listed complexes.

What are the benefits of vitamin b12 for sports?

Vitamin b12 is one of the main helpers for athletes. In sports, vitamin B12 is necessary to create muscle definition, since this substance improves energy metabolism in the body, helping to actively burn incoming fat. Also, vitamin b12 in sports is important for building muscle tissue.

Another benefit of vitamin b12 for athletes is that it is involved in amino acid synthesis, protein metabolism, creatine synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. As a result, muscle growth improves. In addition, cyanocobalamin in sports is important to ensure the proper functioning of the central nervous system, muscle stimulation and restoration of the body's performance after hard, grueling workouts.

Vitamin B12 is also very popular in bodybuilding due to the supply of oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissue cells. This helps stimulate their activity. Vitamin B12 is also useful for bodybuilders because it is involved in coordination of movements and contraction of muscle fibers, along with vitamins B6 and B1.

The intake and dosage of vitamin B12 for athletes differs from the classical medical indications specified in the instructions for use. The dosage of vitamin B12 for a bodybuilder is 10 to 24 mcg per day. It should be consumed once a day. Many athletes take it by injection, however, it is recommended that it be taken orally. Vitamin b12 is especially important in bodybuilding for athletes who adhere to vegetarianism.

Continuing the topic:
Leveling up 

Goal: to show the direct connection between bodybuilding and good physical shape.