How to have beautiful posture. Effective exercises for beautiful posture at home: Raising the pelvis or “Half-bridge”

Hello dear readers of my sports blog sportivs. Alexander Bely is with you. Warmer times are gradually approaching and open T-shirts and T-shirts will replace jackets and sweaters, and to look beautiful, you need to prepare for this. Today I would like to touch on the topic of posture exercises at home, which will reduce stooping and make your back straighter.

A woman who has a beautiful, even face looks simply enchanting. She is confident and keeps her head straight. Elderly people look much younger and more beautiful due to the fact that they play sports and have an even posture. Let's find out whether we have correct posture or not?

How to check your back

There is an interesting testing method that can be used at home; it will help you check a couple of tangent points that are responsible for the correctness of your back posture.

Correct, healthy posture is expressed by the following factors:

  • The head and spine are in the same position.
  • The clavicle line is in a straight position.
  • The buttocks are always symmetrically located, the legs are the same length.
  • The feet touch the inner surface.

At the moment, a very common problem among children and adults is straight back posture. For this purpose they were developed special techniques that help get rid of this problem, now I will tell you about one of them.

Exercises for straight posture

Before any workout, I recommend warming up. A good warm-up helps to warm up before exercise, this will prevent various sprains and joints. Before any load you need to think carefully, because you can only make the situation worse. You need to increase the load gradually, otherwise you can get a bunch of different complications.

1. One of the simplest and most effective exercises for straight posture, which is suitable for both girls and men, is an exercise using a book.

Starting position: stand against the wall, press your back, it is important that you have several points of contact - feet, spine, buttocks, back of the head.

2. Next exercise There will be bends with dumbbells. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, you should perform a so-called row so that your shoulder blades touch each other. Perform 10-12 repetitions and so on for 4 sets. For beginners, you can replace dumbbells with one and a half liter bottles of water.

3. Quite a lot interesting exercise there will be rowing. Characteristic feature it, like others, is that it can be done at home, lying on the bed. Starting position – lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. You should simultaneously lift your arms and legs off the floor and imitate floating movements. I recommend doing 40-50 of these repetitions.

4. The final exercise in our training is an exercise with a stick on the shoulders. Rotate your torso in different directions, while the level stick should be on your shoulders. Perform 25-30 repetitions in each direction in order to achieve maximum effect, the stick should be located below the neck, this will give maximum bending of the spine.

We have looked at the most effective exercises for straightening your posture, but now I would like to tell you about the primary sources of back problems.

The main causes of back curvature

  • Overweight.
  • Micro trauma of the spine.
  • Trauma during childbirth.
  • Weak muscles of the back frame.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Wearing heels.
  • Improper carrying of bags.

If you have complications with your posture, don’t worry, because getting rid of such a problem is not very difficult. Now I will give you some recommendations that, I am sure, will motivate you and show positive results.

1. Everything requires consistency; no activity at one time will bring you desired result. Therefore, tune in to regular exercise and perform a set of exercises 3-4 times a week. After some time you can do it every day. It will take you 20 minutes of time.

2. If you find it easy to do the exercises, add more repetitions. After some time, you will be surprised how easy it is for you to do those 15 repetitions that at first seemed extremely difficult. Your back and core muscles are strengthened, so I recommend increasing the load, but this must be done wisely.

3. The optimal amount of time you will need to rest is 30 seconds per minute.

4. Make sure you breathe correctly. As you lower, exhale and as you rise, inhale. Correct breathing will help develop your endurance. If this process is disrupted, you will quickly get tired.

5. The most optimal time for training is considered to be the morning. The workout will serve as an excellent preventive measure for the back, as well as a good warm-up before starting the working day.

We have reviewed the basic concepts, exercises, reasons and recommendations that will help you get rid of problems with incorrect posture. See you soon.

A straight back is not only beautiful, it is also the key to the proper functioning of all internal organs. By doing posture exercises at home, just a couple of times a week, you can prevent back pain and slouching.

Most people experience curvature of the spine as they age, and their posture changes. Every year, without constant exercise, the back muscles lose their flexibility and weaken, sedentary work, and lack of physical activity speed up this process significantly.

Causes of curvature of posture

There can be many reasons why you have incorrect posture. These include injuries and hereditary diseases, but most often spinal curvature occurs at an early age.

Spinal problems are caused by:

  1. Hereditary diseases.
  2. An uncomfortable mattress that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Injured back during childbirth.
  5. Microtraumas of the spine.
  6. Working in a sitting and uncomfortable position.
  7. Constantly carrying bags on one shoulder.
  8. Wearing shoes only with heels.
  9. Atonicity of the back muscles.

Back problems occur much more often in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that a child’s spine develops very quickly, and the elastic muscles of the back deform much more quickly if the rules are not followed. But also in childhood, it is much easier to correct your posture if you do daily exercises.

How to check correct posture

If you have correct posture, then your head and body should be at the same vertical level. At the same time, the shoulders are slightly turned and are located at the same height and are equal horizontally.

If you visually observe, then the spine itself, along its axis, should be without curvature. Region chest may be somewhat convex, just like the abdominal zone, may be slightly retracted or convex. If there are no back problems, then a person can easily straighten his legs at the knees and does not experience discomfort when he uses the hip muscles. When brought together, your legs should be straight and your knees, hips, heels and shins should be completely closed.

In order to find out if you have problems with posture, you need to stand with your back to the wall and lean tightly. The feet should also be brought together and pressed firmly against the wall. The head is straight and the back of the head is leaning against the wall. Lower your arms down and hold them at your sides. Ask someone close to you to stick your palm between the wall and lumbar region. If your hand passes freely between the wall and the lumbar area, then this means that you have straight posture. When the abdominal muscles are weakened and move the spine backward, then curvature of posture occurs.

Exercises to correct posture in adults and children may differ. The best thing, of course, is to contact specialists who will develop for you individual program training. It will take a lot of work to improve your posture, and it will take more than one month. General training recommendations are as follows:

  • Before starting each lesson, warm up the muscles of the whole body for at least 10 minutes;
  • The training program should include working out not only the back muscles, but also the abdominal area, pelvis, neck, shoulder girdle;
  • The intensity of training should be increased gradually, and very slowly, in order not to further worsen the situation;
  • Start exercising no less than an hour after eating, no matter how uncomfortable you feel;
  • Train every other day, at the same time, in order to give your muscles a rest and recovery.

You must realize that you will not improve your posture in just a few workouts. Set yourself up for long work.

Posture Exercises

The set of posture exercises presented below targets a wide range of muscles in the back and throughout the body. All exercises are in chronological order, and it is not advisable to change their sequence.

· Pushups

A series of exercises to improve posture should start with push-ups. This is a very versatile exercise that will strengthen your core and shoulder muscles.
2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

· Exercise “Boat”

Lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward, palms should be on the floor. Your arms and legs should be slightly apart, approximately shoulder-width apart. You need to try to bend back at the same time, using your arms and legs, staying in this position for 10-15 seconds.
Initial number of repetitions: 4 deflections for 10-15 seconds.

· Exercise “Swallow”

Lie down, just like in the previous exercise. This time you need to bend only your body and arms back, trying to bring your arms together behind your back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. It will be a little difficult at first, and you can start with five seconds and gradually increase the time.
Initial number of repetitions: 4 deflections for 10-15 seconds.

A curved spine, in addition to spoiling the overall appearance of the figure, can also bring a lot of health problems. Constant slouching leads to poor circulation, difficulty breathing and back pain. To avoid these troubles, you should devote at least 20-30 minutes to your body every day and do exercises for correct and beautiful posture.

Exercises to straighten your posture

Before you start exercising, try checking your posture first. To do this, you need to stand up straight, straighten your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together, moving your palms back, then lift your chin. If this position is unusual for you, then the situation needs to be corrected and your posture corrected.

Before the main exercises, you should stretch as much as possible. To do this, stand up straight, clasp your hands and lift them up, stretching your spine. Then stand on your toes and stretch your arms as high as possible.

After this, bring your hands together behind you and try to raise them higher, bringing your shoulder blades together. Then lower yourself down and raise your arms even higher, then bend to the sides several times. Be sure to keep your lower back arched. After completing the warm-up, you can begin exercises to correct your posture.

  1. Get on all fours and do crunches, lowering your pelvis alternately to the right and left side. Do 6-8 reps.
  2. Go into a lying position with your arms in front of you. Bend back, lowering your head as much as possible. Then, turning your head, look first at one heel, then at the other. Also do 6-8 reps.
  3. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Now lift up right hand And left leg, stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the same for your left arm and right leg. Do several reps. This will help strengthen your back muscles and will be the #1 exercise for good posture.
  4. In the same starting position, clasp your hands, extend them in front of you and raise your legs. Do repetitions until you get tired.
  5. After this, place your forehead on your hands, clasped together, pressing your chin to your chest. In this position, lift your torso up about ten times.

In addition, do not forget to pump up your abdominal muscles, which also help you maintain correct posture.

It is worth noting that for good and beautiful exercise needs to be done regularly. In 1-1.5 months you will definitely be able to see the result of your efforts.

Beautiful straight back Not many can boast, because correct posture is formed in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, no one controls a child when he sits incorrectly at his desk at school. Some people slouch because they are too tall so as not to stand out from the rest. And sometimes wearing heels also affects stooping. If incorrect posture appears in old age, this indicates some pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Sometimes children are already born with a hump or a curved spine.

IMPORTANT! In any case, whatever the reason, you need to get rid of it. After all, everyone knows about the importance correct posture. The fact is that poor posture not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the figure, but also entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. This could be scoliosis, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, brain, and so on. Therefore, it is extremely important to start correcting your slouch as soon as possible.

Correct posture is the ability of any person to hold the body straight and at ease. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body should not tense.

Signs of good posture:

Expert opinion

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, even to the point of disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy to heal joints, which is recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky... Read more"

  1. Light floating gait.
  2. Tight belly.
  3. The shoulders are slightly lowered and pulled back.
  4. The legs are slightly turned out at the knees.
  5. The chest moves forward a little.
  6. The head position is strictly vertical.
  7. The spine is straight.

How to fix bad posture

Unfortunately, stooping does not lend itself drug therapy, although it would be easier to take a pill and wake up with a straight back. But, on the other hand, it can be fixed completely free of charge, albeit with a little effort of your own. When you start taking the right poses or doing special exercises, you may experience some pain and discomfort, so you need to start gradually.

Many experts recommend doing the following:
  1. You can buy an orthopedic bandage in the form of a corset. Putting it on, you will feel how it will prevent slouching on a mechanical level.
  2. IN free time It is advisable to carry an ordinary book on your head, similar to how luggage is carried in India. It is enough to walk like this for 20-30 minutes a day. The idea behind this method is that the book can only be held up if you have the correct posture, but if you hunch a little, it will fall. Therefore, you will be forced to keep your back straight. In addition, it improves movement coordination. By the way, you can hold a book on your head in a sitting position, for example, when you are sitting at a computer or watching TV. It has been noted that after just a week or two a person’s book stops falling altogether.
  3. If you have a sedentary job, then the chair must be an office chair. Because it is designed for the duration of a person’s work with correct position bodies.
  4. When sitting at a table, you need to move as close to the table as possible so that your elbows are at a right angle (perhaps at a slightly sharp angle). This way, you will position the chair correctly for proper posture.
  5. As an option, you can tie a red thread on your finger or hand as a reminder. It will remind you to take the correct posture.
  6. When you adjust the chair, your thighs should be exactly parallel to the floor.
  7. Be sure to take breaks from working to stretch your back.
  8. You should sleep exclusively on a hard mattress.
  9. When sleeping, lie less often on your stomach and side. Give preference to your back.
  10. Avoid down pillows; they are too soft.
  11. When lowering any load, no matter how small, always bend your knees. Only in this case the spine will remain smooth and straight. It is strictly forbidden to bend your lower back.
  12. Lifting weights is the same as lowering them.
  13. If you have to do heavy physical work, it is better to tie a belt that holds your lower back.
  14. Distribute the load in two hands. It is unacceptable to carry bags on only one side.

How to check correct posture

In order to check what condition you need to stand in with good posture, you need to lean against a flat wall. In this case, the buttocks, heels, back of the head and shoulder blades should fit snugly to the surface. But the gap should be between the shoulder blades and the lower back. Ask someone to insert their palm into this area: it should fit freely.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and clear. Read more"

To adjust your gait, you need to direct your gaze only straight ahead and step softly. The feet must be slightly spread to the side, and you need to step directly on them, and not on the heels. When landing the foot, it is better to bend the leg slightly at the knee. Don't forget about a straight back and free shoulders. In general, you need to develop your gait in orthopedic shoes.

The easiest and most effective exercises

You can correct a stooped back with the help of special exercises for beautiful posture, which are quite simple:
  1. In a sitting position, when you are working, for example, you need to periodically relax your shoulders. This will avoid slouching.
  2. To straighten your back, you need to stand up and try to connect your shoulder blades. Shoulders should be pulled back as much as possible. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then return to initial position and relax. You can repeat at least 4-5 times. This exercise aimed at strengthening the back muscles.
  3. It is very useful to raise and lower your shoulders and make rotational movements with them.
  4. “Kitty” is probably known to everyone who has ever done exercises. To do this exercise, you need to get on all fours and arch your back down and pull your stomach in. Stand in this position for 7-10 seconds. Now the back arches in the opposite direction. And so on several times. To complicate the exercise, with your back arched downwards, you can bend forward strongly, like a cat stretching. Your legs will be in a straight position.
  5. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Next, you need to slowly raise your head, then your neck, and then your shoulders. And so stretch until you lean on your own elbows. You can stretch your arms forward. Stop for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back with legs bent: the knees do not touch each other, and the heels are located near the pelvis. Then you need to raise your pelvis and stand for 10 seconds.
  7. Starting position: the same, but while raising the pelvis, your arms should be extended upward.
  1. All exercises must be done constantly and, preferably 2-3 times a day.
  2. Gradually increase the number of times.
  3. You can also do strength exercises with dumbbells.
  4. Exercises for correct posture include push-ups and exercise machines.
  5. Walk and run more.
  6. Do exercises in the morning.
  7. Visit the pool and swim more.
  8. Let your body get enough oxygen while walking.
  9. Ventilate the room more often.
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