How to choose the right set of dumbbells for your home. Effective exercises with dumbbells for children Exercises with dumbbells for boys 10 years old

A set of exercises with dumbbells helps strengthen the child’s musculoskeletal system and helps control weight. Therefore, if you have already accustomed your student to daily physical exercise, which he does with pleasure and easily, you can begin to diversify your classes with a set of exercises with dumbbells.

A set of exercises with dumbbells and child development

A set of exercises with dumbbells puts additional stress on the muscles and increases the body's energy consumption. Therefore, along with proper and balanced nutrition, a set of exercises with dumbbells helps not only strengthen muscles but also lose weight.

A child can perform a set of exercises with dumbbells starting from 7-8 years old. However, when mastering a set of exercises with dumbbells, it is necessary to remember that younger schoolchildren are actively developing their skeleton, so you should not give them heavy physical activity with weights. One or two sets of exercises with dumbbells per week is enough. On other days, you can choose to do the usual push-ups, pull-ups or squats, which also develop the child’s musculoskeletal system well.

Each set of exercises with dumbbells should last approximately 30-45 minutes, including warm-up, power load(actually a set of exercises with dumbbells) and exercises to restore breathing. It's also good to include rhythmic music, to which the young athlete will do a set of exercises with dumbbells.

The main condition for performing a set of exercises with dumbbells (as well as other types of physical activity) is that the child should enjoy this mini-training and not overexert himself.

A set of exercises with dumbbells: how to choose sports equipment?

When preparing to master a set of exercises with dumbbells, take care of choosing the right sports equipment. IN sports stores You can buy special dumbbells for children - colored, bright. In addition, there are special hollow dumbbells. They are very convenient because their weight can be easily adjusted by adding sand or water to the projectile.

Remember that the weight of dumbbells for younger schoolchildren should not exceed a kilogram. Well, you need to start classes with dumbbells of such a weight that does not cause discomfort to your child - the load should be pleasant. When the baby gets used to the weight of the apparatus, and all the exercises of the complex with dumbbells are easy for him, you can begin to increase the weight of dumbbells very gradually.

A set of exercises with dumbbells: where to start?

Before starting a set of exercises with dumbbells, the child must do a warm-up. It includes jumping, running in place, bending and turning the body, squats, and swinging arms.

A set of exercises with dumbbells: procedure

  1. Lifting dumbbells. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, dumbbells facing the hips. On a count of 1, raise the dumbbells to your armpits, on a count of 2, lower your arms. The pace is average. Number of repetitions: 10-12.
  2. Squeezing dumbbells from behind the head. Starting position – arms bent at the elbows, elbows raised up, dumbbells at the back of the head. On the count of 1, straighten your arms (fix your elbows, do not lower them), on the count of 2, lower them. The pace is average. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Arching your back while lying on your stomach. Hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head. When performing the exercise, the child smoothly bends his back, raising his head up (the baby’s legs must be supported). When inhaling - bend, when lowering - exhale.
  4. Rotation of the body with extension of arms. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. On a count of 1, rotate your torso while simultaneously raising and spreading your arms to the sides; on a count of 2, return to initial position; on the count of 3 - turn in the other direction with arms extended to the sides, on the count of 4 - take the starting position. Make 10-12 turns in each direction.
  5. Raising dumbbells above your head. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands pressed with the backs of your hands to your shoulders. Gently, without jerking, the dumbbells rise up. This exercise can be performed with both hands simultaneously or alternately. When raising your hands, inhale, when lowering, exhale.
  6. Curling arms with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, hands with dumbbells - at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart, backs of hands facing down. Simultaneously or alternately bend our arms in elbow joints.
  7. Exercises with dumbbells for the abs. Starting position – lying on your back (an adult holds the child’s legs), dumbbells pressed to the back of the head. On the count of 1, raise your torso, on the count of 2, return to the starting position. Perform 8-10 lifts at an average pace. When straightening the body, inhale; when lifting, exhale.
  8. Squats with dumbbells. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down. On the count of 1, do a squat (the dumbbells touch the floor), on the count of 2, stand up, move your arms and head back (bend over).
  9. Jumping with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered or bent at the elbows. Perform jumps in place, legs apart, and then together. Breathing should be deep, without delay.

A set of exercises with dumbbells: completion of the lesson

It is strongly recommended to complete a set of exercises with dumbbells with exercises to restore breathing. For example, such as walking slowly deep breathing. While doing this, the child, breathing deeply, walks calmly for several minutes after a set of exercises with dumbbells.

Of course, the given set of exercises with dumbbells is not a dogma. By and large, a child can do anything gymnastic exercises, the execution of which dumbbells do not interfere with. The main thing is to ensure that the load is strictly symmetrical: if one hand is used first, then you must do the same exercise with the other hand.

And, of course, we should not forget that strength exercises with dumbbells can and should be combined with any others - for example, such as.

Exercises with dumbbells for children will fit as boys, so girls, the only difference is the weight dumbbells Classes for childrenbest to break it down into small pieces complexes. Perform mini complexes every other day, one at a time.

Complex one.

Squats with dumbbells for children . Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down. Don't do it on count 1 deep squat(as if sitting on a chair), keep your back straight, on the count of 2 - return to the starting position. 8-10 reps.

Raises with dumbbells for children . Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, dumbbells facing the hips. On the count of 1, raise your arms from the dumbbell parallel to the floor, on the count of 2, lower your arms. The pace is average. Number of repetitions: 10-12 repetitions.

Raising dumbbells overhead for children .Starting position - standing, legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands pressed to the shoulders with the backs of your hands. Gently, without jerking, the dumbbells rise up. This exercise can be performed with both hands simultaneously or alternately. When raising your arms, inhale, when lowering, exhale. 10-12 repetitions.

Raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you .Starting position: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells lowered in front of you, palms inward. On the count of one, we raise our arms in front of us to a right angle, on the count of two we return to the starting position. 10-12 reps.

Complex two.

Dumbbell chest press . Starting position: Lie on two chairs or on a bench, arms spread parallel to the floor to the sides and bent at the elbows. Take the dumbbells in your hands for a count of one, raise your arms with the dumbbells above your chest, and return to the starting position for a count of two. 10-12 repetitions.

Squeezing dumbbells from behind your head . Starting position - arms bent at the elbows, elbows raised up, dumbbells at the back of the head. On the count of 1, straighten your arms (fix your elbows, do not lower them), on the count of 2, lower them. The pace is average. Repeat 8-10 times.

Arching your back while lying on your stomach .Hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head. When performing the exercise, the child smoothly bends his back, raising his head up (the baby’s legs must be supported). When inhaling - bend, when lowering - exhale.

Complex three.

Dumbbell Curl .Starting position - standing, hands with dumbbells - at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart, backs of hands facing down. Simultaneously or alternately bend your arms at the elbow joints. 8-10 repetitions.

Rotation of the body with extension of arms . Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. On a count of 1, rotate your torso while simultaneously raising and spreading your arms to the sides; on a count of 2, return to the starting position; on the count of 3 - turn in the other direction with arms extended to the sides, on the count of 4 - take the starting position. Make 12-15 turns in each direction.

Ab exercises with dumbbells . Starting position - lying on your back (an adult holds the child's legs), dumbbells pressed to the back of the head. On the count of 1, raise your torso, on the count of 2, return to the starting position. Perform 10-12 lifts at an average pace. When straightening the torso, inhale; when lifting, exhale.

Jumping with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered or bent at the elbows. Perform jumps in place, legs apart, and then together. Breathing should be deep, without delay.

Dumbbells for children are a good opportunity to strengthen muscles and become stronger. If a child dreams of this sports equipment, it’s worth getting it. And having learned a set of exercises, father and son are guaranteed not only good health, but also a good mood.

What are the benefits of dumbbells in childhood?

By doing exercises with dumbbells, the student gets used to the sport.

Dumbbells for children - will help your child grow strong

Exercises with dumbbells help:

  • strengthening muscles and joints;
  • development of strength and endurance;
  • fight against overweight;
  • strengthening health and muscle corset.

In addition, when a child does exercises, repeating after one of the parents, this brings them closer together. Exercising together to good music will give you positivity and a good mood for the whole day.

At what age is it better to start training with dumbbells?

If a child, wanting to become stronger, wants to do this sports equipment, then we must remember that such exercises can be started no earlier than 7-8 years. Until this time, its skeleton is still being formed. And excessive physical exercise may have a negative impact on its formation.

After training, you need to restore your breathing and relax your muscles.

For a younger student, 1-2 training sessions per week are enough. Exercises should last no more than 25 minutes. Before this you need to warm up. The following are suitable for this: walking in place, bending the body, turning the head.

What should the weight of dumbbells be?

Sports equipment should not be heavier than 1 kg. First you need to choose shells that easily fit in a child’s hand. When training, the child should not experience discomfort. As the child grows, the weight of the projectiles can be increased. To do this, use hollow dumbbells that can be filled with liquid or sand, making them heavier.

Sports activities with weights

Lifting weights to the armpits. The child stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. Hands with weights are lowered. You need to raise your arms with weights to your armpits and return them to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Arm bending from a sitting position. The child sits on a chair and holds a weight in outstretched arms. Hands unfolded inside up. You need to alternately bend your elbows. Repeat 10 times.

Schoolchildren must perform exercises with different objects: a ball, a jump rope, and, of course, dumbbells. This is a complex useful exercises with dumbbells for boys, for teenagers.

Exercises with dumbbells

After the first approach spent on the first exercise and a slight rest, do the second exercise in the second approach, do the first exercise again in the third, etc. In the same way, alternate the third and fourth, fifth and sixth, seventh and eighth, ninth and tenth exercise.

➣ It is likely that such a load will be unnecessary for you. But you shouldn't quit. Regular exercise will help you become more resilient, after which you can move on to more significant loads.

Tilts of the body to the right and left - “pump”

This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the torso.

You will need dumbbells weighing from 1 to 5 kg. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Tilt to the right while left hand bend at the elbow, then tilt to the left, bending your right arm. The pace of execution is average or slow. Breathing is voluntary. Perform 10-15 bends in each direction in 2-3 approaches, resting 3 minutes between them.

Circular movements of the legs while lying on your back

The exercise is aimed at developing the abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up, holding, for example, the leg of a sofa, table or bed. Raise your closed legs and do 10-15 circular movements in each direction. Perform the exercise 2 or 3 times with a rest of 2-3 minutes. The pace is medium or fast, breathing is arbitrary.

Lifting dumbbells vertically

With this exercise you can strengthen and develop your arm muscles. You will need dumbbells weighing from 4 to 10 kg.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your arms with dumbbells along your body, palms facing you. Gradually bend your arms, lifting the dumbbells above your head until your arms are straight. After this, return to the starting position. The pace of the exercise is slow or medium. When you raise your hands, inhale, and when you lower them, exhale. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times in 2 approaches, between which rest 2-3 minutes.

Alternate lunges with right and left legs

This is an exercise to develop leg muscles.

You will need dumbbells weighing 2 and 7 kg. Tie 2 kg dumbbells to the ends of a stick.

Using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width, lift the stick and lower it onto your back. Take a fairly wide step forward with your left foot, bending it at the knee joint. At this time, place your right leg on the toe in a straightened position. Then lower it as low as possible and make 2-3 springing movements. After this, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, but changing your leg. The pace of the exercise is slow.

➣ You can breathe arbitrarily. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times with each leg.

After a short rest, repeat the same movements, but instead of using 2kg dumbbells, use 7kg dumbbells.

Squat on two legs

Promotes the development of leg muscles. You will need dumbbells weighing 5-10 kg.

Using an overhand grip, take a stick with 5-10 kg dumbbells attached to its ends. Raise the stick above your head, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your torso in the lower back, bring your shoulder blades together.

Squat down on your entire foot without lifting your heels off the floor. Do the squat as deep as possible, then straighten up.

➣ You can choose slow or medium tempo. When squatting, exhale; when standing up, inhale.

Repeat this exercise 10-15 times, performing 2 sets, resting for 3-5 minutes in between.

Raising your arms to the sides

This exercise can quickly tone the deltoid muscle.

You will need dumbbells weighing 2-7 kg. Place your feet hip-width apart, lower your arms along your body, turn your palms toward your hips. Raise your arms slowly above your head, then return them to their original position.

Repeat the exercise 10-15 times with 2 kg dumbbells or 8-10 times with 7 kg dumbbells. After each approach, take a break for 3 minutes.

Circular movements with arms forward

May help develop deltoid and pectoral muscles. You will need dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg.

Place your feet hip-width apart, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides with your palms facing forward. Perform the exercise at a medium or fast pace. Breathing is arbitrary, but rhythmic.

Do the exercise 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches, between which rest 2-3 minutes.

Raising on your toes

The exercise helps develop calf muscles. Take dumbbells weighing 7-10 kg in your hands, place your hands on your belt. Your toes should be on an 8 cm high stand and your heels should be on the floor. Rise up onto your toes as high as possible, then lower back onto your heels.

This exercise can be performed on one leg. For convenience, it is best to rest one hand against the wall. Breathing can be arbitrary and the pace slow. Do the exercise 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches, between which rest 2-3 minutes.

Exercises with this machine will help you develop and maintain the tone of the main muscle groups. Depending on your physical development, you can leave the required number of springs or rubber cords. It is better to perform not the entire set of exercises in one session, but only part of it.

Greetings to all lovers healthy image life and sports!

Exercises with dumbbells for children They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop strength and endurance, and control weight. If your child likes to do exercises in the morning, you can include exercises with dumbbells. Before starting such exercises, you should consult with your pediatrician. What if your child has problems with the spine and you don’t know. It will be more attractive for the child if you do the exercises with him, in a humorous manner. In this case, classes should take place in a ventilated room and to good music, for example, from the animated series “Fixies” in bright sports uniform that your child would like. Try to set it up in a positive way and turn the complex into a fun and exciting event.

When performing exercises with dumbbells, the child develops muscles and, with proper and rational nutrition strengthens your health. He is already beginning to understand that these items will help him become strong. Exercises with dumbbells can be included no more than once or twice a week; experts say that it is recommended that a child begin exercises with dumbbells from the age of 7-8, since the skeleton is being formed and it is not recommended to heavily load it. Therefore, on other days in the morning you need to do push-ups, squats, and bends. These exercises also do a good job of shaping the musculoskeletal system. On average, exercises with dumbbells should last no more than 30 minutes. It should be taken into account that at this age our child entered the first grade, and we need to plan the time in the morning so that it does not interfere with preparation for school.
At the initial stage, as with adults, it is necessary to warm up, this is running in place, bending over, swinging your arms, then directly doing exercises with dumbbells for the child, and finally, restoring breathing or a cool down. Nowadays it is fashionable to play sports, so sporting goods in sufficient quantity presented on the market, including for children. When choosing dumbbells, pay attention to the weight; the weight of dumbbells should not exceed 1 kg. Don’t be afraid, the weight of a dumbbell is less than 1 kg, it is no heavier than some toys, which can weigh more than 1 kg and the child plays with them. Dumbbells should be comfortable in the child’s hand, they should be bright and pleasing to the eye. The best option purchase hollow dumbbells that can be adjusted in weight using water or sand.
Now let’s move on directly to the set of exercises with dumbbells for a child. This set differs from those listed on the Internet in its uniqueness, since not everyone knows that lifting weights above the head is contraindicated for a child. All movements with dumbbells are carried out while sitting or lying down, and we remind you once again that it will be better if the child repeats the exercises after you. Therefore, take care of your dumbbells if you don’t have them.

Lifting dumbbells .Starting position: standing arms along the body, dumbbells on the floor on the right and left sides. We squat and grab the dumbbells with our hands, straighten our legs and rise together with the dumbbells. We squat again, lower the dumbbells to the floor and return to the starting position without them. This counts as one approach. So we repeat 10 times.

Rotate the body while simultaneously raising the arms to the sides .Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding dumbbells along the body. Turn the body to the right side, at the same time we spread our arms in the direction of turning the body. Then we return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the left side. Turn to the left and right side is like one approach. We repeat this 10 times.

Raising dumbbells to the armpits .Starting position: standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding your hands with dumbbells at hip level. We raise our hands with dumbbells to the armpits, return to the starting position. We repeat this 10-12 times.

Raising your arms from a lying position .Lying on your back with dumbbells along your torso. We alternately separate the left and right hand to the sides to shoulder level and return the hand from the dumbbells back. Repeat this 10 times in both directions.

Seated dumbbell curl .Sitting on a chair, hold straight arms with dumbbells in front of you with the back side down and alternately bend your arms at the elbows. Repeat the bending 10 times.

With dumbbells for the press .The starting position is lying on your back, here your help is needed to hold the child’s legs, hold the dumbbell behind the head. Raise the torso and return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

Jumping with dumbbells . Starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells bent at the elbows. Jump in place, legs apart, and then together.

All dumbbell exercises for a child should please the baby and there is no need to force him. If he doesn’t want to, then stop and try to repeat the exercises with dumbbells for the child next time. After finishing the exercises, be sure to do restorative breathing exercises - deep inhalation and exhalation and muscle relaxation -slow walking to return the child to a calm state. I hope after such difficult exercises your child will look joyful and happy. Sincerely, Sergey.

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