How to choose fishing nets? Fishing with a net: tips How to choose a fishing net according to the size of the fish

Classification and design of networks

Fixed nets are one of the oldest fishing tools, although they appeared somewhat later than trap and hook gear, but have been known since Paleolithic times.

For example, the Kets (aboriginals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who lived in the Stone Age at the time of the arrival of the Russians) used for fishing the so-called unyang - a fixed fishing net made of nettle (!) yarn up to 10 m long, up to 1 m high; The sinker was stones fixed in a hoop made of woven wool; the floats were made of birch bark stitched in several layers or rolled into a roll. Unyang was used throughout the period of open water and under ice, in the first winter months; the size of the meshes depended on the fishing object (from two-digit to six-digit). Other peoples, who had stagnated at rather primitive stages of development, also had similar equipment.

The diversity of fishing conditions and fish species has led to the emergence of a variety of types of nets and methods of their installation. The nets are placed at the bottom (bottom), at a given depth in the water column and at the surface, along or at an angle to the bottom line. By design, fixed networks are:

– single-walled, the simplest, in which the fish usually gets stuck (encased), clinging with fins and gills (the common name is gill nets);

– two- and three-walled, as well as framed ones, in which the fish gets entangled, wrapping the mesh around itself (the common name is “entanglement”);

Nets that are complex in design are usually more catchy and durable.

According to the method of application, nets are divided into fixed ones, secured with anchors or stakes at the bottom (bank, reeds, etc.), and smooth (drift) nets, drifting with the wind and current. One of the varieties of floating nets is towed nets.

A fishing net consists of a mesh fabric, selection and equipment. The mesh fabric is made from twisted thread or monofilament (fishing line) with a factory mesh size of 6 mm or more.

The catching power of a net increases with decreasing thickness of the mesh thread; nets made from fishing line are more catchy, but they are less durable. Restraints are made from braided cord or twisted ropes. The landing of the mesh fabric on the pick-ups is done manually or mechanized, in various ways, with a landing coefficient from 0.33 (1:3) to 0.5 (1:2).

Currently, twisted threads of plant origin (linen, cotton, etc.) are used extremely rarely, in remote areas where nets are still knitted in an artisanal way. For the industrial production of networks, exclusively high-strength synthetic materials are used (nylon, lavsan, polypropylene, etc.)

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Fishing with nets | Fish catch

Fishing with nets


Fixed nets are one of the oldest fishing tools, although they appeared somewhat later than trap and hook gear, but have been known since Paleolithic times. For example, the Kets (aboriginals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) used for fishing the so-called unyang - a fixed fishing net made of nettle(!) yarn up to 10 m long, up to 1 m high; The sinker was stones fixed in a hoop made of woven wool; the floats were made of birch bark stitched in several layers or rolled into a roll. Unyang was used throughout the period of open water and under ice, in the first winter months; the size of the meshes depended on the fishing object (from two-digit to six-digit). Other peoples who had stagnated at fairly primitive stages of development also had similar equipment.

The diversity of fishing conditions and fish species has led to the emergence of a variety of types of nets and methods of their installation. The nets are placed at the bottom (bottom), at a given depth in the water column and at the surface, along or at an angle to the bottom line.

Fixed networks are:

– single-walled, the simplest, in which the fish usually gets stuck (meshed), clinging with fins and gills (the common name is gill nets);

– two- and three-walled, as well as framed ones, in which the fish gets entangled, wrapping the netting around itself (the common name is “entanglement”);

– combined, combining features of different types of networks.

More complex nets tend to be more catchy and more durable.

According to the method of application, nets are divided into fixed ones, secured with anchors or stakes at the bottom (bank, reeds, etc.) and smooth (drift) nets, drifting with the wind and current. One of the varieties of floating nets is towed nets.


A fishing net consists of a mesh fabric, selection and equipment. The mesh fabric is made from twisted thread or monofilament (fishing line) with a factory mesh size of 6 mm and above.

The catchability of a net increases with decreasing thickness of the net thread; nets made from fishing line are more catchy, but they are less durable. Restraints are made from braided cord or twisted ropes. The landing of the mesh fabric on the pick-ups is done manually or mechanized, in various ways, with a landing coefficient from 0.33 (1:3) to 0.5 (1:2).

Fishing net equipment is very diverse. Floats are used to ensure buoyancy various types or cords with buoyant filling (foam woven into the cord, etc.). For loading, lead weights, metal rings or cords with weighting filler (in the form of woven weights), etc. are used.

The length of standard amateur networks is usually 25–30 m, which is quite enough, since if necessary, you can always connect several networks into a network of the required length. In addition, the fishing rules of many regions (especially central, densely populated ones) limit the total length of nets to the same thirty meters per amateur fisherman.

The use of longer networks (where they are permitted) requires certain skills in their installation and reassembly.

Currently, twisted threads of plant origin (linen, cotton, etc.) are used extremely rarely, in remote places where nets are still knitted in an artisanal way. For the industrial production of networks, exclusively high-strength synthetic materials are used (nylon, lavsan, polypropylene, etc.)

Manufacturing of networks

Should I buy a ready-made network or make it myself? Everyone decides this question for themselves. Twenty or thirty years ago, when netting tools could only be bought under the counter and for a lot of money, they were available only to poachers catching fish for sale, and many amateurs spent long winter evenings knitting netting.

Now the situation has changed - affordable nets are available in almost every store that sells fishing supplies. But anglers are not always satisfied with their quality and compliance with specific fishing conditions. Therefore, most amateurs choose an intermediate option - they make nets themselves, but from purchased materials: net fabrics (the so-called “dolls”), racks, cargo and floating cords.

The main points you need to know before purchasing netting supplies are:

  • what types of fish will be the object of fishing;
  • the size of the reservoir where the nets will be used;
  • depth of networking;
  • bottom configuration at the fishing site.

The most important characteristics of the mesh fabric are length, height, mesh size, and thread diameter. The length and height of the mesh fabric are determined in a stretched state. For example, if it is indicated that the mesh fabric has dimensions of 1.5 x 60, this means that with a height (depth) of 1.5 m, the length of the fabric is 60 m.

When choosing a mesh fabric for self-planting a network, first of all pay attention to the mesh pitch.

Fine-mesh nets (mesh less than 20 mm) are used for catching small but valuable schooling fish (vendice, ripus, smelt), as well as for catching live bait when it is required in large quantities, for example, for multi-hook nets.

To catch small fish, the most common in Russian water bodies (that is, perch and roach), amateurs most often use single-wall nets with a mesh size of 27–32 mm. A pike weighing up to 1 kg can also get caught in the same net, being caught not by its gills, but by the bony protrusions on its lower jaw, and sometimes even managing to wrap the net around its tail. For fish in which the ratio of body width to length is increased (bream, crucian carp, etc.), a net with a large mesh size is required.

To catch the largest fish, large-mesh nets are used, in recreational fishing, usually with a mesh pitch not exceeding 120–140 mm.

Ryazha on two- and three-wall nets (sometimes called ryazha or rezha) is placed with a mesh from 170 to 400 mm. The thread on the yarn is 4–6 times stronger than that of the mesh fabric.

The influence of thread thickness on the catchability of the net

When choosing network materials, in addition to the size of the network fabric and its meshes, you should pay attention to the thickness of the thread from which the network is knitted.

When tying a fish, the thread from which the net is tied cuts into the body of the fish and compresses it. The thinner the thread, the stronger it cuts, and the better it holds the caught fish. Therefore, for wrapping fishing gear, a mesh made of the thinnest thread is used: twisted nylon or polymer monofilament (made of polyamide materials, nylon).

The specific gravity of monofilament is 1.14 g/cm (that is, an unequipped fishing line sinks slowly in water). Nylon has a melting point of approximately 200°C, but the material can undergo changes at lower temperatures and should not be kept near heating appliances or dangerously close to a fire. According to fishing science, the threads of a fishing line are called monofilament; trade organizations more often use the term “monofilament”.

A thin and transparent fishing line is less noticeable in the water, so the fish is less afraid of the net and, when approaching it, can become entangled in the net fabric when touched.

An important advantage of fishing line nets is that after the end of fishing they dry out much faster than nets made of twisted thread.

Dependence of the strength of nylon monofilament on its thickness

Another advantage of this material is that, with the same strength characteristics as other materials, the service life of nylon sheets is much longer, they are much less dirty and, as a rule, cheaper than sheets made from other materials.

Recently, multi-monofilament fabrics have become very popular. These are fabrics made from nylon thread twisted using a special technology, not from fibers that have large variations in thickness and strength, but from thin, well-calibrated monofilaments. The advantage of these fabrics over conventional monofilament fabrics is that, with the same total thread thickness, multi-monofilament fabrics are much stronger and more elastic, and also have greater catchability. True, their price is higher than for monofilament fabrics, but not so much that you shouldn’t buy them. It is from these threads that nets are made that can be used to catch salmon and other large, strong and wary fish.

A fishing net should be inconspicuous, therefore, mainly gray threads are used to make nets. However, when fishing at a depth of more than 5 m, color plays virtually no role, since at such a depth all colors are leveled out and acquire an almost identical grayish tint.

Thus, the choice of color is a purely individual matter, based on the personal preferences of the fisherman. The most popular color for both nylon and nylon fabrics is gray or dark gray. Recently, bright blue canvases have begun to be used, mainly for fishing for pike perch. Red nets have also proven themselves to be quite good. Nets of this color are most effective for catching predatory fish - pike, perch.

You shouldn’t go to extremes by reducing the diameter of the thread or fishing line from which the mesh is knitted (fishing line for fishing rods and spinning rods, by the way, this statement also applies fully). The disadvantages of nets made from too thin a thread include a decrease in their strength, rapid wear, rotting, and damage to fish from excessive cutting of the thread. To catch large fish, you need a strong, thick thread, but the mesh in this case will also be large. Thus, there is a relationship between the thread thickness and the mesh pitch, which is expressed by the ratio d/a (d is the thread diameter; a is the mesh size). The smaller this ratio, the higher the catchability of the network.

If the d/a ratio is too high, the net turns out to be elusive: the fish is poorly entangled, and once entangled, it easily falls out of the net when it is lifted. If the value is too low, the catchability of the net increases, but the strength of the thread decreases. In addition, a thread that is too thin cuts heavily into the body of the fish and makes it difficult to disentangle it from the nets. Therefore, it is not recommended to choose a mesh fabric with a very high or low d/a ratio. In practice, for the bulk of networks with a mesh size of 30 to 50 mm, the d/a ratio should be close to 0.01 (for twisted threads). This ratio is considered normal for fishing gear. However, to increase the strength of fine-mesh networks with a mesh of 1218 mm, the ratio is increased to 0.02 and even to 0.025. On the contrary, to increase the catchability of large-mesh nets made of thick thread, the d/a ratio is reduced to 0.007 and even to 0.005.

Cord selection

It is known that a fishing net works more efficiently, the lower the tension of the net fabric between the upper and lower cord. In some networks, in order to reduce voltage and achieve maximum net catchability, the load cord is not installed at all (for example, when fishing for salmon smoothly).

The buoyancy of the top line is not a constant value; it is influenced by clogging, wetness, the weight of the caught fish, current, fishing depth and even the salt content in the water. The quality of the floats matters when fishing in deep water, since water pressure increases with depth. At a depth of 10 m, the water pressure is two times greater than on the surface, at a depth of 30 m - four times, etc.

The float can be compressed under pressure, as a result of which its buoyancy deteriorates and may be lost altogether. Water can get into the pores of a foam float under pressure, which naturally has a negative effect on buoyancy. The reduction in buoyancy of a fishing net can be compensated for by adding removable floats.

When choosing a cord, you should keep in mind the following considerations: a braided cord stretches for a short period of time to a certain size, but then its length remains unchanged. Twisted cord stretches over almost its entire service life; at the beginning, stretching occurs faster.

Solid float and weight cords, which appeared relatively recently on sale, show high efficiency and reliability in various types of fishing nets. The use of specially foamed polyethylene protects the cord from getting wet. The weight cord is made of small lead weights strung on a nylon thread and braided on the outside. A fishing net made from such components becomes lighter and more compact, less stretched and tangled.

Chinese networks - pros and cons

For many years, networks were banned in our country, and their sale to private individuals was also prohibited. Even at poultry markets and flea markets located near large fishing stores, it was not always possible to buy a net under the counter. And the prices were high...

In the early 1990s, everything changed, and a flow of imported networks and network materials poured into the country. And almost immediately the networks that appeared on free sale began to be divided into Chinese and Finnish.

“Finnish” now no longer means that the network was necessarily made in Suomi; it can be made in any other country, including in Russia, but it is made with sufficient quality and from high-quality materials. Of course, “finks” also have disadvantages, and the most experienced fishermen prefer to equip nets themselves or order from masters of this business. But still, the majority of online enthusiasts are satisfied with Finnish gear. And they differ from the Chinese like heaven from earth.

Chinese networks are actually knitted by the Chinese. And at the same time they save on whatever they can - on lead for sinkers, on foam plastic for floats, on mesh fabric that unravels under your fingers. When buying a “Chinese” car, no one knows what it can “please”. I saw a Chinese net on a pond whose floating cord sank after an hour of fishing. He got wet and calmly sank to the bottom. I saw another in which the same cord stubbornly did not want to stretch out as it should, but wanted to maintain the shape it had taken in the package, and at the slightest weakening it tightened like a spring, at the same time tightening the net. I saw a small little bee literally digging a hole in a Chinese one-wall wall with its sharp snout - the net did not break, just low-quality knots on the meshes began to creep. Chinese three-walled fishing rods, by the way, are three-walled only in name - the piece of cloth is planted with a ratio of 1:1, and the rye does not take any part in fishing. The Chinese have one plus - the price. More than symbolic.

To catch or not to catch with Chinese nets? On this score, amateur networkers have two opinions that are completely opposite. Some people believe that fishing with “Chinese” means you don’t respect yourself and the business you’re doing. Others emphasize the cheapness of Chinese gear as their main advantage.

Having gone to the store before fishing to buy bait and spoons, why not buy a “Chinese” one, if it’s already cheaper than a pair of wobblers? It will come in handy, otherwise it won’t bite... If they steal it, it won’t hurt and it’s a pity. If you lose it yourself and won’t find where you put it, it’s cheaper to buy a new one than to comb through the pond with a “cat” in a long search. And lost nets, or even simply forgotten due to drunkenness, remain in rivers and lakes for weeks and months, fish, ducks, muskrats die in vain, decompose and poison the water and air. And the spinner, having hooked such a slimy tackle filled with decaying organic matter with a spinner, curses the reptile poachers - and in in this case absolutely right.

There is no good or bad gear, right or wrong (I don’t consider explosives, chemicals and electricity to be fishing gear). Claiming that networks are destroying nature is as absurd as blaming cars for murder, simply because drunken thugs sometimes get behind the wheel and run over people. It is not the net that kills the fish. A man with a net who does not know how to catch with it and does not want to learn is the one who destroys.

Tell me what kind of tackle you have, and I will tell you what kind of fisherman you are, - this is how you can paraphrase a well-known proverb. A fisherman with a Chinese net is a bad fisherman and it is dangerous to let him near a body of water.

In addition, the ridiculous price of Chinese nets encourages other “amateurs” to buy them in huge quantities by linear kilometers, hoping to compensate for the lack of skill with an abundance of gear. If you entangle the whole lake with nets, something will get caught, and suddenly the fisheries inspector will swoop in - I’m not me, the net is not mine...

However, there are exceptions to any rule. In remote, endangered villages, the scale of income and prices is completely different than in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and even the purchase of a Chinese network is a significant investment. And fishing there is not entertainment, not a form of leisure, but a way to feed yourself in difficult times - vegetable gardening and gardening do not flourish very well on the scarce marshy soils. Residents of such villages buy Chinese chains. But, rest assured, they will never be left to rot in the water along with the fish they catch. And they are unlikely to fish with the “Chinese” in its original form: they will dismantle it, re-equip it, make it convenient and catchable.

But when a well-dressed and obviously not in poverty guy says in the store: “Give me twenty Chinese ones, tomorrow I’m going fishing,” I have a bad desire to inform the fishery inspectorate on him.

Network care

Even the most modern polymer materials from which nets are made reduce strength under the influence of three factors:

physical (stress, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, etc.);

chemical (partly from substances dissolved in water, but mainly from caustic organic compounds formed during the decomposition of fish mucus, scales and other residues); – microbiological (on dead fish remaining in nets that have not been checked for a long time, and on uncleaned fish remains, microflora and microfauna develop especially rapidly, damaging the tackle).

In addition, it has been noticed that fish go much worse into dirty nets, sometimes they don’t go at all, especially in summer and in places without a current (this statement does not apply to methods of catching with a surge). As fishermen put it, nets made from twisted linen or cotton thread “sour” especially strongly (where such are still used), nylon ones are more stable, and nets made from monofilament are least susceptible to “souring.”

Therefore, you need to check the networks at least 2 times a day. If the fish is not caught in very large quantities and is retrieved without pulling the net ashore, then after 3-4 days of fishing it is necessary to remove the nets, pull them ashore, disentangle the fish and all foreign objects (branches, underwater vegetation, torn hooks and spoons), carefully clean the tackle from scales and mucus, then rinse in clean running water. Karelian fishermen advise smoking “soured” nylon nets with smoke from smoldering spruce branches - after such treatment, catches increase sharply.

If the fishing is finished, then after the above-described treatment, the net is hung out to dry in a place sheltered from direct sunlight. The most careful fishermen wash the net before long-term storage by lightly washing it with soap or powder (in my opinion, this is excessive pedantry).

After drying, the tackle is laid out in such a way that its preparation for work takes the least amount of time.

Single wall (gill) nets

A fixed single-wall net is a rectangular mesh fabric placed on the upper and lower ribs and sometimes on the side ribs. The fish gets stuck in it, catching its gills (or rather gill covers; hence the second name) on the mesh meshes. When installing nets of this kind, the pick-ups are stretched horizontally, and the wall of the net hangs vertically.

Single-walled nets give good catches when fish are moving in large numbers. The catchability of single-walled nets increases with the presence of vertical veins, the length of which should be 20% less than the height of the net in the landing.

The selection of nets is made longer than the fabric, so that on each side of the net there are free ends 0.5–0.8 m long. These ends, called hooks, are used for tying nets into net formations, as well as for tying to anchors, buoys and stakes .

Planting of nets, as already mentioned, is carried out with a coefficient of 1/2-1/3. Nylon thread is used as a landing thread. The upper part of the net is equipped with floats, and the lower part - with sinkers. The ratio of the lifting force of the floats and the weight of the sinkers is determined by the fishing conditions. If the net must stand on the bottom, then the sinking force of the sinkers must exceed the buoyancy of the floats, which only straighten and support the net fabric in a vertical position. In this case, a certain reserve of excess buoyancy is necessary so that the caught fish or current does not force the net to settle to the bottom.

Rice. 1.Gill net: – mesh fabric; – load cord; – floating cord

The length of the planted net for recreational fishing is 25–30 m, the height on inland shallow reservoirs is from 1.5 to 1.8 m. On large and deep lakes, nets up to 3–4 m or more in height are used.


How to choose fishing nets

Only fishing nets allow fishing on an industrial scale. At first glance, everything seems simple and clear. But actually it is not. There are many different nuances that are not taken into account when purchasing and manufacturing them. It is these specific moments that this review will be devoted to.

Fishing nets designed for maximum catch

Fishing nets allow you to achieve tangible results with minimal labor and time. At a quick glance, everything seems simple and clear. But if you familiarize yourself with this type of gear in detail, it becomes clear that this is a whole science. To choose the most appropriate solution in this matter, you need to understand it well. Otherwise it will be impossible to get desired result- a large catch of fish.

Types of grids

Now there are different classifications of seines. The two most common are based on the type of material and depending on the structure. In the first case, the mesh is divided into thread and line. But in appearance, seines are of the following types:

  • Single wall
  • Three-walled
  • Frame
  • Casting

The simplest among the above list is a single-wall mesh. Most often, its length is 30 meters and its height is 1.8 m. It comes complete with additional cords, on which floats are installed on one side (to indicate the location of the seine), and weights for fixation on the other. Three-wall networks have a different structure. Due to the different shape of the cells, the catch increases significantly, but the likelihood of entanglement of the nets also increases. Fishing using a frame seine means that the central part is “soft” and the edges are “hard”. Due to this, a kind of bag is obtained, once in which the fish can no longer leave it. The casting one is very similar to the frame one, but it is smaller in size and is intended only for manual throwing and pulling.

Selection of gear

Now let’s figure out how to choose the most correct fishing net.

When choosing a network, you need to start from the scale of your future catch

First of all, you need to start from the potential catch. That is, on the size of the fish that lives in this body of water. That is, the grid cells must be smaller than the average inhabitant of this river or lake. Also, the tackle must have the necessary degree of strength and reliability. A thread seine is suitable for small crucian carp and perches. But if you plan to catch pike or catfish, then you can’t do without fishing line.

Which is better: do it yourself or buy it?

Such equipment can either be purchased at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself. In the first case, you will have a ready-made device that can be immediately used for its intended purpose. You need to approach their choice quite thoroughly - before purchasing, you need to make sure that both the material itself and the product as a whole are sufficiently strong. If you decide to make a seine on your own, then a natural question arises about how to make fishing nets. The first thing worth noting is that this is a rather labor-intensive procedure that requires skills, knowledge and perseverance. Also in the process of work you will need a bar (it is responsible for the cell pitch) and a shuttle (this is a needle with which the mesh is made).

Video on how to knit fishing nets:

You need to start this work in the most comfortable position, that is, sitting. Immediately make a ring of the required diameter and tie it. Then we attach a bar to it and begin to slowly knit the first row of cells on it. We fix them using special knots. Then the second one and so on until the mesh is completely done. At the final stage, limiting lines or threads are tightened along the entire perimeter of the seine. This is just a brief summary of the technology for its manufacture. This is a rather labor-intensive and very complex procedure. It makes sense to start it only if you are 100% confident of success. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this idea and visit a specialized store.


There are now various ways in which fishing nets can be installed. Video, text description, set of photographs - this is not a complete list of possible sources of information. But the best of them is definitely the first one. The simplest of them is the following. The possible length of installation of the seine is determined. Next, you need a rubber boat, on which two people sit, and the tackle is thrown. One of the boat passengers rows the oars, and the second throws the net. Moreover, he does this gradually - he starts from one edge and moves to the other. Before this procedure, it must be equipped with everything necessary - floats and weights. After 3 hours the tackle is checked. To do this, the same 2 people on the boat, moving from its beginning, take it out, if there is fish there, untangle the catch and lower the net again. After 2-4 such visits, a change of location is necessary.


In order to use fishing nets, you must have not only the gear itself, but also a permit.

If you take a net fishing, a big fish awaits you

If it is not there, then you can become a poacher. This must be remembered without fail. But the result of such fishing, in any case, will be a pleasant surprise for you. With its help, you can catch a significantly larger number of fish with minimal labor and time than by any other method.

In contact with


Fishing nets provide a large catch in a short period of time. It is fishing nets that are used by companies that fish on an industrial scale. Ordinary fishermen too show interest in them, however, they need permission to use the networks. Fishing crews fill out paperwork before going to sea. Catching fish with nets without a license is poaching.

Network classification

It seems to many ordinary people that all teams use the same nets for fishing. In fact, you can find several types on sale. All networks are divided into thread and line. This division is determined by the material from which the seines are made. For the manufacture of thread seines they use nylon or nylon cords. Such gear is considered very durable. Tackle made from fishing line very often breaks, although there are seines made from twisted fishing line on sale that can last a long time.

There are fixed and smooth tackles. Fixed seines are installed in one place, but smooth seines are pulled on a motor boat or sent downstream. There is also a classification of fishing nets based on their structure. Experts distinguish the following types:

  • gills;
  • red;
  • frame;
  • casting.

Fishermen consider gill nets to be the simplest, since they consist of only one sheet. All cells equal in size. The advantage of such nets is that they only catch fish of a certain size. Small items do not get confused and do not get stuck in nets.

Rye nets consist of three fabrics. The outer canvases are smaller than the average size. The cell size of the average canvas is always much smaller. The advantage of such gear is that the fish quickly gets confused. However, such nets often trap a lot of small trash fish. As a rule, the outer fabrics are woven from strong nylon threads, while the fabric in the middle is sewn from fishing line. This is due to the fact that large fish can break the line.

The main difference between frame seines is that their central part is very “soft”, but the edges are “hard”. Thanks to this structure, the fish quickly gets caught in a trap from which it cannot escape. Casting meshes are very similar to frame meshes, but differ in their small size. They are used exclusively for manual throwing into water.

Now on sale you can find products from various companies. The most popular fishing nets are those made in China. Their popularity is due to their low price. These gears are not distinguished by their high quality. Finnish seines are considered to be of higher quality and more reliable. They can last for several years. But their cost is quite high.

DIY making

Special craftsmen knit seines themselves. The manufacturing process is quite tedious. He demands accuracy and patience. To knit a network you need:

  • floats;
  • sinkers;
  • shuttle;
  • template (bar);
  • fishing line or cord.

The shuttle is made of a plate with a cutout in the upper part. You need to wrap a fishing line or cord around it while weaving. In fact, the shuttle performs the same role as the needle. The plank can be made from a piece of ruler or plywood, 3 millimeters thick. Its length ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters. The width of the template depends on the desired cell size. The turn of the cord around the bar is equal to two cells.

All knitting accessories must be carefully sanded. If burrs remain on them, the threads will constantly cling and get tangled during work. This will lead to an increase in the time spent on making the seine.

The weaving process begins by attaching a thick cord in the shape of a ring to any structure. Then a loop is tied to it, which is made at the end of a thread (fishing line) tied to the shuttle. Then a second loop is formed, which is secured with a knot at the end. It takes a lot of repetitions to get the required width. After completing the first row, begin to weave the second. The only difference is that the cells of the second row are attached not to the cord, but to the first row.

After finishing the weaving, you need to thread two cords through the loops of the first and last row. Floats must be attached to the top cord. But special weights are attached to the lower cord.

Nets for feeding fish

The popularity of polyvinyl acetate nets is growing every year. They are a must-have equipment when fishing for carp. Such nets are needed to throw bait into a certain place. The net is a small bag that is filled with bait using a special tube. Before throwing the net into the pond, a hook with fish bait is hidden there.

A big advantage of polyvinyl acetate nets is the ability to dissolve in water. There are no traces of them left in the pond. There are 4 types of such nets on sale:

  • cellular;
  • solid;
  • drowning;
  • floating.

PVA nets can be purchased at any fishing store. Anyone can use them.

For any fisherman, professional, sport or amateur fishing, be it fishing with nets, with a rod or spinning rod, should bring pleasure regardless of the season, weather: on a sunny clear day, slush or piercing wind. And here, in many respects, he is helped by high-quality, competently selected waterproof equipment and the required equipment. Let's take a brief look at fairly widespread, practical, convenient and affordable net equipment and choose Finnish fishing nets as an example.

What is this fishing accessory?

These are quite soft, flexible, high-strength Finnish mesh fabrics with tear-resistant double knots. They are based on a monofilament fishing line 0.17-0.22 mm thick, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and sea water, in gray, blue, including a steel-colored sheen. Nylon (nylon nets) is also possible. This differs in the methods of planting network fabrics:

High-tech machine (Finnish or domestic, but on Finnish equipment and in accordance with the stated requirements); characterized by fixing the outer cells to the selection using a rigid fixation method;

Manual “on the run” - characterized by the absence of knots on the floating and cargo cords, and therefore free movement of a group of cells on a separate flint along the landing thread is achieved.

All Finnish networks are equipped with cords:

Solid floating (the so-called float, since some models have floats woven into the cord) - it is designed to avoid tangling of the net fabric and straightening it in the water;

A solid weight with a lead thread woven into it - it is designed to vertically immerse the net in water.

Thanks to the manufacturing technology, the cords do not get caught in the cells. As a rule, a floating cord is two times lighter than a weighting cord (for example, 6 g/m is acceptable versus 12/13/14 g/m, respectively). Having a line that is too heavy can have a negative impact on your catch, as it will create too much tension on the line, which is undesirable. However, if necessary, for example, in the presence of a fairly strong underwater current, the net can be additionally equipped with small lead weights. The edges of the net are tied with nylon, which provides even greater tensile strength.

Finnish network: shape and size

Finnish networks vary depending on the length of the cell. By length they are divided into 10, 30 and 60 meters. Their shape resembles a trapezoid. This helps to adapt to uneven bottoms and high catches. The height can be for 10 and 30-meter products - from 0.9 m to 1.8 m (in increments of 60 meters - 3 m. It should be taken into account here that manufacturers indicate the height of the networks in tension, working condition, in At rest, the height of the network will be 15-20 centimeters less.

Cells. What kind of fish are they designed for?

Qualitative characteristics of Finnish networks

It is noted that Finnish fishing nets (reviews from customers and experienced fishermen confirm this) are characterized by the following functional properties:


Light weight;

Easy to use;

High catchability and others.


Finnish fishing nets are easy to use. They are designed for fishing both in small muddy ponds and in rivers and lakes that are larger in size and depth. This can be either ice fishing or open water, with or without currents. In cases where fishing is planned in snag-laden northern river waters and one hundred percent confidence in the strength of the net is required, you can resort to purchasing a net made from Finnish rigid twisted fishing line (0.15 mm x 3), but the catch may be slightly reduced. There are varieties of Finnish nets supplied with a shuttle. The most common are single-walled gills, or “gills” (the name comes from the way the fish clings to the net - with gills). There are also three-wall nylon nets. But they are slightly less popular.

Many people today are ready to buy Finnish fishing nets. Reviews from avid fishermen confirm their reliability, durability and catchability. They have proven themselves on the positive side for more than 10-15 years, and to this day continue to be popular and in demand.

Finnish network manufacturers

Finnish fishing nets come in a fairly wide range. They are also characterized by different price categories. They are produced under the names “Beluga”, “Finn”, AXTI, Barrakuda, Cryfish, Riston Kalaverkko, “Baltset” (popularly called “Finka network”, but domestically produced). The average price varies between 250-1500 rubles, but if you really want, you can find much more expensive ones.

There is an opinion: Finnish nylon network, as well as nylon, are goods produced in countries (Thailand, China and others) and exported from there to Europe. Therefore, it is quite acceptable that the net fabrics imported into our country under European, including Finnish brands (Nurli Oy, Kivikangas) are not truly Finnish in origin, although they are of quite good quality (sometimes you can’t even tell the difference) and are able to withstand more than one trip to fishing. To be more confident in the quality of such products, you can, of course, order the goods directly from Finland.

Classification and design of networks

Fixed nets are one of the oldest fishing tools, although they appeared somewhat later than trap and hook gear, but have been known since Paleolithic times.

For example, the Kets (aboriginals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who lived in the Stone Age when the Russians arrived) used the so-called unyang – a fixed fishing net made of nettle (!) yarn up to 10 m long, up to 1 m high; The sinker was stones fixed in a hoop made of woven wool; the floats were made of birch bark stitched in several layers or rolled into a roll. Unyang was used throughout the period of open water and under ice, in the first winter months; the size of the meshes depended on the fishing object (from two-digit to six-digit). Other peoples, who had stagnated at rather primitive stages of development, also had similar equipment.

The diversity of fishing conditions and fish species has led to the emergence of a variety of types of nets and methods of their installation. The nets are placed at the bottom (bottom), at a given depth in the water column and at the surface, along or at an angle to the bottom line. By design, fixed networks are:

– single-walled, the simplest, in which the fish usually gets stuck (encased), clinging with fins and gills (the common name is gill nets);

– two- and three-walled, as well as framed ones, in which the fish gets entangled, wrapping the mesh around itself (the common name is “entanglement”);

– combined, combining features of different types of networks.

Nets that are complex in design are usually more catchy and durable.

According to the method of application, nets are divided into fixed ones, secured with anchors or stakes at the bottom (bank, reeds, etc.), and smooth (drift) nets, drifting with the wind and current. One of the varieties of floating nets is towed nets.

A fishing net consists of a mesh fabric, selection and equipment. The mesh fabric is made from twisted thread or monofilament (fishing line) with a factory mesh size of 6 mm or more.

The catching power of a net increases with decreasing thickness of the mesh thread; nets made from fishing line are more catchy, but they are less durable. Restraints are made from braided cord or twisted ropes. The landing of the mesh fabric on the pick-ups is done manually or mechanized, in various ways, with a landing coefficient from 0.33 (1:3) to 0.5 (1:2).

Fishing net equipment is very diverse. To ensure buoyancy, various types of floats or cords with buoyant filler (foam woven into the cord, etc.) are used. For loading, lead weights, metal rings or cords with weighting filler (in the form of woven weights), etc. are used.

The length of standard amateur networks is usually 25–30 m, which is quite enough, since if necessary, you can always connect several networks into a network of the required length. In addition, the fishing rules of many regions (especially central, densely populated ones) limit the total length of nets to the same thirty meters per amateur fisherman.

The use of longer networks (where they are permitted) requires certain skills in their installation and reassembly.

Currently, twisted threads of plant origin (linen, cotton, etc.) are used extremely rarely, in remote areas where nets are still knitted in an artisanal way. For the industrial production of networks, exclusively high-strength synthetic materials are used (nylon, lavsan, polypropylene, etc.)

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In our country, for many years it was believed that a person who catches fish with a net is a poacher and needs to be punished. Over the past decades there have been Big changes. A fisherman who wants to use nets for fishing can take permission and use this method on water bodies with complete peace of mind. All fishing gear is sold legally in specialized stores.

Preparing for net fishing in winter

Winter fishing attracts many fishermen due to the tricky nature of the procedure. In the cold season, fish move from the banks to the middle part of the reservoir. She is less active than in spring. When going fishing, you should carefully select equipment, gear and food.

In winter, they also fish with nets, but not very often. With this method of fishing there are features that must be taken into account. How to fish with a net under ice will be discussed below.

When installing the gear, the specificity of the reservoir is taken into account, namely the bottom topography, which is located under the ice and hidden from the eyes of the fisherman.

Selecting a location

When choosing it, you should pay attention to the following:

  • The reservoir must be a large lake or a wide, high-water river.
  • Install the network closer to the middle of a river, lake or other body of water. In winter, fish are found in the depths, escaping the cold, where there is food in the muddy soil. Closer to spring, on the contrary, nets are installed near the shore where the fish move to make it easier to breathe in oxygen-saturated water.
  • There should be no snags, trees or other objects at the bottom of reservoirs.
  • In the selected area, the ice surface is cleared of snow.

Preparing the ice hole

The place where fishing with a net will take place has been selected and prepared, it’s time to drill an ice hole:

  1. There are marks on cleared ice, usually two of them, which are equal to the length of the net.
  2. In the marked places, two ice holes are made, one meter long and half a meter wide. Their shape should resemble a rectangle. This ice hole got its name “mine”. Cut out the ice using an ice pick or chainsaw.
  3. Additionally, two holes are drilled between the holes, 3 m apart from each other.
  4. The edges of the holes are slightly widened and carefully trimmed so as not to damage the network in the future.

Additional accessories

The preparatory work has been completed, all that remains is to install the network. To do this, first of all you will need:

  • pole 10 m long (distance between lanes);
  • gon (otherwise called rope), about 60 m;
  • sewed (or two sticks) two meters long in order to straighten the net in the holes.

Network installation methods

The winter network provides several ways to install gear. Some fishermen cut an ice hole in the shape of a large rectangle and hunt with a net, just like in the summer. This is convenient, but unsafe, especially when the ice is thin. Let's take a closer look at how to fish with a net on rivers and how nets are installed under ice.

First way

A pole and a rope are placed into the lane. A load is tied to its lower part, and a rope to the upper part. The pole is moved under the ice, adjusting its position in the intermediate holes.

One angler threads the net under the ice, while the other pulls the rope from the side of the pole. In the intermediate holes, the passage of the pole is observed. From the last lane the pole is pulled out and tied to sticks that are laid across the holes. To prevent the net from freezing to the ice, foam plastic is tied to the top of the net.

It is a difficult and difficult task to pick out a wet net with fish from the water. When installing new nets, a prerequisite is their dryness. Fishing with a net on the river allows you to avoid drilling additional holes. The pole will float with the flow of the pond. When the net moves, you can observe it through it by tying a foam buoy to the gear. Instead of knots, carabiners are installed on the tackle - this will make the work easier.

Second way

Cut out 5-7 square holes with a side length of 0.5 m. Use wire instead of a pole. A thick rope coming from the net is tied to it and dragged under the ice. In the water, the net straightens itself. The extended end of the wire is attached to a stick and fixed on the back wall of the hole.

Third way

They make several square holes with a side of 0.5 m. A rope with an attached load is lowered into the first hole and pulled through each subsequent hole with sticks with hooks. The ends of the ropes from the last and first holes are tied with a knot. A net is attached to the upper part of the resulting ring and, tangling with the rope, it is lowered into the water. To make the fish more active, they knock on the ice with a tin can.

Fishing with a torpedo

Netting fish under the ice becomes less labor intensive with the use of a device called a torpedo. This is a conical device made of metal that helps the fisherman pull the rope with fishing tackle under the ice. It can be used when the ice thickness does not exceed one meter. In this case, the identification signals of the device are visible through the ice. It weighs only one kilogram, which allows you to take it with you on winter fishing. To use it, two holes are made in the ice, one of which will be used to launch the torpedo, and the other will be used to reach the surface.

The device consists of a hollow cylinder having:

  • compartment with eight batteries;
  • two lights that signal the movement of the gear;
  • two wheels with sharp teeth that cling to the ice surface when moving.

Fishing with a net in winter is carried out using a single method. The main thing to do is to set up the tackle. Then you should wait until the fish gets entangled in the net and swims up to the bait.

How to make a “kerchief”

In general, fishermen treat winter fishing with trepidation and experiment, using different gear and trying different fishing methods. Sometimes a “kerchief” is used. It worked well when used in the first half winter hunting and at the end of winter fishing. It's easy to do:

  • An isosceles triangle is cut out of a fishing net with cells from 2 to 5 cm. The size of the cells is selected depending on the size of the fish that they plan to catch.
  • Attach a metal rod or thick wire to the base of the resulting triangle, which will serve as a sinker.
  • The rope is pulled through a loop made at the top of the triangle. Using it, the tackle is lowered into the reservoir and raised. The sides are sewn with nylon thread

Fishing with a "kerchief"

For a good bite, the fish should be fed. To do this, prepare the food yourself or buy it ready-made in a specialized store. In winter, fish are at depth and hide in holes, so it must be lowered to the very bottom. The bait must have good quality and not crumble before it reaches its destination:

  1. Immerse the scarf under water.
  2. After immersing the scarf, the rope is fixed on the ice surface using a cross stick.
  3. The hole is masked with brushwood and snow in order to protect the fish from the rays of the sun and noise.

In winter, in places where roach and perch are found, “kerchiefs” can be a catchy tackle, especially on the first ice, when the fish are still very active, and during spring thaws.

How to catch fish with a net with an elastic band?

The gear appeared quite recently, it is correctly called a net with and there are almost no differences from fishing with a donkey with a shock absorber.

The fisherman throws a heavy load to which a rubber thread is tied into a pond. The elastic band, gradually contracting, inserts a fixed net into the water, which is mounted on two cords: a floating one and a cargo one. The net does not take part in casting. The elastic band and fishing line are connected to each other by two metal carabiners.

After throwing, the carabiners are unfastened and attached to the loops, which are located at the ends of the pontoon cord. The weight of the carabiners is balanced by two foam floats that support the net in the water in the form of a rectangle.

The size of the net mesh is directly dependent on what kind of fish they are going to catch. The net is 1.5 meters high and 7 meters long if cast from the shore.

There is another design where a nylon thread is used instead of a cargo and pontoon cord. The net is stretched vertically by slats, and horizontally by the tension of the fishing line and elastic band.

Tackle made using the second method has less resistance when pulled into a body of water. This makes it possible to use longer nets, up to 20 m. They are used only in still waters, because any current bends the slats to the bottom.

Fishing with a small net gives a rich catch only to those who know the body of water well and the habits of the fish living in it. You can use a larger net, but in this case the elastic should be 4 times longer, and the load should be thrown from a boat.

In shallow waters, the load is sometimes not used. In this case, on the contrary, a rubber shock absorber is tied to a wire ring, which is placed on a stake driven into the bank. With this method, it does not break off when the load is pulled out of the reservoir. In other cases, they place a small piece of fishing line, the reliability of which is half that of a rubber shock absorber, between the load and the rubber. But this measure will not protect the shock absorber from rupture every time.

A bell will notify you that a fish has gotten lost in the net. There is no point in leaving the tackle unattended, since one caught fish can entangle the net and the rest will not get there.

Fishing with a net with an elastic band is very convenient in small bodies of water located near large cities where there are concentrations of fishermen.

Network care

Networks made even from the most modern materials lose strength for three reasons:

  • physical - temperature difference, load, ultraviolet rays;
  • chemical - from the decomposition of fish scales and mucus;
  • microbiological - dead fish that remain in nets for a long time, uncleaned remains, damaged gear.

Experienced fishermen note that fish are reluctant to go into unclean nets, and in warm weather in places where there is no current, they do not go at all. Nets made of linen and cotton threads are most susceptible to severe contamination; nylon and monofilament nets are considered the most resistant to dirt.

Fishing with a net will be successful if it is checked at least twice a day. If there is a small amount of fish caught in the net, fishermen often get it out without pulling the gear ashore. After 4 days, the tackle should be removed to dry land, carefully cleaned of all impurities and rinsed in running clean water.

After the end of the fishing season, the net is dried in a place protected from direct sunlight. Clean fishermen, before storing their gear for long-term storage, wash it with soap. After drying, the net is folded so that it can be quickly prepared for work the next season.

Thus, we looked at how to catch fish with a net. The variety of methods and the large number of fish species predetermined the emergence of many types of nets and methods of their installation. They can be placed near the bottom, along it or at an angle, at a certain depth and near the surface of the reservoir.

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