What exercises are there for the back? The best back exercises. Preparing for back muscle training

To all other, developed muscles backs help to hold spinal column, which helps maintain posture. If you forget about your back, but pay too much attention to your chest muscles, an imbalance occurs, as a result of which the chest muscles cause you to slouch, because. stronger back muscles. We have dedicated this article to the back so that you understand its great importance and have enough knowledge to create a beautiful and powerful V-shaped figure.

In the first part of this article we will look at the most important points such as:

  1. Anatomy of the back muscles and their functions.
  2. Directions of development of the width and thickness of the back.
  3. Training programs for beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes.

The back muscles are in second place in size after the legs, so, of course, back training should be intense and at the same time voluminous.

The back muscles occupy the entire area from the neck to the pelvis, there are many of them and they are divided into two types:

  • Deep (those muscles that we cannot see).
  • Superficial.

For us, the most important ones are the superficial muscles of the back - these are those that we can see:

    latissimus wing muscles;

    trapezius muscles;

    back extensors - pillars.

Latissimus dorsi muscles- a superficial muscle that occupies the entire lower back. It has the shape of a triangle and is relatively thin muscle. This muscle creates the width and bulk of the back and is the first thing that catches your eye.

Function latissimus muscles, consists of bringing the arm to the body and rotating inward - pronation. Pulls the body towards the arms fixed to something (crossbar, ledge) due to the strength and contraction of the latissimus muscles.

Trapezius muscles of the back– a flat broad muscle that occupies a superficial position in the back of the neck and in the upper back.

It has the shape of a triangle and is divided into three parts:

  • Top part– takes a position from the neck and passes to the shoulder joint along the collarbone.
  • middle part– located between the shoulder blade and the spine.
  • Bottom part– is located below the shoulder blade and is a continuation of the middle part.

The function of the trapezius muscle is to force the contraction of all parts to bring the scapula closer to the spinal column, as well as to lift the scapula up and down.

Back extensors- one of the most strong muscles of this group, it is located along the entire length of the spine from the sacrum to the base of the skull. This muscle is clearly visible in the area lumbar region and to the middle of the back, two pillars stretching on either side of the spine.

The function of the extensors is to straighten the spinal column and hold the torso in an upright position. Tilts the spinal column, to the right or left, depending on unilateral muscle contraction. Participates in the breathing process by lowering the ribs with part of their bundles.

Thus, we conclude that the back muscles are quite massive and most of them are occupied by three groups (the latissimus, trapezius and extensors), the development of which will create the basis of a beautiful and large back.

Directions of development of back thickness and width

Let's start with the fact that in order to develop a powerful wide back, you need to take care of working out all parts of the back, i.e. work your back with various exercises, not just two or three. Many people see the key to a strong back in the deadlift. This exercise is basic, but basic in terms of back strength and extensor development. By relying only on deadlifts you will not be able to build beautiful back, because if your goal is bodybuilding (development of mass, strength, aesthetics, proportions in harmony), then deadlift should be the third thing, or even the last.

Genetically, by nature, people may initially be given the width of their back, and its development will be easier than thickness, or vice versa. Of course, based on the emphasis you need to work on, you make width or thickness.

There are the following aspects that affect the width or thickness of the back:

  • Grip width (wide, medium, narrow)
  • Kinds different exercises, due to which the amplitude of movement and the position of the body are different, which affects the width or thickness of the back.

The width of the grip affects the emphasis of the load on the latissimus muscles and the load itself. The wider the grip, the more the emphasis shifts to the upper part of the lats and the more outer part will be involved in the work, which will develop width. The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude of movement and, in connection with this, the load increases, but then the biceps are more involved in the work and the load shifts more to the middle and lower part of the lats.

It would be logical that a shift in grip width does not mean that some muscles are excluded from work, while others work to the limit. The entire back will work, but depending on the width of the grip, you will give priority to one or another part of the back muscles.

Types of exercises that affect the width and thickness of the back:

  1. Back width– pull-ups, rows upper block.
  2. Back thicknesshorizontal rods.
  3. Accented pulls– bent over rows (emphasized means that both thickness and width are worked on, but depending on the emphasis, you can work on the thickness or width of the back to a greater or lesser extent).
  4. Basic movement– deadlift (powerfully affects all back muscles, but mostly on extensors and is a power movement for overall strength), bent-over barbell row (basic movement, emphasizes all back muscles).

To develop a wide and powerful back, you must build your training in a variety of ways, i.e. include in the training emphasis on both width and thickness, but what comes first in priority. Alternatively, you can alternate training in one cycle with an emphasis on width, in another with an emphasis on thickness.

Examples of training programs

Here we will describe examples of training programs for all levels of athletes, but you must remember that drawing up a program is an individual matter, so you must select exercises, grips and load accents yourself. After all, everyone’s body is different and what suits one person may not suit another person.

Complex for a beginner:

1. Pull-ups(or upper block pull): 3x8-12.

2. Bent-over barbell row: 3x8-12.

3. Horizontal pull: 3x10-15.

For a beginner this will be enough. Over time, you can add a deadlift to this routine at the end as a finishing exercise for the entire back area, but be careful, it is very easy for a beginner to overtrain.

Complex No. 1 for an average athlete:

1. Pull-ups: 3-4x6-12.

2. Bent-over barbell row: 3-4x6-12.

3. Bent-over dumbbell row: 3-4x8-12.


Complex No. 2 for an average athlete:

1. Upper block pull: 3-4x8-12.

2. T-bar row: 3-4x10-12.

3. Deadlift: 2-3x6-10.

4. Pullover on the block: 3-4x12-15.

Complex No. 3 for an average athlete:

1. Pull-ups: 3-4x6-12.

2. Pull of the upper block behind the head: 3-4x8-12.

3. Bent-over barbell row: 3-4x10-12.

4. Bent-over dumbbell row: 3-4x10-12

Please note that we are giving examples of programs, and it is not a fact that they will be suitable for you, and it may also be an easy program for you or too difficult. Always build your programs based on your individual characteristics body and physical fitness.

Complex No. 1 for advanced:

1. Pull-ups: 3-4x6-12.

2. Bent-over barbell row: 3-4x6-12.

3. Deadlift: 2-3x6-10.

4. Pull of the upper block behind the head: 3-4x10-12.

5. Horizontal pull: 3-4x10-15.

Complex No. 2 for advanced:


2. Bent-over barbell row: 3-4x6-12.

3. Bent-over dumbbell row: 3-4x8-12.

4. Horizontal pull: 3-4x10-15.

5. Pullover on the block: 3-4x12-15.

Complex No. 3 for advanced:

1. Pull-ups (or lat pull-downs): 3-4x6-12.

2. T-bar row: 3-4x10-12.

3. Bent-over row with one arm of the lower block: 3-4x8-12.

4. Traction in the crossover of the upper blocks, in a vertical position: 3-4x12-15.

5. Deadlift: 2-3x10-12.

There are many complexes; we have given as an example just a drop in the ocean. You can try one of our complexes or make your own, depending on your physical training. You can also focus on the width or thickness of the back and, depending on this, build a workout, divide the training for the width and thickness of the back by day, or divide the training into a day of vertical pulls and a day of horizontal pulls.

Exercise technique and nuances

Pull-ups and overhead rows

Pull-ups and lat pull-downs, excellent basic exercise up the back and lats. No matter how many people consider only deadlifts and bent-over barbell rows to be basic movements, this is a mistake. Deadlift more strength exercise and traumatic, if your goal is a beautiful wide back, then pulling it up and replacing it with a pull-down of the upper block are simply irreplaceable basic movements.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Accept initial position, grasp the bar with a grip that is comfortable for you (medium, slightly wider than shoulder width, wide) and remember that the wider the grip, the more the latissimus muscles are activated, but the smaller the amplitude.
  2. As you inhale, pull your chest toward the bar, contracting your back muscles and squeezing your shoulder blades together. The back should be flat and arched in the lumbar region. You should concentrate specifically on the work of the back muscles and use them to perform the movement, and not use your arms.
  3. As you exhale, slowly and under control, stretching your back muscles, lower yourself down, but do not touch the floor with your feet and do not relax your back muscles at the lowest point.
  4. After completing the required number of repetitions, carefully taking the starting position, release the horizontal bar.

Nuances and variations:

    If you cannot yet perform pull-ups due to lack of preparedness, you can replace them with overhead pull-downs. This exercise also targets the same muscles, but the difference is that you do not do it with your own weight and do not pull your body to the bar, but the bar to your body. The technique is the same, the back is straight and the lumbar region is arched.

    Alternatively, you can use traction reverse grip and narrow. They also work the upper back powerfully and even better by increasing the range of motion, but the load shifts to the middle and bottom of the lats.

    The one-arm lat pulldown effectively works all parts of the lats and allows you to concentrate as much as possible on the left and right parts separately, but it is better used as an addition to the basic movement.

    Using an open grip for pull-ups and rows will take the pressure off your biceps and allow you to focus more on your back.

Bent-over barbell row

Another irreplaceable basic exercise– bent over barbell row. It should always be part of your back workout because... works both the lats and the entire upper back.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Take the starting position, holding the barbell with a medium grip, tilt your body forward 30-45 degrees, move your pelvis back, bend your legs slightly at the knees in order to stabilize the body. Watch your back so that it does not slouch and always remains straight.
  2. As you inhale, by contracting your back muscles, pull the barbell to your lower abdomen and hold for a second. The bar should always go strictly along the legs to the lower abdomen.
  3. As you exhale, lower the barbell under control along your legs, stretching your back muscles, but do not throw weight at the lowest points, relaxing your back muscles. As soon as you feel that the muscles will relax further, pull the barbell up.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions, taking the starting position, place the barbell on the floor or racks.

Nuances and variations:

    One variation of this exercise would be the T-bar row. Its advantage is that the bar is fixed and you don’t have to spend extra effort balancing the weight. There are also T-reefs with a special emphasis for the chest, which completely eliminates unnecessary muscles from working, and you can focus strictly on your back.

    Bent-over rows of the lower block to the waist are an excellent option for variety. Due to its execution in a block simulator, it gives a specific load, creating resistance at any point in the movement. This exercise is subtle and very difficult to focus on. the right muscles, so take moderate weight and concentrate as much as possible on working your back muscles.

    In all variations, you can use a reverse grip, this will load the biceps a little more, but by performing the exercise with feeling, you will work with this grip not only the upper back, but also the middle and lower parts of the lats.

One-arm dumbbell row

If you want truly big lats, then you need to include this exercise in your workouts. By performing the movement technically and with precision, you will work all parts of the latissimus muscles.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Take your starting position. Free hand and rest the same foot on the bench, opposite leg rests on the floor, and with the opposite working hand, take a dumbbell of the desired weight. Watch your back so that it is always level and slightly arched in the lower back.
  2. As you inhale, pull the dumbbell powerfully and under control toward your thigh, contracting the latissimus muscle as much as possible.
  3. As you exhale, slowly stretch your lat, lowering your arm down. Once you reach the point of maximum stretch, repeat the upward movement.

Do the required number of repetitions.

Nuances and variations:

    For variety, use dumbbell rows with two hands while lying on a bench with an incline of 15-20 degrees and lower block rows with emphasis on the bench.

    For maximum effect from the exercise in the positive phase, contract the muscles as much as possible, bringing the dumbbell as high as possible, and stretch the lats as much as possible, moving the dumbbell slightly forward at the lowest point.

    While performing, watch your breathing and do not allow the body to sway or make unnecessary jerks in order to maximally load the back muscles.

Horizontal block thrust

This is not the most important, but effective exercise. It works the middle of the back and the lower part of the latissimus muscles. It can be performed both in a heavy power manner and in a pumping manner.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Take a position on the seat of the exercise machine, rest your feet against a special support, straighten your back, and bend slightly in the lumbar region.
  2. As you inhale, take the handle of the exercise machine, powerfully pull it to your lower abdomen, moving your elbows back (note, we say elbows and not arms because in this movement you can pull with your hands, which will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise) and bringing your shoulder blades together with the force of muscle contraction backs.
  3. As you exhale, stretch your back muscles as much as possible, returning the handle back.
  4. After completing the required number of reps, return the handle to its place and rest for 1-2 minutes before the next approach.

Nuances and variations:

    Use different handles and different grips for variations. You can also use a one-arm row.

    Avoid swinging your body while performing the exercise, because this may cause injury to the lumbar region.

    At the peak point of maximum contraction, hold for 1-2 seconds, which will provide additional static load for the muscles.


Whether or not to include this exercise in your training is up to everyone, but you don’t have to use it to build your back.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Take the starting position, holding the barbell shoulder-width apart, do a small squat, bending your knees, move your pelvis back, and keep your back strictly straight and fixed.
  2. As you inhale, lift the barbell along your legs. First, you straighten your legs, bringing them into a straight position, and immediately complete the movement with your back, straightening your lower back and bringing your whole body into a vertical position.
  3. Then lower the bar along your legs by stretching the back extensor muscles. As soon as you touch the floor, repeat the movement.
  4. Having completed the required number of times, carefully place the barbell on the floor, taking the starting position.

Nuances and variations:

    There is one effective variation of this exercise - the deadlift with dumbbells, but in a strength sense it will lose its advantage.

    This movement must be performed strictly technically, because... It's a very difficult movement and it's very easy to get injured.

    Before performing this exercise, pay attention to warming up.

    This movement includes working not only the back, but also the legs, because at the beginning of the movement the lifting occurs due to the legs. To exclude your legs from the movement, perform the exercise in negative phase to knee level, then you will perform it only using your back.

Perhaps we will stop at this list; of course, there are still a lot of movements and exercise machines that allow you to work your back muscles, but all of the above are classics and the basis for building a powerful V-shaped back.

It is not necessary to cram all the movements into one workout, make own program of 3-5 movements and work with them for 2-3 months, then change or alternate from training to training. May the power of testosterone and willpower be with you, friends! Good luck!

Perhaps we should start with the anatomy of the back muscles. I discussed this issue in great detail in my . Read it. She is not big.

By the way, I remembered how I had just started going to the gym, or rather, it was one of the attempts to start training.

One girl once told me at that time (I was about 18 years old) that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to pump up my “wings.” In human terms, the latissimus dorsi muscles.

I have always dreamed of the press. And even though at that moment I once again failed to start training normally (I started going regularly in my third year at Uni, when I was about 20 years old), I listened.

"Those. do girls like wide backs?” – I thought then. Why not the abs, why not the arms, why the back?

I even asked the local jock from my dorm to teach me how to train my back, but since he absolutely did not understand “knew everything about proper training,” especially for a beginner, after a couple of such trainings I stopped training again.

Now I have no problems with my back, it is quite wide, responds well to the load, in general, the muscle group does not lag behind, in my case.

I've tried a lot various exercises and training programs with a specialization for the back, so I have some idea about effective training.

I won’t drag the cat by the tail for too long and suggest that you immediately start with the best exercises for the back muscles.

The best exercises for the back muscles

As we already understood from anatomy, the back is not one muscle, but a whole group consisting of different muscles. Some muscles are larger, others are smaller. There is some difficulty in this, because if we develop the large muscles to the maximum, they will “steal” the load from the small ones, and this will not allow us to achieve maximum results.

I’ll tell you more about this, but a little later. And now I want to note which back muscles have a particularly strong influence on our athletic appearance.

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles (“wings”).
  2. Trapezius muscle (“trapezius”).
  3. Back extensors.
  4. Serratus muscles.

So, I ranked the muscles “in order of importance” from top to bottom. The extensors will not be able to change our appearance very seriously, so they are in the penultimate place, and the serratus muscles look very nice, but are very small, so they are in the end. The two most powerful muscles are the LATISM and TRAPEZIOUS. These are the ones we will focus on.

Now it will be very easy for us to choose exercises for training the back muscles, because... we know which muscles are most important to us. So, let's look at the best exercises for developing your back.

Latissimus dorsi ("wings")

  • Pull-ups (all their varieties);
  • Bent over dumbbell row (with hand support);
  • Lever pull in Hummer;

Trapezius dorsi muscle

  • Shrugs with dumbbells (or kettlebells);
  • Shrugs with a barbell (or in Smith);

Back extensors

  • Deadlift;

Serratus back muscles

  • Diagonal twists;

Competent exercise technique

The back belongs to the “pulling” muscle groups, so when working on it, muscle groups such as the biceps, middle and rear deltoids, and even the hamstrings can “steal” part of the load, so you need to learn to FEEL YOUR MUSCLES. I have already said this many times in many articles.

I've looked at this in great detail. . Don't be lazy and study this issue.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

This is the coolest exercise for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles, which many people don’t do for various reasons, but in vain.

This is an extremely physiological exercise for you and me, because... our ancestors were forced to spend a lot of time in the trees. However, if you believe that man appeared on Earth as a result of other circumstances, then I cannot convince you of this. But I think it’s pointless to argue that the crossbar appeared on Earth much earlier than rows and dumbbells, this is already clear

Pull-ups develop the WIDTH of the “wings”, and horizontal rows (any) develop THICKNESS (the edge of the lats thickens).

Learn to TURN OFF the BICEPS from the work when doing pull-ups (due to the “muscle feeling”) so that the biceps does not steal the load from the latissimus muscles. At each point in the pull-up movement, THINK ABOUT YOUR LATS and how they contract at each point in the movement.

If you have no problems with this, and you definitely “bomb” your lats in pull-ups, then it’s time to decide on the following points:


  • Narrow;
  • Average;
  • Wide;

Brush position:

  • Directly;
  • Toward yourself (reverse grip);
  • Parallel;

  • Your weight;
  • With weights;
  • Standing on a support (in the simulator or from the hands of a partner);

The choice, as we see, is very healthy. So, in general terms:

The wider the grip= WORK WIDER more + WORK LESS.

Than already enough= BICEPS works more (back less) + WORK MORE.

WIDE OR NARROW GRIP? The narrower the grip, the greater the amplitude of movement created, but the biceps will work harder. If you have learned to feel your lats well and turn off your biceps, then you can do pull-ups with a narrow grip, because the work in this case will be stronger (greater amplitude of movement). But if you feel that your arms are getting clogged during pull-ups, then take them wider. Also, try using an "open grip" (this is when your thumb is not wrapped around the bar), this will reduce the stress on your forearms.

In general, try to do pull-ups with a “medium grip”, because... In this case, it will be easier to feel the lats and turn off the biceps.

WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THE BRUSHES? The more the hand is turned (supinated towards itself, as with a reverse grip), the less the load on the forearms, but we won’t be able to take a wide reverse grip because of our anatomy, and the narrower we take it, the more the biceps works. The solution is a PARALLEL GRIP (on a horizontal ladder, for example). This way the hand will be supinated and you can take it wider.

PULL UP TO YOUR CHEST OR BEHIND YOUR HEAD? If you pull yourself up by your head, you use fewer back muscles than when you pull yourself up to your chest. But the advantage of doing pull-ups is that this way you engage more of the upper back muscles. In short, chest pull-ups involve more muscles into work (a more basic exercise), and behind the head, it focuses on the upper back muscles (more isolating). At the initial stage, I would not bother with this issue and would pull myself up to my chest.

SHOULD I ADD WEIGHTS OR NOT? In order for muscles to grow, you need PROGRESSION OF LOAD. If the load does not increase, then there is no point in the muscles increasing, because... this is a very energy-intensive process. There are a couple of clarifications. First, you should add weights when your technique is perfect (you feel the lats perfectly). And secondly, you should work in the range of 6-12 repetitions (approximately), so when you can already do pull-ups perfect technique more than 12-15 times, then it is worth increasing the weight.

These are, one might say, “lightweight pull-ups.” Everything I said about grips, hand position, load, etc. all this applies to this exercise. For beginners, this exercise is BETTER than pull-ups, because, as a rule, they cannot yet do pull-ups properly. Moreover, with this exercise it is easier to control the load and contraction of the lats. If you are an advanced lifter, you should definitely include this exercise in your arsenal AFTER your pull-ups to further fatigue your lats.

This exercise belongs to the “horizontal rows”, i.e. builds the latissimus dorsi muscles IN THICKNESS. The main thing in absolutely all deadlifts is a straight back! This will save you from injury, and will also allow you to work your latissimus muscles more specifically.

Almost everything that I said in pull-ups about the grip is also true for bent-over barbell rows, but there is one BUT. If you take a reverse grip on the barbell and perform deadlifts, you will notice that your elbows do not spread out to the sides, but move in parallel, accordingly, the latissimus muscles can be felt better, but the BICEPS also work stronger. When we take a direct grip, the elbows spread more strongly (especially when narrow grip), therefore the trapezius and rear delta are more involved in the work. So it goes.

Now about the tilt:

  • Stronger tilt= BACK works more;
  • Less tilt= TRAPEZE works more;

In my opinion, and in my experience, it is best to grab with a MEDIUM STRAIGHT GRIP and about 20-30 degrees from horizontal (i.e. ALMOST parallel to the floor). The back MUST be straight, and the bar moves parallel to the bent hips.

Almost the same as bent over rows. But here a deeper study of the inner part of the back (between the shoulder blades) is given. In fact, this is simply a more convenient version of the bent-over barbell row.

There are a lot of different T-bar pulls. The main ones are in the STANDING and LYING positions. When you perform the exercise while standing, it is practically the same as the bent-over row of a barbell, it’s just more convenient, but when LYING, a number of inconveniences already begin, because For a competent contraction of the lats, you NEED DEFLECTION IN THE BACK (in the scapular region), and this is difficult to do while lying down.

In general, if you have a standing T-bar, then you can choose it as an alternative to bent-over barbell rows, but if you have a prone bar, then it’s better not to do it, especially at the initial stage.

Bent-over dumbbell row (with arm support)

The technique for performing the exercise should be as follows:

  1. Lean forward and grab the dumbbell right hand, with your left hand and left leg bent at the knee, you need to lean on the bench, and your right leg is put back.
  2. The movement of the hand must be STRICTLY VERTICAL, and the movement must be carried out PARALLEL TO THE BODY (the hand does not move to the side).
  3. The body does not change position! THE BACK IS ALWAYS STRAIGHT (bended in the opposite direction!).

There is a wider range of motion here than with the bent-over barbell row, because... the bar does not interfere with raising the elbow above the lower back. More work and muscle contraction. Support with your knee and hand allows you to unload the spine. And also, because The exercise is performed with one hand, then you can feel your muscles better.

Lever pull in Hummer

Hammer-type exercise machines appeared not so long ago, but have successfully entered all modern fitness centers. This is a great exercise and variation of the horizontal row. The exercise is similar to a one-arm dumbbell row, but because your torso is vertical, it is easier to perform and the weight can be lifted heavier.

It is believed that this exercise specifically affects the lower latissimus muscles, but this is very conditional, because The emphasis of the load will depend on where you pull the handle.

  • Pull towards the navel= BOTTOM LAT works;
  • Pull to your chest= UPPER LATISM works;

But it will be easiest to pull towards the navel, hence this statement.

A few more tips on the technique of performing this exercise. I very often see how exactly this exercise is performed and I don’t even understand how!

My version of this is: Sit with your back straight (slightly arched back at the shoulder blades), lean forward to stretch your lats. Now pull the handle towards you while simultaneously returning your body to a vertical position. VERY IMPORTANT!!! You should pull EXACTLY WITH THE WIDEST, NOT WITH THE BODY! Those. There is no need to pull the handle towards you with your whole body, and then, by inertia, bring it towards you with your hands. The movement begins with PULLING YOUR SHOULDERS BACK, then pull the handle towards you, feeling the lats at each point, and return the body to a vertical position.

Exercises for the trapezius back muscle

I have already discussed this issue in great detail in an article about . But repetition, as they say, is the mother of learning.

Shrugs with dumbbells (or kettlebells) or with a barbell (or Smith)

Shrugs from English. shrug - “shaking.” This exercise really looks like a shrug. We must move the shoulder blades vertically upward. This is the main function of the trapezius muscle. So, the more you lean forward, the more load will go from above to its middle parts (between the shoulder blades). Beginners DO NOT NEED this exercise AT ALL, because... So far, at the beginning, there is no point in worrying about relatively small muscles.

It's better to focus on your lats, chest, for example, and legs. The most important thing when performing shrugs is NOT TO ROTATE YOUR SHOULDERS!!! The movement must be strictly up and down. Our shoulders are poorly adapted to rotational movements, so you can get injured very easily. And in general there is no point in rotation, because... This does not in any way speed up the growth of the trapezius. Hold dumbbells in your hands or a barbell in front of you and perform the movements as if you were shrugging your shoulders, moving them strictly UP and DOWN, so you will feel how your trapezius contracts.

Back Extensor Exercises


An exercise that is highly overrated for growing back muscles. It has a concentrated effect on the back extensors, which are not so large compared to the lats and trapezius.

It works on so many muscles, quads, glutes, back extensors, etc. But for back growth in general, this exercise is at the bottom of my list. I believe it should be done at the end of a workout.

The back is always straight. The bar should move strictly along the legs. Grip straight, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Be sure to use it weightlifting belt and traction, so as not to get a hernia. Look in front of you, butt down, knees bent. At the same time we straighten our legs, back and lift the barbell along our legs.

This exercise works the spinal extensors quite well, but I put it at the very end because... You shouldn’t overdo it with it, you can seriously injure your lower back by simply pulling your body up a little at the bottom point, so you need to progress the weights very carefully.

There are many variations of this exercise, but I will tell you about the one that I think is the best, when you lie face down with your legs secured to the bolsters.

The back is straight, you lower yourself down and, feeling the tension in the lumbar region, rise up, contracting the extensors of the spine.

This exercise is best done as additional exercise for abdominal training, because the spinal extensors are antagonists of the abdominal muscles, which means the abs will receive better recovery.

OK. As you can see, there are plenty of exercises. But how to pump up your back muscles if we are talking about a specific workout?

How to pump up your back. Back training program

As you understand, training program- a very individual thing, especially when we talk about how to pump up the back muscles, because this is a very large muscle group. More than half of the questions that I receive by email and in comments are questions related to the training program.

I considered in great detail the issue of choosing a training program .

I want you to understand that almost any program will work at a certain time and on a certain person. I can only give a training program that will suit the MOST.

Rules for creating a training program for the back:

  2. UPPER + LOWER LINK(to develop muscles in width and thickness).
  3. HEAVY WEIGHTS(for 6-12 repetitions + load progression).

So, the very first complex for a beginner will look like this ( COMPLEX No. 1):

All? Yes all. These two exercises will be enough to avoid overtraining and cause a great response in your lats. You can do these exercises for six months or a year and not worry. There will be wonderful growth.

The next option is for a beginner ( COMPLEX No. 2):

Deadlifting will stimulate the growth of your back extensors, as well as the growth of your body as a whole, because... it increases blood circulation in the lower body, which promotes increased testosterone production. The trapezoid is also strongly involved in the work, which will also contribute to its excellent growth.

Another option for the intermediate level:

Well, the third option for the intermediate level:

So, I want to note a very important point! You shouldn’t switch to using 3 or 4 exercises if you are progressing well with just two exercises! There is no need to change what works great.

Now several ADVANCED COMPLEXES for people using a very deep split (splitting the body for 4 or 5 training days), COMPLEX No. 4:

Another option for the advanced athlete:

Or the third, also a cool option for an advanced athlete:

There are a huge number of advanced complexes, but I brought those closer to ordinary people, i.e. for those who are already quite well trained, but do not use steroids (on steroids the volume training load You can safely multiply by two).

Many professional athletes divide their backs into two training days. On the first day they do vertical rods, pull-ups, etc., i.e. exercises that increase the width of the back, and on the second day, various horizontal rows that increase the width of the back muscles, but, as you understand, this is not necessary for an ordinary person.

How to pump up your back muscles. About combining back training with other muscles

The question is very important, because... directly affects your progress. Many people train 2-3 times a week, which simply does not allow for a separate day for their back. Although the back deserves a separate day for training, because it is the LARGEST MUSCLE GROUP in our upper body, and the second largest in our body (after the legs). That is why I decided to consider this issue in detail.

So, how to combine back training with other muscles?

I would combine it this way:

  • BACK + DELTS(do not interfere with each other, because the shoulders push and the back pulls);
  • BACK + CHEST(antagonists, work well together, Arnold’s method);
  • BACK + BICEPS(classic push-pull split, both pulling groups);
  • BACK + REAR DELTS(professional method, then train CHEST + FRONT DELTOUS);

BACK + HANDS - this is not very good, because... Most likely you are undertraining one of these muscle groups, I would better connect the back with the shoulders (deltas). In general, try to set aside a separate day for your back if your fitness levels are already high enough.

Some important issues worth highlighting

At this point, the topic of back training is almost covered, but I feel that some questions may still arise. I decided to collect all the questions that I was once asked about back training and highlight them below:

“If after I trained my back for the next few days it doesn’t hurt, does it mean that I didn’t receive the necessary microtraumas for growth?”

Indeed, pain in the next days in a previously trained muscle group indicates microtraumas that will lead to growth, but this is NOT AN OBLIGATORY SIGN OF GROWTH! The better trained you are, the less pain you will feel. The sign of growth is an increase in load! If the load is constantly growing, then you are growing.

“Should I stretch my back extra between sets?”

Yes. This works great because... In this way, the muscular fascia of the back muscles is additionally stretched, there is better blood supply, and, accordingly, better growth.

“Which exercise for developing the back do you consider the best, if you can only do one exercise on the back?”

Of course, pull-ups. They perfectly grow the latissimus muscles in width.

“Which exercise is better to choose to increase the thickness of the lats: bent-over barbell row or bent-over dumbbell row?”

It’s better, in my opinion, to do bent-over barbell rows, because... It’s easier to progress the load there.

“If you have to combine your back with another muscle group, which one?”

With deltas. Or with biceps (NOT WITH HANDS). This is perhaps the most popular combination.

“What should I do if my wrists hurt a lot while doing pull-ups and vertical block rows?”

Experiment with grips, reverse or straight. Also, a parallel grip easily solves this problem. Well, the traction (straps) should help a lot.

“Do I need to use a belt for bent-over barbell and dumbbell rows?”

I use the belt in almost all exercises where I feel tension in the abdominal cavity (except for abdominal training, of course). This allows you to avoid intervertebral hernia and an increase in waistline. Why do you need a big belly?


Hmm, well, that's all, friends. Today we looked at how to pump up your back in great detail.

If something was not clear to you or you still have any questions, then ask them in the comments.

The back is a muscle group that should definitely be emphasized, because... it gives our figure an impressive look. Happy training!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

Back muscles responsible for the movement of the spine, legs, arms and head. They can be divided into three groups - lower, upper and deep muscles.

Lower back muscles ( lumbar) interact during flexion and extension of the lumbar spine, as well as when moving the pelvis back and forth. This muscle group takes part in the formation correct posture in humans and includes almost all movements of both the lower and upper parts of the body.

Upper muscles back ( latissimus, teres and trapezius muscles) lower, raise and rotate the shoulder blades, as well as rotate, abduct and adduct humerus. Basic exercises for these muscles are pull-ups on the bar and pull-downs. The upper muscles are mainly responsible for pulling movements.

Deep paraspinal muscles ( spinal-sacral) form the so-called “ muscle corset", serving to maintain the normal position and bends of the spine, the position and movement of individual vertebrae relative to each other are involved in maintaining stability.

There is not a single movement in our life in which we would not take part back muscles- hence the importance of their strengthening and development, as well as a correct understanding of their involvement in the physical work of the body.

Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

Back width

  • This exercise requires some physical strength and is excellent for developing the latissimus dorsi, teres major and, at the moment of retracting the shoulder blades at the end of the pull-up, rhomboid muscles.

  • This movement develops the latissimus muscle and teres major dorsi muscle. His efforts also extend to the biceps and shoulder muscles.

  • This exercise builds back width, involves trapezius muscle, rhomboids, biceps and brachialis.

  • This exercise perfectly develops the width of the back, its upper and lower bundles, as well as the large round muscles.

  • This is an excellent exercise for full development latissimus dorsi and teres major muscle. When bringing the shoulder blades together, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are activated, as well as the posterior parts of the deltoid muscle.

  • Exercise to work the back muscles. It perfectly loads the latissimus dorsi muscles, engages the lower part of the trapezius muscles, engages the round and rhomboid muscles of the back, as well as rear delta, biceps and forearms.

  • Training the back muscles contributes to the development of its famous V-shape, which makes the waist and hips visually narrower, thereby making the figure look more aesthetically pleasing. The back muscles are large, which makes them clearly visible and one of the main ones in bodybuilding. Performing exercises for the back muscles is a prerequisite in any sport, as they form the correct and beautiful posture and also play main role in stabilizing the spinal muscles.

    The back muscles are located in several layers, so they are divided into deep and superficial, which, in turn, are also located in two layers. Here we consider only those muscles that determine the relief of the back.

    1. Trapezoidal
    2. Diamond-shaped
    3. Lat

    We discussed the detailed anatomy and features of training the back muscles in detail earlier (link below).

    Exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back

    The trapezius muscle is a flat, triangular muscle that is located outside and down from the neck, and down the center of the back between the shoulder blades. The more the trapezoids stick out on the sides of the neck, the more powerful and spectacular the athlete’s body will look. Building large traps is essential for symmetrical upper body development. The exercises presented below will allow you to effectively work out all parts of the trapezius muscle.

    This exercise is aimed at working the upper and middle part of the trapezius.

    Working muscles:

    • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
    • 2. Deltoids
    • 3. Levator scapula

    Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, raise your shoulders as high as you can. Pause, and while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.


    You can perform this exercise holding a barbell behind your back.

    By performing this exercise you work the upper and middle parts of the trapezius.

    Working muscles:

    • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
    • 2. Deltoids
    • 3. Levator scapula

    Erector spinae muscles:

    • 4. Spinal
    • 5. Longissimus thoracis muscle
    • 6. Iliocostal muscle

    Exercise technique:

    Take dumbbells. Stand up straight. Stretch your arms at your sides. As you exhale, raise your shoulders. Pull them as high as you can. Hold this position for a second and lower your shoulders.

    Important details:

    Select the weight of the projectile correctly - weights that are too heavy will not allow you to contract and stretch your muscles as much as possible. Therefore, if you feel that the contraction is weak, then take lighter dumbbells.

    Working muscles:

    • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
    • 2. Deltoids
    • 3. Levator scapula

    Erector spinae muscles:

    • 4. Spinal
    • 5. Longissimus thoracis muscle
    • 6. Iliocostal muscle

    Exercise technique:

    Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip and stand straight. IN starting position arms are straightened at the elbows, the barbell rests on the hips. Inhale and, holding your breath, pull your elbows vertically upward, raising the barbell to your chin. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.


    This exercise can be performed by changing the grip width. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the trapezius muscle. The narrower the grip, the greater the load received deltoid muscles. You can also do this exercise in a Smith machine.

    Another exercise to train the upper and middle trapezius muscles.

    Working muscles:

    • 1. Upper and middle trapezius
    • 2. Deltoids
    • 3. Levator scapula
    • 4. Supraspinatus muscle

    Erector spinae muscles:

    • 5. Spinal
    • 6. Longissimus thoracis muscle
    • 7. Iliocostal muscle

    Exercise technique:

    Walk up to the machine and grab the bar with an overhand grip. In the starting position, the arms are straightened at the elbows. Inhale and, holding your breath, pull your elbows vertically upward. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    When performing deadlifts, your elbows should point up and to the sides. There is no need to lean forward and lower your shoulders.

    Exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles

    The most basic muscles that take the lion's share of the formation of the back are the latissimus. With the help of these muscles you can visually enlarge your back and shoulders and at the same time reduce your waist. They play a big role in the formation of the “male” figure, the notorious V-shaped physique. Therefore, for the full development of an athlete, it is vitally important to properly work out the latissimus muscles to achieve a large and beautiful back. Below are the best exercises to increase lat strength and mass.

    This exercise will allow you not only to build up the mass of your back muscles, but also to “define” them.

    Working muscles:

    1. Diamond-shaped
    2. Lat
    3. Middle and lower trapezius
    4. Rear delta

    Exercise technique:

    Sit on the seat. Take the handle in your hands and rest your feet on the stops. Knees slightly bent. The body is vertical. There is a deflection in the lower back. As you inhale, lean forward slightly with your lower back arched. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your lower abdomen, returning your torso to an upright position.

    Important details:

    During the exercise, you should actively move your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. The elbows go along the sides along the body. It is with this technique that the muscles of the upper and lower back will work as much as possible.

    This exercise imitates pull-ups on a horizontal bar and will allow you to effectively work out the latissimus muscle.

    Working muscles:

    1. Lower trapezius
    2. Rear delta
    3. Diamond-shaped
    4. Latissimus

    Exercise technique:

    Hold the handle of the machine straight wide grip and sit on the seat. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your upper chest, slightly tilting your torso back. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    As you row, push your chest out to meet the movement of the handle. The shoulders should move back and down, the shoulder blades should be brought together. Pay very close attention to the technique so that exactly the muscles that are supposed to work, namely the latissimus dorsi muscles.

    In this exercise, in addition to the latissimus muscles, the biceps also work.

    Working muscles:

    1. Biceps
    2. Rear delta
    3. Lower trapezius
    4. Latissimus

    Exercise technique:

    Take the handle of the exercise machine with a reverse grip and sit on the seat. As you exhale, pull the handle toward your upper chest, slightly tilting your torso back. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    Don't slouch or lean too far back while pulling.

    4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a straight wide grip

    An excellent exercise for training the latissimus muscle on any sports field.

    Working muscles:

    1. Rear delta
    2. Diamond-shaped
    3. Lower trapezius
    4. Latissimus

    Exercise technique:

    Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, much wider than shoulder width. Without straining your biceps and squeezing your shoulder blades, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with your upper chest. Pause a little at the top and return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    When pulling up, bend your back and look straight up.

    One of the most effective exercises for pumping the latissimus muscle.

    Working muscles:

    1. Trapezoidal
    2. Diamond-shaped
    3. Latissimus
    4. Rear delta

    Exercise technique:

    Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs slightly and lean your torso forward. The tilt should be significant, with the torso almost parallel to the floor. Arms straight. There is a deflection in the lower back. Inhale, and as you exhale, powerfully, while remaining bent over, pull the barbell until it touches your lower abdomen. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    At the top of the movement, move your elbows and shoulders back as far as possible and bring your shoulder blades together.


    The T-bar row is almost identical to the bent-over barbell row, except that one end of the bar is attached to the floor or frame of the machine. As a result, it is possible to achieve less harmful tension in the lower region of the spine.

    An excellent basic exercise for developing the central and upper back.

    Working muscles:

    1. Latissimus
    2. Diamond-shaped
    3. Trapezoidal
    4. Rear delta
    5. Biceps

    Exercise technique:

    Place your left knee on the bench. Then bend over and place your hand on it. The body is almost parallel to the floor. There is a deflection in the lower back. The right foot is on the floor. Hold a dumbbell with your right hand neutral grip. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to your lower abdomen by contracting your back muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

    Important details:

    Try to perform the movement using your back muscles, not your arms. To do this, raise your elbow high and do not move it too far to the side. Keep your back horizontal and don't round it. Don't rotate at the waist. It is in this position of the body that the back muscles are maximally used.

    7. Abdominal thrust while sitting on a machine

    Abdominal thrust on the machine combines well power load with training safety.

    Working muscles:

    1. Rear delta
    2. Trapezoidal
    3. Diamond-shaped
    4. Latissimus

    Exercise technique:

    Sit on the seat of the exercise machine and rest your feet on the supports. As you exhale, pull the handles of the exercise machine towards your stomach, straightening your chest and moving your elbows back. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

    Important details:

    Do not use inertial force. Movements should be slow and controlled.

    Exercises for the rhomboid back muscles

    There are about 650 muscles in our body, but for some reason we do not train all 650, but only the most important ones, those that form the basis and in the process of which the whole body is transformed. The rhomboids are precisely those muscles that do not need to be purposefully trained, since they develop passively when doing back exercises. Almost every exercise involves these muscles, and therefore you should not worry about their development - they are to some extent independent. We discussed the anatomy and features of training the rhomboid back muscles in detail earlier (link below).

    Exercises for the lower back

    In addition to appearance, strengthening the lower back muscles has health benefits, as it is one of the weakest areas of a bodybuilder. By strengthening lumbar muscles the risk of spinal diseases is reduced: osteochondrosis, vertebral displacement and pinched nerves, since muscular frame The lower back provides reliable support for the vertebrae. Below are the best exercises to strengthen your lower back.

    1. Hyperextensions on the machine

    Exercise for developing the straighteners of the back (lower back), as well as gluteal muscles and hip flexors.

    Working muscles:

    1. Semimembranosus
    2. Semitendinosus
    3. Biceps femoris
    4. Gluteus maximus
    5. Ilirocostal lumbar muscle
    6. Longissimus muscle
    7. Spinalis muscle

    Exercise technique:

    Lie on your stomach in the exercise machine and place your heels under a special cushion. Slowly, as you exhale, bend down. As you inhale, smoothly return to a position in which your body represents a straight line.

    Important details:

    Avoid hyperextension in the lower back.


    You can use a weight in the form of a plate, which is held with crossed arms on your chest.

    Deadlift - is basic and one of the most necessary exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

    Working muscles:

    1. Gluteus maximus
    2. Finger flexors
    3. Wrist flexors
    4. Spinalis muscle
    5. Longissimus muscle
    6. Semitendinosus
    7. Semimembranosus

    Exercise technique:

    Come close to the bar, place your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other. Squat down and grab the barbell with an overhand grip, grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The arms are vertical and the shoulders are directly above the barbell. The gaze is directed forward. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, begin to pull the barbell. After the bar passes your knees, straighten up completely and squeeze your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Start the downward movement by moving your pelvis back. The lower back is arched, the shoulder blades remain retracted. After passing your knees, squat down and touch the plates to the floor.

    Important details:

    Be extremely careful while performing deadlifts. Watch your lower back, it should always be arched. And of course, maintain a smooth movement, both when raising the barbell and when lowering it. Don't try to pull the barbell off the floor. Inhale slowly down, exhale, powerfully up.

    3. Forward bends with a barbell (Good Morning)

    An exercise aimed at training the lower back. This exercise also works the leg, gluteal and biceps muscles.

    Working muscles:

    1. Gluteus maximus
    2. Biceps femoris (biceps femoris)
    3. Semitendinosus
    4. Semimembranosus
    5. Spinalis muscle
    6. Longissimus muscle
    7. Iliocostal lumbar muscle
    8. Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)

    Exercise technique:

    Place the barbell on back shoulders The back is rigid, the shoulder blades are together. Knees slightly bent. Inhale, bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight. Slowly return to the starting position, exhale.

    Important details:

    Master bending only with an empty bar and at a slow pace. Add weight only when you feel that your lower back has become stronger.

    see also

    While studying in gym, men pay special attention to back training, since a harmonious athlete’s silhouette is impossible without well-developed latissimus muscles. If girls primarily train their leg muscles, and this is logical, then a man’s priority should be training the latissimus dorsi muscle. A wide back helps hide body imperfections. Such as wide waist, narrow Men are always attracted to back training. How to pump up wide back, every beginner wants to know.

    The structure of the back muscles

    To understand how a weight training program for the back is designed, you need to understand the structure of its muscles and their functions. divided into deep and superficial.

    The first type includes:

    • transverse spinalis muscles, the function of which is to stabilize the spine, they consist of the rotator muscles, multifidus and semispinalis;
    • extensor muscles perform the function of moving the spine; consist of the iliocostal, longissimus and spinous;
    • diamond-shaped, trapezoidal and, contribute to the movement of the shoulder girdle.

    The second type includes:

    • the latissimus muscle, the function of which is to stretch the arm back and down;
    • square, responsible for lateral bending.

    Which muscles should you pay attention to?

    For beginners, it's the upper body workout that worries them. Everyone wants to know how to build a wide back.

    The shape of this part of the body, its width can be changed by pumping the latissimus muscles, or, as athletes say, the wings. By enlarging this area, it creates V-shape, which athletes strive for so much.

    Also, a beautiful torso is formed due to This muscle group is divided into 3 regions: top, middle and bottom. Particular attention is paid to the top - the area between the shoulders and neck.

    Training the back extensors allows you to create a hollow spine, and this creates the effect of a muscular back. In addition, extensors help you lift heavier weights while pumping up other parts of your body.

    • Pull-ups.

    By changing the grip width, you can work different areas of the back. The wider the grip, the more the lats are activated. When performing exercises, you need to pull with your back and turn off your biceps, and do not pull your shoulders towards your ears.

    If you have little weight and it’s easy for you to pull yourself up, then you need to use extra weight- a belt with weights or dumbbells, you can also use weights with sand.

    If, on the contrary, you cannot pull up own weight, then you can perform the exercise on the “Graviton” simulator, where a load is placed, which is a counterweight.

    • Deadlift.

    To perform this exercise, you need to have pumped up abs and back extensors, which will help avoid injuries.

    To begin the exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and slowly lower the barbell down in one line without leaning your body forward. The bar should slide along the knees along the same path.

    • Bent-over barbell row.

    Position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent at an angle of 45 degrees, spine in a straight line. The barbell should be pulled towards the stomach so that it slides over the thighs.

    Technique for performing isolated exercises

    Isolation exercises help strengthen the muscles at the end of the workout and engage fibers that are not affected by the basic exercises.

    • One-arm dumbbell row.

    Rest your left leg and left hand on the bench, your back parallel to the floor, take a dumbbell in your right hand and begin to pull with your back, bending your elbow. There is no need to turn your back at the top point.

    • T-machine rows.

    The principle of execution is the same as in the barbell row. This exercise includes back mass training if there are any injuries.

    • Pull from the upper block.

    A good alternative to pull-ups. Sit on a bench, grab the handle with a wide grip and pull down with your back, your arms should be relaxed.

    • Pull from the lower block.

    Sit on a bench, keep your back straight and begin to pull the machine, bringing your shoulder blades together.

    • Hyperextension.

    We lie down on a bench, the pelvis is on the pillow, lower the body down without rounding the back, raise the top until the back is in line with the legs.

    Back muscle training program for mass

    Depending on the training goals, a specific program is selected. By including/excluding certain exercises, you can change the load on the muscles.

    All men are interested in how to pump up their back. The training program is varied.

    This complex will help pump up all parts of the back and consists of 4 training options that will need to be alternated.

    It's important to do 5 minutes of cardio before starting your warm-up exercises, and also do a couple of warm-up sets without weights.

    Back workout
    exercise approaches repetitions
    first, fifth weeks
    pull-ups4 max
    superset: rows from the upper and lower blocks4 10
    Bent-over barbell row4 10
    second, sixth weeks
    superset: lat pulldown + pull-ups4 10 and 15
    pull from the lower block3 max
    reverse thrust4 10, 10, 8, 6
    one-arm lat pulldown3 10
    third, seventh weeks
    pull-ups4 max, 10, 8.8
    traction from the upper block3 10
    Bent-over barbell row4 8, 6, 6, 5
    pull-down from the lower block with hands alternately4 15
    fourth, eighth week
    triset: pull-ups + rows from the upper + lower blocks3 10 each
    traction from the upper block3 12
    reverse thrust3 max

    Sports nutrition for training

    Training for back mass is quite labor-intensive and requires significant energy expenditure, so it is rational to use supplements to increase endurance and the speed of recovery of the body.

    For growth muscle mass You can use gainer, protein and creatine, for recovery - glutamine, to protect muscles from breakdown - BCAA. All this will contribute to the speedy achievement of the goal.

    Our consultants will tell you which sports nutrition company is best to choose. Today there are a lot of manufacturers, each of which adds some zest to their product.

    Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, since a lack of nutrients will not allow your muscles to grow. Must be eaten daily required amount protein and carbohydrates per kg of body. If you create a deficiency of any component, but train hard, you will not achieve results. Muscles grow with the proper amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Protein is the main source of food for muscles; it is found in chicken breasts, eggs, and cottage cheese.

Continuing the topic:

In the modern world, people are increasingly faced with pain in the lower back and neck due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. Below are recommendations on how to lie on a bolster...