A set of exercises for every day for a beautiful figure. Exercises for an ideal figure. Video: burpee technique

All of us women want to be beautiful, slim, fit. But reality does not always coincide with our dreams. Sometimes there just isn't enough time to go to Gym. However, do not despair, there are a lot of exercises that will not take you much time and effort, and this does not make them any less effective than hour training in the hall.

The most important thing before you start training is to establish a normal diet. Do not forget that by actively exercising, a person burns more calories than usual. And when under load, muscles really need good nutrition. Otherwise, you will only harm your body, deplete it and yourself.

The best foods to eat are foods that contain protein and fats, as well as green vegetables. You need to avoid carbohydrates; try to reduce their consumption gradually.
Products that contain protein: boiled chicken breast, fish; cottage cheese; boiled eggs, etc.

Now, as for the training itself.

If you are an unprepared person, you need to start small. It is better to do fewer approaches, but with correct technique to make it work necessary groups muscles.

Basic exercises for the figure

Let's look at the most important women's problems: buttocks, back of the thigh, stomach, chest and arms.

Exercises for the buttocks

  1. The most best exercises For the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh, squats are considered. If you can, squat with a barbell, but without weight. When performing this exercise, be sure to watch your knees; they should not go beyond your toes. Feet hip-width apart, back straight, slightly inclined. Throw the barbell over your shoulders and begin squats until it is parallel to the floor. Avoid arching your back so as not to put stress on your spine. Perform 25 squats for 3 sets. At the end of each approach, linger at the bottom for 10 seconds, this will add even greater effect.
  2. Also an effective exercise for gluteal muscles are lunges. If you have 2 kg dumbbells, that's great, pick them up. Feet hip-width apart, step back with your right leg, left leg remains in place, slightly bent. Arms along the body, hands are strong. Smoothly begin to lower yourself down until the thigh of your left leg is parallel to the floor. The back is flat and straight. Avoid leaning your body forward. Make sure that the knee of your left leg does not go beyond your toe. Do the exercise 15 times for 3 approaches, at the end of each approach also hold for 10 seconds. Then change legs. For greater effect, you can stretch your arms forward when lowering, and at the same time your arms will swing.

Ab exercises

  1. Now let's move on to the press. To warm up, start in a lying position and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, while watching your lower back, it should be pressed to the floor all the time. Gradually make the exercises more difficult by adding legs. Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, when lifting your body, pull your knees towards your chest and return them back. If your lower back comes off, reduce the angle. This exercise must be repeated 100 times.
  2. Scissors are a very effective exercise for women. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, raise your legs 90 degrees. Begin to lower your right leg, while lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, try to reach the opposite knee with your right shoulder. Start at an easy pace and gradually increase. Exercises must be done 30 times in 3 approaches.
  3. Also good exercise all abdominal muscles are twisted while lowering the legs. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs at an angle of 90 degrees, shins parallel to the floor, when lifting your body, straighten your legs as low as possible, stay in this position for a while and return to initial position. Repeat 20 times for 3 approaches.

Chest exercise

For chest exercises, the best ones are various push-ups. If you find it difficult to do weighted push-ups with your whole body, you can put your feet on the floor and lower your body, while lifting it using the muscles of your chest and arms. Try to do 10 times in 3 sets.

The secret to a toned body and good health has long been revealed. Its main components are proper nutrition and regular exercise. There is a complex in front of you simple exercises, which, if performed regularly, will help you get closer to your dream figure.
Exercise for perfect abs

Firm and flat stomach
How to perform
Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, legs parallel to the floor.
Straighten your left leg at an angle of 45˚ and pull your body towards it, helping with your right elbow and slightly lifting your shoulder blades.
The lower back should remain in place. Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 sets.
Exercise for beautiful hands

Toned arms without the “wing” effect at the top of the shoulder.
How to perform
To perform the exercise you will need dumbbells. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Smoothly extend your arms, lifting the dumbbells above your head.
At the top point, fully straighten your elbow joints.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise 15 times.
Exercise to strengthen chest muscles

High breasts
How to perform
You will need a chair or exercise ball, as well as dumbbells. Top part Lie on the surface with your back, keeping your torso on bent legs.
Take a dumbbell in each hand, straighten them and hold them above you.
Slowly begin to lower your hands behind your head, as far down as possible. Taking a deep breath, draw in your stomach as you lower your arms.
Exhale as you return to the starting position.
Do 4 sets of 12 repetitions.
Exercise for a thin waist

Slim feminine waist
How to perform
To increase efficiency, you can use dumbbells again.
Hold them above your head with your hands pressed tightly to your head.
Watch your back and spine, they should be straight.
Do slow bends strictly along the side line of your legs.
Perform 2 sets of 15 exercises.
Exercise for buttocks and thighs

Firm buttocks and toned thigh muscles
How to perform
Sit on the floor and keep your body perpendicular to the floor.
With the strength of your buttocks and thighs, rise into the so-called table position, supporting the weight on your hands.
Tighten your stomach during the exercise.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise 30 times.
Leg exercise

Slender legs with clearly defined relief lines and sharp knees.
How to perform
Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your arms along your body.
Begin to lift your torso until only your head, shoulders, elbows and feet touch the floor.
Alternately straighten your right and left leg.
Slowly lower your torso into starting position from the neck to the waist.
Do the exercise 20 times.

Strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks
How to perform
Spread your legs wider than your shoulders - this way, when squatting, you will engage the muscles of the inner thighs and buttocks.
Do not lift your heels off the floor; your feet should be located at an angle of 45˚ in different directions.
Maintain a straight line from the back of your head to your tailbone, and don't arch your back or slouch. The knees in the lower position should not protrude forward, inward or outward - their place is above the feet.
Do the exercise 50 times.

Increase muscle tone and joint mobility
How to perform
Stretching exercises should be performed carefully, holding each pose for 10 to 30 seconds until the tension disappears.
Sit on the floor and spread your legs to the sides.
Slowly tilt your body forward, trying to reach your right knee, also smoothly and slowly return to the starting position and reach for your left knee. Repeat the exercise 6 times on each side.

Fit and slim body
How to perform
Proper walking helps maintain muscle tone.
Your back and head should be straight, look forward, not at your feet.
Your shoulders should be straightened and relaxed, and your stomach and buttock muscles should also be pulled in.
When taking a step, step first on your heel, then on your toe.
Fat burning begins after 45 minutes of walking, so exercise should last from 40 minutes to an hour.

Every girl dreams of an ideal figure. And everyone is tormented by the question of how to make an ideal figure? I suggest a couple of exercises that in a month regular classes made my figure almost perfect.

Exercises for perfect figure very simple. Firstly, if you want to get an ideal figure, you will have to work hard, but the main thing in this matter is not to stop. Believe me, then it will become much easier to do them.

How to get an ideal figure: the basic principle

Most often on websites we just see a list of exercises for one or another part of the body. This is not entirely correct, because you need to work out the whole body, and not just the problem area, simply when performing a set (note, a set) of exercises, focusing on the areas of concern in your body.

First, create a strict schedule! Let the exercises take 40 minutes every day. It is extremely important here. There’s no way without her...

Try every day if you want quick results! This complex is quite simple. It's harder to force yourself to do it every day.

But here you have to choose - either a figure or your invincible laziness. I usually do it in the morning. I just started getting up 40 minutes earlier and I have enough time.

On days when activity levels are high, I can repeat some exercises in the evening, for example, watching a movie and doing abs.

Exercises for an ideal figure

Stretch all muscle groups. Remember exercises at school. Head tilts, body turns, etc. 5 minutes of active warm-up will be enough. It is at this time that we warm up the whole body.

For waist

For the waist, we will bend 30 times in each direction. After 20 turns. Take your time, work for quality, not quantity.

Downloading the press

For the abs, we will do a bicycle exercise - 50-100 times quickly to warm up the muscles. Then lift the body 30 times in 5 approaches, this is the upper press.

For the lower one, we lift the legs from a lying position. Raise it at an angle of 60 degrees and lower it without touching the floor. 30 repetitions (later, when ANY exercise becomes easier, increase the number of repetitions!). If you don't overdo it, you can quickly make your figure perfect.

For beautiful hips

For the hips, we also warm up the muscles by doing swings. Hands in front of you - swing your right foot towards your left hand. Left leg swing to right hand. 20 times.

Outer thigh.

Lying on your right side, raise your left leg at an angle of 60 degrees and lower it without touching the right (5-10cm) 30-40 repetitions. Same thing on the other side.

Inner thigh.

Lying on your back. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, spread them in different directions and bring them back. 30-40 times.

Training the buttocks

This is a set of exercises for your beloved ass. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Raise your torso until a straight line is formed. We hold the pose for 5 seconds. We lower it. Repeat 20-30 times.

Half squat. Hands on the belt. Feet shoulder width apart. We do a half squat (90 degree angle) 30-40 times.

2-3 minutes of the “wall” exercise (press your back tightly against the wall, sit down). At the end we do jumping exercises to rest the body.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Exercises for an ideal figure are simple and do not require equipment. In addition, by doing them, ! Good luck to you!

Everything will work out, the main thing is to really want it and try a little.

Every day exercises for an ideal figure are an easy way to tighten your body at home. The complex includes 5 exercises, the effectiveness of which is equivalent to fitness training. You will be able to short term get rid of a couple of extra pounds. And most importantly, a dress that is a whole size smaller will fit you just perfectly!

Spring awakened the forces that were in hibernation. Which means it’s time to get your figure in order. Express training will help to work out problem areas that bother us very much. The training includes: exercises for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks; exercises for breast lift, exercises for beautiful arms. So,

Important! Before starting the main exercises, be sure to warm up.

Exercise No. 1 “Plie squats” – Training the legs

3 zones work - inner part thighs, calves, buttocks.

We place our feet as wide as possible, with our toes pointing to the sides. Hands behind your head or in front of you - whatever is convenient. We begin to squat - plie squat (uses all the large muscles in the lower body) - knees pointing in the same direction as toes. Squat down as deeply as possible, hold the position and rise on your toes. The heels were torn off the floor, placed again, stood up, and exhaled. We do it 25 times. Beginners can start with a smaller number.


  • slim and toned inner thighs
  • more rounded buttocks
  • possibility of elaboration maximum quantity muscles, including the calf muscles
  • removing excess stress from joints
  • improved coordination

Exercise No. 2 “Squat on one leg” – Raise the buttocks

Hands in front of you. Left leg We put it forward, throw our right leg over the knee of our left leg and begin to squat. It is very important to maintain balance here. Crouch down as low as possible. As you exhale, stand up. Do it 25 times or less. Depending on the level of preparation.

Exercise No. 3 “Scissors” – Making the tummy flat

One of the women's problem areas works - the lower part of the press.

Starting position: lie on your back, stretch your legs forward, press your lower back to the floor as much as possible. Raise your legs, crossing them alternately. We work in the same way in the opposite direction, lowering our legs down.

Exercise No. 4 “Lowering the pelvis” – Beautiful hands

Works the triceps of the arms and buttocks.

We sit down on the mat. Raise your torso parallel to the floor, leaning on your arms and legs. We cross one leg over the other. We lower our buttocks down, while bending our arms at the elbows. Raise your pelvis up, squeezing your buttocks. We repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise No. 5 “Push-ups” – Bust at height

The chest muscles work.

We get into a push-up position, but with broad setting hands To work out the chest well. The body is smooth. Emphasis on hands. We go down. As you exhale, we understand the torso. For beginners, the option of placing your feet on your knees is suitable. We repeat the exercise 10 times.

The exercises are ideal for doing at home. You don't need any dumbbells or exercise equipment, just your desire to work on yourself. Perform this complex every day, and you will be able to forget about “problem areas”.

Important for keeping fit A complex approach. It's time to remember useful habits that will help speed up the transformation of your figure.

  1. Ban on sweets and flour! If giving up cakes is too painful, save yourself with fresh and dried fruits, light curd desserts and dark chocolate (70% cocoa).
  2. Walking is a great addition to any workout. Take every opportunity to walk. With or without company.
  3. Swim. In summer - in the sea, in winter - in the pool. Don’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone”: have fun and tighten your silhouette.
  4. Stay away from the refrigerator in the evening! Introduce romance into your life: flirt, write poetry, watch romantic comedies. Let there be no room in your head for the word food.
  5. Try to spend 20-30 minutes physical activity daily. You can do anything, from cleaning the apartment to having sex.

Exercises for every day for an ideal figure and light diet will help you meet summer in great shape. Good luck!

A universal exercise that will tone your entire body.

The main idea of ​​this article is that you don’t need to spend a lot of time to look beautiful and fit. There is a set of exercises that will help you become more attractive without much effort. This is not a promise to do nothing and lose weight and get prettier, but to perform a set of simple, but effective exercises that will lead to results.

So, we present 6 effective exercises to maintain a slim figure.

Planck exercise

So, the most seemingly simple Planck exercise. But is it so easy to do it after holding on for 2 minutes in a tense state?

You need to lie on your stomach, then stand up, leaning only on your elbows and transfer the entire body weight to them, forearms and toes. The most important thing here is to stay in the air. You need to make sure that the body forms one continuous line. In this static state, you need to stand for 2 minutes and monitor your breathing. If standing in this position is too easy, it means the exercise is being performed incorrectly. By performing such a simple exercise, almost all muscle groups are toned, including the muscles of the arms, thighs, back and abdomen.

Push-ups are very effective for the arm and abdominal muscles. In order to perform this exercise correctly, you need to take the plank pose as the initial one and push up with your hands. The difficulty is that you need to return to the starting position as slowly as possible. The body must also be kept straight.


You need to bend your knees, stand on the floor, leaning on your hands. Then slowly straighten your leg and the opposite arm at the same time. Straighten up, hold your stance, do not bend your knee and elbow.


In order to squat correctly, you need to maintain balance. It is important to remember that with each squat you need to rest on the entire surface of the foot. Feet shoulder-width apart, then you need to imagine that you are sitting on a chair, while you need to stretch your arms forward with each squat. It is important to ensure that your knees and feet are at the same level and that your tailbone is pulled back. Efficiency lies in the fact that you need to rise as slowly as possible, then the result will be maximum.

Exercises for the abs

Perhaps the most favorite and popular are abdominal exercises. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back and stretch your arms above your head. Then you should slowly begin to lift bent knee and touch it with your hand. It is important to follow the technique: left leg - left hand, also simultaneously with the right. You need to repeat several times for 3-4 approaches, each time returning to the starting position.

For waist

For supporting beautiful waist There are several exercises, and here is one of the most effective. You need to lean against the wall, bend your knees, and spread your legs wide apart. Close your hands in front of you and take the ball, then slowly move from one side to the other, touching the wall. It is important that your back is straight.

With the help of such simple exercises, your figure will always be toned, and the time to complete the exercises will be minimal.

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