Complexes of physical exercises for pensioners. A set of exercises for older people. General rules and weekly lesson plan

You need to move to maintain independence

Everyone learns from childhood that an active lifestyle is healthier than immobility, and the question “why” rarely arises in people’s minds. Nevertheless, it is necessary to answer it if we are talking about an elderly person and his activities.

“Often patients come and say that they constantly do exercises, but this does not protect them from strokes, or from endoprosthetics for arthrosis, or from other diseases,” says Oleg Kostyukovich. There is a mistake here.

Oleg Kostyukovich is responsible for the direction of rehabilitation at the Malakhovka geriatric center. Here they put patients on their feet (even with walkers) after strokes and hip fractures, and activate those who have weakened in general due to a “bouquet” of diseases and age.

The purpose of classes for an elderly person is, first of all, to preserve (or return) the ability to self-care and movement, that is, to maintain independence.

We are talking about really elderly people: 75-80 years old. A 55-year-old person is still young for a rehabilitation specialist. Records are contraindicated for older people.

“If you teach a young patient again to raise his arm to shoulder level after an injury, you will then teach him to put his arm behind his head. For an elderly patient, everything is strictly functional: they taught him to take a cup, then he taught him to drink from a cup, and that’s all. We taught how to stand with a walker after a fracture or long-term illness, then we will teach how to walk with them - and that’s it.”

The main thing is to practice constantly, including at a young age (after all, now most people spend 80% of their time in a state of adynamia - in offices and cars). For elderly patients this is vital.

Oleg Kostyukovich: “From a good Israeli rehabilitation specialist I heard the phrase: “If an elderly person goes to bed, he will die.” This is taken to its logical conclusion, but, unfortunately, not to the point of absurdity. In immobility, older people very quickly develop congestive pneumonia and other painful phenomena, and muscles lose strength.”

Exercises are selected by a specialist, not by the person himself.

Rehabilitologist Oleg Kostyukovich. Photo:

The rehabilitologist and exercise therapy instructor create a set of exercises based on the goals they set together with the patient and his initial condition (for example, the condition before the stroke or fracture is taken into account, as well as the condition at the time of the examination).

You need to select exercises when you already have health problems in a rehabilitation center, and not at home, based on what you read on the Internet and heard on TV.

To begin with, it is better to give elderly parents not an expensive exercise machine, but a ticket to a good rehabilitation center, where they will be examined and activity will be selected.

That is why this article will not contain any approximate sets of exercises: the conditions of older people and their needs are too diverse. You need to call a physical therapy instructor to your home at least once or go to an appointment with a physical therapy doctor to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan.

Oleg Kostyukovich gives an example: if a patient’s legs hurt, you first need to find out why they hurt. If he has arthrosis and uses a cane when walking, then the goal is to maintain at least some range of motion in the joints. Based on this, exercises will be selected for the maximum range of motion in the joint. There are many of them: you can spin a bicycle, you can lift or bend your legs while lying on the bed.

You can choose an exercise bike - for example, variations of the Motomed simulator, which is placed close to the chair, wheelchair or bed of an elderly person, and does not require the patient to sit in the saddle and balance. There are exercise machines on which a person must make an effort to turn the pedals, and there are also exercise machines where the pedal itself “drags” the patient’s leg behind it - this is passive-active development of the limbs to prevent contractures and improve muscle tone.

Unfortunately, visits to a rehabilitation specialist have not yet become common practice in Russia. “Of course, it is better to create a set of exercises individually with a specialist, and not just move those parts of the body that move. But speaking abstractly, yes, it is better to move at least somehow than not at all. If we compare those elderly people who fell ill and just lay there, and those who moved at least somehow, then the former are more likely to become retiring, and the latter are more likely to be rehabilitated. But no recommendations for universal sets of exercises in absentia for all readers are possible.”

Nordic walking: for almost everyone

The so-called Nordic walking is very useful for older people. Although the poles do not serve as full-fledged support, they reduce the load on the legs (at least the weight of the arms is transferred to them).

“At the same time, the severity of pain syndrome decreases, general strengthening of the body and cardio training occurs. Such walking may be contraindicated only for people with severe heart failure, but with the usual “bouquet” of diseases of an elderly person, due to being in the city and low mobility, it will allow a comprehensive positive effect on the body,” recommends Oleg Kostyukovich.

Walking on a health path (measured walking alternating between flat and rough terrain) is useful for older people; however, if this is not possible, you can also use a treadmill at a slow pace in measured doses.

How far is it to go to success?

Based on the principle of maintaining mobility and activity, a suitable dose of exercise is determined. And again you need to consult a specialist. “An elderly person himself is almost never able to adequately assess his fatigue,” says Oleg Kostyukovich.

If we talk, for example, about Nordic walking, then the rehabilitation specialist advises starting with 20 minutes (in classes with older people, time is measured, not distance traveled - some will walk a kilometer, some 300 meters, some 100 meters). You can walk for 20 minutes, then take a break and another 20 minutes. During breaks and at the end of walking, it is imperative to monitor your heart rate and blood pressure.

An elderly person does not need to constantly increase the distance or time during Nordic walking (as well as during other activities). And in general: I stopped getting tired - well done, but to increase the load, I again need to consult a rehabilitation specialist.

If at the beginning of classes the patient walked one kilometer in an hour with Nordic poles, and now he is eager to walk ten, the question arises “why”, and the specialist’s answer to this question is “no need”. This young man can train so much that he will pay attention not to physical activity, but to a route that is pleasant for him. For a person 75 years of age or older, it is better to walk close to home.

“It’s wise to start exercising with an elliptical trainer for five minutes and gradually increase it by a minute or two. The same goes for the treadmill. Olympic records“Elderly people don’t need it, they need to look at their well-being,” warns the rehabilitation specialist.

When to reduce the load

If the next day after training an elderly person feels tired, as if he had done hard work yesterday, this is wrong. The sensations should be pleasant, even if the muscles feel tired.

“Training should give strength, and not take away resources. If a person feels completely overwhelmed, the load should be reduced by half or more, says the doctor. - For example, not 20 minutes of Nordic walking, but 10, and not every other day, but with breaks of 2-3 days.

Of course, older people sometimes tend to exaggerate their condition, and “completely broken” most likely simply feel that there was a strain yesterday. This can be adequately assessed objectively in a rehabilitation center, but at home it is better to be on the safe side. In fact, if an elderly person is really overtired, the next day he lies flat with a jumping blood pressure.”

“I’m not allowed?”

Physical education, if you choose the right exercises, is useful for patients with almost any condition. “You should not exercise at all in cases of severe heart failure and other acute conditions, with an open wound - at about the same time when you urgently need to go to the doctor or call an ambulance.” Raising and lowering your arms and legs is also an activity, and as long as you can do this, even a terminally ill patient can be active,” says rehabilitation specialist Oleg Kostyukovich.

But it is better for older people to exclude some exercises: for example, if you tilt your head, then only forward and left and right, and you should not throw it back. This can cause dizziness, which often causes older people to fall.

But a hip fracture is not such a long-term withdrawal from physical education. If a person has undergone endoprosthetics surgery, under the supervision of a surgeon, you can begin to get up within 2-3 days.

After a fracture, it is necessary to strengthen the gluteus medius muscle, restore range of motion in the hip joint, strengthen the leg muscles, teach a person to stand with a walker, and then move. Most patients will feel dizzy after 2-3 weeks of mostly lying down. If you start to stand up soon - of course, not immediately leaning on the sore leg with all your strength - this will stop the development of dizziness and will help mobilize the patient. You need to start getting up in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor, ideally continue in a specialized rehabilitation center, and once a person adapts to moving with a walker, at least within the ward, continue restorative exercises at home.

It is possible to stand up with a walker after a hip fracture even if endoprosthetics was not performed for some reason (this could be severe heart problems or simply the patient’s refusal to undergo surgery). To do this, you don’t even have to wait for the fracture to heal, you just won’t be able to lean on your sore leg, you’ll have to transfer some of your weight to your arms and a walker.

Where and when to practice

Oleg Kostyukovich is sure that physical activity can be arranged in the daily routine in a way that is convenient for an elderly person. Numerous specific tips found in popular articles cannot be applied to all patients at once.

“If we are not talking about a specific person, then you can study either in the morning, at least during the day, at least in the evening - whenever you like. For most older people, it is difficult to do exercises right away in the morning after waking up - you need to come to your senses, eat, and after eating, an hour must pass before the exercise. You can do exercises at noon, after lunch, and in the evening (although many people have problems sleeping, and activity before falling asleep will worsen sleep, so in this case it is better to exercise early). In general, exercise when it’s fun,” advises Oleg Kostyukovich.

After eating, an hour or two should pass before exercise, but after exercise you can eat and drink immediately. (And, of course, it's preferable to eat healthy foods, divided into at least four meals a day.)

Many exercises can be performed while sitting if the elderly person is unsure of standing.

There are exercises that, according to the instructions, need to be performed while lying on a mat on the floor. Many older people will not be able to lie down on the floor and then stand up on their own. Some exercises can be done while lying in bed - of course, not on a sagging armor mesh (but the mesh is not suitable for sleeping, not just for training). “For example, in bed you can do exercises on the amplitude of the joints of the arms and legs, and breathing exercises. But back exercises need to be done on hard flat surface“says Oleg Kostyukovich.

We equip a personal gym


There is no point in turning an elderly person’s apartment into a gym. It makes sense to give elderly parents an “ellipse” - it has fewer contraindications than an exercise bike. Treadmill, if you decide to buy it, it should have a slow walking mode, and you must purchase it immediately sports shoes: running shoes help reduce the load on the joints of the legs. Exercise machines with pedals without a “steering wheel” that are placed on a chair or bed are also relatively safe. But you should always be careful: you can fall from any exercise machine or otherwise get injured.

“Expanders are suitable for training small muscles and improving fine motor skills. “Gymnastic sticks are a pretty harmless thing,” laughs Oleg Kostyukovich.

The main gift for an elderly person who has not done physical exercise before, but needs it, is motivation. It can become a feeling of being a member of a team. Not a patient around whom a multidisciplinary team of specialists has gathered, striving for some goals from their medical manuals, but rather a member of a team working for the result that everyone wants. Then grandparents often mobilize - so as not to let down those they trust. If a doctor in a rehabilitation center or someone invited to a patient’s home can create such a sense of team, this is already a significant step towards success.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of exercises for older people?

    What a complex exercises will do for older people

    Which 3 secret Bubnovsky exercises are suitable for older people with a sore back and arthrosis?

    What is the best time for exercise for older people?

Exercises for older people - the only sure way to get rid of complex disorders; in addition, they have a number of features, their own specifics. This is due to the fact that such exercises have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other systems; the main thing is to take into account the physiology of the body of older people.

Therefore, physical education for older people should not only be developed taking into account personal preferences, but also completely eliminate possible injuries and take into account the characteristics of recovery processes in the body of an elderly person

When developing complex exercises for physical education for older people, it is important to give preference to physical exercises with low demands on the human body; in addition, such exercises should be easily dosed taking into account the load.

Physical exercises for older people and their characteristics

Today we’ll talk about the specifics of physical education and sports and their organization for older people. First of all, it is necessary to consider the balance between different physical exercises, for example, between running and race walking. Load balancing is, first of all, the selection of exercises that will help optimize the entire training process nimble and will help avoid injuries during training. This is especially true for older people.

According to statistics approximately 20% of older people (over 60 years old) are injured. Decline physical activity older people can be explained by the fact that they are constantly afraid of getting injured. Stereotypes gradually appear, caused not only by this fear, but also by the fact that various irreversible biological and physiological changes begin to occur in the body of an elderly person. enen and it is under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. Many people think that there is no way out, but in fact, all this can be avoided if physical exercises are used in a dosed, correct and balanced manner, among which cardio exercise and strength training are considered the most effective.

No matter how hard we try, but, unfortunately, the factors of aging inexorably work on our body and negatively affect our health every day. For example, some factors that influence our aging are simply inevitable, and we cannot influence them, even if we make every effort, but some even the most irreversible processes that have already begun to occur in the body can be controlled and even minimized.

Behavioral factor old people:

    Active lifestyle . In complex training programs The following exercises are allowed: strength training, cardio exercises, stretching exercises, yoga.

    Balanced and first of all proper nutrition , which includes all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients most necessary for the body of an elderly person. For example, for an elderly person it is important sufficient quantity vitamin D in the diet.

    Comfortable, comfortable shoes . Shoes and sandals should not have too high kabuki and platforms; heavy and bulky soles are unacceptable, as this will negatively affect the posture of an elderly person. Preference should be given to light, comfortable shoes that have maximum contact with the ground. If possible, you can walk barefoot on the grass or earth, this will strengthen your leg muscles and improve blood circulation.

    Necessary be attentive to different groups medicines . This is because side effects are possible. To avoid problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor on all questions. This is the only way to ensure that everything is done correctly and the medications will not harm the person.

Age biological factor . As a person ages, he notices some changes that begin to occur in the body, for example, hearing, vision and clarity of consciousness may deteriorate. In addition, other disorders of the musculoskeletal system are possible, for example, coordination of movements may deteriorate, arthritis or disorders of the vestibular system may appear, and, as a result, chronic diseases may appear. Training and exercise can serve as preventative measures to help improve overall health, as well as improve immunity, strength and endurance.

External factors . They also need to be taken into account, as this will avoid potential dangers that surround older people 24 hours a day in everyday life. We offer a minimum list of main external factors:

    winter time. It is at this time that the level of injuries increases, ice appears on the roads;

    rooms with limited space and slippery floors;

    curbs, steps and various uneven surfaces;

    quality of lighting, both indoors and outdoors;

    escalators in supermarkets, elevators, etc.

A set of exercises that can be used for the treatment and prevention of elderly people with sore legs and backs

Exercise to improve posture . Having fully straightened up, you should stand with your back to the wall, touching only your shoulders, the back of your head, your pelvis and your heels. Having straightened up, you need to take deep breaths and exhales for 1-1.5 minutes. Then, moving away from the wall, it is important to straighten up and feel every vertebra.

Walking in place . This is one of the simplest and most necessary exercises. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back. Raise your right leg and bend it at an angle of about 90 degrees and lower it after a few seconds. The same exercise must be done with the left leg. As an effective addition, swing your arms to make the exercise even more effective.

Side bends touching the floor. To perform this exercise, you need to stand as straight as possible and place your feet shoulder-width apart. After this, bend to the left with your hand touching the floor and to the right, also straightening up after touching the floor. For each side, repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Steps to the side. Having straightened up, you need to take a step to the left and then to the right. The exercise should be alternated, thus taking 10 steps in one direction and then in the other. To make it easier to navigate in space, you can tilt your head, or hold the wall with one hand, using it as a support.

Walking on a tightrope. With your leg in front of you, you need to walk along the line, this will allow you to practice coordination of movements. When walking, one foot should be placed in front of the other. Thus, you need to walk 1-2 meters forward and then back the same way. The eyes can be closed, which will also improve the vestibular system.

Exercise "snake". It is necessary to place some chips, plastic bottles or cups along the same line about a meter from each other. After this, from one end of this line, walk around the obstacles by walking in the form of a snake, without touching them, as this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. In order to complicate these exercises, you can slightly reduce the distance between obstacles and speed up the movement in the process.

Walking on toes and heels. The exercise is aimed at developing lower limbs. To do this, you need to walk confidently for several minutes on your toes, and then on your heels. To make the exercises more difficult, you can smoothly turn your head first in one direction and then in the other, slowing down your walking.

3 secret exercises for older people from Dr. Bubnovsky

There are many techniques and ways to improve health in older age, but there are exercises that are aimed at doing all this as correctly as possible. For many years in a row, professor, doctor of medical sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed his own system of kinesitherapy, which over time became the basis of his method of healing and treatment

Kinesitherapy - an ancient Greek word that consists of two interrelated words - Kinesis - movement and therapia - treatment. This is such a form therapeutic exercises for older people, which is aimed at achieving lasting therapeutic results.

In other words, this is a complex of passive and active movements aimed at lasting and long-lasting results. It was kinesitherapy that became the basic, holistic basis for carrying out the developments of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Using his experience and achievements, the results of his research, the doctor was able to prove the need to use the healing power of physical movements to carry out full treatment of diseases associated with impaired motor activity, while the doctor manages only with physical exercises, that is, he does not use medicinal and other drugs in his practice medical preparations.

We invite you to get acquainted with these secret exercises that are aimed at older people and will help improve their overall well-being.

Such exercises must be performed at least 3-4 times a week or daily. When doing this, the room should be fresh, you need to open the window; fresh air will not only help improve your well-being, but will also have a beneficial effect on your general condition.

First: push-ups. If a person is physically strong, then you need to start with push-ups from the floor; if there are problems, you can do push-ups from a wall or a chair, the main thing is that there is some kind of support. This exercise will help strengthen the belt of the lower and upper extremities; at the same time, the venous outflow of blood from the brain will improve and the load on the human heart and lungs will decrease. The chair press should be done in 5-10 approaches, in series of 5-10 push-ups, depending on the physical condition and well-being of the elderly person. If it is convenient, you can do push-ups from the table, which will also be effective. This way the belt of the upper limbs is gradually unloaded and the person can increase the load.

Second: squats with a straight back supported by a fixed support. First you need to go to the door and stand facing its end, holding the door handles on both sides. In this case, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, looking ahead of you. After positioning your body correctly, you need to sit down while inhaling, and while exhaling, stand up, straightening your back.

Squats are done 5-10 repetitions per approach, there can be several of them, depending on the person’s well-being. You need to start with 1-2 approaches and then look at how you feel, so you can bring them up to five.

Third: exercises for the midsection and spine. The exercise in this series is aimed at strengthening the internal organs and, first of all, the intestines, gall bladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, and lumbar-thoracic spine of an elderly person. To strengthen all these organs, there is one universal exercise called the “half-plow”.

To begin, lie on your back, with your hands resting on a stationary support with the palms of both hands. Then you need to smoothly raise and lower your legs 90 degrees. To achieve a lasting positive result, you need to do 5-10 repetitions in one approach. If over time you feel like you can do 15 to 20 reps, then you're on the right track.

Video exercises for older people with arthrosis

7 tips for older people who decide to engage in physical therapy

    Required before starting classes get advice from your doctor . Only after this you will be able to conduct classes at the rhythm of your life.

    The sooner you start engage in physical education and sports, the sooner you feel a surge of energy, vigor and a desire to live a full life without illness will appear.

    Don't start classes abruptly Before starting, you need to walk around a little, raising your knees high. This way, your muscles and joints will warm up better, and you will feel a large supply of energy, which will help you cope with several sets of exercises.

    Start mastering set of physical exercises with fewer repetitions , for example, 5-7 will be enough and only after 2-3 dividing them up to 10 with the number of repetitions that you can master yourself.

    Best time for physical exercise isevening , the benefits for the body will be maximum.

    One hour before the intended workout and one hour after, you should not eat. ,You can only drink water in any quantity. For dinner after the event intense exercise It is advisable to eat cottage cheese, drink kefir, that is, any fermented milk food will do.

    If there is a feeling of discomfort, a sharp headache or muscle pain, you should stop exercising and consult your doctor.

The human body begins to age, starting from 26-28 years of age. These processes become especially intense after 50 years. In women, this period is marked by the onset of menopause, and in men, the decline of the body largely depends on the stabilization of decreased testosterone secretion, which for most occurs at the age of about 60 years.

Women and men age differently, which is why life extension programs, namely physical exercises for older men, are different from those for women.

It's never too late to start exercising. The information and video in this article are intended for older men (60-75) who have decided to take a closer look at their own health, to spend their free time on maintaining it, extending the life and quality of life.

Benefits of exercise for older men

When compiling the weekly exercise plan below, we took into account typical illnesses that are typical for older men:

  • problems with the lumbar spine, prostate gland, skin and colon;
  • arthritis or arthrosis;
  • condition of prediabetes, from excess weight and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the heart and vascular system, high blood pressure, increased levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

If these diseases have not yet manifested themselves before retirement, then it’s time to start preventing them, and if they are present, physical exercise will help, if not cure, then slow down or completely stop their development.

As a result of regular health and/or physical therapy exercises, the following changes occur in the body:

  • local, general and cerebral circulation increases, the volume of circulating blood increases;
  • muscle tone and elasticity of ligaments, coordination of movements, speed of muscle responses, and body orientation in space are maintained;
  • the biomechanics of external respiration and gas exchange in the lungs improves;
  • manifestations of osteoporosis in bone and degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue are slowed down;
  • joint mobility, spine flexibility, and correct posture are maintained;
  • the regressive synthesis of oxidative food enzymes and the sex hormone testosterone is stimulated;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated, fats are burned;
  • maintains the elasticity of the skin and metabolic processes in them;
  • indicators of decline in the level of vision, hearing, indicators of various types of memory and operational thinking are maintained or reduced;
  • the psycho-emotional background is normalized, the level of lability of the nervous system and anxiety is reduced, resistance to stress increases, and mood improves.

For your information. Having a partner and regular classes different types physical exercise allows men over 70 to maintain potency and physical strength for maintaining a normal sex life until very old age.


Elderly men should postpone physical education for a while (wait for recovery or normalization of their condition) if:

  • body temperature has risen;
  • blood pressure is too high or “jumps”;
  • there is an acute period of an infectious or cold disease;
  • chronic pathology has worsened;
  • there is pain in any organ or part of the body.

General rules and weekly lesson plan

Weekly preventive and health training for an elderly man should include the following types of exercises and activities:

  • Morning exercises . Exercises must be done daily. The main purpose of exercise is to smoothly wake up the body, and not to train it. Therefore, it includes simple general developmental exercises for all joints, performed at a slow to medium pace. Its duration should be short - 10-15 minutes.
  • A set of exercises for older men should consist of 2 parts: exercises with dumbbells or on weight machines + cyclic cardio exercise, which can be obtained on a rowing, skiing or exercise bike, stepper or during Nordic walking with poles. This lesson should take place either 2-3 times a week, or every other day. Exercising more often is not advisable and can be harmful. Between strength exercises and cardio training, you can take a short break to rest and change into different clothes. sports uniform. The load and duration increases gradually.
  • Other days of the week should be devoted to sports games depending on your mood. The list of “useful” games for older men is quite extensive:
    1. big and table tennis, badminton;
    2. billiards;
    3. bowling;
    4. petanque, towns;
    5. cricket, golf;
    6. darts, archery, other types of sports shooting.
  • Evening cool down. The duration of the selection of stretching exercises, which should be performed shortly before going to bed, should be the same as morning exercises - no more than 15 minutes. You can do this complex every other day, but it’s better daily. These exercises will help improve the quality of sleep, reduce strength and reduce the number of night cramps, and ease joint stiffness.

Advice. Don’t just forget, but be sure to include “mental exercise” – intellectual board and computer games – in your weekly physical education plan. It is also shown to play music, sing, write poetry, draw and engage in other types of artistic creativity. A separate line is ballroom dancing. If you have a partner for this, do not neglect this type of physical activity that is difficult to coordinate.

An example of morning exercises for older men

There are quite a few varieties of morning hygienic exercises for older men. For those who love variety, this could be a monthly alternation of selections from ordinary general developmental exercises, which, by the way, can be performed even while lying in bed, a series of yoga asanas or complexes of health-improving oriental practices of wushu, tai chi or qigong.

For those older men who are not afraid of monotony and want to get a powerful effect of healing and rejuvenation, we recommend morning exercises do the gymnastics of Tibetan lamas or 5 magical rituals (pearls) described in Peter Kalder’s book “The Eye of Renaissance”.

The main rules of the “Eye of Rebirth” system that require strict adherence:

  1. You need to exercise daily.
  2. It is important to follow breathing instructions during exercise.
  3. For beginners, it is permissible to violate the technique of performing rituals. However, if you want to get the maximum effects from the “Eye of Rebirth”, learn to perform the exercises strictly according to the description and original author’s pictures.
  4. The tempo-rhythm of execution should be slow and smooth, without pauses between repetitions of movements. But between exercises you can and should rest.
  5. The load should be increased gradually - starting with 3 repetitions of each of the five exercises (rituals, pearls), adding 2 repetitions every week.
  6. The maximum number of repetitions of rituals is 21 times.
  7. If there was a break, for example, due to illness, then the practice begins from the very beginning - with 3 repetitions of each pearl (+ 2 every week).
  8. Take a hygienic shower or hardening douches before (!) performing the exercises, and after, if necessary, you can wipe yourself with a warm, damp towel.
  9. For those who have “reached the ceiling,” you can either start additionally practicing “Eye” in the evening, or find on the Internet a diagram of special meditative breathing by chakras, which is performed during each of the rituals.

It is better to exercise at dawn, ideally at fresh air. Dress code is loose, barefoot. To practice, you will need a flat place and a mat. Calm music or sounds of nature are welcome.

Before charging, do a short joint warm-up. Do each of the circular movements shown in the figure below in the indicated sequence, 6-8 times in each direction (outward and inward, or clockwise and counterclockwise).

Image and title Brief instructions

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides.

Make non-stop clockwise rotations. For starters, this is 3 turns.

After stopping, if you feel dizzy, do some breathing exercises and wait until the dizziness goes away.

Starting position (IP): lying on your back, palms near your hips resting on the floor, toes pulled towards you.

1. As you begin to inhale, first pull your chin toward your sternum.

2. Continuing to inhale, raise your legs to a 90-degree angle. Please note that the feet are pulled towards themselves.

3. As you exhale, simultaneously and slowly place your head and legs on the floor, in I.P.

To begin with, if it is difficult, you can raise your legs with your knees bent.

The starting position is quite uncomfortable, but it should be taken correctly. On your knees, bring your ankles together and place your toes on the floor. Place your palms under your buttocks. The chin touches the sternum. The back is straight.

1. As you inhale, pull your chin up, bending your chest slightly and spreading your elbows back. Don't arch at the waist.

2. As you exhale, return to initial position.

IP: basic sit, legs together, toes pulled towards you, palms resting on the floor on either side of the hip joints, chin touching the sternum, back straight.

1. As you begin to inhale, tilt your head back.

2. Continuing to inhale, lift your pelvis up. The line of the spine and hips should be straight and parallel to the floor, and the arms and shins should be vertical.

3. Exhaling, return to I.P.

IP: lying position, straight legs connected and not touching the floor, palms resting on the floor in the projection of the hip joints so that the arms are perpendicular to the floor, head thrown back.

1. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up. Ideally, your legs should be straight, your heels should be on the floor, your chin should be touching your chest, and your spine and arms should be arched.

2. As you exhale, return to IP without lowering your hips to the floor.

Attention! We would like to warn you about the consequences that await people who decide to quit working on the “Eye of Rebirth”. For several weeks, your health will sharply deteriorate, your performance will decrease, and chronic pathologies may worsen.

A set of strength exercises

For those older men who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, we have prepared a selection of videos with dumbbell exercises that can be performed at home. Optimal weight Select dumbbells individually, but for this age category it is recommended to work with weights of 1.5-2 kg.

Before execution power complex exercises with dumbbells, do not forget to do a vortex warm-up of the joints, and then several exercises from school physical education program– bends to the side, twists, lunges, squats. There is no need to repeat each movement many times. 6-8 times will be enough.

Bearing in mind that after power load cardio training awaits you, start with strength exercises for the legs, then work on the abs and back. Let us remind you that to begin with, each of the exercises should be performed at a slow pace - lift the weight on a count of 2 or 3, and lower it in the same amount of time.

At each end point of the movement you need to pause for 1-1.5 seconds. At the same time, do one approach of the maximum number of repetitions for you - until there is slight discomfort or pain in the muscles. Between exercises, take rest breaks, during which you do not forget to drink some warm drinking water without gas.

Attention! For those who have problems with the lumbar region, exercises in a standing position, the name of which contains the phrases “ deadlift"or" bent over rows ", it is better not to perform them.

Now start working on the shoulder girdle and chest. Here is a video of exercises with dumbbells for retirees that will help maintain tone and strengthen the strength of the muscles of the upper body, and, if performed correctly and dosage, increase their volume.

When can you move on to 2 and 3 approaches of performing one exercise in a row, while slightly reducing the number of repetitions? It depends on the initial physical training and general health, but in any case you should not rush. It is better to increase the loads of dumbbell gymnastics with temporary gaps of 1.5-2 months.

After resting a little, change clothes, take a flask of water and go for a walk in the fresh air with special walking sticks.

Nordic walking

The best type of cardio training for older men, especially for those who are just starting to engage in health-improving physical education, is Nordic (Finnish) walking with poles.

It has a number of advantages over other cyclic types of loads:

  • all-season - you can walk at any time of the year and in any weather;
  • all-terrain - you can walk on asphalt, cinder or dirt surfaces, on grass, but it is better to practice away from highways, and start walking on rough terrain only after 2-3 months of training;
  • no monthly subscription fee is required to visit the gym or purchase expensive home exercise equipment;
  • special sticks are affordable and can be purchased in sports stores, and on the Internet (it is better to buy telescopic models that allow you to accurately adjust their length to your height);
  • the use of sticks protects against accidental falls, and also engages the joints of the arms, muscles serving the shoulder girdle and deep postural muscles of the back.

On a note. Compared to regular walking, Nordic walking increases physical activity by 15%, while smoothly redistributing it between all parts of the body, and unlike jogging, it does not cause prolonged vertical shock to the spine and internal organs.

Before you start Nordic walking, set aside some time for training. correct technique walking with sticks.

Before you watch a short but very good video explanation on this topic, check out typical mistakes things to avoid:

  • simultaneous forward extension of “one-sided” arms and legs;
  • bringing the leg forward and placing the foot flat;
  • sluggish, unaccented pushing off with the foot of the leg located behind, without actively bending it and raising the heel high;
  • raising the “front” hand too high;
  • placing the stick vertically or throwing its lower end forward before pushing off;
  • at the moment when the hand is behind, the hand continues to squeeze the handle;
  • too wide stance of legs and arms.

It is worth increasing the load gradually. To begin with, walk slowly, and it is better not to focus on the number of steps, but to dose the load over time. Start with a 7-10 minute walk, making sure that halfway through the walk you start walking in the opposite direction.

To control the required intensity of the load obtained during measured walking or on dynamic cardio equipment, periodically monitor your heart rate. Special heart rate monitor bracelets allow you to do this right on the go. If you don’t have such a gadget, it doesn’t matter. Stop and count the pulse on the carotid artery.

Keep your heart rate between 65 and 85 percent of your maximum. It is calculated using the formula: 205.8 - (0.685 * your age).

Recommended duration of Nordic walking after strength training– 20-30 minutes. After cardio training, when you come home or are in the gym, take your time to take a shower. Rest for 15-20 minutes.

An example of an evening cool-down routine for older men

Many older men neglect to do stretching exercises. Gerontologists recommend doing at least a little of this type of physical exercise.

The best time to do them is shortly before going to bed. Regular evening stretching in old age will help:

  • remove congestion of skeletal muscles and maintain the tone of smooth (!) muscles;
  • slow down aging (stiffness) of joints;
  • reduce the rate of loss of elasticity of muscle fibers and ligaments;
  • maintain the secretion of intra-articular synovial fluid;
  • avoid the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle fibers, which means reducing the inevitable manifestations of soreness that occur after strength exercises with weights;
  • eliminate insomnia, normalize the quality of sleep, reduce or completely get rid of night-time joint stiffness and muscle cramps.

On a note. Having problems with the prostate gland? Stretching exercises for the groin and hip joints are one of the forms of treatment and prevention of diseases of this organ.

Before you begin doing stretching movements, be sure to warm up all joints using circular movements of a whirlwind warm-up.

Then perform each exercise, following these rules:

  • Unlike strength exercises, stretching exercises should not cause pain, on the contrary, bring pleasure;
  • Do each stretch in 2 steps - hold the position with minimal stretching force for 10-15 seconds, then, simultaneously with a deep exhalation, slightly increase the stretch and hold it for another 10-15 seconds;
  • perform exercises only in the specified sequence;
  • during exercises, do not hold your breath or push - inhalations and exhalations should be rhythmic and superficial;
  • if desired, each of the exercises can be repeated not 1, but 2 or 3 times;
  • you shouldn’t be zealous; the main thing in stretching for older people is not the result, but the process itself.

Advice. To enhance the calming effect on the nervous system, practice while listening to melodic music or recordings of nature sounds.

Standing stretches

Image and title Brief instructions

1. Gently tilt your head back and to the right side, increasing the stretch of the anterior neck muscles by pressing with your fingers.

2. Then tilt your head forward and to the left, helping yourself with your hand.

Stretch your neck in two other directions - back and left, forward and right.

3. Having fixed the lower jaw with your left hand (a double chin should appear), stretch your neck upward with your right hand, grasping the back of your head.

1. Place both palms (back to back) on your lower back. Bring your elbows back.

2. Pull left hand down and to the right towards yourself, clasping her elbow with your right hand.

3. Now pull your elbow up and towards you to the right.

Repeat step 1 and do stretches (2-3) for your right arm.

Also do this series of stretches in a row. First stretch the muscles on one arm, and then on the other.

1. Standing sideways to the wall, rest the palm of your “nearest” slightly bent arm against it. Stretch by turning away from the support.

2. In this position, the triceps are stretched.

3. Holding the door frame and leaning forward, we “work” with the biceps.

1. When bending back, for safety reasons, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The stretching of the muscles of the shoulder girdle depends on how you hold your palms. Therefore, repeat the exercises several times, changing the position of your palms. Make sure your breathing is rhythmic. Breathe shallowly.

2. Stretch the lateral muscles of the torso by grasping the doorway, placing your legs almost flush against it. Don't forget to do the exercise in the other direction.

1. Stand one step away from the wall. Standing on your right leg, stand left leg on the heel, resting her toe and palms against the wall. Push your pelvis forward without bending your knee or lifting your heel off the floor of your left leg.

2. Do a cross lunge (right leg supporting), helping with your hand resting on the wall.

3. Stand on your right knee so that all angles in the joints of your legs are straight. Tighten your buttocks and move your pelvis forward.

Repeat all movements with the other leg.

Stretches in starting positions on the floor

Image and title Brief instructions

1. Get on your knees, place your palms on the floor, and then spread your knees as wide as possible. Slowly lower yourself down onto your forearms. Unlike the photo, do not arch your back or throw your head back. Look at the floor.

2. Take the position as in the photo, coming out bended over from a position lying on your stomach, palms resting near the shoulder joints. If it is difficult to hold such a “Cobra” pose, then you can keep your legs and pelvis off the floor.

1. First, for 5-7 seconds, press into each other inner part stake in the palm, being in the position as in the figure. Then do groin stretches. Grab your feet with your hands and, without rounding your back, lean forward a little.

Lie against the wall, pressing your buttocks and the back of your straight, vertical legs against it. Slowly, simultaneously and symmetrically spread your legs to the sides. If it is difficult to bring your straight legs together, then bend and bring your knees together, press them to your chest, and roll onto your side.

Lie on your back, place your arms straight to the sides, palms on the floor. Making a twisting movement in the lower back, take the position as in the photo. At the same time, to enhance the stretch, you can turn your head. In this case - to the right.

1. Do the first stretch for your left and right legs with your knee bent.

2. To facilitate stretching of the hamstrings and buttocks while maintaining a straight leg, the other leg can be bent, placing the sole on the floor at a distance from the pelvis that is comfortable for you.

1. If stretching the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, the front part of the leg and foot in this position is difficult and painful, then first do this exercise lying on your side, while slightly bending the knee of the leg on which you are lying.

2. To complicate this exercise, the second approach can be done with the legs spread apart, and in the third, if the flexibility of the spine allows, place the knees near the ears.

Lie on your back. Try to straighten your spine as much as possible and press all its parts, including your neck, to the floor.

1. For 5 seconds, simultaneously reach for your palms and heels (toes pointing toward you).

2. Stretch out diagonally for 5 seconds – behind your right arm and left leg, and then vice versa.

3. Stretch for 10 seconds in the same way as step 1, but draw your stomach in, breathing through your chest.

As a final cool-down exercise, we strongly recommend doing a balance on one leg. To begin with, the position of the arms and legs is absolutely not important.

The main thing is to stand on one and then on the other leg for 3-5 minutes. During the exercise, close your eyes, open your mouth slightly, rest the tip of your tongue on the upper palate, try not to think about anything.

After you manage to maintain balance in a “simple” motionless state, you can move on to more complicated positions, including standing on soft surfaces, for example, barefoot on a pillow.

And in conclusion, we advise you to watch a video in which older professional bodybuilders give advice to beginners at a respectable age - men over 50. Despite the fact that most of the recommendations relate to exercises on weight machines, there are also tips on nutrition, working with dumbbells, and also tell about various nuances that will be useful and useful for those who will exercise not in the gym, but at home.

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What are the benefits of gymnastics for older people? For what diseases is gymnastics recommended for older people? Are there contraindications and restrictions for gymnastics for older people? What exercises are recommended for the elderly? How to exercise properly in old age?

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the benefits of gymnastics for older people?
  • What diseases are gymnastics recommended for older people?
  • Are there contraindications and restrictions for gymnastics for older people?
  • What exercises are recommended for the elderly?
  • How to exercise properly as you get older
  • What types of gymnastics are there for older people with special health conditions?

In youth, physical activity seems ordinary, but by the age of 50, its intensity gradually decreases, the energy level drops, and movements become slower. In such a situation, many begin to complain about their problems without doing anything to solve them. But there are also those who do not want to simply live out their lives. Gymnastics for older people is suitable for such resilient optimists. In this article, we will look at a number of exercises that will allow retirees to keep themselves in good shape and live a full life.

Without movement, muscles become weaker, ligaments and joints lose elasticity. The nervous system also weakens, which, with age, finds it more difficult to control the motor system. The gait of older people becomes “shuffling” and stooping appears.

Doing morning exercises every day is the best prevention of many age-related diseases. And from the point of view of benefits for the body, this habit is superior to any medicine. It is enough to follow certain rules and practice regularly. This will strengthen the nervous system, blood vessels and heart muscle. Your weight will drop, your metabolism will improve, correct posture will be restored, you will be more energetic and have a work ethic.

A well-designed gymnastics complex for an elderly person can normalize respiratory functions, improve the flow of blood and lymph through the vessels, and increase immunity.

Some people perceive exercise as some kind of rhythmic movements accompanied by energetic music. Yes, this option is acceptable if the body is ready for such stress. But we are talking about a calmer version of gymnastics, aimed at working out joints and muscles, which is feasible for any elderly person.

In fact, health-improving gymnastics for older people is a way to maintain all the functions of our body. It serves as a kind of buffer that slows down aging. The benefits of regular exercise for older people are undeniable:

  • The nervous system is restored.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized (which is important for older people).
  • The heart and blood vessels are kept in good shape, the respiratory system is trained.
  • The activity of the musculoskeletal system improves and the likelihood of osteoporosis decreases.
  • The body becomes less prone to constipation and venous thrombosis.
  • The immune system is strengthened and the overall tone is increased.
  • An optimistic mood appears.

Morning exercises for older people are an excellent way to improve brain function, prevent age-related atrophy and possible weakening of muscle groups rarely used in everyday life. Also, regular physical exercise improves the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels, normalizes work respiratory system and metabolic processes.

As a result: the body is full of strength and energy, a feeling of satisfaction from the actions performed appears, depression and anxiety disappear, and brain activity improves.

Morning exercises are the most accessible type of physical activity for the body. When compiling a set of exercises for older people, it is worth considering some nuances.

Gymnastics for older people must meet two main criteria:

  1. Only those exercises are performed that are recommended for a particular person by his attending physician.
  2. Gymnastics should not be performed by force. Joyful impressions can only be obtained with a conscious desire to train.

The doctor must prescribe an individual level of exercise, which must be gradually increased to the maximum possible for the elderly person’s given condition. During gymnastics, it is advisable to use all muscle groups, unless there are special instructions for this. The main rule is that no exercise should be accompanied by pain.

Monitor your body's reaction to each exercise. If an elderly person feels unwell or his general health worsens, then the activity should be suspended.

The best prices for elderly care services in Moscow and the region!

Health-improving gymnastics for older people can be active (when the person performs the exercises himself) or passive (when someone helps in doing the exercises, without effort on the part of the practitioner).

There are a few basic rules to remember before you start training:

  1. Gymnastics is not a sport, so there is no need to achieve specific results at any cost. On the contrary, such a desire can only harm older people, since with age, muscles, joints and ligaments change and can no longer cope with excessive load.
  2. It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. This will allow the muscles to remain toned.
  3. It is worth using all parts of the body (back, arms, legs, chest) in the exercises.
  4. Classes must be supervised by an experienced specialist.

Regardless of the chosen complex, it is worth stretching before starting classes. Such exercises will be useful in themselves, as they allow you to restore the former flexibility of joints and ligaments.

When an elderly person strives to lead an active lifestyle, it is necessary to monitor the uniformity of loads when performing exercises. This is necessary due to some characteristics of the body at this age:

  • there is a slowdown in metabolic processes;
  • the concentration of breakdown products in the body increases, which causes rapid fatigue;
  • the shape of the skeleton changes;
  • high tone is observed with a simultaneous decrease in muscle mass;
  • gait changes due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • insufficient blood flow can affect the vestibular system;
  • the lungs are not filled enough;
  • the heart muscle is transformed;
  • the range of rotation of the eyeballs narrows.

Each of these age-related changes can work in tandem with different types of pathologies. Gymnastics for older people should be performed under the supervision of a professional who will control breathing (voluntary inhalation should alternate with deep exhalation, without any tension). All exercises are performed smoothly, at a pace convenient for the practitioner. For prone exercises, older adults are advised to place a pillow under their head to prevent blood flow to the brain.

Gymnastics for older people should be performed taking into account certain rules:

  1. Blood pressure and pulse are measured (before and after exercise). If the pulse rate of an elderly person is higher than the maximum permissible value, then an individual load level is selected for him.
  2. Training time should not exceed 20–30 minutes a day, 2–3 times a week.
  3. It is allowed to vary the starting position, but standing exercises should not prevail over the others.
  4. It is recommended to do all movements smoothly and slowly, excluding quick sharp bends and turns.
  5. The list of mandatory exercises should include exercises that restore the vestibular apparatus.
  6. Try to avoid exercises that increase the likelihood of falls. In old age, this can lead to limb fractures.
  7. Gymnastics can only be beneficial when a person feels good. In other cases, the training should be rescheduled.

There are also contraindications for health-improving physical education:

  • Pathologies of internal organs during an exacerbation, accompanied by depression of their functionality.
  • Aneurysm of the heart and large blood vessels.
  • Mental disorders characterized by memory lapses, problems with orientation in space and time, strange reactions to various situations.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Amyotrophy.
  • Dystrophic changes in bone and joint tissues.

In addition, you should not do gymnastics at high temperatures, during periods of acute pain, during inflammatory processes, or in the presence of internal bleeding.

Health-improving gymnastics for older people aged 70 years and older is performed individually, under the supervision of a health professional.

An active lifestyle and regular exercise contribute to longevity and good health. Exercising in the morning invigorates the body, improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system, and normalizes appetite and sleep. The pensioner gains muscles and straight posture, he begins to do more things during the day. Gymnastics is recommended even after a stroke, albeit in a simplified form.

They do the exercises in the morning, because at this time they bring maximum benefit, when the body has not yet expended energy on digesting food. The room should be ventilated and slightly cool. It is advisable to start training with a leisurely walk or step in place (in cramped conditions). In the pauses between different exercises you can walk around the room.

  1. Warm-up cervical region: tilt your head forward and down, alternately rotate it to the right and left, like a pendulum.
  2. We turn our heads to the right and left shoulders, after which we begin to reach for each shoulder.
  3. Rotate your head 4 turns in each direction.
  4. We put our hands on our shoulders and rotate them in a circle back and forth, repeating 6 times in each direction.
  5. We stretch our arms to the sides, bend them at the elbow joints and rotate them. Also 6 times in each direction.
  6. As we inhale, we spread our arms, and as we exhale, we bend forward. Then we get to the starting position and perform a deflection, spreading our arms to the sides.
  7. We perform half squats. Heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt. Squatting halfway, we spread our knees to the sides.
  8. We perform full squats while rotating our arms.

This kind of gymnastics for older people (you can watch the video at the link below) is traditional and suitable for all age groups.

The best sets of gymnastic exercises for older people

The best time to do gymnastics is morning. But, if you have the opportunity to train at another time, then you shouldn’t restrain yourself. Including traditional walking or stretching exercises in your daily routine will only increase the effect of exercise.

There are quite a few types of gymnastics designed for older people. They can be aimed at eliminating certain ailments: problems with joint mobility, constipation, recovery in the post-painful period, etc.

For clarity, we will describe some gymnastics complexes for older people that can be performed during one workout, in the absence of contraindications.

1. Warm up

When performing exercises, you should “listen” to the body and do not overdo it. Situations where the student experiences discomfort or even pain are unacceptable. As soon as such symptoms appear, training should be stopped. The main thing is that gymnastics classes become a source of positive impressions for older people.

  • Take a comfortable position, sitting in a chair or on a bed, and stretch your legs forward. Pull your socks towards you and fix them in this position for 8-10 seconds. After this, relax your feet. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • In the same starting position, alternately lift and lower your right arm (no more than 10 times), then do the same with your left arm. Movements should be leisurely.
  • Without changing your position, alternate raising your legs, fixing them in a raised position for 2-3 seconds. Perform the exercise 10 times on each leg (or more).
  • The next exercise is best done while lying on the bed. This will, among other things, protect against possible injuries. Perform a “bridge”: leaning on your limbs, arch your back until it resembles a bridge. If you fall, you will find yourself on a soft bed, so you should not be afraid of hitting yourself.

When performing the complex, make sure that your breathing is uniform.

2. Basic gymnastics complex for older people

In this case, you can start the lesson with the warm-up described above, or conduct a separate workout, including only the exercises listed here.

  • Stand in any comfortable position and make sure your breathing is even and slow. Next, lower your head and, slowly, rotate it clockwise for 1–2 minutes. Take a break of 1 minute and repeat the rotation in the opposite direction. It is better to perform 3-4 such approaches.
  • In the same position, gently tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Perform the movements without haste. You need to feel how the muscles stretch. Aim to touch your cheek to your right shoulder. Repeat the exercise, leaning towards your left shoulder. Do about 5-6 approaches.
  • In a standing position, lower your hands to your shoulders. Next, bending your elbows, rotate them alternately forward and backward, changing direction every 1–2 minutes.
  • Without changing your position, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep breath and bend forward. At the same time, move your hands back. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • Get into a heels-toes-toes-toes position and do squats. At the same time, your hands should be on your belt. There is no need to strive to do deep squats; a half squat is enough. The main thing is not to feel discomfort. In this exercise, the knees are spread apart. Do about 10-12 squats.

If your physical fitness allows, you can try making squats more difficult (if there are no contraindications). Done deep squat, and straightened arms rise up above your head. You can limit yourself to 4 such approaches.

The following set of exercises for older people is best performed on a gymnastic mat.

  • Sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. Inhale and stretch alternately towards your left leg, center and right leg.
  • Try to stretch your legs in front of you and reach for them without bending your knees.
  • Let's change our position a little: we move the straight leg to the side, and pull the bent leg under us. Next, we perform bends, as in the previous exercise. After several approaches we change legs.
  • Next, pulling both knees towards you, tilt them to the right and then to the left. It is important that your head turns in the opposite direction.
  • Without changing the starting position, we rest our hands behind us. Raising one leg, we try to outline an imaginary circle. We do the same with the second leg.
  • While lying down, lift your straightened legs one by one.
  • Remaining in this position, pull your legs towards you and perform exercise No. 4.
  • Alternately rotate top part bodies in different directions.
  • While lying down, raise one of your arms in front of you and place it behind your head. Returning to the starting position, change hands.
  • While remaining in a lying position, tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, trying to press your sacrum onto the floor.
  • Raise both legs up and bend them at the knees. Simulate the motions of cycling by changing the direction of rotation.
  • Lying on the floor, on one of your sides, lift your straightened leg up. Change position and perform the exercise with the other leg.

Similar gymnastics (exercises) for older people (in the video below) can be an excellent prevention against many diseases.

But what should older people who already have certain health problems do? Is it possible to perform any exercises when there are contraindications? For such cases, classes are provided in physical therapy groups (physical therapy), which are carried out in a sitting position (on a chair). Such gymnastics for older people can restore the body after illness and maintain physical fitness at the achieved level. Some complexes are prescribed individually, for example: gymnastics for constipation in older people.

In what cases and to whom are exercises prescribed? Exercise therapy for the elderly people:

  • during the recovery period after illness, when a person is prescribed semi-bed rest;
  • as rehabilitation exercises after strokes and heart attacks, during pulmonary diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system, when the disease does not allow performing exercises in a standing position or in motion (walking, swimming, exercise bike, etc.);
  • during the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis and gout;
  • for older people with severe diabetes, which causes complications in the legs and heart;
  • for those who use a wheelchair (permanently or temporarily).

In addition, exercises while sitting on a chair are recommended for very old people, for whom movement itself is difficult. That is, for those who are prescribed bed rest, but a sitting position is not contraindicated. In some cases, exercises for spinal osteoporosis may be useful for older people.

Let's consider a variant of a set of exercise therapy exercises performed in a sitting position:

  1. The hands are on the knees. At the same time, the fists are compressed with little effort. We do it about 15–20 times.
  2. We raise one hand up (across the side), trying to reach the opposite ear. We return to the starting position. We do the same with the other hand. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. We bend alternately in each direction, sliding our hands along the back legs of the chair. Exercises are done as carefully and smoothly as possible, without sudden movements. Perform 10 bends in each direction.
  4. Rotation of the torso backwards. To do this, grab the back of the chair on one side with your hands, which go down to your knees. Remaining in this position, we rotate the torso as far as possible on the other side of the chair. We do the exercise 10 repetitions.
  5. Tilt your head alternately to one or the other shoulder. Try to perform the movements smoothly, gently stretching the neck muscles. Do at least 10 repetitions.
  6. As you inhale, spread your arms out to the sides, and as you exhale, hug yourself tightly. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  7. Place your hands on your shoulders and perform circular movements forward and backward (at least 10 times).
  8. Clasp your hands and stretch forward from yourself, straightening your arms at the elbows. Next, return your hands to yourself and relax. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  9. Leave your hands closed. Try to apply pressure on each hand in turn, straightening your fingers. We also repeat about 15–20 times.
  10. Without opening the brushes, rotate them, changing sides, using little force. Repeat 15–20 times.

Another great way to prevent disease is Chinese gymnastics tai chi for seniors.

The popularity of these ancient sets of exercises is not accidental. Tai chi helps slow down the aging of the body and prevent age-related diseases. In addition, regular gymnastics can improve all body systems:

  • normal functioning of the central nervous system is restored;
  • joints become more flexible and mobile;
  • immunity increases;
  • the functioning of the digestive system improves;
  • coordination is restored.

If you do exercises on a regular basis, your muscles become stronger, and colds appear less and less often. Interestingly, Chinese tai chi gymnastics for older people does not involve any serious stress on the body. The workout can be done while sitting on the bed. The main thing is to wear clothes in which you feel free. The elderly person chooses the amplitude and number of repetitions of the exercises independently.

  1. Sitting on your mat (or bed), cross your legs and place your hands on your knees. Take about 15–20 breaths. At the same time, you need to exhale longer (in time) than inhale. With each inhalation, the stomach should protrude, and with each exhalation, it should retract.
  2. Puffiness of the cheeks. Do about 40 times at an average pace.
  3. Rub your left shoulder with your right palm. Do the same with the other hand. Perform about 20 repetitions for each shoulder, gradually increasing the pressure.
  4. With your hands on your hips, rotate your torso lumbar region. The amplitude should gradually increase and then gradually decrease. Perform about 20 turns in each direction.
  5. Move your hand in spiral circles clockwise on your stomach with little effort. It is recommended to perform this exercise in the direction from the navel, gradually increasing the diameter of the imaginary circle. Once you reach the edge of your belly, begin to taper your movements. Repeat the exercise 30 times with each hand.

No less popular is Chinese gymnastics for older people - qigong. It helps to prolong the viability of all body systems. Regular qigong classes allow you to master control over emotions and breathing. Essentially this type health-improving gymnastics is an excellent way to relieve stress and improve the standard of living for older people.

Qigong gymnastics is interesting because it contains a sufficient number of exercises performed in a sitting position, including on a bed. The remaining movements are performed while standing.

  1. While sitting, perform 50 leisurely inhale-exhale cycles through your nose. As you exhale, mentally direct the flow of Chi energy in front of you.
  2. Massage your knees with circular movements of your palms (100 times). At the same time, it is important to feel the influx of energy. Perform the massage in the same way chest and abdomen, making 20 movements with each hand.
  3. Stand in a position where your feet are shoulder-width apart and your hands are on your waist. Bend alternately in each direction 10 times, then perform the same number of bends forward and backward.
  4. In the same position, lift your leg bent at the knee and, tensing your thigh muscles, extend it in front of you. Returning to the starting position, do the same action with the other leg. As a result, you need to perform 10 movements with each leg.

Joint diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis often accompany older people. Therefore, joint gymnastics for passive older people is performed at a leisurely pace.

Rheumatologists advise developing joints with the following exercises:

  • Walking in place. In this case, the knee joints are raised at an angle of 90°.
  • With your feet 50 cm wide apart, try to reach your toes with your hands while bending.
  • Take several small steps along an imaginary straight line. This exercise has a positive effect on the hip and knee joints.
  • Take several steps on your heels and toes, increasing your speed. These exercises will help you tighten up calf muscles and hips, which will reduce the load on the joints.

Another gymnastics complex for older people is designed specifically for restoring the hip joint. It is recommended for arthrosis and coxarthrosis of the hip joint of moderate severity and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Take a lying position (preferably on a hard surface), bending your knees at an angle of 90°. Slowly pull them up to your hips and spread them apart. Hold this pose for 5 seconds without moving. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
  2. While in the same position, bend your knees and slowly pull them towards your chest. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.
  3. Lying on your side, bend your knees at an angle of 90°. Without lifting your feet apart, lift one knee up. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.
  4. Now roll over onto your stomach, bend your right leg at an angle of 30–40° and lift it, fixing it for 30 seconds. Repeat the same with your left leg. Perform about 7-10 repetitions.
  5. In a standing position, spread your legs about 50 cm wide and squat, bending your knees at a right angle. Keep your back straight. Do the exercise 10 times.

Option joint gymnastics for the upper body:

  • turn your head alternately to the right and left;
  • tilt your head from your left shoulder to your right;
  • make a circle with your head without throwing it back too much;
  • rotate shoulder joints forward and backward;
  • do the same with elbow joints;
  • in a standing position, raise your arms up and bend;
  • do several half squats, spreading your knees to the sides;
  • perform a full cycle of squats.

You should spend 3–8 minutes on each exercise, gradually increasing the time.

Do not forget that it will be difficult for elderly people to perform the exercises on their own. In such cases, it is advisable to have a loved one present who can improve your mood and help with training.

For such people, a special gymnastics complex of 6 exercises has been developed. Do each 10 times, but take into account some nuances:

  • a strict sequence of exercises must be followed;
  • after each exercise, perform 2-3 cycles of breathing with the diaphragm (as you inhale, the stomach protrudes, and as you exhale, it retracts);
  • exercises that are designed to be performed bilaterally (right and left) are performed in a row (10 times in each direction).

The gymnastics complex itself consists of the following exercises:

  1. Without lifting your heels from the floor, lift your toes towards you.
  2. Without lifting your toes off the floor, lift your heels up.
  3. We bend one knee. You can additionally hang weights on your ankles.
  4. Pull your knee towards your chest.
  5. Having tied the hips with an elastic bandage, we move the legs to the sides.
  6. Take an elastic band with a narrow grip and stretch it in front of you at chest level.

Physical exercise is also necessary for older people who are bedridden. Without load, the body will quickly begin to lose ground. This will inevitably lead to the fact that in addition to the main disease, a whole bunch of complications will appear. Therefore, despite the severity of the disease, together with the attending physician it is necessary to develop an individual set of exercises and monitor its implementation.

Gymnastics for older people should be performed at a leisurely pace, without sudden movements. For exercises in a lying position, it is recommended to place a pillow to prevent a rush of blood to the brain. You should also monitor your breathing. It should be calm and even. As a rule, exhalation is performed longer, without any strain.

It is important to maintain your own pace when increasing loads. When an exercise seems difficult to perform, you can skip it temporarily. The same applies to the number of repetitions. Focus on the general condition and well-being of the elderly person. It is enough to start with 3-4 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. If the exercises are performed on both sides, then ensure an equal number of repetitions.

Lying on your back, bend and straighten your neck, alternately pressing it to your chest and moving it back.

Remaining in the same position, tilt your head alternately towards the right and left shoulders.

Without changing your position, rotate your head left and right.

  • Gymnastics for arms:

Bend and straighten each phalanx of your fingers. Move your thumb closer and further away from your palm. Bend and straighten your hand completely, trying to spread your fingers as far apart as possible in the extended position.

Rotate the brushes in a circle in a clockwise direction. Then the same movements, but counterclockwise.

Bend and straighten your elbows. In a lying position (you can also sit), spread your straightened arms to your sides.

  • Gymnastics for legs:

Alternately clench and unclench your toes.

Rotate your feet in a circle in a clockwise direction.

The same, in the opposite direction.

Stretch your feet, rising onto your toes.

Pull your feet forward.

Bend and straighten your knees.

Bend and straighten your legs at the hip joint.

  • Gymnastics for the torso:

Sit on the bed from a lying position. Take someone's help for this.

Take a lying position from a sitting position. You can also use the services of an assistant for this.

In order for gymnastics for older people to be effective, control the degree of stress on the body. On the one hand, they should not be excessive so that a person can cope with them, and on the other hand, the exercises are performed for a certain benefit.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Before starting exercise, consult your doctor. It will help you choose the required level of load and speed of exercise.
  2. Once you decide to start doing gymnastics, act immediately. The less you doubt, the faster the result will come.
  3. Before your workout, walk around the room, raising your legs high. This warm-up will be an excellent preparation for the main set of exercises.
  4. Don't do it right away maximum amount repetitions. It's better to start small, like three.
  5. You should not perform exercises on a full stomach.

By adhering to certain rules, you can achieve maximum results:

  • Gymnastics for older people is useful not only because it prevents the development of many diseases, it also allows you to get a portion of energy for the whole day;
  • perform exercises on an empty stomach, or 2 hours after eating;
  • try, if possible, to replace evening classes with a walk;
  • do not allow training to the limit of your capabilities: when you feel seriously tired, take a break;
  • best option- carry out training in the fresh air or, at least, with open windows;
  • It’s good to finish the exercises by taking a shower or bath;
  • strive to do gymnastics regularly.

With age, the human body changes, and there is no escape from this. Every year the functionality of our internal organs decreases, which also affects our standard of living. The sets of exercises presented above for older people can significantly slow down this process. This occurs due to improved blood flow through the vessels, which saturates the organs with oxygen and other useful substances. Regularity and portions physical activity can strengthen ligaments, joints and various muscle groups in older people. Improves mood and overall well-being.

Nursing homes in the Moscow region

The network of boarding houses for the elderly offers homes for the elderly, which are among the best in terms of comfort, coziness and are located in the most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

We are ready to offer:

  • Comfortable boarding houses for the care of elderly people in Moscow and Moscow Region. We'll offer everything possible options to accommodate your loved one.
  • A large base of qualified personnel to care for the elderly.
  • 24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).
  • If you are looking for a job, we offer nursing vacancies.
  • 1-2-3-bed accommodation in boarding houses for the elderly (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).
  • 5 full and dietary meals a day.
  • Daily leisure: games, books, watching movies, walks in the fresh air.
  • Individual work by psychologists: art therapy, music classes, modeling.
  • Weekly examination by specialized doctors.
  • Comfortable and safe conditions: comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air.

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.

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Fitness classes are very useful not only for young people, but also for much older people. So, you can safely start training. You are guaranteed a charge of vigor and harmony between body and soul. Today we will tell you about a treasure trove of magic called gymnastics for the elderly.

Three secret gymnastic exercises for the elderly

Yes, you heard right, gymnastics. Do you think this is all fantasy? Get these bad thoughts out of your head. People even over 70 go in for sports, keeping themselves in good shape.

As long as your soul dances and sings, you do not grow old! Remove all “I can’t” from your life path. They don't exist! Sitting on the couch can be a waste of precious life. And she is worth appreciating...

Even a wheelchair is not an excuse for giving up sports! After all, you can perform some elements while sitting. Strengthening your muscles and fighting spirit. You are now accompanied by many helpers in this. Magazines, special programs on television.

There are a lot of wonderful video lessons on gymnastics for the elderly. You can choose a convenient complex and follow it. We'll give you a little push the right path, and then, believe me, you will figure it out!

There are three secrets for the elderly that you need to know and apply in life.

A couple of the main secrets of your body's youth

The first exercise is chair push-ups. (ten times, no more)

Second – squats (about ten times according to the standard)

Third, lifting your legs up (preferably when lifting, keep them in the air at least a little)

By doing these seemingly simple exercise every day for half an hour, you will notice an unsurpassed result very soon! The main thing here is not to be lazy. Then everything will work out.

A woman’s appearance always bothers her, no matter what she says. But dear grandmothers, age is not a death sentence on your beauty! It is necessary to accept your years with honor and dignity. Show them that they can't take away your charm.

To help as much as possible in this useful matter, we will offer you special products for women that help rejuvenate the body and spirit.

A woman can and should be beautiful at any age

First, water procedures. They are the same aerobic exercise, like exercise bikes, but with minimal stress on the joints. You will make your muscles amazing and raise your endurance to a higher level. And the excess weight, you’ll completely forget about it!

Secondly, it will improve the condition of not only muscles, but also bones. It's called - circuit training. Includes about five exercises. Start it with squats, then continue the complex by doing push-ups, then lunges, and finally squats. Also by doing data, you improve the functioning of your heart!

Third, yoga as a sports activity for the elderly. It has the right to take its place on our list. I can’t imagine how many supporters of this technique there are all over the world. But not so little! It is difficult to name the best method of recovery. With the help of yoga, you tone not only the physical condition of the body, but also spiritual balance.

For the elderly – “Tai Chi”. In China, it is not surprising to take part in sports. It all happens there, of course. People have great respect for their spiritual and physical condition. The long-standing technique of tai chi is to improve the health of the whole body, increase immunity and performance. By adhering to this set of exercises, you will prolong your life, full of health and smiles.

Another fun way to double your life!

Also, when performing the tai chi complex, special music is required. The gentle sounds of a flute or something similar to it. This will certainly create the necessary mood for you, which will lead to maximum concentration in class.

Tai Chi contains a list of exercises to strengthen the leg muscles. Helps a person to automatically maintain balance and equilibrium. This is so important for older people. With age, muscles weaken and joint mobility becomes extremely limited. This is why older people constantly suffer from falls. But if you do it twice a week, you can prevent this.

We would like to offer you, our dear friends, a magnificent method that fills you with vitality. Please draw your attention to the basic articular gymnastics for the elderly.

Good health is the result of a lot of work on yourself

Before everything, be sure to do a light warm-up. Just about 10 minutes! Stretch all the joints, and then proceed to the main complex. If you don’t spend time on this, then there will simply be no benefit from the program that I will describe to you below.

Basic set of exercises for joints

  • Lie on your back, making sure to keep your legs straight. Then, bending one leg at the knee, place the other on the knee and bend.
  • The second exercise is performed again on the back. Bend your legs at the knees, spread them apart, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. Stretch as far as you can.
  • Stand straight with your elbows on the wall. Rotate your leg in part of the pelvic area.

  • Lie down on the floor, keep your legs straight, and begin to lift both legs up. Try to hold them in a raised position for a couple of seconds.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, hands under your head. Move them back, lift your body. By lifting it more, you arch your back deeper. And this leads to a better effect.
  • Position – on your back, lying down. Do pull-ups bent knees to the chin.
  • This exercise is for the neck. Tilt your head in turn, then to the left, then to the right shoulder. Try to reach it with your ear. Then bend forward and backward.
  • Lastly, sit down on a chair. Twist your body, trying to reach further and further.

Gymnastics for an elderly person should not seem like something difficult and intimidating. There are a lot of gentle options for playing sports for people with any physical disabilities. The main thing is desire, as well as belief in yourself and you will succeed. Before any action, be sure to consult your doctor. Every person, of any age, has its own contraindications and you need to be extremely careful not to harm yourself.

Continuing the topic:

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