A beautiful and correct gait for a girl. Incorrect foot placement: why does it lead to complications? How to walk correctly

Beautiful gait- it's not even business card women. This is a brand, this is character, this is destiny! Few people are given such a gift from birth. So what? Let's make our gait beautiful - let's step towards destiny.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. And all because gait is not only physics, but also psychology. That is, you will have to deal not only with your legs, posture and back, but above all with your habits, mood, and even worldview. Are you ready for such radical changes? Then go ahead and walk beautifully!

Folklore never deceives, never! From time immemorial, a woman’s gait has attracted the male gaze and aroused great interest. “Performs like a peahen” - here it is, the ideal of beauty of the past. Times change, in our, as they say, fast-paced age, the ideals are already different: “You came out of May with a flying gait.” And even: “She walked like a caravel on the green waves,” what does that feel like, huh? Just where to get it, this flying, light gait. How to make your gait beautiful - let's move on to practice.

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The basis of a beautiful gait is posture. The subject of envy and admiration is the stately posture of queens from medieval engravings, the grace of oriental beauties, the taut figure of ballerinas and gymnasts. Let's not indulge in envy, let's rather learn from beautiful beauties. With the queens, everything was simple: an invariable part of royal clothing is the corset, with it, whether you want it or not, you will keep your back straight.

Here you go exercise #1 from the queens:

They put a scarf (preferably not very elastic, but more rigid) around the neck, pulled the ends of the scarf under the armpits and asked one of the sympathizers to tie a tighter knot on the back. Shoulders back, back straight – beauty! With such a “corset” you can walk every day for half an hour, longer if possible. Very soon your shoulders and back will get used to the correct position.

Let's study further. Slender and dignified oriental beauties. What are they carrying on their heads? Jug?

Exercise No. 2:

A small pillow or book will do for us to start with. Just don't support it with your hands! Can you keep the load on your head? Amazing! Now let's try to walk around the room, sit down, stand on one leg.
From ballerinas and gymnasts - great workers - there is even more than one exercise as a gift.

Exercise No. 3

Walking with your socks stuck in place. It is not necessary to coat your socks with glue, the main thing is not to tear them off. Do “one”: the right knee bends and the heel rises accordingly. The left knee is straightened as much as possible. Do “two”: the right heel drops to the floor, the knee straightens, and the left heel rises. We continue the exercise at a moving pace, trying to keep the arm movements natural. Completion time: 5 minutes.

Exercise #4

Stand straight, feet together, hands on your waist. Take your right leg to the side. It is important that the body remains motionless during this movement. Stand for a few seconds, trying to avoid unnecessary tension. We do the same with the left leg. When moving from foot to foot, we also try to maintain stillness and not shift from foot to foot, like, excuse me, a bear. We continue the exercise for five minutes.

Exercise #5

We lift our right leg slightly forward from the floor and place our hands on our belts. Rotate your foot first to the right and then to the left. 816 times in each direction. We change the leg and do the same. The exercise can be varied and you can raise your leg to the side. You can rotate your foot clockwise to raise your leg as high as possible, and by rotating counterclockwise, lower your leg to initial position. If this option is too difficult and there is no strength to maintain balance, then the exercise can be done while sitting, crossing your legs.

Exercise #6

Starting position - stand on your toes, hands on your belt, elbows pulled back as far as possible, back arched. March without bending your knees! The duration of the exercise is one minute.

Exercise No. 7

The conditional name is “rocking chair”. Imagine that your foot has a semicircular shape. Try to smoothly roll from heel to toe and back. We walk around the room for at least a minute, rolling from toe to heel. Then vice versa - from heel to toe.

Exercise #8

Easy running on your toes. It is better to do this exercise barefoot. We stood on our toes and ran around the room for 5 minutes.

But what is she like - a beautiful gait? Airy, light, fast, flying - what else? Away from poetry and metaphors, let’s try to “verify harmony with algebra.” Correct gait depends on correct posture (that is, on how we hold our back and head) and on the placement of our feet. A beautiful gait is a gait from the hip, we keep our head straight, the step should be moderately wide and correspond to our height, and our gaze should be confident. Do not wave your arms, do not make unnecessary movements with your body! Doesn't remind you of anything? That’s right, the lessons of secretary Verochka from “Office Romance”, they, as they say, are for all time. Some tips for achieving a graceful gait:

  • Choosing the “right” shoes. Walking in high heels is a science in itself. You can train at home, but you don’t have to expose your inability to people - walking on bent legs with your heel constantly clinging to the asphalt cannot be called beautiful.
  • No need to walk too fast! It’s better to go to work a little earlier than usual; your gait will only benefit from this.
  • We pay attention to the placement of the feet: they should be slightly turned to the sides, and the heels should go in a straight line when walking. Putting your feet too wide, as well as overlapping steps, is an equally big mistake.

We continue to study the technique of beautiful gait. The forward movement always begins with the leg, not the body. This will help make your gait smoother.

The length of the step should be proportional to the height. If you artificially increase the step, the gait will turn out to be bouncing. Keep your chin straight, your stomach should be tucked, and your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. Under no circumstances should you sway your hips; this is bad manners. Ideally, the hips should move up and down, and then only a little.

There is an opinion that high heels spoil the legs, contribute to the development of flat feet and deform the foot. This is quite true if you wear really very high heels for a long time, even though the fit of the shoes themselves is uncomfortable. On the other hand, if the shoes are without heels, or have too thin or flat soles, then the foot remains without support and begins to deform in other places: the heel bevels inward or vice versa, ankle joint“trampled” on the outside. The results of such changes can be seen on the worn out soles of shoes.

Step 2

To prevent this from happening, you need to train the correct positioning of the foot when walking. If there are no malformations of the joints or bones of the foot, then you can develop the correct step and the correct placement of the foot with each step.
I note that the position of the foot when running and walking is different, but it is worth remembering that in both cases it bears the maximum load of the entire human musculoskeletal system.

Step 3

When walking, you should step on your heel, but do not put all your weight on it, otherwise the gait will be ponderous, and the heel bone will be overloaded all the time. Then the weight is smoothly transferred from heel to toe, while the body moves with a barely noticeable lag, i.e. the movement begins with the leg and continues with the body. This way the load will be distributed more evenly.

Step 4

When walking, you need to make sure that the foot does not turn either towards a clubfoot or towards a “ballet” gait. Both look strange and awkward, especially for ladies walking in heels. The feet should be kept parallel, although you can allow the toe to turn slightly outward. You should not place your feet close to each other so that when walking you do not hit the bones of your inner ankle. If your feet are spread wide apart when walking, it will look vulgar. So stick to the golden mean.

Step 5

Make sure that the foot does not turn inward at the leg that is behind (just such an example in the figure for the step). Often people don't pay attention to this, but it looks ugly, and the load on the forefoot is distributed incorrectly.
How the foot is placed when walking also determines posture and the distribution of load not only on the foot itself, but also on other joints lower limbs, and even on the spine.
Achieve a beautiful gait - because... This is not only beauty, but also a guarantee of the health of the human musculoskeletal system.

In other words, walking and walking can make you happier and healthier. Read the article, turn off the computer, put on comfortable shoes and go out for a walk!


Part 1

Correct posture while walking

    While walking, try to keep your back straight. Although each person has his own way of walking, generally accepted rules can correct the habits of almost everyone. The main rule is posture. While walking, keep your head straight, back straight and chin up. In this pose, the spine straightens and the load on the diaphragm is reduced during breathing.

    • Don't slouch. Over time, poor posture will lead to back pain, stiff neck, or more serious illnesses.
  1. For walking correctly use all leg muscles: caviar, hamstrings And quadriceps muscle hips. You should step on the heel, then smoothly transfer the center of gravity to the toe. So they will be involved calf muscles, and the step will be correct.

    Shoulders should be straightened. Even if the main load from walking falls on the legs and spine, you should also pay attention to top part bodies. The correct and relaxed position of the shoulders plays several functions: correct posture is maintained from the neck to the hips. To reduce stress and avoid injury, keep your back straight and your chin up. And in general, forget about slouching, it is the cause of tension and back pain.

    • Squaring your shoulders gives you a confident look. Although appearance is not so important, it will not be superfluous, and correct posture will help maintain health.
  2. Move your arms as you walk. It `s naturally. Hand movements should not be too sweeping. While walking, your arms should describe small semicircles in the air; the faster you walk, the larger these semicircles. Hand movements are a natural state for walking. Arm movements increase the efficiency of walking - with the same strength, you can walk further if you move your arms. So don't be afraid to move your arms while walking. Don't worry, you won't be hit by a fan or mill.

    • Weather permitting, keep your hands out of your pockets. Co hands free you will be able to walk faster and cover more ground.
  3. Start with small warm-up exercises. Until your body warms up, walk at a normal pace for the first few minutes. If we accept brisk walking, without going into a run beyond 100%, keep 50-60% of your speed. As a general rule, during the warm-up you should be able to speak without shortness of breath and carry on a conversation without being out of breath.

    After warming up, increase the speed to medium. If you do not feel discomfort, then you can increase the pace to 70-80%. As you increase your walking speed, try to maintain correct posture. At this speed you will find it difficult to breathe, but you will not be out of breath yet. You should still be able to carry on a conversation, maybe with some effort.

    Towards the end of the walk, slow down the pace. After 30 minutes (or longer) of walking, slow down to a warm-up pace. Walk at a slow pace for 5 to 15 minutes. Therefore, walking at a slow pace for a few minutes after a vigorous walk will help bring your heart rate back to normal. On top of that, you'll just feel great!

    • The last point is very important. The better you feel after walking, the more likely you are to continue exercising. Accordingly, the time allocated to slow down the pace will help consolidate the results of the workout.

    Part 2

    We achieve great results
    1. Wear comfortable shoes. If you want to walk every day, choose comfortable shoes. A good pair of shoes will increase your productivity, improve your posture, and make you feel comfortable when walking even over long distances. Shoes should be stable, lightly cushioned, provide heel protection and ankle support. Workers sports stores can help you choose the most suitable shoes.

      • However, you shouldn't put off walking just because you don't have special running shoes. Of course, having special shoes is welcome, but you can walk for a long period of time in any comfortable shoes as long as they do not cause pain or cause calluses.
    2. Dress appropriately. When choosing clothes for walking, there are a few things to consider. You should be prepared to sweat. A regular cotton T-shirt will do just fine; cotton absorbs sweat well. Any trousers that do not restrict movement are quite suitable for walking. Sweatpants, shorts, sweatpants, even loose jeans will do. In any case, you need to choose clothes that suit the weather so as not to interrupt your walking due to bad weather (wind, rain or heat). In cold weather, throw a coat or windbreaker on top, and in hot weather, put on shorts, etc.

      • As with shoes, you should not purchase clothing specifically for walking. It's unlikely that a Lycra suit will do any good unless you're going to be doing some serious walking. In general, the clothes you have in your wardrobe are quite enough.
    3. Create an exercise schedule and the level you want to achieve. Where you walk is just as important to achieving results as the speed at which you walk. Start with flat surface. However, in the future it will be possible to lay out more complex and lengthy routes.

      • An excellent method is hill walking. However, such walking entails additional stress on the muscles and joints, especially the ankles. Climbing a steep hill is equivalent to lifting a heavy weight gym. Start small and work towards your goal gradually, don’t try to achieve it all at once.
    4. Before you start walking, take time to stretch. Even though walking is not as intense a sport as running, weightlifting, rock climbing and other sports, it is still possible to get injured while walking. To avoid injury and improve flexibility, stretch before or after walking. Taking 5-10 minutes to stretch before your walk will make it more comfortable and leave you in better shape.

      • The benefits of stretching (and the consequences of not doing so) are much more noticeable if you suffer from chronic conditions such as back pain or arthritis.
      • When stretching, focus on your leg muscles, as they are the ones involved in walking. However, stretching your upper body is also very important, especially if you suffer from pain in this area. Below are some stretching exercises:
        • Hip stretch
        • Stretch the hamstrings, similar to the downward-facing dog yoga pose.
        • Calf stretch
        • Back stretches, similar to cat or crocodile yoga poses
        • Shoulder stretch
    5. Try to gradually increase your speed and distance over time. The results of such walking will be noticeable immediately, especially if you are not busy with other exercises. Your mood will improve, you will become more energetic and you may even lose weight (if you do not compensate for the energy expended). To feel even better and more energetic, to lose more weight, you need to increase your walking distance or speed, or even better, both of these indicators. As is the case with others sports activities, increase the intensity gradually and you will soon notice a positive result.

    Part 3

    Walking in everyday life
    1. Try to make walking your main method of transportation. Making time for race walking- this, of course, is good, but you can switch to walking in everyday life. In addition, maintaining a cheerful charge and good mood, walking in your daily life will help you get more things done and stay in a good mood. By incorporating walking into your daily routine, you won't have to exercise extra! Here's where you can go on foot:

      • To work. If you can walk to work and also return home (or walk to the metro station, bus stop) and not use a car, you will not only replace morning and evening exercise, but also contribute to the fight against environmental pollution.
      • To the store. People often go to the store for groceries or other needs several times a week. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can walk to the store and back, which will be the same as doing exercises.
      • Visiting friends. And in general, if you are going to chat with friends, go to them on foot, do not go by car. This way you will be energized and in a great mood.
    2. Think of walking as a way to relax. As noted above, you should walk in those directions where you have any business. However, in order to walk, it is not necessary to have something to do; walk simply for the sake of the process itself. Walking is not only exercise, it can also be fun (weather permitting). Leave the house, take a sip fresh air and looking around is really cool. It's better than sitting on the couch. Dedicate free time walking. You will realize that this is much healthier than sitting at home in front of the TV.

      • Another idea for walking is "exploring new territories." Take a break from the usual roads you take to get to work, school and back. You will discover new secrets, trails, and places you didn’t know about before.
    3. Use walking to meet new people. It's hard to meet new faces if you're stuck at home all day. So go out for a walk! Walking through public places, such as shopping centers, street fairs and crowded city centers, is suitable for introducing yourself to other people, as well as making new acquaintances. This way you take some part in the life of the society in which you live. It is very easy to forget the simple joys of life: wandering around looking at people, showing off yourself, if you sit at home all the time. So get up and go outside!

      • Walking great way for shy people. Such people will be able to get out of their “den.” Of course there are others, more effective ways meeting people. Walking is suitable for people who have withdrawn from society for a long time. This way they can return to normal social life. In addition, when meeting new people, they will appear more energetic from walking and walking.
    4. Keeping fit by walking. The result of proper walking is excellent appearance. For beginners, this is something like fitness exercises. Like other types of exercise, walking will help you become slim and attractive. There are other advantages: proper walking straightens your posture, makes a person look better, and gets rid of stooping.

      • As a positive result of walking for men, correct posture can be noted: a man keeps his back straight, throws his shoulders back, and also tenses the muscles of his chest and abdomen. So he looks muscular. For women, to the results described above, we can add that due to an even posture, the breasts will stand out, which will add more attractiveness to the woman.
      • Don't feel like you're wasting your time and energy. Attractive appearance is one of the things that people pay attention to first when meeting someone.
    5. Be confident. As you incorporate walking into your daily life, be sure to set aside time for it regularly. The result will be noticeable only if you do not miss classes. By walking a long distance once and taking a break for a month, you will not be able to achieve an attractive appearance, good health and mood. However, by spending 45 minutes walking 5 times a week, you can achieve a lot. Make a schedule and stick to it as much as possible.

      • Of course, with a full schedule at work or school, it is difficult to find time for such activities. If you find it difficult to find time to walk, set aside time for very small walks, for example:
        • During a break at school or a break at work
        • After the end of the work or school day
        • Early in the morning, before school or work
        • After lunch
    • Do not wear uncomfortable shoes, especially if you are going to long distances. This will cause you to develop calluses, wounds and deformed feet. Even worse, if you start to associate walking with pain in your legs, which will reduce your motivation.
    • If you want to wear uncomfortable but cute shoes, try to spend less time walking in such shoes, or take replacement shoes with you.
    • Don't load yourself with a heavy bag. A very heavy backpack can strain your back and shoulders, which can lead to injury. A heavy bag on one shoulder will strain one shoulder and you will have to constantly lift your free shoulder.


    • Walk in safe places. Pay attention to your surroundings and try to avoid dangerous situations. If necessary, take the necessary safety measures.
      • If your neighborhood is not entirely calm, you can choose another place for a walk. An additional advantage of this will be a wider choice of places to walk.

How to walk correctly? At first, the question may seem, to put it mildly, stupid. However, if you try to find the answer to it, it immediately becomes clear that this is not so easy. Be that as it may, straight posture and proper movement are the foundations of an impeccable appearance and the key to a good impression.

When it comes to posture, this topic is especially important. The manner of holding posture can tell a lot about a person, and if you understand something about etiquette, then pay attention to this important point when walking.

A person who is thinking about how to walk correctly probably wants to establish himself well in society and wants to learn how to avoid stooping, drooping shoulders, relaxing the abdominal muscles and other little things. Everything that was listed in the previous sentence can be safely called “symptoms” - symptoms of bad taste and inability to behave in society.

Remember: smartness and good posture are indicators of not only good manners, but also self-confidence. And without this, you won’t be able to walk correctly.

Tips about correct posture

  1. Always keep your back straight, but do it discreetly so that no one notices that you are putting any effort into it.
  2. Make sure your shoulders are back.
  3. The head should continue the line of the spine. Should not be pushed forward. The neck is straight, the chin is raised.
  4. The abdominal muscles should be tense in order for the abs to look more toned and beautiful.
  5. Always keep your legs straight, but again naturally. Under no circumstances should you stand on limp, bent legs.

How to walk correctly? This is a question that worries both women and men. Some people are surprised that professional models spend a huge amount of time learning how to walk the catwalk. Let's list some simple rules beautiful gait.

  1. We must not forget about posture.
  2. It is important to keep your feet hip-width apart, but you should not spread them too wide so that your gait does not become “loose.” At the same time, the legs should not be too close to each other. The hip gait is a gait where the hips play an important role, so you can't overdo it.
  3. With a correct gait, the body should sway a little (a little!) in time with the steps.
  4. Watch your hand movements. You can often see people walking, calmly waving their arms in all directions, which does not look very nice. Please note: when you step with your left foot, your right foot moves forward into your hand, and your right hand moves forward into your left hand. The arms are almost pressed to the body when walking.
  5. Don't shuffle your feet. Don't drag them. The feet should come off the floor.
  6. When walking, you need to step on your heel, after which the center of gravity should be transferred to the toe.
  7. The feet are kept parallel to each other. Avoid the clubfoot gait.

The correct gait of a man is a point that also requires consideration. You can notice that when men walk, they place their feet in 2 lines, which is very clearly visible in winter on the fallen snow. In principle, this is normal, and this is what distinguishes a woman’s gait from a man’s.

Anyone can learn to walk beautifully if they follow the rules. If you neglected any of the tips, pay attention to it. It may be difficult at first, but after a little time everything will become automatic.

So, the question of how to walk correctly cannot be called stupid. The answer is not simple, but very important for every person, because no matter how he dresses, no matter what he says and does, trying to impress others, he is unlikely to succeed in his attempts if he has a crooked posture and a heavy gait . It is your gait that can tell an attentive observer about your character, attitude towards others and knowledge of basic rules of etiquette.

Bartsok course on posture and gait

For normal walking main role proper work of the feet and knees plays a role. Probably not a question: is it comfortable to walk, leaning only on the edge of the foot? But for some reason, most of the townspeople - our contemporaries - walk like this, clubfooted. The movement is not very stable, which can be very dangerous in conditions of ice, pebbles or mud on the roads. In addition, in this case, the knees and foot shock absorbers cannot work normally.

Walk barefoot around the room, paying attention to how your feet press on the floor with each step. It is important to feel and note to yourself all the details that you were able to notice: which part of the foot touches the floor first, which edge of the right and left foot receives more pressure, whether you feel the flattening and then straightening of the main arch of the foot, whether the toes move separately.

Now try to roll. In this case, the pressure of the foot on the floor begins from the center of the heel and then smoothly rolls along the entire foot, along its central axis so that the foot leaves the floor with simultaneous pressure on the pads under the big toe and little toe and these toes themselves. In this case, the toes should remain free, but not move separately from the rest of the foot.

Walk around until you feel like you can do this movement.

After this, walk around, specifically stepping on the outer edges of your feet to feel the difference. You can walk around a bit, placing your weight on the outer edges of both feet as you lean on them.

Try to walk a little, stepping only on the outer edges of your feet (the inner edges are hanging in the air at this moment).

Now go through the roll with which you started the lesson, so that your body feels and your brain reflects the difference in the work of the feet in both cases.

Now walk so that the pressure is on the inner edges of your feet. Transferring pressure to the inner edge of the foot as the leg becomes the supporting leg. You can try walking by stepping on the inner edges of your feet so that the outer edges don't touch the floor.

Walk on your toes. Get a good feel for how the forefoot works.

And roll again. Does your body perceive rolling as a more comfortable way to move?

Now add knee lifting to the rolling movement. Start walking, raising your knees significantly higher than usual, in order to better learn to feel their rotation when walking. This movement is a little reminiscent of the footwork when riding a bicycle. To prevent knee pain, they should be exercised more often and used as shock absorbers for springy movement.

The most important shock absorber of the leg is the arch of the foot. Its weak or improper use leads to flat feet. Pay close attention and feel how this natural spring of the foot works as you walk. Feel the arch of your foot flatten and straighten as you roll and lift your knees.

The last element of this training is especially important when walking on slippery roads. When walking with a roll, momentarily fix the pressure on the forefoot and toes. For a moment, when the heel has already left the surface, you can feel how the front part of the sole of the foot spreads out, as if stuck to the floor. Having become a habit, such fixation will not slow down your movement, but will increase stability, and you will no longer have the fear of falling.

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