Creatine monohydrate. How to take it correctly? What's the norm? Positive and negative effects of creatine

What is creatine? Creatine – sports supplement, which will help the athlete increase strength and muscle endurance with constant training and taking this substance.

Creatine synthesized in our kidneys, liver and pancreas from the following amino acids: glycine, arginine, methionine. And in muscle cells, reserves of 95% of the total amount in the body are stored.

In addition to synthesis, this substance enters the body with food, but not all of it! Creatine is found in larger quantities in products of animal origin: meat, fish.

To get the required level of creatine, you will have to eat 2 kg of fresh meat, but if you process it, you will need much more meat. And all because creatine has a predisposition to decay during heat treatment.

Types of Creatine

There are several types of creatine: monohydrate, citrate, phosphate, malate and tartrate, creatine - glutamine, magnesium creatine. And now we will understand them a little!

The most common and popular creatine among athletes. It has a pure form, that is, just creatine and a little water. The relatively low price will also be a big plus. Some disadvantages include pain in the stomach and intestines after consumption. Using personal example, I was able to verify that this is not the case, but everything is individual.

These types of creatine, in addition to its pure form, include (in order): organic citric acid, phosphate, lactic, tartaric.

The main advantage of such types will be rapid absorption by the body and the body receiving energy. However, the price of such creatines is already much more expensive.

These types of creatine contain gluten and magnesium, which enable rapid delivery of creatine to the muscles and, of course, its absorption. Magnesium and taurine help increase muscle strength.

But these types of creatine have a peculiarity - a dosage schedule, which is very difficult, because it will be different for everyone (individual).

Other forms have low efficiency and are not in demand by athletes. For example, liquid creatine.

How to take creatine?

And No download.

In phase no download Creatine is consumed 2 times a day. The first is before eating after waking up. The second is after training, also before meals.

In phase downloads the number of creatine intakes increases up to 4 times. Before each meal. The loading phase is considered questionable, although information is provided about more quick results, although in reality these additional creatine intakes will simply be excreted from the body. Apart from quick consumption, you do not gain anything.

Each creatine dose is 5 grams (1 level teaspoon). Along with creatine, consume carbohydrates (sugar, chocolate) or drink it with sweet juice (grape juice).

Do not stir in water under any circumstances, as creatine begins to decompose. Just drink it, and the sooner the better.

How long does a course of taking creatine last?

The course of taking creatine lasts 2 months, after which a break of 4 weeks (1 month) is required.

Questions for beginners before purchasing

A lot of questions are asked by inexperienced athletes and those who want to start taking this sports supplement.

Can creatine harm the body?

Maybe there are several moments when harm is possible:

  1. Incorrect dosage
  2. Maintaining a protein diet while taking the supplement
  3. Taking diuretics

What side effects might there be?

  1. Gastrointestinal disease
  2. Asthma
  3. Liver and kidney diseases
  4. Skin problems

Is there a problem with potency and sexual desire when/after using creatine?

Absolutely no. There can be no such problem from creatine. A large number of athletes use this supplement and it has not affected their sex life in any way.

There are very good company sports nutrition ON ( Optimum nutrition). A 300g jar is enough for 2 months, if you do not use the loading phase.

Ask bodybuilders, trainers, nutritionists, doctors or scientists what the most natural and effective supplement is, and almost all of them will give you the same answer: creatine. This simple amino acid derivative gives you strength and helps you build muscle quickly. In fact, you might even know how this supplement works... at least in basic terms. (If not, see the Creatine Basics chart at the end of the article.)

There is no doubt that creatine is safe and effective for your health. But it's human nature to want to make good things better - think turbocharged engines, satellite TV and artificial breasts... Similarly, scientists have been trying to improve the properties of creatine since the early 90s, and their research continues to this day.

To date, scientists offer creatine supplements with a variety of names, including citrate, anhydrous, phosphate, malate, tartrate, etc. The question arises: are these supplements really better than the original monohydrate? We invite you to familiarize yourself with 15 forms of creatine, from which you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Creatine monohydrate

There is no doubt that creatine monohydrate is the cheapest, most accessible and most studied type of creatine. Monohydrate is usually sold in powder form. Even though it consists of creatine, it also contains 12% water. For most users of this supplement, creatine monohydrate provides desired results, which is confirmed by all kinds of reports by scientists and individual articles.

In the past, when creatine monohydrate was sold as a coarse powder, it often caused intestinal colic, bloating, and diarrhea. Most modern creatine monohydrate supplements come in the form of a very fine powder, similar to flour. This powder is 20 times finer than the originally produced creatine monohydrate. Small particles of creatine dissolve more easily in liquid. Most creatine monohydrate supplements are fairly inexpensive, but the cost shouldn't be too low. If you come across a low-quality, poorly ground powder, you risk suffering from pain in the stomach and intestines

Creatine anhydrous

It is simple creatine separated from water molecules. It contains slightly more creatine (about 6%) than a similar serving of creatine monohydrate. It does not provide any additional effect compared to creatine monohydrate, but is a complete substitute.

Creatine citrate

Creatine citrate appeared on the shelves not much later than the moment when creatine monohydrate gained its lightning popularity. Citrate consists of creatine molecules with citric acid molecules attached to them. Citric acid is an intermediate in the Krebs cycle (the metabolic cycle through which muscles receive aerobic energy).

In other words, lemon acid helps produce energy. For this reason, creatine combined with citric acid should provide more energy to muscles than creatine alone. However, this is a purely hypothetical conclusion, since not a single scientific study has confirmed it. The citrate form contains less creatine per gram (about 40%) than the monohydrate, but citrate is more easily soluble in water.

Creatine phosphate

Creatine phosphate also quickly appeared on the market after the first creatine supplements. This variety combines creatine molecules attached to phosphate molecules. In this form, creatine is usually found in muscles, and phosphate is necessary component so that the desired effect can be obtained from creatine. Phosphate can also neutralize lactic acid. Although this type of creatine supplement was popular for a while, many bodybuilders soon lost interest in it after creatine monohydrate was proven to be more effective means. The phosphate group in the form presented in the supplement complicates the absorption of creatine by muscle cells.

Creatine malate

Creatine malate is a relatively new type of creatine supplement. It consists of creatine molecules with attached molecules of malic acid, which is included as an intermediate in the krebs cycle, like citric acid. Accordingly, this type of creatine supplement may also provide more energy than creatine monohydrate. Almost no research has been carried out on the properties of creatine malate, and therefore Flex cannot yet confirm the high productivity of this supplement. Like creatine citrate, creatine malate is highly soluble in water and does not cause stomach pain.

Creatine tartrate

Creatine tartrate consists of creatine molecules with tartaric acid molecules attached. This form is often used in the manufacture of solid creatine supplements, available in the form of capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets, bars and chewables. In solid form, the tartrate variety of the supplement retains its properties the longest, but no longer has any advantages over good old creatine monohydrate.

Magnesium creatine

This substance consists of creatine and magnesium molecules. Creatine molecules attached to magnesium are better preserved in the stomach, and magnesium helps the body absorb creatine. Magnesium is needed to convert creatine phosphate into ATP (adenosine triphosphate, which in other words means energy). Recent studies comparing the results of taking magnesium creatine and creatine and magnesium separately showed that when taking magnesium creatine, the subject's muscle cells were more hydrated, and the subject showed greater strength in leg press exercises. If you are looking to benefit from taking creatine in combination with magnesium, we recommend that you take magnesium creatine rather than creatine and magnesium alone.


There are supplements on sale that combine creatine with glutamine peptide and taurine. With this combination of substances, it is assumed that creatine and glutamine will enter muscle cells faster and easier and be retained in them longer. Since both glutamine and taurine serve to increase cell volume, it is theoretically assumed that together they should have a double effect on cells. Among other things, this supplement should give your muscles more power, as it has been proven (in laboratories and in gyms) that taurine increases muscle strength.

Creatine HMB

In this supplement, creatine is chemically bound to HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylburate), a leucine metabolite that promotes muscle recovery and growth. This supplement dissolves better than others in water, is absorbed and causes the least harm to your stomach and intestines. Once this substance enters your bloodstream, creatine and HMB separate from each other and enter your muscles separately. Since creatine HMB is a new product, comprehensive studies have not been conducted to confirm the above facts, but positive reviews have already been received regarding this supplement.

Creatine ester

The latest development in creatine supplements is creatine ester - technically, creatine ester ethyl hydrochloride (in other words, alcohol and acid). This high-tech creatine was developed by scientists at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha, Nebraska) to increase its biological value, which should lead to a dramatic increase in the positive effects of creatine on human health.

The group of esters attached to creatine allows it to more easily pass through the membranes of muscle and intestinal cells. Theoretically, this substance should be easier for the body to absorb and better absorbed by cells than other forms of creatine. To date, scientists have not yet been able to confirm the effectiveness of this drug. This is such a new product that almost nothing is written about it in the press.

Creatine effervescent tablets (effervescent creatine)

This form of creatine appeared almost simultaneously with creatine itself. If you don’t know about it, then remember Alka-Seltzer. Most creatine effervescent tablets contain creatine citrate or creatine monohydrate with bicarbonate and citric acid. When such a substance is combined with water, a reaction occurs between bicarbonate and citric acid, as a result of which creatine is separated from the rest of the substances in the tablet.

This creatine dissolves better in water. This form of supplement helps protect creatine from the damaging effects of stomach acid and allows creatine to be better absorbed by intestinal cells. Research has shown that creatine effervescent tablets remain more stable in solution than creatine monohydrate. So if you dissolve creatine in water and take it after a certain time, we recommend using effervescent tablets.

Creatine titrate

Please note, we are not repeating ourselves, this is creatine titrate, not creatine tartrate. Creatine titrate works in the same way as creatine effervescent tablets, except for one thing - it is not an effervescent substance. Titrate promotes better dissolution in water by affecting the hydrogen ions of water when creatine is stirred in it. Theoretically, this way, your body should absorb more creatine, but there is practically no evidence of this fact today.

Liquid creatine

Chances are, you should be well aware of the controversy surrounding liquid creatine. It is assumed that such creatine should be better absorbed by the body due to its complete solubility in water. The question is, how long does creatine remain stable in solution? Earlier developments proved unsuitable, but thanks to technological progress, more encouraging results were achieved. Not everything works out right away. After all, it wasn’t the first time NASA landed a man on the moon.

Modern liquid creatine has been enhanced with ingredients such as soybean oil, colloidal minerals and aloe vera gel. These components help maintain the properties of creatine in the liquid for a year or even longer.

Chewable Creatine Gum

We're talking about Big League Chew. You can chew and chew and chew the stick that contains creatine. Creatine is released when you chew the record. Studies have shown that the body absorbs less creatine from a solid chewing candy than from a liquid solution. On the other hand, the chew remains in the mouth longer, and since the blood vessels in the mouth are located closer to the surface, it is assumed that for this reason creatine is absorbed faster and more efficiently.

Time - released creatine

One of the latest crazy developments in the field food additives- These are long-acting additives. The components of the supplement are gradually slowly released into the body, which takes a certain time. This means that such components remain in your blood longer, but in low concentrations. Regarding creatine, there is still ongoing debate among scientists about whether this form is really more effective or not.

One group of scientists believes that an athlete requires a certain amount of creatine at a time to achieve maximum effect. Another group of scientists believes that excessive one-time consumption of creatine may cause the destruction of receptors that absorb creatine. Think of the receptors as little doors that let creatine in. The fewer such doors remain, the less creatine your body will receive. Proponents of extended-release creatine claim that the gradual, slow introduction of creatine into the body allows the receptors to work optimally, thereby absorbing more creatine. As of today, this technology is too new to judge, so we advise you to check for yourself whether it is actually effective or not.

Your creatine

So what's a bodybuilder to do with the variety of creatine products on offer? Which one should you prefer? First of all, check how creatine monohydrate acts on your body. Are you receiving sufficient quantity energy and strength from creatine monohydrate? Do you have problems absorbing creatine monohydrate? Are you completely satisfied with the effects of creatine monohydrate? Second, consider your answers to the questions asked. If all your answers were positive, then there is no reason to switch from creatine monohydrate to another product unless you are curious to try something new.

If you answered no to any of these questions, then a new form of creatine may be better for you. To date, the largest number positive feedback we receive regarding magnesium creatine, and research also supports its effectiveness. Many of the other forms of creatine also promise to be effective. Try to do your research and determine which form of creatine is best for you. Continue to follow the discussion of this issue in new issues of Flex.

Creatine dosage

We recommend taking creatine 2 times a day - about 2-5 grams before training and another 2-5 grams after training. For achievement best result We recommend combining creatine intake with 25-5 g of whey protein and 50-100 g of simple carbohydrates.

Creatine Basics

A quick reminder about creatine

  • Fact #1 Creatine helps most athletes gain up to 5-10 pounds of lean mass in a matter of weeks, and also maintain that mass.
  • Fact No. 2 More than 500 published articles are dedicated to creatine. scientific works. Most of them are dedicated to creatine monohydrate, which has been found to be effective and safe for health.
  • Fact #3 Creatine increases muscle cell volume by retaining fluid. In this way, your muscles are stretched more, which promotes faster qualitative growth muscles (not only through the accumulation of fluid in them).
  • Fact #4 Creatine gives your muscles more ATP energy at the time of administration, which is necessary during your training. ATP gives you the opportunity to perform more reps than you normally would. The more repetitions you do, the more your muscles grow.
  • Fact #5 About 30% of athletes who take creatine do not get the expected effect from it. Such “unresponsive people” already produce the maximum amount of creatine phosphate in their cells, so taking the supplement does not give the desired results.

Date of: 2016-05-16 Views: 16 584 Grade: 5.0 Creatine is a protein substance (i.e., a biopolymer consisting of amino acids), the use of which, naturally, in combination with exercise, promotes the rapid growth of muscle mass. Creatine was obtained by the chemist Chevrel from the muscles of vertebrates, where it is found in large quantities. In fact, consuming creatine is not much different from eating meat. However, the benefit of creatine is that when you take creatine, you are getting the part of the meat that makes your muscles grow.

How does creatine work?

To understand the principle of how creatine works, you need to delve a little deeper into biochemistry and consider the main energy processes occurring in muscles. The main energy unit in the human and animal body is the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate) - it is into it that all the proteins, fats and carbohydrates we eat are converted. ATP is used by the body where energy is needed, for example in muscles during active work. After delivery to the place of active work, the ATP molecule is split, releasing a huge amount of energy, which is then spent on the necessary processes (in muscles - on muscle contraction, as well as on the synthesis of new fibers and building muscle mass). Creatine, entering the muscles, combines with a phosphate group, forming phosphocreatine. It is this phosphate group that plays main role in energy metabolism in muscles: creatine gives it to the broken down ATP molecule, restoring it and making it efficient.

Thus, creatine helps to provide a continuous energy supply to the muscles during work, halving the body’s costs for ATP synthesis and doubling the rate of muscle mass growth.

Types of Creatine

There are a huge variety of forms of creatine available today. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first thing you need to know is that natural and synthetic creatine differ only in the method of production. The natural one is isolated from animal muscles, and the synthetic one is “assembled” in laboratories from cyanamide and sarcosine. In terms of their chemical structure, they are the same substance.

Second, different forms of the same substance do not act the same! Despite the same active ingredient, it is the form of the drug that determines how it will work.

Let's look at the main types of creatine and their features: 1. and creatine anhydrous– the simplest forms of the substance: pure creatine containing a little water. The undoubted advantage of such forms is the low cost of the product. The disadvantages include the fact that for some consumers this creatine causes pain in the stomach and intestines. 2. Creatine citrate, Creatine phosphate, Creatine malate and Creatine tartrate– forms of creatine, which contain organic acids (citric, phosphate, lactic and tartaric, respectively), which accelerate the release of energy. The advantages of these forms of creatine are faster (compared to creatine monohydrate) absorption of the product by the body and additional energy received by the muscles. The disadvantages include the higher cost of the product, as well as a lower concentration of pure creatine in the product. 3. Creatine - glutamine - taurine and magnesium creatine. The main advantage of these forms of creatine is the additional substances magnesium and glutamine, which significantly reduce the metabolic pathways for delivering creatine to the muscles, and also facilitate its absorption. Magnesium and taurine, among other things, increase muscle strength. The disadvantages of these forms of creatine include a complex schedule for taking the product, requiring an individual approach. 4. Creatine HMB– a form containing the metabolite leucine, which accelerates muscle recovery and growth. The advantages of this form include rapid absorption by the body, minimal harm to the stomach and intestines. The downside is that this form of creatine is one of the most expensive, as well as one of the least studied. 5. Creatine titrate, liquid creatine and creatine effervescent tablets. The main advantage of these forms of creatine is their high solubility in water, which makes them convenient to use and significantly accelerates the absorption of creatine. The obvious disadvantages of such forms are their low effectiveness, as shown by recent studies. 6. Chewable Creatine and Long Release Creatine. The advantage of these forms of creatine is that they allow the gradual release of creatine, which significantly increases its duration of action, making creatine more effective at lower (compared to other forms) concentrations by increasing the time of continuous presence of creatine in the body. Disadvantages: the high cost of the product compared to other forms, as well as the lower concentration of creatine in the product.

So which one is better?

Of course, there is no definite answer to this question, because the effectiveness of a particular product, a particular form of creatine, depends on many factors, including individual characteristics metabolism of the person taking creatine. If we talk about the form of the product, then the most effective look creatine, today, are considered creatine monohydrate (which is rather due to the maximum study of this type of product) and creatines with transport substances (creatine malate, creatine citrate and creatine phosphate). As for the best creatine manufacturing company, consumer opinions often differ greatly on this issue, which makes it impossible to accurately name the manufacturer of the most effective product. However, in an attempt to determine an effective product and the best manufacturer, many sports nutrition resources conduct surveys and compile ratings. Of course, the survey results cannot be called 100% objective, because... Both professional trainers and bodybuilders, as well as amateurs and novice athletes, take part in the surveys. However, surveys like these help highlight the most popular types of creatine and the companies that produce it, which can make the problem of choosing creatine easier. So, according to the results of numerous surveys on various resources, among creatine monohydrate the most popular products were: Among creatines with transport systems, the most effective, according to respondents, were:

Creatine (Tamoxifen monohydrate)- a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid that is found in the body of vertebrates. Participates in energy metabolism in muscle and nerve cells. Creatine was isolated in 1832 by Chevreul from skeletal muscles. The name was derived from ancient Greek. κρέας (n. κρέατος) “meat”¹.

Creatine is perhaps one of the simplest and most effective supplements, which actually has a serious effect in almost any sport, with the exception of those aimed at developing endurance - and then only due to the possible increase in body weight due to water retention.

Creatine works on almost everyone - with very few exceptions. If you are unlucky and some form of creatine does not work for you, then 1) try increasing the dose and 2) try changing the type of creatine.

Creatine supplements help increase muscle mass and strength, increase anaerobic endurance, and reduce muscle fiber damage.

The sometimes held belief that creatine can negatively affect kidney function has been categorically refuted.

Which form of creatine should you choose?

Creatine monohydrate is used in most supplements and appears in the vast majority of studies. At the same time, it should be noted that there are many other forms of creatine, largely due to the effective marketing of sports supplement companies.

Creatine comes in many forms - liquid, powder, tablets. There are also many types of creatine²:

  • Kre-Alkalyn
  • Creatine anhydrous
  • Creatine alpha-ketoglutarate
  • Creatine hydrochloride (Con-cret)
  • Creatine HMB
  • Creatine monohydrate
  • Creatine tartrate
  • Creatine titrate
  • Creatine phosphate
  • Creatine citrate
  • Tri-Creatine Malate
  • Dicreatine malate (2-Creatine malate)
  • Magnesium creatine
  • Creatine ethyl ester

Is it worth paying extra for a uniform?

Creatine in liquid form is most often produced on a monohydrate basis, but is also considered less effective than pure monohydrate, again due to the conversion of creatine to creatinine.

Creatine nitrate is much more easily soluble in water and therefore may be easier to consume for those experiencing stomach problems. But it does not show any advantages over pure monohydrate

Crealkaline was intended to replace monohydrate and surpass it in effectiveness. But according to a number of studies, it is again no more effective than monohydrate.

Creatine hydrochloride is a chemical element containing creatine combined with hydrochloride acid. When it enters the stomach, it is transformed into regular creatine due to a reaction with gastric juice. Creatine hydrochloride may dissolve more easily in water, but again, it is no more effective than pure monohydrate.

Creatine malate is a combination of creatine and malic acid. While malic acid may increase endurance on its own, there is no research to support its increased effectiveness when combined with creatine.

Or vice versa. In general, you can experiment on yourself.

Creatine pyruvate is a compound of creatine and pyruvic acid. In some studies, it increases plasma creatine levels, but it is no more effective than monohydrate in absorption. Additionally, there are studies that say pyruvate is more effective than citrate, which makes it also more effective than monohydrate. While other studies show that pyruvate is not effective in increasing endurance training in cyclists - while monohydrate works great there. In general, we are waiting for more research on pyruvate.

How effective is creatine in power types sports?

Creatine monohydrate works. On average, taking creatine increases strength by 8 percent, while increases in individual exercises and in different people can reach 16-43 percent.

Studies conducted on a group of previously untrained people show significant gains in strength and mass with creatine consumption.

At the same time, consuming creatine helps increase muscle mass, but does not in any way affect the percentage of subcutaneous fat.

There is no point in consuming creatine for a short period of time - the results will be similar for training without creatine. However, with long-term use of creatine, noticeable changes in strength and lean muscle mass are characteristic.

What is the best way to use creatine?

There is no big difference in taking creatine supplements before or after workouts. Even if this difference exists, it is not large and is not visible during experimental tests.

Personally, I just drink water with creatine and a set of amino acids during the workout itself.

Doses and loading process.

Here are some options:

  1. Loading with 20 grams of creatine for 5-6 days, after which switching to 2-3 grams per day;
  2. Standard intake is 5 grams of creatine per day³;

3. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 187

Which creatine supplement is the best choice at the moment? In this article, we will explore the different forms of creatine and find out whether creatine monohydrate is the right choice.

If you have an interest in the dietary supplement industry, then you are most likely aware of the popularity and its positive effects on physical performance and athletic performance. However, as with any industry, the natural evolution of dietary supplements forces manufacturers to work towards creating better, more effective products.

But do new, “advanced” forms of creatine really offer us more options than the time-tested and thoroughly studied creatine monohydrate? Read our material and you will find out what Scientific research are behind the hype around new products, and what form of creatine is optimal in terms of price/quality.

Review of 13 Popular Forms of Creatine

Creatine monohydrate(creatine monohydrate). There is no doubt that monohydrate is the most common and studied form of creatine, which has stood the test of time and proven its right to be called a basic nutrient both in strength training, and in professional sports. This is one of the most effective products in terms of price/quality and safety/tolerability. Many creatine monohydrate formulations come in “micronized” powders, such as the patented Creapure. Creapure is made from high quality, carefully selected ingredients. It is a natural form of creatine that has been tested for chemical purity and safety.

Creatine salts. It is believed that as a result of the chemical interaction of creatine with various salts, compounds are obtained that have greater bioavailability and are better soluble in aqueous media than creatine monohydrate. Let's take a look at the most common creatine salts and the results of scientific studies devoted to studying their characteristics.

Creatine citrate(creatine citrate). Research has shown that creatine bound to citric acid has neither greater bioavailability nor greater potency than creatine monohydrate. However, it is believed to be more soluble in aqueous media.

Creatine nitrate(creatine nitrate). Another popular creatine salt is creatine nitrate. There is still a lack of scientific research on creatine nitrate, but this form of creatine is highly soluble and less likely to cause stomach upset than creatine monohydrate, which is a plus.

Creatine malate(creatine malate). Scientists have yet to study the effects of creatine bound to malic acid on athletic performance, but malic acid itself has a positive effect on physical performance.

Creatine orotate(creatine orotate). Like the previously mentioned creatine malate, creatine orotate has not been well studied at the time of writing. However, orotic acid is the most important organic acid, which is involved in the biosynthesis of pyrimidines, and in the body of animals it saves and.

Creatine pyruvate(creatine pyruvate). Perhaps the most promising creatine salt is pyruvate. Studies have proven that it is more effective than creatine citrate and increases plasma creatine levels. With that said, we should eagerly await the completion of studies that compare the effectiveness of creatine pyruvate and creatine monohydrate.

Magnesium creatine chelate(magnesium creatine chelate). There is evidence that magnesium creatine chelate accelerates the delivery of creatine to muscle tissue. But whether such an increase in the flow of creatine to muscles affects athletic performance is an open question.

Buffered Creatine(Kre-Alkalyn). This form of creatine has an alkaline pH and is better absorbed in the digestive tract than creatine monohydrate. The buffer solution used is simple baking soda. The paradox is (as in the case of creatine ethyl ester) that scientific studies that examined the effect of this form of creatine on the increase in athletic performance showed that the effectiveness of buffered creatine is not superior, but rather inferior to creatine monohydrate.

Creatine ethyl ester(creatine ethyl ester). The developers of creatine ethyl ester claim that this form is “better absorbed by the body” than monohydrate, but scientific research has shown the opposite. Ethyl ether is characterized by lower bioavailability and lower stability. After absorption in the intestine, creatine ester is quickly destroyed and converted into the final product of creatine metabolism - creatinine.

Liquid creatine. It's a little disconcerting that creatine manufacturers decided to go down this slippery slope, given that creatine monohydrate is unstable in aqueous solutions. Essentially, liquid creatine breaks down and turns into a useless byproduct (creatinine) before it even hits store shelves. Moral of the story - choose creatine powders.

Creatine effervescent. Considering the instability of creatine in aqueous solutions, some manufacturers have attempted to create effervescent creatine consisting of creatine monohydrate, citric acid and bicarbonate. Meanwhile, studies have shown that this form of creatine is extremely unstable in aqueous solution, as are other liquid preparations of creatine monohydrate.

Glycosylated Creatine(glycosylated creatine). And this is perhaps the most intriguing of the “new” forms of creatine. Optimism is instilled by polyethylene glycol (PEG), which increases the efficiency of nutrient absorption. Experimental results showed that creatine bound to polyethylene glycol is as effective as monohydrate, even when used at a 75% lower dosage. This suggests that PEG acts as a potent transport system for oral forms of creatine. However this creatine is still far from appearing on the shelves of specialized stores.

Which form of creatine is considered the “gold standard”?

At the moment, it is difficult to compare anything with creatine monohydrate, which remains the best and most studied of all creatine preparations on the market. Some creatine salts are worthy alternatives in terms of performance benefits, and glycated creatine also has significant potential, but ultimately you can't go wrong with good old creatine monohydrate. Its effectiveness is proven and time-tested, it is available in a natural, chemically pure and safe form, such as high-quality Creapure.

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