How to take creatinine in bodybuilding. How to choose and how to take creatine: a complete guide. Increased muscle strength

Learn all about creatine, how it works, where it comes from, how to use it and much more!

What is creatine?

Creatine is a nutrient found naturally in all of our organs. It is a combination of 3 amino acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine helps provide energy to our muscles so they can move, specifically making fast and explosive movements. Muscle contraction is initially fueled by ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

There is only sufficient quantity ATP to provide energy for about 10 seconds. This energy system requires more ATP to function. Creatine phosphate donates its phosphate molecules to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), thus recreating ATP. Increasing the supply of creatine phosphate to muscles helps increase the rate at which the body can supply ATP.

Breakdown of creatine.

This increases the muscle's ability to do work and improves the muscle's energy efficiency. Research shows that creatine is effective in improving training intensity and recovery. It is able to pass through the walls of the intestines (stomach) and into the bloodstream intact and upon entering muscle cells is converted into creatine phosphate (CP).

What is creatine phosphate?

Creatine phosphate is an organic compound in muscle fibers that is broken down into hormones to produce ATP.

What is adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

ATP is an organic compound found in muscles that, when broken down into hormones, provides energy for muscle contraction. Creatine increases your body's ability to produce protein in muscle fibers, which also (creatine increases cellular hydration).

Hydrated muscles have increased permeability, which allows more amino acids to enter the muscle cells). Increasing the supply of these contractile proteins (actin and myosin) increases your muscles' ability to perform physical work. The point here is that creatine allows you to perform more reps at a given weight.

This will increase the time under tension, thereby increasing the number of muscle fibers recruited, which in turn will increase the number of fibers stimulated. It also prevents your body from relying on another energy system called glycolysis, which produces lactic acid as a byproduct. Lactic acid creates the burning sensation you feel during intense exercise.

Does this mean you can lift heavier weights or run faster?

Indirectly, YES! Directly, perhaps! Creatine doesn't make you stronger or faster, it makes you faster or stronger. Creatine allows you to train at high intensity and recover faster.

If your recovery is better, you will be in a more rested and fresh state before you begin your next session, and as a result, you will get more benefit from that session than you otherwise would have. Let's use the bench press as an example: Before using creatine, our test subject, let's call him "Maximus", did 4 sets of bench presses.

His goal was to do 4 sets of 8 reps with 102 kg, he usually did 8,8,6 and 4. By sets 3 and 4 he was already tired and as a result was unable to achieve his goal. When Maximus takes creatine, he will likely see a significant enough improvement in recovery to allow him to reach his goal of 4 sets of 8 reps.

Now, if Maximus continues to use creatine, eat wisely, and train with intensity and passion for 12-16 weeks, he will be able to increase his bench press to 113 kg with 4 sets of 8 reps. Finally - remember that you have to do your job! Use creatine to progress, not stop.

Where is creatine found naturally?

You may ask, “Why do I need it if it is found naturally in my body.” Well, the reason is that most people consume about one gram of creatine from food per day.

This combined with the body's average production of one more gram amounts to a comparatively paltry 2 grams of creatine per day. If you're a heavy red meat consumer, you shouldn't expect dramatic results from creatine (a pound of beef contains about 2 grams of creatine, and every pound of herring contains 4.6 grams - more than 2 grams per kilogram of most fish).

Those who experience the best results are vegetarians. Vegetarians synthesize supplements like their carnivorous counterparts; they rarely replenish their muscle creatine stores as they avoid rich food sources such as beef.

As a result, they respond well to creatine. Creatine supplements are suitable even for committed vegans, since it is a synthetic product and not derived from animal sources.

Can creatine become toxic with long-term use?

The truth is, no one knows. Although the body only produces 1-2 grams per day, there is a good chance that your body can handle consuming 5 or more grams per day. Anyone weighing more than 91 kg can consume 10 grams quite safely, provided they drink enough fluids (to avoid cramps). Some people have been taking up to 20-30 grams per day since 1990.

Is creatine safe?

Yes, creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in the human and animal body. The human body contains 100-115 grams of creatine in the form of creatine phosphate. No negative side effects were noted in studies with recommended supplement levels.

Were any side effects noted?

Creatine is so effective in moving water into intramuscular compartments that the side effects associated with it include muscle cramps. This most often occurs when too little fluid is consumed while taking creatine supplements.

Muscle cramps, sprains and tears are evidence that is not supported by scientific facts. Creatine draws water from the internal working organs, and therefore, if you take a lot of supplements without water, mild stomach cramps may occur.

How to avoid this? Simple: drink 0.5 liters of water with each dose! Water is important for an athlete, and most of us are guilty of drinking too little. Ideally, we should drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. This will benefit us and benefit the CF we are taking. Additional water will help maximize the effect of CF.

When is the best time to take creatine?

For achievement best results On training days, take creatine after your workout. You won't feel sick, and it's best to take creatine during this time to replenish your depleted stores. If you would like to take more of the supplement on your workout day (i.e. 10 grams), then take half before your workout and the remaining half after your workout.

How much should I consume?

  • Less than or equal to 64 kg = 5-6 grams per day for maintenance effect
  • 64-75 kg = 6-7.5 g per day for maintenance effect
  • 75-91 kg = 8 g per day for maintenance effect
  • 91-110 kg = 8-10 g per day for maintenance effect
  • More than 110 kg = 10-12 g per day

Creatine intake auto calculator

NB - please note that a teaspoon is equal to approximately 3 grams. Always divide the dose.

Ways to take creatine

You will find many different recommendations on how to take creatine. Studies have shown that cells absorb 60% more creatine when combined with simple base sugars such as grape juice (naturally rich in glucose).

A large spike in insulin will push creatine into the muscles. Never take creatine with orange juice! It just negates all the positive effects that are associated with its acidity.

Now this is a topic for open discussion, but perhaps The best way– use CF with warm water; you can add simple carbohydrates if required. Cranberry juice is recommended if you are prone to indigestion as it may help relieve the upset.

Creatine transfer

The theory is that in order to maximize the effects of creatine consumption, you need to consume it with simple carbohydrates. The idea is that this will promote the release of insulin, which will carry CP into the muscles. The main ingredients in all transfers are creatine and dextrose. 1000 g will contain 200 grams of creatine and 800 grams of dextrose. Sometimes there will be other substances such as glutamine, etc., but honestly, they are not enough to make any difference.

Why use carryover?

In a swift modern world it's really just for convenience. They are more expensive, but that's always the case with comfort food and!

How much do they cost?

1 kg containers are sold in stores at a price of 800-1200 rubles. For 1200 it’s really something. You will get 1 month at best with a 1kg container.

note: buy this if you want, but only use on training days. On non-training days, take only regular CP (creatine monohydrate). If the idea is to transfer CP into your system, then perhaps the only time of use should be either before or during training.

Do I need to go through a loading phase initially?

No no need. Just 3 grams of creatine per day for 28 days results in the same amount of muscle creatine as a six-day loading program. So, if you want to reduce your creatine intake, it will take about a month to reach normal muscle reserves.

Consuming large amounts of creatine during the loading phase does not suppress the body's synthesis of creatine after you stop using it.

Will I lose weight or muscle mass if I stop using it?

There is no reason to expect a loss muscle mass. You will, however, lose a couple of pounds because creatine causes an increase in the volume of water in intracellular tissues, unlike the bloating caused by sodium intake.

Does creatine make you retain water?

No. Creatine pulls water out of the body to do its job. There is a difference between increasing cell volume and retaining water. Increasing cell volume results in more water inside the cells, which makes muscles larger and firmer. Water retention, the process that makes muscles smooth, occurs outside the muscle cells.

How does creatine help muscles grow?

Intensity is necessary to achieve natural muscle growth or improved athletic performance. Muscle growth occurs when a muscle is overloaded. Without heavy sets, your muscles will remain small.

Creatine promotes intense lifting of weights by processing the necessary energy molecules ATP. Creatine also inhibits the development of lactic acid after a hard workout. As you know, lactic acid buildup is one of the main causes of exercise-related muscle fatigue.

Creatine is a natural substance produced in the liver, kidneys and pancreas. This substance is also found in small quantities in meat.

The male body produces about 2 grams of creatine per day. To speed up the process of gaining lean muscle mass, athletes take additional creatine in the form of a sports supplement sold in stores sports nutrition.

Effect of creatine

Energy in the human body is released due to the oxidation of the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecule. After oxidation, ATP is converted into the molecule ADP (adenosine diphosphate).

When you lift heavy weights, ATP is converted to ADP and your body releases energy. But there is too little ATP in the muscles, so active exercise can last a maximum of 10-15 seconds, after which creatine replenishes ATP reserves. When lifting weights, such a cyclical process occurs in the body all the time. A person cannot train at the maximum level for a long time, since creatine phosphate reserves run out too quickly.

It is the additional intake of creatine that will allow you to train much longer and more intensely. In addition, creatine will help build muscle mass. An additional amount of protein is deposited on the walls of muscle fibers, due to which muscles grow. Creatine increases endurance, prevents the formation of lactic acid and speeds up the body's recovery.

Creatine will help you achieve great results in just a few months.

How to take creatine

Creatine is taken in courses, after each of which you should pause for two weeks. One course lasts 4-6 weeks.

In the first week of use, the dosage is 4-6 grams twice a day. After 7 days, the dosage is reduced to 3 grams per day.

It is better to take the supplement on an empty stomach, so it is absorbed faster. If you experience diarrhea or stomach pain, take creatine only after meals.

Side effects of creatine

Creatine, consumed even in large doses (over 30 grams at a time), does not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.

In rare cases, athletes experience the appearance of acne (pimples). This is due to the fact that testosterone production increases in the body.

Creatine leads to water retention in the body, but only 0.5-2 liters are retained, and this does not cause any harm to a person.

Some athletes taking this supplement complain of digestive problems. Most often, this side effect accompanies only the first week of use, when it is necessary to consume large doses of creatine.

Creatine has been actively used by athletes for many years. This substance is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid. Creatine takes an active part in the energy exchange of cells of the nervous system and muscles. For athletes, the most important property of the substance is the ability of creatine to supply energy to muscle tissue, which is needed in large quantities during intense training.

Note that creatine was discovered more than two centuries ago, but it became widely used in sports only a few decades ago. However, close attention to creatine from scientists was shown only after several deaths with American wrestlers. After their death, pathologists were able to identify a high concentration of creatine in the body.

After numerous studies, creatine began to be actively used again and no more deaths were recorded. In addition, this fact should be noted. That scientists were unable to establish doses of the substance that could lead to side effects that pose a danger to the body. As a result, the deaths that occurred could not be associated with their use of creatine.

Of course, the use of the supplement is very useful for athletes. Now we will not focus on the mechanisms of its work, but will only remind you that creatine can significantly increase strength indicators. It is used not only in strength sports disciplines, but also in games. This is due to its ability to increase the body’s energy potential during explosive physical activity. However, there are two negative aspects that may occur when using the supplement. Today we will talk about the double danger of creatine in bodybuilding.

Negative points when using creatine

The first such factor should be considered fluid retention in the body. Creatine monohydrate is good for almost everything, but it also retains fluid quite strongly. If the quality of the muscle mass gained is not of fundamental importance to you, then this property of the substance may even be positive. However, most bodybuilders try to gain only high-quality mass, and in this case, the ability to retain fluid certainly cannot be a positive property.

In addition, creatine increases strength indicators, which can be considered a positive thing. However, the increase in strength occurs quite quickly and the muscles often cannot withstand such a pace. As a result, this can lead to muscle tissue rupture.

If you ask experienced athletes about this, they will confirm this fact. At the same time, strength increases even without the use of anabolic steroids. If you increase the load at a rapid pace, you risk getting quite serious muscle damage.

Let us repeat, creatine is very good for athletes and, of course, should be used. But at the same time, you must remember that it is necessary to strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus and tendons. Your strength indicators increase quickly, but your body does not have time to adapt to the rapidly growing loads. As a result, the fibers do not acquire the necessary elasticity to respond to them. At a certain point, they may simply not be able to cope and the result will be injury.

You probably already realized that all these unpleasant moments can be eliminated quite easily. Regarding water retention in the body, some athletes use other forms of creatine, such as ethylester, instead of monohydrate. Perhaps this form of the substance is somewhat inferior to monohydrate in effectiveness, but the quality of your muscles will not deteriorate.

Solving the problem of rapid growth in strength indicators, or rather an increase in the risk of injury, is even easier. You just shouldn't progress the load quickly. It takes time for the ligaments and tendons to adapt and the muscle fibers to become more elastic. After this, they will be able to bear heavier loads and you can increase the working weight again. It is important to do this gradually.

That's the whole danger of creatine in bodybuilding. The substance has been studied well enough to indicate the absence of other side effects. Actually, this can be evidenced by the long-term experience of using creatine by a large number of athletes. Apart from the two negative aspects described today, there can be no other complaints about creatine.

You can learn about what creatine is and how to take it correctly from this video:

One of the main tasks of bodybuilders and simply physically active people is the correct selection of products and sports supplements. It is known that the same sports supplements designed to perform different functions for different athletes. For example, bodybuilders consider amino acids with branched chain in terms of improving muscle growth and sustainable muscle protein synthesis. But an important point in training is the period of onset of fatigue during intensive training. In such situations, athletes need endurance, and one of the components that can increase it is citrulline malate. That's why many bodybuilders include it in their pre-workout routines.
Citrulline is an amino acid resulting from the combination of the amino acid ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate. In the body, this occurs during the urinary cycle, thus the body gets rid of nitrogenous waste. Excess citrulline from supplements allows the urinary cycle to remove ammonia produced by exercising muscles before it has a fatigue effect.
Citrulline plays an important role in the body's metabolic processes. In addition, citrulline is a byproduct obtained when the body processes the amino acid arginine into nitric oxide. Studies show that excess citrulline increases the amount of arginine in the blood, which leads to increased production of nitric oxide. In turn, a large amount of nitrogen has a positive effect on blood flow to the muscles during exercise, which allows muscle tissue to remain under load longer and be better pumped with blood.
Malate, or malic acid, is a salt compound that is often used as a food preservative and gives some fruits, such as apples, a sour taste. Another positive property of malate is that it promotes the recycling of lactic acid, which helps in the fight against fatigue. Together with citrulline, malate allows the body to withstand various loads longer.

Citrulline in sports

In bodybuilding and other sports, citrulline is used quite often as this supplement increases training performance. By accelerating the release of ammonia, citrulline from sports nutrition allows you to delay the decrease in hydrogen activity in the muscles that occurs during intense physical work. When hydrogen activity drops, the muscle becomes acidic and fatigue sets in.
Since arginine is synthesized from citrulline, it can act as a nitrogen donor; it is better absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract, but this mechanism of action is not the main one. Also, citrulline inhibits enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. It has been suggested that citrulline may increase growth hormone production, insulin secretion, and creatine production, although these effects have not been proven. TO positive effects You can also add that this drug helps athletes reduce muscle pain after training.

How to take and in what doses

It is recommended to take citrulline on an empty stomach before training, 05-1.5 hours before training. You can also take it additionally in the morning and before bed. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to an increase in arginine levels, the specifics of administration are also the same.
The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. But studies show that if you take 18 grams per day, the results will be significantly better.

Combining Citrulline with Other Supplements

To increase the effectiveness of your workouts, you can combine various supplements with citrulline.
The most preferred sports nutrition for combination:
Carnosine - helps increase anaerobic threshold by buffering lactic acid, and also protect muscles from oxidative stress.
L-carnitine - increases energy production by including fat in the metabolism. Allows you to improve physical performance and protect the cardiovascular system.
Creatine - increases strength and muscle growth.
Arginine - improves muscle nutrition by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Increases the production of growth hormone and insulin. The feasibility of the combination is not sufficiently substantiated.
Vitamins and minerals are elements that are involved in almost all metabolic processes. Citrulline combines especially well with B vitamins and zinc.

Side effects of citrulline

To date, clinical trials have not identified any side effect citrulline. There have also been no reports from athletes using citrulline.

Natural Sources of Citrulline

Watermelon. Watermelon peel is especially rich in citrulline. In addition to citrulline, watermelon also contains other immune-stimulating antioxidants that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, including lycopene. Citrulline is also present in watermelon seeds.
Peanut. Peanuts are a good source of citrulline and are relatively high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Peanuts are also high in antioxidants and fiber, important components of a healthy diet.
Soya beans. Unlike many other plant foods, soybeans contain a full range of essential amino acids. This makes them a very attractive food for vegetarians. Soybeans contain citrulline, iron, copper and omega-3 fatty acids. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, copper for metabolism, and fatty acids for active brain activity and smooth functioning of the heart.
Citrulline is also found in other foods such as fish, milk, eggs, meat, as well as onions and garlic.

Vitamins are highly active biological substances that are responsible for certain life processes. When they enter our body, they contribute to the activation of various processes. Various vitamins can help strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, improve recovery during physical activity, improve the overall functional state of the body and neutralize harmful environmental factors.
A vitamin-mineral complex (multivitamin) is a supplement whose purpose is to provide the body with vitamins, minerals, and other important substances. Multivitamins can be found in various forms, they come in the form of tablets, capsules, lozenges, powder, liquid and injectable solutions. Nowadays, vitamin and mineral complexes are produced taking into account various factors, such as age, gender and human activity. For example, there are such multivitamins: for pregnant women, children, the elderly, for athletes, for men and women. Multivitamins do not contain hormonal or harmful substances, they are not dangerous to health, and help strengthen it and also activate metabolic processes.

Quality of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Today the sports nutrition market has different kinds vitamin and mineral complexes, which differ in their price and quality. But the composition of all multivitamins is very similar.
The whole point is in the interaction of individual components of the complex. Cheap vitamin-mineral complexes often differ from expensive ones by impaired absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, which naturally contributes to a deterioration in the balance of micronutrients that enter the body, thereby reducing the effectiveness of taking this complex. In expensive drugs, on the contrary, there are elements that promote the absorption of certain elements, and also help to achieve a synergistic effect when the elements enhance each other’s properties. Naturally, such components bring much more benefits to the human body.

Vitamins and minerals in bodybuilding.

Practice shows that as in power types sports such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other sports such as fitness are very difficult to achieve desired results without the use of vitamin-mineral complexes. Even if a person consumes a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates and regularly exercises, he may have problems with training plateau. The reason for this may be insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
Bodybuilders need to eat large amounts of high-calorie foods that are low in minerals and vitamins. They cannot always add enough fruits and other sources of vitamins to their menu, as this will lead to digestive upset. But on the other hand, such athletes have much higher body needs for minerals and vitamins than ordinary people. Therefore, vitamin-mineral complexes are simply irreplaceable for them.
Having learned about this problem, novice bodybuilders are faced with the following problem: which complex to choose for themselves? There are many multivitamins you can buy in stores that, according to the manufacturer's description, are the best, but in reality good complexes not so much. As noted earlier, the quality of a vitamin-mineral complex is determined by its matrices, which allow the release of substances at a certain speed and in certain combinations, giving best effect assimilation. In addition, when playing sports, especially bodybuilding, the body's needs change significantly: some vitamins are needed 30% more, others even more. That is why weightlifters are recommended to purchase specialized vitamin and mineral complexes, which are designed taking into account the specific needs of the body in training conditions. In addition, sports vitamin-mineral complexes are divided by gender: for men and women, and they take into account the physiological characteristics of both sexes.
Separately, it should be noted that vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken both when gaining muscle mass and increasing strength indicators, and when working on relief, and when losing weight.

Reception mode.

Manufacturers' recommendations must be followed. Typically, multivitamins are taken for 1-2 months, after which a break of at least one month is taken. Experts do not recommend continuous use, since over time the body loses the ability to absorb hard-to-reach minerals from food, and the synthesis of vitamins within the body decreases.

The sports nutrition market is currently experiencing an unprecedented rise: the ever-increasing public interest in working out in the gym and bodybuilding in general encourages people different ages purchase various nutritional supplements, which together provide a noticeable increase in muscle mass in a relatively short period of time (of course, when combined with proper nutrition and a well-designed training program).

In general, creatine is a special substance in the human body, which is a product of the synthesis of three acids: arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine is produced by the body only when food is of animal origin, not plant. Many nutritionists note that the largest amount of creatine is produced when eating meat, salmon, tuna, chicken, as well as pork and beef.

Important: creatine is necessary for the body because it is this substance that gives it the energy it needs to build muscles.

Bodybuilders take creatine for a fairly simple reason: the amount produced by the human body from animal meat is so small that it simply won’t be possible to quickly build up muscles; this will require years of hard training. Wanting to quickly get results, athletes came to the obvious conclusion: in addition to consuming protein, attention should be paid to creatine, as one of the most important natural elements of the muscle-building system.

Obviously, you should never take unlimited quantities of creatine, as this is fraught with the occurrence of various kinds of problems with the digestive system. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to one of the clearly designed programs, the choice of which is based on individual goals and objectives.

For beginners and experienced athletes, it is important to know the following aspects of taking creatine:

  • Features of taking creatine before and after training;
  • Dosage regimens, calculation of the required daily dose;
  • Eating foods that improve creatine absorption.

Taking creatine before and after training

Many people who work out in the gym and regularly take various nutritional supplements are ready to give long arguments confirming the correctness of taking a particular drug before or after training. There are several opinions regarding the use of creatine:

  1. The first confidently believe that since creatine is actually necessary energy, then it should be taken 20-30 minutes before training.
  2. The latter appeal to the importance of the presence of energy in the body for the future process of muscle building and restoration of muscle fibers.
  3. The latter completely agree with both groups, which is why they prefer to drink creatine both before and after training.

The answer to this question was given by Kandou D.G. in 2008 in a study on the absorption time of creatine and protein in the body. So, according to the results, it is necessary to take creatine after training for two reasons: firstly, after training both in the cardio zone and in the strength training zone, blood flow improves and, as a result, the transport of creatine will be carried out much faster; secondly, the metabolic changes in the body that occur after training, coupled with the effect of the supplement, have a beneficial effect on the overall gain of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators.

Important: although creatine provides energy, it is not recommended to use it before training because it can cause an imbalance in the water-salt balance in the body.

Taking creatine before training is also useless because exercise stress What happens to the body forces it to get rid of excess moisture, and creatine, being undigested, will be eliminated first.

Creatine dosage regimens, daily dose calculation

Currently, there are quite a lot of regimens for taking creatine, which differ from each other in the daily amount of the supplement taken, its distribution throughout the day, and many other parameters. However, the vast majority of methods do not take into account latest research scientists: according to the results of experiments conducted on animals, humans, and even children, the human body is able to absorb, on average, only 50 mg of the substance per kilogram of an athlete’s body weight per day.

Important: precisely for the reason described above, taking 5-7 grams of creatine for the average person per day will have exactly the same effect as taking 20 grams, for the reason that the body will naturally eliminate the excess substances.

There are two main reception schemes: with loading and without loading. The difference between them lies in the duration of the course of taking the supplement and the amount of creatine taken during the day.

The “loading” scheme initially implied the need to take more than 20 grams of creatine per day, evenly distributed between all meals. With the advent of indisputable evidence about the removal of extra 15 grams of creatine from the body, its concept has changed somewhat: now the majority of authors of this method are of the opinion that it is necessary:

  1. Consume approximately 1.5 grams of creatine in each of the 4 main meals (or 1 gram if you have more snacks).
  2. Additionally, drink 0.5 grams of creatine on an empty stomach, in the middle of the day and at night.

This approach, according to nutritionists, can help the body absorb a slightly larger amount of creatine than usual. The course of the “boot” scheme lasts 2 months, after which the body must be given a month’s rest.

The “no-load” regimen, recommended by most nutritionists and professional athletes, is somewhat simpler and, according to reviews on bodybuilding forums on the RuNet, more effective. The essence of the method is quite simple: you need to take 5 grams of creatine immediately after training, and on rest days - on an empty stomach in the morning. At the same time, it is very important to combine the intake of creatine after training with fast carbohydrates: bananas, sweet juices, etc.: this will give the body an even greater supply of energy, and it will distribute it in the correct way, sending one part to muscle fibers, and the other for general recovery.

Advice: you can combine creatine intake, adhering to the “no-loading” method, you can also combine it with amino acids, gainers and protein shakes; In this case, it is necessary to find out in advance about possible contraindications.

The “no-load” creatine intake regimen has become more widespread among bodybuilders, which is why most athletes recommend sticking to it; the "boot" method can give a little more quick results(for one or two weeks), for the sake of which, however, you should not overuse the product so much.

Eating foods that improve creatine absorption

Transporting creatine to muscle fibers is the stage during which the largest part of this supplement is lost, therefore, obviously, it must be consumed in food with various natural products that have a positive effect on both absorption and transfer of substances.

The most important part of the process of assimilation of any substances by the body is insulin, which literally forces muscle cells to absorb everything that is delivered to them. Since insulin is a hormone, its production must be stimulated by the introduction of special foods into the digestive system that increase glucose levels. These include:

  • “Fast” carbohydrates: honey, sweet fruits, ice cream, juices and rice with potatoes;
  • Protein (in other words, whey proteins), 30-40 grams;
  • Amino acids, 10 grams.

Currently, there is a combination creatine on the market, which may contain not only the above substances, but also taurine, vitamin E and D-pinitol (herbal extract).

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention a few tips that most fitness trainers give to their clients regarding taking creatine. Since creatine is a natural supplement, it should not cause any painful sensations, cramps, stomach upsets and other troubles associated with the digestive system. Otherwise, you should either change the type of substance you are taking or give it up altogether.

It is strictly not recommended to take creatine, protein and amino acids at the same time for a long time, since the body may become so accustomed to the regular supply of the necessary substances that it will then be unable to reproduce them on its own.

Every day, nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water when taking a course of creatine: this helps improve the functioning of the body’s transport system and the delivery of substances to damaged muscle fibers.

Video: how to take creatine

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