The best pharmaceutical preparations for drying. Approved legal pharmaceutical drugs for bodybuilding. Other types of sports pharmaceuticals for drying courses

The time will come when you definitely decide for yourself that it’s time to get rid of excess fat in your body, namely from subcutaneous fat. Reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat will increase the definition of your muscles. In some cases, the process of burning excess fat requires some help, these cases are usually associated with the preparation of an experienced athlete for competitions, but there are also men and women who use all sorts of drugs for drying the body, just to look good on the beach in the summer, which is not entirely correct and not advisable. You can burn fat without special drugs, but this is a rather complex and painful process that you can control yourself, and even more so if you are new to this business, it is very difficult. And an experienced person in this matter, not a “rocking chair” friend, but a truly knowledgeable athlete, should help you create a course.

So, if you still need this very “help” in the fight against excess fat, then you have found the article just for you. Now we will look at the most popular and used drugs for drying the body.

– perhaps the most popular drug for burning fat. In medicine, it is used to treat bronchial asthma, but athletes have found something else that is very useful for it. good use. Usually, during a course of clenbuterol, thyroxine and ketotifen are also used, because they contribute better combustion fat "Clen" is not an anabolic steroid. To purchase it you need a prescription. The main effects of clenbuterol: fat burning, a mild anabolic effect, an anti-catabolic effect, a slight increase in strength, a decrease in appetite - all this will really be true if your course is well-designed, and you take the drug strictly according to plan (doses and time of administration).

– a drug used for weight loss and drying the body, an aphrodisiac. Increases libido. It has a pronounced lipolytic effect, which is why manufacturers often add yohimbine to their products sports nutrition. The approximate daily dose is 10-20 mg. It should not be consumed with food.

Ephedrine– also used for weight loss and fat burning. Marked decrease in appetite, has a stimulating effect. In medicine it is used to treat bronchial asthma and some other diseases. A very common combination of drugs: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin (ECA). Sports nutrition manufacturers often produced supplements with ECA, but fat burners with ECA were soon banned.

Carbohydrate blockers– a type of sports nutrition that is used to burn fat. The additive works as follows: it blocks the release of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, i.e. they are not digested and the body receives fewer calories from food.

L-carnitine. Many argue that this supplement, a type of sports nutrition, has no effect on burning subcutaneous fat. But that's not true. There are simply more effective drugs for drying things out than L-carnitine. It transports fats, and then they are broken down and released a certain amount of energy.

Metformin– in medicine, the drug is used to treat diabetes, it is able to reduce weight, so it began to be used to burn fat. Metformin has virtually no side effects, which gives it an advantage (all provided that it is used correctly and strictly adheres to the rules of administration).

Giving the body definition is no longer the prerogative of bodybuilders - today it is a trend among women and men who are far from the hypertrophied desire to improve their body with colossal loads.

What is it newfangled body drying how to achieve stunning results in the form of a toned body and what dangers this process poses - answers to all questions about drying the body at home are presented in this article.

How to do body drying for girls?

The expression itself "body drying" migrated from the vocabulary of bodybuilders. And although many believe that this term conceals getting rid of excess water in the body, in fact, this theory is very far from the truth, because drying implies a process of getting rid of from subcutaneous fat tissue.

Drying allows you to get rid of subcutaneous fat

Drying is carried out in order to give the body more relief, fit, get rid of excess fat enough short term. As a rule, body drying is for girls suggests two directions:

  • introduction of a strict no-carbohydrate or low-carbohydrate diet
  • complex exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone

An important component of drying is physical exercise
  • The essence of drying the body consists of a sharp reduction in the volume of carbohydrates that enter the body. Because of this, he has to experience enormous stress and adapt to "extracting" carbohydrates from fats, which then split
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that the drying process will take not a couple of days, but, most likely, a few months, but thanks to this method you can quickly get rid of significant amounts of subcutaneous fat
  • It is also important to understand that a sharp decrease in carbohydrates in the diet may be dangerous to the body. Since carbohydrates are a quick source of energy, they are extremely necessary for brain and nervous system function, and a lack of carbohydrates in the required amount can cause many ailments, including life-threatening conditions

Carbohydrate-containing products are strictly prohibited during drying.
  • Experiencing a lack of glucose, the body will begin actively use glycogen, which is stored in peculiar depots
  • Its quantity is limited and after that a complex and energy-consuming process begins extracting carbohydrates from lipids
  • If the deficiency of carbohydrates is significant, then lipids may not be completely broken down, as a result of which they enter the blood ketone bodies, making it sour

If this process is not stopped in time by taking carbohydrates, it may develop. ketoacidosis, which can lead to coma and death.

Quick body drying for girls

To achieve as quickly as possible noticeable results from drying it is necessary to minimize the amount of carbohydrates consumed and maintain fast metabolism.

And if you think that by giving up food completely you will achieve fast weight loss, then in fact everything is exactly the opposite - Hunger strike is the worst method of losing weight.

The basis of the diet when drying is protein foods

The fact is that during fasting all processes slow down in order to save energy as much as possible, and if food is still supplied in small quantities, then all nutritional the body will store substances.

Because of this, metabolic processes will be significantly slowed down, which will not allow you to lose a lot of excess fat in a short time.

Drying for girls allows you to tighten your figure and make it more prominent

If, on the contrary, the amount of carbohydrates is limited, but eat small and nutritious meals(mainly proteins and a small amount of slow carbohydrates), then subcutaneous fat burning rate will be an order of magnitude higher than during a hunger strike.

Products for drying the body for girls, menu for the month

On the one side, drying is a diet, at which you can eat and even quite often. But on the other hand, there is a limited grocery list, which can be consumed, while almost all foods containing carbohydrates will have to be abandoned, even fruit.

The most protein is in meat, cottage cheese, eggs

Concerning proteins, both plant and animal, then they form the basis of the diet when drying the body. Saturated fats and carbohydrates become under the strictest ban, while unsaturated fats are allowed for consumption.

When drying, you can use the following products:

  • meat (with a minimum amount of fat and skin, preferably chicken)
  • fish and seafood (even fried fish is not prohibited, but cooking it in oil is prohibited)
  • dairy products (low fat)
  • egg white
  • coarse porridge
  • fruits: no more than one apple per day, lemons (bananas are strictly prohibited)
  • vegetables: preferably green (potatoes are strictly prohibited)

During drying, it is permissible to eat 1 apple per day.

The monthly menu is designed to gradually refusal of carbohydrate foods. Diet should not be the only measure aimed at getting rid of subcutaneous fat - are required to complete the exercise.

1st week

The beginning of drying is aimed at reduction in carbohydrates, which enter the body, but not a complete rejection of them. For a diet to be effective, it should be accurate carbohydrate counting, The table will help with this:

Carbohydrate content in foods

Start of the first week drying, forget about fruits as healthy food and an excellent snack. They are contraindicated as a source of carbohydrates, but you can get the necessary fiber in the form special powder or cereal.

Although whole grain cereals contain carbohydrates, these carbohydrates are complex, that is, those that take longer to break down than simple ones and require a certain amount of energy.

Buckwheat is a source of fiber
  • Proteins should be the basis of the diet. It can be fish, meat (especially chicken breast), cottage cheese
  • It must all be low-fat, and the permissible amount of fat consumed this week is no more than 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil per day
  • Salt is also prohibited, the amount of which must be reduced every day. 2 g per 1 kg of weight

2nd week

In the second week, it is necessary to reduce the amount of consumption before permitted "correct" carbohydrates in the form of cereals and some fruits (apples), vegetables.

The menu becomes composed almost entirely of proteins, food should be completely unsalted. Allowed amount of carbohydrates - 1 g per 1 kg of weight.

In the second week of drying, salt is prohibited

3rd week

Allowed amount of carbohydrates - 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. An almost complete absence of carbohydrates can cause dizziness and worsening general condition.

If you start to feel smell of acetone from the mouth, then your body is in critical condition and you need to take at least a small amount of fast carbohydrates in the form of sweet juice.

The smell of acetone from the mouth during drying is an alarming sign of ketoacidosis

4th week

The last week of drying can take place according to two options, which involve The right way out of the diet:

  1. Sticking third week menu, when 0.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight are allowed to be consumed until desired result drying
    2. Gradual way out of the diet by switching to the diet of the second week, and then the first
    Recipes for drying the body for girls

Any diet is stressful for the body and it is extremely difficult to resist temptations. If you prepare appetizing dishes from the foods allowed by the diet, then the process of losing weight will be both pleasant and tasty.

Drying is no exception, because it is one of the few diets that does not prohibit eating and does not make you sit hungry, and allowed proteins and some complex carbohydrates will allow you to be full and satisfied.

No carb soup
  • Soup broth can be made from meat, fish or vegetables
  • It is necessary to completely abandon root vegetables, which contain large quantities of carbohydrates, but whole grain cereals, such as buckwheat or wheat- allowed
  • If you wish, you can add white cabbage, broccoli, greens, celery to the soup

Chicken in kefir

Drying chicken fillet for girls
  • Clean the chicken fillet from fat, rinse well and rub with spices
  • It can be salt, pepper, turmeric or other
  • Dilute kefir with water in the ratio 3:1 and pour over the chicken, then place in the refrigerator for the night
  • Marinated fillet can be fried in a grill pan without oil or baked in foil

Free salad

Protein salad

Boil chicken breast(add bay leaf and a few peppercorns, salt to the chicken broth), squid meat and egg.

Cut everything into cubes and season with kefir or broth in which the chicken was cooked. You can add it to the salad if you wish. greenery.


Yogurt julienne with chicken and mushrooms
  • Boil chicken fillet until done and then cut into small cubes
  • Fry them in a frying pan along with the onions
  • Place in a mold or pot layers of chicken with onions, mushrooms
  • Top everything with low-fat yogurt or a mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese
  • Bake in the oven until golden brown

Fish balls

Minced fish balls
  • Fillet sea ​​fish boil it grind in a meat grinder and then add the onion and break the egg
  • To taste, you can add salt, pepper, other spices, dill to the minced meat
  • Further, form small balls and fry in a pan without oil
  • Place the fried meatballs in a pan and pour in a small amount of fish broth, bake in the oven within 10-15 minutes

Stuffed squid

Squid with egg filling
  • Place two or three squids in boiling water for a few minutes, and after cooling add the filling inside
  • It could be cottage cheese with dill, an egg, or lightly fried mushrooms
  • Stuffed squid can be fried grill in a frying pan without oil or bake in the oven, adding a small amount of soy sauce

Curd omelette

Diet omelette
  • Take several eggs and separate the yolks from the whites
  • Beat the egg whites well with the cottage cheese, adding spices, salt, and herbs.
  • Mass bake in the oven until golden brown crust forms

Cottage cheese jelly

Curd chocolate jelly
  • A packet of gelatin pour a glass of water and simmer over low heat until it swells
  • Add to cooled gelatin 150-200 g cottage cheese, vanillin or cocoa
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour into a dessert bowl and place in the refrigerator until thickened.

Preparations for drying the body for girls

We all know or guess that bodybuilders, to give their bodies definition, do not limit themselves to physical activity and a special diet, but also take various medications.

Indeed, various chemical compounds do exist to improve the effect, but:

  • they have a huge list side effects, which can affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems, skin and hair condition
  • an overdose of such drugs can lead to to death or disability
  • taking medications is not a magical way to get rid of subcutaneous fat, that is, they can only act in combination

Bodybuilders take various drugs during cutting, but this is fraught with consequences

Drying itself will give excellent results even without various dangerous drugs, if you strictly follow its rules.

Helpers in this will be safe supplements in the diet:

  1. Vitamin complex(due to limited food consumption, the body may experience a deficiency of vitamins, which will certainly affect the appearance and condition of the organs)
    2. L-carnitine- a substance that promotes rapid delivery of fats to burning sites and works great in calorie deficits
    3. Protein
    4. Amino acids(as part of complexes) - take part in protein synthesis and contribute to the preservation muscle mass

L-carnitine when drying

Drying gym training program for girls

As already mentioned, the diet has an effect when. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym, then following the training program described below will help you quickly achieve excellent results from drying your body.

A gym workout should include:

  1. Press swing(5 approaches the maximum number of times with a break of no more than 1 minute)
    2. Squats with a barbell in hands(4-5 sets of 10 times, break - 1 minute)
    3. Block pull in vertical position(5 sets of 10 times, rest - 30 seconds)
    4. Bench press(5 sets of 15 times, rest - 1 minute)
    5. Pulling the barbell to the chin(5 sets of 10 reps, rest 30 seconds)

Exercises in the gym while drying for girls

During these exercises they use several muscle groups at once, which determines their effectiveness. If you have some experience sporting achievements, then the load should be increased.

Drying exercises at home for girls

If you can’t go to the gym, then you can do an excellent drying doing exercises at home.

It’s just important not to be lazy and follow the entire prescribed program, because this is pledge beautiful figure devoid of fat deposits.

Exercises while drying at home

Home workouts should include:

  • morning run, cycling or swimming (at least 15-20 minutes a day)
  • push ups(5 sets of the maximum number of times with a break of 1-2 minutes)
  • squats and lunges(5-6 sets of 10 times, break - 1 minute)
  • swing your legs(6 approaches 10-15 times, rest - no more than 1 minute)
  • press swing(5 approaches, doing maximum amount times, rest from 30 seconds to 1 minute)

What should girls not eat during drying?

During drying, mainly all simple carbohydrates and fats. If we talk not about substances, but about specific products, then you will have to give up many harmful and even healthy goodies.

The main prohibition when drying is sweets

It is forbidden to use when drying:

  • sweets, any confectionery
  • flour products such as bread, buns, pasta (in fact, anything that contains flour)
  • almost all fruits (except lemons and limes)
  • semi-finished products
  • sausages and sausages (they contain a large amount of hidden carbohydrates)
  • canned food
  • alcohol

Prohibited Products at various stages of drying will be different, since it is produced according to a special scheme for reducing carbohydrates, and not completely abandoning them.

Drying girls' bodies: results, before and after photos

In order for the drying result to please you with the beauty of your body and the definition of your muscles, you must remember that muscle breaks down much more easily than fat. Therefore, to get rid of fat, not muscle, you need Before drying, pump them up.

Drying result for girls
Modeling ideal body contours using drying
Drying the body for a month

If the purpose of drying the body is reset excess weight , then there are a large number of simpler and less hazardous diets.

Drying is carried out if the volume of adipose tissue does not exceed 25%. For those who are still serious about drying, there are some recommendations, which will facilitate the process and help achieve good results:

  • Eliminate dairy products from your diet if they fat content exceeds 15%
  • 85% daily diet should be consumed until 18 o'clock
  • food should be fractional, at least 5 times a day
  • The last snack should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime
  • The amount of liquid you drink per day should be at least 2.5-3 liters
  • during training it is also necessary drink water

Proper drying body will help bring it into perfect shape

The success of drying directly depends on the effort and demonstrated willpower. After all, if you really want to have a beautiful, toned body, then it’s unlikely that any carbohydrate treats will be able to stop you on the way to a dream.

Video: Body drying for girls

Date of: 2015-02-16 Views: 65 317 Grade: 5.0

Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage use anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

So, I decided to write a general educational article on the topic - how to dry out efficiently using pharmacology, so as to remove fat and not lose meat, and minimally interfere with the endocrine system of our body. This information is aimed at people who have not tried anything at all and at those who have taken only the most basic weight training courses and managed to purchase a pair extra pounds subcutaneous ballast. I will not hide the fact that it is quite possible to gain weight (at the level of a simple amateur) on your own hormonal background. It’s clear that you won’t grow to the size of Mr. Olympia with this approach, but many people don’t need it. But to dry out so as to look like an athlete, and not like a prisoner of Auschwitz, is almost impossible for 90% of the average population. But again, a large number of ordinary jocks do not want to pour into and throw into themselves everything that is advised on various bodybuilding forums. This is understandable - most chemists who abuse drugs are ordinary egoists. They are firmly convinced that if they accept everything, then let everyone else do the same. But I don’t agree with them. Let's try to put together a strategy of reasonable minimalism. So to speak, eat the fish and sit in the boat. But before we begin, I consider it necessary to clarify the fact that drying and shaping the body is, first of all, also. No pills or injections will NEVER make you slender and handsome without proper nutrition and hard work in the gym. So, our men's drying for amateurs will be built from four components.

The first component: steroids

First of all, we need an anti-catabolic basis for the course. That is, a substance that will protect most of the priceless meat from the ruthless cortisol. There’s not much speed to be had here and we only have three assistants who will cause minimal harm. , And . All three perfectly protect muscles from decay during a period of low-calorie nutrition. In my opinion, testosterone is the best choice. In addition to its main purpose, it will support the psyche and libido. It's no secret that real drying significantly suppresses sexual desire in most athletes. But there are people with hypersensitivity to estradiol and testosterone is not suitable for such people. Of course, there is a way to protect yourself from aromatization - this is. But this is clearly not an option for cautious athletes. So that leaves oxandrolone (more expensive) and turinabol - a more budget option, but inferior to the first two in anti-catabolic abilities. The dosage range is as follows:
  • Testosterone propionate. 50-100 mg every other day at the same time.
  • Oxandrolone. 2 times a day, 20 mg - morning and evening.
  • Turinabol. 2 times a day, 20 mg - morning and evening.

The second component: more steroids

Secondly, we need an addition to the base of the course, which will be responsible for the quality of the carcass, freed from fat. So-called cosmetics. Again, you can't speed up here. And . Both the first and second, it must be said, are capable of causing certain troubles. But they are beyond competition.
  • Drostanolone is MUCH safer, and at the same time also does an excellent job. Plus, as a bonus, it will increase and speed up. Agree that when you are half-starved, this is just right. This is exactly what I recommend. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to completely protect yourself in this section. Of course, you can do without cosmetics, but when you come out of drying, the effectiveness of your muscles will be much worse. Choose what is more important to you. Now let's go over the dosages:
  • Drostanolone. 100 mg every other day. At the same time.

Stanozolol. 50 mg per day, regardless of the form of administration. If the tablets are taken twice in the morning and evening, injections at the same time.

Third component: fat burner The third aspect is that it is a relatively gentle fat burner like a combination of ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin). It will help boost your metabolism and maintain it at the desired level around the clock. It will also remove excess water from the body. Any sports nutrition store will help you do right choice

. In my opinion, Methyldren is an excellent choice. But this is not a dogma - there are more than enough of them. Doses are indicated by the manufacturer. They cannot be exceeded. And no sibutramines either! These agents are FAR BEYOND the concept of security.

The fourth component: sports nutrition

What else? (preferably at least 40-50 grams per day), (no more than two doses of 30-40 grams) and MANDATORY. An injection of one or two ampoules of a drug such as Actovegin will be very helpful. This is a hemoderivative made from beef blood - it will help SIGNIFICANTLY speed up recovery, especially after. Place immediately after training. Intramuscularly.

1. Summary 2. Drying time is about 6 – 8 weeks. If this time is not enough, it means that you do not know how to eat and diet in bulk. 3. You can divide the whole process in half and take only the anti-catabolic drug (the first component) in the first half, and add everything else in the second half. Or you can take the entire gentlemanly set as an even background from beginning to end. It's up to you to decide.

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Date of: 2015-02-17 Views: 54 917 Grade: 5.0

Why medals are given to articles:

Important! The “Your Trainer” website does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who decide to take them do so as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

A VERY slippery and controversial topic - I must admit. Before we begin, I will only say that even the MOST deliberate and competent use of AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids) by women can quite quickly provoke IRREVERSIBLE phenomena of virilization (development of secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type). So in in this case you should think not seven, but seventy-seven times before cutting. Every adult and mentally healthy person has the right to choose. The main thing is that the choice is conscious.

Differences between women's drying and men's drying

1. For 90% of NORMAL women, getting rid of subcutaneous fat and excess water is completely IMPOSSIBLE without interfering with metabolism. The same applies to muscle growth. Let's face it - these things are unnatural even for most men. What can we say about the ladies? An excess amount of estradiol and a large number of alpha-2 receptors (especially in the fat depots of the hips and buttocks) will resist and interfere with female drying by hook or by crook. 2. It is absolutely precisely noted that the fat on the butt and legs begins to melt relatively actively only after it has melted on the upper part of the body. What follows from this? That's right - get ready for yours to become significantly smaller. Or they will leave altogether if they were not big to begin with. 3. It is also important to note that it is not possible for women to make a uniform after many years of passivity. So, before you think about drastic cutting, you need to train regularly for at least a year and a half and accustom your body to proper nutrition. 4. No oral contraceptives during the drying period. Since, as far as I know, estrogen is their basis. 5. In general, for women who have already given birth, achieving the nuclear form is much easier, since the hormonal background changes.

The first component of drying

The first thing we need is to block estrogen receptors. You don't have to do this, but then the results will be worse. This is done using . Tamoxifen, toremifene, clomiphene citrates. Dosages should be no less (and sometimes more) than for men.
  • Tamoxifen. 20-40 mg per day.
  • Toremifene. 30-40 mg per day.
  • Clomiphene. 50-100 mg per day.

Second component

Secondly, this is a change in the testosterone/estradiol ratio towards the first. And here the choice is small. As for me, the maximum that an adequate woman can afford is (Primobolan), or. I advise you to choose your dealer VERY carefully. Today, the absolute norm is, or under the guise of turinabol and oxandrolone. And also diluted or instead of Primobolan. The dosages are as follows:
  • Methenolone enanthate. 100 – 200 mg per week. You can bet once. For example, on Mondays.
  • Oxandrolone. 20-40 mg per day in two doses (morning and evening). In my opinion, this is the best choice.
  • Turinabol. 20-30 mg per day in two doses (morning and evening). You should not eat for more than four weeks.

Third component

The third point is fat burners. Unfortunately, things traditional in bodybuilding, like ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) or triiodothyronine, are not suitable for women. They destroy fat, primarily in the abdominal area. At the waist, that is. On the butt and hips only the second time. And according to my observations, most girls are worried about the lower floor. What to do? Well, you can still try ECA. Sports nutrition stores can help here. There are products based on ephedra extract - a dime a dozen. If only there was enough money. What if it works in your case? What to do if this is not your case? Use things that permanently melt fat all over your body at once. I can only highlight metformin and somatotropin (growth hormone). Both work and work well. Both have their own set of side effects. Some of them (especially growth hormone) are irreversible. It is not possible to give approximate doses for everyone in this case. So, if you decide to use these medications, look for someone who will explain. Or play it safe and stick with store-bought options. No matter what anyone says, but in combination with,

Drying the body is a fat burning process that is achieved through special nutritional rules. Most often, one change is not enough, and a person begins to search for tablets for drying the body. Modern for girls sports pharmacology offers quite a large selection. These are anorectics, fat burners, metabolic accelerators, and blockers of fats and carbohydrates. Body drying preparations for girls are most often sold strictly according to a prescription and have an impressive list of contraindications. How to choose the optimal drug for yourself is described in the article.

List of drugs by principle of action

How can pills speed up the fat burning process? The mechanisms of influence on metabolic rate are different. All body drying preparations for girls can be classified as follows:

  • anorectics - appetite suppressants;
  • Carbohydrate blockers prevent carbohydrates that enter the body during meals from being absorbed;
  • fat blockers - similar to the previous class of drugs, they prevent the absorption of fats from food;
  • sports fat burners most often act due to thermogenesis - a slight increase in body temperature;
  • Dinitrophenol is a pesticide, the most dangerous drug and not intended for weight loss, but it is in considerable demand in bodybuilding.

These are the most common types of funds. The names of body drying tablets for girls are listed below. You should remember and be aware that by starting to take one or another drug that is not intended for weight loss, a person takes responsibility for possible health problems. Even harmless sports fat burners, which can be easily purchased without a doctor’s prescription, have a fairly impressive list of side effects and contraindications. Before you start taking it, you should carefully study the instructions for use, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

Anorectics: contraindications and list of drugs

These are the most famous body drying preparations for girls that can be bought at the pharmacy. Initially they were sold without a prescription. However, a few years ago, a real fashion began for anorectics; many women caused harm to their own health in attempts to lose weight at any cost. As a result, anorexics were included in the list of substances prohibited for free sale in our country. Therefore, today you cannot simply go to a pharmacy and order this or that drug. To purchase body drying tablets for girls with anorexigenic effect, you need a prescription from an endocrinologist.

  1. "Reduxin" is the most popular anorectic for drying the body and burning fat. It is actively used by both ordinary people and athletes and bodybuilders. Girls are no exception - they often go on a real hunt through pharmacies in an attempt to purchase the drug without a prescription. When you take even one capsule, you can forget about the feeling of hunger for 6-7 hours. Losing weight with this drug is easy and simple. Contraindications for use: heart disease, kidney and liver pathologies. "Reduxin" has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular system of even healthy people. Because of this toxic effect, it was included in the list of strictly prescription drugs.
  2. "Sibutramine" is quite difficult to find on sale, even if there is a prescription. This drug has a name similar to the actual active substance, which causes the anorexigenic effect. This substance is also called sibutramine and is the main active component of all body drying preparations for girls at home. If the pills suppress appetite for a long time, then you can be almost completely sure that the active ingredient in them is sibutramine. We must not forget about its high toxicity and the risk of developing heart diseases while taking it.

Reviews about the action of anorectics

Reviews about "Reduxin" are mostly positive. The drug contains a highly purified active substance, so it does not cause serious side effects. Girls take several capsules, and on the third or fourth day of taking them, their appetite goes away almost completely. Few people think about how this affects health.

Reviews rave about the immediate effect of anorectics. But if a woman cares about her health in the long term, then she is unlikely to agree to take such drugs. Moreover, in the absence of diagnosed obesity, it is impossible to purchase either Reduxin or Sibutramine.

Sports fat burners and reviews of their action

There are several of the most popular drugs for drying the body in bodybuilding. You can purchase them without a prescription at any sports nutrition department. Here is a list with names and reviews of the action:

  1. Lipo-6 Black is one of the most popular body drying products for girls. Reviews of the results are most often positive. In a month you can lose from three to six kilograms of weight. In some cases, more if the degree of obesity is severe. The drug Lipo-6 Black has a complex action, it combines best qualities lipotropic and thermogenic substances. While taking the capsules, your temperature may rise by one to two degrees. This is normal, and there is no need to rush to take antipyretic medications. Due to a moderate increase in temperature, fat depots are partially consumed.
  2. Animal Cuts (from a sports nutrition brand Universal Nutrition) is a complex fat burner created on the basis of potent natural plant extracts. Reviews about the results of the reception are positive. Those taking the drug are dissatisfied only with its relatively high cost: about 3,500 rubles for a package of 42 sachets.
  3. Black Mamba is a powerful body drying product for girls in bodybuilding. Reviews about it are positive: you can get rid of up to ten extra pounds in a month. This is a merciless drug with highly effective thermogenic compounds in its composition and a high concentration of ephedrine EPH (65 mg).

Carbohydrate blockers: principle of action

These medications should be taken with food. They were originally created as a medicine for people with diabetes, and are still widely used in this capacity. However, due to their ability to interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates and therefore help reduce body fat, carbohydrate blockers have become widely used as body-drying drugs for girls.

The most popular carbohydrate blockers:

  • "Metformin";
  • "Laovus Met";
  • "Siofor";
  • "Glucophage".

Reviews on the use of carbohydrate blockers for fat burning

Reviews report that in parallel with the start of treatment, almost all people losing weight experienced many side effects. These are diarrhea, serious and long-term indigestion, nausea after eating. If you endure and continue to take the drug, then after a couple of weeks the side effects will decrease.

Doctors strongly do not recommend using carbohydrate blockers as a means of losing weight for healthy people. Metabolism is a very fragile system, the functioning of which depends on many factors. It’s easy to disrupt its work, but it will take years to heal.

Fat blockers: list of drugs and contraindications for use

Fat blockers are taken with food. The capsule begins to act in the intestines. Any fat that has been eaten is simply not digested and is excreted along with the feces. As a result, the person does not receive extra calories and loses weight. The fashion for fat blockers passed several years ago. Now these drugs ("Xenical", "Orsoten", "Orsoten Slim") are not as popular as before, due to many side effects and contraindications.

List of contraindications:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases in the stages of both exacerbation and remission;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

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