The best exercises for the abs - the results of scientific research. How to pump up your abs at home: effective exercises (4 sets) and useful recommendations What is the name of the ab exercise?

Exercises will help you tighten your stomach at home quickly better than anything else.. However, it is important to remember that they need to be selected and executed correctly.

Tightening your stomach at home quickly is not as difficult as it might seem. To achieve the desired effect, you should perform certain exercises.

  1. It is better to choose the evening time for exercise, because in the morning the muscles are relaxed and the likelihood of their damage is very high.
  2. You can start classes an hour, or better yet two, after eating so that your stomach is not full.
  3. During training, muscles should be tense and you need to feel them.
  4. Technique and speed must be strictly observed. Hasty execution or sudden jerks are unacceptable.
  5. During one approach - no pauses.
  6. It is important to control your breathing and not hold it. When you exhale, effort is made, and when you inhale, you return back to initial position.
  7. It is recommended to perform each exercise in 3 sets, each 30 times (starting with 10 and gradually increasing).
  8. Performing exercises is much more effective every other day than daily.
  9. 9Exercises and their sequence should be changed every 1.5-2 months to prevent the muscles from getting used to the load.

To tighten your stomach at home quickly, it is recommended to alternate exercises with different techniques. this will keep all the necessary muscles toned.

It is important to know! No exercises at home are performed without warming up the muscles, otherwise there is a high probability of injury. A short warm-up prepares the muscles for the load, improves blood flow to them, which will increase the effectiveness of exercise and quickly tighten the stomach.

Tighten your stomach at home (quickly): exercises

Before you start exercising, you need to understand which muscles are responsible for what in the abdomen.

Type of muscles What are they responsible for? Exercises to quickly tighten your abdominal muscles at home
StraightFlexion and extension of the torso, lifting of the pelvis (it is she who forms cubes on the stomach)Direct and reverse twisting
TransverseInternal organ support (training this muscle burns internal fat and gets rid of a protruding tummy)Exercise vacuum
Oblique (internal and external)Bending and rotating the body (tucked waist)Side crunches

The exercises that give the best results for tightening the abdominal muscles are crunches: straight, reverse or lateral (more about them below). To achieve maximum success, it is recommended to alternate exercises with different techniques; this will keep all the necessary muscles in tone.

Note! When performing any type of twisting, it is correct to not touch the floor when returning to the starting position. This way the muscles will be constantly tense, and, accordingly, the effect will be much better.

First, you need to do a short warm-up (walking in place, bending, jumping), and after completing the workout, stretch to calm the muscles.

Upper abs exercises

The most effective:

Lower abs exercises


Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles

The best:

All of these exercises are variations of the side crunch.

Exercises for the abs and waist

Some people mistakenly believe that if you train the oblique abdominal muscles, your waist will be reduced. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. It is by strengthening the oblique muscles that girls develop a waist.

To tighten your stomach at home quickly, it is important to combine exercises with a diet.

Important before starting classes, during warm-up, pay more attention to warming up these muscles, that is, in addition to the usual walking, running, jumping, add simple bends (forward, to the sides), turns of the torso and rotation of the pelvis.


  1. Lying on your stomach, bring your arms forward and place them straight, straighten your legs too. You need to simultaneously lift the opposite leg and arm, while arching your back. Repeat with each arm and leg in turn.
  2. On your back with your hands clasped behind your head and your legs bent, laid on the floor on one of the sides. Raise your torso straight up, do it slowly, stay at the top point and lower smoothly. After completing the approach, place your legs on the other side and repeat the same movements.

Abdominal exercises after childbirth

Very often, after giving birth, women gain overweight, and in addition to the belly, they also have to get rid of extra pounds. This complicates the task a little and lengthens the process, but if desired, you can achieve excellent results. To tighten your stomach at home quickly, it is important to combine exercises with a diet.

Exercises by themselves will not remove weight, they will only tighten the muscles.

Note! You can start exercising no earlier than a month after giving birth.


In addition, it is very useful to do the vacuum exercise, which will be discussed below, and, if your health condition allows, regular crunches.

Exercises with a chair or on a bench

Exercises with a chair are good because, if you have a free minute, you can do them right at your workplace. And the advantages of the bench are that by adjusting the angle of inclination, you can reduce or increase the load.


  1. Sitting on the very edge of a chair, holding the back with your hands, raise your bent legs as much as possible. Holding them a little in this position, smoothly lower them to the starting position.
  2. Sitting on the edge of a chair with your hands clasped behind your head and your legs slightly apart. Bend to the sides so that the elbow goes strictly straight to the thigh.
  3. Lying on a bench, holding the footrest with your hands. Pull your legs to your chest, bending them, then smoothly return them back.
  4. Lying on a bench, legs are fixed with support, hands clasped behind the head. Raise your entire torso to a right angle with your legs. After a short pause, lower yourself.

Exercises for tummy tuck with dumbbells

Exercises with weights (which include dumbbells) should be started after the simpler ones have been mastered. At first the weight should be minimal, then gradually it can be increased.


Exercises with a roller (wheel) for the press

The ab roller allows you to engage a large number of muscles and actually trains your legs and arms in addition to your abs, helping to reduce back pain and improve posture.


  1. From a position on all fours, holding the roller with your hands, you need to roll it forward, moving your whole body, and then back.
  2. The same thing with a roller clamped with straight legs (“reverse roller”). This option is harder and requires skill.

Vacuum exercise for a quick tummy tuck

The vacuum exercise has many benefits:

  • allows you to tighten your stomach at home very quickly;
  • reduces the visceral (internal) layer of fat that covers the internal organs;
  • helps reduce back pain (in the lower part);
  • prevents the descent of internal organs;
  • improves waist condition.

It can be performed standing, lying down, sitting or on all fours. The exercise from a standing position on all fours is more complex; you can start it after mastering the classic one (standing or lying down).

The ab roller allows you to engage a large number of muscles and actually trains your legs and arms in addition to your abs.

Performance: after a deep breath, you need to exhale sharply, at this time drawing in your stomach as much as possible, trying to stick it to your back. Hold for 20 seconds and slowly straighten your stomach while taking a deep breath. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The exercise must be performed on an empty stomach (either in the morning or right before bed).

How to enhance the effect of tummy tuck exercises

In order for the effect of exercise to come faster and last for a long time, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • train with concentration, concentrating on the muscles being worked;
  • in pauses between approaches, stretch the muscles;
  • change exercises periodically;
  • Always walk with your back straight and your stomach pulled in.

Tighten your stomach at home: an interesting video on the topic

Exercises will help you tighten your stomach at home quickly, provided you do it regularly, have the right approach and rational nutrition. In addition, it is important not to forget that in order to maintain shape, you will need to exercise throughout your life.

For information on how to quickly tighten your stomach and whole body at home, see here:

How to easily remove belly fat after childbirth at home - effective exercises Here:

First of all, think about nutrition. The most important thing is to exclude fried, fatty, sweet, floury foods. And also salt and spices: sometimes you can use a little soy sauce with minimal salt content and natural ketchup or tomato paste. Food portions should not be too large, but there is no need to starve either: if you are undernourished, your metabolism will be disrupted, swelling will appear and you will begin, as they say, “to swell from hunger.”

Many athletes set themselves the goal of building up their abdominal muscles and increasing their volume. In this case, complex exercises are needed - lowering the legs while lying down or raising the legs while hanging. But for most people, to achieve just beautiful, sculpted abs, all they need to do is do easy, high-repetition workouts. By working on the abs, we burn fat tissue not only in the abdominal area, but throughout the body. Abdominal exercises are generally unique in that they involve many areas: the body, arms, and legs.

How to train your abs

There is no need to pay too much attention to the abs: if you do, for example, an hour a day, then excessive massage of the internal organs will not lead to good things. 15-20 minutes a day is enough, and abdominal exercises can be performed before, during, and after training. For complete beginners, I advise you to choose a couple of light exercises (for example, and do a minimum number of repetitions in two sets every other day. From the second week, you can increase the load, listening to your feelings.

There is one more good thing abdominal exercise - at home, on the street or in the office, you can perform it constantly and completely unnoticed. Although no, someone will eventually notice that you have become slimmer and began to hold your back straight. The fact is that when you straighten your posture, your stomach automatically retracts. The exercise is precisely to straighten the spine and keep the stomach slightly tucked. If you don’t forget about this, you will be pleased with the results very soon!

  • Read also: Exercises for losing belly fat at home

Ab exercises and training principles for men and women are no different. But the goals are different. For men, it is desirable to really have cubes, but for women it would be better not to have them. If two vertical stripes and even one horizontal stripe on top are drawn on the stomach, this is still normal. But if not only two are visible top cube, but also the rest - it means you overdid it. When a woman strives for dried male abs, she can upset the fat balance, and this entails a threat to reproductive function and a disruption in other metabolic processes. In addition, a woman’s six-pack is no longer aesthetically pleasing, and many will agree with me on this.

Exercises for the abs

I offer you simple and effective abdominal exercises at home. After each of them, I recommend stretching well to relieve tension from the abdominal muscles. The number of approaches is arbitrary.

1. Lifting the body 20 degrees

How to do it: lying on your back, lift your body, stretching your arms forward and up. Contract your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Perform 20-40 repetitions.

3. Lifting the body 45 degrees with extension behind the arm

How to do it: lying on your back, rounding your lower back as much as possible, lift your body until your chest touches your knees. If it is difficult to keep your feet on the floor, hold a heavy object with them. Perform 15-35 repetitions.

5. "Folding bed"

How to do it: repeat the previous exercise, lifting opposite hand and leg. Perform 15-30 repetitions.

7. “Clamshell” with one leg lift

How to do it: lying on your back, raise your legs up and lower them down to a position in which you manage to keep your lower back from the floor. Perform 10-25 repetitions.

9. Lowering legs one at a time

And playing sports, the idea of ​​a successful person certainly includes a slender, fit figure. Exercises in fitness clubs, running and cycling have become very popular. Posting a photo of yourself in workout gear on social media has become almost a mandatory ritual.

In connection with new trends, even a slightly visible belly has turned into a subject of discontent and incessant struggle. If a girl is not in a position, there are two reasons for its appearance: body fat and weakened muscles abdominals. Both reasons should be fought, and the desire to gain beautiful abs will overcome laziness, forcing you to adjust your diet and start training. How at home?

First you need to understand the structure of the muscles responsible for ideal slim stomach. At least a superficial knowledge of their anatomy helps you choose the appropriate exercises for independent training.

The abdominal muscles are flat and wide; they cover the abdominal cavity in several layers. The first layer is the external oblique muscle, then the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. The rectus muscle gives a beautiful relief with cubes. It is denser on top, up to the waistline, so it pumps up much faster there.

Because of this feature, some people think that the abs are made up of two parts, but the rectus muscle simply thins out at the bottom of the body. When pumping up the abs, the main work is done by the upper part, and cubes are formed from the navel and above.

However, to classify exercises, the abs are divided into upper and lower (abdominal). The latter will take longer to tinker with due to the structure of the rectus muscle.

At independent studies It is worth carefully studying the set of exercises for each muscle group. A special yoga mat will help you pump up your abs at home, because most abs exercises are performed in a lying position. If you have decided to visit the gym, the best way At least a couple of sessions with a trainer will help you create a suitable training sequence. Each exercise is performed 10-30 times and requires 3 approaches for the best muscle development.

Exercise 1. Crunches

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the mat shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands at the back of your head or hold them at your temples. Raise your head and upper body up, lifting them off the mat.

Under no circumstances should you lift your lower back and middle back off the floor, otherwise your thigh muscles will begin to work instead of your abs. You should also not pull your chin up. The body should maintain its original position when lifting the head, shoulders and upper back.

When performed correctly, the exercise uses all the muscles of the abdominal cavity, including the rectus abdominis, which forms the cubes.

Exercise 2. Bicycle

Lie on your back, raise your knees bent above the floor. Rotate your legs, repeating the movements while pressing the pedals.

If you have preparation, you can complicate the exercise. Lifting your head and shoulders off the floor, pull your elbow towards your knee opposite leg while they are rotating.

Exercise 3. Boat

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up. Lifting your head and shoulders off the mat, simultaneously pulling up right hand And left leg. Repeat with your left hand and right foot. The exercise should be performed by alternating arms and legs.

Exercise 1. Crunches with legs raised

Lie on your back, raise your bent legs up at an angle of 90 degrees, stretch your arms in front of you. Keeping your body in its original position, lift your head and upper back off the mat, while pulling your arms forward.

During execution, you should not raise your chin or press it to your neck. This exercise is very labor intensive and is intended for well trained people. For beginners, it is better to start with standard crunches.

Exercise 2. Crunches with fixed legs

Lie on your back, with your toes hooked onto the bottom of a cabinet or other stable support, and clasp your hands at the back of your head. Raise your head and upper back, maintaining the position of your chin and elbows.

For lower abs

Exercise 1. Scissors

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, palms down, and slightly raise your straight legs. Keeping your legs suspended, make crossing movements with them.

Beginners will find it difficult to perform an exercise that involves good physical training. By raising your legs higher, you will be able to reduce the load.

Exercise 2. Steps

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body and lift your straight legs off the mat. With straight legs, alternately make short movements up and down, reminiscent of steps.

Socks should be pulled towards themselves. This will allow you to use more calf muscles.

For oblique muscles

Girls should not get carried away with repeated repetitions of exercises on the oblique muscles, otherwise the waist will increase in volume. They are more suitable for men.

Exercise 1. Swing with a bent leg

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Lifting your leg off the floor, simultaneously pull the elbow of the opposite hand by the knee. The shoulder blades should come off the floor, but the lower back and middle of the back should not. First, do 20-30 exercises on one leg, then on the other.

Do not pull yourself up with your elbows and keep your chin in its original position, otherwise you can strain your neck muscles.

Exercise 2. Side bends

Stand up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Alternately slowly lean as low as possible to the right, return to the starting position and lean to the left.

Do not change the position of your elbows. It is better to do the exercise in front of a mirror and watch for a clear movement of the upper body to the side, without bending forward.

Exercise 3. Swing your leg to the side

Stand sideways to the support and hold onto it with your hand. Swing the other leg to the side with maximum amplitude. You can pull your leg up, but without jerking. After completing 20-30 swings, change position and continue practicing with the other leg.

When choosing a menu for active sports, you should rely not only on the recommendations of doctors and trainers, but also listen to your body. As a rule, the desire to eat fatty foods is the first to disappear. It takes a long time and is difficult to digest, and the body directs the main energy to increased muscle activity.

Since metabolic processes in the body occur faster during and after training, you need to drink more water to get rid of waste products and maintain water balance.

It is better to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. 15-20% of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits, with the exception of sweet grapes and melons.

Carbohydrates are better absorbed in the morning, so you should try cooking porridge in water with the addition of a small amount of butter or vegetable oil. A glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice would be a great addition to it.

Any dairy or fermented milk products should be eaten before 16-00, after which they bring less benefit. You will have to limit your consumption of red meat, and instead eat boiled chicken breast with a green salad.

Eating should occur two hours before training and the same time after. The ideal option would be to consume 5% of the daily diet at the end of classes.

Of course, it is difficult to strictly follow the appropriate diet, but at least approximately following it helps you quickly get rid of unnecessary fat deposits and get the coveted relief.

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

Finding sculpted abs is available to everyone, you just have to firmly and persistently pursue your goal and not give in to laziness. Trainers advise starting classes 2 times a week.

The fact is that muscles unprepared for stress are at risk of microdamage, and their recovery will take several days. Gradually increasing the duration and frequency of classes, it is worth bringing them up to 4 times a week, and stopping there.

Even Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in his autobiography about the need for weekends, because muscle mass increases precisely on days without training. Bodybuilders visit the gym 5-6 times a week, but most people are not attuned to their laurels. The main task is to bring the body into shape and its subsequent maintenance.

If you follow a non-strict diet, but follow basic nutritional standards and work out your abs 2-3 times a week, after 2 months a person will gain abs that stand out strongly on their torso.

When you want to achieve something, as a rule, no excuses for sneaking out of training come to mind. At first it will not be easy to get into the new rhythm, but then it will be enjoyable. The results of sports that are noticeable to oneself and others are also of no small importance.

Exercises give maximum effect when performed slowly with a sufficient number of repetitions after a short rest. Firstly, jerking injures muscles, especially for beginners. Secondly, they will not allow every muscle to be pumped up, since the strongest and most developed will take the “blow”. Proportional and beautiful abs will happen with the right approach to training.

Body position during exercise also matters. The posture must certainly be straight so that the efforts fall specifically on the abdominal muscles. During the training process, it is important to feel them, even if it is a burning sensation or severe fatigue.

After 3-4 weeks of training, you should do a few more exercises at the end, even if it seems completely impossible. At this moment, the muscles are worked out most intensely.

Before the beginning intensive training people who have excess excess weight, you need to reduce it as much as possible. It will be difficult for the heart to cope with additional loads if the volume of the body does not decrease at all. Those who are prone to obesity need to gradually increase the pace of exercise and carefully monitor their pulse and blood pressure.

Proper breathing while pumping up the abs speeds up the achievement of the task. When twisting and other exercises, exhalation is done at the moment of raising the torso or legs, i.e. while making an effort.


If you decide to look like a model from a sports magazine, you need to prepare for long training sessions. Unfortunately, in one day filled with the most useful exercises, you can’t get a flat stomach and pumped up abs. Most likely, muscles that are not accustomed to such loads will begin to ache very much, and the enthusiasm to continue exercising will decrease. You need to be patient and train yourself to exercise regularly.

Often people who add a visit to a fitness club to their schedule morning exercises or jogging, completely change your lifestyle and become much stronger and more tempered. Playing sports makes you think about proper nutrition, incl. limiting the amount of coffee you drink and replacing it with mineral water.

As a result, not only the body acquires graceful outlines, but also overall well-being becomes better. The person is in good shape and good mood, which affects relationships with others and work achievements. In the future, having achieved success in various fields, he will remember with a smile that it all started with the desire to pump up his abs at home.

Currently, there are a huge number of workouts focused on training the abdominal muscles. This article will tell you everything you need to know about building a beautiful, sculpted body.

You can be strong... you can be big... but all the really tough guys have incredibly awesome abs. If you want to get abs like Arnold Schwarzenegger, that's great.

If creating a sculpted figure is so easy, why doesn’t everyone have a toned and sculpted stomach? This means there is some kind of problem.

You know what happens when millions of people want something so badly that it forces them to scan Google for what they want late into the night, with their wallets at the ready.

Of course... it's a siren call for the savvy marketers hiding in the shadows. Perhaps it is better to call them eagles, soaring overhead, searching for weakened prey.

Okay, okay, this is going to sound a little dramatic, but my point is this:

  • Someone will tell you that you only need to do a few exercises a day to get relief press... but this is a mistake.
  • Some will say that you must do squats and deadlifts, otherwise you will not be able to form a beautiful torso... but this is a mistake.
  • Someone will say that you need to eat only certain foods, and everything else is absolutely forbidden... but this is a mistake.
  • Some will say that you just need to lose weight... but this is a mistake.
  • And some will say that it’s all about food additives... but they are also wrong.

There are really only two things you need to do well:

How to get ripped six-pack abs in 2 easy steps

Getting six pack abs is easier said than done. Although it is quite simple if you follow certain instructions.

1. Lose weight

I think this is obvious.

The first reason why six packs are not visible is the presence of a large layer of fat covering the muscle layer.

By losing fat, you will be closer to your goal, if you are not already there. However, this leads to the next question: how to lose weight?

First, you can't get rid of belly fat directly. Losing weight in limited areas of the body is a myth.

Targeted fat loss or "limited reduction" has long been a hot button for selling fitness books, magazines, DVDs, food additives and much more.

One workout is for “slimming” your thighs and the other is for “sculpting” your midsection. This food is supposed to reduce belly fat and this food can somehow make your thighs look slimmer.

I wish it were that simple.

Research showed that muscle training does lead to increased levels of blood flow and lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells into usable energy) in the area of ​​the trained muscles, but the effect is so small as to be of no significance.

Training muscles burns calories and thus promotes muscle growth and fat burning, but does not directly reduce the amount of fat formed on those muscles.

Thus, fat loss is a process that involves the entire body.

For effective weight loss necessary maintain a calorie deficit, which causes the body to reduce the overall volume of its fat reserves. Contractions occur everywhere, however, some areas dry out faster than others.

The point is, you can work out as much as you want until your abs explode, but you will never see the result until you send body fat percentage to the required ratio.

This ratio should be: 15% or less body fat for men and 25% or less for women.

Here is a visual image that shows what abs looks like with different content amount of subcutaneous fat:

As you can see, the abdominal muscles become visible at 15% and 25% in men and women respectively, and especially stand out at 10% in men and 20% in women.

It was mentioned earlier that some areas of the body lose fat faster than others.

Unfortunately, the layer of fat that covers the core muscles, especially the lower parts, is terribly resilient. And it's not about individual characteristics organism, but in physiology.

There are scientific reasons why fat cells in this area of ​​the body are more difficult to burn than others. And fortunately, there are various strategies to improve this situation.

2. Develop all your abdominal muscles

In other words, you need to pump all the core muscles. There is a common belief that people who do a lot of weight-bearing exercises (squats, deadlift, exercises with added weight, etc.) do not need to train the abdominal muscles.

One may not agree with this. Let's take a quick look at the muscles that make up the abdominals.

Firstly, this rectus abdominis (rectus abdominal muscle). This is the name for a group of muscles that look like six “packs”:

Then there are several other abdominal muscles that complete the appearance of the torso, these include the obliques and abdominals (or transversus as it is commonly called), as well as the serratus:

Don't discount the need to develop these muscles other than the "pretty" rectus muscle.

Here is an example of abs, with poorly developed lower layers of core muscles:

Yes, it doesn’t look bad, but there is no relief of the oblique abdominal muscles, the serratus muscle is underdeveloped and there is no line of the transverse muscle.

Some people have a different problem: their rectus muscle is weakly expressed or unevenly expressed, while the rest of the abdominal muscles are pumped:

If the obliques are too extended, the rectus muscle is deficient, and the transversus and serratus muscles may be absent.

Now let's take a look at what a good, proper abdominal press should look like:

Of course the model (Greg Plitt) has much better genetics than those two guys, but he's no thinner than the second guy. He just has the perfect balance of development of all the core muscles.

The goal is not just to get beautiful abs, but to have great abs.

I don't look like Plitt, but I have personal experience working on building my abdominal muscle groups. This is me a few years ago:

I was about 7% body fat and, as you can see, pretty good core muscle building. It is worth noting that I did squats, deadlifts, and some abdominal exercises, but this is not what I would like to write about in this article.

(If you're wondering why I only have four abs instead of six, it's purely genetic. Some people develop better rectus abdominis muscles than others.)

This rather dramatic improvement was the result of not only training the rectus muscles, but also other major abdominal muscles.

The Real Shortcut to Six-Pack Abs

It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, skinny person must have developed muscles abdominal press.

You can lose weight with proper nutrition and diets, and for the development of the core muscles of the core, training of both isolated muscle groups and all muscles as a whole is necessary.

Use this workout and flexible diet program to lose up to 5 kg of fat and build beautiful muscles in just 30 days... without exhausting fasting or constant training in the gym.

The best exercises to train your abdominal muscles

I've seen and talked to many people who regularly make incredible amounts of various exercises who can stand in the plank for an impressive amount of time, but all this does not lead to results - their abs remain underdeveloped.

It is necessary to leave the “comfort zone”, i.e. it is necessary to give increased load on the muscles For their growth. It is worth paying attention to this, and, in the case of weight-bearing strength training, increase the weight from time to time.

One of the biggest mistakes is not doing strength training with weights when working on your core muscles.

Before we talk about training routines, let's look at what individual exercises are.

There are an almost endless number of different abdominal exercises to choose from, and almost as many opinions as to which exercises are best. Luckily, we're only interested in a few exercises that will help build your core.

All exercises listed in this article were selected based on some research, as well as my personal experience, which was gained while working with hundreds of people.

I also described several exercises that you can perform, but if you carefully follow the basic plan, then most likely they are not needed.

Basic exercises

Squats, deadlift, bench press, classical military press While they are not abdominal exercises in themselves, they are effective in building and strengthening your core muscles.

They are also the most important exercises for general building and strengthening of body muscles. If you don't do them and don't intend to do them, then you lose the lion's share of progress.

Twisting on the upper block

Crunches on upper block– one of my favorite exercises, which helps well in the formation of the rectus abdominis muscle.

A variant of “twisting” twists is possible, in which, in addition to the rectus muscle, there is a large load on the oblique abdominal muscles. In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows: you need to touch the left knee with your right elbow, then the usual straight twist, and the left elbow touches the right knee, back to the center and so on.

Raising the legs while resting on the elbows

This exercise is considered one of the best, which involves the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles (including their lower parts).

You can start with knee raises, but you should aim to perform the exercise with with outstretched legs. After this load becomes small, you can add weight, for example, holding a medicine ball between your legs.

Hanging leg raises on the bar

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but requires much more effort.

Similar to the previous one, at first it can also be performed with with bent knees, but strive to perform with extended legs. Over time you can add weight.


Don't let it light exercise fool yourself - it is an excellent addition to your workouts. When performing a bicycle, the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles are involved.

Ab roller

I'm not a fan of various gadgets and other gizmos for training, but the ab roller is a really effective and cheap tool.

If you want to include this exercise in your regular training program, then you need to purchase a high-quality video, for example, this one:

Although you can use any :)

Weight for this exercise can be added with a weighted vest.

How to create an effective training program and pump up your abs

The rules for creating a workout focused on shaping the abs are very simple:

1. Combine weight-bearing and body-weight exercises into one workout.

Abs capable of deep, separate contractions of individual muscles require much more preparation than many might think. IN in this case an approach " periodic» exercise is the most effective way to achieve this goal.

2. Exercise regularly

Optimal training frequency is a subject of endless debate. However, the main rule can be identified: The smaller the muscle group, the faster it recovers.

So after general exercises exercises such as deadlifts or squats take longer to recover than isolated exercises, for example, on the biceps.

So I noticed that, just like the calf muscles, the abdominal muscles can do more contractions than larger muscle groups.

I noticed that 2-3 ab workouts per week, and at the same time the overall power training– “golden mean” to obtain maximum results and preventing overtraining .

If we consider the issue required quantity abdominal workouts per week, then you should leave 1 to 2 days of rest between workouts. If I plan three workouts a week, I prefer to train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesday and Thursday if I plan to do two workouts.

3. Make sure progress is not stagnant

As with any other workout, the main goal of the workout is to become stronger, with beautiful, toned muscles.

The weight used during training should gradually increase as the number of times you can do the same exercise with the weight equals the number of times you can do the same exercise without the weight.

Now that we know the “rules,” let’s take a closer look at how to plan your workouts.

The training scheme is elementary. It is necessary to do the exercises cyclically. One cycle contains 3 exercises that must be performed continuously one after another. We rest only between cycles; we do not rest between exercises within a cycle.

Abdominal training program

How to build a loop:

  1. It’s worth including in the first set strength exercise, such as crunches in the upper block, lifting legs while resting on the elbows or lifting legs while hanging on the bar - only 10-15 repetitions.

If you cannot do the exercise at least 10 times, then you need to reduce the weight. If you do it 15 times, it’s time to add a couple of kilograms.

  1. We immediately move on to one set of exercises without weight and do it maximum amount once.
  2. We move on to another set of exercises without weight and do it as many times as possible.
  3. Rest 2-3 minutes before a new cycle.

For example, here's one of my favorite loops:

  • 1 set of crunches in the upper block, 10-12 times
  • 1 set of leg raises resting on the elbows as many times as possible
  • 1 bicycle set maximum number of times

Rest 2-3 minutes

I usually insert ab circuits between sets of common muscle groups to save time. For example:

  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds
  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds

It’s better to set yourself a goal of 3 abdominal cycles during one workout (and 2-3 workouts per week). It's actually not as easy as it seems!

Can sports nutrition supplements help you get bigger abs faster?

No natural substances can “burn fat,” no matter how complicated or pseudo-scientific the explanation may be.

Supplement companies most often talk about increasing fat oxidation levels (while maintaining muscle mass) while supporting the thyroid, inducing thermogenesis, blocking enzymes related to fat storage, inducing enzymes that cause fat loss, managing hormone and neurotransmitter levels , reducing water retention, improving nutrient absorption and more.

Okay, while these aspects do have an impact on weight loss, this type of marketing is nothing more than an attempt to blind us with terminology and scientific half-truths in hopes that we will believe it.

If you look at the science of fat loss, you'll find that the right supplements can help, but they won't compensate for poor nutrition and exercise. If you follow the advice in this article, and don't torture yourself with exhausting diets and workouts, you can reap benefits from supplements that will truly accelerate fat loss.

Let's summarize the ab training

Almost every fitness guru and workout program promises to give you a six-pack for a very short time, but few can actually deliver on that promise because it's not really that fast of a process.

There is no panacea for creating a beautiful torso. If you want a lean, sexy belly, then you need to be patient, eat right and exercise. If you are willing to wait months rather than days, you will get the results you want.

Now you know everything you need to eventually get a six pack, get out of your comfort zone and get to work!

Almost every modern person dreams of a beautiful and slim figure, toned tummy and sculpted abs. That is why many guys and girls often look for and select the most suitable ones for themselves. effective abdominal exercises from various sources, seek help from experienced trainers, visit sports clubs, fitness centers and everything in order to make their dreams come true in the shortest possible time.

In the materials of the presented review, we will take a closer look at what kind of effective exercises can be used at home not only for men, but also for women without using additional equipment. It is very important to understand one thing: if the modern rhythm of life and a lot of everyday worries occupy the bulk of the time, then free minutes should not be spent visiting fitness centers, sports grounds, etc. There is a huge amount effective training for working out the abs, which can be done independently and the maximum effective set of such exercises can be completed in just 25-30 minutes. Performing such gymnastics is recommended not only for representatives of the stronger half of humanity, but also for girls and women. So, let's take a closer look at the selection of the top 7 effective exercises for the abs at home.

Crunches are a standard type of exercise for working the abdominal muscle fibers and efficient combustion subcutaneous fat.

Performing this type of exercise involves:

  • the rectus abdominis muscles, which are responsible for the definition of the six-pack in the abdominal area;
  • external abdominal muscles;
  • oblique internal muscles belly;
  • a large muscle located in the sternum area;
  • transverse abdominal muscles.

To perform this exercise, you must start from a position in which the lumbar and lower back are pressed tightly to the floor, and the stomach is tense. Place your hands near your temples. Carry out lifting by contracting the abdominal muscle fibers. While taking the lower position, inhale, and while ascending, exhale. You should perform at least 3 approaches 25-30 times.

Exercise "Scissors"

Performing this type of gymnastics will help work out the lower part of the abs.

During this lesson the work includes:

  • iliopsoas muscle;
  • sartorius and rectus muscles in the thigh area;
  • all types of adductor muscles;
  • rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as transverse and cranial muscles;
  • quadriceps

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor, place your arms along your torso and, together with your lumbar back, press firmly to the floor. Lift your legs slightly off the floor and begin performing crossing movements, making sure that your knees do not bend. Perform 3 sets of 25-30 seconds.

Exercise "Diver"

Performing this simple type of exercise is also aimed at working out the lower abdomen, or abdominal part of the abs.

During training and performing this exercise, the work includes the following groups muscles:

  • muscles responsible for tension in the fascia lata;
  • sartorius and iliopsoas muscles;
  • adductor long and short muscles;
  • quadriceps;
  • rectus, transverse and oblique muscles in the abdomen;
  • as well as the pectineus muscle.

Take the starting position and lie with your back on the floor. Stretch your arms along the body and press your palms to the floor. The legs, straightened at the knees, should be raised from the floor to a small height and alternately make movements reminiscent of walking with a small amplitude.

Important! So that the socks are pulled towards you, and the lumbar region of the back is pressed tightly to the floor. It is also worth remembering that the smaller the distance between the floor surface and the legs, the greater the load will be on the abdominal muscles.

If a feeling arises indicating that there is space between the lower back and the floor surface, you should raise your legs a little higher and continue the exercise in this position. During the entire workout, your legs should be straight. It is recommended to perform the exercise 3 sets, lasting no more than 30 seconds.

Twisting while lying on your back with your legs raised

“Twisting” involves the thigh and abdominal muscles, quadriceps and external oblique muscles. Using this ab exercise at home will help you burn excess fats in the abdominal area, accumulated in the subcutaneous layers. And also twisting will help to work out the relief on the stomach.

Take the starting position and lie back on the floor again. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them off the floor at an angle of 90 degrees, as shown in the photo. Stretch your arms forward. While twisting, you need to lift your upper body towards your knees and reach forward with your arms. When ascending, you should make a deep exit, and in the lower position of the body, inhale.

Important! Don't tear it off lumbar region keep your back off the floor and keep your legs in the same position, without lowering them, and also your chin should not fall towards your neck.

In order to simplify the task, it is recommended to perform the crossing exercise with your arms folded on your chest in a “cross to cross” position, and to make it more difficult, you should put your hands behind your head, or place them near the temporal part of your head. Basic norms for performing the exercise: 3 sets of 9-12 times.

Swing with knees bent

Daily training with this type of exercise will activate and force the following muscle groups to work:

  • quadriceps and rectus abdominis;
  • thigh muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Take the starting position “lying on the floor”, bend your knees, resting the surface of your feet on the floor, and place your hands behind your head. Start performing a twist, during which you need to reach with your right elbow towards your left knee to the level of the mid-thigh, and the knee, in turn, needs to be directed towards the elbow. When performing the exercise, you need to try to completely lift the upper part of your body off the floor surface so that both shoulder blades do not come into contact with the floor, and on the contrary, the lumbar part of your back should be pressed tightly to the floor, as in the picture.

Please note that the chin should not be pressed against the neck and the exercise should be performed by tensing the abdominal muscles, and not with the help of the arms. When taking the starting position, you need to inhale, and while twisting, exhale.

Exercise "Bicycle"

Correct execution of the exercise will activate the following groups of muscle fibers:

  • rectus and external oblique abdominal muscles;
  • internal obliques muscle fibers in the abdominal area;
  • transverse abdominal muscles;
  • as well as a large gluteal muscle and muscle fibers of the legs.

Take the starting position and lie with your back on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Perform rotating movements with your legs, as when riding a bicycle. Upper part It is recommended to lift the torso slightly from the floor and simultaneously perform twisting, alternately directing the right elbow to the left knee, and the left elbow to the right knee. The pace of the workout is arbitrary. It is recommended to perform at least 3 sets of 20 times.

Executing the saw plank

Doing this powerful physical exercise includes all gluteal, thigh, calf muscles and core muscle fibers.

Take the starting position of the plank, resting your forearms on the floor. You need to place your elbows strictly under your shoulders, pull your stomach in and keep your back straight. Having taken the starting position, you should perform small swings. When moving forward, the surface of the shoulders should extend in front of the elbows, and when moving backward, the shoulders should extend beyond the elbows.

Please note: it is important to ensure that your legs and back are at the same level at all times, forming a continuous straight line.

The time to complete this exercise is at least 50-60 seconds. Clearly see how everything should be done best exercises for abdominal muscles at home you can watch the following video:

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.