Unusual physical education exercises. Report: A set of exercises in physical culture. General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

As you know, health is impossible without movement. “Movement is life,” probably each of us has heard this expression, and it’s hard to argue with it. Indeed, an active lifestyle allows you to stay young and vigorous longer, maintain a positive attitude and radiate energy. To be active means to be healthy, and this is exemplified by the stories of thousands of people whom sport helped return to life, despite the fact that doctors' forecasts were disappointing. However, by regularly performing special complex exercises in physical education, managed to defeat the disease. Sets of exercises for muscles are different, it all depends on what problem they are designed to solve. Sets of exercises are selected in such a way as to maximize the use of those muscle groups that are being worked on.

Why should exercises be performed in combination?

Any set of exercises is a set of exercises following one after another. Why is it recommended to perform exercises this way, and not limit yourself to one-time exercises on certain muscles? The fact is that A complex approach in the matter of strengthening muscles is much more effective. The explanation for this is simple: by performing a set of muscle exercises, we evenly load all the muscles of the group the complex is aimed at developing. One or two exercises will not give the same effect as a set of exercises.

For example, a set of physical education exercises will strengthen the muscles of the whole body, and a set of exercises for the legs will help improve their shape and the strength of the muscles in this part of the body. You can compose a set of exercises for muscles yourself; just select those exercises that allow you to use your muscles as fully as possible. But this is usually not necessary, because various sets of exercises can be easily found or you can contact a specialist who will help with the development of the complex.

By doing a set of exercises, you will achieve results much faster than if you just do some exercises. The main thing is to clearly define what problem the set of exercises should solve and choose the appropriate one. Below are several sets of exercises aimed at solving different problems.

A set of general developmental exercises

This set of physical education exercises is aimed at strengthening and harmonious development all muscles of the body. A set of general developmental exercises does not require special physical training and anyone can do it.

Exercise 1. Standing straight, arms along the body. We withdraw left hand to the side, lift the right one up, lower it. We bring our left hand forward, raise our right hand up, and lower it. We repeat the exercise for right hand. Perform 5 times for each hand at a slow pace.

Exercise 2. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind your head. We make turns to the right and to the left, 5 times in each direction.

Exercise 3. Standing straight, hands on your belt. We lunge forward with our right foot, bend over and clap our hands under the knee, and return. Perform for the left leg. Perform 5 times on each leg.

Exercise 4. Standing straight, arms along the body. We lean to the right, the right hand slides along the body, the left on the belt, we return, repeat in left side. We perform 5 times in each direction.

Exercise 5. Standing straight, arms straight out to the side. Turns right and left. We perform 5 times in each direction.

Exercise 6. Walking in place.

As you can see, this set of general developmental exercises is aimed largely at maintaining muscles and providing them with some load. It is unlikely to help you lose weight, but it will be very useful for giving muscle tone and maintaining mobility.

An example of a specialized complex aimed at developing a specific muscle group is this set of exercises for the legs.

Exercise 1. Standing straight, hands on your belt. Slowly we rise on our toes and lower ourselves. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the calf muscles.

Exercise 2. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. Hold a small ball between your knees. On the count of “one”, squeeze it, on the count of “two” release it. The exercise is aimed at strengthening inner surface hips.

Exercise 3. Squats. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We perform squats, bringing our arms forward. We make sure that the angle in the knees is not less than 90 degrees, and that the pelvis is moved strictly back.

Exercise 4. Lying on your right side, right hand under your head, left in front of you. Raise your left leg to a level of 30 degrees from the floor surface. We begin to bend it at the knee. We turn over to the other side.

Exercise 5. “Bicycle”. Lying on your back, arms along your body. We begin to “turn the bike” in one direction and the other. The exercise strengthens the thigh muscles well.

Exercise 6. Standing straight, arms along the body. We lunge on the right and left legs, simultaneously throwing our arms forward.

This set of leg exercises allows you to work all the muscles of your legs and make them slim and toned. In order to make the muscles more prominent, it is recommended to perform exercises with weights. A barbell or dumbbells are perfect for this. A set of leg exercises can also be performed on special simulators, which will provide the required load on the muscles.

Sets of exercises for men and women

Since the physiology of men and women is different, the sets of exercises for men and women also have significant differences. In men, they are usually aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body, arms and shoulders, and in women, on the contrary, at developing and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant movement. Nature itself has decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great.


1. Warm up
Variants of warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)

Stretching and gymnastics:

For the trunk muscles
For the muscles of the legs and arms
For the muscles of the legs and torso

2. Warm up with dumbbells

Back exercises

3. Running exercises and jumping

4. Exercises to restore breathing

5. Exercises to restore blood circulation

The work contains 1 file

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Physical Education

Abstract on the topic:

“Set of exercises for physical culture”

Completed by: student of group EUN-11

Motovilova I. S.

Checked by: senior teacher

Nadezhin S.E.

Ivanovo 2011


1. Warm up

  • Variants of warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)
  • Exercise options for the main part

Stretching and gymnastics:

  • For arm muscles and shoulder girdle
  • For the trunk muscles
  • For the muscles of the legs and arms
  • For the muscles of the legs and torso
  • Strength exercises with your own body weight

2. Warm up with dumbbells

    • Exercises for chest and arm muscles
    • Back exercises
    • Waist and abdominal muscle exercises

3. Running exercises and jumping

4. Exercises to restore breathing

5. Exercises to restore blood circulation


Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Regular physical education and performing the optimal set of physical exercises will bring you pleasure and keep you healthy.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great.

All physical exercises are classified into three types: cyclic aerobic physical exercises that contribute to the development of general endurance; cyclic physical exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and speed endurance; acyclic physical exercises that increase strength endurance.

We must remember that physical education is not a one-time event, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms of independent physical education:

  • Daily morning exercises.
  • Daily physical education break.
  • Independent studies physical education, exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Each independent training session consists of three parts; The preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general warm-up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow running (women - 6-8 minutes, men - 8-12 minutes), general developmental gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups. It is recommended to perform physical exercises, starting with small muscle groups of the arms and shoulder girdle, then moving on to larger muscles of the torso and finishing with exercises for the legs. After a set of physical exercises of a strength nature and stretching, relaxation exercises should be performed.

Athletic gymnastics includes exercises with dumbbells, shock absorbers, barbells, exercises with weights and other weights. By influencing various muscle groups, exercises with weights contribute to the harmonious development of the body's muscles and improve posture. Recommended classes athletic gymnastics spend in the afternoon. The weight of the weights is selected so that each exercise can be performed 8-10 times in a row.

Training program

Perform this complex 3 times a week, taking 1 day of rest between classes. Start with 5 minutes of light cardio exercise, such as walking or climbing stairs. Then perform 1 set of 12-15 repetitions of each exercise. Between sets, do stretching exercises for all major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. If your muscles don't fatigue after completing your last rep, increase the resistance by shortening the shock absorber or standing further away from the door. When you feel ready, add a second and then a third set. In the fourth week, get a higher resistance shock absorber.

1. Warm up

Each time before starting the main part of your workout, you need to complete the exercises below. The number of repetitions of one exercise is 8-10 times.

Options for warm-up exercises (general developmental exercises)

Basically these are rotational movements in all more or less large joints of the body. They are usually performed in the following sequence (but this is not a prerequisite):

1. Turning the head from side to side, nodding up and down, rotational movements of the head.

2. Rotational movements of the hands clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Rotational movements in the elbow joints.

4. Warm up shoulder joints. Raises the arms through the sides upward, “scissors” with the hands in front of the chest, rotational movements.

5. Tilt the body forward and to the sides. Rotation of the pelvis alternately in both directions.

6. Swing your legs back and forth and to the side.

7. Flexion-extension in the knee joint.

8. Sitting with with outstretched legs, rotation in the ankle alternately in both directions.

Exercise options for the main part

Stretching and gymnastics:

For the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle:

1. Spring movements with bent and straight arms to the sides and back.

2. Basic stance, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists, elbows at shoulder height.

Execution: two jerking movements with arms bent back, two jerking movements to the sides and back, straightening the arms at the elbows. When jerking backwards, inhale; when moving your arms forward, exhale.

3. Spring movements with straight arms, alternating one up and back, the other down and back.

For the trunk muscles:

1. Springy tilts of the body forward and backward.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart, back arched, hands resting on the lower back with fists.

Execution: three springy bends of the torso forward, touching the floor with your hands. Returning to initial position, bend over.

When straightening your torso, inhale; when bending, exhale.

3. Bend forward while standing on straight legs. Try to touch your palms to the floor, and ideally touch your chest to your knees.

4. Bends with torso rotation.

I. p.: legs spread apart wider than shoulders.

Execution: three springy bends forward, turning the torso to the side and touching the toe of the opposite leg with one hand, do not bend the knees.

5. Sitting on the floor, bending over and touching your chest to your knees. Help with hands is possible

6. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees and raise top part torso and grab your ankles with your hands. This position is sometimes called the “Boat”. Rock like this for a few seconds.

For the muscles of the legs and arms:

1. Spring squats. Feet shoulder width apart.

Execution: three spring squats, without lifting your heels from the floor, raising your arms forward.

When standing up, inhale, while squatting, exhale.

2. Circular movements of the body.

I. p.: feet slightly wider than shoulders, hands behind the head.

Performance: circular movements body.

When bending backwards, inhale; when moving to the sides and forwards, exhale.

For the muscles of the legs and torso:

1. Lunges with a twist to the side.

I. p.: legs spread apart as wide as possible.

Execution: turn to the side, bending the leg at the knee joint as much as possible, the other leg resting almost straight on the toes, make two jerks with straight arms raised up and back, return to i. p. and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

When straightening, inhale, when lunging, exhale.

2. Lying on your back, touch the toes of your straight legs to the floor behind your head.

3. "Bridge". An ordinary gymnastic bridge.

4. Standing, spread your legs very wide. Squat on one leg, the other straightened. Roll from foot to foot, while trying to always remain as low as possible in the squat.

5. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, touch your knees to the floor on one side, then on the other.

6. When squatting, roll from foot to foot, then on one leg, then on the other leg. The second leg is extended to the side.

Just choose comfortable movements for yourself and perform them in a mode of 3 to 8-10 repetitions. Don’t forget that the purpose of exercise is to tone up the body and lift your mood. This means that your favorite exercises will bring significantly more benefits than those that you find uncomfortable.

Strength exercises with your own body weight

1. Squats. The front surfaces of the legs (quadriceps) are involved dynamically, and the rear surfaces (hamstrings) - statically. The work also includes the buttocks, calves, spinal extensor muscles and a bunch of other small muscles.

2. Push-ups. Load all the pushing muscles of the upper body. Chest, triceps, partially deltoids. You need to do push-ups at a fast pace, holding your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, then the difficult muscles will “work” mainly in your arms.

3. Vertical push-ups. Execution: stand on your hands next to the wall, lift your body vertically up and touch your feet to the wall to maintain balance. Bend your elbows and lower yourself until your head lightly touches the floor, then explosively push yourself up. This exercise successfully compensates for the lack of load on the middle deltas during regular push-ups.

4. Pull-ups on the bar. Ideal for developing the pulling muscles of the upper body.

Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with your chin.

Spreading your arms as wide as possible, pull yourself up, trying to touch the bar with the back of your head or neck.

2. Warm up with dumbbells

Exercises for the chest and arm muscles:

1. It is necessary to perform 10-20 times 2 approaches. Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down with your palms facing inward. Bend your elbow and pull the dumbbell toward your shoulder, turning your hand so that the dumbbell is parallel to your shoulder. Return your hand to i. etc., repeat with the other hand.

2. Perform 8-12 times for 2 approaches. Legs bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, both hands with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (palms inward), raise your arms at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly raise your arms above your head without bending your wrists or straightening your elbows completely. Return to i.p.

3. Performed 8-12 times, 2 approaches. The position of the legs is the same, the arms are down along the body with dumbbells. Bend your elbows (slightly), very slowly move them to the sides to shoulder level. Slowly return to i.p.

4. Perform 8-12 times 2 sets. Turn your palms forward and straighten your arms with dumbbells up above your chest. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides, pressing your lower back to the bench. Shoulders should be parallel to the floor.

5. Perform 2 times 10. Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in one hand. Bend forward with your knees bent, your back parallel to the floor. Bend your arm and rest on your knees. Lower your arm with the dumbbell slightly bent at the elbow. From this position, move your supporting arm to shoulder level and slightly back. Return to i.p.

Back exercises:

1. Lie on your stomach on a bench with your legs closed and extended. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides and place them on the floor. Then raise your arms to the sides at the same time. You need to do two sets of 10 times.

2. Perform 10 times with each hand. You will need a chair or bench for support. Taking a dumbbell in one hand, rest the other on the seat of a bench (chair). Lower your hand with the dumbbell to the floor. Slowly pull the dumbbell toward your chest, moving your elbow back. Slowly return to i.p.


Physical exercise.


1. Slow jogging for up to 3 minutes.

2.Exercises to restore breathing.

Hands up, inhale, hands down, exhale.

3. Posture exercises:

1).Arms to the sides - walking on toes.

2).Hands on waist - walking on heels.

3).Hands up with palms facing inward - walking on straight legs. (Do not bend your knees while walking)

4).Hands behind your back - walking on the inner and outer arches of the foot.

5).Hands behind your head, elbows to the sides - walking in a semi-squat. (Keep your back straight).

6).Hands on knees, walking in a full squat.

7).Walking "Crabs". (Turn your back forward, sit down, hands with palms on the floor, legs bent at the knees).


1. I.P. legs apart (narrow stance), hands behind your back. Circular rotations of the head 1-8 to the left, 1-8 to the right.

2. I.P. legs apart (narrow stance), hands behind your back. 1 - head tilt to the left, 2 - to the right, 3 - forward, 4 - backward.

3. I.P. legs apart (narrow stance), fingers locked 1-8 rotational movements of the hands forward, 1-8 back, 1-8 wavy.

4.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), arms to the sides - elbow joint

relax, circular rotations with forearms, 1-4 inward, 1-4 relax, 1-4 outward, 1-4 relax.

5.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), hands to shoulders. 1- 4 forward circular rotations, 1- 4 backward circular rotations.

6. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), hands on the waist (tilt the torso forward) 1-8 circular rotations with the torso to the right, 1-8 circular rotations with the torso to the left (bend as much as possible).

7. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), hands locked behind the head, 1-8 circular rotations in the hip joint to the right, 1-8 circular rotations in the hip joint to the left (bend as much as possible).

8. I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel (middle stance), hands on knees. 1-4 when squatting, we bring our knees inward, 1-4 when squatting, we move our knees outward.

9. I.P. Hands behind the back, right foot on the toe 1-8 rotate the ankle to the right, 1-8 rotate the ankle to the left. Also the left leg.

10.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), fingers locked with palms facing the chest. 1- arms forward with palms facing outward, 2- I.P. 3- arms up with palms facing outward, 4- I.P..

11. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom, 1-4 jerks with the arms. We change the position of the hands.

12.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), arms in front of the chest, elbows bent, 1-4 jerks with bent arms, 1-4 jerks with straight arms.

13. I.P. Feet apart (middle stance), arms to the sides, fingers relaxed. 1 - hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists, 2 - hands up, fingers relaxed, 3 - hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists, 4 - hands to the sides, fingers relaxed.

14. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), arms forward 1 - squeeze fingers with force, 2 - relax 3-4 too.

15. I.P. Feet apart (narrow stance), arms forward, palms down. Scissors 1-8 small amplitude, 1-8 large amplitude.

16. I.P. Feet apart (narrow stance), arms forward crossed with palms facing inward (palms facing each other), fingers interlocked. 1- rotational movements are performed from the bottom up (the hands move towards the body and straighten forward). 2-I.P. (performed rotational movement reversed). 3-4 too.

17. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel to the arms on the belt. 1-2 tilt to the left, 3-4 tilt to the right.

18. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel, hands clasped behind the head. 1- turn left, 2- I.P., 3- turn right, 4- I.P..

19. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel, hands on the belt. 1- 3 smooth bends forward (do not bend your knees, try to touch the floor with your hands), 4- bend back.

20.I.P. The left leg is straight, the toe is on the heel, the right leg is bent at the knee, the left hand is behind the back. 1-4 springy bends towards the left straight leg, trying to touch the toes with the palm of the hand. We change the position of the legs. We also do the same for the other leg.

21.I.P. Legs together, arms down in front, palms to feet. Without bending your knees, rearrange alternate hands down along your legs, then along the floor forward all the way, lying down, doing push-ups, and without bending your knees, moving your arms one by one, rise into IP.

22.IP. Legs apart (wide stance), arms bent at the elbows (right palm to the left elbow, left palm to the right elbow). 1-3 springy and smooth bends forward, 4 - bend back (try to touch the floor with your elbows).

23.I.P. Feet together, grab your calves with your hands and stretch your forehead to your knees, hold 1-8. Smoothly straighten up, bending back a little and relax.

24.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel, hands with palms on the floor. “Bear” We take a few steps forward (right hand, right leg, left hand left leg), stopping the arms and legs in parallel (supporting on the hands, pushing off with both legs and raising the legs up) “buck” walking backwards (the same way), stopping and “bucking”.

25.I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel, grab the ankle with your hands and relax (rest).

26. I.P. Feet apart (wide stance), arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists. "Mill". Lean forward, 1- with your right hand to reach your left leg, 2- I.P. 3- with your left hand, reach your right leg 4-I.P.

27.I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel (middle stance) – arms forward, palms down. Half squat, back straight. 1-3 spring squats, 4-IP.

28.I.P. Feet together - arms forward, palms down. Half squat, back straight. 1-3 spring squats, 4-IP..

29. I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel (wide stance) - arms forward, palms down. 1-3 spring squats, 4-IP..

30.I.P. The right arm is bent at the elbow, the fingers are clenched into a fist (fist at shoulder level), the left leg is back on the toe. 1 - turn towards the hand, 2-I.P., 3- turn towards the hand, 4-I.P. Change the position of the arms and legs.

31. I.P. Legs apart (middle stance), feet parallel, hands behind the back, fingers connected (right hand on top, elbow behind the head, left hand on the bottom, elbow behind the back).

1- sit down (back straight)

2- I.P..

3- sit down (back straight)


Change hand positions.

1-4 too.

32.I.P.. Hands behind your back, legs apart, feet parallel (narrow stance).

1- movement of the pelvis to the left

2- movement of the pelvis to the right

3- movement of the pelvis forward

4- movement of the pelvis backwards.

Keep your back straight.

33.I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel, hands clasped behind the head (narrow stance - half squat).

1-4 - circular movements of the pelvis to the left.

1-4 circular movements of the pelvis to the right.

Keep your back straight.

34.I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel (middle stance)

1-8 - smooth inhalation (inhale to the maximum).

While inhaling, we stretch the spine and, while holding our breath, hold the stretched spine with our muscles for as long as possible.

1-8 exhale and relax.

35. I.P. Legs apart, feet parallel (wide stance).

1-2 - spread your arms to the sides and take a smooth breath.

1-2 - hands whistle in half arcs forward, turn your palms inward, at the same time rise on your toes, exhale smoothly and perform a half-squat while remaining on your toes. Hold your breath (as much as possible) and remain in this position.

1-4 smooth breaths, simultaneously lower your entire foot and straighten up to relax.

36. I.P. right leg in front, left behind (wide stance), toes pointing forward, hands on the knee of the leg in front.

1-4 - springy swinging with lowering down until pain is felt.

We change the positions of the legs.

37.I.P. Legs apart (wide stance) feet parallel.

We transfer the body weight to the right leg, hands to the knees of the right leg

1-4 springy swings to the right side.

1-4 to the left.

38.I.P. Full squat on the right leg, left leg straight to the side on the heel, arms forward.

1 - roll from the right leg to the left leg.

2-roll from the left leg to the right leg.

3-4 too.

Exercises in a sitting position.

1. I.P. Sit your legs apart, 1-bend to the left leg, 2-bend to the right leg, 3-bend in the middle, 4-straighten up and, bending slightly back, relax.

2. I.P. Sit your legs together, 1-3 - bend forward, 4 - straighten.

3.I.P. In a sitting position, one leg is bent at the knee, the shin is turned outward, the ankle is turned forward, the second is straight, 1-4 bends to the straight leg, 1-4 to bent leg. We change the position of the legs and perform bends.

4.I.P. Sit on the floor, legs together, arms supported behind you. 1- bend your right leg at the knee, 2- straighten your leg up. 3- bend at the knee, 4- IP 1-4- left leg.

5.I.P. Sit on the floor with your legs together, support your hands behind you. 1- pull your legs bent at the knees towards you, 2- straighten them up. 3- bend your knees and pull them towards you, 4- put them on the floor.

6.Lie on your back with your legs apart and relax.

Exercises in a lying position.

1. I.P. Lying on your back, raise your legs up, supporting your lower back with your hands. “Bicycle”. 1-10 perform forward movements with your legs. 1-10 perform backward movements with your legs.

2. I.P. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight up. Supporting your lower back with your hands, spread 1 leg apart, 2 legs crossed - right leg in front, left leg behind. 3 legs spread apart. 4 cross – left leg in front, right leg behind. 5 – spread to the sides. 6-right forward, left back, 7-left forward, right back. 8-legs spread to the sides.

3. I.P. Lying on your back, hands locked behind your head. 1- connect the right elbow and left knee, 2-I.P. 3- connect the left elbow and right knee, 4-I.P.

4.I.P. Lie on your back with your legs apart and relax.

5.I.P. lying on your back, hands clasped behind your head. 1-connect both elbows and both knees. 2-I.P., 3- connect both elbows and both knees 4- return to the starting position.

6. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

7. I.P. Lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body. 1- pull the right leg, bent at the knee, towards you, 2- turn to the left, 3- pull it towards you, 4- turn to the right, 5- pull it towards you, 6- put it down. 1-6 left leg.

8. I.P. Lying on your back, 1-pull both legs bent at the knees towards you, 2-turn to the right, 3-turn to the left, 4-pull them towards you and place them on the floor.

9.I.P. Lie on your back with your legs apart and relax.

10.I.P. Lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-raise your torso, trying to touch your forehead to your knees. 2- I.P. 3-4 too.

11. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

12.I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along the body. 1- tighten the muscles of the buttocks, 2- relax, 3- 4 the same.

13.I.P. Lying on your back, arms along your body, legs together. 1- Raise your legs straight, trying to touch the floor behind your head. 2- lower smoothly. 3-4 too.

14. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

15. I.P. Lying on your back, arms along your body, legs together. 1- raise straight legs to touch the floor behind your head, 2- straighten up, 3- touch the floor behind your head, 4- straighten up (6-10 series are performed).

16.I.P. Lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body, relax.

17. I.P. Lying on your back, arms along your torso, legs together. 1- tighten the muscles of the buttocks, 2- relax, 3- tighten the chest muscles, 4- relax.

18.I.P. lying on your back, arms along your body - raise your straight legs by 5 cm. from the floor and hold for up to 30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

19. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

20.I.P. Lying on your right side, right leg bent at the knee, left leg straight.

1- Swing your left leg up, 2- lower, 3- swing forward, 4- swing back. Perform 15-20 times.

21. And P. Lying on your right side, raise both legs 5-7 cm. from the floor and hold for 10-15 seconds.

Perform 3-4 times.

22. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

23.I.P. Lying on your left side, left leg bent at the knee, right leg straight.

1- swing the right leg up, 2- lower, 3- swing forward, 4- swing back.

Perform 15-20 times.

24. I.P. Lying on your left side, raise both legs 5-7 cm. from the floor and hold for 10-15 seconds.

Perform 3-4 times.

25.I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

26. I.P. Lying on your back, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows. Stick your shoulder blades out - walking on your shoulder blades forward and backward.

27.I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along your body, relax.

Exercises in a sitting position.

1.I.P. Sitting on the floor, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows. Walking on your buttocks back and forth.

2.I.P. Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet connected by feet. 1- take your feet with your hands and smoothly reach your forehead towards them. 2- hands smoothly move along the legs to the knees, the torso bends back. Relax. 3- hands on your legs smoothly down, take your feet, reach your forehead towards your feet. 4- hands smoothly move along the legs to the knees, the torso bends back. Relax.

3.I.P. Sitting on the floor, legs apart, 1 - with your right hand, reach for your left toe. 2 - straighten up. 3- With your left hand, reach for your right toe. 4- straighten up.

4.I.P. Standing on your knees and on your forearms (arms bent at the elbows). 1- raise your right leg - perform 10 swings up, 2- place it on your knee. 3 - lift your left leg up and perform 10 swings, 4 - place it on your knee.

Complete 2-3 series.

5.I.P. Standing on your knees, lower your head, pull your hands on your forearms towards you and relax.

6.I.P. Standing on your knees, arms bent at the elbows, on the forearms, round your back, stretch up, straighten your arms. 2- arms forward on your elbows, bend your back, head up, stretch. 3-p. 4- relax.

10-15 series are performed.

7.I.P. Lying on your stomach, arms forward. 1- raise your arms and legs at the same time and hold for 5-10 seconds. 2-i.p. 3-4 too.

Perform 3 - 6 times.

8.I.P. Lying emphasis. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (can be on your knees).

Perform 2-3 series of 5-10 times.

9.I.P.Lying on your stomach, arms forward, relax.

Exercises at the wall.

1. I.P. Standing facing the gymnastics wall, holding the pole with your hands (or just against the wall), your back is straight. 1- raise your right leg, bent at the knee, 2- turn to the right. 3- turn left. 4- put. 1-4 left leg.

Performed 10-15 times.

2.I.P. Standing facing the gymnastic wall with your back straight, place the heel of your left foot towards the middle of the foot of your right foot. 1- lift the leg bent at the knee and move it to the side back. 2- leg bent at the knee forward. 3- to the side back, 4- I.P. 1-4 also with the right foot.

Performed 8-10 times with each leg.

3.I.P. Standing facing the gymnastics wall, hold onto the pole with your hands. 1- squat on your entire foot, 2- roll on your toes, 3- on your heels (perform 5-6 rolls), rise on your toes, stretch (stretch your spine), 4- smoothly lower yourself onto your entire foot.

Performed 6-8 times.

4. I.P. Standing facing the gymnastics wall, hold onto the pole with your hands. Transverse swings: 1-4 with the right leg, 1-4 with the left leg.

3-4 series of 8-10 swings are performed on each leg.

5.I.P. Standing sideways to the gymnastics wall, hold onto the pole with your hand. Longitudinal swings: 1-4 with the right leg. 1-4 with the left leg.

8-10 swings are performed, 3-4 series for each leg.

6. Jumping ropes. Rotate the rope forward and jump on 2 legs. (30-100 jumps)

7. Somersaults forward.

8.Rotation of the hoop.

9. Headstand. (With help and against the wall).

Recovery exercises.

1. I.P. Lying on your back, connect 1 right elbow and left knee, hold for 5-10 seconds, 2 relax. 3 - connect the left elbow and right knee and hold for 5-10 seconds, 4 - relax.

Perform 8-10 times on each leg.

2.I.P. lying on your back. 1- connect both elbows and both knees, hold for 5-10 seconds. 2- relax. 3-4 too.

Perform 8-10 times.

3.I.P. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees towards you, connect your toes and hands. 1- spread your legs and arms. 2- connect. 3-4 too.

Performed 8-10 times.

4.I.P. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees towards you, connect your toes and hands. 1-perform a forward movement (imitation of walking) 15-20 times. 2-perform the backward movement 15-20 times (imitation of walking). 3-4 too.

5.I.P. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees towards you, connect your toes and hands. Roll forward and backward on your back (8-10 times).

6.I.P. Lying on your back, the muscles are relaxed. 1 - smooth inhalation. 2- do not breathe (30-60 seconds) 3- smooth exhalation. 4-relax. Performed 3-4 times.

7. I.P. Lying on your back, legs apart, arms along the body. 1-tighten all the muscles of the body and hold for 5-10 seconds. 2-relax. 3-4 too. Performed 2-3 times.

8.I.P. Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet together. Massage the earlobes and the outer edge of the ear from top to bottom and bottom to top 3-4 times.

9. I.P. Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet together.

Rotational movements of the palms forward and backward. Use your palms to massage both ears at once.

Doing a warm-up can protect you from injury and is an important part of your workout. Warm-up can consist of absolutely any physical activity, which can significantly increase the heart rate, for example, from jogging (outdoors or just indoors on the spot), cycling (regular or stationary), or jumping rope.

In this article, we present some exercises that will generally prepare your body for training and specifically warm up the muscles that you plan to work in each individual session. We recommend choosing one or more warm-up exercises for each body part that you will exercise that day. Each exercise consists of fairly simple movements that should be performed several times in a row before stopping in the approach. The warm-up portion of your session should take 3 to 4 minutes.

Another aspect of the warm-up that is not covered by the exercises below, but should be kept in mind as you move on to heavier weights. Do anyone's easy approach strength exercise for each individual body part (with a weight of about one-third to one-half of your “working” weight for this exercise).

Many of the exercises below use the concept of "basic stance." This means the following: stand with your feet parallel to the floor, approximately shoulder-width apart, the muscles around the shoulder and knee joints relaxed, your pelvis tucked, and your chin raised.

1. Warm up the neck muscles

Head turns
Body position - basic stance. Turn your head from side to side several times, trying to turn it as far as possible.

Head tilts
Main stand. Smoothly tilt your head forward, then return it to an upright position. Don't shrug your shoulders.

2. Warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms

Shoulder rotation
Main stand. Rotate your shoulders up, back and down, forward several times. Then change direction.

"Shrugs" (shrug)
Main stand. Raise your shoulders as high as possible while inhaling, then exhale sharply, lowering your shoulders just as sharply.

Swing your arms
Main stand. Swing your arms, starting above your head and moving them down to the sides and crossing them in front of your chest. Then swing your arms up and continue.

3. Warm up the chest and back muscles

Raising your arms forward
Main stand. Bring your hands together in front of you. Inhale deeply as you raise your arms above your head and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Raise your arms back
Main stand. Connect your hands below your back. Inhale, raising them as high and back as possible, exhale, returning to the starting position. Do not lean forward under any circumstances.

Standing raises
Main stand. Start by straightening your arms in front of you at chest level. Extend your arms as far back as possible, squeezing your shoulder blades together and inhaling. As you exhale, return your arms to the starting position, round your back and shoulders forward, spreading your shoulder blades to the sides.

4. Warm up the torso muscles

Main stand. Keeping your arms out to the sides, rotate your torso from side to side as quickly as possible, keeping your pelvic girdle motionless. At the same time, try to spread your hands back further.

Twisting with bent arms
Bend your elbows and grab your shoulders with the fingers of each hand. Rotate your torso from side to side.

Side bends
Main stand. Bring your hands together behind your head and bend from side to side. Keep your pelvis motionless.

Torso rotation
Basic stance, except that the feet are slightly pointed outwards rather than parallel. Hands on hips. Keeping your pelvic girdle still, first lean forward, bending at the waist. Then return to the starting position (stand). Then do the same in turn to the right, back, left. Repeat 3 times, then change the direction of movement.

Bent over torso twists
Warning: If you are suffering from any complications in your lower spine, avoid this exercise.
Spread your feet wide, bend your knees slightly and lean forward, bending at the waist so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Bring your hands together behind your head. Bring your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. As when doing a warm-up, repeat several times. Be careful not to round your back. It is allowed to twist the pelvic girdle from side to side.

5. Warm up the muscles of the lower back (lower back)

Forward bends
Warning: If you are concerned about any complications in your lower spine, avoid this exercise.
Main stand. Place your chin on your chest and bend literally along the vertebrae, bending as low as possible, then straighten up in the same way. Next, without changing the position of your feet, turn your torso to the left and repeat the tilt, then turn to the right and bend. Be careful not to strain the muscles of the shoulder girdle when straightening after bending the torso.

All core exercises are also very good for warming up the lower back muscles.

6. Warm up the leg muscles

Straightening your legs forward while standing
Using your right hand to maintain balance, place your left hand on your waist. Straighten your left leg forward, lifting it as high as possible. Then bend your left leg at the knee and do the bending and straightening several times. Repeat the procedure with your right leg, now using your left hand to maintain balance. Do not relax the knee joint of the supporting leg.

Standing on your left leg, place your weight on the floor on both hands and lift your right leg back, bending it at the knee joint. Bend and straighten your left leg. Repeat several times. Keep your left foot flat on the floor and do not disengage the knee joint of that leg as you rise to the top of the movement. Change leg position and repeat.

7. Warm up the muscles of the pelvic girdle

Maintain your balance with your right hand. Swing your left leg forward and backward, repeating this several times; then do the same from right to left. Switch legs and repeat.

Side Lunges
Hands on the belt, feet parallel, wide stance. Do deep lunge one way, then the other, without lifting your feet off the floor or moving them. Don't lean your torso forward.

8. Warm up the ankle joint

Rotation of feet
Holding onto something with your hand to maintain balance, lift your leg off the floor and rotate your free foot, first in one direction, then in the other, doing this several times with each leg.

9. Warm up the calf muscles

Calf raise
Rise onto the toes of both feet, maintaining your balance by holding on to some stable support. Lower and lift your heels, keeping your feet parallel. Repeat with toes turned outwards, then with toes turned inwards.

Of course, this is not a complete list of exercises, but only the main ones from your possible warm-up complex.

Continuing the topic:
Leveling up 

Goal: to show the direct connection between bodybuilding and good physical shape.