Standards for running 300 meters. Sprinting, short-distance running techniques, increasing running speed. Working on technology

Sprint, or fast run over a short distance, can be enjoyable. However, be good runner- does not mean just quickly rearranging your legs and making lightning-fast leaps forward. To become a good sprinter, you need to take care of yourself and exercise regularly. You will need to learn how to use your energy correctly and keep your body in great shape. The combination of these three factors will help you reach speeds you never dreamed of before.


Training mode

    Start with a warm-up . Before running, you need to warm up. To do this, they usually use a combination of light running and dynamic exercises stretching, and then you can move on to sprint exercises.

    Do some exercises. Once your muscles are warm and flexible, do a few exercises to prepare your heart and body for serious exercise. You can do running exercises (first you just need to run quickly, and then accelerate to sprint speed). There are other exercises that are suitable for sprinters:

    Create a training plan that's right for you. There is no perfect plan that will suit everyone, as each person has different needs and a different schedule. However, ideally you should set aside at least three days a week for speed work and at least two more days for strength work. Below we provide an example of a training schedule:

    • Monday (speed work): run ten times 80 meters (that is, run 80 meters 10 times, resting 2 minutes between runs), run six times 70 meters, run four times 60 meters, run three times 20 meters and once 100 meters.
    • Tuesday (day power loads) : go to the gym and work out all the muscles. Try to put stress on all muscles - they will all be useful to you in running, especially in sprinting.
    • Wednesday (work on speed and endurance): Run four times 300 meters. It is important to give your all to these exercises. They strengthen your heart, so you can run much faster.
    • Thursday (work on speed not in full force) : run five times 200 meters, three times 100 meters, two times 50 meters.
    • Friday (strength day): Go to the gym and increase the load. When you feel that you know how to use the exercise equipment, increase the load. When the body gets used to certain actions, it copes with them more effectively, that is, the person has to make less effort, and a plateau sets in - a stage when there is no visible progress. To prevent this, make your workouts as varied as possible.
    • Don't forget to warm up before each workout and cool down after it.
    • Relax on the weekend. Your muscles need time to rest and recover.

    Working on technology

    Try running on your toes. Although there is no clear evidence to support the effectiveness of this method, many believe that tiptoe running helps you move faster. The less time your foot is on the ground, the better.

    Take more frequent steps. It may seem like taking longer steps means running faster, but that's not true because you can't move forward while your feet are in the air. Short steps will allow you to develop greater speed (with proper technique).

    • When you take a big step, you lose your body composure. One leg protrudes forward and acts as a brake for the entire body. You then need to transfer your body weight to your foot, which results in a springy motion that slows down your speed.
    • If you take normal sized steps, you will tire more slowly.
  1. Lean forward slightly. Just two degrees of lean can separate you from a stellar sprint performance.

    • This doesn't mean you have to put all your weight forward and try not to fall. It will be enough to lean slightly to be able to move faster without losing your balance.
    • It is also important not to lean back. When approaching the finish line or looking back at your opponents, you can lean back slightly or look up, which will change the position of your body. It will also slow you down. It's better to look back when you reach the finish line.
  2. Use your hands. The arms can push forward if you know how to move them correctly. They should work together with your legs, and this will allow you to run faster.

    • Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Relaxed fists should reach the chin and return back at the expense of the elbows.
  3. Run to the limit of your capabilities. Never brake during a sprint. If you're traveling less than your maximum speed, you're wasting valuable time. If you feel like you need to slow down, brace yourself and fight the thought. If this doesn't work, reduce the initial speed. You should reach the finish line with greater speed.

    • If you're competing, a slow start can be a psychological reason to speed up. Runners who start out fast and tire quickly sometimes think they have already won and don't expect to be passed by someone who was at the back first.
  4. Eat well. It is very important to follow the recommendations of nutritionists - it will be useful. However, athletes have special nutritional needs.

    Drink plenty of fluids. You will lose fluid through sweat, so you will need to drink more to stay hydrated. If you train in the sun, the importance of water increases.

    • You should drink half a liter of water for every 500 grams of weight you lose during training. Weigh yourself before and after your workout and you will know how much water you should drink. For example, a football player can become 2.5 kilograms lighter per workout just due to fluid loss.
  5. Exercise regularly gym. Competent training using strength training equipment with proper breathing can increase your speed, so you should go to the gym at least twice a week.

    • Strength training that pushes you to your limits (but allows your muscles to hold up and not shake) will prepare your muscles for running, increasing their size and endurance.
    • All gyms are different, and the exercise equipment is different everywhere. Look for machines that will help you work your legs.
    • Don't overexert yourself as this can lead to injury. Increase the weight of the weights gradually.
    • If you're not sure you're ready for strength training equipment in the gym, start practicing at home.
  6. Work on your leg muscles. Of course, it is the leg muscles that will help you develop greater speed. Find a machine that will allow you to work all muscle groups in your legs. Do the most different exercises: jump from a squat, lift the weight using your leg muscles. There are many exercises with dumbbells that will strengthen your legs:

    Work your abdominal muscles . It will take a lot of time to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but strong muscles the core will make training easier, so you can achieve success. In addition, developed muscle corset will help you avoid injury.

Movement is life! Sprinting as a way to discover yourself

Sprint running is an extremely “sharp” and dynamic sport. Its popularity is due to its high dynamism and intense struggle between rivals. The outcome of the race is decided by fractions of a second, millimeters, which runners win over each other.

Interest is aroused by the opportunity to compete with people who are on the other side of the globe. Everyone can compete with their idols, achieve better results, and discover new horizons. It has become a good tradition for large cities in the CIS countries to regularly hold competitions with open participation.

Sprinting stimulates circulatory and respiratory system, allow you to fill the lack of adrenaline in everyday life and relieve stress accumulated during the working day. Running on short distances– one of the best antidepressants available to modern people.

Sprint running

Despite the apparent simplicity of the rules, sprint running is a complex sport that requires thorough preparation. On the track, each athlete gives his all, working to the limit of his physical capabilities. It is necessary not only to develop the maximum possible speed, but also not to reduce it until the very end of the distance.

During the race, participants cover short and medium distances - from 60 to 400 meters. The format is set by the competition organizers. To the program olympic games races of 100, 200 and 400 meters are included.

Sprint running is not only an independent discipline, but also the foundation for training in other sports: marathon, high and long jumps, football, paintball.

For long-distance runners, sprinting is an opportunity to learn how to finish competently, how to manage the resources of your body during marathon distance. To complete long tracks, you need interval training - the ability to alternate between calm and fast paces.

You can do sprinting to lose weight while following a strict diet - during the race, the body spends a colossal amount of energy, and careless restoration of reserves can negate all efforts.

Sprinting technique

Despite the relatively short distance, the sprint distance is divided into four stages, for each of which the runner must develop a sprinting technique:

  1. Start.
  2. Starting acceleration.
  3. Running the distance.
  4. Finish.

Running always starts with low start. This position allows you to group and charge your inner “spring” as much as possible. Strong leg placed in front, hands shoulder-width apart. At the command “attention!” the center of gravity moves forward, the pelvis rises to shoulder level. After the whistle, you need to push off strongly from the blocks and at the same time begin to work with your hands.

Hand movements are directly related to amplitude lower limbs, and due to proper acceleration of the go-ahead signal you can accelerate faster. When running, be sure to bend your elbows.

Proper foot placement can reduce the chance of injury. During the push, the runner should not feel any kickback in the foot.

At the second stage (25-30 meters), you pick up speed, which you then need to maintain until the finish. This is achieved due to maximum magnification step length and frequency. It is most convenient to accelerate when the body is strongly tilted forward - in this case, body weight contributes to acceleration. Gradually, as speed increases, the runner straightens up. At this stage, the athlete’s speed qualities and the inertia accumulated over the first meters play a key role.

Regardless of the level of training, age and qualifications, the maximum speed is reached at 6 seconds, and after 8 it gradually decreases.

The 100-meter running technique involves running on your toes without your heels touching the floor. The minimum contact area allows you to maintain speed and push off powerfully from the ground.

At the final stage, it is extremely important to remain calm. You need to finish the race at maximum speed, to show best result. There is no need to “jump” to the finish line - there is a widespread misconception among amateurs that such a leap saves time. Precious milliseconds are spent on preparation, and a risky investment does not always pay off. Professional runners can finish with their chest or shoulder forward, but these are “figures aerobatics", inaccessible to beginners.

An important aspect is compliance with safety rules during training and competitions.

  • Always warm up before starting. A sudden increase in load can lead to muscle and tendon strains. The ability of these tissues to regenerate in the average person is limited; they heal slowly and painfully. In addition, sprinting puts a high load on the heart. Neglect of your own health can cause a long forced break.
  • A basic warm-up should include jogging for 5-10 minutes, muscle stretching and toning exercises.
  • Do not cross the line separating your lane from the adjacent one. Colliding between runners can cause injuries. Navigating distances at high speeds can be challenging and is part of being a runner.
  • Check the lacing of your sneakers carefully. Poorly secured shoes can rob a runner of the fractions of seconds they need to win. In addition, you will get tired faster, since part of your strength will be spent on stabilizing the position of your feet. There is also a chance to twist your leg due to an unfortunate mistake.

Choosing the right footwear is key.

Sneakers should have a soft sole with textured elements - they improve grip on the surface.

Innovative ultra-lightweight solutions from industry giants do not always improve results due to the fact that designers often neglect foot protection for marketing purposes.

How to increase your running speed

How to learn to run very fast?

Increase the pace gradually, let your body get used to the stress;

In case of injury, you must wait for the body to fully recover. Damage that is not fully cured becomes a time bomb that will “explode” at the most inopportune moment;

When training, always try to raise the bar higher and achieve better results.

Remember that running technique is purely individual for each athlete, so do not be afraid to experiment - the only and correct technique for everyone does not exist in nature (or it has not yet been discovered). A common mistake among trainers is to train people in strict accordance with accepted standards. As a result, the student can run “technically”, but will never reach his full potential. If there is no increase in results over a long period of time, the reason for this may be the imposed framework.

The psychological component plays an important role in the preparation process. Like any other highly competitive activity, sprinting requires the athlete to high level self-discipline. It can be difficult to mobilize all your strength after a series of defeats - be prepared for difficulties.

Sprint – running over short distances. While running, athletes try to reach maximum speed. Have quick legs actually useful. You can try to keep up with the bus, get to work, go to the cinema or theater. Show your class by beating your opponents at amateur championships and just be confident in your abilities.

It's fair to start with a shining figure in sprinting, the fastest man ever, Usain Bolt. Repeated Olympic champion. He holds the world record in the 100 meters – 9.58 seconds. And also at 200, 300 and 400 meters.

Running speed depends on the frequency and length of your stride. Speed ​​is also affected by weather conditions. Step frequency develops most effectively in children under 12 years of age. That's why experienced trainers at this age they try to direct the energy of the student specifically to the development of frequency.

There are exercises that will allow even a mature adult to increase the frequency and length of running steps.

The exercises below will allow you to increase your step frequency:

  • Quick steps. Quickly raise your knees maximum amount steps for 10 meters. Repeat 3 times. Rest between sets for 30 seconds. If you feel you need more time - 1 minute.
  • Swinging of the shins backwards. Exercise is necessary for uniform development of step frequency. And also to strengthen calf muscles and ligaments. Perform shin curls as quickly as possible at a distance of 10 meters. It is advisable that the heels lightly touch the buttocks. Use your hands actively. Perform 3 sets. Rest 30 seconds, on demand - 1 minute.
  • Wheel. Element of sprint running technique. It's difficult to do the first time, but it's worth learning. Make a 30 meter wheel. Perform 3 reps. Rest time 30 seconds.

  • Running on straight legs. Straighten your legs and point your toes out. Try to make the maximum number of movements within 30 meters. Work actively with your arms and keep your back straight. Perform 3 sets. The interval between repetitions is 30 seconds.
    Alternative. It is useful to run with straight legs, but instead of the maximum frequency, try to raise your straight legs as high as possible. Do it at the same dosage.
  • Running with your back. Run backwards for 30 meters. Try to run on your toes as fast as possible. Perform 3 sets. Rest 30 seconds.

Now it’s worth taking care of the stride length, because... is important element of sprint running technique.

  1. Running with straight legs. Try running 30 meters, but with the condition that your legs are straight. Try to make your steps as long as possible. Work with your hands. Perform 3 reps. The interval between approaches is 30 seconds.
  2. Multi-jumps. Perform jumps with each leg alternately. The step should be as long as possible. A technically difficult exercise, but it has a good effect on stride length. Distance 30 meters. Number of repetitions – 3 times. Rest 30 seconds.
  3. Frog. The exercise resembles the movement of a frog. Do standing long jumps, pushing off with both legs at the same time. Perform continuously for 30 meters. Repeat 3 times. Rest time 30 seconds.
  4. Jumping on one leg. Jump on one leg for 30 meters. Try to make the longest jump possible. Try to keep within 15 jumps, i.e. each push-off must be at least two meters. Keep your back straight and do not lean to the side. Perform 5 approaches on each leg. Rest 30 seconds. After 5 approaches on one leg – 1 minute.

Sprinting technique

The technique in sprinting is different from middle distance running. Here the knee rises higher, the step is longer, the arms work actively. In general, fast running is more energy-consuming.

The body consumes carbohydrates as energy during sprinting. Therefore, while studying speed exercises you need to eat sweets. The heart rate often reaches a maximum, breathing is rapid. All muscle groups are actively involved.

There are 4 phases in a sprint:

  • Start
  • Starting run
  • Running the distance
  • Finishing

Particularly important are the starting run and distance running. It is important for athletes performing in this discipline to know and be able to obtain greatest benefit from each phase.

Start. When starting out, it is important to take correct position. There are two types of start: low and high. We will use high start.

The pushing leg is in front, the swing leg is 50 centimeters behind. Arms are almost straight. The body is tilted forward. The back is straight. The gaze is directed forward. From this position you begin to run.

Starting run. Once you start running, try to quickly pick up speed. The body is straightened, but the head is lowered down. If the body rotates sideways, speed is lost. Therefore, keep your torso level.

Running is done on toes. The foot is placed on the ground from above. The knees rise to the level of the pelvis, the ankle is thrown forward. The hands work actively, and the result largely depends on the correctness of their movement.

The first step is taken 100-150 cm forward, this determines how quickly you can gain speed. The first few steps are performed with more broad setting legs Next, running should occur in one line, because this allows you to maintain speed.

If the exercise wheel If you succeed, then it will be easy to master the technique of fast running. The main difference between the exercise and running itself is the speed of movement.

Running the distance. When you feel that you have reached 90% of the maximum speed, you can raise your head. This means that you have entered the distance running phase.

Running should occur at a constant frequency and stride length. This will allow you to maintain your pace throughout the distance. The difficulty is that the step length of the right and left legs is not the same. Usually one leg is stronger than the other, which affects the length of the running stride. To correct the problem, you need to train the weak leg separately by selecting a set of exercises.

After 50-60 meters you begin to feel tired. Try not to lose pace, watch your technique. When you get tired, your running technique begins to break down.

Finishing. The run ends when part of the athlete's body crosses the finish line. Therefore, at the finish line, athletes bow their heads and move their chests forward a little.

There is another way to beat your opponents at the finish line. You can turn your torso slightly to cross the line with your shoulder. Crossing hands first does not count as finishing.

At the end of the distance the speed drops. It is necessary to try to keep the drop in speed to a minimum.

Run in segments of twice the distance to increase your speed endurance. For example, to train 100 meters, run segments of 200 meters. This way you will have a reserve of strength left at the finish line.

Fast running training program

Performing the same load for a long time reduces efficiency. This happens because the body gets used to it, like to drugs. Therefore, it is important to alternate the intensity and time of training.

There is no point in training your running speed every day. It is better to diversify your activities with a long slow run or training in the gym. This will give positive effect and will speed up the achievement of results. Rest 1 day between workouts.

Use exercises to increase your step frequency and length. Learn to perform complex technical elements and run segments. Vary your training week sports games, including accelerations. This will help you learn to run fast and will certainly lead to improved results.

I suggest you pay attention to a useful video that presents 5 exercises for developing speed in sprinters.

The question “How to run fast?” Many newbies ask this question. For professional athletes and highly qualified coaches, this question sounds about the same as the rhetorical “what to do?” and “what should I do?” Before answering this question, let's look at the concept of "running fast."

Each athlete has his own concept of “fast”. For an amateur who has been training for less than a year, 10 km in 40 minutes is unthinkable. And for a professional, these 40 minutes are an easy cross-country workout. As for the sprint, 9.58 in the 100-meter dash is a world record, and for a student who needs it, 12.8 will be the ultimate dream.

Therefore, in this article we will not use stopwatch hands, but will consider general recommendations on how you can increase your own running speed at a given distance.

All distances in athletics are divided into four types: sprint, middle distance, long distances. Ultramarathon, trail running, cross-country running are not official disciplines athletics, although they are directly related to long distances.

How to learn to run fast sprint (60 m – 400 m)

To learn how to sprint fast, you need to have good strength and jump training. Unlike middle and long distance running, for 100 m endurance is practically not needed, only general endurance is needed physical training. However, in order to be able to run 400 m without slowing down, you need to train speed endurance.

Running speed depends on the frequency and length of your stride. Step frequency develops most effectively in children under 12 years of age. Unfortunately, developing this skill in an adult is much more difficult. The technique in sprinting is different from middle distance running. Here the knee rises higher, the step becomes longer, and the arms work actively. In general, fast running is more energy-consuming.

It is very important for 100m sprinters to have very strong leg muscles. Therefore, one of the main components of sprinter training is strength exercises, barrier exercises, reinforced SBU complex. Many exercises in the power block are done with additional weighting. These include: short maximum accelerations with a “cart”, accelerations with braking (the trainer slows down the athlete’s running with the help of a fitness tape), “strreading” and lunges with a light barbell. Sprinters spend a lot of time in the gym. Jumping work develops in a sprinter explosive force, which is extremely necessary.

Accelerations are performed in different series of 50–300 m, after a rest of 4-5 minutes. Also, to develop speed endurance, many trainers recommend running 150 m, performing 10-15 runs.

How to learn to run fast middle distances (from 800 m to 2000 m)

To improve your performance and run fast middle and long distances, you need to know the basics of running - correct breathing, technique, warm-up, perform strength work for running. Running 800 and 1500 m requires speed endurance. For this purpose, average athletes use such types of training as tempo run, uphill intervals. Having high-intensity speed workouts will ultimately help increase your speed.

Varying the length and intensity of your training sessions improves cardiovascular endurance and allows you to work out longer. This workout may involve several short bursts (2 to 8 minutes) of very fast running speed, separated by short rest periods. High Intensity Workouts develop speed endurance, but it is extremely important to remember that their number in the total volume of your training process should not exceed 40%. Try to do at least 4-5 workouts a week, of which only 1-2 will be high-intensity, and spend the rest of the time working on running technique and slow cross-country runs (50-60 minutes each).

How to learn to run long distances quickly (from 3000 m to marathon)

Many people are interested in how to run 3 km in less than 12 minutes. For these types of results, runners need to focus on training their speed, oxygen use efficiency, and aerobic strength.

The foundation for any stayer is volume: these are long cross-country runs, at least an hour, which must be run at least twice a week. Professional stayers run 100-150 km per week. For amateurs, this figure is much less - about 40-60 km. It is impossible to show a 3 km result in less than 11 minutes if your weekly volume is 30 km.Running uphill brings great benefits. It is better to use a gentle incline 300-500 m long and run up it 8-10 times so that the pace of each run is approximately the same, but not maximum. Rest between series – 3-4 minutes.

In addition to running training, you need to conduct general physical training complex to strengthen the hips, feet, and calf muscles. You will need them.

Running technique

Regardless of what distance you plan to run quickly, at the initial stage one of the fundamental determinations for you should be running technique. It will significantly improve your running speed. For a sprinter, technique is key high results, for an average athlete it’s a means to increase their efficiency at a distance to 100%, for a stayer it’s a way to run more efficiently.

1. At first, even 1 km is difficult for an unprepared person. Start with short runs at a very low speed. At each subsequent workout, increase the distance covered by 500-800 m.

2. Always start and end your workout lightly for 10-15 minutes at a heart rate no higher than 145 beats per minute.

3. Don’t perceive training as something unpleasant, obligatory, painful, because with this attitude you will last for 2 weeks, and then the frenzy will pass.

4. Start training early. If you have to take the PHYS, then start preparing no later than 4 months before the test. You shouldn’t count on a miracle that you will run 3000 m in 10 minutes without preparation. Miracles do not happen, and nothing will help an unprepared person.

5. Give up bad habits. At least for the preparation time.

6. Proper nutrition is as important for an athlete as running theory. You should not exercise immediately after eating a large amount of food, do not starve after a grueling workout, it is important to close carbohydrate window, drink recovery sports drinks.

7. Do not try to run long cross-country races at a high heart rate (above 165). There will be no benefit from this, only overwork, injury and excessive stress on the heart.

8. Work out at least 3 times a week.

Plan each workout

Absolutely every workout should consist of a warm-up, a main block and a cool-down. Before starting the active part of the workout, you need to jog lightly for 10-15 minutes, then perform general development exercises (general developmental exercises), which are all called stretching, for 10 minutes. And only then proceed to the main block. Warming up will warm up the muscles and ligaments, “start the engine”, and minimize the risk of injury. At the end of the main (intensive) part of the workout, you should always do a cool-down - 5-15 minutes of light jogging and static stretching: this will speed up the recovery process and relieve unnecessary muscle pain.

Every person without health problems can run any distance quickly. Having received theoretical knowledge, start studying. Don't try to jump over your head. Have patience and realize that it is not possible to achieve results in 2-3 weeks; everything takes time.

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