Reverse lunges with dumbbells. Reverse lunges, backward lunges, back lunges with dumbbells Reverse lunges execution technique

Video Reverse lunges for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy exercises

Back lunges are a compound exercise, biomechanically identical to the basic version (straight lunges). As in the classic variation of the movement, the main load falls on the gluteus maximus muscle and the frontal area of ​​the thigh, represented by the quadriceps.

In addition to the target muscles, the load is distributed among the following muscle units:

Preparing for the exercise

Since reverse lunges are difficult to coordinate exercises, most beginner athletes may have difficulty maintaining balance. In such cases, it is recommended to practice the mechanics of movement without weight or in a Smith machine.

Before you begin performing the main approaches, you should warm up your knee joints and muscles well. For these purposes, you can do a 10-minute jog and joint exercises.

How to do it correctly?

Mistakes when performing reverse lunges

Inclusion in the program

Lunges are optimally included in the final part of the leg complex after basic exercises– squats, leg presses or deadlifts.

Athletes interested in muscle separation are advised to focus on high-repetition sets of movements - from 12 to 15 times.

However, the exercise may well acquire a “mass-building” character if you use more weight and move to the medium repetition range of work – from 8 to 12 times. It is important to perform back lunges in an explosive style, that is, the downward movement is performed slowly, and the return to the starting position must be dynamic and powerful.

Improved efficiency


Reverse lunges - effective complex exercise, mainly focusing on working the gluteal muscles (in particular the gluteus maximus) and quadriceps.


  • Quadriceps femoris
  • Gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, soleus muscles
  • Biceps femoris, calf muscle
  • Spinal extensors, small and medium gluteal muscles, quadratus muscle lower back


  • Development of general endurance
  • Increased energy consumption, important for weight loss
  • Developing thigh muscle strength
  • Increased quadriceps mass
  • Improved flexibility
  • Muscle tightening inner surface hips
  • Improving the athlete's balance and coordination
  • Improved performance in other leg strength exercises
  • Developing Core Strength

Back lunge technique:

1. Equip the barbell with the necessary weight, place it on the trapezius, just like when doing squats. Keep your back straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together, place your feet shoulder-width apart, look forward

2. Inhale and take a step back, for example with your right foot. Make sure your knee doesn't touch the floor. Exhale and, maintaining balance, return to initial position, putting his foot back. Start again on the other leg. Repeat a specified number of times

For the Dumbbell Back Lunge exercise, pick up the dumbbells and follow the same instructions.

Alternative exercises:

In addition to the classic version, there are also alternative exercises:

  • Lunges with dumbbells in the back
  • Lunges with one plate or dumbbell at the chest
  • Smith machine lunges

  • The gaze should be directed forward
  • When performing the exercise, keep your back straight - do not collapse it
  • The step should be such that the angle at the knee joint is 90 degrees
  • If possible, stand sideways to the mirror, in this case you can observe your own technique from the side and correct your minor shortcomings
  • Do not touch the floor with the knee of the leg you lunged at, maintain a short distance
  • Return to the starting position using the leg that is in front
  • Breathing technique: inhale - while lowering; exhale - when lifting up, with effort
  • Numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-4 , reps 10-15 .

Back lunges, video:

Who among the girls does not dream of having elastic and beautiful buttocks, which magnetically attract the gaze of men and make women jealous. For some, nature gave a beautiful butt as a creator, and the majority must tune their butt to give it the desired look.

By tuning we mean effective exercises for the buttocks, which allow you to solve several important problems, namely: remove excess fat from the buttocks, give the buttocks elasticity, increase their volume by pumping up the muscles.

Regardless of the goal, be it to tone up and make firm buttocks, or get more voluminous inflated buttocks, you should resort to strength training. Running, dieting, gymnastics, yoga, massage and miracle exercise machines from advertising can be useful for the body and the body, but they will not help pump up the buttocks. Only by doing various exercises you can change the shape and volume of your butt, for this it is best to visit the gym and exercise full training with a coach.

If you do not have the opportunity to study in gym, it is possible to perform exercises at home, but you should understand that it is possible to pump up your buttocks at home, but it is much more difficult and longer than in the gym.

How to pump up your buttocks at home

The buttocks are made up of three main muscles, the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, which, like most other large muscles of the body, respond well to stress by growing. The main responsibility for the volume and shape of the buttocks lies with the gluteus maximus muscle, therefore, if you want pumped up buttocks, you need to train the gluteus maximus muscle.

Muscles grow from loads and the gluteal muscles are no exception, and from loads that can only be provided strength exercises. At home, when you don’t have a squat frame with a barbell, or a barbell or dumbbells in your arsenal, it’s hard to give your muscles the necessary stimulus for growth.

With all this, it is possible to give some impetus to the development of your buttocks, make them more elastic and beautiful, but let’s say right away that if you want a Brazilian butt and need to seriously add volume, then you can’t do it without serious training in the gym. And don't believe the myths about fast pumping buttocks on the Internet, all the famous owners of enviable butts have built them hard work in the gym.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks: TOP-5 rating

The arsenal of exercises for training the buttocks at home is not large, but we don’t need much; we focus exclusively on simple working and most effective exercises.

  1. Classic squats
  2. Reverse long lunges
  3. Plie squats
  4. Bulgarian lunges or bench lunges
  5. Gluteal bridge

Classic squats

Squats at correct technique fulfillment, probably best exercise which was invented by man. With a barbell, with dumbbells or with own weight, this exercise involves the whole body and perfectly accelerates the metabolism in the body, thereby launching the processes of fat burning and muscle growth. By performing squats, you will perfectly load your legs and buttocks, thus hitting two targets at once.

Before performing the complex for training the buttocks, you should do a general warm-up and stretch your knee joints.

Execution technique

  • Place your feet in a position that is comfortable for you. To do this, close your eyes and take a pose as if you are going to sit down, open your eyes and remember the width of your legs
  • Turn your toes slightly to the sides, bring your arms together and straighten them up at head level, take your starting position
  • Next, imagine an imaginary chair behind you and begin to squat, while pulling your buttocks back and bending at the lower back, try to sit on an imaginary chair
  • Make sure that your toes point towards your knees, and your knees, in turn, do not go beyond the line of your toes; when squatting, your thighs should be parallel to the floor
  • When going down, inhale, when going up, exhale.

This squatting technique is the safest and most effective for your buttocks and legs.

Perform the maximum possible number of repetitions in 2-4 sets per workout; if it is easy for you to do 4 sets of 20 repetitions, then you should increase the load. This can be done by reducing the speed of the squats and performing the movements slowly and smoothly, without straightening your legs completely in the upper phase, or simply buy collapsible dumbbells at your local store. sports store and perform squats with them, gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbells.

Reverse long lunges

This exercise is one of the best if you are going to train your butt at home, as it works well on the gluteal muscles and emphasizes the line of the buttocks, giving them a beautiful shape.

Execution technique

  • Place your feet at hip-width level
  • Turn your socks straight
  • As you inhale, take a long step back with one leg, the other leg remains in place and should bend 90 degrees at the knee.
  • Make sure that the knee of the working leg does not extend beyond the toe.
  • Push off with your heel supporting leg and as you exhale return to the starting position

Do 2-4 sets depending on your fitness level with the maximum number of repetitions per set; after reaching the threshold of 4 sets of 20 repetitions, you should think about increasing the load. As with squats, the best solution is to buy collapsible dumbbells at a sports store.

Plie squats

This type of squats emphasizes the load on the buttocks and inner thighs, so it deserves an honorable third place in our ranking of the most effective exercises for the buttocks.

Execution technique

  • Place your feet wide and bend slightly at the knees.
  • Turn your socks out to the sides as far as possible
  • Wrap your arms around your waist and take the starting position
  • As you inhale, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and as you push off the floor, exhale.

Perform 2-4 sets with the maximum possible number of repetitions, after achieving ease at 20 repetitions per set, increase the load. To increase the load, use the same technique as in classic squats or you can use a dumbbell and even a water bottle.

Bulgarian lunges

Yes, that's right, we will do lunges again and we are not repeating ourselves, Bulgarian lunges or lunges from a bench are a separate exercise and it perfectly loads the buttocks and hips. This exercise is performed with one leg resting on a bench; if you train your buttocks at home, you can use a wide range of supports, including a chair, an armchair, and even a sofa.

Execution technique

  • Stand with your back to a support (chair, armchair, sofa), the support should be no higher than knee level
  • Place the toe of your back leg on the support
  • Bring your working leg forward
  • The knee of the working leg is in line with the toe and does not go beyond it throughout the entire phase of the exercise.
  • Place your hands on your waist and take the starting position
  • As you inhale, lunge with your working leg until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and as you exhale, rise to the starting position.

Do 2-4 sets and in each set perform maximum amount repetitions, when the exercise becomes easy, increase the load, you can use dumbbells for this.

Gluteal bridge

This exercise has been known since the birth of aerobics and shaping, it specifically loads the muscles of the buttocks and, one might even say better isolated exercise for the buttocks. You may be wondering why the glute bridge is at the end of the rating, but only because when performing this exercise the main load falls on the buttocks, so we will do it at the end of the workout, as an additional load after complex exercises.

We will also perform this exercise not lying on the floor, but resting against a support, the function of which will be taken over by a chair, sofa or armchair.

Execution technique

  • Rest your shoulder blades against a support (chair, sofa or armchair)
  • Place your feet on the floor
  • Place your hands on your stomach or on a support, take your starting position
  • As you inhale, lower your pelvis down without touching the floor; as you exhale, return to the starting position, straining your buttocks as much as possible.

Do repetitions until you feel a strong burning sensation in your buttocks, so perform 2 to 4 approaches, depending on your fitness and tone after previous exercises.

It’s not easy to pump up your buttocks at home; you can’t do it with just a big desire; you need an iron will and the right one.

The best on the site

Publication date: 09/25/2014 © site

One of the most effective elements Lunges with dumbbells are considered to work the buttocks and thighs. During the training, the load is concentrated on one leg, allowing proper attention to the muscles of each leg. And weights in the form of dumbbells not only provide additional load, but also help maintain balance. Today we will tell you about what muscles work during the exercise, types and techniques, and how to properly do lunges with dumbbells for best effect.

Benefits of exercise

To perform the element, you need to take the starting position and extend one leg to the side in a squat. At the same time, we take a step to the side with one leg, and at the same time extend the other as far as possible. Bend the supporting leg at the knee. We pull our hands with dumbbells to the chest at the lowest point. The toe of the supporting leg points straight forward.

Bulgarian lunges

The peculiarity of this element is that when lunging forward, the supporting leg is on a hill. Starting position in this case it will be like this: we stand up straight, place the toe of one foot on a bench or other hill. We begin to do a regular lunge forward. The step should not exceed 50-60 cm. Watch your knee: it should not go beyond the line of the toe.

During the execution of the element, a complete stretch and contraction of the femoral biceps occurs. Blood flow to the buttocks also increases.

Dumbbell scissor lunges or cross lunges

This is a rare variation of the element, which consists in bringing the front leg to the opposite side. In this case, the leg must be brought to the level of the opposite shoulder. In this case, the knee cannot be brought inward. Cross lunges are great for working the medial head of the quadriceps. And the shortened range of motion ensures good blood supply active muscles.

Each of the listed types of lunges is useful and effective in its own way. Therefore, it is recommended to perform them all within one workout. As a result, a load will be placed on all the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, which will make this part of the body beautiful in just a reasonable amount of time. a short time. And holding dumbbells during training will develop grip strength and strengthen ligaments and tendons.

In addition to the above types of lunges, you can improve them a little more. For example, do it while lunging “stepping” onto the surface.

Contraindications and possibility of injury when performing the exercise

The most vulnerable area when lunging is the knee. The exercise can be done independently with or without weights. This is due to the fact that the entire load is concentrated on one leg. If you do the exercise incorrectly, you can easily injure your knee. Ideally, when lunging, the front of the shin and the back of the foot should form a right angle.

The second risk associated with lunges is sprains. This can happen as a result of neglecting to warm up before training. Unwarmed muscles are easily subject to sprains and tears.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is the spine. The back should always remain straight, maintaining only the natural arch in the lower back. When using heavy dumbbells, the body will lower down, further loading the spine. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away with heavy weights.

Lunges are contraindicated for the following persons:

You should perform the exercise with caution if you have problems with the spine, especially osteochondrosis and pain in the lumbar region. It is also better to refrain from training if you have fresh knee injuries.

Let’s devote a few words to the main mistakes when performing the exercise and their consequences:

  • collapsing the body forward is fraught with possible injury to the lower back;
  • placing the knee of the supporting leg on the floor will make the training ineffective, because will allow the muscles to relax;
  • Failure to maintain a right angle with the knee of the working leg can injure the knee joints.

Exercise Alternative

If for a number of reasons, for example related to problems with the knee joints, lunges are not suitable for you, they can be replaced with equally effective exercises:

Leg abduction with swings Swings can be done both forward and backward, and to the sides. There is no stress on the knees, but the hips work.
Gluteal bridge It will completely replace lunges for working the buttocks.
Walking to higher ground. Instead of lunges, you can do regular steps. To do this, we use any elevation, ideally using a step platform. We simply step onto the platform with one foot, placing the other one towards it. You can change everything in the exercise: the width of the steps, add a knee or straight leg lift, enhance the effect by stepping behind the platform, and so on.
Single leg squats A great alternative to cross lunges. We take a “pistol” shape, extending one leg, and begin to squat. The same muscles work as during lunges. A sense of control and balance also develops.
Jumping to higher ground The elements are similar to walking, but “in flight”. Spring jumps are not as effective at working the glutes, but can be an excellent complement to, for example, side lunges, which do not put as much stress on the knee.
Sissy squats Effective load Squats are good for your hips and buttocks, but they are an unusual variation. There is such an exercise as sissy squats, in which you need to direct your pelvis and knees forward and your body back. In this case, you need to lean not on the heel, but on the toe. To maintain balance, you will need a hand rest. You need to perform the element until the biceps of the thigh touches calf muscle, and the knees will not be maximally extended beyond the level of the socks.


Lunges with dumbbells are a fairly common exercise that can be used to effectively work out your hips and buttocks at home. Regularly pay attention to the element, and an elastic heel is guaranteed to you!

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