General developmental exercises. General developmental exercises - basic means of health-improving gymnastics Very interesting exercises - speaking on the spot

The modern rhythm of life forces many people to devote all their energy to work, household chores, and everyday life. In the midst of this bustle, it is sometimes difficult to take time for your health, visit the pool, go to the gym. But a person’s muscles must receive constant load and develop in order to remain in good shape.

To do this, you can use a full-fledged set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults at home and make your figure more attractive and your muscles toned.

Over time, the muscles of the arms and shoulders lose their elasticity and become more relaxed, which, together with other reasons, leads to the appearance of scoliosis and curvature of posture. There are simple actions that can form a good muscle corset.

Exercises for a given muscle group are performed a certain number of times in several sessions.

Before performing a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, you must do a warm-up.

Arm extension

The exercise is performed with dumbbells. You need to do 10 exercises at a time:

  • rest your knee and one hand on a flat surface;
  • straighten your back, tense your stomach, do not raise your head;
  • take the dumbbell in the other hand, bend it;
  • keep your elbow motionless, straighten your arm from the dumbbells;
  • turn your hand palm up and fix it;
  • return to the previous position.

Knee push-ups

Carry out several repetitions 30 times.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults will help you always stay in shape.


  • emphasis on knees, feet crossed, raised above the floor;
  • place your palms close to each other;
  • pull your stomach in, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor;
  • Slowly straighten up.

Neck exercises

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults is designed in such a way as to pay special attention to muscles cervical region. Strengthening and development of which is the prevention of pain and treatment of pathologies. For a sore neck, neurologists recommend performing gymnastics using static exercises. Below are some of them.

Important! If a person feels pain and discomfort while performing an exercise, you need to reduce the range of motion and reduce the number of repetitions. If pain is still present, you should postpone performing the gymnastic element for a while.


  • take a comfortable position, keep your head straight;
  • tilt to the right, strain your neck, hold your head for 7 seconds;
  • tilt to the left.

Repeat movements 5 times.


Do 2 more times, hold for 10 seconds.

Exercises for legs and pelvis

This complex allows you to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, back of the torso and buttocks.


  • place your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • perform a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor;
  • repeat 20 times.

Lying leg raises

This exercise is the basis of a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, which involves the work of several muscle groups.

  • lie down on a flat surface;
  • bend your legs, raise them;
  • the hips take a perpendicular position to the floor, the shins are parallel;
  • spread your legs apart and fix them;
  • slowly bring your knees together.

Perform 10 times, doing 2 approaches.

Exercises for the torso

Exercises for developing the torso muscles are usually divided into 2 groups: for the chest and for the abdomen. The main training methods are presented in the table.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults Dosage
1 Raising two arms with dumbbells to the sides, in a lying position

Raising your arms with dumbbells from behind your head while lying down

Bench press while sitting on a bench

1 Lying on your back, lift your torso, bending forward, touching your head to your knees

Hanging on the crossbar, raise your legs up, fix

With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the sides with a barbell on your shoulders


Important to remember! Movements aimed at strengthening the torso affect the internal cavities of the body and important organs. They need to be done slowly, without forcing.

Full Body Exercises

The basis of the complex of movements for the whole body is 3 exercises:

  • bar;
  • squats with weights;
  • incomplete bridge.


The plank is a strength exercise that puts stress on all muscles.

To perform a plank, you need to position yourself on the floor so that you support your body on your elbows and toes. You need to hold this position for 1 minute in several approaches.

Squat with weight

This exercise pumps up the muscles of the lower part: thighs, calves, buttocks. You can use dumbbells or another object as weight. For beginners, it is recommended to start squats without using weights. In this case, you cannot lift your heels off the floor; start from 10 times in several sets.


  • place your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • lower yourself until your buttocks are parallel to the floor;
  • slowly return to the original position.

Incomplete bridge

This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks:

Exercises to develop posture

Good posture not only makes a person more attractive, but also affects the proper functioning of all vital systems. To create an even posture, you need to do the following exercises.


  • sit on your knees, clasp your hands above your head;
  • Turn your hands palms up and pull them as high as possible towards the ceiling;
  • bend to the sides;
  • return to original position.

When doing this, keep your back straight and do not bend your elbows. Do it 4 times.


  • sit on your heels, place your hands on your knees;
  • spread your knees to the sides;
  • bend your elbows and lower them to the floor;
  • tilt your head and hold for 10 seconds.

Repeat – 3 times.

Balance exercises

An additional set of general developmental movements in physical education for adults, which is aimed at correcting posture, includes balance gymnastics. Such exercises strengthen the muscles of the torso and increase the tone of the spinal muscles. They are performed on a raised support or on the floor, and can be done on the spot or in motion.

Exercises in place: stand on toes, on heels, turns, moving limbs, jumping.

Movement exercises: walking various types, using weights when walking, overcoming obstacles, running, dance steps.

Strength exercises

Strength actions are aimed at training physical strength, endurance involving specific muscle groups. They are usually divided into training with your own weight and with free weight. Exercises are performed in the morning or afternoon 10 times, several times a week.

With own weight:

  • push-ups;
  • pull-up;
  • squat.

Note! In order for the load to be distributed evenly across all muscle groups, a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults should be done with a straight back and correct position body: place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not lean forward.

With weights (raising and lowering projectiles):

  • barbell squats;
  • chest presses;
  • bent over row;
  • deadlift.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises help you relax, lose weight, normalize digestion, and fight stress.


Take 4 deep breaths through your nose, exhale quietly through your mouth. As you inhale, clench your fists. Pause for 6 seconds and lower your arms. Shoulders and stomach are relaxed. You should do 24 sessions of 4 breaths.


While standing, bend down. In the middle of the tilt, inhale air through your nose, ending the inhalation along with the tilt. Straighten up. Repeat 12 sets of 8 breaths, taking a break for 4 seconds.

Shoulder straps

Stand on the floor, press your hands to your stomach. When performing, take 8 breaths in a row. The break is 4 seconds. As you exhale, push your hands towards the floor, straightening them. As you exhale, press your hands again. Repeat – 12 sets of 8 breaths.

Stretching exercises

After completing a set of general developmental strength exercises, an adult must stretch his tendons and muscles. Over the years, stretching becomes worse, in addition, strength training contributes to the shortening of ligaments and deterioration of joint mobility. Stretching exercises should be done without pain, jerking, and breathing deeply.

First, large muscle groups are pulled, then small ones.

Stretching the back and hips

Sit on the floor, make sure your back is straight, legs stretched forward. To stretch the muscles, you need to lean forward and try to reach your toes with your hands. Touch your feet and hold for 10 seconds, then straighten up. You need to lift one leg and, grabbing it with both hands, pull it up. If you feel tension, hold the position for a few minutes. change leg.

Chest stretching

The exercise is performed in a standing position, legs should be shoulder-width apart, knees bent slightly. Place your hands behind your back in a lock. You need to slowly stretch your chest forward to the maximum, straining your stomach and back.

Relaxation exercises

When performing monotonous work, a person does not notice how his muscles, while maintaining a certain body position, are constantly tense. To restore strength and calm your nerves, you need to relieve tension. For this purpose, programs have been developed that help you relax and relieve fatigue.

You need to perform the exercises with holding your breath and tensing your muscles.

For hands

Standing straight, raise your hands clenched into fists. When inhaling, first strain the muscles of the hand, then the forearm and shoulder. Hold your breath for a few seconds. In this case, you need to mentally give the command for maximum tension. As you exhale, relax, lower your arms and make several pendulum-like turns.

For the torso

Lying on your stomach, bend your whole body, raising your knees and head. Starting position, relax. Do 3-4 repetitions. The second part of the exercise is performed in the same way, but you need to lie on your back. Tighten your muscles when bending, relax, straighten up on the floor.

General developmental exercises in pairs

Outdoor exercises in pairs are aimed at strengthening joints, developing strength and endurance. Movements in pairs work muscle groups in a special way that cannot be achieved alone.

Any set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults in pair work helps to learn how to calculate efforts to resist a partner and demonstrate your maximum abilities. The peculiarity of such exercises is that they can be performed alternately or together, with or without objects.

For hands

Facing each other, the partners extend their arm forward, bend the other at the elbow and lock it with their partner’s arm. The training is aimed at bending and extending the arms against resistance.

For legs

An effective exercise for working the thigh muscles is quite simple. In this case, you need to lie on your back, lift and spread to the sides. At the same time, the partner stands on the side of the legs and holds his partner by the ankles. The task of the first participant is to bring his legs together, and the second one is to hold them, providing resistance. After several repetitions, the task is reversed.

General developmental exercises in motion

Such trainings selectively affect certain muscle groups and are divided into anatomical groups, which have several exercises of a local nature. ORG consists in the development of motor qualities: turns, flexion, abduction and others.

Foot and lower leg training:

  • raising on toes, walking, jumping (using two or one leg);
  • walking on the outside of the foot;
  • touching the heel of one leg to the floor while lunging forward with the other.

Full body workout (repeat 5-6 times):

  • alternate squatting and lying down;
  • spread your legs, perform circular movements with your body;
  • lower yourself to the floor with your legs crossed, then lie down, sit down and stand up, without using your arms.

Corrective gymnastics exercises

Corrective gymnastics is aimed at relaxing muscles and restoring normal functioning of the body. This occurs when performing general developmental, corrective and relaxing gymnastics twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

Such exercises may include:

  • a set of general developmental gymnastics exercises for adults using gymnastic apparatus;
  • a series of movements without projectiles;
  • group or individual lessons.

An example of such gymnastics is symmetrical exercises, which are designed to remove asymmetry, straighten the spine, and weaken muscle tone.


  1. I.p. lie on your stomach, stretch out your arms. Raise your head and shoulders, extend your arms, and move them back. Take a breath, accept and... P.
  2. I.p. lying on your back, raise your legs, making an angle of 45 degrees and cross your straight legs - “scissors”.
  3. I. p. - the same. Make circular movements of straight legs - “bicycle”.

General developmental exercises with weights (dumbbells)

Exercises with dumbbells are classified as general developmental exercises. athletic training , which are aimed at training endurance, joint flexibility, and improving body proportions. Many movements with dumbbells are performed in a sitting or lying position, which reduces the load on individual parts of the body and organs.

The main rule of such exercises is a gradual increase in resistance. In this case, the actions are performed with adding weight to the dumbbells while increasing the repetitions.

Set of movements:

  • lateral bends while standing with dumbbells in hand;
  • pulling a projectile from behind the head while lying on a gymnastic bench;
  • alternately raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you;
  • lunges and squats with dumbbells.

General developmental exercises without objects

ORUs without objects represent simple movements of body parts using accessible technology, taking into account the age and anatomical characteristics of a person. Such actions help improve the condition of the body, develop physical qualities and improve health.

Complex (working the muscles of the shoulder, legs and back):

General developmental exercises with a skipping rope

Exercises with a jump rope are often included in the outdoor gear set, they are part of athletes' training. Despite the accessibility of actions and the simplicity of the projectile systematic classes allow you to improve coordination of movements, reduce weight, and work several muscle groups at once.

For beginning athletes, experts recommend training for 10 minutes 3 times a week, gradually increasing the load and using 3 types of jumps. In addition, you can perform other exercises in which the rope is used not only for jumping.

Types of activities:

  • jumping rope on one or two legs (10 times);
  • swing your legs, while you need to hold the projectile in your hands and try to reach it with your foot (8 times);
  • bend forward, in this case you need to take the rope, and then put it on the floor when performing the next bend (10 times).

General developmental exercises using a hoop

For more effective muscle training, development of dexterity and precision of movements, trainers recommend using a hoop. As sports equipment it can be a guide in the lesson, fix certain poses and body position. During classes, different positions of the hoop are often used: horizontal, frontal, lateral.

In addition to rotating the hoop on the waist, arm, and neck, they do jumping, throwing, and passing the hoop. The exercises are done smoothly, slowly, and carried out 8-10 times.

Hoop exercises

  1. Hoop in hands. Standing on the floor, the hoop is in your hands in front. When lifting on your toes, lift the hoop and look at it, take a breath. Accept and. n. Exhale.
  2. Forward bends, put the hoop down or pick it up.
  3. Standing on the floor hold the hoop vertically from above with your hands. Place your hands next to each other. Swing your legs alternately backwards, bending.

General developmental exercises with balls

Physical movements using a ball help develop a person's mobility and reaction speed. Such a projectile is used as a light weight in single or pair training. In this case, you need to choose the right ball weight and intensity of movement.

General strengthening activities

For hands:

  • put your feet apart, take the ball in your hands, lower your hands;
  • raise your arms in front of your chest;
  • continue the movement, raising your arms up;
  • give up.

For the torso:

  • put your legs apart, raise your hands with the ball up;
  • bend to the sides;
  • complicate the movement: bend forward without bending your knees, touch the ball to the floor.

For legs:

  • lie down on the floor;
  • extend your arms above your head, ball in your hands;
  • Sit down slowly, trying to reach your socks with the ball.

General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

A gymnastic stick makes it possible to increase sports load and diversify your workout.. Movements with such a projectile should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist who will competently distribute the number of exercises to certain parts of the body and their amplitude.

Exercising with a stick prepares the body for more complex workouts. In this case, the type of stick grip is of great importance: regular, from below, narrow, reverse, different.

Basic exercises:

  1. Legs apart, take the stick by the ends from above and place it vertically behind your back. Do 5 squats while maintaining good posture.
  2. Walking in place, hold the stick horizontally in front of you. Lunge with your left leg, turn to the right, change legs. Repeat 8 times.
  3. standing, put your legs apart, the stick horizontally behind your back. Bend forward, lifting the stick up with a jerk. Return to i. P.

Proper distribution of physical activity has a great impact on a person. By performing simple movements, he gets the opportunity to correct posture, strengthen muscles, restore vitality and prolong youth.

A basic set of general developmental exercises for adults in physical education can be used as a warm-up before strength training or on your own.

In order for classes to bring only benefit and pleasure, it is necessary to study the methodology and features of their implementation.

Useful video with a set of general developmental exercises for adults:

General developmental physical education exercises with a skipping rope:

General developmental exercises

1. What are called general developmental exercises?

General developmental exercises (GDE) in gymnastics are called elementary movements of the body and its parts that are accessible to students, technically uncomplicated, and performed for the purpose of healing, developing physical qualities, and improving the functional state of the body.

. Classification of exercises

General developmental exercises are used to selectively target certain muscle groups and are therefore classified according to anatomical criteria:

Exercises for arms and shoulder girdle.

Neck exercises.

Exercise for the legs and pelvic girdle.

Exercises for the torso.

Exercises for the whole body.

Exercises for shaping correct posture.

In each group, a number of exercises of a more local nature can be distinguished. For example, in the group “exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle” there are exercises for the fingers, hands, forearms, and shoulders.

In the group “exercises for the legs and pelvic girdle” - exercises for the foot and lower leg. Hips. In the “torso exercises” group, there are exercises for the muscles of the front or lateral surface of the body, etc.

The classification of exercises according to anatomical criteria is supplemented by indications of the nature of their physiological effects. This refers to the predominant influence of exercises on the development of motor qualities: strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, agility.

The shape of the outdoor joint is determined by the basic movements in the joints: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circular movements, rotations. The nature of the exercises largely depends on the degree of muscle tension and relaxation, and the speed of movements.

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

. Exercises for fingers and hands

Strength exercises:

Squeezing a tennis ball on each count;

rest on your fingertips against the wall, standing at an angle to the wall. The same in lying position;

pushing away from the wall with your hands, straight arms resting on the wall, standing at a distance of a step from it.

Exercises to increase joint mobility:

Hands up, palm-to-palm, fingers pointing up, lowering the arms along the body, without having the position of the hands;

“claps your hands” in the position of elbows to the sides, fingers forward, upward;

in a lying position, transferring the weight of the body from one hand to the other, changing the position of the hands: fingers forward, inward, outward.

2. Exercises for forearm flexors and extensors

Strength exercises for flexors:

Medicine ball (dumbbells) below. Bending your arms to your shoulders. The same with a rubber shock absorber, standing on it, grabbing the ends with your hands;

hanging pull-ups while lying down or hanging on the crossbar, rings, uneven bars.

while lying on your arms wide apart, bend one arm.

Moving the body alternately point-blank, lying on the left or right hand.

Strength exercises for extensors:

Arm extension (push-ups) while lying down;

extension of the arms in support while lying behind with hands resting on a bench or chair seats;

jumping on hands in a lying position with a clap;

extension of the arms upward from a dumbbell position to the shoulders.

Exercises to increase mobility in shoulder joints:

One hand up, the other down. Changing hand positions with a jerk at the end of the movement;

bringing straight arms behind the back with jerks;

from an emphasis lying behind, bending your legs, springing movements. Arms straight, fingers back;

twisting in the shoulder joints, moving the stick back behind the back and back by gripping the ends. The same with a rope shock absorber.

Neck exercises

Exercises to increase joint mobility:

Tilts of the head forward, backward, to the sides;

turns the head left, right;

circular movements of the head.

Strength exercises:

Hands on the back of the head, tilting the head forward and back, overcoming the resistance of the hands;

kneeling with your head resting on your palms (on soft support), rolling from your forehead to the back of your head;

from a position lying with bent arms (palms at the head) and legs in a wrestling bridge (on a soft support).

Exercises for the legs and pelvic girdle

. Exercises for the foot and lower leg

Strength exercises:

Raising on your toes, the same with dumbbells in your hands;

walking on toes;

jumping on two and one leg in place and with advancement.

Exercises for joint mobility:

In the forward lunge position, springing movements, trying to touch the floor with the heel located behind the leg;

from an emphasis sitting on the heels, springing movements, lifting the knees from the floor;

walking on the outside of the foot.

2. Exercises for thigh muscles

Strength exercises:

Squats on two and one legs; the same with dumbbells in hands; the same with a partner on the shoulders;

walking in a half-squat and jumping in a half-squat;

kneeling, bending backwards with the torso straight. The same, but forward, with the partner holding the shins.

Exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints:

Circular movements of the pelvis with legs apart;

springing movements in a wide forward lunge position. The same in the lunge position to the side;

bending forward in gray with straight legs (legs together and legs apart);

half twine, twine;

standing on one, the other leans against the rail of the gymnastic wall. Bend in different directions without bending your legs.

Exercises for the torso

. Exercises for the muscles of the anterior surface of the body

Strength exercises:

From a lying position, raising the body to a sitting position;

lying down, raising straight legs to a bent position lying on the shoulder blades;

Standing with your feet apart, bending back, hands on your belt, to your shoulders, up;

sitting. With your lower back resting on a medicine ball. Bend back, arms up;

bridge from a prone position.

2. Exercises for the muscles of the back of the body

Strength exercises:

Bend forward with a medicine ball held by the hands at the back of the head;

lying on your stomach, bending, arms up;

in a forward bending position, raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells.

Exercises to increase spinal mobility:

Spring bends, bending forward, standing, sitting.

3. Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the body

Strength exercises:

From a sitting position, legs apart, leaning on one hand, with a turn, lying on your side, the other hand up;

in gray, legs apart (toes catch on the rail of the gymnastic wall or with a partner holding the legs), bend back 45 degrees and turn the body to the right and left, hands behind the head.

Exercises to increase spinal mobility:

Springy tilts of the torso to the sides in a standing position with legs apart, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up.

Full Body Exercises

1. From o.s. crouching emphasis, lying emphasis, crouching emphasis, etc.

The same, but with bending the arms while lying down.

Walking on your hands with the help of a partner supporting your legs.

While standing with your legs apart, make circular movements with your torso.

From the leg stand, sit crosswise, lie down, sit down, stand up.

Exercises to develop correct posture

1. Stand against the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and heels. Move away from the wall, maintaining this position. Determine the difference between the usual pose and the pose of correct posture against the wall.

Take a straight body position with the back of your head and spine touching the stick. Gymnastic stick vertically behind the back, grasped with hands at the lower back. Fix the pose while standing in front of the mirror.

Stand with your back to the wall. When squatting, tilt your torso to the side without lifting your back and pelvis from the wall.

Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Tighten your back muscles, maintaining a straight body position and allow your partners to lift you into the o.s. position.

Relaxation exercises

Hand exercises:

Standing, arms up. “Drop” your hands, then your forearms, relax your arms down and, with a half-tilt forward, passively swing them to the right and left.

Leg exercises:

Sitting with your hands behind you. Alternately slightly bend and straighten your legs; when extending, relax and “slap” the back of your leg on the floor;

standing on one leg, lift your hands under your thighs bent leg. When releasing the grip, “throw” your leg down.

Exercises for the torso:

Lying on your back with the back of your head and arms supported, bend slightly and lie down relaxed.

Full body exercises:

lying on your back, arms down, palms forward, toes out. Close your eyes and completely relax. Long pause.

3. Drawing up sets of general developmental exercises

.1 Dependence of forms and contents of outdoor switchgear classes

When selecting individual exercises and compiling outdoor switchgear complexes, it is necessary to be guided by who these exercises are intended for and for what purpose they will be used, i.e. clearly define pedagogical objectives.

The most typical forms of outdoor sports activities are “small” forms: morning exercises (exercises), physical education breaks, gymnastics lessons, etc. Depending on the objectives of the lesson, the forms of organization of classes are determined.

general developmental complex exercise

No. Forms Main tasks Number of students and organization of classes Duration of classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 Morning exercises - exercises Introductory exercises. Physical education break. Physical education minute. Micropause. Sports warm-up. Sports warm-up Lesson of basic gymnastics (including women's, rhythmic) Lesson of athletic gymnastics Procedure therapeutic exercises. Therapeutic gymnastics lessonHygienic effects on the body; increasing physical and emotional tone Prevention of diseases and combating fatigue; increasing labor productivity. Warming up the muscular-ligamentous apparatus; toning the body; nurturing physical qualities; acquisition of gymnastic skills; increasing the functional state of the body or maintaining it at a certain level; education of correct posture Education of physical qualities (mainly strength); increasing the functional state of the body Restoring body functions, preventing diseases All age groups; individual sessions; group classes in kindergarten, school, pioneer camp, in rest homes, in the army. Workers and employees, individual and group classes at the place of work. Athletes; individual and group classes in sections, sports camps, training camps, etc. School-age children, students, adults of all age groups; group classes at school, vocational school, university, health groups Boys, youth, adult men; individual sessions; group classes at the place of study or work All age groups; individual and group classes in medical institutions10-15 10-15 15-20 45 - 90 45 - 90 30 -60

Specific focus of outdoor switchgear

The effect on the body of exercises of the same form (for example, squats) depends on the nature of their execution (fast or slow squats, with or without weights, etc.). In order to correctly navigate the choice of exercises, you need to have an idea of ​​the manifestations of motor abilities, physical qualities: strength, endurance and flexibility.

Strength qualities, i.e. ability to overcome external resistance,It is recommended to develop using outdoor switchgear in three ways:

Repeated (up to 18-20 times) lifting the available weight or overcoming the weight of your own body (when doing push-ups while lying down, getting up from a squat, pulling up, etc.). Performing such exercises until fatigue develops strength endurance, helps to increase muscle mass. If repeating 8-12 times is not difficult, you need to increase the weight of the weight or change the IP. (for example, push-ups with high leg support).

Lifting near limit weight (1-3 times). These exercises develop maximum muscle strength. Their mass is also growing.

Performing movements with maximum speed. Speed-strength qualities of muscles and speed develop.

Endurance - the ability to withstand fatigue during prolonged muscle work, requiring significant effort.Using outdoor switchgear, they develop local and general endurance. Performance maximum quantity times of exercises in which a limited number of muscles are involved develops local endurance (for example, lifting dumbbells to the shoulders, pulling up on the bar).

Exercises in which many muscle groups are involved for a long time and therefore work with increased load cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develop general endurance (for example, long running in place, jumping, squats in combination with bending and lying down).

Flexibility is a measure of the mutual mobility of body parts.

The amount of available range of motion depends on the development of flexibility. Exercising only with strength exercises leads to limited mobility in the joints and stiffness. Therefore, strength exercises must be combined with flexibility exercises.

There are active and passive flexibility.

Active Flexibilityassociated with demonstrating mobility in the joints due to the overcoming work of the muscles (holding a high raised leg, high swings of the legs, etc.). The development of active flexibility involves the use of exercises with an increased range of motion, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles that fix the joints in extreme positions (highly raised leg, high angle, etc.).

Passive flexibility- manifestation of mobility in the joints due to the gravity of one’s own body or its parts, the actions of a partner or weights (lowering into the splits, bending forward in a sitting position with a lean towards the legs with the help of a partner, bending the body towards the leg with its support on the rail of the gymnastic wall, etc. .P.). Passive flexibility is developed by the method of repeated active or passive actions (bending with additional movements, the same with the help of a partner), fixing static positions in poses where mobility in the joints is manifested (bridge, splits, bending, etc.)

Relaxation exercises are also part of outdoor training. Pauses between individual outdoor activities for the development of strength, endurance, and flexibility are associated with rest and involuntary natural relaxation of muscles.

It is necessary to teach students to actively (voluntarily) relax their muscles through volitional effort. For this purpose, the method of contrasting actions is used: alternating strong tensions and quick relaxations. This method is especially effective when lying down or sitting. Swinging movements with relaxation, shaking, and self-massage techniques are also used.

Rules for selecting exercises

When selecting exercises based on the principle of their compliance with the main pedagogical tasks, one should be guided by the following rules:

Exercises should have a diverse impact on those involved. This is especially important to take into account when compiling outdoor switchgear complexes for morning exercises, sports warm-up, basic gymnastics. To do this, you need to include exercises for all parts of the body in the complex. It is recommended to alternate exercises, adhering to a certain pattern, for example “arms - legs - torso”. In a complex of hygienic gymnastics there can be 3-5 series. In each subsequent series, exercises for individual parts of the body should change. If in the first series the extensor muscles predominantly participated, then in the second series the flexor muscles should be involved in active work.

It is recommended to change the nature of the exercises. Performing a series of speed-strength exercises is replaced by a series of strength exercises, then a series of exercises to develop flexibility, and the final series should contain general impact exercises in order to develop endurance. The complex ends with relaxation exercises.

Along with the diverse effects on the body of those involved, outdoor devices should be selected taking into account their local influence on the development of individual muscle groups or certain physical qualities. ORU complexes, compiled taking into account the local impact, are typical for athletic and basic gymnastics, and this rule is also used when compiling a set of exercises for industrial gymnastics (taking into account the characteristics of professional activity) and when compiling a complex of therapeutic gymnastics with the aim of precise local impact on the organ being restored and function.

The rule of “progression” is widely used in sports, and is also implemented when compiling an outdoor complex in the form of increasing the effect of using exercises by increasing the amplitude and speed of movements, the degree of tension, and the number of repetitions. This manifests itself both during the performance of one exercise and the outdoor switchgear complex, as well as from lesson to lesson.

So, each exercise can be strengthened through additional actions. For example: tilting the body forward, backward or to the side is enhanced by raising the arms to the shoulders, upward, using weights, and additional springing movements. An increase in load in the ORU complex is achieved by including more intense exercises in subsequent series and increasing the number of repetitions. Gradual habituation (adaptation) to the load from lesson to lesson with a constant outdoor complex indicates the beneficial effect of exercise on the body and indicates the possibility of changing the complex in the direction of its complexity.

The gymnastic method of carrying out outdoor exercise is distinguished by strict regulation of movements, which is achieved by a clear indication of the starting and final positions, the direction and amplitude of movements, and their nature. This determines the accuracy of the effects of the exercises and their dosage. When selecting exercises, you must follow the rules of gymnastic regulation of exercises. For example: when bending forward, it is important to clarify the position of the legs, since when placing the legs together or apart, with the toes out, in, or parallel feet, the effect will be different. The position of the body when bending can also be different (with a rounded or arched back). The nature of the exercise varies depending on whether the incline is performed slowly or quickly.

When compiling outdoor switchgear complexes, it is necessary to determine and indicate the methods of performing each exercise and the nature of the movements.

With all the abundance of exercises, the following exercises and their varieties have stood the test of time and should become the basis of these complexes:

Stretching with straightening and bending.

Circular and swinging movements of the arms.


Tilts of the torso forward, backward, to the side and circular movements.

Tilts and circular movements of the head.

Bending and extending the arms while lying down.

Raising the legs in a sitting and lying position (or the torso with the legs fixed).

Swing your legs forward, backward and to the side.

Jumps (jumps) multiple.

Walking and running in place.

4. Methodology for conducting general developmental exercises

Stylization of movements.Such natural movements and skills as walking, running, bending, squats, etc. become gymnastic exercises thanks to the clear regulation of poses and movements in accordance with the traditional norms accepted in gymnastics. To the most general requirements This includes straight arms and legs, pointed toes, clear starting and ending positions.

Emotional backgroundespecially when working with children, is of great importance. It is recommended to carry out outdoor switchgear in a playful way. Many outdoor games and gymnastic relay races are full of movements that can be organized and used as outdoor movements (walking, running, squats, jumping, bending, etc.). The competitive method of conducting outdoor training also increases the emotional tone of those involved. For the same purpose, outdoor switchgear is carried out in various formations and with changes: in a line, column, circle, in closed and open formation, in motion, in pairs and threes. Outdoor switchgear is especially useful (in the park, forest, on the beach)

Features of conducting outdoor switchgear using objects

During outdoor exercise classes, objects are used for various purposes, most often as weights, and also as a means of developing precision of movements and increasing interest in classes.

Gymnastic stickused as a limiter of movements, clarifying their direction and amplitude. It can also be used as a support for exercises in push-ups and hanging exercises when training with partners.

Typical exercises with a skipping ropeare jumps with jumping over it: on two and on one leg, with rotating the rope forward and backward, for each rotation of the rope and with intermediate jumps, with double rotation, in a squat and a number of other jumps. A long rope is used for jumping when rotated by the ends by two partners.

Inflatable ballsused for throwing and catching in individual, pair and group exercises. Small balls (tennis) are also used for throwing at a target.

Medicine ballsof different weights serve as a burden, as well as a limiter of movements and support when performing a number of exercises (for example, bending while lying down with your back resting on the ball).

Dumbbellsof different weights are widely used as weights that enhance the effect of dynamic exercises speed-strength nature (light weight) and with power dynamic and static exercises(medium and heavy weight). Rubber and spring shock absorbers are used for the same purpose. Block devices, weights and barbells are used for special strength training V sports gymnastics and athletic gymnastics and are not typical means when doing general developmental exercises in types of health-improving gymnastics.

Exercises with clubswooden ones are performed to develop mobility in the joints of the upper limbs, coordination of movements, and are also used in games and relay races.

Exercises using a gymnastic bench and a gymnastic wall.The bench serves as a support in a sitting position, a support while lying down, and an obstacle when jumping. On the gymnastic wall you can perform exercises with your hands and feet supporting the slats at different heights, hanging exercises and mixed hanging exercises.

It is advisable to carry out outdoor switchgear as well with a partner- together, three. This expands the possibilities of using outdoor gear: the interaction of partners can facilitate or complicate a motor task, and in general increases the emotional background of classes.

When drawing up a training program, you need to provide for the possibility of including exercises with objects and using gymnastic equipment in the complex. Classrooms should be equipped with this equipment, which will diversify classes and provide great opportunities in solving the problems of physical education using gymnastics.

Outdoor switchgear training

The most effective methods of teaching outdoor switchgear are: the method of teaching as a whole and by division. In this case, you can use teaching methods by showing, by telling, and combined.

1. The method of teaching as a whole is by demonstration.The teacher first shows the exercise as a whole. Then he gives the command “Starting position (indicates the method of execution, if necessary - “step”, “lunge”, “jump”, etc.) accept!”. A pause is made to correct possible errors. If it is necessary to interrupt execution, the command “Stop!” is given. In the starting position, the command “Exercise start-NAY!” is given. The conductor performs the movements while standing in front of the group, in a mirror manner, which makes it easier for those involved to copy the exercise. It is recommended that outdoor switchgear be counted. Most often on 4 and 8 counts. This allows the use of musical accompaniment.

When teaching outdoor gear “by demonstration”, instructions are simultaneously given which movements are performed on what count. After 2-3 repetitions, together with the group, the conductor moves on to counting and showing. Finish the exercises with the command “STOP!” It is served instead of the last bill.

When teaching children of primary school age, not commands are given, but orders: “Take the starting position,” “Do the exercise as I do,” “Finish the exercise.”

2. The method of teaching as a whole based on the story.This method is used when teaching simpler exercises or in order to activate the attention of those involved. The teacher explains the exercise, indicating the starting position, and briefly explains what movements should be performed on the count of “one”, “two”, etc. The commands are similar to those given when teaching using the “by show” method.

It is recommended to suggest basic actions along the way instead of counting, but in the rhythm and tempo of the exercises. For example, instead of counting “one - two - three - four,” say: “Bend over - straighten up - sit down - stand up.” With the combined method, the teacher combines demonstration of the exercise with explanation.

3. Method of teaching “by divisions”.This method is used when teaching more complex coordination devices, as it allows pauses between individual movements to clarify them and correct errors. After the command “Accept starting position!” The teacher gives commands, separating each count with pauses. For example: “Right leg back on the toe, arms up - do it once!”, “Squatting on the left, right to the side - do two!”, “Change the position of the legs - do three!”, “Starting position - do four!”

With this method of training, high motor density of the lesson is maintained.

ORU dosage

Regulation of physical activity during outdoor sports activities is carried out by changing:

- number of exercises(depending on the forms of outdoor switchgear classes, there may be a different number of them. In the hygienic gymnastics complex - 8-12, in the rhythmic gymnastics complex - 50-70);

- content of exercises(Movements of individual parts of the body using a small number of muscles are less taxing than exercises for the whole body that work many muscle groups. Strength, weight training and endurance exercises work the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory system stronger than flexibility exercises);

- rest intervals between exercises(reducing rest breaks increases the load);

- number of repetitions(when performing simple outdoor exercise equipment that fits into the count “1 - 4” or “1 - 8”, accompanied by music, as a rule, each exercise is repeated 4,8,12 or 16 times. Exercises without music can be repeated within the same limits, without adhering to exact quantity dictated by the structure of the musical work);

- tempo(faster pace of exercise is usually more intense);

- starting positions(the same exercise with different starting positions has a different load. For example: bending and straightening the arms while lying down with your hands resting on a raised platform, on the floor, with your legs resting on a raised platform or resting on the uneven bars).

Exercises should be dosed based on general rules taking into account the degree of preparedness of students, their age, gender and the tasks being solved with this contingent.

During individual classes, it is necessary to assess the load by pulse and well-being, focusing on the feeling of fatigue. At group classes The teacher may instruct you to stop the exercise yourself if it becomes difficult to continue with everyone else.

In strength exercises, the feeling of fatigue is easily felt and repetition to failure is acceptable. In endurance exercises, it is impossible to bring the body to such a degree of fatigue, especially when training with beginners. In flexibility exercises, you should be guided by a feeling of slight pain, indicating the limit of the range of motion.

From lesson to lesson, the load should be gradually increased, regulating it due to the factors listed above and the number of days of classes per week. When monitoring and self-monitoring the permissible load on the cardiovascular system when performing general developmental exercises, especially intense series - in a row, it is recommended to use the following technique:

the initial ceiling is determined individually - the maximum heart rate - by subtracting from the number 220 the number corresponding to the age of the student (220 - age);

by palpation (at the wrist, on the neck), the number of beats is counted in 10 or 15 seconds at the teacher’s signal before the start of the lesson (initial pulse) and at certain moments (after load peaks, at the time of recovery, etc.). this number is multiplied by 6 or 4, and the number of beats per minute is determined;

the found value (number of beats per minute) should be in the zone of 60-85% of the maximum (220 - age), characterizing the individual permissible load. For example, for a 40-year-old student, the maximum value of the number of pulse beats per minute will be 180 (220 - 40). The load at which the pulse will be equal to 110 - 130 beats/min will be sufficient for a beginner (60 - 70%), but for a trained person it can be higher - characterized by a pulse of 140 - 150 beats/min (80 - 85%).

Breathing is closely related to movements. The depth and frequency of breathing should correspond to the needs of the body at the moment. This complex physiological function of the body is carried out automatically. For practically healthy people, it does not matter when to inhale or exhale; moments of short-term straining are not harmful. Whenever possible, it is necessary to combine the pace of movements with breathing. When expanding chest, when moving your arms to the sides and straightening your torso, it is recommended to inhale, and when bending and bending, exhale.

5. Value of open switchgear

General developmental exercises have a diverse effect on the body of those involved, especially on the musculoskeletal system. They are quite simple and do not require much learning.

Due to their accessibility, these exercises form the main content of health group classes and are widely used in physical education lessons in kindergartens, schools, and vocational schools. Universities. Outdoor switchgear complexes are used in morning hygienic gymnastics, during basic, rhythmic and industrial gymnastics classes. Representatives of all sports include outdoor sports equipment in training as a means of warming up and developing certain physical qualities.

Relative simplicity and the ability to gradually complicate them make outdoor switchgear accessible to students of any age and preparedness.

Mastering outdoor gear is a school of motor training. Starting with elementary, single-joint movements, practitioners successively move on to more difficult exercises. Stage initial training in sports it is also characterized by the use of a large volume of outdoor switchgear. These exercises are easily dosed and allow you to target specific muscle groups in a targeted and selective manner. Particular importance is attached to outdoor gear in the formation of correct posture.


1. “Gymnastics”: Textbook. for students higher ped. textbook institutions/Ed. M.L. Zhuravina, N.K. Menshikov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 448 p.

. “Gymnastics and teaching methods”: Textbook for physical education institutes / Ed. V.M. Smolevsky. - Ed. 3rd, revised, additional - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 336 p., ill.


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A set of general developmental exercises (GDE) for students in grades 8-9 includes: exercises on a gymnastic wall, with a volleyball, with weights, without objects in motion, with a medicine ball, without objects, with a jump rope, with big ball, with a gymnastic stick.

Complex 1
Exercises on the gymnastic wall
1. I. p. - legs apart, back to the wall, grip from above wider at head level. 1-2 - standing on your toes, straighten your arms, bend over; 3-4 - and. p. 3-5 times.
2. I. p. - the same, but the grip from below is wider. 1-2 - bending forward, bending over, pressing the pelvis against the wall; 3-4 - straightening up, bend over, without lifting your heels and without bending your legs.
3. I. p. - with your right side to the wall, at a distance of half a step, with your left bent hand, grab the bar above your head. 1-2 - bending to the side (from the wall), straightening the left arm, the right one below; 3-4 - and. n. The same, left side. 3-5 times in each direction.
4. I. p. - back to the wall, grip from above at head level. 1-2— hanging crouched, back touching the wall; 3-4 - and. p. 7-9 times.
5. Climbing the gymnastic wall. I. p. - standing on the bottom rail, gripping the rail at waist level, arms straight. 1 - pull yourself up, grab your hands; 2 - step on one rail with your feet; 3 - straighten your arms and legs, etc. Climb 4-6 slats, going down, perform the movements in the reverse order. 2-3 times.

Complex 2
General developmental exercises with a volleyball
1. I. p. - o. s., ball in front of the chest. 1— throw the ball up with both hands; 2 - catch. 4 times.
2. I. p. - ball in the right hand at the shoulder. 1 - throw the ball up; 2—catch with both hands; 3 - throw the ball with your left hand from the shoulder; 4 - catch with both hands. 4 times.
3. I. p. - ball in front of the chest, 1 - bend forward, touch the floor with the ball; 2 - i. n. 4 times
4. I. p. - the same. 1 - throw the ball up; 2 - catch with both hands behind your back; 3 - throw the ball forward over your head; 4 - catch with both hands. 3 times.
5. I. p. - ball in arms outstretched forward. 1 - 2 - sit down slowly; 3-4 - stand up slowly. 3-4 times.
6. I. p. - ball over head, feet shoulder-width apart. 1 — tilt to the right; 2—i. P.; 3 — tilt to the left; 4 - i. p. 4 times.
7. Formation in two lines, facing each other, distance 5 m. Throws the ball with both hands from the chest. 3 times.
8. I. p. - that is. Throwing the ball to each other with both hands from behind the head. 3 times.
9. Rolling the ball with your feet in a sitting position.
10. I. p. - o. With. 1 - arms to the sides; 2—tightening your muscles, arms forward, fingers clenched into fists; 3 - reduce muscle tension (arms become heavier); 4 - relaxing the muscles, “drop” your hands. 6 times.
After two lessons, increase the dosage of each exercise by one repetition. From lesson 31 after exercise 9, include the following: lying on your back, raising and lowering your straight legs with the ball sandwiched between your feet. 6-12 times; lying on your stomach, rolling the ball to each other with both hands. After passing the ball, arms up, head, shoulders and torso raised 4-10 times.

Complex 3
General developmental exercises with weights (sandbag, weight up to 250 g)
Formation in two ranks.
1. From about. With. throw it high and catch the bag. 5-7 times.
2. Moving on all fours with a bag on the back (8-10 m).
3. Sitting on the floor, raise and lower the sandbag, grabbing it with your feet. 7-9 times.
4. Sitting on your heels, lean forward, push the bag far forward, then take it out and pull it towards you. 5-7 times.
5. Crawling on your bellies towards the bag (distance up to 5 m). 2-3 times.
6. Sitting on the floor, tightly clasp the bag with your feet, describe a large circle with your feet to the right, then to the left. 3-5 times.
7. Sitting on the floor, throw a bag of sand at a target (a hoop, a corridor marked on the floor, etc.). 3-5 times.
8. Lying on your back, arms up, bag in hands, head between hands, roll onto your side, onto your stomach, onto the other side and back again (roll should start from the hips). 3 times.
9. Rest (30 s), breathing exercises.
10. Sitting on the floor, holding the bag between your feet, raise and lower your legs. 10-15 times.
11. Sitting with your legs crossed, stand up, holding the bag on your head. 3-5 times.
12. I. p. - the same. 1 - raise your arms forward; 2-3 - gradually relaxing, place on your thighs; 4 - i. p. 4-6 times.
13. I. p. - the same. 1-2 - tensely contract the leg muscles; 3-4 - relax. 4-6 times.

Complex 4
General developmental exercises without objects in motion
1. Walking with arms moving backwards. I. p.—o. s., arms to the sides. 1-2 - two movements of the arms back, arms at shoulder level, do not relax; 3-4 - 2 normal steps, breathing evenly. 8-10 times.
2. Bend forward. I. p.—o. s., hands on the belt. 1-2 - step forward and put your foot down; 3 - bend forward, arms to the sides, do not lower your head; 4 - i. p. 10-12 times.
3. Squats. I. p. - the same. 1-2 - sit down, hands behind your back, back straight; 3-4 - stand up; 5-8 - 3 steps forward and and. p. 8-12 times.
4. Breathing exercises. 4 steps - exhale, bend forward slightly, arms down; 2 steps - pause; 2 steps - exhale, hands down-in sides. 3-4 times.
5. Swing your leg forward. I. p.—o. With. 1-2 - 2 steps forward; 3—left swing forward, hands—right forward, left to the side; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same with the right leg. 8-12 times.
6. Swing your leg back. I. p.—o. With. 1-4 - 3 steps forward and put your foot down; 5 - left swing back, arms up; 6 - i. P.; 7-8 - the same with the right foot. 8-10 times.
7. Walking on your toes. 1-4 - 4 steps on toes, arms up; 5—8—— 4 regular, hands on the belt. 8-12 times.
8. Jumping forward. I. p.—o. s., hands on the belt. 1-2 - jump on the left; 3-4 - jump on the right; 5 - 8 - 4 steps forward. 8-12 times.
9. Walking, breathing and relaxation exercises (1 min).

Complex 5
General developmental exercises with a medicine ball (weight 1-2 kg)
1. I. p. - ball below. 1 — ball on the chest; 2-3 - stand on your toes, ball up; 4 - i. n. Do not hold your breath. 4-8 times.
2. I. p. - ball on the chest. 1 - ball forward; 2 - tilt, touching the floor with the ball; 3 - straighten up, ball forward; 4 -i. p. 6-8 times.
3. I. p. - ball below, arms slightly bent. 1-2 - pass the ball with your left hand to your right, passing it behind the body, and receive it. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8-10 times.
4. Breathing exercise, ball on the floor.
5. I. p. - ball behind the head. 1 - sit down, ball forward; 2 - i. P.; 3 — bent over, ball up; 4 -i. p. 6-8 times.
6. I. p. - sitting, hands behind, the ball is clamped by the ankle joints. 1 - bend your legs; 2 - straighten (higher); 3-4 - slowly lower; 5-3—rest. 8-12 times.
7. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms bent, hands on top of each other under the chin, the ball is clamped by the ankle joints. 1— bend your legs; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - rest; 5 - lift the ball with straight legs; 6 - i. P.; 7—rest. 6-10 times.
8. I. p. - ball on the head, hands support the ball. 1-4 - slowly lower yourself into a sitting position, legs crossed; 5-8 - i. p. 4-8 times. Try to support the ball with your hands less, if possible, do not support the ball.
9. I. p. - stand facing the ball lying on the floor. 1 - jump legs apart over the ball; 2 - turn around. 12-16 times.
10. Walking, breathing and relaxation exercises (1 min).

Complex 6
General developmental exercises without objects
1. I. p. - o. With. 1-2 - arch your arms upward, rise on your toes and pull yourself up, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1—turn the body to the right, right arm to the side, palm up; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. During the turn, the hand moves vigorously back. Do not move your legs. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
3. I. p. - stand with legs closed. 1—2 — deep squat, knees together, arms forward, palms down, exhale; 3-4 - stand up, hands down, inhale. Squat, perform on the entire foot. After several repetitions, the pace can be accelerated by doing the exercise in two counts. 10-15 times.
4. I. p. - stand with your legs apart, hands behind your back, 1 - tilt to the left, left arm down, exhale; 2—i. p., inhale; 3-4 - the same to the right. 12-15 times.
5. I. p. - o. With. 1 - arms up in outward arcs and clap above your head, inhale; 2 - arc arms downwards and bend forward, clap behind legs, exhale. Perform claps with straight arms without delay. After the clap, the palms should seem to bounce off each other. When bending, the legs are straight, the clap is performed no higher than the level of the knees. 10-12 times.
6. I. p. - emphasis while standing on your knees. 1-2 - right hand to the side-up, turning the torso and head to the right, inhale; 3— 4 — and. p., exhale. Same to the left. Do not lift your knees off the floor.
7. I. p.—lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - bend your left leg forward; 2—straighten and lower; 3-4 - the same with the right foot. Breathing is uniform. The exercise can be supplemented by changing the position of the legs for each count. Perform exercises in series: 3 8-10 times. During rest, lie down for 20-30 seconds.
8. I. p. - stand with your feet together, hands on your waist. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Breathing is uniform (30-60 s). After jumping, walk in place.

Complex 7
General developmental exercises with a skipping rope
1. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in half, below. 1 - left forward on the toe, rope forward; 2— transfer the body weight to the left, the right one to the back of the toe, arms to the sides, the rope stretched across the chest; 3-4 - placing the left one, and. P.; 5-8 - the same on the other leg. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in four, below. 1 - bending your left leg, place it on the rope; 2 - straighten your leg forward and upward; 3 - bend your leg; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same with the other leg. 8-12 times.
3. I. p. - o. s., a rope folded in half, in the left hand, the right one on the belt. 1-3 - rotation of the body to the left, the rope slides along the floor without leaving it; 4 - straighten up, grab the rope in your right hand; 5-8 - the same to the right. 8-12 times.
4. I. p. - o. p., rope folded in half, below. 1 - step over the rope, bending your left leg; 2 - the same, bending the right; 3-4 - move the rope with a twist to i. p., arms straight. 6-10 times.
5. Breathing exercise.
6. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in four, behind. 1-2 - slowly squat on your toes, pull the rope back; 3 - 4 - and. p. 10-14 times.
7. I. p. - o. p., jump rope, folded in four, on the shoulder blades. 1-2 - arms up, bend over, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
8. I. p. - o. p., hold the rope, folded in four, by the ends, 1—step forward with the left hand, lower yourself onto your right knee, arms up; 2 - leaning forward, sit on the heel of your right foot, touch the toe of your left foot with your hands, exhale; 3 - straightening up, take the position of count 1, inhale; 4 - i. p., exhale; 5-8 - the same with the right leg. 6-8 times.
9. I. p. - the same. 1-3 - left step forward, right back on the toe, arms up, three movements with arms back; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same from the right leg. 6-8 times.
10. Jumping rope in place (30 s), walking in place (30 s). From lesson to lesson, gradually increase the number of jumps, bringing the execution time to 1-2 minutes (individually).

Complex 8
General developmental exercises with a ball
1. I. p. - wide stance, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. 1-2 - bend over, arms back, inhale; 3-4 - half-squatting on the left leg with a lean forward, lower your arms and pass the ball under your knee to your left hand, exhale; 5-8 - the same, bending towards the right leg. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - basic stance, ball in left hand. 1 - arc forward arms up, inhale; 2 - lean forward and, lowering your arms, pass the ball behind your shins to your right hand, exhale; 3 - straighten up, arms up; 4 - lean forward, ball in left hand. 8-10 times. Pass the ball as low as possible. Strengthen the bends gradually, without bending your legs. Supplement the exercise with a soft jerk with your arms back (when your arms are up).
3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, ball in left hand. 1-2 - turning the body to the right, hit the ball on the floor behind the heel of the right foot and catch it with the right hand; 3-4 - the same in the other direction (throwing the ball with your right hand, catch it after the rebound with your left). 8-10 times.
4. I. p. - legs slightly apart, ball in hands below. Throw the ball up, quickly squat down and slam it on the floor with one hand; standing up, catch the ball with both hands. Do not move from your spot, squatting on your full foot, keep your torso as straight as possible, watching the flight of the ball with your eyes. Do the clap alternately with your right and left hands. A more complicated version: throwing, catching the ball with one hand. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
5. I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms up, ball in left hand. 1—tilt the body to the right, release the ball and catch it with the right hand; 2 - straighten up; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 10-12 times. Breathing is voluntary.
6. I. p. - sit your arms to the sides, the ball in your right hand. 1—high swing of the right (left) leg, arms forward, pass the ball under the foot to the left hand, exhale; 2 - lower your leg, arms to the sides; 3 - bend your arms behind your head and pass the ball to your right hand, inhale; 4 - arms to the sides. Do the swings one by one. Legs straight, toes pointed. Raising your arms, straighten your back. Same thing, ball in left hand. 12-16 times.
7. I. p. - hands on the belt, ball on the floor at the side. Jumping over the ball from the right foot to the left and back with double stomps. These jumps are reminiscent of the movement found in Russian and Ukrainian dances: on the count of 1 - a jump from foot to foot, and on the count of 2 - a double stomp. Perform the jump softly, emphasizing only the stepping. Breathing is uniform (20-30 s).
8. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left and catching it with your right and vice versa. When the exercise is mastered, it can be performed counting, making throws at a given pace (60-90 s).

Complex 9
General developmental exercises with a large ball
1. I. p. - deep squat, ball in hands on the floor. 1-2 - stand up, ball up, right leg back on toe, stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The same, but with the left leg back. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - wide stance, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. 1 - turn the body to the right, put the ball in the left hand, exhale; 2 - turn the body in i. p., left hand with the ball to the side, inhale; 3-4 - the same, but turn left. 8-10 times.
3. I. l. - stand with your feet together, the ball in your hands below. 1-3 - lean forward and roll the ball on the floor around your feet, exhale; 4 - take the ball, return to i. p., inhale. Perform with straight legs. Roll the ball in a closed circle once to the left, another time to the right. 6-8 times in each direction.
4. I. p. - stand with your feet together, the ball in your hands below. 1 - arc the ball up to the left and tilt the body to the right, right leg to the side on the toe, exhale; 2—straighten up, place your right leg, arc the ball down to the left, inhale; 3-4—the same in the other direction. Perform in unison, do not hold the ball below. 8-10 times.
5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball between your feet. 1-2 - raise straight legs with the ball forward, inhale; 3-4 - exhale. In the future, the exercise can be somewhat accelerated by doing all movements in two counts. 12-15 times.
6. I. p. - stand with your feet together, straight arms with the ball forward. Spread your arms, release the ball, quickly squat down and, without letting the ball fall to the floor, catch it with both hands below. The width of the arm extension should be gradually increased. 6-8 times.
7. Breathing exercise. 3-4 times.
8. I. p.—feet width apart, ball at the shoulder on the palm of the bent arm. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. 8-10 times with each hand. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left hand and catching it with your right and vice versa. Breathing is uniform (20-30 s).

Complex 10
Exercises with a gymnastic stick
1. I. p. - stand with your feet together, stick below. 1-2—stick up, rise on your toes and stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, stick below. 1 - bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, exhale; 2—i. p., inhale. When bending, the legs are straight, the task is complicated by changing the width of the grip. 12-15 times.
3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, stick in front, grip wider than shoulders. 1—turn the body to the right; 2—i. P.; 3-4 - the same
V left side. When turning, secure the shoulder girdle, do not move your legs. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
4. I. p. - stand with your feet together, stick below. 1-4 - lifting the stick forward, sit on the floor and stretch your legs; 5-8—stand up without touching the floor with your hands and stick. 10-15 times.
5. I. p. - stand with your feet together, the stick horizontally at the top. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same to the left. When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale. 10-12 times.
6. I. p. - lying on your chest, stick at the top (hands rest freely on the floor). 1 - 2 - bend over, raising the stick higher, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The grip width can be changed by gradually reducing the distance between the hands. 6-8 times.
7. I. p. - lying on your back, stick below, grip shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - bending your leg forward, move it between your hands and the stick, straighten it and lower it down (stick between your legs); 3-4 - and. n. Perform the exercise alternately with the left and right foot. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold. 10-12 times.
8. I. p. - o. s., stick on the floor to the right. Sideways jumps over a stick, alternating them with one intermediate jump in place. Jump softly, on your toes. Do jumping over the stick higher, helping with the movement of your hands. Breathing is uniform. After jumping, go to walking (20-30 sec).


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Exercises without an object are the most common exercises, which are the basis for building other outdoor equipment - with objects, on apparatus. The most common exercises are given below. For convenience, it is best to consider them according to anatomical criteria: exercises for the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, back, side surface of the body, legs, etc.

1.Exercises for the neck muscles:

    tilting the head to the right, left, forward, backward;

    the same, but hands behind the head, overcoming the resistance of the hands;

    circular movements of the head to the right, left (without sudden movements back);

2. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle.

    flexion and extension of the arms at the elbow and shoulder joints;

    circular movements and swinging arms in different directions;

    jerking movements of the arms combined with bends and turns of the body;

    transition from crouching to lying position and vice versa.

3. Exercises for the back muscles.

    tilts and turns the body forward and backward in the i.p. standing;

    raising and lowering the body in i. n. lying on stomach;

    lifting and swinging your legs back in i.p. lying on your stomach; the same with simultaneous symmetrical or asymmetrical raising of the arms;

    holding raised arms and legs in i.p. lying on your stomach.

4. Exercises for the abdominal muscles (front surface of the body).

    lifting the torso from the i.p. lying on your back;

    lifting, swinging, circular movements (“bicycle”) in i.p. emphasis while sitting or lying on your back;

    simultaneous movements of arms and legs in i.p. emphasis while sitting or lying on your back.

5. Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the body.

    lifting, swinging legs from I.P. lying on your side;

    springy tilts of the body to the side from i.p. standing;

    raising – lowering the pelvis from the i.p. lying on your side.

6. Exercises for the legs and pelvic muscles.

    exercises for feet and legs: raising on toes, half-squats, walking on toes, jumping and hopping on one and two legs, heel-to-toe rolls;

    exercises for the hips and lower legs: squats, lunges in various directions, walking in a half-squat and squat, running in place with high hip raises, etc.;

    exercises to develop mobility in the hip joint: circular movements of the pelvis while standing, deep bends forward with a grip of the shin, half-splits, splits, deep springing lunges, swinging legs with a large amplitude;

    Relaxation exercises. These exercises are necessarily present in the outdoor switchgear complex, performing the function of restoring breathing and relieving excessive muscle tension. These are, for example, free arc-shaped movements of the arms in combination with raising on the toes, half-squatting, half-bending; shaking hands, forearms, shoulders, lowering relaxed arms down with an emphasis on exhaling and relaxing the upper body and arms, waving relaxed arms and shaking legs in various positions.

    Combined (complex) exercises. These are exercises that simultaneously or sequentially involve several major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs and torso. Example:

I.p. – o.s.

    – lean forward, arms to the sides.

    – crouching emphasis.

    – standing emphasis.

When it comes to talking about human physical activity, we mean sport exercises. Physical activity includes active games and entertainment. Every person needs exercise stress, therefore, doctors recommend performing a set of general developmental physical education exercises several times a week, especially if he is not able to estimate how much he moves a day and does not go to the gym.

To maintain health, any person must exercise physical activity every day. During exercise, muscles become stronger, muscles become more resilient, and a person can optimally expend his energy. By exercising specific muscle groups, you can increase their volume. Gymnastics also allows you to control your weight: by doing exercises, you can get rid of extra pounds by spending additional calories that the body receives due to poor nutrition.

Positive effect of general development exercises (GDE):

  1. The heart is also a muscle, so cardiovascular training is beneficial for human health. Correct and dosed loads make the heart healthier and more resilient. With physical activity, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic.
  2. Motor skills are being developed. Special exercises Help a person develop flexibility and a sense of balance. During the exercises, you become more familiar with the sports equipment.
  3. Physical exercise helps to actively combat stress. If a person suffers from depression or anxiety, then physical education can cope well with such problems. Active exercises allow you to reduce the amount of cortisol hormones and increase the number of pleasure hormones - endorphins.

It is useful to do gymnastics with someone - it is a wonderful way to communicate.

A set of developmental physical education exercises improves heart function. People who actively engage in sports are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. It also reduces the likelihood of stroke and diabetes. These diseases often appear due to excess weight. Constant control over the body and muscles allows you to regulate extra pounds.

Physical education according to a scheme developed by the attending physician helps older people. If a person is physically active throughout his life, then in old age he has fewer diseases. Exercise helps keep your mind sharp because your brain works better when you're physically active.

Gymnastics helps pregnant women prepare for childbirth. And after the baby is born, the mother will get into shape faster.

Collaborative Execution physical exercise increases trust in a married couple. Exercise improves your mood and well-being.

Not all people can control the amount of food they eat; physical education training helps combat this problem. When performing simple exercises, the number of ghrelin hormones, which increase appetite, decreases.

A person who loves sports can quickly get rid of bad habits. Active movements reduce the craving for smoking and drinking alcohol. Sport increases the dose of pleasure hormones that were previously replaced by nicotine.

Exercises practically do not harm a person. If you adhere to safety rules when performing complex complexes, you can avoid injuries. When performing initial lessons, there is no need to chase results. The intensity of training must be increased gradually. This is especially important for beginners, who may get injured or strain muscles due to excessive zeal. You cannot combine active training with strict diets, because the body is quickly exhausted and there will be no strength left to perform physical exercises. Gymnastics has contraindications:

  1. Neurological diseases.
  2. Spinal injuries.
  3. Any wounds on the body.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. High or low blood pressure.

If a person has a cold, it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery. Exercises are resumed only after consultation with your doctor. If physical education involves lifting weights, it is not recommended to lift heavy weights, otherwise you may get a sprain or injury.

During exercise, you need to control your pulse and breathing. If a person is actively involved in physical education, then it is necessary to correctly create a daily routine, setting aside time for proper sleep and rest. Any movement performed incorrectly can lead to injury. During active physical activity, it is necessary to eat properly and evenly. Only in this case will the exercises be beneficial and not harm the body.

The average person needs between 9 and 20% body fat to function properly. If you reduce your fat percentage too much, you can face serious illnesses. When performing exercises, you need to remember that it is not the duration of the workout that is important, but its intensity. If you incorrectly calculate the time of physical education, you can harm your health. One complex should be performed for no more than 60 seconds, but the pace should be intense. For full physical development, it is necessary to perform gymnastics for the muscles of the whole body.

General development complex

Most people are recommended for general developmental physical education exercises. For students, schoolchildren and other people who spend a lot of time at the computer in a sitting position, such classes are simply necessary. In addition, they do not take much time and can be done at home.

First, exercises are performed for the arms and shoulders. With time upper limbs and the shoulders lose their elasticity and become relaxed. As a result, your posture may deteriorate. By performing a simple complex, you can tighten the tone of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. The training is carried out in several sessions. Before performing any exercise, you need to warm up.

  1. For the exercise you will need dumbbells.
  2. 10 exercises are performed at one time.
  3. It is necessary to rest the knee of your right leg and right hand on a flat surface.
  4. The back should remain straight and the abdominal muscles tense.
  5. Don't raise your head too high.
  6. The dumbbell is taken in the left hand, the hand is bent.
  7. The elbow remains motionless.
  8. The hand holding the dumbbells straightens.
  9. Then the hand is raised palm up; you need to lock in this position for 5 seconds.
  10. Next you need to return to the starting position.

An effective workout for developing the arms and shoulder girdle is push-ups from the knees. You need to perform at least 10 repetitions at a time. To perform gymnastics, you need to focus on your knees, cross your feet, and raise your torso above the floor. The palms should be close to each other. Then you need to pull in your stomach, while keeping your elbows bent, and lower yourself to the floor. Then you need to slowly straighten up and return to the starting position.

For the neck, a set of general developmental exercises is designed in such a way as to do without additional objects. The exercises are simple, even a schoolchild can do them anywhere - in the gym or at home. Typically, such training is carried out in physical education classes in secondary school. If there are problems associated with neurology, then it is recommended to perform the exercises in a static mode.

If during the exercises a person feels discomfort or pain, then the amplitude of the movements is reduced and the number of repetitions should be reduced. If the pain does not stop, then physical education is postponed until the person has fully recovered.

Exercise "pendulum":

  1. The person takes a convenient and comfortable position, while the head should be straight.
  2. The neck is tilted to the left side.
  3. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Then a tilt is made in the opposite direction.
  5. Repeat at least 6 times on each side.

The next exercise is called “airplane”. You need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Hands spread to the side. A person stays in this position for 20 seconds. Then smoothly and carefully move your arms to the sides 3 times. Next, the right hand bends so that it is above the left. Then you should change hands.

The most effective training for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks - this is a squat. Feet are placed shoulder width apart. Gymnastics is performed when the thighs are parallel to the floor. 10 approaches are performed at a time.

In the table of a set of general developmental physical education exercises, training with lying leg raises occupies a key position. Gymnastics is good for adults and children. Several muscle groups are involved during the workout . How to perform the “lying leg raise” workout:

  1. The person lies down on a flat surface.
  2. Both legs are bent and raised off the floor to form a 45-degree angle.
  3. Then the legs are spread to the side and fixed in this position.
  4. Then they slowly come together with their knees.

To be effective, you need to perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

Good posture makes a person more attractive. It is also necessary for health. To keep your back straight and even, you need to perform special exercises several times a week.

The “reed” exercise is good for posture. You need to get down on your knees, hands clasped above your head. Then the brushes are turned inside out inside up. Hands reach for the ceiling. You need to perform 3 tilts in each direction. Then they smoothly and carefully return to their original position. When performing gymnastics, it is important that your back remains straight and your arms do not bend at the elbows. In total you need to do 5 approaches.

To perform the “worm” exercise, you need to sit on your heels and place your hands on your knees. The legs are spread apart, the elbows are bent and lowered to the floor. You need to tilt your head and stay in this position for 15 seconds. Recommended number of repetitions is 4 times.

To keep your back straight and beautiful, you need to perform a complex to create balance. During gymnastics, all muscles are strengthened and the tone of the back muscles increases. It is especially indicated for elementary school students, who have a high risk of developing scoliosis during this period due to unusual load on the back.

The complex is performed using a support or lying on the floor. Exercises are done in one place or when a person is in motion. Gymnastics performed on site:

  1. Jumping.
  2. Various movements with legs and arms.
  3. Torso rotations.
  4. Straight stand on your heels or toes.

Gymnastics in motion includes various types of walking, the use of weights, overcoming obstacles, dance movements and light running.

Breathing to combat stress

Breathing exercises allow you to get rid of extra pounds, normalize digestion and put your nerves in order. There are 3 basic exercises that help you relax and fight stress:

  1. Shoulder straps.
  2. Pump.
  3. Palms.

The “shoulder straps” exercise is performed while standing on the floor. Hands must be pressed tightly to the stomach. You need to take 9 breaths in a row. There is a 5 second break between them. As you exhale, push your hands towards the floor. At the same time, the arms are straightened. As you exhale, your hands are pressed to your stomach again.

When performing the “pump” exercise, a person stands leaning slightly down. In the middle of the tilt, you need to inhale air through your nose. The inhalation ends when the bend is completed. Then you need to straighten up and take a break for 5 seconds. Do 12 repetitions in a row.

The palm exercise is done as follows:

  1. Take 5 deep breaths through your nose.
  2. Exhalation is done quietly through the mouth.
  3. When inhaling, you need to clench your fists.
  4. You need to hold for 7 seconds and then lower your hands.
  5. When inhaling, the stomach and shoulders are relaxed.

The palm training should be done 12 times in a row.

Properly distributed physical activity has a positive effect on human health. If you do it several times a week simple exercises, then this has a positive effect on posture and muscles. Physical education helps restore vitality and prolong youth.

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Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Parents His father is Pyotr Parfenovich Vlasov (1905-1953), a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies named after N. N. Narimanov...