Shoulder push-ups: pump up the deltoid muscles. How to pump up your shoulders at home? Shoulder push-ups

Girls who are taking up sports for the first time pay little attention to the upper part of their body. However, a beautiful line of the arms and even the back in the photo and in life is impossible without exercises on the shoulder girdle area, and it is built by targeted strength training with weights. Is it possible to get wide, sculpted shoulders without going to the gym by working out at home?

How to swing your shoulders correctly

To achieve this goal, you need to not just choose the exercises you like and randomly arrange them, achieving a certain duration of the workout. If you want to know how to pump up your shoulder muscles so that it is aesthetically pleasing (which is especially important for girls), you should understand what effect this or that exercise has on the body, what processes occur in the body during and after training.

  • The deltoid muscles or deltoids are responsible for the width of the shoulders. Experts divide them into posterior, anterior and middle, each of which needs separate study.
  • The minimum number of exercises in a complex for strong, beautiful shoulders is 3, one for each area. Diversity will not give you anything, so you can even take the “basic three” and systematically perform it.
  • Girls wanting to increase volume muscle mass shoulder girdle, are forced not only to work with exercise equipment, but also to take sports nutrition by increasing the dose of protein in the diet. Without these actions, you will only be able to create a relief silhouette, but not affect the width of your shoulders.
  • All muscles need rest. Too frequent training is also undesirable, so it is recommended to do it every 1-2 days.
  • If it’s difficult to sort out all the information yourself and make it workable, you should visit the gym and talk to a trainer: literally a few basic classes will help you solve most issues.

How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home

The gym is considered the fastest option for building beautiful body, but not the most affordable, especially if you want to exercise regularly and often. You can also conduct training outside, even in a small apartment, but the process will take a little longer and become more complicated. Basic ways to pump up your shoulders at home:

  • push ups;
  • bench press with free weights;
  • craving.

Some girls are thinking about the option of pumping up their shoulders on the horizontal bar. According to professionals, this is less effective technique, as well as working with parallel bars. Pull-ups help increase endurance and have a positive effect on arm strength, but the load on the deltoids is secondary, so swing shoulder girdle much more difficult than through the methods mentioned above. It is better to use the horizontal bar as an auxiliary apparatus in front of the main part.

How to pump up your shoulders at home with a barbell

Girls rarely resort to such training, especially if they do not have sports training. However, if you are wondering how to build your shoulders at home the fastest, then the only correct answer will be training with a barbell. At the initial stage, only its neck is used, later discs are added. Classic set of exercises:

  • Military or vertical press. The base of the rod is taken wide grip, the body is held straight. It is best to perform the exercise while sitting, pressing the barbell from the chest. If there are no problems with the neck - because of the head. Do not straighten your elbows completely at the top point.
  • Raising your arms in front of your body. The barbell is taken with a wide grip, the back is straight, without bending. The lift is carried out to shoulder level, the lowering is carried out to the belt line. It is advisable to do 15 repetitions without rest.
  • Shoulder raises. The emphasis in the exercise is on the back. The barbell is held in front of you with lowered hands, lifting the shoulders and lowering them back at a moderate speed.

How to build broad shoulders with dumbbells

An option accessible to most, which girls especially like: free weights are not so heavy that they cause too much stress. active growth muscles, but can already give a beautiful relief. The cost of such equipment is also lower than barbells, and it is very compact, so you don’t need to look for a large free area for training. How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells at home?

  • You can widen your back with a large number of repetitions in the approach - for men about 30, for girls the bar is reduced to 20-24.
  • If the goal is to increase endurance, you need to train the deltoids with more weight, but doing only 8-10 repetitions.

Sample home exercise program with dumbbells:

  • Raise your arms in front of you and to the sides. Wrists down, slight bend in elbow joint is never eliminated. Isolated exercise, do 20 times per approach.
  • Basic press. Affects all deltas. Performed slowly, by raising your arms outstretched forward. Elbows should be soft to avoid injury.
  • Vertical thrust with one hand. Performed obliquely, with straight back, without arching in the lower back. The hand with the dumbbell lowered down is pulled towards the body, the elbow passes next to it.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups

This basic exercise is present in all complexes: from general weight loss programs to chest tightening techniques. Anyone who has ever tried to figure out how to pump up their shoulders at home has once come up with push-ups. However, even such a simple exercise has its own tricks:

  • For the front delta beam, place your palms shoulder-width apart and pull your elbows toward your body.
  • They do it for triceps narrow grip- palms under the chest.
  • The wider you spread your arms away from your body, the higher the load on your back and the lower the load on your shoulders.
  • Advanced push-ups: from a handstand. Keep in mind that your body must be strong, otherwise you may unwittingly injure your neck while descending.
  • The most effective program will be 4 approaches, for each they do 10 active push-ups.
  • If you've strengthened your arms and find the exercise too easy, add weights to your back, thereby increasing your weight and the pressure on your muscles.

Strong and powerful shoulders are a symbol of reliability and courage. If you are interested in how to pump up your shoulders at home, then for this purpose you should choose. The exercise does not require the use of exercise equipment or other equipment, and can be performed anywhere. In order to achieve good results, you need to understand the technology. Remember that the quality of execution is important, not the number of repetitions.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups?

The classic version of push-ups puts stress on the shoulders, but only on the anterior deltoid. To pump up all the shoulder muscles, you should use non-standard exercise options.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups:

These exercise options are difficult and you will have to spend a lot of effort to achieve good results. After you can do these positions 10 times, then you can additionally use weights. It's best to wear them on your feet. To make your shoulders wide and sculpted, you need to do 3-4 sets of 7-10 times. It is not recommended to practice daily because

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups and is it even possible to do it? Of course! Push-ups are a basic exercise, one of the best among all existing today. With its help, you can not only effectively pump up your shoulders, but also achieve almost any of your goals. Whatever task you set, whatever heights you strive to overcome, push-ups will definitely help you achieve your goal!

Push-ups on their own useful exercise for our shoulders (deltoid muscles), which helps to work them well. However, it does not affect all muscles, but only their anterior bundles. During push-ups, 3 muscle groups are used:

  1. Deltoid muscles.
  2. Triceps muscles.
  3. The most important muscles involved in the exercise are the pectoral muscles.

You can shift the emphasis towards one or another muscle group, that is, provide it with a greater load, using one simple technique - changing the position during push-ups.

The standard version of push-ups (hands shoulder-width apart) in itself forces our shoulders to actively work, however, as mentioned above, this only applies to the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles. And if we want to pump up our shoulders, then we need to make sure that all the bundles are subject to load. To do this, you need to use non-standard variations of the exercise, that is, the classics will not suit us.

Types of push-ups

To increase the volume of the deltoid muscles, 2 main types of push-ups are ideal.

The first option is how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups: it can be called “house push-ups.” To perform it, take your usual lying position, but at the same time move your legs closer to your hands. Your legs and body should form a right angle (that’s why this type of exercise is called a “house”). The feet are supported on the toes.

When you have accepted this position, you can proceed to the execution itself. As always, we lower ourselves to the floor with our whole body, after each repetition we do not throw our body, but smoothly return to initial position. Do required amount repetitions per set... Many recommend doing push-ups to failure, in their opinion, this is the most effective method pump up your shoulders.

The second option is how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups: wall-stand push-ups are an excellent exercise that forces a lot of muscles to work, including the deltoids (all bundles). However, this type of push-up is not for beginners; it requires some preparation. The first thing to figure out is can you stand against a wall? And how long can you do this? If you manage to hold out in this position for at least a minute, then feel free to try push-ups.

Handstand push-ups and hand walks are good exercises for developing shoulder mass.

Naturally, the push-ups described above “house” and in a stand against a wall cannot be called simple exercises. The most important thing is to learn how to do push-ups in these positions at least 10 times, after which you can start using weights. Leg weights are considered the best option; wearing special clothing (a vest) is not advisable, it will simply slide off during exercise. You can make such “training assistants” yourself or simply buy them. An alternative is to attach the most ordinary chains; in this case, it is advisable to use carabiners, otherwise it will be problematic to put them on and take them off your feet.

The training program can look like this: you perform several approaches (3-4) of 7-10 repetitions. You need to train every other day, that is, Monday-Wednesday-Friday. And, most importantly, training will have maximum effect only in combination with appropriate nutrition for weight gain.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups: Very good exercise– push-ups with narrow setting hands Performed from a traditional position while lying down with your feet together. Your hands need to be placed as close to each other as possible, you can even do this before your thumbs touch. Now all that remains is to raise your body and start doing push-ups from this position, try to press your hands to your chest. Keep your back straight.

Perform the exercise at a fast pace; the movement itself should not take more than a second. It is necessary to monitor the position of your elbows so that they look back, not to the sides. Approximate training program: 30 repetitions per set, then a short break (30-40 seconds) and a new approach.

Play sports, do push-ups to benefit your shoulders, develop your body, every day and become a little better! Good luck!

Many novice athletes are wondering how to pump up their shoulders with push-ups at home, and is it even possible? First you need to understand the technique and anatomy of the exercise and its variations, after which you can find the answer to this question.

If you want to practice at home without purchasing special equipment, read the article carefully and draw the right conclusion. Let’s say right away that we have nothing against push-ups, since we consider them an excellent functional exercise for developing the whole body. But are they really that good for pumping up your shoulders?

Can you get really big shoulders at home with push-ups?

Development large muscles shoulder requires commitment to plan strength training which includes several types of exercises. Push-ups work the shoulders and chest muscles, strengthening the entire top part bodies. However, doing push-ups alone will not help you achieve maximum shoulder growth results. Push-ups mostly work pectoral muscles. And the deltoids and triceps muscles are the secondary engines in push-ups. Push-ups increase the size and strength of your deltoids, making your shoulders appear wider.

Push-ups are performed in several variations, each with a different impact on the shoulders. Below are modifications of the exercises and the muscles involved. You will learn how to pump up your shoulders at home with push-ups. But there is a huge disadvantage to these workouts - with push-ups you can pump up the anterior deltoid to a greater extent. If you can easily do push-ups upside down, you can also pump up the middle fascicles of your shoulder. But rear delta is not included in any of the push-up variations. Therefore, why develop your shoulders unevenly. Push-ups can only become an addition for the deltoid muscles in home workouts to the main complex with weights, but cannot replace a full-fledged program for the deltoids.

Since push-ups are work with own weight, you will not be able to add additional load, as you should when working to increase muscle mass. Consequently, your strength and the number of repetitions you perform will increase. This will not help you get bigger shoulders. The number of repetitions should start from 8 to 12. If you do a lot more push-ups, then you will only increase endurance, but not volume. You can pump up your shoulders with push-ups at home, but only if you work with both dumbbells and a barbell.

Let's look at how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, working mainly with the front and middle beams.

It is important! Carefully monitor your body position when performing push-ups to increase the size of your chest and shoulders. Doing a small number of high-quality push-ups is a more effective way to train at home, as opposed to doing a large set of push-ups with poor technique. Usage incorrect position arms or misalignment of the hips and back can cause injury. Stop immediately if push-ups cause severe pain or damage your joints. Consult with personal trainer to make sure you are doing everything correctly.

This technique will show you how to do push-ups to pump up your shoulders. This is a difficult way to train at home, as it requires preparation physical activity and control of the entire body. The exercise is performed in a vertical stance against a wall.

  • Perform a handstand with your hands wide apart. Touch the wall with your feet for support;
  • As you inhale: lower your head to the floor, bending your elbows to the sides, bringing the angle at your elbows to 90 degrees;
  • As you exhale: push up with the strength of your arms, returning to straight arms.
  • Do not perform more than 12 repetitions. After resting, repeat 3 more sets.

A simplified version of vertical push-ups pumps the front bundles and reduces compression in shoulder joints. It is performed by raising the feet above the body using a bench or chair, in which the body reaches an inclination of 50 degrees.

  • Place your feet on a bench, palms on the floor wider than your shoulders;
  • Inhale: lower chest to the floor, bending your elbows to the sides at a right angle;
  • Exhale: push up to the starting point.

This push-up variation works the front and middle deltoid muscles. The corner technique is a modification of vertical push-ups, and lightens the load by reducing body weight and supporting the legs on a hill. Do not forget to breathe correctly; exhalation is always done with effort.

  • Place your feet on a bench, chair or bed, palms wide apart on the floor;
  • Move your hands closer to your legs, drawing a right angle between your torso and the berms. Pelvis over shoulders;
  • Inhale: bend your elbows, moving them to the sides, your head tends, but does not touch the floor;
  • Exhale: do push-ups with your arms straight.

In this option, only the front deltas are trained. You can perform push-ups from the floor or with your palms on a bench - this option will simplify the technique with greater tension in the chest and triceps muscles.

  • Place your palms under your shoulders in a prone position;
  • Inhale: lower your chest to the floor, bending your elbows along your torso;
  • Exhale: using the strength of your arms and chest, push yourself to the original position.

This technique will show how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups if you don’t have special weights. Push-ups work the chest, shoulders and triceps, or more precisely the front deltoids.

  • With your back to the bench, place your palms on the edge under your shoulders;
  • The knees can be bent; to make it more difficult, the legs can be straight, with the heels touching the floor;
  • Inhale: bending your arms, elbows go back, taking an angle of 90 degrees;
  • Exhale: push off and rise with effort, leaving your pelvis hanging.

Unfortunately, home exercises without special equipment and simulators will not be able to fully replace training in gym. Here are a few reasons why a gym is essential for quality muscle gain:

  1. Only a full load on all muscle bundles and fibers will help make your shoulders harmonious on all sides and voluminous. The presence of a huge number of exercise machines for all muscle groups, dumbbell rows from small to large weights can increase the effectiveness of muscle training by diversifying the complexes and exercise techniques. And this is very important for full growth;
  2. At the gym, you can provide high-quality strength and cardio training if necessary for your goals. You will also find a whole line of cardio equipment that can fully stretch your muscles, strengthen your heart and prepare your body for further work. This is especially necessary for beginners. Also after training, 10-minute cardio, as a cool-down, will restore breathing and proper blood circulation or help additionally burn excess subcutaneous fat. You won’t be able to run a marathon at home or imitate rowing or cycling, and even the weather conditions won’t always allow you to do a cross-country race in the park. And there is always “good weather” in the hall!;
  3. In the hall you will find like-minded people and more experienced trainers and athletes who will demonstrate the technique from their own experience and explain training methods. And if necessary, they will correct mistakes and also give nutritional recommendations.
  4. Good motivation is always a great impetus for progress. You will constantly see good example and gravitate towards bodybuilders and experienced amateurs. The sporting spirit of competition drives progress!
  5. Insurance, without which it is difficult to imagine high-quality work “to failure” and muscle growth. There is always a person in the gym who can back you up when approaching heavy weights. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the last two repetitions, during which the muscles work as hard as they can, and it is not always possible to refine the approach on your own, so help with this is simply necessary.

It is known that nutrition accounts for almost 80% of success in muscle growth. And one of the most important techniques during the mass gain period is the consumption of food after training. We must not forget about this! What happens after the load? During your workout, you reduced as much as possible. muscle fibers, thereby damaging them, and spent a lot of energy on it. Nutrients received after training nourish and fill micro tears in the muscles, providing all the necessary substances for muscle growth, as if “building” new muscle fibers. Therefore, do not ignore closing the so-called “protein-carbohydrate” window.

It follows that muscles need amino acids to build new cells, as well as carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves. If you skip this technique, the muscles will begin to “burn”, eating themselves, since protein for recovery will be taken from the muscles, because you have already spent glycogen (glucose) during training. Therefore, you can only harm yourself. Make it a rule to eat after each workout, but no later than 40 minutes after it ends.

So, you need fast carbohydrates, protein (protein) with a rich complex of amino acids, both essential and essential. It will be difficult to imagine this portion of food, specially brought into the gym, lying there throughout the entire training session, waiting for the “window”. Manufacturers of sports nutrition have simplified this task to the point of impossibility. It’s much easier to dilute the gainer in a shaker with water and get a complete protein-carbohydrate balanced cocktail that your muscles need. Moreover, one serving will completely replenish the norm of proteins and carbohydrates during this period.

In order not to force yourself to wait long for the growth of beautiful and rounded deltas, take a can of gainer and take it after a workout or at a time when you cannot eat properly. Hunger will only hinder growth. And you can’t do without a complex of amino acids full cycle and essential (BCAAs). The latter, with complex chains, are not produced by the body’s own, therefore, replenishment is needed from the outside. BCAAs will prevent catabolism during exercise and after sleep, when all glycogen stores have been burned and further loss of muscle protein is possible. To do this, take the complex immediately upon waking up and half an hour before exercise. Full cycle amino acids should be taken after training and at night.

For those who are just deciding whether they need sports nutrition, we recorded a video below:


The presented exercises for the anterior and middle bundles of the deltoid muscle cannot replace high-quality and full workout in the gym. You can use push-ups to additionally work the delts, but not as a main exercise. The best way to pump up beautiful shoulders - you will go to the gym for advice and training with professionals. Don't waste your time, let them make it up for you individual program training, taking into account the characteristics of your body and goals.

Remember! To develop large shoulders, both basic weight-bearing exercises and isolation exercises are necessary. Work with heavy weights, individually and correctly selected. Recover properly and eat well.

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If you are interested in how to pump up muscles with push-ups without much difficulty, then you need to come here. Is this even real? But in reality, push-ups actually build muscle. This exercise will replace training with a barbell, and you will get almost the same result. The growth of your muscles will happen just as quickly and effectively - you need to know the most effective works with a barbell.

How to build muscles with push-ups
  • - very complex. But you should not lose hope of working correctly. The site administration cares about its readers and tries to do everything for you.

Push-ups are something every workout should not do without. on the pectoral muscles are useful for both athletes and ordinary people.

If you don’t have a barbell or a bench, or time to visit gyms, then push-ups are what you need. But even if you work out in the gym, with a barbell or a bench, you shouldn’t forget about push-ups.

With push-ups, you will not only pump up your chest muscles, but you will also be able to use many other muscles. We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to look at push-ups not as a simple exercise for beginners, but as a real way to tone your muscles. In addition, in the article we will tell you how to pump up muscles by doing push-ups in just a few months.

All men dream of a wide and pumped chest, because it makes a man even more courageous and stronger. In addition, girls really like it when a guy has a beautiful, pumped up body, especially chest.

We pump up the chest muscles at home

Today, many guys are faced with this question - how to pump up the pectoral muscles with push-ups without going to the gym? But many athletes often talk about pumping up their chest at home without using extra weight almost impossible. But this is far from the case.

Is it possible to pump up your pectoral muscles without leaving home?

It is quite possible to pump up your chest muscles at home, and even very simple. You just need desire, willpower, patience and in just a couple of months you will get excellent results. If you set an exact goal for yourself, then you will already be one step ahead of it. In general, if you decide to build up muscles and make your body athletic, then this article is made by the site just for you.

Build muscles without leaving home - video

Push-ups? First we should talk a little about the push-ups themselves. If you want to pump up your chest muscles at home, then there is nothing wrong with that, you will get the same result as those who do it in the gym. You won't need much time, and the results will be noticeable within a couple of weeks. But to get the effect you only need regular training– about three times a week. With the right set of exercises you will get better results.

Methods of push-ups in the gym

For the first time you need to do classic simple push-ups, but soon they will need to be replaced with something more difficult. If you do push-ups with wide arms, then in this way you will be able to quickly pump up your chest.

Push-up methods

If you are interested in the question - how to pump up your biceps with push-ups? The answer will be simple - do push-ups in narrow position hands Make it more difficult regular push-ups You can do the same when doing clapping. In this way, a large load will be placed on the chest muscles.

Is it possible to pump up your shoulders with push-ups and how? Of course you can, because push-ups use many muscles, including the shoulders. If you do push-ups with narrow arms, your shoulders will swing more effectively. In general, it is quite difficult to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, and if you want to build up your shoulders within a few months, then the barbell press will help you here.

This kind of bench press is considered basic exercise, with which you can increase your shoulder muscles. To do this, you need to grab the bar slightly wider than your shoulders. Your legs should be slightly bent and your feet should be shoulder-width apart. When lifting the barbell, try to keep your palms facing up.

We pump up our shoulders with push-ups

When pressing, your back should be straight and your shoulders should be straightened. As you inhale, you should smoothly lift the barbell up without making sudden movements. You need to exhale at the most difficult moment. As soon as you lift the bar to the end point, your arms will need to be straightened, but not too much. As for the shoulders, they should be used as much as possible here. After a short stop at the top, you can inhale air and lower the barbell back, just as slowly. When bench pressing in a standing position, your back and abs should always be tense, this will help you avoid injury. Your head should only look straight ahead and you shouldn’t turn it, because you may lose your balance.

  • Bench press in a standing position:

The main target of this is the shoulders. In addition, the overhead barbell press will engage the triceps and chest muscles. This exercise is not very difficult, but it brings great results. You need to take the barbell and place it behind your head. At the same time, you must stand straight. During the exercise, bend your arms at the joints by about 90%. We lift the barbell and perform the necessary repetitions.

For this it is important - correct weight, otherwise your training will give negative results. With the right weight selection, you can effectively pump up your muscles and avoid injury. The height at which the bar is placed is important. It should be suitable for a person's height. In general, if you choose the right weight and height, then doing the exercises will become not only convenient, but also effective.

In order to pump up your arms, you need to use a slightly different type of exercise. When doing push-ups, your hands should be facing away from you (toes pointing towards your feet). In this way you will be able to transfer all the load to your hands. If doing push-ups with this position of your hands is not very convenient for you, then you can turn your hands a little away from your body, but the effect will not be so great. For push-ups, racks or dumbbells will also help you.

Pump up your biceps with push-ups

Many people were often interested in the question - how to pump up your arms with push-ups? Is this even possible? You can pump up your arms with push-ups, but it won't be that easy. For effective pumping biceps you still have to attend Sport halls, exercise with dumbbells and iron. But you can also practice at home by doing regular push-ups. With the help of this exercise, you will also pump up your arms, and if you follow a special program, you will be able to get excellent results in just a few months.

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