Is swimming good for your back? Swimming in the pool and useful exercises in water for the spine. Exercises in water for the spine

In this article we talk about the benefits of backstroke - what muscles it uses, how it is useful and why it is important to devote time to this style.

Like other styles, backstroke involves huge amount of muscles– works the whole body from neck to calves.

This is clearly shown in this video:

The key muscles that are used the most are highlighted in green in this illustration:


  • Deltoid muscles of the shoulders;
  • Brachioradial (forearm);
  • Flexor digitorum profundus (also forearm).


Musculature of the core and lower torso
  • Latissimus dorsi muscles– they are most loaded when rowing;
  • Trapezoid;
  • Core and abs muscles(play a huge role here in maintaining balance);
  • Breast;
  • Erector spinae muscle;
  • Teres major and minor muscles;
  • Rhomboid major and minor muscles.

Legs and lower body

  • Quadriceps (front of the thighs);
  • Biceps femoris (hamstring);
  • Buttocks.


  • Biceps - flexion of the arm during the stroke;
  • Triceps – arm straightening – insertion.

General benefit

First, let's note beneficial features, which are common to all swimming styles, including the one in question:

  1. Working out a lot of muscles. If running pumps up only the legs, and the gym equipment pumps up a single muscle, then swimming simultaneously strengthens and keeps a significant number of muscles in tone (see information above).
  2. Cardio workout. The health of the cardiovascular system is the basis of human life. Experts recommend that everyone do at least 2-3 cardio workouts per week, and swimming is an excellent choice for these purposes.
  3. Lung training. Cardio training inevitably trains the lungs, too. ability to absorb oxygen and supply them to the body.
  4. Playing sports without harming your joints. Water supports your body, takes the load off it, movements in it do not involve any impacts (unlike, for example, running) and do not put axial load on the spine and joints (unlike exercise in the gym). Therefore, in fact, this is the only sport that can be practiced without any damage to the body.
  5. Weight loss. If you swim intensely enough (heart rate 60 - 80% of MHR, see more here) and for at least 30 consecutive minutes per session, your body will burn a significant amount of calories.

    Depending on weight, age, technique and individual characteristics an individual person can be burned from 100 to 400 calories in 30 minutes of exercise.

    Because swimming is rightly considered one of the best ways in order to get rid of extra pounds and maintain your weight at a normal level.

  6. Improved flexibility
  7. Water relieves stress and fatigue, leads to tone.

Why is it beneficial to float on your back?

Correct posture


Water is the ancestor of all living things. According to one theory, people came out of the ocean. Perhaps this is why swimming is so much fun. A person who regularly visits the pool always looks fit, cheerful and energetic. This is due to the beneficial effects of life-giving moisture. Experts have long proven the benefits of swimming in the pool. What exactly is it expressed in?

Swimming in the pool. Benefits for figure and weight loss

Water procedures are considered an integral part of silhouette correction. The fact is that the density of water is much greater than air. Consequently, you will have to put in much more effort to make the simplest movement. The muscles are actively working, calories are being burned intensively. In addition, water has a massage effect on the entire body. This effect causes the stomach and legs to tighten.

For men, water procedures will allow you to create a beautiful silhouette with broad shoulders and narrow hips. In this case, a large number will not be collected muscle mass like when working out in the gym. Women should not be afraid of the appearance of masculine features in their figure, since it is genetically determined that women have narrow shoulders. To expand them, you will need a significant load, like professional athletes.

Swimming in the pool. Benefits for the back and spine

Water is denser than air and provides good support for the body. Therefore, the load on the joints and spine is reduced. In the pool they seem to “straighten out.” Intervertebral discs are unloaded and occupy correct position. With the help of swimming you can get rid of many problems with posture and cure scoliosis. Swimming in the pool is also used to recover from injuries. The benefits of these activities have long been known to sports physicians.

Also, when swimming, the back muscles work very actively. They become stronger, more resilient. Developed muscles also allow you to unload the spine, because it takes on part of the load on itself. Those people who have a sedentary job simply need to swim in the pool. The benefits for the spine will more than reward all your efforts.

Impact on the circulatory system

During water procedures, blood pressure and heart rate decrease. And this is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Regular physical activity increases cardiac endurance and normalizes heart rate. Also, the massage effect of water has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, making them more elastic. So swimming is effective remedy fight against varicose veins.

Breathing load

While swimming, you often have to hold your breath. Therefore, a person is forced to work more actively with his lungs. The breath becomes deep. The swimmer uses the entire area of ​​the lungs, which allows the body to be saturated with oxygen. As a result, in everyday life a person gets used to using breathing more rationally. Thanks to regular training, the body becomes resistant to hypoxia.

What else is useful for visiting the pool?

Swimming in the pool also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The benefits are as follows. Water calms a person. This effect is achieved through a complex effect on the body. This includes light pleasant noise, splashing, massage, unloading of all joints, and physical activity. Therefore, after swimming a person is relaxed. It is often recommended to visit the swimming pool to cure insomnia. Thanks to this effect on the nervous system, people begin to feel much more cheerful, their attentiveness and ability to concentrate increase, and their overall emotional background improves.

As you know, swimming is great way hardening The body is regularly exposed to low temperatures, because the water in the pool is always cool. This forces you to actively move and disperse the blood. The body is also forced to adapt to changes in temperature and humidity levels. People who regularly visit the pool rarely suffer from acute respiratory infections and are practically not susceptible to weather influences or colds.

Beneficial effect on children

Swimming in the pool is recommended for all children and teenagers. The benefits for children will be simply enormous. Thanks to regular training, the baby will grow strong and strong. Water has a healing and hardening effect, so the child will practically not get sick. Thanks to swimming, all mental processes will return to normal. Parents of hyperactive children should consider swimming in the pool. The benefit for the child will be double: improvement and the opportunity to get rid of excess energy.

Water has a massage effect and relieves nervous tension and fatigue, which is very important for students. After bathing, they will feel invigorated and rested, while sound, healthy sleep is guaranteed. At school, it will be easier for the child to concentrate on the lesson and learn new material easier, because he will have the strength to do so.

There are great benefits of swimming in the pool and for the general physical development children. Their movements will be more coordinated, their muscles will be strong and strong, their body will be resilient. Another bonus that swimming gives is excellent posture and healthy back, which is especially important for modern children, most of whom have scoliosis.

How to swim to get the most benefits

For classes to have a positive effect, many features need to be taken into account. Firstly, you should decide on the frequency of water procedures and their direction. When choosing a swimming style, remember that:

  • If you have pain and discomfort in the spine, it is not recommended to swim butterfly. The fact is that this is one of the most difficult types of swimming. The body makes active and sudden movements. Unprepared or injured back may not be able to cope with the resulting load, and sudden jolts and jumping out of the water can aggravate the situation.

  • However, if the back is healthy and a person wants to lose weight, then attention should be paid to the butterfly. This is the most energy-intensive swimming style, which uses as many muscles as possible. In butterfly, you need to perform an energetic stroke with your arms, push with your legs, your back makes a wave-like movement, your body constantly “jumps” up and down. As a result, absolutely all muscle groups are worked out.
  • If you have problems with posture and back, it is best to swim breaststroke. This method minimizes the load on the spine, all movements are performed smoothly. Helps well in correcting scoliosis.
  • Swimming on your back is also very beneficial. The spine in this position straightens and rests. This style strengthens the entire body well.
  • The crawl can be used in combination with any of the selected swimming styles.


In some cases, swimming in the pool is prohibited. Benefit can turn into harm if a person has the following diseases:

  • ARI or ARVI in the acute stage.
  • Congenital heart defect.
  • Epilepsy or other diseases that cause seizures.
  • Any allergic reactions on the skin.
  • Hypertension.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Any skin diseases.

Rules of conduct in the pool and after it

  1. After swimming, you need to shower with hygiene products. They will wash away the chlorine used to disinfect the pool water and soften the skin.
  2. You should always wear a cap and swimming goggles - this will prevent chlorine from getting on your hair and eyes.
  3. You only need to go outside with a well-dried head. This will help you avoid colds, migraines, etc.
  4. Driving in the pool is on the right. Compliance with this rule will help avoid collisions.
  5. If a person is just learning to swim, then it is better not to swim deep.
  6. The floors in the showers and swimming pool are always wet and slippery, so there is no need to make sudden movements, otherwise you may fall.
  7. There are special places for diving.
  8. You cannot swim immediately after eating, you need to wait 2 hours. After bathing, warm drinks are useful: tea, cocoa, herbal infusions. They keep you warm.

Many people are impressed by the healing effect that swimming in the pool gives. The benefits (reviews from lovers of water procedures are the best confirmation of this) from such activities are undeniable. People emphasize that they feel much better, more energetic, have more energy, and have improved their mood.

An easy way to get some energy is to visit the pool. The pool is now a place for the treatment of many diseases. You can enjoy the pool and benefit your body all year round, even in severe frosts.

Benefits of a swimming pool

1. Swimming helps develop the muscle corset. A visit to the pool will keep your body toned and strengthen your joints. A swimming pool will be of great help to people with a sedentary lifestyle and spinal curvature. When swimming, beautiful posture is formed.

2. Visiting the pool is aerobic training , so it will save you from the consequences of excess calories. But women need to know that swimming in large “doses” will make your figure more masculine. When swimming, the muscles of the arms, hips and shoulders intensively develop. You can look at swimmers and understand what kind of figure you will have during a long swim. The optimal solution would be to go to the pool 2-3 times a week, swimming no more than 500 meters. This will only make your figure better.

3. The pool is in a simple way hardening Swimming has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to viruses.

4. Swimming in the pool has a good effect on the nervous system: improves sleep, relieves the effects of stress.

What diseases does the swimming pool treat?

1. Neuroses

Water relaxes and invigorates at the same time. All this leads to balance of the nervous system, regulates excitation and inhibition. Swimming (like other types of physical activity) helps combat stress. The pool treats children with hyperkinetic neuroses (tics), stuttering, and sleep disorders.

2. Joint diseases, osteochondrosis

For such diseases, not all physical activity is indicated. The swimming pool, as a soft activity, is a component of the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. When swimming, muscles clamped by spasms are relaxed, tissues around the joints are massaged, lymph flow is improved, cartilage tissue is healed, and the degree of swelling of the joints is reduced. And all this with minimal load on them.

3. Protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs

Swimming helps maintain normal physical condition of a person with a herniated disc without surgery. The pool can cure small protrusions (prehernias). But when a hernia already exists, regular swimming will help avoid symptoms of exacerbation - unbearable pain, disability, and stiffness of movement. This is facilitated by improved blood circulation and strengthening of the back muscles, which unload the damaged disc.

4. Paralysis

Swimming in the pool prevents strokes, and therefore paralysis.

With partial loss of movement, swimming and activity in the water will be a powerful means of rehabilitation and one of the few options for physical activity.

5. Recovery from injuries

Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries (bone fractures, spine fractures, meniscus tears, etc.) can also be effectively carried out in the pool. Swimming helps improve mobility after injury, reduces pain and allows muscles to recover.

6. Obesity, excess weight

Obesity today affects both adults and children around the world. Excess weight leads to enormous stress on the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Fortunately, treating obesity and combating overweight Possible in the pool: metabolism and blood circulation improve, excess calories and fat deposits are gradually burned.

7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Improving blood circulation, strengthening muscles and losing weight is a powerful prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, angina, and atherosclerosis. The pool also treats one of the strangest phenomena - neurocirculatory (vegetative-vascular) dystonia.

8. Bronchopulmonary non-infectious diseases, bronchial asthma

Chronic bronchitis, the consequences of long-term smoking, bronchial asthma - the pool has a therapeutic effect for all these diseases. This includes massage, drainage, and breathing exercises. If you have bronchial asthma of an allergic nature, you should be careful with chlorinated water.

9. Varicose veins

If from running, power loads, intensive fitness programs are recommended for persons with varicose veins to abstain, because excessive pressure and activity can aggravate the course of the disease, then the pool in this case is simply ideal. The horizontal position of the body when swimming leads to the outflow of blood from lower limbs, the load on the vessels is minimal. In water, veins relax and blood circulation improves.

10. Poor posture

This is especially true for children. By the time they graduate from school, 50% of children have poor posture.

Creation and strengthening muscle corset stops degenerative phenomena of the back muscles. At the same time, as already mentioned, with minimal load on the spine. Swimming is one of the the most effective ways make your posture correct, which means avoiding complications in the future.

How to avoid illnesses after visiting the pool? 5 Potential Threats

1. In winter, you can easily catch a cold when leaving the pool.

You can catch a cold if you neglect simple rules for your own safety: hurry to leave the pool without drying your hair, etc. To ensure that visiting the pool does not cause such unpleasant consequences, you do not need to immediately run outside. Firstly, in winter you need to be especially responsible about dry hair and body after a shower. Secondly, it is advisable to sit for a while in the lobby of the pool or cafe (if there is one). Only then, when your head is completely dry and you are warm, can you go outside. This kind of relaxation after the pool is both pleasant and useful in winter.

2. Skin damage from pool water cannot be avoided.

For the purpose of disinfection, the water in the pool is treated in 3 ways - ozonation, chlorination and ultraviolet. Ultraviolet radiation cannot affect the skin in any way. Ozonated and chlorinated water can only cause discomfort to skin prone to dryness and allergies. By the way, simple soap, air conditioning with a heater, and dry air in any room can lead to dryness and allergic reactions.

Negative consequences from contact with pool water can be completely avoided. You can try to swim so that less water gets on your face. This is only possible using the swimming technique without immersing your face in the water. However, most often you cannot avoid contact with water even if you protect yourself from it. Special silicone-based protective creams will come to the rescue, as well as nourishing creams and body milk after a session in the pool.

3. Immediately catch warts and fungus in the pool

This danger exists everywhere: in a bathhouse, sauna, on the beach, in the common shower of hostels and hotels. Infection occurs when personal hygiene rules are not followed. To protect yourself as much as possible, you need to choose a pool where all visitors are required to have a health certificate with tests. You should wear your own flip-flops when approaching the water, and also use them in the shower. For prevention, you can treat your feet and hands with tea tree essential oil.

4. You can easily become infected with sexually transmitted diseases when swimming in a pool.

Experts say that this route of infection is unlikely, although possible. When water is disinfected, pathogens die or are weakened. To protect yourself and your children, first, choose reputable pools. Secondly, strengthen your immune system. Thirdly, immediately after visiting the pool in the shower, carry out hygienic measures for the genitourinary organs, preferably with an antiseptic for washing (the same should be taken as a rule after swimming in reservoirs).

5. You can get scabies and lice.

It is possible if you do not use swimming caps and ignore hygiene with a washcloth in the shower after swimming in the pool.

1. You need to shower before and after the pool.

2. On the path, try to stick to right side(it's like traffic rules).

4. Swimming goggles are a good idea.

5. Wet floors are quite slippery, so move carefully and slowly both in the shower and around the pool.

6. You cannot jump into the water in unintended places. You can accidentally “land” on someone.

7. When you are swimming on your back, you need to make sure that there is no person swimming ahead. If you are not careful, you can get kicked in the head.

8. You cannot go to the pool immediately after eating - no earlier than 2 hours after eating. And having a light snack right after swimming (while your hair is “drying”) won’t hurt. After the pool it will be very good to drink herbal infusion or tea.

9. Many swimming pools offer one-time visits without requiring a medical certificate. It is these types of pools that are best avoided to prevent infections.

Much is known about the benefits of swimming; this sport strengthens the entire body. It is especially good to swim in the sea, as it can improve the condition of joints, bones, and improve immunity. Those who swim regularly do not have problems with the spine - they do not feel pain or stiffness. Water pushes the human body out and makes it weightless, thereby reducing the load on the joints.

Benefits for the back

Every day we have to be under the weight of our body, because of which the discs between the vertebrae are compressed and blood circulation is disrupted. Also, with age, the spine becomes less flexible.

When a person is immersed in water, his organs are freed and not compressed, while the back relaxes and the joints move freely. It is worth noting that there are many different swimming styles that help to use almost all muscles, train the spine, and achieve a beautiful and slender posture.

Experts say that swimming is:

  • Prevention of spinal hernia, osteochondrosis.
  • The best treatment for spinal curvature. To do this, you just need to choose your swimming style - on your back or on your stomach.
  • Relief for the body. Swimming gives you freedom.
  • Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state.
  • Prevention of vascular diseases.
  • Relaxation of the spine (a person practically loses his weight in water), which is why the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are not loaded.
  • Unloading for the spine. In the pool, the intervertebral discs relax and melt.

In addition, due to the fact that there is no compressive load, the joints work perfectly in different swimming styles. A person in water uses all his capabilities and develops them through constant movement.

By reducing the mobility of the joints, the health of the spine is restored; all movements are performed in water quite quickly.

Back muscle training

Swimming helps to train all muscles. Hiking useful topics, which make it possible to maintain balance, connect deep, internal muscles back, spine. Also, while swimming, a person improves ventilation. Even in old age, swimming can normalize the capacity of the pulmonary system. The main thing while swimming is to learn to breathe correctly - this is the main key to success. By doing this sport, you calm your nervous system, become more balanced, and can control your emotions.

Swimming styles for different back problems

  • Breaststroke. Loads are recommended for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and for older people.
  • On the stomach. With hyperkyphosis, severe stoop, this is one of the best views swimming, in this style the posture is corrected and the spine is straightened.
  • On the back. With this sport you can completely unload the spine. If you have serious spinal diseases, it is better to lie in this position.

Swimming with intervertebral hernia

This sport has a positive effect on the spine because it makes it possible to reduce the load on the back. Through water procedures, you can reduce pain, which is caused by compensatory spasm in the spinal muscles.

Going to the pool improves metabolic processes, restores blood supply, strengthens the back, and relieves it of excess tension.

Attention! For people with a hernia, a set of exercises is selected personal trainer. General swimming is prohibited.

Swimming on the back, crawl, and exercises for stretching the spinal column are most suitable for patients. Classes are best done under the supervision of an instructor; he will tell you how to swim correctly and what to avoid.

Be sure to visit the pool regularly - at least three times a week, one hour per workout will be enough. The water temperature must be at least 28 degrees.

Pool exercises for osteochondrosis

If you are sick, you must follow these rules:

  • Osteochondrosis can only be cured by swimming breaststroke on the back.
  • Do not use a soft water vest.
  • Those who cannot swim are allowed to use a circle or an inflatable cushion.

It is important to breathe correctly during therapeutic swimming. Also be sure to alternate them with rest. It is forbidden to constantly strain yourself.

Basic Rules

  • To be productive, you must use fins; with their help, you can increase water resistance.
  • Don't get too cold.
  • It is forbidden to engage in swimming with cuts, scratches, wounds, inflammation, infections - all this leads to unpleasant sensations that prevent the spine from completely relaxing.


You cannot swim in the pool:

  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections. For example, the ban concerns cystitis, because any hypothermia leads to serious consequences.
  • For a malignant tumor. A cancer patient should not physically strain.
  • For heart diseases: angina pectoris, rheumatism of the heart, heart failure.
  • For skin diseases: fungus, eczema, onychomycosis.
  • For eye infections - keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
  • With open form of tuberculosis.
  • For open wounds.

Thus, swimming is an effective, efficient method with which you can restore the musculoskeletal system. Some exercises are allowed to be performed by yourself, and some only under the supervision of an instructor, who will prepare a program in advance that is suitable for your diagnosis. The peculiarity of all procedures is that the muscles can be worked out perfectly, without being overloaded like on a simulator. The pool is suitable for the prevention of various injuries, such diseases as kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis. In addition, swimming is good for internal organs. Compared to other sports, it has few contraindications. Before you decide to exercise in the pool, consult your doctor!

Which is that regular workouts I have to stop for an indefinite period of time. The reason for this decision is the diagnosis of a chiropractor.

However, my back problems won't go away on their own, so I decided to inquire about a different kind of possibility. physical activity. The attending physician approved my initiative, which means I continue to stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle. ?

The benefits of swimming in a pool for the spine is the main topic that I plan to introduce you to today. Friends, visiting the water complex really has a positive effect on the body. Regular training is becoming especially important as a preventive measure for the back.

I'm sure most of you don't realize how beneficial swimming can be if you follow certain rules. The chosen technique is also of enormous importance. Actually, I suggest everything in order.

The beneficial effects of swimming on the human body

To interest Start-health visitors, I initially want to answer the most important question: What health benefits does swimming bring? Especially for you, I have prepared a voluminous list listing positive effect water procedures that:

  • Strengthens the muscle structures of the back and cervical region.
  • They stabilize the location of the intervertebral discs along the entire length of the central “axis” of the body.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Expand the space between the vertebrae.
  • Normalize the functioning of the respiratory tract.
  • Increases lung excursion.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Develop muscular frame shoulder and neck area.
  • Releases nerve fibers pinched by the vertebrae.
  • Restores the “working” amplitude of the joints.
  • Strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.
  • Displaced vertebrae are returned to their anatomically correct position.
  • Improves a person's emotional background.

It should be noted that therapeutic swimming is useful not only for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also for healthy visitors to the aquatic complex. No harm and the ability to train even with displaced spinal discs - the main advantages of this method.

An interesting fact from Start-health: “In water, a person’s body weight is about 2–3 kilograms, so swimming in a pool is an effective preventive measure for various disorders of the musculoskeletal system.”

In the 21st century, when modern medicine has introduced innovative equipment for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, doctors invariably recommend swimming for children and the elderly, men and women.

Regardless of gender and age, water procedures relieve stress from spinal column, unloading the central axis of the body and preventing curvature of posture.

In the fast pace of megacities, where a person has to spend quite a lot of time in uncomfortable positions (traffic jams, metro, queues, working at a computer), this technique is especially relevant. Before starting a course of water procedures, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the following set of rules:

The result of following simple rules and useful recommendations become – correct formation of posture, return of displaced discs to initial position, preventing the development of acute forms of osteochondrosis and reducing pain.

It is important to know: “Therapeutic swimming has a number of contraindications that cannot be neglected - a severe form of osteochondrosis; disruption of brain function; tendency to epilepsy and muscle spasms; presence of ARVI and influenza; cardiovascular diseases; dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin defects.”

We select a swimming style in accordance with the nature of the disease

In accordance with the doctor’s diagnosis, choose the optimal swimming style for yourself, with which you can correct the current situation and solve the problem that has arisen:

  • Stooping and hyperkyphosis. It is preferable to choose the technique of swimming on the stomach, because in the process of such movements the spinal column is extended backwards, which means that the posture is corrected.
  • Flattening of the thoracic curve of the spine. For identical reasons, use a technique in which you move on your back, preventing the “vital” column from moving backwards.
  • In old age and with little physical activity . Focus on the following swimming techniques - breaststroke on the back and crawl on the stomach, without bringing your arms forward.
  • For hernias and other severe forms of diseases. It is recommended to swim exclusively on your back, because this technique significantly reduces the load on the spinal region.
  • For osteochondrosis. Carry out exercises in water, the temperature of which is from 25 o to 30 o C, with an inflatable ring, a pillow or a large piece of ordinary foam plastic.

My recommendations will become indispensable for people who have been trying to incorrectly correct defects of the musculoskeletal system for a long time. For patients who have recently become aware of slipped discs or a herniated disc, it is recommended that they initially consult a qualified physician.

Friends, before making such a decision to train by swimming, I underwent a course of treatment from a chiropractor. It was the specialist who diagnosed my problem, and knowing the “enemy” by sight, I can find a way to deal with it. ?

Basics breathing exercises from Start-health: “Any swimming technique must be accompanied by correct breathing. Inhale slowly, filling your lungs with air as much as possible, and exhale quickly, without concentrating on such manipulation. This technique will allow you to increase the range of motion of the thoracic region of the spine, using the rib joints.”

If you don’t know how to swim, then don’t worry - auxiliary items have been invented especially for you to make the task easier for the athlete.

In good water complexes, there should undoubtedly be lifeguards on duty around the perimeter of the pool to prevent possible disaster. If you are eager, be sure to try yourself as a swimmer, convinced of the benefits of such training.

We are always open to dialogue, which means you can not only tell us about your methodology, but also ask for advice and introduce us to others interesting facts concerning healthy image life!

Bye everyone, friends! ?

We'll see you again very soon on the Start-health web pages! Take care of your health in advance!

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