Regulations for holding a volleyball sporting event. Regulations on holding volleyball competitions “Rosprofzhel Cup. Time and place of the competition


on holding volleyball tournaments among schoolchildren of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot” as part of the “School sports league»

1. General Provisions

1.1. Volleyball competitions among schoolchildren within the physical culture and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are the first stage of the preparation of the All-Russian sports games schoolchildren "Presidential Sports Games".

  1. Goals and objectives

2.1. School volleyball competitions among schoolchildren of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot” within the framework of the “School Sports League” project are held with the aim of attracting children to regular classes physical culture and sports, increasing their level of preparedness and sportsmanship.


  • propaganda healthy image life among schoolchildren;
  • implementation physical culture and sports in the daily life of schoolchildren;
  • attracting the broad masses of schoolchildren to active physical education and sports, a healthy lifestyle;
  • determination of the best teams of a general education institution.

3. Competition management

3.1. General management of the organization and conduct of competitions is carried out by the head of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.

3.2. The organization of refereeing is carried out by: the Main Panel of Judges from among those involved in this sport.

4. Time and place

4.1. Competitions are held within the volleyball sports club once a month, according to the games calendar. Sports hall of school No. 5 in Kursk

5. Participants

5.1. National teams of boys and girls, as well as mixed teams involved in this section, consisting of students from school No. 5 and belonging to the club, are allowed to participate in tournaments"Takeoff".

5.2. Team composition: 2 athletes.

  1. Deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the tournament.

6.1. An application for participation in the tournament is submitted by the team to the chief judge of the competition at least three days before the start of the tournament.

6.2. Teams that have entered in previous competitions do not apply to participate in the tournament; if the team composition changes, a re-application must be submitted.

7. Conditions of the competition.

7.1. Team competitions are held among boys and girls in accordance with the Official Rules beach volleyball with the exception of the provisions for FIVB World and Official competitions.

7.2. The team must have a uniform uniform with numbers.

7.3. Games are played in three games up to 11 points in two games and up to 7 points in the third game.

7.4. If there are 6 or more teams entered, the tournament is held according to the Olympic draw system; in the case of 5 teams or less, the games are held according to the round-robin system.

7.5. In all matches, teams receive 3 points for a win with a score of 2:0, 2 points for a win with a score of 2:1, 1 point for a loss with a score of 1:2, 0 points for a loss with a score of 0:2, and 0 points for a no-show. receive minus 1 point (in a round-robin system).

7.6. The places of the teams are determined by the highest number of points scored by the teams at the corresponding stage.

7.7. If two or more teams have equal points, places are determined by:

a) the ratio of goals in all matches;

b) the ratio of parties in all meetings;

c) the number of victories in meetings between them;

d) the ratio of parties in meetings between them;

e) the ratio of goals in meetings between them.

7.8. A team that does not show up for the game will be disqualified. If the game was stopped due to the undisciplined behavior of the volleyball players of one of the teams, then the offending team is credited with a defeat with a score of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). If the game was not completed due to the fault of both teams, then the defeat is credited to each of these commands, i.e. teams receive one point and the score in the games for both teams is 0:2 (0:15, 0:15). For the participation of an undeclared or disqualified player in the game, the team is credited with a loss of 0:2 (0:15, 0:15).

8. Awards

8.1. Teams of boys and girls who took 1st place are awarded the “winners” cup of the physical education and sports club “Vzlyot”.

I approve

Director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Beyskaya Secondary

secondary school- boarding school

IN AND. Timchenko

"___"___________ 2018


on holding volleyball competitions among grades 7–8 and 9–11 (boys and girls) at the Beysk secondary boarding school.

    Goals and objectives.

    competitions are held with the aim of widely popularizing volleyball at school;

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    identifying the strongest team;

    strengthening friendly ties between classes.

    Date and location.

Volleyball competitions among grades 7–8 and 9–11 (boys and girls) are held according to the schedule, in gym"Beyskaya secondary comprehensive boarding school."


Students from grades 7-8 and 9-11 take part in the competition.

The team consists of 6 players from each class (4 boys, 2 girls).

    Conditions of the competition.

Games are played on a round-robin basis. For a win you get 2 points, for a loss - 1 point, for a no-show - 0 points. In the event of a tie, the winner is determined by the greatest number of wins.

    Competition management.

General management and conduct of competitions is entrusted to physical education teachers

S.A. Evgrafov - chief judge of the competition;

    Winner's reward ceremony.

Teams that take prizes are awarded certificates.

7. Procedure and deadlines for submitting applications.

Applications for participation are submitted to the panel of judges before the start of the competition. The application indicates the surname, first name of the participant, class, year of birth, doctor’s visa, signature of the class teacher.

Responsibility for the preparedness of the participants and their safety rests with the class teachers.

physical culture S.A. Evgrafov


Executive Director

NGO RFSO "Lokomotiv"









1.1. These Regulations regulate issues related to the organization and holding of competitions “ROSPROFZHEL Cup” among railway workers Russian Federation volleyball (hereinafter referred to as the Cup) within the framework of the IX military sports forum “Ready for Labor and Defense”, based on current rules in the sport "volleyball".

1.2. The cup is mass sports event and is held in order to increase interest in volleyball and develop the sports skills of industry workers.

1.3. Main goals:

Involving railway transport workers and their family members in regular sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

Improving the forms of organization of mass sports and physical education and health work in the industry;

Popularization of volleyball among industry workers;

Improving skills and identifying the strongest volleyball industry workers.


The Cup is held in Moscow, on Red Square from May 30 to June 1, 2013.


General management of the preparation and holding of the Cup is carried out by the NGO RFSO “Lokomotiv”. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Organizing Committee of the NGO RFSO "Lokomotiv" and the Main Panel of Judges (GCJ), approved by the NGO RFSO "Lokomotiv".


4.1. Athletes who are members of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" are allowed to participate in the Cup if they have paid membership fees for 2013 in accordance with the register for joining the RFSO "Lokomotiv" (Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations), who are employees of its subsidiaries and dependent companies (SDCs) not born in 1994 and having labor Relations(work experience) in railway transport for at least 6 months on the day of the Cup.

The identity of the participants and their involvement in railway transport enterprises is confirmed by the documents submitted to the commission for admission to the competition.

4.2. The following are not allowed to participate in the Cup:

Professional athletes;

Athletes participating in Championships, Cups, Russian Championships and international competitions of various ranks during the last two years from the date of this Cup;

4.3. The national team representing the organization admitted to participate in the Cup must have a single sports uniform with printed game numbers.

4.4. The general composition of the delegation to participate in the Cup from each railway- 10 people:

Trainer (representative) – 1;

Athletes – 9.

4.5. Team representatives bear personal responsibility for compliance with the rules of conduct, sports and social discipline by participants and coaches during the Cup.


Cup program:

17.00 – 18.00 – Freight One: Moscow Railways

18.00 – 19.00 – TRC: FGK

17.00 – 18.00 – PGK: FGK

18.00 – 19.00 – shopping center: MZD

13.30 – 14.30 – Moscow Railway: FGK

14.30 – 15.30 – TRC: PGK.


6.1. Conditions:

Competitions are team competitions.

The team consists of 9 people, men and (or) women. The number of participants in the match is 6x6; each team is allowed a maximum of 6 substitutions in each game. Competitions are held in accordance with the current Volleyball Rules.

Competitions are held according to the group system in one round.

6.2. Summarizing:

The order of scoring: for a win of 2-0 - 3 points, for a win of 2-1 - 2 points, for a loss of 1-2 - 1 point, for a loss of 0-2 - 0 points. If you refuse to play or are late for the game, the team will be considered a loss – 0:2.

The winner of the match is the team that wins two games. If the score is equal 1-1, the decisive game (3rd) is played to 15 points with a minimum advantage of 2 points.

The main panel of judges has the right to make changes to the system of holding competitions and other issues of conducting competitions, agreed with representatives of the teams. If controversial issues arise at competitions, the decision is made by the Ground Jury.


Protests are considered by the Ground Jury (GJC).

7.1. A protest is filed against facts (actions or inactions) related to non-compliance with the Rules of the Game and (or) violating the Regulations for the conduct of competitions.

7.2. The following will not be accepted for consideration:

protests filed untimely;

protests not recorded in the match protocol;

protests on the quality of refereeing.

7.4. The team leader (coach) has the right to file a protest in writing within 30 minutes after the end of the match and is obliged to immediately notify the chief referee and deputy referee about this. The filing of a protest (its brief summary) is reflected in the match protocol.

7.5. A representative of the opposing team must be notified of the filing of a protest, and a corresponding entry is made in the match protocol.

7.7. If the procedure for filing a protest is followed and there are no grounds for leaving the protest without consideration, the GSJ considers the protest immediately from the moment all materials are received and makes a decision before the next calendar game of the teams. When considering a protest, the GSK has the right, at its discretion:

Invite interested parties to your meetings;

Make a decision without hearing interested parties, based on available documents and materials.

Based on the results of consideration of the protest, one of the following decisions may be made:

On refusal to satisfy the protest;

On satisfying the protest, canceling the result of the match and the classification of one of the teams participating in the match, a technical defeat with a score of 0:2.

The decision based on the results of consideration of the protest must contain the grounds on which it was made.

The decision based on the results of the consideration of the protest comes into force immediately and is brought to the attention of the teams that took part in the match.

Complaints against decisions of the State Judicial Committee made based on the results of consideration of protests are not accepted or considered.

7.8. The officials who filed the protest are responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of the information contained in the protest. In cases where the protest contains false, distorted information, and also if a record of filing a protest is made in the match protocol, but no further measures have been taken to provide materials, then the State Committee may apply football team and persons who filed a protest are subject to disciplinary sanctions.

7.9. Depending on the number of teams arriving at the competition, the Main Jury has the right to make changes to the competition system and other issues of the competition, agreed with the team representatives.

If controversial issues arise at competitions, the decision is made by the Ground Jury.


8.1. The team that takes 1st place is awarded the Cup, and the members of this team are awarded medals.

8.2. Teams that take 2nd and 3rd places are awarded commemorative plates, and members of these teams are awarded medals.


Financial expenses for organizing and holding the Cup are borne by the organizing organizations - RFSO Lokomotiv, Rosprofzhel. Expenses for food and travel are covered by funds from sending organizations.


In order to ensure the safety of spectators and participants, competitions are allowed to be held at sports facilities accepted for operation by state commissions, subject to the availability of certificates of the technical condition of the structure in terms of readiness for holding events.

It is prohibited to conduct sports competitions in difficult weather conditions, in the absence of medical personnel and without ambulance transport.


Participation in the Cup is carried out only if there is an agreement (original) on insurance: accidents, life and health, which is provided to the credentials committee for each participant in the Cup.

Insurance of Cup participants can be carried out both at the expense of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


12.1. Confirmation and preliminary applications for participation in the Cup are sent to the PO RFSO "Lokomotiv" by e-mail:

Kraev Viktor Nikolaevich (PO RFSO “Lokomotiv”), chairman of the commission for admission of participants – *****@***org;

12.2. A registered application (Appendix to these Regulations) in 2 copies, approved by the head (deputy head) of the organization, is submitted to the commission for the admission of participants at the venue of the Cup.

12.3. The team representative submits the following documents to the admissions committee:

Personalized application (2 copies);

Passport (original and copy);

Railway transport worker ID (original and copy);

A certificate from the place of employment, indicating the period of work, certified by the seal of the HR department;

NGO "RFSO "Lokomotiv"


to the Regulations on conducting

volleyball competition



For team participation ________________________________________________

in the volleyball competition “ROSPROFZHEL Cup”









Place of work,

job title

Competitors are required to independently monitor their health and bear personal responsibility for its condition during matches.

__________________ people are allowed to compete.

Head of the organization _______________ Full name


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