Regulations on the chess and checkers tournament. Position. On holding All-Russian personal and team chess competitions among students living in rural areas


Minister of Education and Science

Astrakhan region

V.A. Gutman

" " ____________ 2014


Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Astrakhan Region

O.V. Dementyev

" " ____________ 2014

I approve

The president

AROO "Astrakhan Chess Federation"

A.A. Evdokimov

" " ____________ 2014


Regulations on holding

chess competition among general education competitions

Astrakhan region

"Chess school"


Astrakhan, 2014

I. Purposes of the competition

Chess competitions among teams of general education organizations (hereinafter referred to as competitions) are held for the following purposes:

Promoting a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation;

Attracting interested schoolchildren to take up chess, for many of whom the first chess tournament will be a big event;

Further popularization of chess among children and teenagers;

Stimulating the pedagogical activities of managers and teachers;

Stimulating the activities of secondary schools to improve extracurricular activities;

Creation of a unified system of chess competitions among teams of educational institutions.

II. Venue and dates

The competition is held in three stages. Stage IV and V of the project is the final program for the winning team of the competition.

Stage I of the competition - school qualifying competitions. To identify the strongest chess athletes among students in general education organizations and create a national chess team from their participants. Identification of the strongest athletes (born 1997 and younger) in chess among students in general education organizations through qualifying competitions and the creation of a national team. Three intra-school competitions are expected to be held: among students primary classes(boys and girls together), among girls/girls, among boys/young men. Duration: October 2014 - January 2015

Stage II of the competition - regional qualifying competitions (teams of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, formed on the basis of the results of school qualifying competitions, participate). Duration: February-April 2015. The exact dates and venues for the II stage of the competition in a particular municipality are established by the Astrakhan Chess Federation in agreement with the municipal authorities.

Stage III of the competition - final competition (the winning teams of the qualifying competitions of stage II, representing various municipalities of the Astrakhan region, participate). Deadline: April-May 2015. The exact dates for the III stage of the competition are established by the Astrakhan Chess Federation in agreement with regional authorities.

Stage IV of the project is a training camp for the strongest school team - the winning team of regional competitions. In addition, the most distinguished young chess players in the individual competition in stage II-III competitions are invited to the training camp.

Duration: May-June 2015

Stage V of the project is a match between the winning team of regional competitions and the strongest school team from one of the neighboring regions.

Duration: May-June 2015

III. Competition organizers

The general management of the organization of competitions is carried out by the AROO "Astrakhan Chess Federation". The direct conduct of stage I competitions is entrusted to employees of educational institutions.

The conduct of the II and III stages of the competition is entrusted to the panel of judges approved by the Astrakhan Chess Federation. Stage II competitions are held jointly with municipal authorities responsible for the development of sports and education in the municipality. Stage III competitions are held jointly with the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Astrakhan Region, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan Region.

IV.Requirements for participants and conditions of admission

General educational institutions located in the Astrakhan region are allowed to participate in the project if they have submitted official applications for participation in the project before December 1, 2014. 30 educational institutions are planned to participate in the project. In case of submission of a larger number of applications, the possibility of participation of additional institutions is determined by the Presidium of the Astrakhan Chess Federation.

Submission of an application by a general education institution indicates consent to conduct 3 intra-school competitions (stage I) in accordance with this Regulation and the participation of the team formed on the basis of stage I in the competitions of the next stage.

Chess players born in 1997 are allowed to participate in the competition. and younger, studying in general educational institutions and having a doctor’s clearance.

In the II/III stage of the competition, 20 people from each team participate, including at least 5 girls and at least 7 people studying in primary school, who were selected within one general education organization at stage I and representing it as a team. It is allowed to form half of the team without participating in intra-school competitions (from children who have ranks and certain results in tournaments).

Teams from children's and youth sports schools and district teams are not allowed to participate in the Competition at all stages. In case of violation of the order of completing teams at all stages of the competition, the team that violated these Regulations will be disqualified.

V.Ensuring the safety of spectators and competition participants

Physical education and sports events are held at sports facilities that meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts in force in the territory Russian Federation and the Astrakhan region and aimed at ensuring appropriate order and safety of participants and spectators, as well as subject to the availability of certificates of readiness of a physical education or sports facility for competitions and approved in the prescribed manner. By Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region of May 31, 2013. No. 194-P “On ensuring public order and public safety during official physical education and sports events at sports facilities in the Astrakhan region”;

VI.Applications for participation in competitions

To participate in the project, you must submit an application in the prescribed form to the Astrakhan Chess Federation. Upon completion of the competitions of the first stage, it is necessary to send the reporting documentation in electronic and paper form: report (Appendix No. 5) and certified tables.

To participate in stage II and III competitions, you must provide upon arrival at the tournament the original application for participation, certified by a doctor and the head of the educational institution (Appendix No.).

Applications are submitted in electronic form to e-mail: proekt@, originals to the postal address: AROO "Astrakhan Chess Federation", 414056, Astrakhan, st. Tatishcheva, 43 b, office No. 3.

VII.Competition system

The tournament system is determined by the panel of judges, based on the number of participants. Time control - 15-30 minutes for each participant at stages II, III (determined by the panel of judges based on the number of participating teams), at stage I it is possible to hold competitions with a different time control (including without a clock). Competitions are held according to the rules of the sport “chess”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 23, 2013 “On approval of the rules of the sport “chess”.

Seating on the boards at stages II-III is carried out according to the categories: 13 boys, 5 girls, 7 people studying in primary classes. Girls have the right to play on the boys' board, primary school students have the right to take part on a higher board, boys do not have the right to play on the girls' board.

VIII.Determination of the winners

Winning teams and medalists of the competition are determined by the total number of points scored by all team players in all matches. In case of equality of points, places are determined in descending order of importance: by the greatest number of team points (winning a match - 2 points, drawing a match - 1 point); if team points are equal - based on the result of the match; according to the team Buchholz coefficient. If the above indicators are equal, the advantage goes to the team whose player on the 1st board scored more points.

If the players score the same number of points, the results on the 2nd board are compared, then on the 3rd, then on the 4th, etc.VIX.


AROO "Astrakhan Chess Federation" bears the costs of awarding participants:

The winners of the three competitions of the first stage are awarded medals and certificates. The winners of the 1st stage competition among primary school students, girls and boys are awarded a cup.

Participants of the winning teams of the II stage competitions are awarded medals and certificates (20 people in each team). The winning teams are awarded a cup. The winning team of the stage II competition receives the right to take part in the final competition.

Members of the winning team receive the right to take part in the training camp. In addition to the members of the winning team, the most distinguished young chess players in the individual competition in stage II-III competitions are invited to participate in the training camp. The winning team of regional competitions receives the right to participate in a match with the strongest school team from one of the neighboring regions.

X.Inventory allocation

As part of the project, the Astrakhan Chess Federation is purchasing 140 sets of chess pieces, 140 sets of vinyl boards, 30 chess clocks. Equipment is allocated to a chess representative (member of the Federation, coach-teacher) for the purpose of conducting chess classes and organizing chess competitions. Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2014. Important conditions for submitting an application are not only the mandatory participation of a general education institution in the project, but also the planned holding of regular chess classes and chess competitions both within the framework of the project and after its completion.

The decision on the distribution of equipment is made by the Presidium of the Astrakhan Chess Federation based on received applications.


AROO "Astrakhan Chess Federation" bears the costs (according to the competition for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the Astrakhan region to socially oriented non-profit organizations for the implementation of projects in the areas of: development of physical culture and sports, promotion of a healthy lifestyle) for awarding participants of stages I, II, III (cups , medals, certificates, valuable gifts), purchase of equipment, compensation for meals for judges of stages II, III, payment of the person responsible for the project, holding a training camp and a match between the winning team and chess players from another region.

Transportation costs, travel of participants at the expense of sending organizations.

XII. ANDinformation support

Information support for the project is provided by the website

Annex 1

Application for participation inProject "Chess School"

from ______________________________ __________________________________

(general education institution) (municipal education)

This application confirms _________________________’s desire to take part in the “Chess School” Project. In total, _____________________ people study at the general education institution. At the time of application, chess classes are ongoing, are not maintained. In the previous academic year chess classes were conducted, were not carried out.

Responsible for the implementation of the stage I project: identification of the strongest chess players of a general education institution among boys, girls and primary school students; as well as the formation of a national team and its participation in stage II competitions is appointed ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Full name) (position) (contact phone number)

Approximate dates for stage I competitions: ___________________

For stage I competitions, please provide cups, medals, and certificates.

Upon completion of the competition, we undertake to provide a report in the established form in paper and electronic form.

Head of a general education organization _______ (_________________)

(signature) (Last name, I.O.)

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about the chess tournament

among the participants of the Children's social movement "Youth"

The purpose of the Chess Tournament(hereinafter referred to as the tournament) is the formation of schoolchildren Udmurt Republic mass interest in systematic studies chess.

Main goals:

    • Popularization of chess among schoolchildren;
    • Improving the skills of young chess players;
    • Development of intellectual abilities and logical thinking of children.

1. Tournament organizers

General management is entrusted to the Youth Children's Educational Institution. Direct implementation on the ground is entrusted to the curators of cities and districts with the involvement of physical education teachers and coaches.

2.Tournament participants

Competitions are held among 9, 10, 11 grades, participants of the Youth Children's Educational Institution.

3. Dates and venue

The tournament is held in 3 stages:

Stage 1 - school. October 2018

Stage 2 – city ​​(district). November 2018

Location: educational institutions, Children's creativity centers, chess clubs in cities/districts, etc.

At this stage, the winners in the individual competition in each parallel, who took 1st place, emerge.

Stage 3- Republican. December 2018 The dates and location of the third stage will be announced additionally.

4.Tournament rules

To form a team at stages 1 and 2, personal tournaments by parallels to identify the strongest chess players.

Winners of city/district competitions are invited to the republican stage in the individual competition, from each city/district, 1 winning representative from grades 9, 10, 11.

The Republican stage is held according to the FIDE Rules. Time control: 15 minutes per game. The tournament system is determined by the panel of judges before the start of the tournament, depending on the number of participants.

Participants must have a medical certificate of admission to the tournament, as well as a participant’s certificate of the Youth Youth Children’s Society.

Submit an application for participation before December 3, 2018 indicating the student’s full name, year of birth, city/district, school, class at the address: Izhevsk, st. Kirova, 17, Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity, office. 106, by fax 43-32-69 or ate-mail:[email protected]

5. Tournament judges

The composition of the panel of judges is determined by the Organizing Council, their tasks are:

Holding the tournament;

Making decisions about rewarding tournament participants.

The judges' decision cannot be appealed!

6. Summing up

Points to classes for participation in a personal tournament are credited according to “ General Regulations about summing up the results among the participants of the Youth Children's Educational Institution. The Board of Trustees establishes certificates for participants in the city/district stages.

The winners who took I, II, III place in each parallel at the republican level are awarded with diplomas.


about the First Library chess tournament

in memory of Alexander Alyokhin among first-year students

Educational Division No. 2

GBPOU "College of Communications No. 54" of the city of Moscow named after. P.M. Vostrukhina


-​ the development of chess as an intellectual and rapidly developing sport;

- involving students in sports life college and region;

-​ popularization of chess among students;

-​ determination of the winners and prize-winners of the chess tournament among first-year students of the Educational Unit No. 2 of the GBPOU “College of Communications No. 54” of the city of Moscow. P.M. Vostrukhin.


The chess tournament will take placec December 07 to December 23, 2015. The competitions are held at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “College of Communications No. 54” in Moscow named after. P.M. Vostruhina OP-2 at the address: st. Rechnikov 28. Competition starts at 12.30.


The initiator and organizer of the chess tournament is the Library and Information Center of OP-2 GBPOU “College of Communications No. 54” of the city of Moscow named after. P.M. Vostrukhin.

During the period of the tournament, an Organizing Committee is created, which is entrusted with the responsibility for organizing, preparing and conducting the competition. Direct organization is carried out by a panel of judges. The panel of judges includes: a judge and a secretary, who are approved by the Organizing Committee.

Composition of the panel of judges: judge - librarian Ligai O.A., secretary - academic secretary. parts of Barabanov I.A.


Students of the first year groups OP-2 are allowed to participate in the tournament. The number of students speaking for one group is not limited.

The tournament results will be summed up in the general category. If the number of participants is less than 16, the participants are matched according to the Olympic system - with elimination in case of loss; otherwise, first group play-offs are held with access to the Olympic system.

Time control – 15 minutes per game for each participant.


Applications for participation in the tournament are accepted until December 07, 2015 in the library OP-2

In the application, indicate the group, full name. player, date of birth (day, month, year), sports category (if any).


The winners' places are determined according to the Olympic system.


The purchase of certificates and prizes is carried out from the personal budget of the librarian OP-2.


The winners and prize-winners of the chess tournament will be awarded diplomas of appropriate degrees and memorable prizes.


Ligay Olga Alekseevna librarian OP-2

Applications can be submitted in person or by email.

on holding the Moscow Chess Championship 2018 (semi-final)
among boys and girls under 11, 13 years old, boys under 15 years old.

(Sports discipline code number 0880012811Я)

- Selection of the strongest to participate in the finals of the Moscow Chess Championship 2018 among boys and girls under 11, 13 years old, boys under 15 years old.
- Further popularization and development of children's chess in Moscow;
- Improving the skills of young chess players.

The general management of the competition is carried out by: Public organization - the Moscow Chess Federation (hereinafter referred to as SHFM) and Moskomsport.
The actual conduct of the competition is entrusted to local panels of judges. Main judges:
SSHOR No. 54 - Perevertkin V.V. SVK
RGSU - Akhmetov A.Z. SVK
Chess club named after. T.V. Petrosyan - Reshetnikov E.A. SVK
School of Anatoly Karpov - Plotnikov P.A. SVK
Palace - Fokin S.S. SVK
“The Thinker” Butovo - Volkova E.I. SVK

The competition is held in accordance with the Rules of the sport “chess”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 654 dated July 17, 2017, as amended by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 1087 dated December 19, 2017 and not contradicting the FIDE Rules of the Game of Chess. The behavior of participants is regulated by the current Regulations “On sports sanctions in the sport of chess” and in accordance with the requirements of the current Regulations on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions in chess.
Tournaments are held with the calculation of the Russian rating.
Semi-final competitions are held in the following age categories:
Boys and girls under 11 years old (born in 2009 and younger), boys and girls under 13 years old (born in 2007-2008), boys under 15 years old (born in 2005-2006).
In the age group up to 15 years (girls), up to 17 years (boys and girls), up to 19 years (boys and girls), only final competitions are held.
The semi-final competitions are held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds using the Swissmanager computer draw.
Time control: 50 minutes +10 sec. on the go.
Late arrivals for tours are permitted no more than 30 minutes. A participant who is late for the round by more than 30 minutes, or who does not show up at all, receives a “minus”, while his opponent receives a “plus”.
In case of failure to appear for a round without a valid reason, the athlete is excluded from the tournament and from the draw.

Brief information on the semi-finals:

Group Yu-15:
1. Sh/kl. T. Petrosyan (Bolshaya Dmitrovka str. 11 building 2), Teatralnaya metro station,
Okhotny Ryad - October 6, 7, 13 and 14: from 16.00. Pre-registration by e-mail is required: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 6 from 15.00 to 15.45

Group M-13. There are 4 semi-finals:
Confirmation of participation on October 19 from 16.15 to 16.45
2. MTSSHO RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected].

3. SSHOR No. 54 (Perovo) (Federative Ave., 37b), Novogireevo metro station - October 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 15.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]

4. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 4th from 11.15 to 11.45

Group D-13. 1 semi-final is held:
1. School named after. A. Karpova (Khoroshevskoye highway 1), Begovaya metro station - October 19, 20 and 21: on the 19th from 17.00, other days from 11.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 19 from 16.15 to 16.45;

Group M-11. There are 6 semi-finals:
1. SSHOR No. 54 (Perovo) (Federative Ave., 37b), Novogireevo metro station - October 20, 21, 27 and 28 from 15.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 20 from 14.15 to 14.45;
2. Sh/kl. them. T. Petrosyan (Bolshaya Dmitrovka str. 11 building 2), Teatralnaya metro station, Okhotny Ryad - October 20, 21, 27 and 28. from 16.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 20 from 15.00 to 15.45;
3. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]

4. School named after. A. Karpova (Khoroshevskoe highway 1), Begovaya metro station - October 12, 13 and 14. 12 Oct. (Friday) from 17.00, weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 12 from 16.15 to 16.45.
5. MTSSHO RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 25 from 15.00 to 15.45;
6. “The Thinker” (Butovo, Polyany St., 53) metro station Admiral Ushakov Boulevard - October 20, 21, 27: from 10.00. Pre-registration is required on the website link
Confirmation of participation October 20 from 9.30 to 9.55

Group D-11. There are 2 semi-finals:
1. School named after. M. Botvinnik (Palace) (Kosygina St., 17, building 8), metro station Leninsky Prospekt, Vorobyovy Gory - October 4, 5, 6 and 7: from 12.00. Pre-registration is required by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation on October 4th from 11.15 to 11.45;
2. MSHSHO RGSU (V. Pika St., 4, building 3, room 300), metro Botanical Garden - October 25, 26, 27, 28: on weekdays from 16.00, on weekends from 11.00. Pre-registration by e-mail: [email protected]
Confirmation of participation October 25 from 15.00 to 15.45
Be careful!
The organizers reserve the right to limit the number of participants. Once the required number of participants has been reached, those who did not have time will be asked to choose another tournament.

Athletes who have citizenship of the Russian Federation, reside in Moscow (with permanent or temporary registration), or who belong to a physical culture and sports organization or educational organization operating in the field are allowed to participate in the competition. physical culture and sports on the territory of the city of Moscow.
Table of admissions to semi-finals and finals:










Year of birth

200 9 and younger

2009 and younger

200 7 -2008

200 7 -2008

200 5 -2006

200 5 -200 6

200 3 -200 4

200 3 -2004


no selection

no selection

no selection


Under 19 years old: born 2001-2002 Finals: U-19 rating 1700 and above, D-19 rating 1450 and above, no semi-finals.
Admission to the semi-finals and finals in Moscow will be based on the RCF rating list on September 1 or October 1, 2018.
Participation in the semi-finals and finals of Moscow is possible only in one age group.

Only children participating in the selection are allowed into the semi-finals. Participation in tournaments outside of competition for training purposes is not permitted. Thus, girls wishing to play in the semi-finals of boys or boys younger age Those wishing to play among the seniors are allowed into the relevant semi-finals only if they have a written statement of refusal to participate in their final group and a request to be included in the selection among the seniors or among boys (for girls). By all age groups You can participate in the selection only in one semi-final.
Athletes who took part in the championship of the Moscow region or in any other qualifying stage competitions of the Russian Championship, semi-finals and finals of the Moscow Championship are not allowed.
To register, you must send an application to the organizers' e-mail, scans of the receipt for payment of the tournament fee and a birth certificate.
A participant is allowed to compete only upon presentation of a receipt for payment of the tournament fee upon registration at the venue.
The tournament fee for the semi-finals is 2000 rubles, for admission to the Duke and Duma Club - 3000 rubles.
If you refuse to participate in the tournament without a good reason, your fees will not be refunded.
The registration fee (in rubles) is transferred to the current account of the Chess at School Foundation, details: Recipient of the payment: Chess at School Foundation
INN 7720317950 KPP 772001001 BIC 044525593
Account number 40703810801300000136 in Alfa Bank JSC, Moscow Account number 30101810200000000593
Name of payment: Tournament fee for statutory activities (PMP - 2018).
Download the receipt.

Places in the semi-final competitions are determined by the highest number of points scored. In case of equality of points, places are distributed according to additional indicators:
- according to the Buchholz coefficient;
- according to the truncated Buchholz coefficient (without one worst result);
- by the number of victories;
- based on the result of a personal meeting.

Participants who score 5 points or more are admitted to the finals of the Moscow Championship.

The winners and prize-winners of the semi-finals are awarded diplomas, medals and cash prizes. Cash prizes will be awarded by transferring them to the recipient's bank account.

An open chess tournament is held for the following purposes:
 improving the skills of Moscow athletes,
 popularization of chess among Muscovites.

General management of the preparation and conduct of competitions is carried out public organization- Moscow Chess Federation. The actual conduct of the competition is entrusted to the Main Jury.

1. Tournament “A” for chess players born in 2003 and younger with a Moscow rating from 1151 to 1350
2. Tournament “B” for chess players born in 2005. and younger with a Moscow rating from 0 to 1150.
Admission to participation in tournaments is carried out according to the latest July Moscow rating list of 2016. Participation in tournaments is strictly based on ratings.
The competitions are held in the premises of the Central House of Culture of Railway Workers located at Komsomolskaya Square, 4 (central entrance).
Registration for the tournament is from 12.00 to 12.50. The event starts at 13.00, the event ends approximately at 16.00.

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