Regulations for competitions among students, an educational and methodological manual on physical education on the topic. Organization and forms of sports events as a means of mass involvement of all segments of the population in systematic physical education and sports Promote

Mass sports events are one of the areas of work of the state and all its institutions to form a physically developed person, educate the citizens of the country healthy image life, instilling a love for sports from an early age. This is one of the tasks of the state.

As part of this work, various programs are being created, including the implementation of the GTO complex, and development projects professional sports; are developed according to calendar plans different kinds and forms of sports and recreational and cultural sports and cultural mass events, holidays, festivals.

All of them are used to solve different problems. Some are accessible to the public and free to participate at any age - they are organized by physical education committees at the district, district, and city levels. Others are implemented in sports clubs and sections. In any club, in addition to training, you can work on organizing mass sports events with the involvement of club members, their friends and families. These could be projects of large sports brands, organized for youth or amateur athletes of any age, programs to overcome their capabilities. The whole point of such projects is to get as many people as possible involved in sports and to develop a mass passion for sports. It is not necessary to practice professionally and achieve records at the world level; it can be at the amateur level or simply attend health training such as yoga or mass fitness exercises.

For professional and competent implementation, it is impossible not to take into account specific features:

  • The format of the event can be a competition in one sport, a sports day in several sports, sports and entertainment programs such as “fun starts”, a comprehensive program of physical education and sports format.
  • The procedure for conducting and developing the regulations of the competition. We determine the number of participants, the rules of playing a particular sport, whether it will be a competition for children, or whether each age of participants will have its own set of physical education games and exercises.
  • Venue. Suitable for large sports events as multifunctional sport complexes, football fields or ice palaces, as well as large urban areas, open areas of parks, where you can build up the space with any mobile platforms. An unusual competition location, be it an airfield field or natural forests for an obstacle course, will attract even the most demanding participant.
  • Providing physical education and sports competitions. The selection of inventory, equipment, and sports equipment for each sport from the program is not the least important in preparing the holiday. It is necessary to purchase a quality product that is certified according to standards so that it meets the level of competition and does not lead to injuries. Any participant will also be pleased to receive not only prizes, but also souvenirs with the festival logo. Don’t forget about the refereeing corps - a qualified refereeing specialist from sports federations will be able to competently monitor compliance with the rules of the games by each participant. The higher the level of judges, the better quality your event will be and the fewer complaints against the organizers.
  • Security and safety. In modern conditions, when this issue is given special importance, it is necessary to develop special safety regulations at the venue so that all competition participants, judges, and spectators feel protected. The private security company responsible for these issues and hired by the organizers must be licensed and have experience serving mass events with a large number of guests. For each employee, instructions are developed for access to the facility and specific actions in the event of force majeure situations.

All work on the implementation of physical culture and mass work usually falls on the committees on physical culture and sports of federal and local significance. However, part of the work to support people’s activity in sports from childhood can be taken on by physical education teachers who implement special after-school programs. These could be special holidays “Health Day”, “Pep”, inter-district football or hockey tournaments, competitions in team and individual sports, family relay races. Such work instills in children and adolescents the desire to engage in sports throughout their lives, stimulates them to achieve results and overcome their capabilities. Sport instills in a person perseverance, patience, physical endurance, which leads to the formation of an active position in life, discipline, strength and courage, makes warriors out of people.

The program of mass sports festivals in Moscow is extensive and you can easily choose a holiday for your participation to suit your taste, taking into account your level physical fitness. Even for beginners, there is always the opportunity to prove themselves during training sessions and celebrations on the city streets. And if you live where the state is not in a hurry to do something for ordinary city residents, become those who do it for everyone. And we will be happy to help you!

Play sports!

Danilova Evgenia

Sports project manager at STYLE PROJECT


    Features of SMM techniques.

    Days of sports and health.

    Sports holiday.

    Sports festival.


    Trains of health.

1. Participation of the population in multi-stage and one-time sports, mass and recreational health activities is considered as one of the effective forms of increasing DA, improving and maintaining sufficient high level functional indicators of the body.*

Periodic participation in multi-stage and one-time mass sports and recreational and health events has a stimulating effect on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and searching for reserves in DA.

However, it should be emphasized that these events must be organized and carried out methodically correctly, because in them the competitive method is dominant, which, in turn, requires a person to show maximum effort. Failure to comply with methodological requirements can cause harm to a person. Most often this happens when unprepared people are involved in such events. Competitions are often accompanied by emotional tension, as the players strive not to lose, to win, etc. And if the correct methodology for conducting one-time named events is neglected, then the tendency to “win at any cost” will become prevalent. In such cases, physical activity will be excessive and will have a negative effect on the body. In this regard, the methodology for organizing and conducting any mass sports and recreational health event begins with determining the expected physical activity, taking into account the age, gender and level of physical fitness of the participants. All this is taken into account when developing the provisions (program, scenario) of a particular event.

One-time mass sports and recreational health events include: sports and health days, sports festivals, sports festivals, mass runs, health trains, etc.

2. Sports and health days

Among the popular sports and recreational health events that have received recognition are sports days and health days.

Sports days - swimmer's day, runner's day, skier's day, etc. are a review of achievements in mass involvement of the population in active participation in their chosen sport. Athletes of all ages take part in sports days. Sports days opened the way to sports for many schoolchildren. Subsequently they became famous athletes.

Days for runners are the most popular.

Swimmer's days are also of great social and health significance. They are preceded by teaching those who cannot swim.

The leaders of swimming federations, administrations of beaches, tourist centers, holiday homes, swimming pools, health camps are carefully preparing for the swimmer's day.

On this day, competitions, water sports festivals, demonstration performances, mass swims, and training for beginners are organized.

Sports days have become real holidays. This is, for example, what a water festival at a health camp looks like. His program consists of two parts. The first is competitive, the second is entertaining. The competitive part includes 25m swims in a manner accessible to the children. 8x25 m relay races, water games. The entertainment part includes figure swimming, demonstration performances, etc.

No less exciting days of health. They are successfully carried out in universities, schools, health camps and etc.

The experience of holding a health day at the Vostok health camp on the Braslav Lakes is instructive. They have been preparing for it since the first days. An organizing committee is being created.

They approve the date and scenario. The basis of the content of all work in preparation for Health Day is the general camp sports games “Starts of Hope”, the program of which includes the following types of competitions: athletics quadathlon (30 m and 60 m running, long jump, ball throwing), track and field cross-country, shooting air rifle, gymnastics (pull-ups, rope climbing, mass gymnastic performances), swimming, chess, table tennis, football, outdoor games.

The preparatory period is associated with the upcoming health day.

The life of the units takes the form of a game called “Health”, the final of which is a large theatrical celebration.

At the beginning of the shift at the morning assembly, “Doctor Aibolit” (one of the counselors) raises the game flag (it depicts a red cross and a runner).

A doctor, a nurse, a physical education instructor, a senior teacher, and teachers conduct conversations in groups on the topics: “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!”, “Being friends with sports means being healthy!”, “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” , “Sport will help us increase our strength!”, “Cleanliness is the key to health!” and etc.

The conversations are accompanied by the screening of filmstrips: “Ten minutes of exercise”, “The difficult ABC of health”, “Perpetual motion”, “The amazing world of movements”, “Hardening the body”, etc.

Each squad receives a task to prepare for the final game.

On the day of the grand opening of the game, the competitions “Cleanliness, Beauty and Comfort”, “Everything in a Person Should Be Beautiful”, “When I Eat...”, “Forest Pharmacy” start.

The guys compete for the cleanest and most comfortable bedroom, the territory of the squad line, and the sports ground assigned to the squads.

The camp canteen becomes the setting for the competition “When I see, I am deaf and dumb.”

According to the terms of the Forest Pharmacy competition, each squad strives to collect as many medicinal herbs as possible. The winner receives one point for each kilogram. The places of the squads in each competition and competition are determined by the highest number of points, and the overall place in the game is determined by the smallest sum of places taken.

All camp clubs are involved in preparations for the health holiday.

Members of the drawing circle, for example, design the venues for competitions and contests. Members of the music circle select songs and dances for the festive concert. Young photographers design a photo stand, a photo newspaper entitled “And shame on unclean chimney sweeps!”

The Soft Toy circle prepares prizes and souvenirs.

The physical education instructor, with the participation of children from the senior squad, prepares sports equipment, competition sites, etc.

The parade is opened by guys from the 5th detachment. They are holding a banner with the text: “Vitamins are life.” In their hands they have tablets with the names of vitamins, various foods drawn on paper that contain certain vitamins.

Above the 4th detachment is a banner with the inscription: “Nature is man’s friend” and drawings depicting trees, animals, flowers, etc.

In front and on the sides of the 3rd detachment are banners with various inscriptions: “Hygiene is health!”, “Cleanliness is the key to health!”, “Being friends with hygiene means being healthy, living long!” In the children's hands are large towels, toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, basins and other personal and public hygiene items made of paper, cardboard, plywood, foam plastic and cloth.

Above the 2nd detachment, posters with the inscriptions appear in turn: “Sun”, “Air”, “Water”. When the “sun” appears, small round mirrors “light up” in the hands of all the children, releasing sunbeams. When “air” appears, the guys wave rags of blue material. When “water” appears, jets of water released from shampoo cans fly in different directions. After this, the guys chant: “Our true friends!”

The 1st detachment completes the procession. There is a banner ahead: “Being friends with sports means being healthy!” The sports uniform reminds that playing various sports contributes to improved health. Sports equipment is in the hands of young athletes.

A large column forms in the middle of the stadium. The detachment leaders submit a report to the camp commander. The head of the camp welcomes the guys. There is a friendly response.

The host proclaims the motto of the holiday: “Health is the head of everything!” “Diseases”, “germs”, “dirt”, “laziness”, “cigarettes” (guys dressed in special suits) run out of the bushes and shout: “It’s not all about health! We are the head of everything! We are the most important on earth!” Grimacing, they try to “dirty, bite and infect” those present.

The presenter addresses the participants of the holiday: “Guys, are they really the main ones in life?” A loud “No!” echoes over the camp. “Vitamins! Hygiene! Physical education and sports! The sun, air and water are our true friends!” Strong, dexterous, brave guys run out of the squads. They round up the “enemies” of health and drive them out of the stadium.

Then the sports starts begin. From each squad, a group of athletes participates in a relay race, which includes running, jumping, throwing and other exercises.

The winner is the squad that spent the least time during the “Road of Health” (obstacle course).

The first part of the health day ends with the awarding of the winners, followed by a theatrical performance.

Health days in schools follow a similar scenario.

The development of mass sports in modern Russian society is a pressing issue of extreme importance. Catastrophic deterioration in the quality characteristics of the population Russian Federation(low birth rate, high death rate from cardiovascular diseases, drug addiction and alcoholism, a decrease in the overall level of spirituality and morality, a steady dynamics of deterioration in indicators physical development, preparedness, physical and intellectual performance) is becoming an increasingly significant sign of the development of a crisis in the quality of life of significant masses of the population, as one of the important risk factors for national security and reliability of the conditions for the intellectual, moral, spiritual development of the population, as well as economic progress, political stability and growth international authority of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the popularization of a healthy lifestyle as one of the directions of state policy in the information sphere should become one of the priority tasks, on the solution of which the achievement of the set strategic goals largely depends.

The popularization of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle requires a clearly specified division. It can be said that there are two main interrelated organizational forms of sport: mass amateur sports and elite sports.

The first is an organic part of the system physical education, physical culture of society: mass sports are only relatively limited by age, state of health, and level of physical development of people. Every person has been involved in mass sports at least once in their life: sports as an academic subject is included in all types of programs educational institutions and military physical training in the army.

In this form, first of all, the general educational, preparatory, applied, health-improving and recreational tasks of sports are implemented. Mass sport is the basis of elite sport, a condition for the physical improvement of younger generations, elite sport allows, based on the identification of individual capabilities and abilities of a person in a certain field of sports activity (through in-depth specialization and individualization of the educational and training process associated with the use of functional loads increasing to the maximum ) achieve maximum, record sports results, model benchmarks for them, equip mass practice with the most effective means and methods of sports improvement. Records in elite sports, victories in official international, national and other sports competitions create a moral incentive for the development of mass sports.

Mass sport is a continuous social experiment, during which humanity learns its capabilities, accumulates and improves human capital, and expands its potential. Mass sport, performing developmental, educational, patriotic, communicative functions, unites and coordinates individuals and social groups, develops the nation. In modern conditions, the importance of solving the complex problem of training professional, in-demand and highly paid mass sports personnel - physical education and physical education teachers, instructors, coaches, organizers of sporting events, etc. is increasing. At the same time, the development of mass sports in modern Russian society is extremely difficult. Shortcomings of equipment, high-quality equipment, modern information equipment in gyms, the level of sanitary and hygienic conditions, a weak program and methodological base, and a steadily declining professionalism have led the Russian system of physical education to a serious lag behind the currently required level. Solving these problems requires setting large-scale tasks to transform the content and infrastructure of physical education.

The system of mass sports has a certain independence in the integral social system of society, acting in this case as a social subsystem. The sphere of mass health improvement for citizens, the social system of sports, due to its specificity, has relative autonomy in relation to other social subsystems. At the same time, the social subsystem of sport interacts most actively with the subsystems of healthcare, science, culture, education and training directly related to it. Sport has a significant impact on the socio-economic and political processes of any modern society. In this regard, state propaganda of a “healthy lifestyle” and the development of human potential has a special place in the process of developing sports as a specific infrastructure of a modern mass movement.

The specific regulatory role of the state in the development of physical culture and sports, strengthening public health and developing human potential is to correct social stratification, to affirm and guarantee the equal rights of Russian citizens to the comprehensive development of the individual and society. The goal of state policy in this area is the formation of civic consciousness, increasing the level of social security and self-realization of citizens; formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking and crime among young people; creating conditions for mass classes physical culture and sports for children and adolescents.


Director of the Autonomous Institution "Surgutsky"

Polytechnic College"

V.N. Shutov

Order No. 01-09-01/398






PLZH SMK 4.2.3….-14

Version No. 1

Date of introduction:___________

Surgut, 2016

1 area of ​​use

This regulation determines the procedure and conditions for holding sports events in the Autonomous Institution of Professional Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Surgut Polytechnic College” (hereinafter referred to as the college).

The regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting competitions, organizational and methodological support, the procedure for participation in competitions and determining the winners.

2.1. Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989).

2.2. Constitution of the Russian Federation (dated December 25, 1993, as amended on December 30, 2008).

2.3. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions).

2.4. Charter of the college (order of the Department for State Property Management of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 04/10/2014 No. 13-З-610; order of the Department of Education and Youth Policy Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 03/18/2014 No. 293.

2.5. College development program for 2013-2017. (Minutes No. 2 dated December 12, 2012).

2.6. Quality Manual of the Republic of Kazakhstan SPK -2011 (Order of the Director No. 18/1 dated January 18, 2011).

2.7. Regulations on the organization of educational work (Order No. 01-09-01/298, dated October 21, 2014).

SPK - Surgut Polytechnic College

SP - structural subdivision.

4. General provisions

4.1 Purpose and objectives

Mass sports and physical education and recreation events in SP-1 are carried out with the aim of: strengthening sports traditions; promoting a healthy lifestyle and attracting students to regular classes physical education and sports; improving the quality of educational and training sessions; uniting the group, creating a single team and quickly involving first-year students in the social life of the college; identifying best athletes and attracting capable children to various sports; recruitment of national teams of SP-1.

4.2 Competition management

General management is carried out by the deputy director for educational work, direct implementation is entrusted to the head of physical education SP 1, the panel of judges and physical education teachers.

4.3 Program, place and time

4.3.1. All work is carried out in two directions:

Sports work;

- physical education and health work

4.3.2. Sports work.Competitions within the department for the purpose of selecting and recruiting a national team, determining the best 1st year sports groups among boys and girls (as part of the ten-day period for freshmen). Responsible - head of physical education SP 1.

Qualifying competitions within the group, with the aim of selecting the best athletes in sports within the framework of the intra-college Spartakiad in seven sports based on the calendar plan of sports events of the SEC. Responsible – physical education teachersSP 1.

4.3.3 . Sports and recreational activitiesare held as part of events dedicated to March 8th Day “Come on, girls” and Defender of the Fatherland Day “Army fun”. Responsible - head of physical education SP 1.

4.3.4 Program of physical education and health activities “Come on, freshman!”



Number of participants

(main + back)


The final


Street ball

5 (3+2)



Mini football

8 (5+3)




Table tennis


Relay race

13.10; 19.10.2016

Tug of War

14.10; 19.10.2016

4.3.5. Sports festivals dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8th are held on the basis of separate provision.

4.3.6. Sports eventsare carried out on the basis Schedule SPK.

Competition program for the SPC sports days


Kinds of sports

Number of participants

the date of the







Table tennis




not limited



Bullet shooting



Mini football









4.3.7. SP-1 competition program for individual sports


Kinds of sports

Number of participants

the date of the





Not limited

Not limited


SP 4

Table tennis


Tennis hall SP 1



Sports hall, SP 4

Mini football


Sports hall, SP 4



Sports hall, SP 4

5. Conditions and participants

5.1 Mass sports and physical training events in SP-4 will be held separately for boys and girls.

5.2. Physical education and health activities in the ten-day program for freshmen are carried out on the basis of a separate regulation on the ten-day period.

5.3. SP-4 national teams will take part in the SPC sports day different types sports.

5.4. The winners of the decade of freshmen among boys and girls will take part in the final competition for the best sports group SPK.

5.5. The winners of the competition in the first-year ten-day program will be determined by the highest amount of points scored according to the table among boys and girls separately.

5.6. Winners in individual sports will be determined based on the All-Russian competition rules. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined by the largest number of occupied I, II, III, etc. places

6. Types of sports competitions and drawing system

6.1. Chess

The competition will be held in a round-robin format among 1st, 2nd, etc. numbers. The team championship will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games by the qualifying participants. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined:

by personal meeting, by occupied places among 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

6.2. Table tennis

The competition will be held in a round-robin format among 1st, 2nd, etc. rooms separately.

The winning team will be determined by the highest number of points scored by all participants. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined by the places taken among the 1st numbers, among the 2nd, 3rd, etc.

6.3. Kettlebell lifting (Classical biathlon)

Competitions are personal and team.

The team championship will be determined by the lowest total occupied places 5 participants regardless of weight categories. Weight categories: up to 60 kg., up to 70 kg., up to 80 kg., St. 80 kg.

6.4. Bullet shooting

Personal-team competitions. Exercise VP-2.

The team championship will be determined by the highest number of points scored by qualifying participants.

Individual championship - based on the best result.

6.5. Futsal

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all matches.

For a win - 3 points, a draw - 2 points, a loss - 1 point, no show - 0. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: by a personal meeting; by the best difference between goals scored and goals conceded between the contending teams; - in all games; for the most goals scored in all games.

6.6. Volleyball

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games. A team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a no-show. If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: by a personal meeting; by the best difference between won and lost games between them; by best goal difference.

6.7. Basketball

The competition will be held in a round robin system. The winner will be determined by the highest number of points scored in all games. A team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a no-show.

If 2 or more teams score the same number of points, the winner will be determined: - by the best difference in goals scored and conceded between the competing teams; -By the highest number of goals scored.

7. Awards

7.1. The winners and prize-winners in the individual and team competitions of the Spartakiad will be awarded diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

7.2. Winners and runners-up in physical education and health activities will be awarded sweet prizes and diplomas of the corresponding degrees.

8. Applications

Team representatives must carry applications certified by a medical professional and group curators.


Head of SP-4 ______________A.A. Bondarenko





PLZH SMK 4.2.3….-14

Version No. 1

Date of introduction: 02.22.2016

Surgut, 2016

Job title

Last name/signature


Developed by

Physical education teacher

Kaliev K.M.

20.02. 2016


Deputy head of VR

Kalinichenko A.Yu.

21.02. 2016


Senior methodologist SP-4

Miroshnichenko I.V.

21.02. 2016


o holding a military sports relay race “Come on, guys!”

  1. General provisions

Military sports relay race“Come on, guys!” among 2nd-4th year students, SP-4 (hereinafter referred to as the Relay Race) is held in accordance with the plan of college-wide events for the 2012-2013 academic year.

These regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the Relay. The responsible organizer of the Relay is the Energy Department of SP-4.

  1. Goals and objectives
  1. The relay race is held in order to involve minors and youth in military sports patriotic activities, promote a healthy lifestyle, and prevent antisocial behavior.
  2. Main goals:
  • instilling knowledge, skills and abilities of initial military training;
  • support and popularization of physical culture and sports among young people.
  1. Relay participants
  1. Military sportsthe relay is team play. Teams consisting of 2-4 year students who have submitted applications in the prescribed form (Appendix 1) by February 22, 2013 have the right to take part in the relay race.
  2. The relay team consists of 20 people.
  3. IN Each team must select a captain to participate in the draw for the competitive stages of the relay and perform captain’s duties in the team.
  4. The team captain is responsible for the life and health of team members.
  5. Members of the teams participating in the relay must be physically healthy and have no medical contraindications to physical activity, must attend a safety lecture on each team.
  6. Relay participants are prohibited from:
  • interfere in the work of judges, enter into arguments with them or outwardly express their dissatisfaction with the judging;
  • leave the competition site without the permission of the chief judge of the competition;
  • the team is removed from the competition for any offense.
  1. The panel of judges reserves the right to make decisions in controversial situations not specified in these Regulations.
  1. Place and time

The military sports relay race is held on February 26, 2013 on the basis of the energy department SP-4, at Pushkina, 10.

  1. Management of preparation and conduct
  1. The relay organizing committee is a collegial body designed to implement the goals and objectives of the relay and provide conditions for preparing the relay.
  2. The organizing committee includes representatives of organizers working in the field of military-patriotic education of youth.
  3. The chief judge of the competition is selected by the organizing committee.
  4. Direct executionthe relay is entrusted to the panel of judges, agreed upon and approved by the chief judge of the competition.
  1. Procedure and conditions

6.1. Military sports relay race is a complex game in the Relay programThe following competition stages include:

6.2. Construction and submission of the report: the team captain lines up the participants, gives a report on the formation to the chief judge of the relay.

6.2.2. Team members take their places during the relay stages.

Stage 1 " Obstacle course":

monkey bars, labyrinth, wall, broken bridge. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 2 “Tourism”:

overcoming obstacles, horizontal railings. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 3 "Ambulance":

carrying the wounded on a stretcher. 3 people per team participate. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 4 "Young Firefighter":

The participant needs to connect the fire hoses together and attach the barrel. 1 person per team participates. The task completion time is estimated.

Stage 5 “Young Fighter”:

The team member needs to wrap up foot wraps, overcome an obstacle course, and shoot a balloon with a pistol. 1 person per team participates. The speed of movement, accuracy when shooting, as well as the quality of winding the footcloths are taken into account.

Stage 6 “Partial disassembly and assembly of the weight and size model of the AK74 assault rifle”:

1 person from the team participates, each performs partial disassembly and assembly of the AK74. The procedure for partial disassembly of the machine gun (Extract from the “Manual for 5.45 mm KALASHNIKOV AUTOMATINES AK74, AK74M”) (Appendix 1). The time and quality of task completion are assessed.

6.3 Summing up, awarding the winners.

6.4. Each team must pass all competitive stages of the Relay.

6.5. The organizers have the right to include additional types of competitions in the relay program or change the types of competitions provided for by these Regulations, notifying the participants of the game before the start of the competition.

  1. Application Form

7.1. To participate in the relay race, each team must fill out the prescribed form (Appendix 1). The completed application is a document confirming the team’s participation in the relay.

7.2. Completed applications in electronic form are accepted by the organizers via college-wide email, Alla Yuryevna Kalinichenko.

7.3. Completed applications for participation in the relay will be accepted by the game organizers until February 20, 2013.

  1. Summing up the game and awarding the winners
  1. To evaluate the results shown by teams in competitions, a panel of judges is created, which includes the main judges of the types of competitions. The panel of judges is headed by the chief judge. The composition of the panel of judges is announced to the participants before the start of the competition.
  2. The winners of the relay are determined in the following categories: 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place.
  3. The winners of the Relay are determined by completing the competitive stages of the game best time, as well as the total amount of game points.
  4. For violations related to unsportsmanlike behavior and violations of discipline during competitions, the team receives penalty points. In case of gross violations during the game, the team is removed from the competition. The decision on this is documented in the protocol of the panel of judges.
  5. The composition of the panel of judges considers the results of the competitive stages of the relay in an open manner. The decision is made by simply counting the teams' earned game points by the panel of judges. The vote of the chief judge is decisive.
  6. The results of the game are summed up by the organizing committee, based on the results of the competition presented by the panel of judges.
  7. The decisions of the organizing committee are final and not subject to discussion.
  8. The winners of the game are awarded diplomas.

7. Responsible for the relay race

Main organizers: A.M. Kaliev.

Chief judge: E.A. Tokombaev.

Responsible organizers: A.Yu. Kalinichenko, E.S. Chertukhina, M.A. Gorbunova.

Responsible for photo and video shooting: E.Yu. Petukhova

8. Contact information

Additional information on the organization and conduct of the relay race tel. 206-940 (405) Head of the BP Energy Department Kalinichenko A.Yu.

Annex 1

To the Regulations on the Relay Race

Application for participation in the game

Structural subdivision __________________________________________

FULL NAME. team captain___________________________________________

Team name:

Full name of the participant






PLZH SMK 7.1.- 213 - 16

Version 01

Date of introduction: __.__.2016

Surgut, 2016

1 area of ​​use

This provision defines the procedureorganization and conditions of sportsthe “Army Fun” holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for young men studying in their first year. The procedure for participating in competitions and determining winners is indicated.

The Regulations have been developed in accordance with:

the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

College Charter;

College Development Program.

3. Definitions, notations and abbreviations

SP - structural subdivision.

4. General provisions

4.1 Purpose and objectives

The sports event is held with the aim of facilitating the organization of healthy and meaningful leisure time for students, promoting a healthy lifestyle, military-patriotic education and preparation for service in the Russian Army.

4.2 Venue and time

The competition will take place in gym SP4 - 02.22.2016 at 15.00.

5. Participants and team compositions

Teams from groups from 441 to 447 will take part in the sports festival

Team composition is up to 20 people.


I. Warm-up relay race - 10 people.

II. Bullet shooting– 3 people

III. Lifting 24kg. kettlebells with one hand – 3 people.

IV. Sumo wrestling - 3 people. (absolute weight category)

V. Pull-up high crossbar– 5 people

VI. "Don't drop the rifle" 10 people

VII. “Scouts and sentries” -10 people.

VIII. Final relay - 10 people.

I. Warm-up relay race

1. Start from the front line of the volleyball court to the 3-meter line, “cuttlefish” back, the ball on the stomach.

2. On the 3-meter line, stand up, hold the ball between your legs and jump to the middle of the hall, where you need to put the ball in the hoop.

3.Jump over gymnastic bench 3 times.

4. Do a back somersault on a gymnastics mat.

5.Abandon tennis ball on target (for a miss - a penalty loop).

6.Reach to the next participant, grabbing the ball along the way and pass it to the next one, placing it on his stomach.

II. Bullet shooting

Shooting from a standing position at biathlon targets. 5 shots each.

The team winsknocked out more targets.

III. Lifting 24kg. weights with one hand.Three participants take turns lifting a 24kg weight. for 2 minutes each, with one hand. The winner will be determined by the greatest number of lifts by all participants.

IV. Sumo wrestling Three participants take turns going to the middle of the hall and trying to push their opponent out of the circle. The fight will take place in one round. The team that wins 2 fights wins.

V. Pull-ups on a high barFive participants pull up according to the rules for maximum amount one time at a time, holding the basketball between your legs.The winner will be determined by the greatest amount of pull-ups.

VI. "Don't drop the rifle"10 participants line up at equal distances in a circle, holding gymnastic stick vertically on the floor. At the judge’s signal, you must intercept your neighbor’s stick, releasing yours, with the same hand. The team that does not drop the most “rifles” wins.

VII. "Scouts and Sentinels"The sentries are positioned along the side lines of the volleyball court in pairs, opposite each other, with the ball in their hands. The scouts need to take turns running through the sentries who will be trying to hit the ball. The team that eliminates the most scouts wins.

VIII. Final relay1. Start from the front line of the volleyball court in a bag. 2. At the 3-meter line, remove the bag. 3. On the middle line, jump over the bench, crawl back under it, jump over again. 4. Perform a forward somersault on a gymnastics mat. 5. Solve an arithmetic example (for an error there is a 5 second penalty). 6.Crawl on your belly under the bench. 7. Perform a forward somersault. 8. Throw darts at the target (for a miss there is a 5 second penalty) 9. Run back, grabbing the bag. Pass the bag to the next participant.

7. Determination of the winner.

Winner sports festival will be determined by the smallest amount of occupied places in 8 types of programs.

8. Rewarding.

The teams will be awarded sweet prizes.

Change no.


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