Celebration in the pool in kindergarten. Scenario for the preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday "Fun starts in the pool" Activities in the pool with children

Shchepelina Vera Alexandrovna
Swimming instructor
MBDOU No. 29 “Fairy Tale”, Kovdor, Murmansk region.

Scenario sports festival in a swimming pool
"Visiting Vodyanoy"


    Help improve basic swimming skills in…… Strengthen personal hygiene and self-care skills Promote the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system Cultivating a positive emotional attitude
benefits and equipment: arches for diving, Vodyanoy costume, frog legs costume, heron costume, cartoon music, inflatable heart.

Progress of the lesson

To the sound of cheerful music, children enter the pool and sit in the shallow part.
Presenter: Guys, look how many guests came to our party. Our eyes were surprised (children perform visual gymnastics):- big eyes - colors- eyelashes - the sisters blinked- hangers - the grasshoppers jumped in surprise and joy- handles and grippers began to catch water- feet - sandals tapped on the water- palms raised the fountain
Suddenly Vodyanoy appears to the music “I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.”
Water: Who came to my swamp, who doesn’t want to sit at home? Who's stomping their feet? Who's clapping their hands? Who doesn't let me sleep? I’ll drive you away now and won’t let you into the swamp.
Presenter: Is it possible to scream like that? We need to live in peace and friendship. You better make peace with us, make friends with everyone.
Water: Well, this is what it’s all about!I'm tired of boredom!And then in my swampYou won't find any fun!
Presenter: Eh, you, grandfather, VodyanoyLet's play with you.
Children stand in a circle. Vodyanoy is in the center, children walk in a circle and sing a song:
"Grandfather VodyanoyWhy are you standing under water?Come out for at least an hourAnd catch one of us!”
Then the children run away, Vodyanoy catches up with them (2-3 times).
Water: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and rest, and I’ll give you a task.
He asks riddles, the children guess (if possible, parents get involved), then they show who swims how.- A log floats down the river Oh, and it’s furious. To those who fell into the river,The nose will be bitten off... (crocodile)
- People live under waterWalks backwards (cancer)
- I have stilts The swamp is not scary Will I find the frogs?That's my concern (heron)
- Along the river, along the waterA line of boats is floating. A ship is sailing aheadHe calls everyone to follow him (a duck with ducklings).
Presenter: Vodyanoy, our ducklings not only know how to dive, but also dance wellChildren stand in a circle and perform “Dance of the Ducklings” to the music (2 verses)
Water: Well done boys! Do you know the aquatic inhabitants? And in my swamp there live tadpoles.- Whirlwind rushes under waterThe tadpole is young. And behind him there are still five heels,And behind him there is a continuous stream. Tadpoles are in a hurryTransform into little frogs.Presenter: Guys, who wants to turn into a frog, swim through the magic gate.Children move in a horizontal position, pass through the gate, diving, turning into little frogs (girls wearing frog masks read a poem)- We frogs are jumping frogsInseparable girlfriends. Bellies are green Seasoned since childhood. We are not sad and we do not cry,We're friends, we don't fight. We jump through puddles all day longWe do sports.
Children jump to the music like little frogs.
Water: "Hey frogs, don't yawn And run away from the heron!”
P/game “Little Frogs and Heron” (heron is a girl in the senior group) /2-3 times/
Water: Oh, how I had funI have become friends with you children.Now it's time for me to sleepLie on the marsh moss.The merman thanks the children by blowing them a kiss. The children also blow kisses in response. The merman catches them in his open palms.
Water: I give you a heart (inflatable toy) as a souvenir.
The merman leaves. Children play with toys and take pictures.
Presenter: This ends our holiday, it’s time to return to kindergarten.

List of information sources used:
1. Program by M. Lazarev “Hello”
2.”Thematic physical education classes and holidays in a preschool institution" L.P. Shcherbak
3. “Developmental pedagogy of health improvement” Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B.
4. "One, two, three, swim" Toolkit for preschool educational institutions M. Rybak, G. Glushkova, G. Potasheva.5.Song from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” lyrics – Y. Entin, music – M. Dunaevsky
6. “Dance of the Ducklings” lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by an unknown author

Plan of entertainment in the pool for children 3-4 years old “Guests from the swamp.”

Equipment: swimming rings, houses (glued to the sides), small frogs, a frog-shaped swimming board.

Target: creating conditions for the development of skills and abilities motor activity in water.

1. Strengthen the skill of moving in water in different directions,
2. Teach complete immersion in water.
3. Develop attention.
4. Develop the ability to play together and follow the rules of the game

Duration: 15 minutes.

Instructor: Hello guys!
Children: Hello!
Instructor: Today guests came to our lesson!
The instructor shows a large frog board and little frogs (sitting on the board).
Instructor: Who is this guys?
Children: Frogs!
Instructor: Can you jump like frogs?
Children: Yes!
Children jump around the pool in all directions (2 min.).
Instructor: Quaaaah! Guys, do you hear? The frogs want us to show them our pool! Shall we show?
Children: Yes!
Children take one small frog at a time, put on swimming rings and begin to slide (push off from the bottom with their feet) in loose water, while holding the frogs between their palms on outstretched arms, their legs straighten back after pushing off. The instructor shows the correct sliding and hand position. If necessary, tell the children that they need to show each side (right, left, far, near).
Instructor: Guys, the frogs are tired and want to rest. Where do we put them to rest?
Children: On the side (on the mother frog, etc.).
children put frogs on a board or side.
Instructor: Children, do you want to show the frogs, while they are resting, how we can still play in the water?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Let's play the game "Sunshine and Rain"! Guys, who else lives in water, swims in it, glides?
Children: Fish (dolphins, etc.)
Instructor: Right! At the signal “Sun”, we put on swimming rings and begin to jump like frogs or swim like fish (your choice). At the signal “Rain”, we all run and get up to the houses (of different colors, glued on the sides). Sun!
Children begin to swim or jump around the pool in loose water (1 min.).
Instructor: Rain!
The children get up to the houses. The game is repeated 3 times.
Instructor: Well done boys! Everyone quickly hid in their houses! I wonder how frogs play in their swamp? Shall we ask them?
Children: Yes! How do you play in the swamp?
Instructor (frog): Quaaa! We love to play hide and seek!
Instructor: Children, where can you hide in our pool?
Children: In water!
Instructor: I suggest we all play hide and seek together, don’t you agree?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Frogs want to be drivers! Do you agree? Let's count to three: one, two, three!
The instructor begins to push the board with frogs across the water, the children hide when the frogs approach. The game is repeated 3 times.
Instructor: The frogs didn’t find Katya and Sasha; they hid the best!
Instructor (frog): Quaaaah! Thank you guys! We really enjoyed your stay! We will definitely come again! And now it’s time for us to go home in theooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!
Instructor: Children, did you enjoy playing with frogs?
Children: Yes!
Instructor: Then we will definitely invite them to visit again. Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to get out of the pool!

Organization: MB preschool educational institution No. 247

Locality: Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

Target: developing children’s interest in swimming pool activities and increasing the competence of parents on issues of children’s health in preschool educational institutions.


Strengthen previously acquired swimming skills and abilities;

Develop strength, endurance, courage, agility, self-confidence;

Foster a sense of camaraderie and a desire for mutual assistance;

Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships in the process of joint physical education classes.

Children go to the pool with their parents.

In the warm-up room, Vodyanoy is already waiting for them, who seems to be sleeping in his “pond”.

There is a warm-up “Do it quickly” for children and parents.

Water: Who is in charge of my water kingdom!? I am the boss here (the song “I am the Vodyanoy” is played). What's that noise? Why don’t you let me rest peacefully in my kingdom-state?

Leading: Please forgive us, Vodyanoy, but today is a holiday for us.

We invite you too.

(The merman tries to get up and get out of his “pond”, but he doesn’t succeed.)

The presenter appeals to children and parents to help Vodyanoy. He gives one end of the rope to Vodyanoy and the other to the children and parents, who “pull Vodyanoy out of the pond.

Water: Thank you for the invitation! How clever you are. I'll be happy to see how brave you are in the water.

(Children and parents go to the pool to the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together”).

Everyone goes to the pool. Parents stand along the side.


Come into the water together, feel free to enter,

Say “hello” to everyone.

Breathing exercise- “Hello” - three times.

Leading: Dear Vodyanoy, dear parents, would you like to know which of the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom the guys know? Now we will not only say, but also show, and our parents will help us:

Game exercise"Who swims how".

(The presenter asks riddles, the parents guess them, and the children show them).

Water: Well done guys and parents. I didn’t think that you knew our tenants. Not everyone, of course, but it’s impossible to know everyone. Even I don’t know everyone, although I’ve lived in the water for a hundred years. Whoever lives in our reservoirs, sometimes some kind of monster will swim past, politely say hello, and then I suffer all day, remembering its name.

Leading: Guys! I see no one is sick

Everyone is cheerful and healthy,

And ready to frolic in the water!

Game "divers"».

(Children collect colorful rings from the bottom of the pool and bring them to their parents in a basket).

Game "Count"

(Parents bend down to the water and under water show any number on their fingers, the child counts under water, stands up and calls this number).

Game “I throw, you catch”

(Children stand at the opposite side and throw the ball to their parents).

Game "Float"

(Children do the exercise, parents count in unison.)

Water: And I want to play with the guys.

Game: “We are funny guys”

Game: "Mirror"

Breathing exercise “Well done”

Leading: Now let's see with you
Who can handle the balloons faster?

(Children and parents inflate the balloon)

Leading: Vodyanoy, so that you don’t get bored in your kingdom-state, we give you balloons! Get your balloons and don't forget us!

(The children swim to Vodyanoy and give balloons, he thanks them)

Water: Louder, play the music! Let's dance together!

(children in the water, parents dancing “Dance of the Merry Ducklings” near the side)

Water: Thank you for the holiday. They showed their strength and dexterity and weren’t tired at all.

And here are some sweet treats for you. I don’t need a lot of balls, I’d rather give them to you.

Children and parents leave the pool to the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together.”

Scenario for water sports entertainment on the theme: “Great Journey”

Children's age - Middle group(from 4 to 5 years)

Integrated educational activities: “Phys. culture”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”.

Topic: "Great Journey"

Preliminary work: conversations about the seas and oceans of the world.

Equipment: Globe, posters with images of sea animals, audio recordings “Music of the Ocean”, “Aquarium” by C. Saint-Saens (“Carnival of the Animals”, fish (for diving).

Target: Activate children's cognitive interest and interest in swimming lessons, improve various methods of movement in the water.


Form and improve motor and swimming skills.

Teach methods of synchronized movement in water.

Practice diving under water with your head for a while.

Strengthen children's posture.

Develop cognitive activity, activate children's attention.

Cultivate courage, curiosity, and responsiveness.

Progress of activities:

Introductory part

After being examined by a health worker, children take a shower, put on bathing caps and swimming trunks.

A swimming instructor dressed as a Water Sorceress enters the pool, and the children line up in front of the pool.

(Music sounds)

Instructor: Hello guys!

Do you like riddles?

(Children's answers)

Well then, give me the answer!

1. They drink me, they pour me out, everyone needs me, who am I?


2. Very good-natured, I am soft, obedient, but when I want, I will even crush a stone.


3. I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass.


You guessed correctly, you all knew me for a long time, all the riddles are about me, about the Water Sorceress! And today I want you on an exciting journey. Let's go down to the pool and go.

Main part.

Instructor: Guys, do you know that our planet is covered with water, look at the globe, how much there is of it!

The instructor draws attention to the globe fixed above the pool and turns it.

Instructor: All this water is divided into four oceans - the Arctic, Indian, Pacific and Atlantic (shows on the globe), and today we will go on an exciting journey through these oceans.

Instructor: For our journey we will need strength

And first for the sake of order

We need to do exercises

Let's start preparing

Go out to practice.

The warm-up begins.

We stood up and straightened our backs

Leaned left and right

And they repeated it again (bending to the sides)

We squat by counting

One two three four five.

This is a necessary job -

Train muscles (squats)

And now hand jerks

We perform with you (arm jerks in front of the chest)

We turn the mill forward:

One two three four five

And then vice versa

We will rotate the mill (rotate forward and backward with straight arms)

Pull your knee to your chest

And stand a little

You will definitely learn

Maintain balance (raise your legs bent at the knees as high as possible)

Now turn on the pump,

We pump water from the river,

Left - one, right - two

Water flowed in a stream (tilt to the right, left hand slides along the body; tilt left, move up right hand)

And then they started galloping

Like my elastic ball (jumping in place)

One, two, once or twice,

It's time to travel. (Breathing exercises)

Instructor: Well, we have gained strength, and now for our journey I will turn all of you into droplets (touches each child), we will merge into a friendly stream and hit the road.

Instructor: And we will begin our journey to the Arctic Ocean (children walk one after another along the perimeter of the pool), this is the coldest ocean. Children, you feel how cold it has become, ice floes are floating around.

Instructor: Guys, do you know who lives in the Arctic Ocean?

(If the children find it difficult to answer, the instructor shows them photographs of polar bears, walruses and seals)

Instructor: The walrus hardens himself all the time, bathes in ice water. Come on, we’ll turn into walruses, and I’ll show you how they move, repeat after me!

Game exercise "Walrus"

Children, imitating walruses, crawl along the bottom of the pool, pulling themselves up on their hands.

Goal: Strengthening posture.

Instructor: Oh, I’m kind of cold here, and you guys? Let's go to bask on the shores of the Indian Ocean, gather the droplets into a stream, let's swim.

Instructor: The Indian Ocean is the smallest and warmest. Guys, do you know its inhabitants?

(If the children find it difficult to answer, the instructor shows them photographs of sharks and sea turtles)

Instructor: And the turtles here are not ordinary ones, but sea turtles! Let's play like sea turtles.

Self-massage of hands “Turtle”

A turtle went for a swim (stroking with the palms of the hands from the hand to the shoulder)

And bit everyone out of fear

Kus! Kus! Kus! Kus! (pinching hands from hand to shoulder)

I'm not afraid of anyone!

Instructor : Well done guys, and now we will go to the third ocean - the Pacific. Get together, little droplets, into the stream and let's swim into the Pacific Ocean.

(They hold hands and “swim” to the Pacific Ocean)

Instructor: The Pacific Ocean is not quiet at all, but the largest and most formidable. Do you know its inhabitants?

(If the children find it difficult to answer, the instructor shows them photographs of dolphins, whales, seahorses, and crabs).

Instructor: Oh, oh, someone pinched me, who's there? (Takes a crab out of the water.) Look guys, one crab came down into our water and wants to tell us something (he brings the crab to his ear), he’s bored lying alone at the bottom of the sea, he wants to play with us!

Game "Crabs"

Children stand in pairs, with their backs to each other, clasp their elbows with their hands and thus move to the landmark and back.

Target: Mastering synchronized movement in water.

Instructor : Well, what remains for us to visit is the last ocean. Get ready, little droplets, into the stream and let's swim to the Atlantic Ocean.


On the cold shore

In the Antarctic snow

In the middle of the cold ice floes,

Walking, children, who?


"Penguin" comes in to the music


I'm very happy today

What came to you in kindergarten!

Hello children!

While I was getting to you

I'm very hungry!

Catch me some fish

Feed the little penguin!

Instructor: Guys, let's help the little penguin catch some fish!

Game "Catch a Fish"

There are fish “swimming” at the bottom of the pool, and children take the fish out from the bottom. You need to take a deep breath, dive under the water and get the fish.

Target: Teach children to boldly dive into water, as well as master immersion in water with their heads.

Penguin: Thank you guys for the fish. You are very kind, brave, dexterous. I really enjoyed staying with you, but it’s time for me to go home. Goodbye! (leaves).

Final part.

Instructor: This is where our journey ends, let's remember where our cheerful little stream has been and who it has met? In which oceans? (children's answers).


Well done boys!

They swam, splashed,

The oceans ran around

We rushed by like a stream

And they went ashore.

Children leave the pool. Shower, rubbing with a dry towel.

Many of us associate the pool with swimming and water aerobics, but in fact it also includes a lot of games that are not only fun, but also good for your health!
1. Divers

The presenter scatters several objects (for example, tablespoons) along the bottom of the pool. Players take turns diving, retrieving items from the bottom. The one who gets the most items at once wins.

2. Water American football

Players from two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The ball is put into play in the middle of the pool. The team that owns the ball begins to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The task is to approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball (you cannot throw the ball into the house). Whichever team does this more times wins.

3. Pairs swimming relay

One of the players floats on his chest, working with his hands, the other - holding on to his outstretched legs, swims using only its legs. Speed ​​swimming competitions can be held between several pairs.

4. Fishermen and fish

Three or four participants (“fishermen”), holding hands, move through the pool, trying to surround (“catch in a net”) the fleeing “fish.” The caught “fish” becomes a “fisherman”. The game ends when all the fish are caught, and the last one is considered the most agile. At the same time, you cannot catch “fish” with a “torn” net (tear your hands). If the “fish” plunges headlong into the water or dives during the pursuit, then it is considered uncaught.

5. Basketball on the water

The inflatable ring plays the role basketball hoop, you need to hit it with the ball. You can try to hit the ball from the side of the pool or from the water. In this case, the person holding the circle can either help get the ball into the circle by moving the circle itself, or hold it statically, only giving the ball back to the throwers. Those who hit the circle with the ball the most times win.

6. Rider fight

2 teams take part in the game. The team consists of a “horse” (usually a man) and a rider (usually a woman). The riders climb onto the “horses” and sit on their shoulders. The team's task is to knock the enemy rider into the water. For the safety of the battle, riders can use large inflatable balls. The team whose “rider” stays on the “horse” wins.

7. Seals

For this game you will need an inflatable ring. The players' task is to dive so that the circle ends up on the head of the person who dived. To make the game dynamic, each time the distance to the circle from the player can be increased further, after each successful attempt. The player who completes all the diving distances in the least number of attempts wins.

8. Badminton on the water

If you love playing badminton, you should definitely try it in the water. The shuttlecock does not get wet in the water, but the number of somersaults that you can make on the water, reflecting a blow, increases significantly. You can perform carcolom jumps without fear of hurting yourself.

9. Ball Collectors

For this game you will need many small balls (balls) of two different colors that float on the water, as well as two containers where you can put them. The task of the game participants is to collect balls of their color into their container before the opponent does.

10. Ball race

This is a water relay race. The players are divided into 2 teams, each has a ball. The teams line up. The task is for the player in front to pass the ball between his legs to the one behind him, completely immersing himself in the water with his head. The next player must do the same, and so on. The last player passes the ball over his head to the one in front and so the ball must reach the first player. The winner is the team that has completed this procedure a predetermined number of times.

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.