Squats with dumbbells for girls - the correct technique. Squats with dumbbells: effective load on the hips and buttocks Squats with dumbbells on the shoulders

Squats with dumbbells are great and accessible exercise for working out the buttocks and thighs, as well as loading the whole body as a whole. This exercise will not only help tighten the lower body, but also strengthen the lower back, prepare the body for more difficult exercises, for example, squats with a barbell. You can perform such squats not only in the gym, but also at home, which makes them even more versatile. In order for the exercises to bring the greatest effect, it is necessary to do them correctly from a technical point of view.

Benefits of exercise

Squats are included in almost all training programs for both girls and men. This is largely due to the fact that this is an exercise that uses almost all the muscles of the body and works effectively both for weight loss and for working out muscle mass. First of all, squats develop the following muscles:

  • gluteal;
  • quadriceps;
  • inner and back thighs, biceps femoris;
  • In addition, the lumbar area and the abdominal corset are worked on.

Squats with dumbbells for girls will be able to give the buttocks the very desired shape that many dream of in fitness rooms. However, they can be achieved will be, even without leaving home, the main thing is to train regularly. Dumbbell squats for men are also an indispensable exercise for the lower body and increasing overall endurance, especially when training at home.

The big advantage of dumbbells is that exercising with them is much less traumatic, and there is no strict need for a partner to back up. Beginners are recommended to practice the squat technique with dumbbells, as it is less complex. In addition, dumbbells for home training are much easier to purchase than a barbell and weights for it. Having studied the technique and practiced regularly oh, you can achieve a lot great success in training.

Execution technique

Despite the large number of types of squats with dumbbells for the buttocks, the fundamentals of the technique are common, but the starting position and depth of the squat may vary slightly.

The main differences in training for women and men.

The main goal in women is usually to change the shape of the buttocks and create beautiful shape legs Men most often strive to pump up and shape the relief of their legs and gluteal muscles. In terms of relief, men’s goals are most often higher than those of girls, who are simply satisfied with a beautiful and toned shape. Based on this, the main difference is the working weights, which are lower for girls than for men. The number of repetitions and approaches does not change depending on gender.


Injuries during squats - common case, if you do not follow all safety rules. To avoid possible damage, you must strictly follow the following rules.

And also during training you need to take into account the following nuances.

  1. If you narrow the position of your legs, the level of load will become higher.
  2. When the body is strongly tilted, the load on the back increases, and the legs are used less.
  3. How deeper squat, the greater the load on gluteal muscles.

Squats can be done not only in the classic version with two dumbbells, but also with one dumbbell or kettlebell, which will be held in both hands. If you do everything correctly, the exercise will be quite easy, which, figuratively speaking, even a child could cope with. After the technique of training with dumbbells has been worked out sufficiently, you can move on to squats with a barbell.

There are plenty of exercises to tone your lower body. The effectiveness of each of them depends on the task at hand. For a comprehensive muscle workout, perform squats with dumbbells. Read further about the technique, types and nuances of the exercise.

Squats with dumbbells: benefits and advantages, contraindications

Squats with dumbbells are the same as with a barbell and own weight, involve a large muscle mass. The main load falls on the hips and buttocks, while the lower leg and back extensors work.

Depending on the style of exercise, the load is shifted to a specific muscle group. The benefits of squats are difficult to overestimate. They help girls create a beautiful butt, improve the tone of their legs and form a beautiful transition from the buttocks to the hips.

For men, the main benefit is to improve hormonal levels. Squats with heavy weights increase testosterone production, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle mass and strength.

Other benefits of dumbbell squats include:

  • No pressure on the spine.

Due to the position of the dumbbells, there is no compressive load on spinal column. This is common with hack squats and with a barbell on the shoulders, which increases the risk of injury.

  • Large energy costs.

When working large muscle groups, a large number of calories are consumed. In conjunction with proper nutrition this helps in the fight against excess weight.

  • Increases coordination and strengthens core muscles.

During squats, in addition to the main groups, stabilizer muscles actively work. Their training makes movements more confident, and the feeling of constant tension when walking disappears.

Important: This movement involves holding heavy weights for a long time, so those who have joint problems should avoid it.

There are several types of dumbbell squats. Some are more suitable for girls, others - for men. We will consider the technique of several of them below, and now let’s talk about classic squats.

Due to the relative ease of learning, they are recommended for beginners. There are fewer variables to keep track of and it puts less strain on your hands.

This type of squats with dumbbells evenly loads the biceps and quadriceps of the thighs, buttocks, and also reaches the back extensors. Here's how to do the exercise correctly:

  • Take and hold dumbbells in straight arms along the body. The implements should be placed on the outer sides of the thighs.
  • Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight or slightly to the sides.
  • Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, lift your head.

  • As you inhale, lower yourself under control until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a second and exhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise a specified number of times.

Note: When moving, do not lean your body forward. Try to keep your back straight. The knees should move strictly in the direction of the toes and not cross their border. Otherwise, a breaking load is created on the joints, for which your knees will not thank you.

Having trouble maintaining the correct technique? Imagine sitting on a low chair. Natural movements are easier to control.

Are you leaning forward? Place a small board or several notebooks under your heels. This compensates for the lack of mobility in the ankle joint.

Exercises with dumbbells for girls: squats

In most cases, girls perform squats to pump up their buttocks. Although they work in all types of exercise, there is a way to increase the load on this area.

Squats with dumbbells for girls must be performed using the “Sumo” technique. It involves squats with one heavy dumbbell and focuses on the gluteal muscles.

This is what it looks like:

  • Take a dumbbell and hold it between your legs with your arms straight along your body.
  • Spread your legs wide and point your toes out.
  • Make a slight arch in your lower back and pull your shoulders back.
  • Raise your head.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower yourself to the floor, trying not to hunch over.

  • Watch the position and movement of your knees. They should not deviate from the trajectory and go beyond the edge of the socks.
  • Pause at the bottom for a moment and feel the tension in your muscles.
  • Exhaling sharply, push your body up and take the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement as many times as required.

Note: at the top point, do not straighten your legs to the end. By locking your knees, you take the stress off the target muscles.

To increase the load on the buttocks, you need to squat below parallel with the floor, but the position of the dumbbell may prevent this. To get out of the situation, stand on two platforms of the same height. This will not only solve the problem, but will also increase the range of motion, which will put even more stress on the priority group.

Dumbbell squats for men

Men want to get strong and strong legs from squats, so it is necessary to focus the load on them. To do this, follow classic squats with dumbbells or use modified versions.

How to squat with dumbbells on your shoulders:

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Straighten your back, push your chest forward and arch your lower back.
  • Raise the dumbbells onto your biceps and lock them at shoulder level.
  • Throughout the movement, look ahead or slightly up.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis until it is parallel to the floor.
  • Pause for a moment and return to the starting position.

A squat program for men often includes several types of this exercise, since one, as a rule, is not enough for full workout legs

If you want to get a good workout, do front squats with dumbbells. The exercise technique looks like this:

  • Straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take the dumbbell with both hands and lift it to your chest.
  • Press the projectile against the body. To prevent him from falling, straighten your shoulders and lean your chest forward.

Note: If the dumbbell puts a lot of pressure on your chest, place a towel under it.

  • Raise your head and, as you inhale, lower yourself under control until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Take a short break and, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

The same rules apply here as in previous types of squats: do not touch your knees to your toes; keep your back straight; watch your breathing.

Squats are best exercise to maintain shape. They burn a huge amount of calories and improve muscle tone, and also have a positive effect on hormonal levels.

In addition, regular squats are an excellent prevention of pelvic diseases. We provided the technique for squats with dumbbells. Now it's up to you - train regularly and don't make mistakes. Good luck!

One of basic exercises, which everyone who has seriously decided to take care of their figure needs to master and not leave out of their training programs in the future is this.

Squats with dumbbells - an exercise for stunning forms

This exercise is indispensable for those who want to have a beautiful, toned butt.

Squats will give you the body of your dreams!

The big advantage of this exercise is the ability to gradually increase the load, guided by your own feelings. You can perform the exercises at any time of the day, both in combination with other exercises and separately.

Squats with dumbbells are most useful for girls: for the buttocks, it is enough to use a relatively light weight, but at the same time perform the exercise correctly technically to get a noticeable result.

Thus, the girl is not required to physical strength– she can pump buttocks and thighs using 6-8 kg dumbbells.

The girl does not need special physical strength; she can pump up buttocks and thighs with small dumbbells!

To make the exercise more difficult, use various options positioning of legs, as well as weights. A barbell is used as a weight, which is placed on the shoulders, or only the bar from it. Dumbbells of various weights are also used.

Classic squats for the buttocks with dumbbells - how to do them correctly?

  • the pelvis falls as low as possible to a line parallel to the floor;
  • toes always point to the sides (at an angle of approximately 45 degrees);
  • weight is distributed along the outside of the foot and on the heels;
  • the back gently bends forward (for this, the gaze is kept at a height - for example, the far corner of the ceiling);
  • The knees of the legs at the top point do not extend during one approach, that is, the legs remain half-bent throughout the entire approach.
  • dumbbells are held at chest level or along the legs with outstretched arms - whichever is more convenient.

The width of the legs is also selected individually; the narrower they are placed, the more the quadriceps of the thigh are involved. The number of repetitions and approaches, as well as the weight of the dumbbell, depends on the initial level of training of the athlete.

Watch the video for a detailed description of how to squat with dumbbells correctly.

Option #1 - Sumo squats with dumbbells

The sumo squat will work the lower part of the gluteus maximus muscle and intrinsic muscle hips. It is performed with one dumbbell.

In the first version of the exercise, the dumbbell can be held at the bottom.

Sumo squats

In the second version of the exercise, we hold the dumbbell at the chest all the time.

Sumo squats with dumbbells at the chest

Watch the video on how to properly do the sumo squat exercise with dumbbells:

Option No. 2 - Squats on one leg with support on a chair

Squats on one leg supported on a chair are an excellent exercise for developing beautiful buttocks.

Option #3 - Squats with lunges for girls

The exercise “lunges” is in itself very effective exercise. There are many varieties of its implementation. This exercise is simply ideal for creating beautiful buttocks.

Detailed description watch the exercises in the video:

Option #4 - Plie squats

It is not without reason that plie squats are loved by a huge number of beginners and advanced athletes. This exercise perfectly works the inner thigh and gluteal muscles.

Variant of the plie squat with increased work on the upper buttocks:

Having mastered the correct plie squat technique, you can increase the effectiveness of dumbbells.

Plie squats with dumbbells

Squats with dumbbells - are there any contraindications?

The only limitation for performing squats is the presence of pathologies of the knee and hip joints. If they are present, you need to discuss the possibility of training with your doctor and start exercising extremely carefully, without making jerky movements or overloading.

Squats with dumbbells for girls reviews:

It seems to me that you can not play sports at all, not do anything at all. But squats are a must! At least 10-20 times a day. After all beautiful ass- this is well... very important. Even just for yourself, for your self-esteem. So that you don’t feel embarrassed in a swimsuit or shorts….

October 4, 2016

It has long been known that working with dumbbells is more preferable than working with a barbell. It allows you to use more muscles, including stabilizers, and also burns more calories.

Moreover, most basic exercises can be easily adapted to specific needs. For example, squats with dumbbells can be even more effective than performing the same movement with a barbell.


  • No strong compression load on the vertebrae;
  • Greater involvement of the core muscles;
  • Less traumatic;
  • High energy consumption;
  • The ability to perform the exercise anywhere.

Moreover, if the exercise allows men to strengthen their legs, core muscles and even lower back, then squats with dumbbells for girls will be completely irreplaceable. They can develop the gluteal muscles much more better than a barbell, if you follow the correct technique.

Types of squats with dumbbells

If we talk about squats with dumbbells, then usually this movement does not mean classic squats, but all possible variations. In most cases, the movements can mimic other exercises by adapting them to dumbbells.

Therefore, in order not to get confused, it is necessary to consider everything in detail possible options execution.

Typically, WHEN IT TALKS ABOUT THE BAR, squats can be performed in two types:

  • Classic (barbell on back);
  • Frontal (barbell on chest).

It will not be possible to perform squats in the classic version with DUMBBELLS, as they will create great discomfort. As a result, you will either have to significantly reduce the weight of the dumbbells, making the exercise ineffective, or endure pain and tension in your elbows and shoulders, which is also wrong.

Therefore, FOR DUMBLELS, front squats are best suited.


  • The core muscles are used to a greater extent;
  • This embodiment makes it possible to sit much lower than parallel;
  • You can better regulate your weight.



  1. The technique is quite simple; you need to sit as low as possible, as far as stretching allows.
  2. At the same time, the heels should not be lifted off the floor, and the back should be straight.
  3. Your arms should be bent at the elbows so that the dumbbells lightly touch your chest.
  4. It is also important not to hold them suspended, creating a strong strain on your hands.
  5. Try to put them on top part chest, lightly supporting it with your hands.


If front squats with dumbbells are not suitable for you, or you need to eliminate the load from the upper back as much as possible, then the exercise can be adapted to suit these needs.


The movement itself is performed in the same way, but the dumbbells should not be placed on the chest, but simply held with outstretched arms. At the bottom they should touch your ankles. This exercise also works your legs and glutes, although to a lesser extent than front squats.


It is very important to keep your back straight, maintaining a deflection, since with this technique your arms can “pull” your shoulders forward, which will result in a rounded back.


Among the advantages of this type of squats is improved stretching.

Squats with broad setting legs

To perform this exercise, you only need one dumbbell, but its weight must be appropriate. This type of execution can also be called “plie” or “sumo”, although they are the same technique.

First of all, these are squats with dumbbells for the buttocks, and only then for the quadriceps, so this option is preferable for girls.


The technique is not very different from regular squats, but there are some differences.

Video Squats with dumbbells for women

Analysis of the exercise

Squats with dumbbells - a lightweight alternative basic squats using a barbell, which also allows you to effectively work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The distribution of the workload in the context of individual muscle groups occurs in the exercise as follows:

Among the amateur audience, squats with dumbbells in hands are considered a traditional “girly” exercise; the male half of trainees more often prefer to use the traditional modification of the movement with a barbell. Mainly for the sole reason that more weight can be used in the classic barbell squat.

Meanwhile, there are no useless movements in strength disciplines: changing the usual equipment allows you to diversify training program an experienced athlete, safely learn the technique of the main movement and prepare the muscles for increasing working weights. And a squat with dumbbells may be the only alternative classic exercise for an athlete with back injuries.

The classic version of the “dumbbell” squat involves holding the weight in outstretched arms on both sides of the body. It is more convenient from the point of view of maintaining balance, and therefore is the most exploited.

Preparing for Squats

Start preparing to perform squats with a general warm-up and light aerobics (you can “ride” an exercise bike or run on a treadmill). Next, proceed to a targeted warm-up - perform 1-2 “light” sets of bodyweight exercises for 10-20 repetitions.

How to squat with dumbbells correctly

The main points on technique in squats with dumbbells and a barbell are identical:

  1. Make it a rule: your knees are always directed towards your toes. Sometimes cramping of the knees signals that the inner heads of the quadriceps are lagging behind in development. In this case, additionally include exercises in your training to strengthen them.
  2. Raising on your toes while sitting down shifts the load on the knee joint and makes it difficult to maintain a balanced body position. Proper execution“dumbbell” squats involve standing on the entire foot with the load transferred to the back part of it (the heel). If your heels regularly lift off the floor, it is recommended to place discs under them.
  3. When bringing the knees forward, beyond the toe line, the joints take on a large share of the load. When performing technically, the kneecaps should be in the projection of the foot.
  4. Strive to keep your back in a position close to vertical - this allows you to accumulate the load in the quadriceps, without transferring it to your back.
  5. The back should remain flat, with a slight anatomical bend in lumbar region spine (lordosis).
  6. At the top of the movement, a slight angle is maintained in the knees, which allows you to maintain the load in the target muscles and not load the joint.
  7. Correct and safe performance of squats with dumbbells involves monitoring your breathing technique: inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering into a squat.

Inclusion in the program

"Introduction" exercise to strength program depends on the training “context” in which it is intended to be used. Squats with dumbbells in hands, performed with the goal pre-fatigue target muscles or warming them up can open up leg training. But with the same success it can also “crown” the complex if, after performing exercises with a barbell, you need to additionally “finish off” the working groups.

In both cases, it makes sense to perform the dumbbell squat at a high volume – 12-15 repetitions in 3-5 approaches. When solving specific problems, such as weight loss, the numerical parameters of the training are subject to adjustment in the direction of increasing the number of repetitions. The weight load also changes in proportion to the volume of work.

A beginner should always start with light weights and increase them only with impeccable technique. When this goal is achieved, adhere to the principle of progressive load and increase the intensity of work

Contraindications for implementation

Dumbbell squats are a safe option for training target muscles compared to the basic “barbell” squat, since they significantly reduce the axial load on the spine. However, this exercise should still be included with caution in the training program for athletes with serious injuries to the knee joints, osteochondrosis (sciatica) or “fresh” vertebral hernias. Performing exercises with large weights is contraindicated if there is damage to the wrist joints.

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