The problem of excess weight. Causes and prevention of human overweight. Obesity and excess weight - what is the difference Why be overweight

Overweight syndrome is a pressing problem modern world. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, bad habits, street fast food are risk factors that lead the population of all ages to varying degrees of obesity.

The United States holds the record for the number of overweight people - two-thirds of Americans suffer from overweight. Europe is in second place with about 28% of obese people. Japan ranks third with 20% of overweight people.

Chronic obesity is gradually becoming a global epidemic. Overweight and obesity have become common diagnoses even among people in developing countries. Previously, the acute problem here was the lack of food, now every tenth person suffers from diseases associated with excess weight.

Determine availability overweight can be done using Quetelet’s formula: BMI = Weight/Height2 [kg/m2]. A BMI greater than 25 indicates overweight.

Quetelet's formula is the main guideline in diagnosing excess weight. Please note that a BMI that is slightly higher than normal does not warrant a diagnosis of obesity. But if accompanying symptoms arise (extra pounds make it difficult to tolerate physical activity, the functions of internal organs and skin are disrupted, stomach upsets, constipation, thirst, shortness of breath appear, joints hurt), then it’s time to seek help from specialists in the field of nutrition.

Overweight and obesity are different concepts. With obesity, a thick layer of fat accumulates under the skin. Fat forms in the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, covers the heart, blood vessels and liver, causing organ dysfunction and chronic diseases.

  • Cardiovascular diseases develop. deposited on the walls of blood vessels, blood clots form. Blood circulation worsens, blood pressure increases, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension, and strokes increases. The heart increases in size and becomes covered with fat. Performance decreases, shortness of breath torments.
  • Metabolism is disrupted and diabetes mellitus develops. The retinas of the eyes and kidneys suffer, the body does not fight infections well - due to high level Sugar in the blood becomes an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
  • Poor digestibility of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and salts provokes dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Salts are deposited, joints hurt, and the risk of developing arthritis, arthrosis, neuritis, and gout increases. Excess weight puts stress on the spine and leg joints. The center of gravity shifts, cartilage tissue wears away, and curvature of the spine occurs.
  • Overeating is bad for the liver. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, excessive carbohydrate consumption fills the liver with glycogen and fat deposits. Excess weight causes fatty liver, diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, and the formation of stones.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases occur. Chronic overeating overloads the digestive system. The stomach and small intestine increase in size by up to 40%, which leads to digestive disorders, chronic gastritis and other diseases.
  • Sexual functions are impaired. Half of obese women have disrupted menstrual cycles, problems with conception, and infertility. Excess weight, even in young men, leads to impotence and decreased sperm activity.

Causes of excess weight

Doctors are confident that the main causes of obesity are associated with genetic and endocrine disorders and heredity. Nutritionists respond by stating that an innate predisposition to excess weight will not manifest itself if a person is taught to eat properly from childhood. Psychologists say that excess weight is a consequence of stress and dislike for one’s own body.

If a participant decides to ignore traditions, he will certainly encounter condemnation and resistance from others. By changing eating behavior, the participant unwittingly forces others to adjust their diet, which they clearly did not plan.

Lack of understanding and support from family and friends makes it difficult to achieve the goal, and sometimes stops a person halfway to losing excess weight.

Eating habits

The harm of eating habits imposed by the Western lifestyle is known to people, but changing habitual behavior is not so easy. It seems that the crazy pace of life, busy work schedule, bustle and stressful situations should contribute to weight loss. As a result, another risk factor for the development of obesity arises. Pay attention to the list of habits that do not bring anything good to people, but harm the body and figure.

  • People have forgotten how to have breakfast. Breakfast is the main source of energy. In the morning, a person should consume at least 400 kilocalories to feel normal. If you didn’t have breakfast in the morning, you eat on the go, quickly and a lot, or you eat up for the whole day with a hearty dinner.
  • They eat poor quality food. Delicacies, sweets, smoked meats, fast food - food rich in flavors, carbohydrates, calories. Nutrients – zero, one harm to the body. A lack of fruits and vegetables interferes with the synthesis of good cholesterol and the elimination of bad cholesterol.
  • Eat in large portions. Nutritionists recommend placing a portion on a plate that fits in two palms. People are able to eat 2-3-4 times more food, but the body will absorb and process only the first portion into energy, and subcutaneous fat is formed from excess food.
  • They eat and watch TV. While eating, you need to look at the food, and listen to your own stomach in order to receive a signal from the body in time: “I’m full”! TV occupies the brain with unnecessary information, so there is no control over the saturation process. And a conditioned reflex is developed: the TV turned on - your mouth waters, you urgently need to make a sandwich.
  • They chew gum. Chewing gum contains carbohydrates; in addition, chewing gum on an empty stomach provokes gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. As a result, digestion and metabolism are disrupted.
  • They forget. Water is an essential solvent for digestion. You need to drink two liters of clean water at room temperature per day. Not tea, not soda, not juices - just plain water.

Lack of physical activity

The era of a sedentary lifestyle has arrived for humans. We work while sitting, we drive while sitting, we eat while sitting, while sitting we watch TV or sit at the computer, we sit with friends in a cafe... Flaw physical activity– the main risk factor for overweight and obesity. Being active and athletic is good for both your appearance and the health of your entire body.

A person needs healthy physical activity, at least 60 minutes daily exercise: running, jumping, swimming, regular morning exercises.

Sleep problems

Chronic sleep problems lead to exhaustion of the body. A person who has not had enough sleep feels lethargic and is not ready for vigorous activity. Instinctively, the body looks for a source of additional energy and finds it in food. In addition, fatigue reduces the level of protein, which is responsible for regulating appetite, and metabolism slows down. No matter how much a person eats, the energy reserves in the body will not be replenished. Calories burn slowly, and the feeling of hunger continues to torment you.


People who are in a state of chronic emotional stress strive to drown out internal discomfort by any means. Having not found support among loved ones, many find solace in food.


Stressful situations increase the level of hormones in the human body. In order to protect against an aggressive external environment, hormones are produced: cortisol (responsible for preserving energy resources) and cortisone (causes the accumulation of fat reserves). The fight against stress begins.

To get rid of a stressful state, a person needs to use an active strategy: find and eliminate the cause of the situation.

But more often the struggle takes place in a passive form, the body tries to eliminate the consequences, and not the cause of the situation.

People who are prone to obesity choose passive strategies to deal with stress - instead of looking for solutions, they “eat up problems.”

Psychotherapists have noticed that symptoms of central obesity in women (when excess abdominal fat accumulates on the abdomen) indicate dissatisfaction with life. A thick fat pad is formed in the solar plexus area - the energy center, for protection from the outside world.

The more a woman is dissatisfied with herself and her life, the more fat forms on her stomach.


With alexithymia, a person cannot distinguish between emotions and does not recognize the difference between feelings of fear and anxiety, sadness and anger. Feeling nervous tension, boredom, disappointment, people experience emotional hunger, but mistake it for physical hunger. As a result, every emotional outburst is accompanied by a hearty snack. Sexual problems Lack of regular sex life leads to a lack of the good hormone oxytocin.

Oxytocin, the “calm hormone,” is also released when consumed.

Therefore, single people compensate for the lack of sex by eating fatty foods.

Excess body weight may be associated with negative sexual experiences in the past.

Homework: After familiarizing yourself with the mechanisms of excess weight accumulation, make a list of risk factors that lead to the accumulation of fat in your body or prevent you from losing weight. Using the list, find solutions that will help you eliminate the causes and develop a weight loss strategy.

Fighting excess weight

The fight against excess weight is, first of all, an internal confrontation between willpower and excessive appetite and laziness. The latter factors win out more often, which is why few people manage to get closer to their cherished ideal weight.

If your decision to lose weight is harder than a rock, you are ready to believe in the power of healthy eating and adjust your diet, stop sitting on the couch and start doing daily complex exercises for weight loss - you can win over excess weight!!!

Help from a nutritionist

Consulting a nutritionist is a necessary step on the path to weight loss. Each body is unique, so there is no single prevention that can help everyone. By contacting a nutritionist, you will receive comprehensive information about your body and find out which weight loss strategy will suit your body.

  • The specialist will explain in detail the basic rules for losing weight that you will have to follow throughout your life. Not to starve!
  • The diet only needs to be slightly adjusted: reduce the single serving, replace harmful foods with healthy analogues. Strict diets, instead of losing weight, have the opposite effect. Feeling prolonged hunger, the body decides that extreme times have come and it urgently needs to stock up on fat. Eat little and often!
  • Nutritionists recommend eating your daily diet in 5 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Feeling the urge to grab a quick snack, choose fruits, vegetables,... You should not eat before going to bed. Maintain a balance of nutrients!
  • Balance your diet so that you eat 30% protein, 20% fat and 50% carbohydrates per day. Burn more calories than you eat!
  • Therefore, the more you eat at lunch, the more physical activity you need to burn off the calories. Conclusion: either eat in moderation, or sweat in the gym sparing no effort. Drink water!

A glass of water, drunk half an hour before meals, will dull hunger and the desire to devour all the dishes that are on the table. In addition, water is a universal solvent and is necessary for digestion.

Normal eating behavior is the best therapy for excess weight. Keep track of what you think about, do and feel while eating, write down your observations in your diary. The recordings will help you understand what behaviors need to be changed.

  • Eat mindfully! Listen to your inner feelings, try to eat to satisfy your hunger, and do not “eat” stress and emotional tension.
  • Turn off the TV! You need to eat at the table, looking at the plate, thinking about the benefits that the food you eat will bring. Break the association between eating and watching TV, reading, and talking.
  • Distinguish between hunger and emotions! Find out what emotion makes you feel hungry? Fear, boredom, sadness, fatigue? If you are drawn to the refrigerator by emotion rather than hunger, find other ways to satisfy your emotional needs.
  • Learn to think sensibly! A negative attitude towards healthy eating makes dieting a punishment for those losing weight. Learn to overcome negative attitudes and encourage healthy eating habits, otherwise therapy will not be effective.
  • Choose an active rhythm! Use to track your activity level and track calories burned during the day. This way you will quickly learn self-control and make sure that you have chosen the right path.


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Some say that ideal weight- the one you had when you were eighteen. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to maintain a slim figure. Some people have to fight acquired eating habits and change their diet to achieve visible resultsthin waist and feelings of lightness. If physical inactivity and Not proper nutrition have led you to obesity, bordering on obesity, you urgently need to take control of the situation and start working on yourself.

On many forums, the question remains relevant: “How to understand what you have excess weight, and determine how much to lose?” In this article we will analyze the most well-known methods and find out whether they are effective.

Let us immediately warn you that not all of the methods listed below will help you find out the truth about your body. Most of them are still very popular, but do not give accurate results. To understand how many kilograms separate you from being slim, you need to determine your body composition. To do this, you need to undergo a procedure that is presented at the Slavic Clinic.

This method is considered one of the most effective and informative. It allows you not only to analyze the composition of the body, but also to find out how metabolism proceeds. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, using a special apparatus. The examination does not take much time, is comfortable, painless and absolutely harmless. Based on its results, we see an objective picture that allows us to diagnose the amount of excess fat mass in the body with an accuracy of up to a kilogram. Based on this analysis, our specialists formulate individual program weight loss for each client of the clinic. An objective study shows not only the amount of excess fat accumulation, but also the volume of fluid, as well as muscle mass. This allows us to reduce your weight without compromising your physiological health, and prevents dehydration and muscle deficiency. We work only with fatty tissue that has accumulated not only under the skin, but also in the internal organs. This approach to weight loss will allow you to lose 10-25 kg in one course of the Transformation ® program and gain slimness and health for many years.

What leads to weight gain

Every 10 years, energy costs are reduced by 10%. We ourselves don’t notice how our body takes on a rounded shape, and then we diligently lose weight - we go on diets, limit ourselves in everything, even starve, in order to fit into our favorite jeans, get rid of the load on our internal organs, and avoid diseases. All to no avail - only two things are truly effective: proper nutrition and proper attitude.

But to start fighting extra pounds, we need to understand what led to the problem. There are many reasons:

Prolonged stress

Everyone relieves nervous tension differently. Some people dance, some watch melodramas, some eat too much. Confectionery and fast food most often act as antidepressants. It is not surprising that on such “medicines” for melancholy and sadness, we gain weight day after day.

Taking medications

If you regularly use antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids or hormonal drugs, you have a good chance of gaining weight. These drugs directly or indirectly affect the condition of our figure. The way out of the situation is to contact your doctor with a request to reduce the dosage, stop self-medication and self-prescription of medications that can cause obesity or lead to other adverse consequences.

Improper and irregular nutrition

Do you eat when you have to and always take an extra portion? Do you prefer fast food, sweets, semi-finished products, fatty, fried and flour-based foods? Then you risk not only gaining weight, but also developing diabetes, early atherosclerosis and other equally dangerous diseases that go hand in hand with being overweight.

Lack of proper sleep

Researchers have proven that a person who does not get enough sleep every night for a week lives with elevated insulin levels. As a result, a special condition develops: decreased sensitivity to the action of insulin, which leads to diabetes. Intermittent or short sleep leads to a shortening of the fat breakdown phase and a slowdown in metabolism. So by choosing a night vigil instead of a full night's sleep, you are harming yourself and your figure.

And these are not all the reasons: the list of factors influencing our weight includes fluctuations in the menstrual cycle, food allergies, and insufficient fluid intake.

But before you go to a specialist and change your diet, you need to determine whether we need to lose weight. Many people go on diets even with a body weight that is completely normal for their own body composition, because they strive to be like supermodels from glossy magazines and do not want to feel like a “plump” among “skinny” women. This desire is dangerous due to exhaustion and the acquisition of new health problems.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

How to find out if you are overweight: start counting

There are several popular formulas for calculating ideal weight. This:

Broca's formula

For men: (height – 100) 1.15

For women: (height – 110) · 1.15.

Let's give an example. Let's calculate the ideal weight for a woman who is 167 cm:

(167-110) 1.15 = 65.55

Let's round it up. It turns out that the ideal is 65 kg.

This option has been improved. Initially, the formula looked different: it was necessary to simply subtract 100 for men and 110 for women from height in centimeters. This option caused a lot of criticism because it did not take into account how old the person was and what type of body type he had. What did the process change change? The results are quite realistic, but the old problems have not gone away: people with heavy bones and large muscles or women with a figure like " hourglass“They are unlikely to be happy with what they see after the calculations.

Lorentz formula

It is also often called “Lorenz's dream”. According to it, the ideal weight is calculated as follows:

(height – 100) – (height – 150)/2

We take 167 cm again. We substitute and calculate:

(167 – 100) – (167 – 150)/2 =58, 5

As you can see, the figure is different from the previous one. I'll have to lose 6.5 kg more. It is believed that this formula is for those who are more demanding of themselves. It is completely consistent with BMI. However, it has its drawbacks: it is not suitable for women whose height is more than 175 cm.

Quetelet index

To determine it, you need to square your height (m). Later, your weight in kg must be divided by the result obtained. With a weight of 70 kg for 167 cm it looks like this:

70/ (1.67·1.67) = 70/2.7889= 25.099501596

We look at a special table where the optimal values ​​are indicated.

It turns out that 70 kg for a height of 167 cm is excess body weight, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Another calculation formula for those who want to know how to determine their excess weight is BMI. Its creator is Adolphe Quetelet, so we will get the same results. It is no different from the Quetelet index: you need to divide your weight (kg) by height (m)2. The obtained result is compared with the values ​​presented in the table above.

All these formulas may seem in a great way determining ideal body weight. However, experts warn that healthy weight limits can fluctuate, and no formula will help determine a normal value because it does not take into account body composition.

How to find out how much excess weight you have gained: Egorov-Levitsky table

With this method there is no need to divide, subtract or multiply. All you have to do is step on the scale, determine your height and look at the table. Please note: these are maximum values.

Here, not only height and weight are taken into account, but also age. There is no minimum limit. But this is not so important, since our main task is to determine whether there is excess body weight.

We looked at the basic formulas and ways to find out if you are so far from ideal. Their main drawback is one-sidedness. They help to consider the problem from only one side, while solving it requires an integrated approach.

There are also many programs on the Internet that work as a universal calculator, allowing you to calculate your ideal body weight and find out if you are overweight. They are the same in terms of operation:

    You must indicate gender, age, height in centimeters and weight in kilograms.

    Afterwards, you may be asked to choose a level of physical activity (sedentary lifestyle, exercise 1 to 2 or 3 to 5 times a week) and a goal (maintain weight, lose 0.5 or 1 kg per week, gain).

After getting acquainted with such a service, one thing can be said: no program can replace consultation with a specialist.

How to calculate whether you are overweight and how much you need to lose: determining body composition

To understand whether body weight is excessive, formulas alone are not enough. You need to know exactly what percentage of fat is in your body.

Our body needs fat deposits - this is surprising, but:

    They create an energy reserve - when no other energy sources are supplied, everything that we have accumulated is consumed.

    They keep warm - skinny people can freeze even on a cool summer day. All this is due to the fact that adipose tissue is a unique heat insulator.

However, being overweight is a problem that needs to be dealt with. In women, deposits most often form in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and breasts. For men - above the waist, on the stomach.

The optimal amount of fat for representatives of the stronger half of humanity is up to 20%, for lovely ladies – no more than 25%. But an extremely low figure is not the norm. It leads to health problems - from deterioration of hair and joints to hormonal imbalances and menstrual irregularities.

How to determine if a person is overweight: ways to measure body composition

Anthropometry is a simple tape measurement. This method is used by most men and women around the world. An increase in biceps means an increase in muscle mass, but if your waist size has increased, it’s time to think about changing your diet.

Are there any disadvantages to this method? Yes, it is subjective, and the very dynamics of changes, like the percentage of fat, can only be known approximately.

Calculation of excess weight in women using ultrasound and weighing in water: how to understand that it’s time to lose weight

The first method is evaluated in different ways. Experts pay attention to the fact that fabrics of different densities transmit acoustic vibrations in different ways. In theory, this method is one of the most reliable. In practice, it can show paradoxical results - for example, an excess amount of body fat in an athlete who is fit and working on his figure.

Hydrostatic weighing is another method that modern experts offer. It is based on the well-known laws of physics:

    First, you are immersed in a bathtub filled with water. In this case, the volume of leaked liquid will be equal to the volume of the body.

    Afterwards, the resulting volume is compared with your weight, and the percentage of subcutaneous fat is determined.

This method has its drawbacks. This is both its impracticality and high cost. And you are unlikely to want to repeat this procedure.

Now let’s return to the most accurate method, which we already talked about at the beginning of the article - BIA or bioimpedance analysis.

What is BIA

If you want to learn how to determine your excess weight and understand whether you are overweight, this method is for you. Bioimpedance measurement is an opportunity to conduct an extremely informative analysis of body composition. As a result, you will be able to get a clear idea of ​​how metabolism occurs in your body, as well as:

    Find out what weight is ideal for you.

    Determine how many kilograms you can lose.

    Identify fluid retention in tissues.

    Understand how body weight is distributed.

BIA allows you to determine:

    The total mass of muscles, internal organs, brain, bones.

    Features of metabolic processes.

You can undergo this useful procedure at the Slavic Clinic. Immediately after analyzing your body composition, you can consult a nutritionist to determine the optimal weight loss program for you.

To find out how to calculate excess weight by height and body type, determine the speed of metabolic processes and understand how much you need to lose, come to us. We offer our clients one of the most effective and accurate methods for determining the characteristics of your metabolism and calculating the percentage of body fat - BIA or bioimpedance analysis. Contact us and get rid of extra pounds without harm to your health. With us, you will see from your own experience that you can lose weight without denying yourself anything by eating healthy and balanced.

From the early childhood We are driven into our heads by different patterns: how to behave, what to say, how to look. They especially walk around the latter. After all, to have body with excess fat, even if small, is unsightly, and it threatens a person with dangerous diseases.


Overweight people often experience shortness of breath and have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. It turns out that in order to get rid of all these ailments, you need to lose weight? With a decrease in body weight, many of these diseases recede. But when losing weight, it is important not to acquire new ailments.

However, I hasten to please you: I have good news for those who cannot boast of being thin. According to the latest optimistic data, moderately overweight leads to longevity. So, is it better to be well-fed than to be thin?

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you interesting information about whether it would be better to have in reserve a few extra kilos? I should have known about this a year ago...

According to the WHO, the normal body mass index (BMI) range for people over 20 years of age is between 18.5 and 24.9. There is also a compelling argument for these indicators: as BMI increases, the threat of developing serious chronic diseases increases. Hence the danger of early death.

Experiments by German scientists led to interesting results. Researchers from the University Hospital of Berlin compared data from more than one hundred thousand people aged 50–60 years.

The goal of the study was to find the BMI that was statistically associated with the lowest risk of premature death. Which led to an unusual finding: the BMI at which people live the longest is associated with slightly overweight.

Surprisingly, it had nothing to do with ideal weight. Being underweight and obese also turned out to be no healthier than being slightly overweight.

Experts analyzed 42 different studies that examined the relationship between excess weight and disease, as well as life expectancy. The results of their work were published in the latest issue of Deutsches Ärtzeblatt International. Needless to say, this information is like a real balm for curvy ladies and men!

The fact is that the majority of the German population is overweight, and the body mass index is very far from ideal. Moderate overweight affects up to 40% of the population, and obesity affects 20%. It is now known that with moderate excess weight the mortality rate does not change, and with obesity it increases by no more than twenty percent.

Moreover, the older the person, the significantly less influence excess weight body for lifespan. The data of German scientists is also considered relevant by their American colleagues. They also analyzed mortality statistics and, taking into account the BMI of more than two million Americans, noted that being slightly overweight is beneficial.

Such people are less likely to die from Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia, and Parkinson's disease. They are also less likely to suffer from infectious diseases and even less likely to be injured.

As for mortality due to cancer, the statistics are the same in all groups. Canadian scientists also agree that moderate fatness is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

The Japanese have studied this issue no less carefully. Scientists at Tohoku University observed thirty thousand people between the ages of forty and seventy-nine for twelve years. Researchers confirm that people who gain some excess weight by the age of forty live, on average, seven years longer than thin people.

There are many factors that influence your health, and weight is only one of them, albeit an important one. Therefore, it is worth considering a woman’s lifestyle as a whole.

For example, a woman with 10–15 extra pounds, who has no bad habits, is involved in fitness and feels good, is generally healthier than a woman with an ideal weight, but with zero physical activity and an addiction to fast food and alcohol. And this is not counting issues of heredity and systemic diseases!

For the future the best option for health - this is a constant normal (in the physiological sense) weight, which, if it fluctuates, is insignificant, as well as the presence of sufficient muscle mass and its healthy ratio with fat.

But among people with painfully thin Mortality increases not only from malignant neoplasms, but also from cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. They are more often prone to despondency and depression. In general, the saying “while the fat man dries, the thin man dies” is not without meaning from a medical point of view.

And if you think that a woman with curvy figures and a small amount of excess fat cannot be a model, then I hasten to convince you. IN Lately Plus size models have begun to appear and become very successful. Therefore, I suggest you find out about one of the most striking representatives of lush beauty -.

Excess body weight is not always obesity, but it should already alert the owner of the deposits on the sides and other places.
How to lose excess weight, how to lose weight...? The entire Internet is filled with these questions. And there are also a lot of offers. But, before you agree to the tempting promise of quickly getting rid of fat deposits, think - can you? No nutritional program, pills, or surgical interventions will help if a person is not able to control his desires and constantly indulges his laziness.

Obesity is a disease that causes real harm to the body.

Obese people are much more likely (4-5 times) to visit doctors with health problems. It could be heart disease, edema, diabetes, anything, but such patients do not think of their excess weight as a disease.

How to understand when obesity began, and when there is still only a little excess weight.

There are certain weight norms, but everyone decides for themselves in which body they feel more comfortable living. Some maniacally strive to look like a skeleton, while others console themselves that they are not yet the fattest among their colleagues or friends.

A simple formula is proposed Height – 100 = Normal weight(Brock's index). This is not always correct as people have different body types. They also focus on age. Nevertheless, such a calculation is quite suitable if we take into account the 10% error in «+ « or «-« .

Remember, your doctor will tell you how to lose weight correctly after he finds out the reason for your weight gain.

Until then you can stick simple rules meals:

  1. Small meals of 4-5 rubles per day are recommended
  2. Last meal 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The interval between meals is 4 hours (between meals, drink water, fruits, juices).
  4. Time for eating is at least 20 minutes.
  5. It is not advisable to chew something while walking
  6. It is advisable to drink more pure water, alkaline mineral water or green tea with lemon.
  7. Drinks are best consumed before meals rather than immediately after lunch.
  8. Try to eat during one meal

In any case, everything is very individual, so consider your own health status!
We wish you good health and that the problem of excess weight never affects you.

Read the article -

Today it is difficult to find a woman who would be one hundred percent satisfied with her figure. But it’s one thing when we accept the problem and persistently struggle with extra pounds, and quite another when we consciously (or unconsciously) pretend that we don’t notice our rounded face, plumper legs and increased waist size.

But excess weight can cause the development of serious diseases, including diabetes, osteochondrosis, infertility, stroke, heart attack, sleep apnea and breast cancer.

Here are 11 signs that it’s time for you to pay close attention to your figure.

Signs of excess weight

Clothes have become too small

The first and indisputable proof that you have gained excess weight is that most of your wardrobe has become too small for you. If your favorite jeans don't meet at the waist, and your dress comes apart at the seams when you put it on, it's time to lose weight.

Excess weight and fatigue

If in the morning, despite a long sleep, you feel tired and lack of strength, if you spend twice as much time and energy on your usual routine tasks, even moderate exercise stress(for example, walking or cycling) is associated with a feeling of discomfort, it’s time to pay attention to your weight.

Shortness of breath with excess weight

Excess weight and cellulite

Constant feeling of hunger when overweight

Overweight people often experience uncontrollable hunger pangs even after eating recently.

Such unreasonable hunger appears for several reasons. Firstly, gaining extra pounds negatively affects a person’s physical activity, which can lead to disruption of energy metabolism and problems with glucose absorption. In addition, limiting physical activity frees up a lot of time, which a person fills with eating (in other words, eating because there is nothing to do).

Secondly, constant eating leads to stretching of the walls of the stomach, so more and more food is required each time to become full.

However, it should be remembered that a constant feeling of hunger combined with blurred vision, constant thirst, dry mouth and numbness of the extremities may be a sign of diabetes.

Excess weight and pressure

World statistics show that overweight people are 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with hypertension compared to those whose weight is within the normal range.

Why is this happening? The fact is that with excess weight, the heart has to work with double force to ensure the vital activity of all organs and systems. An increase in blood volume increases pressure in the vessels, against which hypertension develops.

Excess weight and back pain

Joint pain localized in the spine, pelvis and lower extremities may indicate weight problems.

Extra pounds increase the load on the spine and joints, as a result of which the tissues quickly wear out and pain occurs.

In general, in terms of its effect on blood vessels and the spine, doctors equate excess weight with injury or physical overload.

Constant weight gain

It has been proven that the fair sex grows up to 19 years of age, while the stronger half of humanity grows up to 25. Accordingly, natural weight gain occurs before the specified time frame.

If weight gain after this age is about 1 - 2 kg per year, it’s time to think about changing your lifestyle, otherwise health problems and obesity will not take long to appear.

Body Mass Index Calculation

The last significant argument in determining excess weight can be the calculation of body mass index (BMI), which allows you to assess how much weight corresponds to a person’s height.

To calculate BMI, you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by your height in meters, and square your height.

For clarity, we give an example of calculating BMI for a height of 1.7 m and a weight of 90 kg. By squaring the growth rates, we get a value of 2.89. We divide the weight (90 kg) by the resulting value (2.89) and get 31.15 (this is the body mass index).

An indicator within the range of 18 – 25 is considered normal. We can speak of the presence of excess weight (pre-obesity) if the BMI varies within the range of 25 – 30. An indicator within the range of 30 – 35 signals the I degree of obesity, 35 – 40 – the II degree obesity. With a BMI over 40, we are talking about III degree obesity.

Which doctor should I consult if I am overweight?

Often, excess weight gain is associated with impaired metabolism in the body, so an initial examination is carried out endocrinologist (sign up), who, if necessary, will refer you to gastroenterologist (make an appointment), neurologist (make an appointment), cardiologist (make an appointment), urologist (make an appointment), gynecologist (make an appointment), ophthalmologist (

Continuing the topic:

There lived two brothers. One was poor, and the other was rich. The poor brother ran out of wood. There is nothing to light the stove with. It's cold in the hut. He went into the forest, chopped wood, but there was no horse. Like firewood...