Simple and effective self-massage techniques. Basics of self-massage techniques

Everyone knows that massage is beneficial in all respects. And it's so nice when there is someone nearby who can make it for you. Well, if not, you can do the massage yourself. If you follow the self-massage technique, it will bring you no less benefits than even a massage in a salon. Moreover, you can do it in any conditions: at home, at work, on vacation, and even in the car if you are stuck in a traffic jam :) The main advantages of self-massage are its simplicity and accessibility for everyone.

The duration of the massage is regulated independently. And, nevertheless, it is best to do it in the morning.

Where to begin

Before starting the procedure, you need to choose a position that is comfortable for the body, allowing you to relax the muscles of the massaged areas as much as possible. The most comfortable position is lying or sitting.

The techniques should be performed in the following order: light stroking, intense rubbing and kneading.

Each new reception alternates with a short stop for rest.

It is important to remember that this is a pleasant and useful “event”, so there should be no painful sensations.

When performing a massage, you can use creams, baby powder, and talc.


The general massage begins with the area in a sitting position, hands clasped behind the back.

Using stroking movements from the lower back, the hands move upward as far as possible. Best effect is achieved if you start massaging at a slow pace, gradually speeding it up, then again, gradually reducing it. Self-massage of the back ends with light stroking.

Anti-cellulite self-massage of the buttocks

Next stage– self-massage of the buttocks from. With an emphasis on left leg(back straight), relax the muscles. The right leg is moved to the side. In this position, stroking is performed right hand in the direction from bottom to top. As soon as there is a feeling of “warming up” of the skin, kneading of the muscle begins in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Then you should perform a “tapping” with your hand clenched into a fist. The procedure ends with stroking.

The same technique is repeated on the other side of the body.


The thigh areas are massaged while sitting on a chair. One leg is placed on a chair placed in front, with a pad or bolster placed under the knee. Smoothing and warming up the thigh is carried out with both hands at the same time, lightly pressing on the skin from time to time. Self-massage of the thighs ends with stroking. Then the other thigh is massaged.

Self-massage of the legs is similar to massage of the hips.


To carry out self-massage of the abdomen, take a sitting position with support on the back of a chair. Hands lie one on top of the other. The massage begins with circular movements “clockwise”, gradually narrowing towards the navel. Then the muscles of the abdominal wall are kneaded with the hands gradually moving towards the middle of the abdomen. Next step: use the edge of your palm to make a “chopping” movement. The session ends with light stroking.

For self-massage, you can also use hand and foot massagers.


It is necessary to start the self-massage technique only after consulting with your doctor, since this procedure, simple and usual at first glance, has its own contraindications, without knowing which you can cause harm to the body.

These are: skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.), varicose veins, predisposition to bleeding, short-term inflammatory processes, the presence of acute cardiovascular diseases.

Well, in general, this procedure is a useful and pleasant thing.

By the way, if you’re too lazy to do self-massage, you can just buy it :) Simple and nice :)

You can't do without good cosmetics. On professional cosmetics: eye shadow, palettes, lipstick, makeup brushes, etc.

A professional massage therapist, working with a client, is based solely on his own experience and tactile sensations when pressing. And you yourself, having mastered the techniques of self-massage, will be able to perform it as your body requires, strengthening or weakening contact with the skin and muscles at your own request.

Contraindications to any type of massage are elevated body temperature and any skin diseases.

Basic self-massage techniques

Massage, increasing blood circulation and lymph flow in the massaged area, helps improve metabolism, remove toxins, and also more quickly burn fat in it. Self-massage of accessible areas of the body with hands is most feasible for every person, and self-massage of poorly accessible areas is done with the help of special massagers (vibromassage, hydromassage).

The main techniques of self-massage include:

  • trituration
  • kneading
  • pat
  • effleurage
  • rolling
  • twitching or tingling

All self-massage techniques can be either a separate procedure or carried out in the intervals between gymnastic exercises. Movements for any of the methods of self-massage should be made in the direction of blood and lymph flow:

1. Hands are massaged towards the armpit area.

2. Legs - to the popliteal and groin areas.

3. Chest - from the sternum to the sides to the armpits.

4. Back - from the spine to the sides.

5. Neck - from the hairline down to the collarbones.

An indicator of a high-quality self-massage is slight redness and warming of the skin.

How to properly self-massage your legs, abdomen and other parts of the body

Below is how to properly self-massage your legs, abdomen, chest, buttocks and other parts of the body at home:

1. Hand massage. While standing, rub your hands one by one with your hands. Repeat 4-10 times.

2. Forearm massage. Before self-massaging your forearms, you need to slightly bend your arm at the elbow. Circular movements from the wrist joint to the elbow, alternately massage the outer and inner surface the forearms of each hand. Repeat 5-10 times.

3. Side massage. While standing or sitting, rub your sides with bent arms tightly fitting to your body. Repeat 6-10 times.

4. Shoulder massage. The shoulder is massaged on the lowered arm. Stroking and rubbing, from the bottom up from the elbow with gripping elbow joint massage to the armpit. It cannot be massaged.

5. Buttocks massage. Stand up, transfer the weight of your body to your left leg, take your right leg to the side, slightly bend your knee and place it on your toes. Massage right gluteal muscle. With your right palm, perform 3-4 strokes of the buttock from bottom to top, and then tap in the same direction with the base of your palm. Then grab the gluteal muscle and roll it between your thumbs and four other fingers, while moving your hand from bottom to top and moving the muscle slightly to the side. Lightly grasp the gluteal muscle with your thumbs and fingers and make a slight twitch. Repeat with the other buttock. Do 10-20 times.

6. Abdominal massage. Before doing self-massage of the abdomen, you need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Stroking the abdomen clockwise 6-8 times, then kneading with semicircular movements with the ends of the fingers 8-10 times. The abdomen is massaged either on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating. During menstruation and with gallbladder diseases, massage should not be done.

Standing or sitting. Press the front wall of the abdomen with your palms while simultaneously actively drawing it in - exhale; when relaxing, inhale. Repeat 4-8 times.

7. Back and lower back massage. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly. Use the back of the hand to stroke the back from the pelvic bones to the shoulder blades.

The lower back massage is done in the same position, moving the hands from the buttocks to the lower back, right and left to the pelvic bones. Using the pads of 4 fingers, make a circular rubbing, pressing on the tailbone, sacrum, lower back, making sliding movements towards each other, moving the skin towards the spine, performing up and down movements. Repeat 10-20 times.

8. Breast massage. Standing, sitting, lying down, rub and stretch pectoral muscles. Repeat 4-8 times. The mammary glands cannot be massaged.

9. Foot massage. Before you properly self-massage your feet, you need to sit down and slightly bend your knees. Stroking and rubbing first the lower leg, then the thigh. Change leg. Repeat 35 times.

Shaking the muscles of the lower leg and thigh with your hands on a bent and relaxed leg. Change leg. Repeat 8-10 times.

Remember that any technique begins and ends with stroking.

Attention! Before doing self-massage of your legs, get examined by a phlebologist: it is not recommended to resort to these procedures if you have varicose veins.

Everything about self-massage, techniques for its use, the effect of the procedure on the body as a whole and individual parts of the body. Superficial disclosure of methods for using additional massage devices.

The main advantage of self-massage is complete control over the duration of the procedure and the force of impact on the massaged area of ​​the body, not by another person, but by you personally. Having the appropriate skills, you can get rid of pain, muscle tension, etc. on your own at any time, without resorting to the services of an expensive specialist.

Important: Mastering self-massage techniques is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the correct sequence of performing the techniques and master the theory, without which you cannot achieve a significant result.

It’s easier to massage yourself on a hike, during training, during rehabilitation, or for the purpose of a wellness event. Regardless of the technique used and the area affected, the positive effect affects the entire body.

Benefits of self-massage:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • preventing “acidification” of muscles (soreness) after training or a sharp increase in physical activity on the body;
  • stimulating lymph movement;
  • promoting hyperplasia muscle fibers- increasing the number of muscle tissue structures through division;
  • facilitating the process of stretching muscle bands;
  • restoration of the central nervous system and the entire body at the cellular level.

The benefits of the procedure are quite significant, but there is a possibility of harm.

Self-massage is contraindicated under the following factors:

  • dermatological ailments;
  • neoplasms;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • boils;
  • abundant pigmentation;
  • large moles;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Rules of conduct.

Proper breathing is equally important. Positive influence increases with use respiratory complex exercises.

Everything is quite simple: breathe regularly, try not to hold your breath during painful impulses or jumps in the level of discomfort in the massaged area. By frequently inhaling and exhaling, you will quickly get tired, and the body will not receive the required dose of oxygen, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the procedure.


Main types of self-massage:

  • general (full) - covers the entire body;
  • private - intended only for a separate area.

Subspecies according to the method:

  • preliminary - has a stimulating effect;
  • restorative - activates metabolic processes, calms, relieves tension;
  • hygienic - aimed at improving physical condition;
  • therapeutic - purely individual and prescribed by a physician;
  • hardware - massage is performed using additional devices;
  • wellness - carried out using various methods that are aimed at rejuvenating the body and its overall restoration;
  • non-contact - there is no direct impact on the body with hands or other objects, purely energetic influence;
  • internal - breathing exercises using the muscles of the abdominal cavity and thoracic region;
  • Taoist - an ancient complex designed to achieve psychological balance with the inner “I”, thereby having a positive effect on the physical state;
  • external - local impact on internal organs from the outside;

Methods of influence

The correct massage tactics will help the muscle relax faster and you will feel it to the fullest. Only after warming up should you proceed to deep exposure, otherwise you will only feel pain and harm your own body.

Self-massage techniques:

General self-massage

The process covers the entire body from head to toe. Duration varies from 20 to 25 minutes.

Of which:

  • 8 min - lower limbs, 4 each;
  • 6 min - upper limbs, 3 for each;
  • 3 min - chest and abdomen;
  • 3 min - gluteal and back muscles.

Efficiency largely depends on correctly distributed exposure time various techniques on the body:

  • 2 min - stroking, shaking, light blows, active and passive movements;
  • 8 min - rubbing and squeezing;
  • 10 min - kneading.

General massage consists of private techniques, only with a reduced time of exposure to each individual area of ​​the body, which reduces the number of techniques by half.

The priority of a full massage is to pay attention to exactly those areas that will be or have been involved in work or exercise.

Toning or preliminary self-massage is best performed in the morning, and restorative or relaxing in the evening.

Start with the area that needs the most attention. For example, a relaxing massage after a hard day begins with shoulder girdle and neck, where tension accumulates most.

When carrying out the event in the morning, take a contrast shower after the procedure or wipe yourself with a wet towel. In the evening - warm bath, which will enhance the effectiveness of the massage and set you up for a restful sleep.

You should know: General self-massage for cardiovascular diseases is no different from classical massage.

Whole body self-massage technique

Direct the movements from the periphery to the center, towards the nearest lymph nodes. Their accumulations occur in the elbows, knees, groin areas and armpits. The image shows a map of the directions in which lymph flows through the body.

The abdomen is massaged only clockwise, otherwise you risk short-term indigestion and intestinal discomfort.

The most popular self-massage complex:

  • morning - tonic, hygienic;
  • daytime - internal, Taoist;
  • evening - restorative, relaxing, hygienic.

It is not necessary to do a hygiene session twice a day. It is necessary to plan the complex schedule according to your capabilities and the maximum efficiency of additional materials.

The image shows a diagram of the direction of movements during anti-cellulite self-massage.

For example, you do hygienic self-massage at home using anti-cellulite cream, which is recommended to be used at night. Then the procedure should be carried out before bed, after water procedures. This way you will follow the recommendation for using the product and increase its effectiveness due to open pores after swimming.

Non-contact self-massage

Even in ancient times, people who could influence the body without touching it were considered the greatest healers. Now this skill is almost lost, only in rare cases there are truly skilled people who practice non-contact massage, and not charlatans waving their hands.

One of the living specialists in this industry, Djuna Davitashvili, personally uses the ancient technique of influencing the body and teaches others.

The work consists of directing energy from one’s biofield to someone else’s, but in the case of self-massage, resources have to be taken from external sources.

If you master this technique, you will be able to relieve pain and control metabolic processes in your body, keep it normal. arterial pressure, relax or tone muscles.

It is difficult, but the Reiki technique can be classified as non-contact massages. Impact involves touching, but only for contact, not mechanical influence.

According to Juna's technique, energy is transmitted remotely, but Reiki requires tactile contact.


Working with the body to relax and reduce stress levels is very popular. The effect is long-lasting, harmless and stronger than any sedative.

Acupressure allows you to achieve emotional balance and stabilize your physical condition. Most of the active points are located on the auricle and limbs.

Relaxation techniques:

No sudden movements, just smoothness with light pressure. Tense muscles will react negatively to a rough massage and begin to ache.

Any cream with a relaxing effect, a garden with bird trills, or your favorite calm music will help enhance the effectiveness of the session.


This type of massage is performed using various methods of rebalancing, Chinese medicine, Tibetan monks. Cosmetic, restorative, using peculiar devices and bare hands.

The health-improving technique “Tibetan pulsations”, developed by the monks of Tibetan monasteries and complemented by Chinese masters, is especially popular.

Based on the release of the nervous system, massage is primarily relaxing and calming. Eastern sages claim that all health problems arise due to internal imbalance: unstable functioning of nerve endings located next to certain organs causes malfunctions in their functioning. For example, severe stress negatively affects the bladder, and constant feelings of guilt negatively affect the liver.

The principle of “Tibetan pulsations” is to listen to your own body, which requires developed meditation skills.

The simplest way to use this technique:

  1. Make a fist with your left hand.
  2. Cover your left fist with your right fist, as if holding a pole.
  3. Lie on your hands with your stomach, placing your fists a couple of centimeters below your navel. The “manipura” point is located in this area.
  4. You should lie in this position for at least half an hour, or even longer. Just don't fall asleep.

This exercise will adjust your emotional background and improve your overall health, but if done regularly.

If you intend to study more intensively this method, please note that there are few single exercises in it, mostly complex ones, which require a lot of time to perform correctly.

A wellness session at home will help to carry out various creams, aromatic oils, special devices for massage, such as balls with spikes and calm music. The main thing is not to conduct a session in a room that is full of people or noisy - you will not be able to relax properly.

Various wellness practices that are popular:

Internal self-massage

Variety breathing exercises– involves the abdominal organs in certain poses and movements. The set of exercises is very complex, but if studied thoroughly, it takes a little time and has high level efficiency.

Thematic material:

Exists basic exercise and a number of more complex ones.

For beginners:

You may feel slightly dizzy at first - this is normal. Don't get up and rest for a while.


A rejuvenating complex that came from the East.

Taoists never created narrowly focused techniques that would stop the consequences of a problem, but rather got rid of the source of discomfort.

Understand your body as a single integral system of continuous circulation. Only in this case will you be able to master Taoist self-massage, which consists of three stages. Physical work to restore unhindered circulation in: external vessels - limbs, head, joints; internal organs; muscle-tendon canals.

Especially for women, this technique is relevant for working with the ovarian zone, in case of problems with reproductive function.

During the session, essential oils are actively used in aroma lamps or applied to the body. In this way, consciousness is tuned to the desired wave through smells.

Massage devices

Self-massage is practiced not only by athletes or people actively involved in physical activity. Office workers, men and women over 40 years of age, leading a sedentary lifestyle need relaxing or wellness sessions no less often.

Massage assistants:

Self-massage is not a panacea; it also has a negative side. Some chronic illnesses are a contraindication for sessions. Performing an impact on the body with your own hands uses up a double dose of muscle energy, which adds stress to the heart. The reflex field decreases - some areas of the body become inaccessible. For beginners, efficiency will be low because control over own body is minimal, and it takes a lot of time to achieve the expected results.

Basics of self-massage techniques. Self-massage – massage performed with one’s own hand, on one’s own body.

Self-massage – massage performed with your own hands, on your body. The mechanism of action on the body, all types and forms, as well as massage and self-massage techniques are similar. The only difference is that the possibilities of self-massage are limited to the areas of the body accessible to it.

Forms of massage and self-massage : general, when the whole body is massaged, and private (local), in which a separate part of the body is massaged (arms, legs, back, etc.).

Basic techniques of massage and self-massage : stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, percussion techniques (effleurage, chopping, patting), vibration (shaking). To perform self-massage, you can limit yourself to stroking, rubbing, kneading, and squeezing.

Massage techniques are performed in a certain sequence. Massage and self-massage begin with stroking, then rubbing and squeezing are done, after which they perform shock techniques and vibration, then proceed to kneading. Between techniques and at the end of the massage, stroking is done.

Stroking. This is the most commonly used massage technique. All types and forms of manual massage begin with stroking techniques and always end with them. All stroking techniques are performed along the blood and lymphatic vessels, in the direction of the nearest lymph nodes. The touch should be gentle, soft. The movement of the hand (hand, palm, finger) should be slow and rhythmic.

Trituration. This massage technique consists of shifting, moving, and stretching tissues in different directions. In this case, the surface of the skin moves along with the massaged hand, forming in front of itself skin fold in the form of a roller. Displacement of tissues and their stretching irritate the receptors of both tissues and blood vessels. This increases blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and accelerating blood flow in them. Under the influence of rubbing, tissues receive more oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances. After physical activity rubbing promotes faster oxidation of under-oxidized breakdown products of substances in tissues and their removal from the body.

Kneading. This is a basic massage technique, quite complex in technique. The massaged muscle is grabbed, lifted and pulled, squeezed and, as it were, squeezed out (muscle rubbing). IN general scheme massage, kneading should take 60-75% of the time. The pace of kneading is slow. The impact should be deep, but completely painless.

Squeezing. This massage technique is performed with the tubercle of the thumb or its pad in a straight line with great pressure on the muscles being massaged.

Shaking. Used after kneading and in combination with kneading. Promotes better outflow of blood and lymph, evenly distributes interstitial fluid, has a calming effect on the central nervous system and relaxes the muscles.

Impact techniques. They are most often performed on large muscle groups (back, hips, chest, calf muscles ah, which should be extremely relaxed). These techniques cause contraction of muscle fibers, which spreads along the entire length of the muscle, thereby increasing blood flow and increasing tone. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Shaking. In terms of physiological effects, the technique is similar to shaking. It is carried out after all techniques when it is necessary to relieve tension from the legs or arms, increase blood circulation in the extremities or quickly refresh (restore) muscles.

Self-massage technique for individual body parts

Self-massage of the head and face. When self-massaging your head, you need to tilt it slightly forward and down. Stroking and rubbing with fingertips are performed; straight, circular, starting from the scalp of the forehead to the back of the head.

Stroking the scalp is performed with the palmar surface of the hand. Massage movements go from the forehead to the back of the head and from the middle of the head to the temporal region. Stroking is performed with one or two hands.

The forehead is massaged in this way: place the fingertips in the middle of the forehead and rub and stroke towards the temples. Using the palmar surface of half-bent fingers II-IV, stroke the forehead alternately with one or the other hand from the eyebrows to the hairline to the right and left sides.

Rubbing and kneading of the head is performed with the pads of the II-V fingers, the phalanges of bent fingers, the base of the palm, the pad of the thumb, the pads of the index and middle fingers, as well as with two hands (ring). The direction of massage movements is rectilinear, spiral, circular. Massage (kneading, rubbing) from the forehead to the back of the head and from the occipital region to the cervical and shoulder girdle; from the midline of the head to the temporal region.

Self-massage of the neck and trapezius muscle. It is performed with one or two hands using stroking, rubbing, kneading. Stroking is performed with both hands, with the palms placed on the back of the head (or chin) and stroking from top to bottom; when stroking with one hand, the other supports her elbow.

Then rub and knead with fingertips from the back of the head to the upper parts of the shoulder blades. The massage ends with stroking. Kneading the trapezius muscle is done alternately with the right and left hands, with one hand supporting the other under the elbow. The movements go from the mastoid process to the edge of the trapezius muscle. Finish the massage with stroking.

Self-massage of the back. Performed in a standing or sitting position. Massage techniques: stroking, rubbing. Rubbing is done with one or two hands. The movements go from the lower back upward. Rubbing is carried out with the back surface of the right (left) hand, taken in a lock with the left (right); The direction of massage movements is longitudinal, transverse, circular. You can rub with your fists. The massage ends with stroking.

Self-massage of the chest and abdomen. Breast massage is performed in a lying or standing position. Massage movements should be directed from the lower ribs (costal arch) to the pectoralis major muscle in an arched manner upward, and in the lateral and lower part of the chest - to the axillary fossa. The pectoralis major muscles, intercostal muscles, and diaphragm are massaged on the chest.

Abdominal massage is performed with maximum relaxation of the abdominal wall muscles. I.p. – preferably lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and hip joints. They use stroking with one hand, stroking with one hand with weights with the other, rubbing with fingertips, a fist, the base of the palm along the colon.

Self-massage of the gluteal muscles. The gluteal muscles are massaged while lying on your side or standing. When performing a massage in a standing position, the massaged leg must be placed on some support to relax the muscles. The right gluteal muscle is massaged with the right hand, the left one with the left hand. Stroking is performed from the gluteal fold upward to the lumbar region. Shaking, patting, and beating are also used.

Self-massage of the lower extremities. Self-massage of the thigh muscles is carried out in a standing or sitting position. Stroking movements go from the knee joint to the groin fold (usually the right thigh is massaged with the right hand, the left thigh with the left). When rubbing the fingertips of the right hand with the weight of the left, the massage movements also go from the knee joint to the groin fold. Posterior group muscles are massaged while lying on your side or standing. Apply stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Self-massage of the calf muscles begins from the heel tendon to the popliteal fossa. Apply straight, spiral stroking, kneading with the pads of four fingers, phalanges of the fingers; They use combined techniques when they knead the muscles with one hand and stroke them with the other. Kneading is performed in a single or double ring manner.

Self-massage of the upper limbs. Hands are massaged in standing and sitting positions. Use stroking, rubbing, kneading, shaking, shaking. First, the posterior and then the anterior muscle groups are massaged. Apply stroking and kneading the triceps and biceps muscles from the elbow to the shoulder joint.

When self-massaging the forearm, stroking is used from the wrist joint upward, clasping the forearm with the thumb and other fingers; rubbing is performed with the base of the palm, the pad of the thumb, and the tailbones of the fingers. First, the flexor muscles are massaged, and then the extensors.

Massage of the hand and fingers. Each finger is massaged separately, using straight, circular rubbing using the pads of all fingers; rubbing the interdigital muscles with the pads of the fingers. The palmar surface of the hand is rubbed with the base of the palm, fist, and the pad of the thumb. The back surface of the hand is stroked, rubbed with pads and the palmar surface of the other hand.

When performing self-massage, you need to take a position that would contribute to maximum relaxation of the body. Hands and the massaged surface must be absolutely clean. For better glide, you can use cream, massage oil, powder.

It is worth taking into account that when performing a hygienic massage, it is best to choose a dry type of massage. Dry self-massage will be much more effective than using lubricants. Dry self-massage of one zone should not exceed 3 minutes.

Self-massage of the neck is carried out from the hairline to the shoulders.

Basic rules of self-massage

Having thoroughly mastered the techniques of self-massage, we will focus on the basic rules for performing self-massage that everyone should know:

  1. Massage movements are performed strictly along the lymphatic pathways. Self-massage of the hands is carried out from the fingertips to the elbow joint, then from the elbow joint to the armpit area. The sternum is massaged from the center to the sides, the back - from the spine to the sides and from the lower back to the neck. The legs are massaged from the feet to the knee, then from the knee to the groin area.
  2. To be clarified. that it is prohibited to massage the lymph nodes.
  3. The massage movements performed should not cause any discomfort or pain. A person should feel a sense of relaxation and comfort.
  4. The duration of the massage procedure can vary from 3 to 25 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  5. A person should take the most comfortable position for him so that all muscles are completely relaxed. Damaged areas of the body should not be massaged.
  6. If there are any disorders of the musculoskeletal system, self-massage should begin from the overlying areas, for example, if there is a disorder of the knee joint, self-massage begins from the thigh area.

When performing a self-massage procedure, it is allowed to use various means for better gliding. however, some experts still recommend performing the techniques with dry, clean hands.

Continuing the topic:

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