Simple tips on how to choose hockey skates. How to choose hockey skates: features and nuances The most comfortable hockey skates

Most likely, this is the first question that arises before a person who decides to take up hockey. Skates are the most important piece of equipment and an athlete’s capabilities largely depend on whether they are properly selected. Let's look at the basic parameters of the skate that raise questions and doubts when purchasing.

Determining the right size and trying on hockey skates

Perhaps this is one of the most important points. When choosing skates, you should focus on the length of the insole rather than the size, since the compliance of these parameters varies among different manufacturers and does not have a clear standard, just like with regular shoes. For convenience, we provide a table with the correspondence of European shoe sizes, skate sizes and insole lengths. Skate sizes are indicated for Graf, Bauer, Nike.

Hockey skate sizes

Shoe size40.5 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47 47.5 48 49
Insole length, cm25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32.5
Skate size6 6.5 7.5 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13

Hockey skates must fit snugly to your feet; to do this, you need to select a boot strictly in size, taking into account the socks in which you plan to skate.

When trying on, lace the boot well along the entire length. The skates should fit tightly, the leg should be well fixed, but not overtightened, it should be convenient and comfortable.
The foot, being on the insole, completely fills the shoe, leaving no empty space in the instep and toes. But you shouldn’t go to extremes; your fingers shouldn’t rest heavily on the toe, just touch lightly. The heel area is also fixed, there should be no empty space.

After lacing up your shoes, stand on both feet, if possible, walk a little, feel if you are comfortable, you can even do a few squats.

Fullness and elevation of the leg

These are standard parameters for any boots, not just hockey boots. All you have to do is measure and choose at what fullness and elevation the leg feels more comfortable. It should be noted that different lines of the same company, while designating the same fullness, have different boot widths. For example, Bauer, of the three lines - Vapor - has the narrowest last and low rise, Supreme - has average values, and Nexus has the widest fullness and high lift, and in addition, each of these lines is available in three fullness options ( C, D, EE,) . Lines from other manufacturers also have similar differences.

Completeness symbols hockey skates:

  • C or N – narrow boot. Approximately 0.6 cm narrower than D
  • D or R – standard width
  • E(EE) or W – wide boot. Approximately 0.6 cm wider than D

Boot stiffness

This is also a very important parameter that affects the quality of skating and protection. By and large, modern skates from major hockey brands (Bauer, Graf, Easton, Reebok) are provided with the appropriate level of boot rigidity. Composite skates have maximum rigidity; these are usually the top models in the line. On the other hand, the stiffer the boot, the longer it will take you to get used to it and wear it in, experiencing discomfort when skating; on average, this process can take up to a month, and sometimes more. But thanks to the following parameter, some hard skates do not have this drawback.


This feature is mainly found in professional and semi-professional boots. Thermoforming allows, due to the softening thermofoam inside the boot, to shape the boot taking into account the characteristics of your foot. But it should be understood that the boot must be suitable, since after the thermoforming procedure the boot cannot perfectly take the shape of any leg, but only the best fit and fixation of a correctly selected skate.


Nowadays, the blades of almost all skates are made of stainless steel or its modifications. Apart from the weight main parameter The blade is its hardness, it determines how often it will have to be sharpened and how long it will last.

The blades of the above-mentioned major hockey brands, even in the entry-level price range, are made of high-quality steel and hold an edge well. But when buying skates from non-specialized brands (Nordway, Oxelo, Action, etc.), you need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to be sharpened often.
It is worth noting that some professional and semi-professional skates are equipped with removable blades, which makes them easier to transport for sharpening or emergency replacement. But at the initial stage, this does not play a significant role.


The cup for hockey skates must be durable to withstand pucks and impacts from sticks. It is also important to keep in mind where you are skating; any glasses are suitable for indoor skating, but if you like to skate in -15 frost, you need to choose frost-resistant glasses, for example Bauer Tuuk, Graf Ultra Light 5000 and Cobra NT-3000.
The next difference is the lift height and inclination angle. It is positioned that skates with a large angle of inclination are intended for attackers, as they allow them to quickly develop speed, brake and provide greater maneuverability.

At the moment, the most versatile and comfortable glasses are considered to be TUUK, from Bauer, so if you are choosing skates for the first time, it would be advisable to start with them.


It is not uncommon for an opponent's puck or stick to hit the tongue of a boot, so when choosing skates you should pay attention to its thickness and protection, and the presence of additional inserts.

Price of skates

Now let’s look at a completely non-technical, but important parameter. The price range of hockey skates is very wide, from 1 to 50 thousand rubles. Skates up to 5 thousand, at the moment are mainly sold in small sports stores and hypermarkets such as Sportmaster and Decathlon. They are designed more for simple skating, and then with a stretch, than for playing hockey, since they do not have proper protection, and a less powerful hit from the puck can be very painful and even lead to injury.

From 5 thousand to 10 thousand, you can already buy amateur-level skates from well-known brands. They are no different high level protection, but at the same time they will have the correct geometry and good fixation, which will significantly affect skating. If you have a small budget for purchasing, this option will be optimal.

Semi-professional level skates will cost 10 – 25 thousand; they have the advantages of skates in the previous price category and at the same time have good protection.

Professional skates will cost from 25 and above. They have, or at least should have, a standard level of protection; the latest technologies are used in their manufacture. Newest technologies, but at the same time they often have their drawbacks, which I will try to talk about in future articles.

Bottom line

With the exception of size, the choice of hockey skates depends entirely on your intentions, how and where you will play. For beginners, we recommend starting with models in the mid-price category, good option will be: Bauer Vapor x500, Supreme s150. These skates have the correct geometry, protection suitable for amateurs, and cost quite reasonable money (about 9,000 rubles)

Hockey skates are an essential part of a player's equipment. Incorrect selection of equipment affects the quality of the game. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose. Speed ​​and safety depend on the choice of hockey skates.

The density of the boot's texture is required to securely secure the ankle. The components of the structure are thoroughly secured. The soft tongue is more durable than walking and figure boots.

Professional footwear is characterized by rigidity and lightness.

Modifications and modifications increase the cost of sports products.

Boot Features:

  • massiveness;
  • internal, external protection;
  • Lacing above the ankle.

In front and behind, the blades extend beyond the shoes and are attached to special sockets.

Blades and cups from various shoe manufacturers have a similar device that helps hockey players maneuver on the field and move quickly. They differ in design. Manufacturers use samples:

  1. , - Pro/Proformance.
  2. — Cobra.
  3. - Razor

The production of boots is based on wear-resistant and reliable synthetics, which protects against the impact of a stick or puck. Foam padding inside the shoe adds protection, while soft lining provides comfort.

Amateur models

Made from leatherette. Excellent protection ankle joint against frontal impacts, however, protection from the side is unreliable. Features of this type of shoe:

  • softness;
  • comfortable leg girth when lacing;
  • long ride without discomfort.

In amateur specimens, the last is stiffer, and the blade and heel are made of texture, which is responsible for greater comfort.

Amateur samples are divided into 2 types:

  • walking;
  • curly.

To avoid injury, you need to know how to choose hockey skates. Figured samples are suitable for relaxing at the skating rink and skating to musical accompaniment: there is a notch on the toe.

Semi-professional models

The advantages of such models include:

  • high quality professional blades;
  • reliability of protection;
  • variety of materials;
  • application of innovations: thermoforming, air chamber with pumping, composites, ventilated soles, metal mesh in external finishing.

Key indicators of semi-professional models:

  • weigh more compared to the professional model;
  • replace high-strength Kevlar with another durable but cheap material;
  • service life is reduced.

Such models are popular among professional hockey players. Users of the equipment are players in the teenage and amateur divisions who want to skate on the ice in high-quality boots.

Selection of products for children

It is not allowed to buy hockey skates for a child a size or two larger: confidence in movement and maneuver is at risk.

The sizes of hockey boots and household shoes do not correspond to each other.

Branded products come with a size comparison table. When the fullness is not suitable, try on a boot with a different fullness.

How to measure

When choosing boots, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Put on socks. Preferably thin. The model will fit adequately on the foot.
  2. Putting on shoes. Loosen the laces to the third slot at the bottom. The tongue is pulled out, pointing forward, and put on. The foot, which is located on the tab, completely fills the shoe without voids. The leg is comfortable.
  3. The heel does not move. The tongue of properly laced boots fixes the foot and prevents movement in the heel area. Otherwise, choose another sample.
  4. Do not restrict movement in the front.
  5. Walk for 10 minutes. A feeling of comfort will allow you to ensure that the selection of the specimen is correct.

When the heel does not move back and forth, the shoe sits tightly on the foot, there is no discomfort, and the toes lightly touch the toe of the shoe, then the size of the model is selected correctly.

How to care

When caring for products, observe the following requirements:

  1. Blades are sharpened in a timely manner.
  2. After classes, remove the stuck snow and wipe the products dry. Rust also threatens the screws.
  3. If worn, replace the cover promptly.
  4. Do not forget to carefully dry your shoes and polish the leather.
  5. A dry sole prevents the product from rotting.
  6. Dry boots away from heating and heating devices.
  7. Monitor the fastening of the blade. Tighten the screws, but carefully.
  8. Always carry spare laces in your bag.

The difference between hockey models and others

Hockey boots have enhanced protection to ensure the safety of the player. Shoes for hockey skates are made from durable synthetic texture:

  • nubuck;
  • nylon;
  • thermoplastic.

Hockey blades use chrome or nickel steel. Hardened stainless steel is not used very often.

Among the skates for professional hockey players are:

  • for forwards;
  • defenders;
  • goalkeepers.

For example, for goalie skates it is typical:

  • wide blade and its length;
  • shortened back;
  • the presence of holes in the glass for attaching shields;
  • lack of heel in the shoe.
  1. Hockey skates are selected half a size larger, and figure skates are exactly the right size.

Rating of the best skate models

There are different models of skates. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to choose a product based on your personal needs.

Profy Next Z

Semi-professional model. On the outside there are inclusions of artificial leather that perfectly resist dampness and cold. Provides heel and toe protection. The anatomical insole makes riding comfortable. Wide, long laces do not rub your feet or wear out.

Stainless steel blades require regular sharpening and maintenance. Durable plastic is used for blade covers.


  • excellent fixation of the foot;
  • don't rub your feet.


  • Regular blade maintenance.

Nordway NDW500

The sample is distinguished by its maneuverability. Available in 2 variations: wide or narrow. Try-on is required before purchasing. The toe is protected like that of semi-professional skates. Not suitable for active sports: the impact of the puck or stick is felt. The reinforced tongue and durable, high heel counter provide additional protection against injury.

Steel blades are made from hardened metal using Solid Blade technology, which keeps the blades sharp for a long time. Allows you to have a great time on the outdoor skating rink.


  • a warm specimen made of breathable texture;
  • stylish design;
  • safety.


  • not suitable for professional hockey players;
  • The laces are stretched and require replacement.

Bauer Vapor X800 S17

An excellent example of hockey skates for men. The production of the boot is based on composite materials: they are rigid, but do not restrict the foot. Reliable fixation of the foot and heel without restriction of movement.

The sample is reliably protected in areas where there is a risk of injury:

  • reinforced heel with rubberized inserts;
  • felt tongue with nylon pad.

The sole is made of molded plastic, so the blade is not removable.


  • fit for experienced players and beginners;
  • reliable level of protection;
  • quality factor


An excellent option for hockey players who are starting their journey in the sport. The insulated Cambrelle lining will keep your feet warm in cold weather. The body made of first-class plastic is not afraid of the cold. Additional synthetic lining resists abrasion and other mechanical stress. Modern appearance, not inferior to professional skates. Anatomical inserts under the ankle provide additional support for the ankle and reduce the risk of sprains.

The anatomical insole is made of foam plastic, the last is moderately movable and comfortable. Allows maneuvering.

Blades made of high-carbon steel with a special coating eliminate the need for periodic sharpening.


  • stylish design;
  • additional insulating coating;
  • strength.

Bauer Supreme One.4

Popular among winter sports. Classic appearance. Composite materials are used in the manufacture of the housing. Protects the foot from being hit by a boot blade. Reliable fixation ensures minimal stress on the joints during maneuvers.

The upper edge features a Total Edge Comfort overlay that combats foot chafing. High heel with medium rigidity thanks to plastic and rubber inserts. Monolithic lacing serves for additional fixation of shoes.


  • lightness;
  • affordable price;
  • ventilation system;
  • breathable texture.

Picking up best model, not worth saving. Second-rate ammunition provokes injuries on the playing field.

A pair of professional Bauer skates is the dream of many ice enthusiasts. Poor sports equipment can negatively affect the process of skating, cause pain in the legs, blisters and just bring disappointment. But this will not happen if you become the owner of Bauer skates.

A brand with a long history

This legendary hockey equipment appeared in Canada in 1927. A family-owned shoe company began producing hockey skates. Bauer pioneered the permanent blade model called the Bauer Supreme, which took the hockey world by storm. The company is known for its innovative approach to the production of hockey skates. It is a leader in innovation in the industry. sports game, when it comes to clubs, helmets and protective equipment.

Professional hockey skates "Bauer" were worn by such stars as:

  • Jonathan Tows.
  • Brooks Orpik.
  • Claude Giroux.
  • Ryan Getzlaf.
  • Stephen Stamkos.
  • Devan Dubnyk.
  • Brian Elliott.

How to determine size?

The most important thing is a well-chosen pair of skates. It is important to determine the parameters of the leg in order to purchase the correct one. After all, each manufacturer’s products differ in the width and depth of the fit. Therefore, it is important to view the size chart.

To determine the leg parameters you need:

  • Take a landscape sheet and place it on a hard surface.
  • If you wear socks with skates, put them on and then place your foot on the paper so that your entire foot fits on it.
  • While standing, take a pen or pencil and outline the leg.
  • Remove the paper and measure the distance in centimeters from the furthest point of your toes to the end of your heel. This will be the length of the leg. Now measure the two wide points of the forefoot, this is the width of the foot.
  • Repeat these steps for the second leg. This can be done either on the back of the paper that was used or on a new one.

Skate structure

Each pair of skates has three components: a boot, a holder and a blade. TUUK holders and runners are the basis of professional Bauer skates. They perform a key task: they are responsible for mobilizing the athlete. The blades are mounted on a holder. They come in one piece and double.

Hockey boots are quite a piece of equipment. Manufacturers are constantly looking for innovative ways to create the lightest skates possible. High quality boots are made from materials such as special glass, carbon composite, thermoformed foam and antimicrobial hydrophobic lining. Professional-level Bauer skates are a guarantee of quality and long years of service. Below is another type of such product.

Professional ice hockey skates "Bauer"

Player speed is an important quality during the game. High-quality sports equipment can help with this. Professional Bauer skates will give the player the opportunity to feel comfort and speed. As already mentioned, only the best materials are used to create the boot, holder and blade. This provides stability and support to the athlete's foot. The lining of the skates is made of water-wicking and wear-resistant fabric. The dense material improves heel support and also keeps your feet dry. Toe protection is provided by a revolutionary insole design. The foot is securely fixed with grip side inserts.

Professional ones are light in weight. This is helped by the unique alloy from which the blade is made. Stainless steel in combination with aluminum reduced the weight of the blade by 30%. The composite tongue provides support and stability to the player, allowing for faster acceleration and difficult turns.

Therefore, you should not skimp on quality; buy high-quality professional Bauer skates. The company guarantees a long service life of its products.

The very first skates in the world appeared about five thousand years ago, and were ordinary sharpened animal bones tied to the legs with leather straps. And the first hockey skates were metal blades that were tied to regular shoes. Today, hockey skates are a special kind sports equipment, designed specifically to protect the athlete's foot and ankle from any type of injury.

Hockey skates - they are distinguished by a more rigid fixation of the foot and allow you to easily develop greater speed and maneuver without problems. Experts recommend choosing hockey skates half a size larger - this will allow you to not restrict your foot when maneuvering when accelerating or braking.

If we compare hockey skates with - the latter are distinguished by greater flexibility of the ankle in their design and even a beginner can stand on their toes without any problems. Also, in the latter, acceleration can be developed exclusively in one, strictly chosen direction, moving in a straight line or along a large radius, and the size fits close to the leg.

In this matter, experts identify the following criteria:

1. Design- they can be professional or semi-professional, intended for amateur riding. At the same time, professional models are conventionally divided into those intended for goalkeepers, defenders, and forwards. For example, attacking hockey players prefer lightweight models, while defenders prefer reinforced models with inserts on the sides.

2. Hockey glass- the blade and its holder must be a single unit in the skates, since this design does not allow the blade to wear out quickly. It is worth noting that professional players change the blade once every 2–3 weeks, amateurs - once every six months to a year.

3. Blade- here the main selection criterion is its hardness. For example, the stainless steel composition of “Stainless” blades requires drying and wiping dry, and during active skating they wear down within 6–8 hours of active skating on ice. Stainless steel, carbon-reinforced blades Carbon Steel, or Synthetic Ice - are harder than the option described above and do not require sharpening or replacement for a longer period of time.

4. Boot. It should be light and securely fix the ankle, without hindering the movement of the leg. Modern boots are made of synthetic materials that perfectly retain heat and do not allow moisture to pass through. A modern innovation in hockey boots is anti-microbial impregnation, but the main thing is to focus on the lightness and durability of the boots.

5. Trying on. Try on a boot with a thin sock in which you will ride, lace up and walk around in the boots, assessing how well they secure the ankle and whether they will restrict the leg where it is not necessary. The lacing itself should not be rigid, or choose models with a tongue. As experts note, hockey boots do not have lace-ups and the inclination of the ankle is due to the flexibility of the shoe, limited by its height and how tightly it is laced.

Top 5 Best Hockey Skate Brands


The company, created in 1995 and at the very beginning, focused on the production of equipment for roller hockey, quickly developed and became a leader in the specialized market. High-quality hockey equipment and affordable prices make its products in demand among beginners and professional players.


The Finnish company for the production of equipment for playing hockey, the main competitor of Mission, and it was this company that was the first to supply appropriate sports equipment to the USSR market. Gradually, KOHO and Jofa were united under one leadership as part of CCM, and then Reebok.


This is a pure American brand that supplies sports equipment for playing hockey to the Russian market. In particular, hockey skates are presented in several lines, are of high quality and are deservedly popular among beginners and professional players.


A brand represented by Canada, producing high-quality equipment, modern hockey skates for professionals and beginners. It is enough to note that since 2015 this particular brand and company has been acting official partner Russian national hockey team. CCM skates are presented in several lines, which allows you to choose skates for playing hockey for a professional and a beginner.


The company is a native of Canada that develops and produces premium hockey skates and corresponding hockey equipment. It was created in 1921 and today its products occupy leading positions in sports and hockey, among others. The company produces hockey equipment and ice skates for both professional athletes and beginners.

Hockey skates Count

Cost of skates

Cost of hockey skates for adults and children entry level will vary in price within $25–33- this is the most affordable model from SSM, in particular V01 SR. It is the presented models that are so-called junior group, are similar in structure to walking boots, but differ in design with a more rigid lateral fixation of the boots for leg stability. The boots have a durable nylon layer and inserts made of plastic and foam, although the tongue of the budget group is not thick enough.

In an affordable price category there are very attractive models - for example, teenage BAUER Supreme One.4 JR. Their cost varies within 25–30 dollars, although many cannot call them a budget option. The thing is that their quality is much higher - this includes high-quality lateral ankle support, high-quality nylon in the boot, a system reliable protection and a sole made of EVA foam and a Tuuk Lightspeed PRO glass, complemented by a blade made of stainless, hardened steel.

So for 300 dollars and above, you can purchase a high-quality, professional-level hockey boot, but with an entry-level blade. In this category, according to experts and manufacturers - the cost will directly depend on the quality of the blade. For the most part, boots from different manufacturers are almost the same in terms of quality, complemented by certain technical advantages, such as protective guards and thermoforming on the foot. And the materials themselves will be of high quality - they dry quickly and retain heat for a long time, repel moisture and provide good ventilation to the foot.

Regarding the cost of top models, their cost is unlimited. Thus, on the hockey equipment market there are models costing from 500 dollars and above. For example, models are very popular among professionals EASTON Mako II SR- their cost starts from 320 dollars. For this amount of money, the hockey player receives a model of skates with an asymmetrical boot shape for a sharp turn and start, cups that support CXN, plus proprietary Extendon model technology, which gives strong pushing power in running.

Watch also the video on how to choose the right hockey skates:

Interesting too

With the onset of winter, many people rush to the skating rink, and not everyone likes the need to rent ice “boots” - this is both unaesthetic and not so cheap. In this case, it is better to buy the best skates from the “recreational” category and relax calmly and comfortably. In our rating you will find the most acceptable option for both women, men and children. We have also made a selection of popular, high-quality and comfortable models for playing hockey and figure skating.

  • Nordway is a Norwegian brand owned by NORSK OY. It was born in 1991 and since then has constantly been among the top five manufacturers of sports equipment for active pastime.
  • Botas– Czech manufacturing company sports shoes, including for ice skating. All products are created in our own factory.
  • GRAF– the Swiss company received its name in honor of its founder, Karl Graf. She assembles her products almost by hand, which significantly affects their high cost.
  • X-Match is a Chinese budget company that produces sporting goods for adults and children. Among them there are figure models, hockey models, and walking models.
  • BAUER is a large German holding, the main direction of which is the production of everything that is needed for a professional hockey game. Its products are one of the most expensive in this area, but at the same time the highest quality.
  • Tempish is a leading manufacturer from Europe operating in the Czech Republic and supplying products to more than 100 countries. There is absolutely everything for an active lifestyle for both men and women.

Rating of the best ice skates for figure skating, hockey and walking

This rating is based on the actual characteristics of the products, identified empirically after carefully studying user reviews. Particular attention was paid to their compliance with real parameters. The following criteria influenced our choice:

  • Purpose (for hockey, figure skating or walking);
  • Buyer portrait (amateur, professional or beginner);
  • Material of the outer part and quality of the lining;
  • Method of fixation;
  • Convenience of form;
  • Foot size;
  • Design;
  • Metal type;
  • Ease of putting on and taking off;
  • Color;
  • Heaviness.

We did not ignore the price, the brand, the popularity of the nominees, their declared and actual service life, and wear rate.

Where to start for beginners, which models are suitable for professionals and what options generally exist on the market, watch this video:

The best figure skates

You can ride in them professional ice, or just somewhere in the winter on a river. Initially they were intended for performing dance compositions, but now they have been adapted for amateurs. In severe frosts it is impossible to spend much time outside in them.


Nordway Laval– according to reviews, these are the best skates for figure skating, because they do not rub your feet, are made of genuine leather and can withstand the lowest temperatures. Feet practically do not sweat in winter, as the vinyl lining has excellent water-repellent properties. The laces are long enough and dense for normal and safe fixation of the legs. The black color makes the boots easier to care for. They fit well, but do not interfere with squatting. The lower part is sharp, made of stainless steel and grinds down slowly.


  • High stability;
  • Non-marking color;
  • Ergonomic shape;
  • Natural materials.


  • Small sizes, like for men.


Botas Topas Pro– quite light and comfortable boots for beginners, which will delight you with the anatomical shape of the “tongue”, a spacious last, and high-quality material that does not come apart at the seams even under heavy loads. Important points are the presence of metal brackets in the upper part, which allow the leg to be fixed tightly enough. But at the same time, the lace here is not the most reliable and it is better to replace it with another one. The advantage lies in the waterproof impregnation of the inner lining, eliminating the risk of catching a cold.


  • Double skin;
  • Follows the bend of the leg;
  • Durable plastic sole;
  • Doesn't "dangle" on the leg.


  • It is rare to find small sizes, mostly sold from 38;
  • Not the most reliable lacing;
  • Wide range of prices in different stores;
  • With frequent use, the tip wears off quickly.

Having become one of the best skates, Botas Topas Pro is recommended to buy for skating in an indoor complex.

Children's for girls

GRAF Davos white- a very decent model for beginner athletes, in which skating is always comfortable due to the “breathable” internal material, medium hardness of the leather and a classic comfortable last that follows the shape of the foot. The only unpleasant thing that may turn out to be is that the upper here is made of synthetic fabric and the plastic sole is not flexible at all. The holes for the laces are made very close to each other, which gives a tight fit to the leg. Although with frequent use of boots this can become a disadvantage due to poor circulation.


  • Good form;
  • Excellent lacing system;
  • Quite a considerable height of the boot;
  • Reliable blades.


  • Contains synthetics;
  • The sole is too hard.

Best recreational skates

They are designed for those who do not plan to drive fast and perform complex technical stunts. Most often they are used outdoors, so the boots are usually insulated. Due to this, such products weigh more than curly ones. The difference between them is the blade, which in this case is flat, without sharp curves at the nose and heel. This gives the skater stability on the ice, making the rest safer and more comfortable.

Children's and teenagers for boys

– they are intended for non-professional use on an indoor or outdoor skating rink, easy to use due to the buckles and Velcro at the top of the boot. But this can also be a disadvantage, since over time they will become less secure. The blade in this model is thick and rigid, securely attached to the base. It is also important that it can be changed, since there are elements that unscrew. The great news is that the size is adjustable in three positions: 29-32, 33-36 and 37-40. The sole here is made of PVC, so you won’t be able to walk for a long time in the cold.


  • Wear-resistant interior finish;
  • Simple leg fixation;
  • There is no need to sharpen the blades, you can simply change them;
  • Possibility to adjust the size to suit yourself;
  • Inexpensive, as for such a model.


  • Velcro wears out quickly;
  • Heavy;
  • The blade part is too high for beginners.


BAUER Flow WMN- These are recreational skates for women just starting to skate. Comfortable wearing is ensured by moisture-wicking materials, soft and insulated padding, light weight and good leg fixation. The disadvantages include impractical holes for laces, which stretch over time. Impact-resistant cups are securely attached to the base, which lacks the traditional heel for curly models. This provides stability while sliding. The blade here is slightly curved at the edges, which prevents injury when falling.


  • Durable carbon steel blades;
  • The blade is slightly smaller than a shoe and smoothed around the edges;
  • Ideal adhesion to the surface;
  • Withstands low temperatures.


  • Inconvenient lacing system;
  • Slightly high boots;
  • Size starts only from 39;
  • Not the cheapest.

Children's sliding doors for girls

Tempish Expanze Lady– this is one of the leaders in our rating due to its comfortable wear due to optimal rigidity, a high degree of leg protection with a reinforced top layer and a high “tongue”. But the Velcro could have been placed a little higher here, because there are only two of them and, moreover, they are not very thick - so the foot can dangle a little in the boot. To solve this problem, the size can be adjusted. The product is protected from moisture and low temperatures. The blades are made of high-quality steel, which, according to reviews, does not rust and is easy to sharpen.


  • Simple design;
  • Convenient lacing process;
  • Adjustable size;
  • Tough, but at the same time not rough outer fabric;
  • Large selection of sizes.


  • Low location of Velcro;
  • The toe box is too wide and your toes may dangle inside.

Best hockey skates

These are the most expensive models, especially professional ones, because they should have thicker boot leather and thicker blades. They are chosen by beginners or experienced hockey players for use in an indoor skating rink.


BAUER Supreme 1S SR– these hockey skates were able to become the best in our rating thanks to the anatomical fit right on the leg, boots with fairly strong but at the same time not hard walls and a change in rigidity to support the ankle. Playing them will always be comfortable with the function of adjusting the temperature inside. A hockey player’s feet simply won’t be able to sweat due to the rapid absorption of moisture by the high-tech material. Since players’ blades wear down quite quickly, changing them in a few minutes will be very important.


  • Comfortable fit;
  • Branded insole;
  • Quick change blades;
  • Hardness setting;
  • Quick drying of the inner area.


  • Most often, a pre-order is needed;
  • Expensive.

Children's for boys

GRAF Super 101 Designed for amateur use or for beginner hockey players. They fit comfortably on the foot and do not pinch. The blade is not afraid of frost, so you can ride both indoors and outdoors. Although the leather here is synthetic, according to user reviews, it retains heat well even at low temperatures. With this model, the child will not get sick due to the wet lining, which dries quite quickly.


  • Wear-resistant leather;
  • Frost-resistant glass;
  • Neat shape;
  • Comfortable shoe;
  • Reliable leg fixation.


  • Not detected.

Graf Super 101 can often be found in children's rentals at commercial skating rinks.

What are the best ice skates to buy?

You should not chase cheap models, in which the blades are usually not removable, the boot is made of low-quality leather and an anatomical fit is out of the question. The golden mean is the skates from our rating, when choosing which you should consider the following:

  • For non-professionals who just want to skate on the skating rink, the men's model X-Match 64597, the women's model BAUER Flow WMN and the children's model Tempish Expanze Lady are suitable.
  • Beginner skaters planning to skate on an indoor skating rink should pay attention to Nordway Laval for men, Botas Topas Pro for women and GRAF Davos white for girls.
  • Hockey fans and professional athletes will want the BAUER Supreme 1S SR for men and the GRAF Super 101 for boys.

To choose the best skates, you must first take into account your foot size: do not take them end-to-end, otherwise the boots will press on you. And, of course, you shouldn’t buy a hockey model for figure skating and vice versa.

Continuing the topic:
Leveling up 

Our game “Who travels how?” continues. In this lesson, we read the fairy tale story of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki about the Ant and his return home, got acquainted with...