Bus schedule ashmyany - gudogai. Oshmyany - gudogay timetable of trains and trains Oshmyany gudogay

The new bus schedule in the direction Oshmyany - Gudogai currently consists of 5 public transport units. You can go on the road in the morning, afternoon or evening.

If you need to get to your destination Gudogai as quickly as possible, we recommend using the Oshmyany - Ostrovets bus. It departs from the Oshmyany bus station at 14:00. and arrives at the Gudogai bus station at 14:24. Travel time for you will be 24 minutes.

The bus Oshmyany - Ostrovets takes the longest. Therefore, if the duration of the movement is not particularly important to you, then come at 18 hours 20 minutes. to Oshmyany station. After 51 minutes, having traveled the whole distance, you will arrive at the final stop Gudogai.

All buses (including shuttle buses) along the route Oshmyany - Gudogai make a number of stops where you can transfer to other public transport. You can view all bus stops between the settlements of Oshmyany and Gudogay on our website.

The presented schedule is fully consistent with the online scoreboard of bus stations for the flight Oshmyany - Gudogai. The data obtained is relevant, since we regularly update all the information on the site, but no one excludes the possibility of operational changes. Therefore, always check the information in the help desk of bus stations. Bus tickets Oshmyany - Gudogai you can buy at the box office of any bus station.

The timetable of trains and electric trains Oshmyany - Gudogai currently includes long-distance trains - 4, electric trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) - 7. The first train leaves Oshmyany station in the morning at 07:22 and arrives at the final station at 07:39. The last train departs from Oshmyany station at 23:45 and arrives at the destination at night. According to the timetable, the average travel time from Oshmyany departure point to Gudogai arrival point is 0 h 16 m: the fastest train travels 0 h 12 m, the slowest train travels 0 h 17 m.
Some trains from Oshmyany station to Gudogai station run on separate days (they have a special timetable).
Trains on the route Oshmyany - Gudogai pass through such stations and settlements as: Skrestiny .
Schedule of trains and electric trains along the route Oshmyany - Gudogai shown here is updated regularly and the summer and winter schedules are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Oshmyany - Gudogai train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

According to the latest data, the train schedule in the direction Oshmyany - Gudogay as of today consists of 11 trains (diesel or suburban trains), which are divided into morning, afternoon and evening routes.

To save time, we offer the fastest train on this route, number 7035. It departs from the Oshmyany railway station at 20:25. and arrives at 20:40. to the final station Gudogai. The whole journey will take a total of 15 minutes.

If there is enough time left or the duration of the journey is not particularly important, you can opt for an electric train from the Minsk-Pass message. - Gudogai, under the number No. 6129. In this particular case, the travel time is 17 minutes, since the electric train departs at 21:40 according to the schedule. and arrives at the final station Gudogai at 21 hours 57 minutes. .

All electric trains on the route Oshmyany - Gudogai make stops where you can get off and make a transfer as needed to suburban train that goes in the other direction.

The timetable presented on this page corresponds to the online scoreboard of the railway stations on the route Oshmyany - Gudogai. Due to the constant updating of information, this timetable is up-to-date, but since minor operational changes are possible, you can check all the details with the dispatcher at the nearest station, where you can also buy tickets for the commuter train Oshmyany - Gudogai.

This timetable of trains on the route Oshmyany - Gudogai is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

About the timetable of trains Oshmyany - Gudogai

At the moment, the Oshmyany Gudogai train schedule consists of 4 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 4. These are flights 801B, 302C, 129C, 360C - the fastest of them is 801B Minsk-Pass. Vilnius-Pass., which covers the distance along the Oshmyany Gudogai route in 0 d 0 h 12 min, the slowest train is 360C Adler Kaliningrad-Pass. Yuzhny, departure at 23:45. The number of stops along the Oshmyany Gudogai route ranges from 1 to 1 depending on the train schedule and averages 1. Along the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 14 minutes. Trains depart from Oshmyany station in the morning - 09:53 and in the afternoon - 23:45, 23:45, 23:45. All trains leave from Oshmyany stations and arrive at Gudogai stations.

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