Varieties of guitar strums. Guitar fighting and its varieties What kind of guitar fighting exist?

What is guitar strumming?

In simple words, this is a way of playing the guitar in which the right hand produces sound by striking the strings, practicing a certain rhythmic pattern. This way of playing is the most popular. The battle in the descriptions of the songs is indicated in the form of a diagram, where the following elements are most often present:

V - strike the strings down;

^ - hit the strings upward;

⃰ — string muting;

_ — pause.

B - only the bass string is played.

Now let's look at an example. Let's come up with any battle and depict it in the form of a diagram: V^_V*^. Now, knowing the symbols, we understand that the sequence here is as follows: strike down, then strike up, then pause, then strike down again with muting of the strings, then strike up and repeat this whole combination.

I think there shouldn’t be any questions here, so I’ll move on to the next step.

Beginning guitarists often ask: “How many guitar fights are there?” or write something like: “Send all the guitar fights...”. An experienced guitarist, after reading these lines, will probably smile, because he understands perfectly well that guitar fights cannot be measured in quantity. To confirm this, I can add that you can invent battles yourself, just take a guitar and invent new schemes, modifying those given above. Therefore, you should not set yourself the goal of learning all the fights. To begin with, it is enough to know the basic battles, and over time, the concept of “learning a battle” will naturally lose its meaning and each battle will be played by ear.

The main battles that are really worth paying attention to and studying are the following:

  1. Simple fight. It is played according to the following scheme: V^V^ is a variant without muting, V^V*^ is a variant with muting. For clarity, it is worth looking at this type of battle.
  2. Variety fight (“six”). This is the most popular fight and can be used to play most songs if desired. Its diagram looks like this: VV^^V^ is a variant without a mute, VV*^^V*^ is a variant with a mute. The “six” battle can also be viewed on our website.
  3. Fight "Eight". This type of battle is also quite popular and is played as follows: V_V_^VV^V^, and this is not its only designation. On the Internet you can find several interpretations of this battle. The fact is that some people do not pause between strikes on the strings, some alternate between their thumb and forefinger, some play with a mute, and so on. In any case, the rhythmic pattern remains the same, just with a different sound.
  4. Thieves fight. This category can include several types of fights, which are most often played by “thieves” songs. For example, plucking (if, of course, it can be attributed to combat), played according to scheme B - 3+2+1 - 3+2+1 (three strings are played simultaneously). information about this fight can be found here. Another type of thug battle is played like this: B_v^B^v^. This is one of the fights of Vladimir Vysotsky. And there are a lot of such fights.
  5. Spanish fight. Many people notice that Spanish strumming sounds very beautiful and emphasizes the ability to play the guitar. Indeed, such fights can be heard quite rarely, since they are quite difficult to study. There are also quite a lot of Spanish fights, so I won’t describe them schematically; it will be much more useful to look at two beautiful fights.

These are a few fights that immediately came to mind. Perhaps there are other fights that can be equated to the “main” ones, I am not limiting the list. These fights are worth learning (“Spanish fight” for beginner guitarists is a rather complex element; learning it can be postponed), since at the initial stage of playing the guitar you need to develop your right hand as much as possible and automate it, so that later playing fights without memorization is not a problem .

Having acquired certain skills and gradually gained experience, the guitarist no longer tries to memorize the strumming, since the hand itself moves according to the beat of the game. To reach this moment as quickly as possible, you just need to take a song and try to match the fight to it, accompanying it, and over time, practicing this skill will bear fruit. You just need to remember a simple rule: nothing happens right away and if something doesn’t work out, this is a reason for training, and not for surrender. As they say: “Further - more...”.

Guitar fight - This is the first thing every guitarist masters. This is the method of sound production that is used to play the vast majority of Russian and foreign songs. If you learn the chords of a composition, but don’t learn the strumming, the song will not sound the way it was originally intended. In addition, this method of playing will help diversify your own compositions - you will know how to play, how to place accents, and also form a musical texture. This article will help you understandand will also show the main types of this game technique.

Guitar strumming - diagrams and types

This paragraph should begin with the very definition of the term “guitar strumming”. In essence, this is a play on the rhythmic pattern that is present in the song. Initially, the songs were performed without a clear rhythm section, so the musicians had to set their own accents. It was then that the maintypes of guitar fights.They highlight the weak and strong beats, set the tempo of the composition, and help play it smoothly.

Accordingly, there are as many strums on the guitar as there are rhythmic patterns - an infinite number. However, there is a list of basic ways to play using this method, after learning which you can play almost any song. And if you combine them in your works, you can get an interesting and varied composition with an unusual sound.

A guitar strum consists of successively hitting the strings down and up. They are arranged in a certain order, depending on the time signature and rhythm of the piece. In writing, strokes are indicated by the icons V - downward strike, and ^ - upstroke. An alternative option presented in this article is drawings with arrows. With the help of such a diagram, you can immediately understand the style of stroke and play.

Below are 12 of the most common guitar strokes that are used by different players or in certain genres of music. Each of them is given a brief summary and game diagram.

Guitar strumming for beginners

This is the most basic and simplest type of stroke. This is where all guitarists start, and even professionals use it in their songs.

This is a more complex way of playing with strokes, but it sounds much more interesting than the already boring “six”. This method consists of eight beats, and plays with an interesting rhythmic pattern.

In this case, the emphasis is also placed on every third beat. In other words, there are eight movements, but in one cycle of these movements there will be only two accented strikes. This creates an unusual rhythm that can be played in an unusual way.

Another simple guitar touch - the most standard of all.

Not quite a stroke in the usual sense. In terms of playing style, it is very similar to country music, but there are differences. Its main feature is the alternating change of bass notes - which creates an interesting melody and a kind of “danceability”.

This touch got its name from the famous artist Viktor Tsoi, who often used it in his songs. This way of playing is characterized by its speed, so in order to play it correctly, you will have to practice.

Just like the stroke above, this one was often used by Vladimir Vysotsky. It is a slightly modified version of thug combat.

This is one of the very first types of strokes that came from the homeland of the guitar - Spain. It is a “figure eight”, where for each first downward blow you need to use an interesting technique - rasgueado. It is performed in this way - you need to quickly hit all the strings with all fingers in turn, throwing out a kind of “fan”. This is the most difficult aspect of this fight, however, after some time of practice the technique should not cause any problems.

Another type of stroke that took its name from the name of the artist who most often used it. This is another modified version of thug combat. It reverses the down and up strokes after the thumb plucks the bass string, and also adds an additional up stroke with a shifted emphasis (We pluck the bass together with the index finger, the index finger plucks the first 3 strings up). That is, the first part of the stroke looks like this: bass string - up - mute - up, and the second part also: bass string - up - mute - up. The result is a very unique pattern, different from the standard criminal stroke.

And this is a more interesting type of touch - since it is precisely due to it that the interesting rhythmic structure of reggae compositions is formed, and there is no other way to give them the desired mood. It is played exclusively downwards, occasionally making an upward movement of the hand to increase dynamics - most often at a chord change.

Moreover, every first blow in it is made on muted strings - and every second on clamped strings. This highlights the downbeat, which is the beat that is most often played in reggae music. The section provides more detailed game diagrams.

A type of touch characteristic of American folk music. It is also a modified version of thug combat. It consists of two parts: first, you pluck the low bass string—the fifth or sixth—and then move your fingers down the remaining strings. Then you pluck another bass string—the fifth or fourth—and move up and down the other strings. This needs to be played very quickly, as country music itself is dynamic and has a high tempo.

A touch characteristic of “waltz” music and songs written in 3/4 rhythm (One-two-three) - as is clear from the name. The beat has different options for performing by plucking, picking or picking with alternating bass strings. The main task here is to maintain an even rhythm without breaking the tempo, which is set from the first notes and swings the entire composition. The method of playing itself is simple, but has complex execution patterns that require perseverance and patience.

A type of stroke characteristic of Chechen folk music. This is a sequential movement of the arms up and down, with the first two blows being made in one direction, and all subsequent blows with an emphasis on every third blow. The result should be the following: blow-blow-blow-blow-ACCENT-blow-blow-blow-ACcent, and so on.

The important point isis understanding string muting. It is used to place emphasis and help the guitarist navigate the rhythmic pattern of the song. This technique is performed very simply - while playing with a stroke, in some strokes with your right hand, press the strings so that they stop sounding - a characteristic ringing clap will be heard, which will highlight the weak part of the song.

An alternative way to play the guitar is to pick. This is the name of a technique in which the guitarist plays music as a sequence of individual notes rather than sounding chords. This allows you to diversify the melody of the composition, its harmony and flow. Many classical and modern works are performed by fingerpicking.

There are also several standard types of fingerpicking that are often used by guitarists of any skill level. They are named based on the number of strings involved in them, and similarly to guitar strums: “Four”, “Six” and “Eight”. At the same time, the order of the strings in them can vary - and the four notes of the first pluck can be played either sequentially from the third to the first string, or the second can sound first, then the third and only then the first - it all depends only on your imagination.

Of course, the standard types of fingerpicking already sound beautiful, but experienced guitarists who have mastered this technique move away from them, composing their own patterns and rhythmic patterns. Try, for example, not to play chords, but to play with different scales and compose melodies, combining the bass line and the main note texture. Try plucking two notes at the same time and letting them sound while a completely different tune is being played. There is another trick - legato while playing, when you also play with your left hand at the same time, simply pressing the strings without hitting them - you get an interesting and smooth sound. In order to master the technique perfectly, try to learn several pieces - for example, Greensleeves, or Call of Magic - the famous composition of Jeremy Soule. Watch more videos and learn phrases, and most importantly, practice more.

In this article we will look at what guitar strumming is, how to play it correctly, what types of strumming there are, and much, much more.

I'll tell you more about:

Fight six

The six strike is the most popular strum on the guitar. It consists of six movements and sounds something like this:

This particular recording is part of a song from the song “Pass”, which is played by this battle.

Fight four: scheme, how to play

The four-piece fight is also referred to as Tsoyev’s fight, because it is used in some of his songs.

what does it sound like

In the recording, I play the Kino song “A Pack of Cigarettes” in fours.

The battle scheme looks like this:

Down - Up - Down with cap - Up

  1. swipe your thumb down;
  2. thumb or index finger up;
  3. index finger down (nail);
  4. thumb or index finger up.

Tsoevsky battle: schemes, types of battle

The Tsoi fight is actually not one at all, there are at least 3 of them, one of them is the four fight, which you see above. But there are other types, and they sound like this:

first fight of six movements

There are 6 basic movements and there must be great speed.

B - thumb, U - index finger

At the very beginning we play from the end: down B - down B - up B - down U

Then we play all the time: down B - up B - down B >>>>> down B - up B - down U

Another Tsoi fight consists of 7 movements:

down B - up B - cap - up B - down B - up B - cap

Thieves fight: scheme, how to play

To be honest, I learned about the thug fight on the guitar quite recently, when I started preparing this article :) The essence of this fight is that the bass strings change when playing. That is, first we pluck one string, then we pluck it along all the strings, and then we pluck another string - and again we pluck it along all the strings.

sounds like this

We pluck the B string > down with our index finger > pluck the other string (not the bass) > down with our index finger.

scheme of thieves' battle

Bass string - Plug - Bass string - Plug

You can pluck the bass string both times to avoid confusion.

Fight eight: scheme, how to play

Fight eight consists of eight movements and sounds something like this:

This particular piece is cut from Basta’s song “Sansara”, in this song the figure eight is used.

Figure eight battle pattern

Down - Down with a plug - Up - Up - 3 times in a row down with a plug - Up

3 types of combat that EVERY guitarist should know video

What is guitar strumming

I promised I wouldn't use unclear words, That's why...

What is combat? The strumming is a cycle of repeated movements of the right hand near the sound hole (read: guitar structure). In short, roughly speaking, this is what you do with your right hand on the strings, and more precisely, these are actions when you hit several strings at once.

Fighting should not be confused with strumming a guitar. Fingering is also a cycle of repeated movements with the right hand, but here we mean the fingers. That is, repeated movements of the fingers. Each string has its own finger. And in battle we use the whole palm, and even clench your palm into a fist and other movements.

How to play boi on guitar

How to play strum on the guitar? The question is controversial and does not have a clear answer. There are many types of guitar strums - and they are all played differently. There are no such uniform movements for all fights, each of them is unique.

There is only a small list of movements on the strings, which usually make up the fight:

  • running your thumb down the strings;
  • running your thumb up the strings;
  • stub;
  • an open strike on the strings (similar to a mute, but without the mute).

What is the minimum guitar skill a guitarist should know to play the simplest song on an acoustic? The answer is chord fingerings and guitar fight. The first is responsible for the melodic component of the song, and the second for the rhythmic. Based on this, we can say that a guitar strum is a play on the rhythmic pattern of a particular song. There are a huge number of rhythmic figures, and therefore there are also a lot of guitar strums. But despite this, there are several main, most popular ones. In this article you will read about the most common types and learn how to play boi on guitar.

A battle pattern is drawn using the up and down arrows. It can also be shown in Guitar Pro tablatures. But more often than not, it is not drawn, and the guitarist selects the battle himself. It seems quite complicated to a beginner, but believe me, with experience, selecting a battle becomes quite simple. Well, to push you in the right direction, let's look at the main types of fights.

Types of guitar strumming for beginners

Fight "six"

Up arrows are down strokes on the strings, and down arrows are up strokes (according to the rules of tablature). If the fight is depicted without a tab, then everything is the other way around - up is an upward strike, and down is a downward strike.

As noted above, down strokes occur on the strong beat, and up strokes occur on the weak beat. Be sure to remember this rule and make sure that it is followed when you play! Your right hand should be a “pendulum”; this is the only way the rhythm of the game will be correct and clear.

Fight "six" with jamming

This is a variation of the classic six, in which some blows are muffled with the left or right hand. x - jamming.

Fight "eight"

A more difficult version of the battle, but also quite interesting. In this version, eight beats are played (in 4/4 time - all played in eighth beats) and down beats are also played on weak beats.

Fight "four" with jamming

The very basics of guitar strumming. Due to its simplicity, we will immediately consider the option with a muffler.

It sounds like a horse is galloping. This type is used in the song of the Kino group - “Changes”. Accents in in this case go to full chords.

Fight "Reggae"

A very interesting type of guitar strumming - it is thanks to it that you can give the composition that same “reggae” sound. A striking example is the song of the Friday group “I am a Soldier”.

The types of guitar strumming discussed above are the most common and popular today. I recommend mastering each type and being able to play. Well, as you gain experience, you will be able to match the battle to the songs yourself. And it’s even possible to come up with your own options.

So, have you finally become the proud owner of a six-string guitar? Congratulations! There are long, amazing evenings of exploring music ahead, as well as continuous performing and creative pleasure! All that's left to do is start playing! Perhaps you even managed to get your head around the diagrams in the tutorials and master the basic chords, after which you moved on to training your fingers in order to correctly press the learned chords on the guitar fretboard. But very soon you will suddenly realize that even a very agile change of chords does not form a song by itself - something is still missing... But what? Of course - guitar fighting!

What is it about? Let's figure it out. Strike is one of the main techniques of guitar accompaniment, in which your right hand casually, but quite sharply strikes individual strings or all of them at once, which leads to sound production. This technique has a large number of different options. Some of them are quite simple, and you will learn them quickly; others, in contrast, have a high degree of complexity, and in order to master the appropriate technique, you will have to work hard.

From the outside, sometimes everything seems surprisingly simple: the performer’s hand moves up and down, striking the strings and making them sound. But when a novice guitarist begins his first attempts to independently play music on the guitar, he often encounters a number of problems. For example, concentrating on the fight, he forgets about the timely change of chords. Or, with good control over the chords, it goes astray and hits the strings at the wrong time.

Despite the fact that the right and left hand guitarists perform different functions - their actions must be coordinated. Don't start training with a difficult battle. As the Russian folk proverb says: “Simplicity is the key to success.” Some beginners learn very quickly - as they say, they grasp everything on the fly. Other beginners will need to go through a learning curve that lasts weeks, or even months. But in the end, if you really want to learn to play the guitar with all your heart, you will definitely master this science.

Practice shows that even those who are deaf can learn to play the guitar (and, by the way, quite well!). Yes, such people are unlikely to be able to perfectly tune a guitar or pick out any melody by ear, but nothing will stop them from achieving good playing technique, rest assured. All you need is desire.

Now let's get back to the question of guitar strumming. Do not try to immediately, literally at a glance, study some intricate battle. Move from simple to complex gradually - gain experience slowly. Beginners are generally recommended to start with the simplest “down - up”. Play this exercise an even number of times on each chord. It will be great if you keep score at the same time. The hand slides down the strings - count “one”! Returns, touching the strings, upward - the score does not change. The hand goes down again - count “two”! Returns upward - the score does not change.

Not so difficult, right? Soon you will want to make your battle more beautiful. Please. To do this, try not to touch the strings when returning your hand up (when the count does not change). You will only have to move your hand a short distance from the strings, without losing your usual count.

Well. The foundations have been laid. Desire and diligence - and soon you will definitely achieve tangible progress in playing the six-string guitar! Your goal is to synchronize the actions of both hands as much as possible when playing the instrument. However, in this review, dedicated to guitar combat, the actions right hand we are interested in first of all.

Four (4)

The easiest and most common guitar strumming, with the help of which probably about 50% of all existing songs are performed. It is also called "thieves" fight. It is played according to the following scheme: thumb down - index up - with a plug thumb down - index up.

Six (6)

We will get such a fight by slightly modifying the four (4) and accelerating its pace. Game pattern: 2 strokes down - 2 strokes up - 1 stroke down - 1 stroke up. You can add a plug on the second and fifth beats. Such a fight is also called “variety”; it objectively wins in beauty compared to the four (4).

Eight (8) - Spanish

A fight with a more interesting rhythmic pattern. By the way, this option is also known as “Spanish”. Game pattern: 2 hits down, 1 up - 2 hits down, 1 up - 1 hit down, 1 up. With the same scheme, you can use a plug.

And others, no less popular:

Also in different sources you can find such fighting options as “reggae”, “troika”, “rumba”, “Chechen”, “country”, as well as fights named after a specific performer (Vysotsky, Rosenbaum, etc. .). But in essence, all of these are just variations of the battles already known to us. On the portal "" you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the types of guitar strumming using the diagrams and videos provided. I wish you success!
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